Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers?

My daughter sneaked in to my bed in the middle of the night and cuddles up to me ??? You clearly don’t have kids so I’m sure it’s hard to understand but that’s his child… he is her protector if a partner of mine ever sexualised me and my daughter they would be out on there ass. If this is the road you want to take then what about sons cuddling up to there mothers ? As long as he doesn’t have any sort of background in that sort of activity then the accusation is disgusting

Shame on you for sexualizing the bond they have! You need help if a man sleeping in boxers next to his own daughter triggers you so much. Unless you have proof he’s doing something sexual then you need to get help for real before you start putting stuff like that onto a little girl! Here’s a link I think you should read and if there’s any real issues you need to call the police not Facebook Warning Signs for Young Children | RAINN


Or… Are you jealous and upset, that the daughter is sleeping in the bed when over, and cuddled with her dad? And you’re then not able to be cuddled up to your boyfriend when she’s visiting? Some women are like this also.


No I mean my s/o and both my kids do cuddle it’s his child it’s not weird unless they make it weird I did it with my dad also and I was fone

If you are only seeing this ONE act as a problem, it’s NOT them, it’s YOU!

IF, there are other things going on, that may be cause for concern, that would warrant being concerned and raising those flags into existence for others to see!

If something happened to you as a child or younger person, YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH THAT!

I was sexually assaulted for years as a child. I still KNOW that NOT EVERY MAN is like that.

It is NORMAL for fathers to cuddle their daughters and other children in comfortable settings(that includes clothes)

If there is more going on, your cause for concern is obviously justified. If not, GET HELP FOR YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY!!


Unless you have proof or have seen something?? If not…than why are you sexualizing it???..and just be cautious and be aware of the signs just in case…

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Me and my dad shared a bed till I was about 12 (because he had a 1 bedroom apartment for a while and I outgrew my own little bed). My would always say its weird we shared his bed. He never cuddled up to me. Just his hand in my arm and not for long. Like your really reaching here. There’s nothing wrong with a father and daughter with a bond.

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Sounds like jealousy to me. I experienced the same as a kid. She would throw a temper tantrum anytime I slept with Dad. I’m 39 and remember clearly.


That’s right no your role go fix some breakfast🤣

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Is this post for real or just for likes & comments?? :joy::joy: ridiculous!


My husband sleeps in his boxers and I tend to sleep in my underwear and a t shirt and our 5 year old daughter tends to snuggle in our bed. You need to be more concerned with how he treats you.


Dad’s just can’t do nothing without it all being sexualized smh​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Don’t sexualize it…she’s practically a baby and that’s gross

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wow cant believe your judging your own man and thinking that! he should move on. Im also guessing you dont have children so you wouldnt understand.


Nobody wants to sleep with pants or pj pants on. At least i know i dont.
I like sleeping in just my shirt and underwear.
And so does my husband.
The fact that your mind automatically goes to that being gross is weird.
You’re making him out to be a pervert.
It’s not weird.
Sounds like you need to work on yourself and the way you think.


Wow! Shame on you. You will understand when you have kids. They need safety and security and the only place they can get that is from their parents. You’re toxic and he has every right to be upset with you for your assumptions. Go heal and then maybe you can love someone else.


What the hell did I just read? So what does it matter? My husband has shorts on when he sleeps next to our 6 yr old. What is the difference? He is covered. Get a grip.


If you feel uncomfortable, walk away. Sounds like this could turn into an abusive relationship aimed at you.

You are making it a bigger deal than it is.


There is nothing wrong with that. I used to sleep in bed with my dad when he wore only tighty whitys. It’s not weird. You’re making it weird.


It is a catch 22…on one hand it should be a pure thing for them to sleep together. However, you are feeling something about it and his reaction of telling you to leave is over the top. I would be more concerned with the way he is treating you and the message that is sending the children.


When I was a kid my dad slept in underwear not even boxers and that made me uncomfortable but I had been sexually abused by someone else so maybe that’s why I felt like that. But what I’m getting at is as long as she feels comfortable don’t be concerned. As a mom tho with baby daddy I just make sure he’s aware I don’t want her to think it’s okay for anyone other than dad to be as “exposed”, I make sure I teach her boundaries n she lets us know if she’s uncomfortable. She dosen’t like me walking around in underwear she’ll tell me to put on pant n I respect that. She’s 4


Why are you accusing him of anything weird? If you trust him, trust him. If you think he is a chimo, turn him in.


