Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers?

This is just like one of math story problems they used to give us and expect us to answer with missing information


Well if you are accusing him of being inappropriate with his child, why do you want to be with him?
BTW there is absolutely nothing wrong with what is going on, and if you have a problem with it, you should leave before you damage their relationship.


He sleeps and cuddles with his baby. Even if she’s 5 she’s still his baby. Honestly if someone shared concerns with me sleeping with my son I would probably have angry outbursts as well. If he was sleeping naked with her yep you have every reason, but he’s not.


Ik of a guy that will cuddle his 17 year old on couch and also go in to her room and sleep with her as well. When I heard this I said that it was nasty. And that wasn’t how a father daughter relationship should be at that age!! That something more seems to be going on.

At the age of 5 not in boxes but if he needed to get her asleep or if she had a nightmare I’d understand. But definitely not in just boxers

It’s his Daughter. I would give anything to have my partner alive today so he could cuddle with his 5 year old daughter that misses him terribly and you’re worried because he’s wearing boxers? Please speak with a therapist because it seems you may be deflecting underlying issues you have onto him and he doesn’t deserve that. We need to stop sexualizing father/daughter bonding. :roll_eyes:


My 8 year old still sees me naked out the bath


He needs to be with someone more mature. Not you.


my concern is your relationship lol…you’ve only been together for a year, pay for a house together but already have issues with how he parents his daughter or how he is around her. if he hasn’t done or given you any suspicion of anything…then leave it be :woman_shrugging:


You’ve got the issue, that’s his daughter! My youngest is 9, and if he came to my bed I’d still cuddle him because I’m a mother, and I wear just panties and a t-shirt to bed. Think of it like at the beach, would he be wrong in swim trunks to hug and play with his daughter? Boxers are basically swim trunks, just like panties and bra are bikini.


Sounds like this girl is maybe in her early 20s, and has had no father figure in her life, so she’s dating a 38 year old man, that has a 5 year old child, and she’s confused. Therapy and heavy medication/alcohol will probably help this girl


She’s 5. She knows nothing of it. You’re toxic and don’t belong with a man with kids. I agree with him, you need to get out


Really .you got the problem


It’s only weird if someone makes it that way if it was a boy how bad is that they aren’t naked and nothing ugly is happening my 4 Year old granddaughter when she stayed at her dad’s house she wants to sleep with him now long will it go on probably as long as she wants to and nothing strange or weird going on with it

My 4 nearly 5 year old does this to her step dad, I see nothing wrong with it. She has only known him as dad and loves our family morning cuddles. Her 8 nearly 9 year old sister sometimes joins in as well. The youngest was sleeping in our bed for months, wanted her to sleep in her own bed and we both got up to resettle her

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Take your belongings and RUN as fast as you can


My question is what happen to you in your life that makes you feel uncomfortable. My girls did same thing when ours were young.


Would it be weird for a mother you do the same thing? No. A parent cuddling their kid isn’t weird. Kids like to be cuddled too


That’s like saying you shouldn’t cuddle with your son ? It sounds like you might have experienced some type of trauma as a child. But if he tells you to leave, go. So toxic.


It kinda sounds like you’re jealous of a 5 year old and you have some insecurities you need to work through… that’s his baby and to make it seem sexual is very disrespectful and if I was him I’d leave you in a heart beat.


I’m sure he does get mad because you’re implying that he’s a pedophile. In which case he shouldn’t ever be alone with his daughter. Otherwise there’s no problem here. And the only person being weird is you.


You’re making it weird. Boxers is no different to wear than bathing shorts and you sound like a jealous stepmother.
If you see any inappropriate touching thats different story.


It’s weird that you have a problem with that. He is covered. Leave him alone. That’s normal fathering to love and snuggle your child.


