Is it wrong that my exes girlfriend gave a gift to our daughter to gift to her dad?

Don’t make something about your daughter and her dad about yourself. As a bio mom and stepmom, I would have no issues with my children’s fathers spouse doing this as I have done this myself with my bonus daughter. If she said something like “ I know your mom won’t get your dad something so I did” I could understand a little irritation but not a nice gesture where she included your daughter. Read some co parenting books and self help. Co parenting can be hard but don’t make things especially that don’t have anything to do with you directly start a battle.!children first, your feelings second. Best of luck!


Your totally entitled to have your own feelings about the situation your human but at the end of the day you have to realize sometimes it’s best to push your own feelings aside and only focus on what’s best for your baby and there was no harm in this situation


Why do you think you have a right to say something to his girlfriend? You’re not with him, he’s your EX! What ever his girlfriend does is none of your business. Yeah I understand that your daughter is your daughter but she’s your ex’s daughter too. What ever happened on dad’s time is dad’s time, and none of your business. He’s a father so he was celebrated on his time. Stop being so petty.


Petty, petty, petty stop putting kids in the middle of petty drama


Why didn’t u take your daughter shopping for a small gift for her dad :thinking:


If they are building a life together then why be mad… and if you haven’t met her yet that’s on you… you should be wanting to meet the other women in your child’s life. Introduce yourself. Call her etc. what she did was amazing and she wanted that baby’s dad to feel special on his day!

Way to go girlfriend :raised_hands:t2:


I don’t think it’s something to be mad about

You are reaching…she was being nice.

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So your exes girlfriend bought him a present and you’re upset about that. Honey. You’re the red flag here. Sorry to say.


So your ex’s current girlfriend spent money on him so you don’t have to and you’re salty? :thinking:


Choose to co parent rather than fight and be irrational. Your kid is going to suffer otherwise and if you cause that then I feel bad for her


Totally wrong! If you didn’t assist your 5 year old to purchase, at the very minimum, a card then you are wrong twice. She deserves, and obviously enjoyed, the opportunity to acknowledge father’s day. You need to act like a grown a$$ed woman and be grateful that she cared enough to do this.


Are you mad he didn’t give you a Mother’s Day gift? Or really mad she purchased for him? Cause I buy the Father’s Day gift from all the kids but I don’t buy for his BM. This is so beyond petty it seems you’re more upset you didn’t get a gift and he did


I bet you would not have been mad if it was the other way around. If you had a boyfriend that took your daughter to get you a gift for mothers day, I guarantee you would have been excited. It’s the same thing, your daughter has someone in her life that wants to be with her and show her how to celebrate important days. At the end of the day, your daughter got her dad a gift for Father’s day. And it made a memory for your daughter.


Yes, you are totally wrong.


Wow. Kind of petty. My ex has a “friend” who has taken my kids out and bought birthday, Christmas and fathers day gifts for their Dad. She’s also taken them to buy birthday gifts for each other. And guess what? I take them shopping to buy her birthday and Christmas gifts. It’s called coparenting. There is nothing wrong with Dads GF stepping up. I’d personally prefer she took the child to help pick the gift so the child can say they got it. But that’s just me. :woman_shrugging:


And what did YOU get for your daughter to give? It’s HER dad regardless of your and his relationship.


I understand your emotions and they come from somewhere. It’s hard being divorced and having 2 different homes for your kids. I would look at it a different way. This girl that is around your daughter when your not there cares enough to take her to buy her dad something. Trust me if your child has to be around another women you want it to be one who is good to your kids. My boys will tell me stories of a girl who was around there dad after we split and she was not good to them at all. Luckily the woman he ended up marrying is amazing to them, loves them, and really tries with them. i would rather have that then an evil stepmom any day.


Are you kidding me?!

I think it’s nice that she did that. Your daughter had a good experience too giving her dad a gift and feeling good about it.


Let it go!!!
Don’t sweat the small stuff!!!

