Is it wrong that my daughter sleeps in the same bed as her father?

Not appropriate at all devil never sleeps.


Over reacting if she’s ok with it.No problem


It’s illegal. Occasionally is one thing…


When I was that age my parents separated and I slept in bed with my mom because I felt safe I did that that until she bought me bunk beds I was 10 :woman_facepalming:t3: any way my point is I think she is fine it makes her feel safe.

Overreacting. My parents were divorced and I slept in the same bed as my dad when I stayed over every otger weekend. As long as there isn’t any abuse, there is no issue.

Today’s world with lots crazy things going on I would worry to but growing up I would sometimes sleep between mom and dad or just dad alone and my dad never touched me unapropriate. I grew up to be a good person and sometimes my 22 year old will come sleep with me.

My dad raised us I would wake up in the middle of the night alot and go in his bed. I felt safe there

Why are you questioning it? Trust your instincts.


No it wrong a child should sleep in her own bed


Find it a little creepy. Is there a reason she is not sleeping in her own bed?


I think its fine unless you have a bad feeling about it. My sin is 5 and still sleeps with me.

I wouldn’t say its wrong n,t its his daughter. But definitely not a habit u want to start at that age if they used to there own rooms🙈

This isn’t a question that can be answered on FB because there are way too many unknown variables. I honestly wouldn’t have children with someone who I’d have to question if I weren’t around. I think the only way to answer this is to ask yourself, “Would this bother me if we were still together? “


If you have to question it then obviously you aren’t comfortable with it. I wouldn’t be. Time for you or dad to invest in a bed for her or even a blowup mattress.

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Was that you who asked this last week?


I’ll leave this here, my daughter whom is seven goes to bed in her own room every night and wakes up every morning in the middle of mine and her fathers bed. What is your reaction, how does that make you. Would it make you feel differentiated it was just me or just her dad? It should only bother you if you think your daughter is being groomed or actively assaulted. in any case I would assume you wouldn’t be letting her go around him if you thought that was case. Just let it be, she will one day decide she’s too big to sleep with her parents.

If she has her own room there, maybe she’s scared because she’s not used to the environment and she goes to him for safety and comfort. You know what kind of person he is, trust your gut. And have a conversation with her as to why she goes in there.


I would sit down with the father and the daughter and the three of you have a talk about it if it’s just a matter of the daughter being afraid to sleep alone a 7 1/2 year-old it’s OK if they want to sleep with mommy or daddy I talk to them about it

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He’s the father I don’t see a problem with it.

Please children should sleep in their own space, it creates a sense of independence.


That’s like asking… would it be ok for a mother to share the same bed with her 7 year old son. Why would it be ok for a mother but not a father? Adults need to stop sexualizing everything. A father can love their child just as much as the mother can.


No, that’s just creepy

They must have a close relationship. I’m sure her father is aware of what is appropriate or you wouldn’t allow her to stay over. If there is a reason you don’t trust him with her, maybe there are bigger steps you should take.


Not appropriate at All! Maybe at 2 or 3, but not 7 years old!

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I’d say no. It’s not healthy

It’s weird… With people accepting marriages at 8 yo these days… Just seems to invite incest, which in some cultures is acceptable… Just not in my world…

My daughter slept with her dad in a king size bed. I didn’t see a problem with it since I trust him 100% with our children. Our baby was in a crib in the same room as well so it was mostly for comfort and wanting to be close to them.

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I don’t get all the women thinking this is creepy or weird. I sleep in bed with my son, my husband sleeps in bed with his daughters. Shoot some nights we all end up in a bed together. If you had a child with a man you don’t trust alone with his OWN daughter I don’t know what to tell you. Kids only wanna sleep with their parents for so many years before they grow up. I think its great they have a close relationship. I love seeing my husband snuggling with my daughters.

Now if you have reason to believe he would abuse her in some way, forget sharing a bed. If that’s the case, she shouldn’t even be going there alone with him in the first place!

