Is it wrong to be mad over my rings?

But his mother bought her ring not him. He couldn’t afford it then and he can’t afford it now with multiple children. They have nice rings that aren’t real. That will not give u a rash. And they have payment plans. Best of luck! Find out the significance of the rings that he did buy for you

Why accept those rings in the first place ? Because it didn’t matter perhaps ? The husband meant more than cheaper rings…


Rings don’t make a marriage.on saying that I love mine .however if given a choice of which to keep I’d keep the plain gold band because of what it symbolises…the others engagement and eternity while lovely just don’t symbolise marriage in same way…take yours off and don’t put them back on of you don’t like them .we don’t need cheap or expensive jewels for marriage and you don’t need jealousy either…he didn’t even pay for the first…who takes mum ring shopping and lets her pay ? Just who?

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I get what you saying, I think its n0t about the materialistic factor it’s more of the thought that went into buying his ex a ring and then yours. You feel like he really wanted to make her feel special and then your over here with this, like not the same effort.

If you want a nice wedding ring you should have one !

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Divorce. He doesn’t care about you.


I would resize my grandmother’s and wear hers

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I can’t believe u posted this and still with him. If u don’t value yourself then he won’t.

Shame on you. Maybe its all he could afford at the time. Seriously think if they caused a rash you would of noticed not year after wearing thing. Sounds to me your just jealous of the last chic.
Shame on you petty over the cost of the ring. He married you had children with you. Your just being jealous and petty. Now he is married with kids. Its not all about you anymore. Grow up! The money now is going for you and his family. You know how many women would appreciate a $5 ring and a marriage with children. My hubby n i been together over 20 years married 14 of them. I didn’t get a ring. Not till about 5 yrs ago. Its not about the money. Mine got mine at a pawn shop as a surprise after 10 yrs of marriage. Because a home and things for my son was more important than a petty ass ring. Grow up just cuz your married dont entitled you to a expensive ring. Thats wasted money for your ego.

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Don’t wear the ring,
Maybe he has ring issues :woman_facepalming:t3: like not trust another woman with an expensive ring idk, … but it’s getting in the way,
Maybe do tattoos on the finger together , something different

If the problem is just the ring
Buy one of your own liking


My first engagement ring was a $10 one from walmart. My husband wasnt working at the time so thats all he could afford. Then he got me a beautiful one off of amazon. He didn’t realize it had nickle in it and i was allergic to the ring. My last set and i absolutely love it came from over stock. Its a 10k white gold ring not many diamonds and he paid about 300 for it. I didn’t care about the size or price. I love my husband with all my heart. We’ve been married 4 years and have babies together and just bought a home. It’s not the ring that makes a marriage. It’s the two thats married that do. I can understand wanting/needing a new set due to being allergic but not because of the size of a diamond or price.

I wouldn’t care if my hubby gave me a pebble and a rubber band. If he’s good to you who cares what jewelry you have. Show off your love not your bling.

Get a silicon band ring

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Leave him…life is too short to tolerate a single solitary ounce of anybody else’s bullsh*t….

Go buy the one you want. Eke out the money in your budget to pay for it

My engagement ring was all he could afford at the time…the diamond has fallen out 3 times and he has replaced it twice. It dosnt have 1 now because i wont let him replace it. We have been married 26years. His ex had a bigger more expensive ring…they didnt even make it down the isle. We have 6 beautiful children who are my whole life. I understand how you would feel second best and want a better or equal ring but you got him and his children. Wear your grandmothers ring if it is what makes you feel better but i think you a putting too much energy into your rings.

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Honestly it’s just a piece of jewelry but if it is that important than sit down with him and tell him how important it is to you and come to an agreement. You have to be straight forward with it instead of hints like you hate them. Just tell him, use your words.

Now why does the ex still wear wedding ring from a failed marriage?

Do you have a picture of your rings

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Maybe he’s not that into you and doesn’t want to invest. Or he’s cheap and his mom paid for the first wife’s ring. Hopefully he’s worth it in other ways.


Yeah no that’s not okay in my opinion

A ring means nothing compared to the person you’re with.


