Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers?

What is crazy to me is that she’s insinuating he’s a predator but is still with him.


Unless this dude is a pedo, It sounds like YOU are the problem!!! Why turn something so loving into something perverted? If you have traumas you need to heal from, do that on your own time. Don’t mess up their bond! I wouldn’t want you around my kids either with that attitude.

Is it a problem when mommy cuddles son? Or just when daddy cuddles daughter?


Elisha Perito not saying it’s right, but this is the internet. And sadly that’s how people are. she should have definitely gave more details when she sent this in. Especially it being anonymous people are going to jump on it. If it’s anonymous how is anyone supposed to even ask anything ?

He needs to kick you to the curb and fast. What is your malfunction?!


Yeah we definitely are the sleep in your underwear type of family. Mom dad and kids. When they came from you, you don’t think about it like that at all. And you do have a right to make suggestions and he has the right to be offended by them but hopefully he’s not mean about it. That’s a red flag. I wouldn’t worry too much on the other stuff though.

You’re sexualizing something that doesn’t need to be. Honestly I’d want you to leave too.


So it witless be ok of it were swim trunks or gym shorts? Get out of Karen mode and grow tf up!


So if a mom who sleeps in a t shirt n underwear w her kids is wrong too? Or a night gown ?


Wtf. Poor guy can’t be just a dad.


My guy sleeps just like that with his almost 7 year old daughter too, I’ve never thought anything about it, dude just wants to be comfortable and not hot, i nap with my kid naked after a shower or only sleep in panties sometimes


He takes his outbursts on her when the kids are over and screams at her
.He doesn’t respect her he’s using her for a place she’s paying the rent


You obviously don’t have children of your own and I’d be pissed off too if I was your boyfriend because your making him out to be a pervert when he’s just being a father.


You should stop being a karen


Yeah I don’t think it is weird EXCEPT… I dated a guy who did this w his at the time 4yo… and I was uncomfortable bc he expected ME to sleep w her too. I felt like… dude you just started dating me and thanks for the trust but you should not be putting your daughter in bed w ppl she doesn’t really know. I told him how I felt, that it was strange for me to have to sleep w his kid when I just met her, and he just set up her bed for her and moved her there.


Why does everyone make everything with kids sexual… he’s her FATHER!!


You are both wrong… he need not yell at you…dont tolerate that… but he also has tge right to be a dad… dont think you two will work out… i would just pack up and leave


You’re being ridiculous that is probably why he loses his shit honestly. He is being a dad and you’re accusing him of what???

Lol YOU are the problem :skull:


Yes, you’re in the wrong. It’s his kid not yours


Wow he should leave you…you basically accused him of weird stuff with his daughter….


I think its inappropriate

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Why are YOU making it gross???


There’s nothing wrong with it, sounds like you have some issues you need to work out yourself.


I think you might be making it into something it’s not and making him really uncomfortable. I’d be a bit angry to if you sexualized sleeping with my own distended.

You both need to talk, without the kids there and possibly explain to him why it makes you so uncomfortable. Is there a history for you?


And I’m sure if he was taking a nap with her after a day at the pool in his bathing suit that would be okay?


Yeeeeeh , you’re either a RED FLAG waiting to tell him he’s a predator , or , something has traumatised you , and now you think your mans is the same .

Just tell him you think he’s a pedo for sleeping the way he does , leave him and then find you a new boyfriend who doesn’t cuddle his daughter , and ONLY sleeps in pants :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::facepunch:t4:

You’re gonna be that evil stepmom one day with this carry on …

You’re done. I’m done :melting_face:


Your the problem :woman_facepalming:


I swear half of these posts are full on jokes. He’s her dad for goodness sakes. Why make something innocent into something sexual.


It’s his daughter

Why are you bothered?

You’re questioning him bout his daughter
Why wouldn’t he get mad at you ?

If u know how he is with his daughter while dressed why wud u question how he sleeps?

Do u have kids with him?

Do u sleep in the bed with them?