It’s her FATHER. As long as it’s nothing sexual, what’s the problem?


She likely misses her dad and wants to be close to him since she leaves him, it’s her security system imo. Her living with you, she has a sense of security daily…jmo. I see no issue with it and as a young girl, she will detach slowly on her own.


Seven no sleeping with dad.own room

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As a child under five, I often visited my parents’ bed in search of safety from snakes and bears, who lived under my bed, which I shared with my older sister. Thank God my father made room for his frightened little one. I realize your situation is different, but this daughter needs her father. Won’t be forever.

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Jeesh he is her dad ; if she finds comfort in that why would you want to deny her?


Would y’all feel the same way if it was a son sleeping with the mother


Way overreacting. Don’t try to detach her from her dad too soon if you don’t want her to have “daddy issues” later on. You said it yourself that she’s with you most of the time… She needs the bonding with her dad while she’s young if you don’t want her bonding with the Jr. high quarterback later.


Creepy!!! She is to old to be sleeping with her Dad.

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Get her out of his bed


No, no and no!!! I’m a former CPS worker and just no


Nope devil never sleeps

Well, at least we know which women in this group have the daddy issues. Seven years is totally fine. Seventeen is not. Quit overreacting Karen’s.


Men erect in morning hell noooo

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Ask her how she feels


My daughter was a daddy’s girl, he had copd at a young age. She and him slept on the couch together from the time she was 2 until he died , she was 7. You’re overreacting! She is now 20 and still misses her daddy

If she sleeps with you in your bed, why is there a problem with sleeping with her dad n his bed?
If you have genuine concerns about inappropriate behaviour on his part then that is an issue that needs immediate attention, but if its purely because of her age…no, he is her parent. She is lucky to be able to crawl into bed with her daddy. Same as she is lucky to be able to crawl into bed with her mummy. At ANY age.


Nothing at all wrong with it as long as she is comfortable with it. I used to crawl in bed with my dad especially if it was storming lol. My mom would just go into my bed.

Yes you are overreacting. Thats her dad. Is it inappropriate when she sleeps with you ? Should her dad be concerned ?


Wow most y’all are perverts. Stop thinking dirty… she’s lucky to have a father that loves her so much. You weirdos.


I cant answer that. I watch way too much Steve wilkos and crime TV.


There’s some fucked up women out there, if you didn’t have your kid with a pedo what’s the big deal, maybe they are making up for the time u took off them


Preteen everything will change. But in my opinion it’s inappropriate however in her mind it may be that she just wants to be near her Dad… Idk the situation, like if there is another space she could have of her own while there. Maybe if presented as such she wouldn’t. Just a thought y’all. Hope all is well.

She is too old to sleep in the same bed as her father and he should know better.


Definitely over reacting.


I can imagine she sleeps with her daddy because she feels safe there, my daughter (15) sometimes comes into my bed when she wants to, for no other reason than wanting to sleep next to her mother, dad should have the same rights, if that’s what your daughter wants, anyone who finds this sexual is the one with the issue!!


I think you are overreacting. However, we have intuition and if it’s weighing heavy on you I’d talk to her about it.

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Can I ask if people would think some of these ways if it was reversed…

Disgusting we accept its ok for mums and not dads.

Welcome to 2021


My son would crawl in bed with me until he was about 10, no difference, and nothing gross about it, she may just want comfort when she’s away from home, there’s nothing wrong with that.

My god, she is his daughter. What if you were still married and you worked nights, and your daughter felt safer sleeping with dad? It wouldn’t be an issue. Don’t create issues if they aren’t there. That isn’t fair to your daughter, or her daddy.

I think your over reacting.


Well my son of 6 years some times request to sleep with me and came to my bed in the middle of night. My husband never judges or reacted I guess its just as same as they come to mother. I don’t find any issues infact I find it cute that some times they feel like they need you…on a serious note i guess it depends a lot on the other factors & character of the person too for male or female both .I mean Its quite common for mothers to always react and say these things which I never heard from a man …so if he is a good father ( not asking for husband) just let him be a father .
And if my husband said something like that I would definitely ask him to see a psychologist there is definitely something wrong with his mentality not in sleeping with your own kid

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imo if you have to ask you know it is!!!


You guess?
Yet you go on to profess to know how often you perceive it to be happening?
Get a grip.
My best friend is going through the same problems after separation.
His children love and miss him dearly.
They insist on sleeping in his bed because that is what they do with mum at home.
He is insisting on them sleeping in their own beds, for fear that the practice will be used againdt him.
Sometimes after separation, kids miss their other parent.
Stop perverting something from your own perspective and think about the impacts of separation, upon kids.

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Why cant a kid sleep with there parents without it been an issue. What is wrong with people these days .


I say if you feel weird about it follow your instincts regardless.


My girls still come and curl in bed with us sometimes, they are 8 and 15. Our adult girls will come sit.on the bed to talk to us when they have things going on and need life advice. It’ shows she feel safe and protected by her dad, this isn’t a bad thing.

I slept with my dad until I was 8 when he had me for the weekends.

Didn’t I see this same question last week?


In some cultures this is considered normal


Do not put your nose in-between their relationship.


If it was a permanent or very often thing. I would say no- this is purely based on my own opinion tho , and experience with my 8yr old. but if he only has her occasionally I’d say no harm. And it’s an opinion also based on sleeping independently to get into the habit not because it’s right or wrong.

If you think her dad is a weirdo then hell no . And never let her see him if that’s the case. But I’m sure you already know that so you or wouldn’t be asking what all of us thought because we don’t know him. If you trust her dad and he’s a good dad then there is nothing wrong with it.


I think it’s fine. You should know him better than anyone since you already know him


I say you know her dad better than any of the people commenting. I found out a guy I was dating was married, he told me he was divorced. I was so PISSED at him for lying and could not BELIEVE he would do this to his wife! He said I will tell you something no other man will tell you and don’t forget it! “A STIFF PRICK HAS NO CONSCIOUS!! He can love his daughter and be a great dad without her in his bed!!


She’s with you most of the time so course dad gonna want cuddles when he sees ger


Should be fine. In some cultures brothers and sisters sleep together into their teen years out of necessity.


I KNOW from experience … You daughter has an increased chance of being molested every night she sleeps with her father … ITS dangerous make it STOP or don’t allow her to sleep over … ITS wrong its dangerous … Incest is bound to happen if it hasn’t already.


I think there is nothing unhealthy about a daughter sleeping in the same bed as dad any more than I would be concerned about a boy sleeping in the same bed as his mom. Unless you think your husband is at some point going to cross some line, I don’t even know why it would bother you. I have been molested and raped and I wouldn’t think anything of my child sleeping with her father.

How did you find this out. If your daughter told you without sounding scared or using negative body language, than maybe she is comfortable with it. As for your ex husband maybe he is seeing it as a sign that his little girl still needs him. It does not mean something untoward is going on. If the father was molesting the daughter she would not want to stay with him. She would throw tantrums or what ever it takes not to be alone with him. I say follow your daughters lead, if she is comfortable and wants to go let her.


Some of you must have had horrible fathers and I am so sorry for that. I loved cuddling with my dad.

Is not normal,no way


Not in my opinion. Family pow wow.

Fuck idk about you guys but my little sisters 19years old and still loves a cuddle from our dad! Sometimes would sleep with him if she had to. Must have pretty fucked up parents or upbringings to think the dad and daughter would do things together!!!