Id be pissed. Not over him buying a new set of rings but over the fact he said my grandmas rings didn’t have enough meaning… that offer alone has clearly got more meaning than anything he could put money on… :pleading_face::broken_heart:

Wow! Well, I would feel the same! The reason is because when you look at your ring, you want to be able to feel happy about it, like he loved you enough to take the time to make sure you would love it forever. I dont think its fair for other people to get to enjoy their beautiful ring, and here you sit with one that you dont love, while they tell you it shouldn’t be about the size and the value of the ring. I think you should have a better ring!

Girl I wear a $60 ring from Walmart and have gotten so many compliments on it lol the ring doesn’t matter, the relationship does.

It’s really not about the ring. I understand that you are hurting, but he didn’t buy his ex wife’s ring, his mother did.


i can’t believe y’all are backing this person :sob::raised_back_of_hand: who tf cares about a ring. i could have a fucking ring pop and be happy with it if i was in love with the person i was with. they should buy themselves a ring if they’re that concerned with it, but it comes off that the OP is into more material things rather than the actual foundation of the relationship to obsess over that

If you haven’t asked him to replace them then yeah your wrong. If you don’t like them you need to talk to him or how will he know.

If that was my partners attitude I wouldn’t buy them anything :woman_shrugging:


I’m not gonna lie when my husband and I first got married I didn’t have a ring. But now that it’s been almost 10 years I’m finally buying my own that I’m happy with. It’s not the biggest nor the most expensive but honestly I love it. The ring doesn’t honestly matter the love and honesty and trust is what matters. If your jealous then leave. If it is a problem to have a simple ring then your shallow.


I understand the frustration but this is one thing that will always bother you. If you are happy with this man you have to let it go. After all this time even if he does replace the ring you will still be upset he only did it after years of you being upset. You def deserve a ring you love. Take your gma up ok her offer. He doesn’t get to micro manage who gives you a gift. And if he has a issue with it not being special cuz it’s not from him- impolitely remind him his exes very expensive new ring was not from him either. At least this one is special cuz it’s been in the family and loved.

Rings mean nothing. Is he good to you? Loves his kids? Works? Cares about his family? Count your blessings. Things could be a ton worse.


Sounds like your just a greedy needy bitch I feel sorry for your husband :man_shrugging:t2:

I think you probably regret posting this now. Explain to your husband that you are going to stop wearing your rings due to medical reasons and leave the ball in his court.

Maybe he doesn’t care about the rings. Obviously he cared alot last time. And the marriage fell through anyway. May e this time he doesn’t give a crap about the ring.
Just take them off
You have kids your married, who cares.

He sees the sentiment in your rings because he picked it, his ex’s ring wasn’t his choice or purchase so you cannot blame him for that. It’s normal to have ring envy if it’s not your style and it’s ok to not wear them if you legitimately have reactions to the metal but I think you’re attacking him and not going about it the right way. Maybe ask if you can both save a little up and go pick a ring together as an upgrade that way you can try on and know you don’t have a reaction to it. Or ask to melt down and re design your current one or just keep the stones and make a new ring but at the end of the day it’s just jewellery, you have each other and children together you can’t put a value on that.


Maybe he doesn’t want to spend bulk money because last time he did it wasn’t worth it?

Definitely would be a issue for me and especially if she is still wearing hers…

Take grandmas rings. Use your rings for the resizing gold. Wonderful gift from grandma. She sure must love you


Go get your own and if he says anything then tell him how you feel honestly go look at Costco or sams club


It’s such a catch 20 20 and if we’re to be all 100% honest with ourselves (even if only in our minds), don’t we, as beautiful, strong women, kind of want it ALL.
If not, one else will say it. I will at 50 years old yes I want a big shiny :ring: because if nothing else, it’s pretty, and hell yes, I want the man and the kids as well :heart_eyes:.
Yes, that may make me selfish because I should be happy. Hell, I got the man & the kids. The ex just got a ring (I hope that keeps you warm at night), but as women raising future women, we teach them that we don’t have to settle; we can be and have whatever we want if we work at it. My daughter constantly not to spend money on unnecessary things, but I also tell her that she should never settle because she needs always to remember her worth. Men in general (real men anyway) still want to provide and be our heroes, so it could be why he is uncomfortable with you having your grandmother rings, they may have been cheaper, but to him, he still brought them. It was a gift from him to you money value, or skin issue is not computing in his brain (they are more simple). I brought you an engagement ring here it :heart:.
Sometimes with have to play with a man’s brain :brain: a little to get them to come our way with a small sacrifice on our side as well.
I’d do the whole hay, baby. I was thinking I was reading something the other day (which you were don’t lie, NEVER LIE) about how this woman was saying that when she and her husband had children, they added stones (Diamond whatever you like) to her wedding and engagement ring and each stone represent one of their children, I thought it was lovely because she said every time she looks at her hand it reminder her of how far she and her husband had come together not only as a couple but grown as a family.
End results you may not get a big fat diamond, but you could end up with a slightly altered ring with extra stones that you love, better quality gold (go through your jewellery box any old jewellery you do not wear add to it)