I’ve been through this with my ex. It is very uncomfortable when you had been touched at a young age. I made the mistake of having cps involved when I shouldn’t have. Just explain to him WHY it makes you uncomfortable. The fact that he has outbursts about it when mentioned is kinda worrisome though if you ask me.

Yall dont know if she has trauma from being assaulted young that causes her to feel uncomfortable with emotional intimacy like thAt?…. She aint fucked up for being concerned. U cant trust people with kids now a days not even their dads/moms. But drop it until u witness a actual inappropriate situation or the daughter tells u she’s uncomfortable with it. U are sexualizing the situation in a inappropriate manner but who knows what u went thru to make u hyper vigilant toward that interaction. If it bothers u too much u shouldnt be with someone with children that is true bcuz it may be too triggering for u or ur traumas bcuz it is normal for parents to be seen naked, in underwear, undressed to some degree they live with the children 24/7 so it’s inevitable that the babies will see u exposed at some point.

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Fyi. The youngest mother documented is a 5 year old that got pregnant by her father.


Boxers are basically shorts so I see nothing wrong with it. As for his “outburst” I’d be pissed someone was accusing me of something like that as well, until you have real proof of anything keep your mouth shut or leave.


Sorry, but he has every right to be upset with you. Not only are you trying to tell him what he can and can’t do with his daughter, but you’re sexualising something so normal. You are definitely the issue. Tables turned and it was a mum with her son, you probably wouldn’t bat an eye. It’s his child, not yours. Let the man do what he wants.


My husband sleeps in his boxers and our kids come in the bed with us. It’s not weird!!


Your past traumas don’t need to be projected. I get it. I really do. His reaction was out of line. Yes, he’s going to be angry that you could be suggesting something strange, but he should have talked to you about why you feel that it’s odd. Throwing you out of the house you help pay for isn’t cool either. I’d just go to a different Room. It’s something that makes you uncomfortable.

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That’s not your place. I have male children and I have always slept in my unders and them in their boxers and yes we have slept in the same bed. Would you complain if he was around her in swim shorts? There is no difference.


Why are you sexualizing it, like what’s your deal??? Maybe you shouldn’t issue veiled accusations of inappropriate behavior if you don’t want him to get mad.


You’re the one being a weirdo. Stop it!


Is this for real :woman_facepalming: she’s a little kid who is from a broken home why wouldn’t she want some comfort when it’s night time :woman_facepalming: she’s in unfamiliar surroundings for her and just wants her PARENT. What he’s wearing is irrelevant he is just being a parent and your trying to turn it into an issue because what? You can’t handle he has a child with someone else then you have no business being with him. :woman_shrugging:


If he was sleeping nude it would be an issue, but as long as he is covered and not wearing super loose boxers, I don’t see the issue. Boxers aren’t really much different than shorts.

Beep beep beep , red flag. Even if nothing is going on, don’t make it look like it is. This is inappropriate. My ex tried that with our daughter, later she and my son spoke out. He had molested them. He may not be but the appearance of it is bad, Very bad


You’re making an issue where there isn’t one HOWEVER, the fact that he tells you to leave the house you’re helping pay for, that’s ridiculous and you need to tell him to grow up. If that’s how he handles disagreements, you may want to move on


You accused him of being in appropriate with his child I can see why he would be upset.


Youre ridiculous. You should mind your fucking business. :roll_eyes:

It’s HIS daughter. Boxers are pretty much shorts for men. :woman_facepalming:t3:


That’s literally his child.

I think you’re seriously reaching. If he was naked then yeah… but he has clothes on and there is nothing wrong with a parent cuddling their child. Is it just because it’s “boxers” I mean if he had shorts on what would you gripe abou then. I think you’re being a little jealous and just need to quit finding reasons to get upset about.


I wouldn’t have accused him of being inappropriate without proof. That’s a major accusation to be thrown around.


You’re the problem. Leave them alone! Get out of that house with your toxic bs!


Leave his sorry ass. For good.

If you don’t like how he raises his kids, go date someone else. You don’t walk into an established family (which they are) and try to change things. Either assimilate or move on imo. Also, the boxers thing is a non issue imo. Is he doing other things that you feel are inappropriate? Or is it just that?