My 5 yr old granddaughter just lost her mother, I told my son to please sleep with her when she comes home and hold her tight!


I had the same issue when my boyfriend did the same with his daughters from a previous relationship. I thought it was weird. I was a single mom to 1 girl and never saw that. But now that we live together and we have a son and daughter he does the same. Not in boxers but in shorts. I dont see it wrong unless it would be just them two in another room. We all sleep in the same bed, us two and our two babies. She is so clingy to him amd my son to me and will only fall asleep with him and my son with me. I’m always there and don’t see anything that concerns me.
What does concern me is that he gets mad at you. Maybe look into into a little more if you do feel that strongly about it. You could be saving a child :heart:


So my son is 5, and I sleep in a tshirt and panties sometimes. He will sometimes come crawl into bed with mommy and daddy. Am I suppose to get up and put pants on? I don’t. I don’t think about that. All I think about is snuggling up with my son. The only time I would see a problem is if I saw something that made me feel suspicious but other than that it’s harmless. He’s a father to a little girl who is just being just that.


I see nothing wrong with her sleeping with dad in boxers. You don’t seem comfortable. Time for you to move on.


No, what’s weird is you sexualizing a father/daughter relationship.


Apparently you have some issues that you are projecting onto the situation. There is nothing wrong with him sleeping in boxers with his daughter.


She should be sleeping in a bed of her own imo
& don’t tolerate him being a dick to you.
Just leave. :slightly_smiling_face:

He needs to get rid of u fr fr


I’d be upset if my husband said my son couldn’t come cuddle in bed with me. I wear shorts and a tank top but my baby only wears his undies bc he gets too hot. Don’t sexualize that…


It sounds like she is jealous of his child, has a dirty mind and is controlling.

He can’t disentangle himself from this woman fast enough.


You’re the one making it uncomfortable. She’s literally 5 years old. You should mind your business and if it makes you that uncomfortable, leave.


May i ask, do you have kiddos? I let my son snuggle & sleep with me whenever he wanted to. My then bf (now husband) questioned it. He didn’t understand it. After marriage we had a daughter, he did the same thing. :joy: He TOTALLY gets it now! :joy:

Its only odd if you make it odd. & believe me, when they’re little & they want to be around us & snuggled to us- take it ALL in. Its very short lived. One day they want nothing to do with us :joy:


No different than a mom snuggling her daughter. You’re sexualizing it, and that’s really weird that your mind immediately goes that route.


Wow! Id be upset with you too. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone who was suggesting I’m being inappropriate for loving my kids. He’s her dad!


Do you have kids? Do you think its inappropriate for a woman to sleep next to a child in shorts? Has he given you reason to think he is inappropriate because i can understand why he would be mad when you are making him feel perverse and taking the innocence out of him showing affection for his child.You sound like you have issues because every good woman knows we hold up high and applaud good fathers so you better have a reason to ever bring one down.


Look … u sound jealous…if u don’t like it leave…it’s not ur daughter. It’s not ur house… u must hate this lil child already…jus leave…ur making it weird…


Cuz you are being a prude and pushing a sexulizing agenda. I’d scream at you to leave too…


Your the problem. That’s his kid once u have kids of your own u will get it


WTF? He is her father!! Don’t sexualize this situation. Not every man has ill, vile intentions. I’d be mad too if someone sexualized me being a good, present parent. Grow up or leave! But don’t make this into something it isn’t.


This whole post and all the comments is disgusting. My child runs around completely naked half the time. She will cuddle with us that way and sees nothing wrong with it. Because as a child they know nothing of sex or physical touch beyond a hug. I will never make her feel like her body is something to fear BC others do not know how to act! If this is the only thing triggering your fear then I think you yourself need help. Maybe you have some unresolved trauma from your past. Please do not place it on to another little girl for her to take with her in the future. Children deserve to feel free and innocent for as long as they possibly can.