Im guessing his mother told you this are you sure your mother inlaw isnt just stirring the pot see how much you will tolerate if you know what i mean


The ring my husband asked me to marry him with is a gold ring with marquise cut diamonds… that he got from a pawn shop for 180 cause he didnt manage his money at the age of 20… its not exactly pretty or nice in any way but i wore it every day for 6 years. On our 5 year anniversary he got me a new ring. Much more expensive and i absolutely love it. Even tho i didnt really care for my old ring i still have it and i cherish it so much. I never looked at it and thought he got it cause he was being cheap. I see it as he got it cause he wanted to marry me and be with me. At first he was a little upset that i wanted an upgrade but when the time came an he realized how much i enjoyed wearing a ring that spoke more words than it cost. Well he got me my upgrade. A 1.2 carat asscher cut white gold ring.

It should never be about the ring(s). Those are material. It should be about the love y’all have for each other and share. You could tell him that y’all have been married now for x amount of years and would really like to get a new ring. You could even ask how he would feel if you went and purchased a new ring yourself. He may want to be included in picking out a new ring. But overall any ring can be a wedding ring doesn’t have to have a dollar amount or size :wink:

I’m stuck in the “if you can’t say anything nice…” realm.


This clearly isn’t about the ring itself.


He said no? I mean you kinda don’t need permission …


If it’s falling apart and you can’t wear it ask him to take it to be repaired then you can wear it again. Otherwise have him reset it into something that you like.

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I wonder how hurt he felt when he was told you hated them? If you feel cheap, that’s on you. Only you can set your value and it’s not by metal around your finger. Admit it - you’re jealous because your ring didn’t cost over $6,000.

Perhaps MIL hasn’t taken you ring shopping because of your attitude.

Jealousy and envy is what I hear amidst the whining.


Not ok. He needs to try harder or he should go back to his ex. Ugh, men are ridiculous nowadays.

Everyone saying the ring doesn’t matter, I disagree. The ring is an important symbol in a marriage and should be special. It’s understandable when a couple first starts out and they can’t afford a nice ring but most couples upgrade at some point. It doesn’t have to be an expensive ring but it should make you feel special and confident in your relationship. And it should never be a ring that was given to someone else. I stand with you girl, you deserve a better ring!

I would be mad too. It’s the principle… if you can’t wear the ring because it’s cheap and gives you a rash then he should have been got another one!!! He can make payments even! I wish a ex would be walking around with a fat diamond I got a rash on my hand,no! And honestly if he cares about how you FEEL he would do it because wtf. I’d honestly think he’s trying to let the ex know she was more important. I had two ex’s that treated their new girls poorly because they really just wanted to come Like what’s the real point here!

Doesnt sound like anything other then pure jealousy on your part. I’m sure hearing you say you hate the ring he gave you was an incredibly low blow. I wouldn’t help you have a new ring either. Maybe your attitude is why you don’t. Think long and hard and then do some apologizing to your husband.

Dude could atleast get you a ring that isn’t falling apart or you’re not allergic to… this is sad…


From my marriage with my ex husband my ring cost 50 bucks and I got married in a court house pregnant with my clothes on that I wore when my home burnt down (burned down two days before I got married) at that time I didn’t care and that was all we had. It had more meaning to me that way then how expensive it was. Over the years of our marriage I upgraded and the new ring didn’t mean as much.

Maybe he’s still paying on them :thinking:

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Obviously it’s not about how much the ring cost that signifies the relationship. If it did then he would still be married to his ex. She probably still wears them bc to her it was about the rings, too! Maybe that’s why they didnt work out. Try focusing on your relationship not on material things or else while you are trying to find a bigger and better ring…you’ll end up losing the important value here…your husband.