It’s one thing to get in bed with mom and dad but dad alone should be stopping that. Some boundaries are needed as children get older.

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She’s his daughter…
I can’t even fathom why this is an issue. If he were a mother sleeping in a nightshirt and underwear no one would care.

Maybe you need to sleep elsewhere. I’d be pissed too.


Soo its ok for a mum to sleep in knickers and a bra next to her child, but a father cant sleep with his boxers on next to his own child?..double standards much


Sound like you’re the one with the issue here…I would be mad at you to if it where me who cares you have a very sick mind if you think other wise on this !!


Cut ties and run. Outburst behaviors are red flags.


You’re basically calling him a pedo… Yes I’d get mad at that kind of trust issue also. It’s his child and his being a good father.


Guess you’re one of them parents that don’t walk round the house with your boobs hanging out when you first wake up? No just me then😂 it’s not strange at all I don’t see why you find it so odd. And making a big deal how he reacts to you when you say these things. By the sounds of it you don’t have kids.

I wouldn’t have accused him either that’s the relationship between my kids and their dad its his kids don’t make an issue where there isn’t one it is wrong he treats u


He’s not the Man For You if you can’t express how Something makes you feel Uncomfortable & He doesn’t listen and gets Mad & Yells at you to Leave.
I totally get what your saying and where your coming from…" It’s about being Respectful & forming boundaries ( My husband & alot of Other Men would Cover-Up & wear Pajama pants at least…Not just boxes where body parts can Easily be exposed)

Others are judging you too harshly instead of trying to See where your coming from. There are a few of us who get it without it being called Sexualized…It called being Respectful of others when you dress a certain way & Not over Exposing your body It’s called covering up Appropriately ( like shorts too short in public or See through Clothes)

He’s not the Man for You Run, Run!!!


I dont know why everyone is getting mad. You asked a question. Its normal love. I know with 2022 and everything being censored and sexualized, it’s hard to know what’s crossing the line these days and whats not. Come to understand that dads sleeping with their littles in shorts or boxers are normal. The way he speaks to you and his outburts over you just being worried about the safety of the child isn’t okay. There are different ways he could approach you.


My husband and son run around in boxers when it’s hot… what’s the difference in swim wear?


Jealousy better leave now it will keep getting worse


No you have to not disrespect his chil/ren.
I have 6 of my own aged 18 to 4.
My youngest (4) has his own room with a queen sized bed, but will come into my bed sometimes through the night…Now this is where you probably loose me hun, but other parents understand.
They crawl into your bed in the middle of the night sometimes & all I’m wearing is a sports bra & undies because this is FNQ, Australia (still winter lol).

Parents sleep with their children, it’s a comfort thing!
I’m guessing (probably rightly so) that you don’t have any children…
Your jealous of a child basically :grimacing::woman_shrugging:


So you’ve basically called your boyfriend a paedophile and you’re upset he’s angry and telling you to leave? You’re probably making him feel awkward about it when there is nothing untoward about it. Nothing wrong with a parent sleeping in the same bed as their child with just undies on. I do it :woman_shrugging:


Why would you sit in silence. No kid is better than you and he’s teaching them that your basically worthless

Ummm ur sexualizing this and that says so much more about u than it ever will him. That’s disgusting ur looking at it that way when there’s literally nothing wrong with what he’s doing. I would’ve kicked u out of mine and my children’s lives the first time u even hinted at me being a pedo all because of some damn boxers.

It’s ok for mom’s but not dad?:upside_down_face:


Thats his child its ok for women to do it but not men!! In this day men feel uncomfortable around kids anyhow but to suggest its weird for a daughter to want to be close to their dad is ridiculous, unless there is signs of abuse which there is rare cases, a dad should be able to comfort a child! I know my ex shared a bed with my eldest who is 9 as shortage of beds the one night and i didnt think it was weird and she said it was nice to be able to be by her dad as misses it x


I sleep with my be be girl like that and she’s 6, you and my ex shouldn’t have kids anymore, so; you won’t ask stupid questions :-1:t4::-1:t4::joy::joy:

I used to bath with my dad when I was a little- sleeping in boxers is normal. We need to stop sexualizing things.


I think it’s weird that you think it’s weird


Why do you tolerate this treatment? Not a good idea for the sleeping situation.

why are you making it weird? You jealous he is cuddling his daughter and not you?