I still will let my 9 yr old son sleep with me sometimes both my kids have slept with me since they were born!! I dont think there is anything wrong with it…i know for me when I was single it made me feel safer with my kids with me just incase someone broke in or there was a fire!! Could be the same circumstances…hell my oldest will still sleep with me if i would let him haha :smile: unless she is acting weird or your getting bad vibes i think its ok!!! Just make sure your constantly asking how her weekends are when she is there and make sure she trusts you enough to tell you if something is wrong! :heart: no one is givin a guide to parenting we are all just taking it a day at a time! Dont beat yourself up over it…i guess i would only think it was odd if he also had a gf/spouse in there as well then i would have a change of opinion…

Unless the daughter has said something to make you think dad is being inappropriate, it’s perfectly fine. As she gets older, yes she should be getting her own space, but right now she’s still yours and the dad’s baby.


Everyone stop downing everything bad things do happen you would never have given a thought about I know of some personally she asked for opinions and here goes a bunch of shit nobody has accused him of anything :tired_face:

Perfectly normal to sleep with either parent…but in today’s reality it’s ALWAYS normal to question it. If she’s never shown signs of abnormal interactions it’s fine.

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He probably does it to bond with her since his time is limited. Dads have a very hard time saying no to their princesses wants! I’m sure she’s the one initiating it.


That child needs to be in her own bed in her own room period’!!!


What kind of men are you all having kids with? Sleeping with her dad shouldn’t be a problem and if it is, should she even be alone with him?


Omg - other’s opinions don’t matter, my son slept with me until he was about 11 or 12
I am now 47 and my dad is 73, and if I go to his house and he is napping I get in his bed with him and cuddle
Once your kids grow up they won’t want to hug and kiss you anymore so get it while you can

Why she allowed in with mum but not dad, same love


My daughters, 2.5 years apart slept with us at random until they were about 14. Not every night, but frequently. It’s only ‘bad’ if he’s abusing her. And this isn’t an alarm for you to ask stupid and deliberately pointed questions. My point is that maybe the only dirt or guilt here is yours. I think it is wrong to be so jaded. My guess is she’s just comfortable and he doesn’t mind (as I didn’t). They grow up and want little to do with you. So maybe it’s not perverted, maybe it’s just love and comfort. A family counselor I knew once told me “the best thing ever for adults is divorce and the worst thing for children at any age is divorce”. So perhaps, this is just her safe harbor.

My seven year old sleeps with me but not with dad at his place, I’m trying to get her to her own bed at my house but it’s a struggle, we love our cuddle time so I’m just as guilty :sweat_smile: as for the other way around… Really depends, not everyone is a perv.


Nope I don’t think this is a good idea. She should have her own bed.n


If you have to ask, you already know. It’s definitely NOT appropriate! The trick will be getting her to open up about what’s going on over there. Get in touch with an educated & licensed therapist who deals with child abuse of all kinds. Find out the best way to get her to feel safe enough to discuss it with you. Remember that abuse or sexual abuse of a daughter by her father is common, sadly. So is the reverse. It’s also illegal, not just a morals or ethics issue anymore. Learn the signs & symptoms of a child being sexually abused or assaulted. They’re very subtle in most cases.


Every child needs their own space. If he only has one bedroom then he can sleep on the couch.

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No, she needs her own bed.

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I slept with my daddy until he died. Sat on his lap too. Normalize… Healthy dads and daughters. He probably brings her a peace no one else may ever.

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  1. If she is not at his place that often then she may not feel comfortable in unfamiliar place. I don’t know how long it been…
  2. I understand that part is concerning because out there that family members does sick things to their own family member kids even included parents.
  3. If she seem act strangely after see her father then start take her see the counselor immediately. Soon than sorry. That will give you a peace in mind. It may be nothing but play safe.

She should be in her own bed. But if you suspect that he’s up to no good, keeping her in her own bed while in his house will still not tackle your insecurities. Maybe you don’t want her to be at his place…

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All 3 of my kids still come in to my bed half way through the night and sleep with me. My oldest is 7. I’ve never had anyone think something sick was going on because my kids share my bed with me and it’s sad that a father can’t do the same?
I think This post is weird because it wouldn’t even be a question if it was the mother the daughter was sleeping in bed with

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