I feel like your missing the point of the wedding rings. They could be from a gumball machine and mean the exact same as the $6k set. Love is love and should not have a price tag. Just my opinion.

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You accepted the ring when he proposed so accept it now. Yes, get him to replace it because you’re breaking out in rashes but don’t make him feel like he isn’t enough! Cherish it! The ring grew with your family that’s why it’s so tarnishes :purple_heart:

Kinda petty Don’t compare the rings he bought you to his ex His mother bought those Maybe they break you out but I would have worn a cigar ban and been happy with it Mine and my husbands rings came as a set and only cost 345$ My moms wedding ban was made from a dime by her dad After all us kids were grown and married my dad bought her her first Christmas gift ( a gold wedding band ) we were poor They never bought each other gifts Most of ours were made She cried but she never asked for So get over yourself You marry for love - not for the size of a ring If you really want another ask him and quit comparing to ex Moma should have married her

A ring is a piece of jewelry that doesn’t guarantee a happy or successful marriage. If u r happily married then don’t worry about the ring. To me spending excessive money on a ring is a waste in fact I tell my husband he better not spend stupid money on one I’m completely happy with cubic & maybe sterling silver. I’d say pick your battles. Be happy he’s with u now & as u see that ring didn’t save his marriage.

Maybe if you didn’t act like a spoiled brat, he would upgrade your rings!!

My rings were gifts from family. We have plans to upgrade but at the time we just wanted to get married. We didn’t even have a big ceremony. We had cake and maybe 5 people. My great uncle married us. I’m currently pregnant w baby #2 and can’t wear my engagement ring bc my fingers swell at random times, and my wedding band is just a size bigger and sometimes almost falls off. Granted I don’t have a reaction from my rings. But I definitely think you’re not understanding his sentiment to the rings he picked out for you. But I also think he needs to take into consideration that you do have a reaction to them.

I bought my husbands ring and mine. Mine were 250 ish? The one he picked out for himself was 75. Mine doesn’t fit me as well as it did before but I’m not griping at him to replace it. He offered to when he can and I’m ok with that. My husband didn’t even propose. My husband never even bought me a ring, I was just happy to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him. Maybe try that?

Don’t let anyone make you feel materialistic or awful for wanting to be valued enough to be given quality jewellery (that you are expecting to wear for the rest of your life) that won’t cause skin reactions and break.
It is okay to want nice things. It’s not a character flaw.

I’m sick of women being told they should be grateful for the poor effort given to them. That you need to suck it up and deal with the discomfort and disappointment of skin reactions so you don’t hurt his feelings. No one would ask the same of a nam.


Rings means;nothing. Does he;love you? Loves his;kid’s?work?Cares about his family?Count your;blessings things can be worse.


Wooow you sound like a whiny ungrateful twat in my opinion :roll_eyes:

My husband’s ex got a 3,000 ring, she kept it when they divorced. I got a $200 one from JcPenny :woman_shrugging:t2: so what?! Their marriage lasted less than 5 years, we’re going into 18! Is JUST a ring. Maybe you can bring it up in a nice way instead of saying you hate them :woman_shrugging:t2:


Gosh. I almost feel like i want to answer privately or ill get ripped a new one. But i agree with you. Some men are just hard headed and i dont think you’re asking for too much. And you would think that if youve brought it up he would take the hint and surprise you with a new set for something special. But you shouldnt have to fish for validation. I know how that feels and the answers on this thread are a little insensitive. My husband makes 6 figures. We have been together for 15 years. 2 kids and 1 on the way. I hated the ring set he proposed to me with. The prongs stuck out alot and got caught on everything. I dont wear mine either. He also hates the ring i picked out for him for our wedding. Says it hurts his finger bc its too bulky. So we compromised and we are getting new rings soon. :blue_heart:

Look at it this way… The Ex has the Beautiful Ring and no Husband, you have the Husband and no Ring… which would you rather?


I guess from his view, he paid out that amount for a ring for it not to last. Maybe he didn’t want history to repeat. I also get that, that makes you feel cheap. Maybe don’t expect $6k but maybe go together to find one you like now that he knows it’s a solid relationship and then you won’t feel as cheap.

As long as he’s good to you. Get over it take your grandmother’s. That would mean more to me

Maybe there is more to it than rings…

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

I think that’s very materialistic personally. My ring was a fake ring $14.99 but I never would have asked for my husband to replace it. Just my opinion. She got the nice ring but you have the hubby.