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He’s your boyfriend and he’s already yelling at you . He doesn’t care what you have to say and how you feel . Well ask yourself this question: Is he a husband material is he someone you would be with for the rest of your life . Or not even just live with . It sounds to me that you need to let him go and find your priorities. You don’t need to be with someone that makes you feel that kind of way .

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If I was him girl I would leave you that’s his child stop sexualizing everything and please if you feel this way do not have any more six with this man add the human race


You’re doing your damnedest to sexualize something that is an innocent and an pure act between a father and his babygirl. If he supposedly takes his outbursts on you and getting angry with you when only the kids come by, there’s a good reason - you’ve only been dating a year. Are you constantly complaining and/or trying to control about how he fathers and parents his child(ren)? Because it kind of sounds like that is the case here.


Is there other behavior outside of sleeping that raises red flags for you to be concerned? Because like … It’s not weird unless he does other things that would imply he is grooming his child in such ways …


Girl report his ass and inform the child’s mother and LEAVE!!!

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No stop making it weird


I don’t blame him for getting upset, you are sexualizing him and his daughter. A lot of men sleep in just boxers as they are too hot in clothes. That’s his little girl and he is making her feel loved and safe. Does the little girl act ok? Is she happy? Healthy? If so then please leave it be. If there are other things going on then I get your concern. If this is the only thing going on you need to calm down


Lady, brace yourself for this…ok? But there people also that put their baby to their breast to eat :open_mouth: OMG BOOBIES :scream: You’d probably faint seeing that because you’d sit there in “silence,” while you try not to “complain.” At the thought of a parent being a parent. I’d yell at you too if you constantly accused me of that. Here’s a thought. Grow up, get out, date a man without children and seek a therapist to find why you’re acting this way and accusing your spouse of being inappropriate with HIS child.


I don’t see an issue with daddy having daughter snuggles… I do however see red flags at him having anger issues with you when his kid comes. That in itself would be the reason that I leave the relationship

Shes 5 years old and is having cuddles with her dad, whats the problem here? :woman_shrugging: if you feel uncomfortable, I’d say it was you that has the problem.

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I wouldn’t feel comfortable with him doing that. We’re all different and that’s just my preference.

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He has a right to be mad :woman_shrugging: stop sexualizing children.


Quit projecting your traumas. I feel this way all the time, but I have to tell myself that’s my own childhood traumas showing and to realize not every man is out to hurt children.


To him, that’s his baby…

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Well you are sleeping with a man you are not married to

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His Kids comes first

What is wrong with you??? It’s not weird. I sleep in a t shirt & panties most nights and my hubby boxers & a tank.


Have you seen other red flags that concern you to make you feel this way…

I’m glad you alert all these people getting mad at you are the ones that are oblivious to sexual abuse of a parent towards a child.

It happens, it exists…but not always. But I’m glad that you are paying attention


The only thing here I think is weird is that, that is where your mind goes!
She’s 5! My baby boy is 4 and we love to snuggle in bed, don’t make something that is naturally what patents do into something it’s not!


I slepted with my son in my pajamas and tank top when he was 5/6 years old sometimes cuddled up to him.

You are absolutely disgusting. You should absolutely 100% leave them. Now.


Hell at least he has clotehs on and he is not putting his hands somewhere where they should not be. what do you want him todo sleep with blue jeans, long sleeve shirt and shoes on.


You’re projecting…. If you are concerned about him sleeping next to his own daughter why are you with him at all? If u even have it in your head something you shouldn’t be with him… but yep you’re the problem


What is it about father and daughter relationships being sexualized get a grip of yourself the only problem is you and your mind!!! Would you be so quick to complain about a mother sleeping beside her son with just a bra and pants on I don’t think so… So why is a father any different?


You have the problem not the father

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These men are not to be trusted get out


That’s his baby. Wow.

Wth? Why are you sexualizing this? Unless you have trauma from your past and you’re paranoid. Of course he is going to get angry! You’re pretty much calling him a pedo. That’s his child. He isn’t naked! He is covering his junk. Unbelievable, the child is only 5. Stop thinking like that. If there are no signs showing other wise then stop. You’re making him feel real low for no reason.