I’d be pissed at you too. Leave them be and quit sexualizing a father and his daughter


most men are not that way inclined and feel that you putting a sexual tone on to him simple co sleeping with his daughter his flesh and blood you have issues with the past. He is covered she is only a baby at 5. If you have a different look on this maybe just maybe this man is not for you.


Stop acting like a child and you won’t be treated like one…


I would spazz on you too your taking you feeling and projecting them.on his innocent relationship with HIS DAUGHTER you’re wrong 100%


Get yourself out of that toxic situation.


Me and my husband sleep in our underwear with our 2 year old in between us dont see an issue love the skin to skin 1st thing on a morning when he comes for a cuddle xx


Nothing weird about but some people see it different but maybe when your saying something he feels you are accusing it meaning something your not meaning have a talk with him about the outburst once the kids are.gone and yes you are in the kids life now but that’s her daddy most daddy’s aren’t creeps. Good luck

If a man tried to tell me it was weird to cuddle my son, I’d be pissed and tell him to leave too


I have never heard so etching so outrageous in my entire life where we’re u raised in a tube ? By who robots ? No one cuddled u as a child huh . Ur post screams ur need for therapy more then ur boyfriend needing to out pants on the father of my kids always sleep in bed with boxers on and yes beside any of our kids who want to sleep with us. I hope ur boyfriend leaves u, ur too much this is too much u need alot of help .


I think just boxers isnt ok I’d be more comfortable with shorts or ph bottoms personally. I also don’t believe in co sleeping past 3 yrs old but that’s just me. I don’t think his intentions are in a sexual manner at all. I’m sure there’s a lot of guilt he feels with not being there that much. But if you can’t communicate properly and he just yells at you constantly I don’t think it’s a healthy relationship to be in. This was very little info and direct to the point so it’s difficult to break down and understand fully to give any advice. I would talk when kids aren’t around and if there is yelling right away then separate and try again when you’re both calm.


No you weirdo. Stop sexualising parent and child relationships :roll_eyes::expressionless:


You’ll understand when you have your own kids (assuming by this post that you currently aren’t maternal)


Leave him for the way he treats you. No issues with the sleeping in my view. Cuddling with children is wonderful and bonds them.


Uh… I hate to break this to you… but you’re the problem. This is totally innocent and just daddy and daughter sleeping next to one another… you’re the one making it weird and somehow sexualising it. I’m sorry but… yeah I’m in agreement with your boyfriend.

Though I do feel your boyfriend should not just be dismissing your feelings. You should both be able to have an honest and open dialogue about how you BOTH feel about this, at a time when his daughter isn’t visiting.


This is a NO BRAINER, Get OUT if your uncomfortable. Tell the mother. You know a lot of children come into bed with their parents. They like the snuggling and they feel safe, warm and loved👍


I would be pissed too if someone accused me of being that way with my CHILD. I’ve slept in my underwear and a t-shirt with my son in bed. It’s not weird especially when they are so young. What’s weird is you thinking it’s inappropriate.


Honestly the fact that he shows her affection as his kid is so wonderful, he doesn’t think like you’re thinking and he finds it creepy that YOU’RE sexualizing their relationship and I’d be pissed too.


Stop letting the internet make u odd :rofl::rofl::woman_shrugging:t5: some daddies actually love they kids . And that’s okay . How dare u tell him how to parent as a girlfriend stay in your place or leave :woman_shrugging:t5: at 32 years old I just stopped kissing my old man in the mouth , just stop seeing him walk around HIS house with boxers on , simply because the lord called him home … Let that man and his child he comfortable .or remove yourself .


My greatgrand son sleeps with me when there is storms he’s 8 xx

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He needs to more effectively teach you to stfu.

Sounds like she is jealous of the daughter. It’s sad that fathers are automatically looked at as predators this day and age .


My daughter slept next to me until she was 10. In fact we had a big bed and both daughter’s would come and sleep with us. Now that they have grown up they do the same thing with my grandkids.


I would be pissed to. Sounds like you are very young. At least I hope that’s true. You are very much in the wrong here. If you can’t understand a parent and child relationship then you probably shouldn’t be dating a father. Maybe get a therapist and work on why your mind went there.


Out of respect for his growing daughter he should wear comfortable shorts or pajamas when he sleeps with his daughter. And if you are asking him kindly then he should not have an issue with it.


He SHOULD make you leave. Why are you sexualizing his relationship with his child?


You’re weird for thinking that’s weird


I’d be livid too if my bf was implying that my relationship with my children was incestuous!!!
Get yourself help. Address your underlying issues then reassess the situation. You will then realise that cosleeping with a 5yo isn’t abnormal at all.


I’d go anon too, saying some dumb shit like this. This sounds like a YOU problem.

You’re weird for making it weird.


You must be stupid or something, you should leave, and not have children.


Stop sexualizing parent-child relationships. The problem there, is you!


Do you have kids? If no then don’t have any cos you ain’t got a clue


Tiffany she’s beating a dead horse with this one. Because Lewis complain that Frank shouldn’t sleep in his birthday suit every night. And he needs to be fully clothed up. Lol a little ass grown man over here do more fussing than an Adult person. Him and Frank be going back and forth. Honey I am not arguing with a child. 

If he doesn’t normally sleep in boxers that would be kind of weird. But if he usually sleeps in boxers and he’s most comfortable that way, and it doesn’t seem to bother his daughter then I don’t see anything wrong with it. I grew up seeing my dad in his tighty whities on the regular lol and so did a lot of my friends when we would be teens (poor them lol). He’d get the drunk munchies and just come out of his room and raid the fridge. And usually fart super loud :laughing: the friends who felt weird about my dad never came back but he was too drunk to even acknowledge them lol they just weren’t used to it and that’s ok. But the friends who didn’t care, man, we had the best times!


I’d be furious if my significant other was implying I was being “weird” for sleeping next to my child. He has on boxers. Why is that weird? It’s honestly so weird you think it’s weird.


Most men sleep in their underwear. My daughter is 17, and my husband sits and has his morning cup of coffee in his chair in underwear.


If you think this is weird, then it’s you that has a serious problem. :flushed:


This post says way more about you and your issues than it does about a father’s relationship with his daughter.


There is no problem with him sleeping with his daughter in boxers. She is only 5. I think it is wonderful that he shows her comfort and love.


Mens boxers are like shorts. Mens boxers cover more than my shorts I wear around my house do. When my son was 5 I cuddled him and he slept in my bed too. Is there something else going on? Were you hurt as a child? ItS so sad today that everything is automatically sexualzied when there’s just good parents who give their kids cuddles and affection.


I think you are the one with the issue here


You’re a creep dude.


It’s not a sexual thing in any kind of way so why make it weird?


Why would that even cross your mind…. I’d say your in the wrong on this one.


You shouldn’t sexualize a father with his child. If I were him, I would’ve told you to leave and not given you the chance to come back.
You’re in the wrong here. Goodbye.


Are you insinuating hes a predator ? This is awful. I sleep in a nighty next to my kids I guess that’s inappropriate to ? I guess you don’t actually have any children… you have no idea what that is or means or feels like ?


This is crazy- I’ve always slept with my babies and it’s not weird no matter what I am or am not wearing. We’re you abused as a a child? Or know someone who has been? Maybe that’s why you think it’s weird.


Stop sexualizing fathers with their daughters.


No lol. I sleep in bed with my almost 5 year old and 18 month old In just my underwear and a thin tank top with a boob or two out half the time cuz I’m nursing still


I shower with my four year old son still… Take me away!!!


Wow…. What dad doesn’t?!


Boxers are better than tightly whitey’s in my opinion. Pajama bottoms are just a long version of boxers. So I see nothing wrong with it, but the way he treats you is something that concerns me. It’s your house and should be able to voice your concerns. I’d be having a long chat about that. Good luck and again I wouldn’t worry about the boxers. If it really bothers you that much, next holiday get him a pair of PJ bottoms from his daughter. Maybe he would wear them.

Yeah, over sexualizing is wrong…boxers are practically shorts.


I wouldn’t have an issue. My guy always sleeps in his boxers lol

It would be different if he was sleeping in her room in her bed or something.

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We have enough problems in the world without this shit. This is why kids have child services called for no reason. You need to sit down and really think about it because you’re starting problems

Do you have kids? Probably not so I get you not understanding. Many children sleep with their parents at thst age. It is absolutely normal. Adults sleep in their underwear, that is also normal.


You must not have children of your own lol


He’s snuggling with his baby what’s your issue.


Words of advice from a fellow mom who is dealing with something similar.

IF SOMETHING DOESN’T SIT RIGHT WITH YOU, TAKE ACTION! Please for the love of that baby girl, his behavior and anger make it seem like there’s more. Always listen to your intuition.


It doesn’t give him the right to scream at her and tell her to get out…
. she has to stay silent when his kids are over she just ask a question…maybe there are behaviors of adults in her past that makes her question this .


Are you okay?

The only way I can see why this may make you uncomfortable is if you were sexually abused as a child. Even so, do you think your bf is a predator? Then stop that.


But it’s understandable if you think that if you were abused as a kid.
I was too but I’m in therapy and trying not to bring that type of stuff into my household/ family.


Why are you sexualising it? That is what’s weird about this situation not the fact she sleeps in the same bed as her dad :roll_eyes:


As far as it being your house then maybe just end the relationship


Here we go sexualizing again. It’s always pointed at fathers too. :pensive: He has every fucking right to ask you to leave. Your weird for thinking that’s weird. Clearly not a parent yourself. Better tell my other half to get his pj’s on when he’s bed our daughter ffs. :joy:

If he’s reacting weird there may be something weird going on or has gone on in the past. I’d speak with the mother


I swear. I never saw so many d u m b questions as I have on here. Doesn’t anyone have common sense anymore? :roll_eyes:


I’m not fussing at you but I think it’s ok. It’s his daughter and his business. You need therapy to make you think that way is usually a sign something in your past is causing this bad judgement. Or maybe you are jealous. I don’t know you but there’s a problem.


No problem with the boxers to me but the way he treats you needs to make you think hard about the relationship.


Why you sexualising it in the first place…sounds like a you problem. I’d be pretty pissed off too if someone thought the same about me with my daughter.


To me I would suggest wearing shorts but for thos saying she is in the wrong before you come at me for saying he should at least wear shorts I had things done to me that shouldn’t have been and I don’t let anyone in their boxes around my girls because of what I went threw


You’re disgusting for sexualizing a natural behavior of a parent and child. Grow up or stay single


You are very wrong & I am surprised he hasn’t sent you packing. To me boxers are the same as wearing shorts & I see nothing wrong with him cuddling with his baby girl while he wears them. To insinuate he is doing anything inappropriate with his child is ludicrous.


You are not wrong for feeling the way you feel. Just keep your thoughts to yourself. But keep your eyes open. It might not be anything.

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Yelling at you! You need another boyfriend.


I honestly want to get really nasty on here but I won’t. These comments are absolutely disrespectful and disgusting. I don’t understand how people can bash another for something she feels is a little off. I was raped as a young girls and I to feel it’s a little off. At 5 young girls are curious and it doesn’t take much for a man to wake up hard. (Obviously it wouldn’t be on purpose) but it happens. I would honestly pack my shit and never look back. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: this whole thing give me weird vibes and I would have said something to. It’s not about specializing a dad with his daughter. It’s all about how some one else has had to perceive life.

I’d make you leave too. Don’t turn his relationship with his daughter into something it’s not. My mans in boxers around our daughters. He’s not naked :roll_eyes:


No not at all, we tend to sexualise everything
It’s underwear