Pick out a set you like and buy it.


You got the man, she got the ring. Who’s winning?


Maybe renew wedding vows and buy new rings for each other.


I mean it’s just a ring. It’s a material item. Personally it wouldn’t matter how much it cost or where it came from because it came from the man I love the most and he took the time to pick it out and choose. You can’t control what his ex does or doesn’t do with her ring. Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill.


Be happy with what you got. When he asked you to marry him with those rings you said yes. Now you see something better and you want it. You’re worried about the wrong thing. Material things don’t last, your covenant with your husband and Jesus are everlasting.


So you said the mother in law bought the ex’s ring. HE bought yours. That should mean more to you than the price of your ring vs hers.

He technically didn’t buy the first wife’s ring either. So, I don’t see the point. If it were me I would just go without a ring. If it means that much to you then buy your own. :blush:


Maybe he felt like he needed to buy her expensive rings because she was a materialistic person and he was naive, whereas with you it’s the meaning behind those rings he got for you.
I think your feelings are totally valid and if you’d like to upgrade them then have a heart to heart with him, but don’t let the fact she had a bigger ring hurt your feelings or manifest itself :heart:


It’s a materialistic thing. The cost of a ring doesn’t equal a good marriage. His ex rings were more expensive and the marriage failed. Concentrate on the MARRIAGE not the ring.


Mother-in-law paid for her ring so what’s the issue? He picked yours. Don’t be ungrateful. It’s the sentiment that should matter not the value.

So he didn’t spend anything on his exs rings because his mother picked and bought them and you arent happy shes not spending another 6k on yours? Get a grip.


This is not about the rings…


He has given you children, stayed with you, helps provide for you. She has a ring you have a man and children. If you have to nag for it what would it mean anyway? I wouldn’t want one if it didn’t come from the heart.


If the value of the ring means more to you than your marriage then maybe you shouldn’t be married at all


Take him to a jewelry store and pick out new rings together and let him know that it is just how its going to be.


Yes its wrong to be MAD about the ring, no its not wrong to feel you would like something better. However Your reading way too much in to the situation. You got the marriage, you got the family. A ring is a piece of metal, I can imagine your husband feels way worse about you refusing to wear your wedding ring than you do that you haven’t got an expensive one.


Ask the mother in law to get you a ring for Christmas! Your issue should be why his momma bought his ex their wedding band when that should have been his job. Does she like his ex more than you? If you want something extravagant you should ask his mom since she is the one who created this mess in the first place :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Wait, why does he get to tell the wife and HER grandmother that they can’t have her rings resized to wear? If she’s not wearing any rings at all right now anyway, what the hell difference does it make? I’d take my grandmothers and wear those if it made me feel better and if it upset my husband I would tell him this whole thing and tell him to replace them, until then, the grandmother’s rings stay. And if anyone says that’s being rude, she literally said the rings he gave her are broken and make her hands break out. Come on now…. For your wife and mother of your children? You can do better.

Hold out until he gets you the rings of your dream. It isn’t materialistic. It is symbolic! You need to be happy in your marriage. Does he like his ring? Easy fix


I mean i was happy when i got purposed to with a key ring! I mean you loved the ring enough to say yes! Also why compare yoursepf to the ex shes an ex for a reason!!!


I’m sorry but you sound ungrateful…why does it matter the cost of the ring isn’t the marriage more important?? You know how many women would like to be married right now and here you are complaining about a ring??? Smh


Throw those crap rings out and don’t wear anything or go out and buy yourself a decent set that doesn’t break out your skin. You would think he would want to at least do that for you.


So, she got a ring(that his mother bought) and you have the man. Only you know who got the best deal!

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6k ring marriage lasted less than a year.
200.00 ring marriage has lasted longer AND has children…you decide what’s better.


Whilst I empathise with your feelings of feeling second best, it’s not a nice feeling at all :pensive: i just want to share my perspective and this is coming from a good place… I think material things at the end of the day mean absolutely nothing… I guess, unless it’s all you have left of someone. I’ve recently lost my soul mate and baby daddy to suicide :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: I’d give anything to have him back!!! So to me I think you are very blessed :sparkling_heart: but in saying that, your feelings are very valid. It’s about perspective :pray:t3::sparkling_heart: