Is it wrong to be mad over my rings?

Rings dont make a relationship it’s what comes from within I got a wedding ring 33years after our ceremony and we have been together for 45 yrs look at what you have internally not the external


Mine was £40 I don’t mind


My fiancé bought me a $50 from Walmart, his exes was around $4000…yeh it hurts but I was so upset when he died I put it in a box and I’ll be able to sell it for shit. I guarantee I still have mine…my daughters dad sold my first crack lmao it’s Just rings at the end of the day…

I have cheap rings too and I don’t really like mine either. I love my husband though and I the time we didn’t have alot of money to buy expensive rings but he used the little extra money we had to get those rings and that meant so much to me. At the end of the day you have the man you love and that is all that matters. One day you will get rings that you love.

maybe you can get
yourself a new set.


Having children changes the financial dynamics. Not to mention im not stopping anyone from getting thier dream ring when I’m not the one paying. Maybe instead of dropping hints come right out and communicate or resentment will build. Can also focus on your relationship with your MIL instead of her and the exs if you’re feeling resentment towards her about it, comparing will only hurt your own feelings. You’d be surprised how our own resentment prevents us from moving forward.

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I understand why you feel the way you do but dont you think you are being unfair keeping your eyes on the ex’s fingers? The mother in law bought those rings and not him and I’m sure any man will be happier to see his woman wear the ring that he picked up for her than the one his mum paid for? It wasn’t even an inheritance ring. It doesn’t matter that she was only with him for two seconds. She is already counted as a once married, divorced lady and you have the husband and the kids. I’m sure if you ask her, she will swap the rings with you while she keeps the man and the children. You have everything that you need but you focusing on the wrong things. Try and talk to your husband about it.

Some folks can’t appreciate effort


I wouldn’t get too hung up on it, she’s an ex for a reason and what you have with him now is more valuable than any ring, so there’s no need to compare your situations. But at the same time I get why you’re pissed :rofl::rofl::rofl: at the end of the day, you have to wear it and look at it every day. I think it’s important that you actually like the ring as well as what it symbolises. Talk to him about it and see if you can go shopping together to get one you like? But the price should be irrelevant, as long as you like it


Cost of the ring don’t matter when you or him are on your death bed and want more time with each other. Think like that and the material object won’t mean a thing. :point_up:t4:


Go pick your own set and buy it. And you are jealous that his mother proposed to another woman? Why would the man not buy the ring? Ummm… I think you are looking at the greener FAKE grass. Get the hose out and start watering!


Get a heated soldering iron and run it around your ring finger…… you’ll then have something to show off to everybody.


$200 for a ring… It can’t be THAT awful. Get over your issue with physical possessions.

Does that not tell you all you need to know? She had the 6k ring and was married to him for less then a year… You got the cheaper ring and have been married and with kids for however long. So who’s the real winner? My Fiancé first proposed to me with a £40 ring as that was all he could afford … It was the best moment of my life (except my children being born of course) and I wore it with absolute pride. I now have a more expensive ring which is probably what you would class as cheap too but I honeslty don’t care about how much it costs its what it symbolizes thats what counts :heart:


Lol my man spent 100 and I love my rings :woman_shrugging:t3:

Rings don’t validate anything she got the nicer ring but did he pay for it out of his pocket no the mother-in-law did as you stated. So who’s to say if he did buy her ring it would be better than urs? besides you didn’t get the ring u wanted but y’all are still together and have more than the lady with the nice ring all she got now is a material memory
Be happy love but u can always renew and tell him exactly what u want

My husband and I were previously engaged. He broke it off. I gave him back my engagement ring. We reunited and got married. He hasn’t bought me a new wedding set. I mention it frequently. I’ve kind of come to terms with he’s not going to buy me a new one and if it was so important to me I shouldn’t have married without it. I plan to buy myself a new set eventually


Wow :no_mouth: I’m sorry you sound really ungrateful. I beg my boyfriend not to spend over $200 on a ring all the time because that’s not what symbols our love !

Everyone who is saying she sounds ungrateful needs to take a step back. Rings are a symbol of your unity. If they are something she dislikes or breaks out her skin, her husband should gladly replace them. Allowing her to wear them is being ungrateful for her. She wants to be proud of her rings which makes her proud of her marriage. The ex who is still wearing her rings needs counseling.


I understand how you feel, because it is really not about the rings at all but the worth, especially about your mother in law. BUT if he bought your rings instead of her buying then, no matter the cost, that shows his commitment to YOU. Let him know you would love an upgrade and to renew your vows at a milestone (we are doing 25 years) and appreciate the journey between you and your husband.

Take his card and go buy some new ones. I upgraded my engagement ring. I made my husband get on his knees with my son (same way he did when he asked me) and ask again with the new ring.

Just look at him and say “We are going wedding ring shopping! It’s time for me to have a nice one!!!” and go pick out a beautiful ring you love!!:ring:


Is it really about a ring?


Everyone’s relationship is different explain to him that money doesn’t matter it’s the thought that counts but also just be honest and tell him exactly how you feel get his perspective and work on a resolution that makes you both happy.

Rings are pagan anyways…


Yeah that would be a deal breaker! I don’t ware mine because of my job rings are symbols and you have no symbol

Ask for them as a gift for Christmas/anniversary/etc. from him. I assume you guys probably buy each other gifts

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Maybe he learned his lesson from the last time he blew big bucks.
Not being mean but…


Buy your own ring that you like. I finally got the one I love after 10 years of marriage. Hell we started out with a $30 set :grin:


You should definitely have something that doesn’t harm your skin. Perhaps you two can compromise on a rung you both agree on. No, it isn’t materialistic. It’s not like a car or anything else. A wedding ring is an important symbol.


Her feelings are honestly valid. Her rings are cheaply made and are making her skin break out. Her grandmother offered to give the op her ring set and just get them resized to fit and her husband said no to that. He felt like op’s grandmother’s set wouldn’t have as much meaning because HE didn’t buy them.
If they are far enough into their relationship that they have children and she has married him and stuck by his side, the very least he can do is get her a ring that she loves and won’t break down her skin.
Men take care of things that they value. Have you seen the effort that they put into a car or a gaming system that they love? Latest and most expensive upgrades. A woman that he loves should be the exact same way.


I think the fact that he chose u to have his children with is more valuable than a ring. If u love him the ring shouldnt matter


Wow. Just reading this I can kind of understand why


Buy it yourself so many years together does it matter if he spend or you spend?, it’s like buying clothes, does he buy your clothes? Get it or get over it!!!


I bought my own that I liked.

I’m sorry but if I tell my husband something is bothering me and he has the means to fix and chooses not to THEN WE HAVE A PROBLEM :joy: it may sound small but it needs to be addressed.

Suggest an eternity ring :ring: I think the symbolism is much nicer anyway! Tell him how the rings make u break out in rashes and your not entirely happy with them and that for an anniversary present a beautiful eternity ring (that you’ve seen! - give exact coordinates & even save the ring under your name at the jewellers!) would be much more meaningful and tasteful & show your importance after children and marriage and long commitment! X


Spend his money and buy a ring.

Its not the ring that was important to me but the man was. Our rings were titanium and engraved with forever love. Cost us just $120 FOR THE SET but we didn’t care. My husband died unexpectedly to a pulmonary embolism one year ago as of tomorrow. Be thankful for a happy marriage and a happy life. Ours was cut short after just 3 years 2 months and 8 days. A ring is just a symbol, it’s materialistic the love is what matters. If you need something other than the man and a good marriage to “be proud of” then that’s a problem.

My ring was less than $100 from Walmart.
10k gold with an Opal center piece… I’d post a picture but I don’t know how after this update…

Doesn’t matter how much the ring cost. It matters how much the heart was in it.

However, it’s your ring. Get an upgrade. I wouldn’t be jealous though… mom in law is out 6k and your the one that got him so…

Wow. Sounds like he picked a real winner :roll_eyes: clearly it IS about the fact you think hers is nicer. You also made it a point to mention your mother in law and how she paid for the ex wife’s ring. Maybe there’s more to this story than we’re getting. Go get your own ring then.

Yes, you should be pissed, I have been married to my husband for 10 years, we are in our 40s, we don’t have children together, but we have 3 boys together around the same ages, and he gave me my wedding band on our 5 year wedding anniversary, and my engagement ring on our 10 year anniversary, I am walking around with diamonds all over my finger, because he listened to what kind of ring and stone I wanted.
If one of our grandparents were still alive and offered their wedding set, we would have taken it, that’s an awesome story, and a family heirloom, that’s just stupid that he said no.
It doesn’t matter that you have children with him. You want your ring. You deserve YOUR RING

Girl go get new rings!
This is a very common occurrence. Don’t let people tell you you are ungrateful or unappreciative. The one thing I will say is COST DOESN’T MATTER. Having something that you like matters. Having something you are proud to say your husband gave you, matters.
Tell him for your next anniversary or special occasion you want to upgrade your wedding set, or that you want to have something different for the occasion.

If he really won’t get you a new wedding set, buy one yourself. Wish app has a bunch of beautiful sterling silver ones that you can pick from just to change up your look from time to time. Wear something that you like.


I once received a ring, from someone l really loved at the time…the ring was a cheap one, but at the time he couldn’t afford better. Without telling him…l took it in and had it covered in silver, at the jewelry shop , which preserved the ring …and didn’t change color over time. Fifty years later it is still beautiful…he never knew, he has passed away now, but it is my keepsake of a wonderful period of time in my life. Maybe just have it re-silvered to preserve it, and forget the period of his life before he met you…jealousy of any kind can ruin a relationship too fast, just not worth it. This man is with YOU…because you are his choice…don’t let objects ruin it for you …:pray::pray:

It shouldn’t be about how much they are worth!


I think jewelry as a symbol of that persons love and commitment is a silly petty notion. What kind of partner is he, what kind of father, do his daily actions show his love for you? Focus on appreciating THAT aspect of your life that the other woman doesn’t have. Then be a grown up and invest what you would in a ring into your LIFE. Make memories not accusations based on a material object. Jealousy over an ex isn’t cute.

I would be pissed too


The issue is way deeper


I took my ring off cos it pissed me off in general :joy:

You sound very materialistic… damn if this isn’t first world problems like


So…You want a ring not a marriage? Hmmm


Should be happy that you got a ring no harm sounds so jealous !


Shouldnt damn matter what the rings cost GEEEEZZZZ did yu marry for materialistic stuff & his money SOUNDS LIKE YA DID :woman_facepalming:t2:

Your husband sucks. He has money to get you something nice and he just doesn’t want to do it?? You should’ve said something before you got married and had kids with him. I would’ve never accepted that. And to top it off, his mother seems to have really liked the ex but you, not so much. It’s too late to do anything now though.

If he can’t understand the symbolism in this, then he’s a complete doofus
& All these comments. Like she probably hasn’t already told him & explained to him how it makes her feel! How many times does she need to explain it? The point is, she HAS told him, over & over, & he just dismisses her feelings. If he really cared, then he would get something to make her happy. If your spouse doesn’t give a crap about your feelings, then why even bother having one?


Honestly, you’re mad about a ring his mother bought her. Think about it, your husband didn’t buy it for her, but he did however, buy yours.
Nothing wrong with suggesting a new one for your anniversary present.
You just gotta go about thinking things through differently.


So theres one line that stood out to me “he said no because it doesn’t have as much meaning because he didn’t buy them” - well technically he didnt buy the last ring either - his mom did. Mull on that one for a min and while you do lets get the fact that your feelings are valid out of the way - if it bothers you then it bothers you and thats ok - but that means that theres a problem so here’s my solution - talk about how it makes you feel and let him know that this is something you really want. Try to be open and give opportunity for responses. He could be feeling some hesitancy spending that kind of money ($6,000.00) on a ring so if you’re ok with the ring not costing as much as what was spent on the ex’s ring then tell him that (shop the deals/sales). The goal here is coming to a compromise with one another which ultimately allows you to upgrade from the ring you currently have and he’ll feel good about it too by not spending a fortune on it, a win - win for both of yall. Just a word of caution here as i dont personally know yall or your situation but… the ex still wearing her ring (you’ve been married for longer than you can count on 1 hand [6- 8 years maybe]) and shes STILL WEARING IT? That is a HUGE red flag and id start paying attention to that. You have 2 options here: 1. Hes still secretly involved (how do you know she still wears it btw) or 2. Shes not all there - the reason why im even mentioning this is because of his hesitation on buying you another ring… He could be hesitant because of money in general (which tbh from the sounds of it - hes doing just fine financially) or hesitant because hes screwing around on you. You’d be surprised how men express their guilt or in this case try to hide it. If all else fails and no compromise can be reached then 1. Go out without him and buy one to your satisfaction (which WILL piss him off btw) or 2. Dont wear one at all. Which ik sucks to hear but honestly by that point id be pissed as hell if i were you and would really start questioning why getting another ring together is such a big issue. Nobody should have to feel stuck wearing a ring thats turning ones finger green and causing allergic reactions all for the name of love. The love should be there with or without a ring.

I would save my money and buy my own. When complements come my way I would be sure to say I got them myself. Seems like they don’t care for you the same way. Sorry, to say that.

  1. YOU are his wife not her. Therefore, there’s no way you can be second best. That doesn’t make sense.

  2. Girl, put your foot down and go get you a better ring. I don’t care what any of these people are saying. :rofl:


But you have his children and she doesn’t… I would rather show off the kiddos then a sparkling diamond.


I feel like this is crazy, If I love the mad id be happy with a haribo ring. Like someone said further up he has kids with you that’s a bigger commitment then any ring. It’s not about the price of the ring it should be about the love. Its not a competition between you and his ex


You got the man, the kids and the years, but yet a ring is more important?


I had no skin problems, however I just took them off for just plain comfort! I cook, clean, groom dogs and they were just getting dirty all of the time. So now they’re beautiful preserved in a special box! You’s be surprised with the germs that can hide in rings. MY husband understands and I’m not trying to impress anyone!

You’ve said nothing about your relationship. Are you happy with your husband? Is the relationship working? If so, stop wearing the rings and let him know why. You’re so focused on what he gave someone else…but he is with you. If you want a different ring, go buy one. The ring is nothing but a symbol, the relationship is the thing of actual worth.


Materialistic comes to mind


Wow sounds like a spoiled jealous brat too me.
It’s not the size of the ring or how big the wedding is/was what matters is the love HE has foryou. .


I’d go and by myself and decent ring …sod him. .


I hate these post :laughing: that don’t give you enough information! If he treats you like a queen then you already got the gold :wink: that’s more important then a fleeting piece of bling.


I can understand how you feel. First of all you should have not been told about the ex ring. Just ask your husband if you and he can go pick out a ring for you. Pay it out if needed.


100% jealousy. if you hated the ring, you shouldn’t have said yes.


The ring give her a terrible rash ladies would you wear that shit if it made your hands break out? It’s not so much about the ring it’s the gesture. She want to feel special


Yours is more special because he picked it out himself, his ex picked her own ring so your the winner here hunni, but if it’s really upsetting you, can you suggest going ring shopping together and get one you both like?

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I don’t get the expensive ring thing but for less than $200 you should have gotten a gold wedding band or silver at the least so as not to breakout your fingers. Honestly if the price matters that much I fear for your future, family and relationship


No…you deserve a nice ring,I think it’s pretty F…ked.up if he doesn’t care to make you happy…its not spoiled or selfish it’s your marriage your life your gonna spend WITH Mr you don’t need A nice rock…He must not care…


Me sitting here with my 50 dollar ring, happier than a kid at disney​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: hun you got the man, the family and him in your bed every night. You can be jealous of what she had, but you don’t know the relationship. They lasted less than a year married which shows quite volumes when you look at it that way. If you really feel that way about a ring, go out and get an expensive one​:woman_shrugging: like I told my husband "it isn’t the price of the ring, it’s the fact that it made you think of me and that you want me enough to put a ring on my finger.":smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Marriage is not about the rings…… if you don’t like them buy yourself one that more suits what you think you should have. My husband could have gotten mine from a bubble gum machine and I would be tickled!

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This guy let his mother buy the former wife’s wedding rings that were supposed to be from him ? Ok.
Honey, that alone says a lot if your paying attention. He bought you what he could afford. His mother bought the former wife what SHE could afford (so it seems). See the difference?

Try to see those rings you have in a different light. Remember…he bought what he could afford with his heart and love…you’ve got it all…him…the kids…the years…life w/him and your children. Your value to him is not tied up in the cost of the rings or their looks. It seems as if you’re not valuing yourself enough. Don’t let yourself devalue you over a set of rings.

Remember this too….you can always upgrade your rings to something else on your next BIG anniversary. That gives you time to think about how you feel and to browse rings while you work these feelings out that you have. Best wishes and much love to you. :heart:


Umm… You sound very jealous… Seems like there is more to this story… Maybe the rings aren’t the issue? Idk I could be wrong but seems like more of a problem than just that? The ex is still wearing her set of wedding rings? That’s weird especially after how many years? Umm :thinking: Second it sounds like you don’t get along with the mother in law, possibly an issue? Soo either there is much more going on Orrr… maybe he learned his lesson with that last one and doesn’t value things the same… maybe he feels fancy wedding rings are not needed, not what’s important? That your actual relationship is more important than trivial things such as this? Only person that can answer these questions is him…

My hubby got my rings at a pawn shop cuz 1. We couldn’t financially afford brand new ones and he really wanted to get me a ring before we got married. 2. Even tho financially we are in a better place, he hasn’t bought new ones because I don’t need a ring to show me how much he loves me. I do understand where she’s coming from, like she feels that maybe she’s second best since the MIL bought the ex her ring and hers is “cheapy”. But you should see the bigger picture. You got the man, the years, and the kids. And he bought the ring for you. The ex has a ring from an EX.
But if the ring is making you rash out, there are plenty of sites that offer beautiful rings that look like they are worth thousands of dollars and they are under 100$. I know you mentioned money is better now but if you just wanna get something, there are some sites you can look at so that you at least have a beautiful ring you love until he gets one for you that you love that’s from him.

Maybe he learned his lesson, spending lots of money on a ring and the marriage went to shit. Maybe he sees it as you both are happy and he didnt think you would be the type to need expensive jewelry. Maybe mention to him that you would like to go together and pick out a new set. But trying to set your standards on what was purchased for the ex is pretty low life in my opinion. And its not easy to take your side or his by not seeing the ring. A cheaper ring doesn’t always mean ugly, to me the expensive stuff is ugly.

I think you should get to upgrade your rings. Doesn’t have to be $6000 worth to be nice. Perhaps if you have an anniversary coming up, you can plan together to buy the new one’s.
Part of the solution is changing the way you are thinking and communicating to him about it.
Leave the ex and her rings totally out of it.
Explain to him these rings are hurting your finger, and that you would like to go together to upgrade them to nice gold (or your preference of metal). Do shop around and make your selection in advance, to make it easier and less stressful when you go together to buy.


Ring can’t buy happines!If you are not happy,you just looking for exuses to blame guy?


The ex is still wearing her wedding rings? How long have they been divorced for? I wouldn’t wear crap that made me break out either! My hubby and I started out with a 100.00 ring. Still have it. And love it. After 10 years we upgraded it. Love that one as well. You deserve better. You are the one wearing it. Go upgrade it and use the stone/ stones from the original in your new one!

Before I got married my boyfriend gave me a ring which could be found in every other fancy store, He put in so much detail to our wedding ring and today as my husband Sabil Siddique has got me the most expensive and beautiful rings. But you know what matters to me most? The very first ring he gave me, I wear it EVERYDAY and NEVER take it off (currently I got some dry skin so had to take it off and waiting till my husband puts it back on my finger) BECAUSE it is much more valuable than the rings that he has ever got me! So I think you shouldn’t be petty over materialistic things, it’s how much your relationship and the love you two share that adds value to it! What means more to you? Is it your wedding ring or the love you two shared from the day you wore the ring?

P.S: I’m happy and proud of it everyday!

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Is he a good husband though?


Wether the ring is 50p or 50k it still represents the same vows and meaning


Husband didnt buy the ex her ring…mommy did
You’ve got that


Jealous that you wasn’t the 1st wife comes to mind

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What happened between him and his ex should have absolutely nothing to do with you and him. You said in your post that his mom is the on that bought it for her not him…you have his kids. Having his kids should be more important than having a more expensive ring. Back then he didn’t have kids to which changes finances alot. When you have kids it changes your priorities on things. If he liked his ex more hed still be with her, but he’s not, he’s with you and that’s what should matter the most.


His mom bought the ring for his ex? But he picked out and bought the ring for you? To me, that speaks volume. Maybe try shifting your focus from the cost to the thought and effort. If you quit complaining about it and focus your energy on your marriage, he might surprise you one day with a new ring.


It’s not jealousy I feel you . But don’t worry much about the ring it’s your children first priority .


If hes a good and faithful husband and father that means alot . Alot of women would give anything for that. If you want a better ring go shopping and buy you one. Problem solved . But like people have said he didn’t buy her ring his mom did.


Go buy a ring n wear…


Take him ring shopping and get what you want. But don’t break the bank. Who cares what the ex has!


Is this the same person that her husband didn’t trust her, but trusted his first wife?

How do you know the ex is still wearing them? Geez woman, you have children that you both created together. That’s more than she’ll possibly ever have with him. Your grandmother offered her rings cz you are probably busy being miserable about it to her. Poor Grandma. Maybe the rings or any marital rings of high value never meant anything to your husband and that’s probably a reason why his mother paid for the first wife’s rings. Don’t expect her to pay for yours. If she has pictures of the rings then that’s her business, not yours. If you want new rings so badly then take out a credit card to a certain jeweler and make payments your family could afford but don’t put yourselves in debt just to spite her. If his mother was going out to lunch with your husbands ex monthly then I could understand you having something to be mad about.


My engagement ring is 13 pound and tarnishing , it’s when Mt husband could afford , my wedding ring was about 200 and is paladium in the sale , why would you even want a ring that costs thousands , how rediculous, you can buy a decent car for that ! He chose you and picked the ring himself !

Obviously, the rings he picked out for you mean something to him. He said it…he picked them out for you. He should, however, care that they are giving you a rash. The rest…the ex, her rings, is unimportant. We have no control over what other’s choose to do. You and your husband can’t tell her what to do with her rings.


Trust me I just lost a best friend and a son in less than 3 months so trust me when I say at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what matters is the love you share


6k on a ring is a waste especially wen u have children I wouldn’t want my partner wasting that much on a ring it’s matieralistic and means nothing he clearly loves you because he married you and you’ve stayed together also the mother in law bought the ex’s ring is it the fact the rings irritate you ? If so if he bought you another ring that was £300 that didn’t irritate would that make u happy so is it about the money ?