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YES totally wrong !!! It’s all about the child !!! Probably made her day to be able to give her father a gift on Father’s day . I help my bonus son make his mother gifts , because it’s not about her or I in the end it’s about him and setting the example :heart: An it really does make him feel good to be able to surprise her .


:woman_shrugging: well did you get him a gift for the child to take or card on her visit with him.?

It’s not about you or him it’s about the child in question and how she feels towards her dad and the fact she came to you after and told you speaks volumes on how she felt that she gave her dad something nice

Well done to the 3rd party stepping in when you both couldn’t put you’re own feelings aside for the the sake of the child involved


Wow really, his new girlfriend went out of her way to make sure your daughter had a gift to give her dad on Father’s Day. Get over yourself and be grateful your daughter has another good woman in her life and he isn’t dating some one that doesn’t care about her get over yourself


That’s was so awesome of her.


Really? Your being petty they got him a fathersday gift hell my husband and my daughter made her dad something out of resin epoxy bc no matter how we feel about each other it’s about the child and ur making it about you

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I think you’re over reacting. Quite frankly as long as she’s doing nothing harmful towards your daughter then I don’t see why you have reason to say anything and honestly what right do you have to complain. Honestly I feel like your just looking for something to fuss about.


Seriously?pick your battles and get over it. Being a jealous, petty baby mama isn’t gonna do you any favors.

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That is 1000% how it supposed to work, his life provides the fathers day celebration for him. I am not understanding your mad because he didn’t do Mothers day for you so he shouldn’t get fathers day from his GF. Just no.


you sound like the the human version of the word cringe.

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Sounds like she’s trying to be proactive as a gesture. Your next move should be reaching out and thanking her for the gesture. Then I would try to be open to get to know her since she’s in your child’s life. Personally I would be best friends with anyone that loved my child.


Did you happen to your child shopping to get a Dads Day gift ? I don’t see a problem with her making sure Dad has something from the child.

Trying to find what the issue is here…aside from you trying to make one.


Wow, pretty petty to be mad over, she was trying to be nice. I dont see an issue other than jealousy on your part. Get over yourself.

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It sounds like maybe you’re feeling hurt that someone else did something you would normally do with your daughter. Figuring out roles and sharing duties in divorce families can be tough and different especially if this is a first time. Just remember you can still do things that someone else does too without it taking away the fun between you and your daughter. Take her to get a gift too. Two gifts are better than one.


Sounds petty and the fact that HE never bought you gifts for mother’s day is what the real issue is here. I’ve been a step mom for 29 years (since he was a year old) and we normally had him for Christmas. I personally took him shopping for his mom AND his little brother he has with his mom. I did only Christmas because we lived in two different states and that was when we had him besides summer time but i did make sure he was able to buy things for them, it’s important to coparent and it’s a small gesture. She NEVER did anything for my husband after they split and it was totally fine with us, what she DID do was let us pick him up the day he got out of school for the summer and let us keep him for 2 1/2 months so there is always a silver lining somewhere


Why should he have to gift you something from you daughter? If your guys are together then yes I see the point, but your apart. His girlfriend now wants him to get a gift from Fathers day. She gets one she could have just handed it to him herself. She included your daughter which is the right thing to do since he is Dad because of her. Why are you upset? are you jealous of the new girl? That’s the only reason I can seem to get due to the fact Why you are eypset over it.


You should be grateful your daughter has the possibility of having a bonus mom that has a heart and YOUR daughters best interest in mind. And if not, our children are always watching and learning and you sure don’t want her thinking “YTA”!
I think it’s super sweet ex’s gf is involved with your child and by this behavior, you will have another great influence to be in your girls life ALONG with you which is what you should want. Teamwork, and if I were you I’d embrace this woman and become friends with her.
I mean, it could be worse and she could be toxic and full of drama and not want anything to do with your child and even leave her out.
This is by far a blessing to you even if you can’t see it right now Remember, if they stay together, this is about the family dynamic that your daughter will be the center of. Make it a positive and supportive one for her!


I think it is a teaching moment for your daughter.

Wow, that’s crazy! You sound a little jealous. What’s the big deal, it didn’t cost you anything? You need to move on .


I think what she did was not that big of a deal pretty much was child happy giving it to her dad if so thats what matters

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You sound like an insecure jealous petty ass baby mama. I’m sure your daughter was happy to give her dad something for Father’s day. Did you take her shopping to get something? No? Then why be mad or upset that someone else took the initiative? Be happy that your EX is with someone that treats your daughter good & does things with & for her. After all, shouldn’t it be about the child & her feelings anyway? Who your EX decides to have a relationship with isn’t your business or concern as long your child is being treated well. Maybe you should seek therapy to deal with your unresolved issues.

You are wrong sounds like you are jealous and need to get over it

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Be thankful that she thought enough of your daughter to get a gift to give her daddy… I can see your point but really I think you are more upset over the fact that he never gotten you anything

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Sounds like she just trying to right by your daughter. It sounds like you are jealous because he never did that for you. But it sounds like he didn’t gift himself :person_shrugging:.

I couldn’t imagine ever being mad someone is aiding me in teaching my children to be generous, thoughtful and kind. :upside_down_face:


Since you haven’t met her, it would rub me the wrong way. She could’ve given him a gift herself but to give to daughter to give. Sounds like you guys aren’t to that level yet.

I say let gf get him a gift

You guys are separated for a reason. Maybe he never did those things or thought of you and this is why you aren’t together now. Feeling this way is normal but if the gf is generally good to your daughter then I don’t think she meant it to upset you. Working through these feelings will be easier if you get to meet her I think

You should be doing that with your child even if you two don’t get along. The gift isn’t from you, the gift is from that child.


Huh? Seriously? Please just stop with this crap. He’s her dad and this has absolutely zero to do with you.


You are way out of line and acting very immature. I would be praising this woman for making such a sweet gesture and being so thoughtful. It sounds to me like you have some unresolved resentment you need to work through.

As far as not meeting her yet, have you attempted to reach out and meet her or are you waiting for somebody else to be the bigger person?


I actually had to read that a couple of times to make sure I understand the question. So your baby daddy s new lady friend bought a father’s Day present for your daughter to give to her dad & your problem is what exactly?? Try looking at it another way…
My friend once bought me a mother’s Day present for my son to gift me. Do you think his father should have any day in that?? When the shoe is on the other foot it just looks like childish nonsense so that’s my conclusion. Have a nice day :+1:


She did something nice your child. She was able to feel special and give her daddy something. Let it go.


If she has never done it before, maybe she has changed her life. I personally think it is okay for her to do it, she is the mother. (She is an ex-girlfriend for a reason, not that she wants him back) I’m sure it made her feel good by doing it. My children are 21 and 15. I’m not with their father. I’m married. Their father has never gift me for Mother’s Day or any holiday. If they did it now, all of a sudden, I would think it would be a good jester.

No it’s a gift from the daughter for her dad. Nothing to do with the ex

Ewe you sound like a bitter baby mama…. Smh
What goes on in his house has nothing to do with you whatsoever. Not even if it involves your daughter, unless she’s being harmed and clearly she’s not.
Smh The fact that she even cared enough about your daughter to do that for her she didn’t do it for her boyfriend she did it for your daughter. :roll_eyes: and if you’re not mature enough to see that clearly this woman so far sounds pretty nice, she definitely doesn’t sound like drama because the only thing you’ve ever seen is the back of her head. Meeting her is not your business. Just like it’s not his business who you date, if you want a really good coparenting relationship, you need to mind your own damn business. 

It has fk all to do with you :rofl: HCBM alert

No ur in the wrong here. It didn’t cost u a dime so why care? I take my step daughter to buy her mom a Mother’s Day gift. It’s not about us and our feelings.


What?! So he’s your ex… you’re not together… and his current girlfriend bought him a gift… and youre mad?! I’m confused…

This is ridiculous actually. You are not in a relationship anymore and if the gf or whomever decides to have your child celebrate father’s day with a gift from your child it’s totally acceptable. Hell my mother always took my son out shopping for a gift for mother’s day, Christmas and my birthday for me. She also took him out for a gift for his dad. That is not any different than what you are complaining about. Not your home not your place. Stay in your lane.


Please give us another petty post after Christmas when you find out your ex’s gf did the same thing for your daughter :joy::joy::joy::joy:


You should be thankful he has someone in his life that does these kind of things for your daughter……personally I still take my daughter shopping for all the holidays and she picks out gifts for her dad and his gf. We have made a tradition of it, she shops, I pay. It’s not for me or about me, it’s making my daughter happy and allowing her to freely love all the people in her life. None of this is reciprocated by her dad and guess what……who the hell cares. Remove the emotions out of it and think with logic. You are her example of how to be a good person and how to treat others……be thankful.


Maybe you exs girlfriend is more considerate than your ex?!

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You seriously have time to worry about who buys your ex s FD gift? Be grateful that his new girlfriend seems to be kind and acknowledges your daughter’s relationship with her dad, instead of some new chic that trys to push them apart.


Pretty sure it’s not wrong for anyone to give a gift to anyobe


Very wrong. Sounds like you’re jealous she didn’t undermine you at all she didn’t play mommy. She helped the Bond between your child and her father.


Your wrong, she was doing something nice for your daughter and your daughters father to get her father a Father’s Day gift from her. Has nothing to do with you.


Yes you should say something it should be thank you for thinking of my child enough to get her a gift to give to her father. He didn’t buy you a gift for mother’s day? Okay but you say you don’t buy to receive gifts back. Then why are you mad he didn’t buy you anything for mother’s day. My mother never in her life bought me or my sister anything to give to our dad. When we were little our bonus mom bought stuff even if it was small for us to give to him for father’s day. It made me genuinely happy that she thought of us and helped us with it. So yes you should say something but it shouldn’t be bitching it should be saying thank you for thinking of the kid you and your ex made. If you haven’t met her then try harder to meet her set up a time to meet her. But that doesn’t mean you get to throw a fit your ex got a father’s day gift that you didn’t buy. Also if your family buys you mother’s day presents for your child to give to you I don’t see how it’s different than this. (Your parents or the gf) both people love the person they are helping the child but a gift for. Y’all separated for a reason and I’m sorry to tell you but eventually this was going to happen because he’s allowed to move on and be happy. Now that he is his gf wants to help celebrate him for father’s day.

Forget about it… Don’t sweat the small stuff and the bigger deal you make out of it only effects your daughter! Leave it be!

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This doesn’t have anything to do with you. She was actually being good. Why would you be upset that she played nicely with her boyfriends daughter, and helped her get him a gift? Most people are lucky exes SO’s are civil to their kids, much less even acknowledge them. THIS is what you want to see.

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All of this is new to you mama and its a learning experience for you as well… its ok to feel how you feel, try finding out why you feel that way and how to work on it. For me personally I don’t see it as a problem, it’s a kind gesture.


Yes of course you should say something!! It would very so rude… to not say thank you for being an active positive role model for your child!!

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No, you should be quiet. It was his day. She’s his gf, you’re the bm, you’re not together. It was very sweet and kind of her to do that, your daughter probably enjoyed giving her daddy a gift too. Look past it, find something for your betterment to focus on. It’s probably stirring up old emotions for you. Maybe you still have feelings for him? Idk. Be nice, it didn’t work between you two allow him to have his happiness too, and you focus on yours so you can parent good together.

Honestly I have bought things to give to my bonus daughter to give to her mother . Only issue was is that the mother sent it back and told my bonus daughter to tell me to never give her anything again . It was hurtful so I never did it again . There is nothing wrong with doing that but a lot wrong with you having an issue with it .