I think you should mind your own business… thats his child… why are you making it about something sexual…
Get a fucking grip!!


Like you’re sexualizing it… that’s not cool


People tend to make a small thing a big thing, if you were to call me out on why I still sleep with my child in the same bed even though he has his own room I would also tell you to leave.

Stop being jealous of a child, if you cant respect him and his daughter, rather just end the relationship.
I take it you dont have children yet.


Stop sexualizing something that isn’t sexual.


You’re the only one making it weird. That’s his Child.


That’s his kid… it’s not weird. It’s the same as a mom cuddling her kid.


I think you’re making it weird.


My husband sleeps next to our 4 year old son in boxers…. And I sleep with our son too. Tf is the difference and why would you sexualize his relationship with his own child when they have a normal healthy relationship? Because YOU are uncomfortable? If so then you should leave. Because you are not the one. It’s not your job to judge. You are just a girlfriend. Go sleep on the couch or leave because you’re sick in the head for even thinking that.


The fact that youre pretty much implying to your partner that his behavior is pedophilia behavior toward his child and now youre a victim because hes not nice to you about the accusation pretty much tells me everything i need to know about you. He should accept his “loss” and leave. Im highly concerned that you might make further accusations if it doesnt end well down the line.


Jeezus lady. You accused him of being inappropriate with his daughter.
You are the one sexualizing this. Good grief. It’s your mind that’s twisted, not his.


You’re calling him a pedophile. I’d get pissed too and it’s gross to sexualize that. You’re the one being nasty here.


You sound utterly ridiculous. Stop sexualizing the relationship between a little girl and her daddy. You sound jealous. I’d run for the hills if I were him.


I can’t stand ppl like you who sexualise father and daughter time.Mothers cuddle up to sons so what’s the diff.It’s his daughter ffs and she’s only 6.Don’t like it leave,sounds like jealousy


I think you re wierd not him

Your making it weird !:roll_eyes:

What’s the difference if it was shorts he was sleeping in?

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I don’t think the boxers and sleeping next to her is a problem. What’s the issue for me is how angry he gets. Why can’t he just explain himself like a normal person? Makes you wonder…


Man! I wish the guy could see all these comments lol


These accusations are serious. Be very sure that this is true. It could ruin his life and yours.
Also is he like this(gettn mad and u have to sit in silence)only when kids are there or is it any other time??
Do you complain about the kids the whole time they are there


He needs to understand that if someone complained DHS would investigate he could lose visitation and contact.Itmight be cute when she is small but he needs to put on clothes and put her in her own bed.If just this causes such anger and his rejection of you, You need to reconsider your life and relationship

Kick him to the curb!

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I used to get into bed with my mum and dad as a kid and 90% of the time they only slept in underwear if anything at all.

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Your making something dirty that isn’t and that’s how rumors start, I would kick you out too,


My husband sleeps that way every night. Our 5 yr old comes in the bed almost every night, there’s honestly nothing wrong with it


Right like that is a you problem not a him problem. Its not about the boxers. It’s not not weird or gross and quiet normal for a lot of good not creepy dads. What is weird is that you are making a big deal of it. Is this about your experiences? Is this about not trusting him? Do you not like the kid around? It’s not about the boxers that’s all I’m saying .


Leave now. There are more tone of jealousy than concern in your post. When it starts feeling like them vs me, it’s time to go. Save everyone the heart ache


He shouldn’t be telling you to leave but please don’t tell him what he should and shouldn’t be doing with his children especially when he doesn’t see them 24/7

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Stop making something that’s NOT SEXUAL into it ! Gtfoh


I think you are the issue or you are allowing something from your past childhood to interfere here. There are many parents not even there to put their child to sleep at all! He isn’t naked, many dads sleep in just boxers and many moms sleep in just a tshirt and no undies. Let him be a father and stop causing issues for this man and his daughter. There are many parents who do this very same thing and you throwing accusations at this man he has every right to be upset. I would be too!


It’s his daughter? I think you’ve got some issues of your own if you think that’s wrong.


My 4 year old daughter sleeps in boy boxers because they are comfortable on her and she refuses to wear any night night clothes it’s a stage and it’s his daughter… my daughter has always been a skin to skin baby she loves feeling daddy’s heartbeat and holding his hand at night for bear cuddles

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