The problem is that your are sexualizing the behavior. I think seeking help from a therapist would be ideal. If you have insurance, call your provider to see if you can make an appointment with an in network therapist.


Your the problem. Wtf kind of stupid shiii is that it’s his child. You got a fuc$&& up mindset to think that way. Maybe you were molested and feel some way, but damn your fukn sick .

You’re literally accusing him because you’re sexual zing it. Is there any other reason besides that?

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You are sexualizing their bonding time adn the childs comfort… What is wrong with you? He has clothes on, and so does she.


The fact he can’t be a dad is sad it’s not different then being in a bathing suite and he is asleep most men generally sleep in there boxers like women sleep in underwear and tshirts. You are sexualizing something that shouldn’t be sexualized my dad from the time I can remember walked around in his boxers … It was just comfortable for him. And I completely get him being upset because of what you are implying anyone would be. Maybe talk to some one and find out where your actual discomfort comes from or where it stems from because it sounds like you got some trauma you need to work out


Is it that your sexualizing the father daughter relationship or are you jealous of the father/daughter relationship?


I don’t even like my husband walking through the House in his boxers… they have holes where it pops out (I’ve literally witnessed this more then once). So like for mornings, guys get wood… it can very easily pop out. Maybe try asking him to sleep in some basketball shorts instead that way there is no pee hole are there are no accidental pop outs ?


You’re weird for sexualizing him and his daughter sleeping together.


YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! He should run for you!


Would you be so bothered if you slept with your child with just pants on that is a very sad post it’s his child

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All this hate towards her is wrong. She has a right to question this. Yeah it could be totally innocent but it also might not be. I’d rather someone question it then sit in silence as something bad is happening! Sexual abuse starts younger than 5! She has a right to wonder if it is okay or not. That’s why she asked. So give her an answer without all the hate!


So if I as a mother can sleep next to my male children in shorts why can’t a male a father sleep next to his child a female in boxers? Not all males are sexual predators and not all females are innocent.


While I don’t agree with how he handles the anger and the outbursts (and that sends up some major red flags itself), I can definitely understand the anger. There’s nothing wrong with him sleeping in his boxers with his daughter. That’s a little girl and her daddy.


I don’t see anything wrong with it.

First you have to look at the entirety of their relationship. If he has shown no other red flags of abuse than I would look to your own traumas before sexualizing a child. I co-slept with all my kids. The 3&2 still do most nights. My 15yr old still comes up for cuddles in the couch. That is his baby and will ALWAYS be!!! Maybe take a look at why things bother you be fore your bring them up. I’d feel judged and uncomfortable if I were being questioned about my relationships with my children from my partner. He may be acting out because he feels you don’t know or understand him. His kids will always come first as they should!

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You say, your paying for the house !. If it’s yours ask him to leave, if not, Get Out while you can …
Your not acting jealous, but don’t be Stupid either. If he makes you feel like you need to keep Quiet, then GET OUT ASAP !!!


I am 53 years old. I have always slept w my father as a child and then an adult. NEVER was i mad to feel uneasy or violated in any way.
Your bigger issue is how he treays you


That’s messed up that you’re thinking that


Take his advice and leave the house!!! He’s a freak!!!

You shouldn’t date ppl that have children, you dont have it in you!!! And i truly dont understand how you’re boyfriend hasn’t broken up with you yet

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Um… Most guys sleep in their boxers… And… It’s his daughter… You’re the one sexualizing it in your mind. Which, is what’s weird and probably why he gets upset and freaks out. Because well… You’re basically calling him gross and saying you think he’s going something bad to his child :person_shrugging: why is it not weird, or EVER questioned, when mother’s Co sleep? Because if you were the one doing this, with your son, or another female, doing the exact same thing with their son… You’d not think it was weird probably. Which, is completely wrong and messed up.


Odd thoughts!! Maybe you need help


This is a you thing. Boxers are not sexual, neither is bed sharing.