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You’re deadass wrong and sound like a bitter babymama, or like you’re jealous? Why wouldn’t you just be grateful that he has a gf that treats your daughter so well?? It could be way worse. Gtfoh…


You petty and I get why she hasn’t met you. Grow up and apparently you only give to get back

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Meh. Worse could’ve happened. At least she is genuine with your daughter and her dad’s relationship… And at least her dad is active in her life. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Seriously? Jeesh :woman_facepalming:

You sound slightly petty. The fact that you brought up he didn’t get a mother’s day gift for your daughter to give to you, and immediately said I don’t give to receive, is a lie. You obviously were expecting something. The thing is, you’re no longer with him. The new girlfriend obviously thought of your daughter and your daughters father and thought to help your 5 yo in getting him a present on Father’s day!! That’s amazing. She’s accepting of your daughter, you should be grateful. You and the father are no longer together and it will never be about you two anymore. It’s ALWAYS going to be about your little girl. If she happy, she’s not hurting, and no one is hurting her. There is nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong about a new gf helping her step daughter to getting gifts for her dad.

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Wait… You got mad because your exes girlfriend got a present that your daughter could give to her dad? Seriously?
You cannot control what he does or who he sees. That is not your place. That was very sweet of her to do and all you can do is be petty? My exes wife buys presents all the time, including for me and I can honestly say I have never harbored any anger towards her. That is his life and it has nothing to do with me.


You have no business being mad. I’m confused where you think that you can choose What happens on your ex’s week. As long as your child isnt being hurt it really doesn’t affect you. Put your jealousy to the side and find someone you can be happy with instead of trying to control your ex’s life


You need to learn how to co parent with boundaries. You’re playing kid games in a grown situation. Is she good to your daughter? Does she acknowledge and accept the relationship your child and her father have? Yes. She did the right thing and she didn’t have to do that but she cared enough to do so. Be happy your daughter has someone that good in her life. This has absolutely nothing to do with you at all anyway. Learn to mind your own business while co parenting. Know your boundaries.


You are entitled to your feelings, but in this case I think its a little petty to be upset about this.

You are wrong for feeling this way. It really has nothing to do with you.


This is called good co parenting. You should be happy for it. Not upset or annoyed

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l get paid over $190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17975 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

The girlfriend sounds like a caring person that is trying to set a good example. Ex’s should always put the children first. Whatever issues the adults have with each other should never involve the kid’s.

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This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read on this page and that’s saying something lol

Smh. Stuff like this, is what makes it even harder, as father’s, too be able to have healthy relationships with our kids when we are in this situation. What is there possibly too be mad about?


SMH i do it for my spouse from his kids. Grow up. You should be happy that the gf did this…


Sweetie, 40 years ago I was that girlfriend. My now hubby had 2 girls from his first marriage and they were 5 and 7 when we first got together. When it was his time to have them I was the one who cooked, cleaned, basically was their care taker while he worked. (I worked eveni gs) If there was something that they wanted to get their daddy while we were out shopping I bought it and we wrapped it up nice and pretty for them and they gave it to him. It made THEM happy. It’s not about you and your feelings any more Sweetie. I’m sorry y’all aren’t together, but just let this go and let the girlfriend be . She isn’t doing anything wrong.


No it’s not your business unfortunately

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No need to change an on going pattern mutually shared, between you and your ex. Be thankful you still have a wonderful relationship with your daughter, that she shares information with you. Its a petty question, move forward and prosper.

It’s teaching your child to appreciate and acknowledge their father. All lessons in life don’t come from the bio parents.


Choose your battles wisely. Some things aren’t worth picking a fight over. This probably is one of those things.

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You’re being dramatic


Totally out of line yep, that’s little girl behavior on your part. You do what’s best for your kid not yourself.


It’s okay to be upset, but you’re going to have to let it go…

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Pick your battles. This isn’t your business. Move on.