Is it wrong to drink around your kids?

Nope! Your MIL needs to not worry especially if your husband is also there. If you guys aren’t getting drunk or buzzed and the kids are heading off to bed, there is nothing to worry about. Tell her to mind her own damn business!

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Your house, your rules. There is alcohol use and alcohol abuse… it’s not the same thing. I have a glass before bed, I’m still a functional adult.


Honestly my whole family drank around us since i can remember they had parties they got drunk but their was always at least 1 adult sober (normally my dad) then the older kida would watch the you ger ones. As long as your children are taken care of and they understand thst you domt do it all the time and when yoy do its for special occasions (birthday parties cook outs holidays stuff like that) then your good. Dont listen to anyone 3lse. I am now almoat 20 years old and my parents let me have alcohal when im at home around them and it has made it to where i honeatly dont want to go out with my friends and drink id much rather stay home and be able to relax just do it in a responsible way


I think it’s okay to have a drink or two just not to get shitfaced and make bad decisions around them.

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I’m not big on drinking around my kids or other peoples kids, but I grew up never seeing my parents drink. I was 16 the first time I actually seen my dad drink and that was after my big brother died. My oldest was 12 when she seen me take a drink of her dads beer and her jaw hit the floor :joy: but I’m not going to judge others who can drink responsibly around children. It’s the ones who get stupid that are the problem. Mil ought to respect the fact it was your home; and props to your husband for standing up for you in your home!


Wow. Makes me thankful my MIL would be there drinking with me! :heart:


Tell your mil to mind her own business.


Your home you.can do.whatever you want


I’m not one to judge another mother ever. Personally, I don’t drink around my kids but tbh I wish I could have a drink or two some days. My reasoning for this is I have three boys and two have needed to be rushed to the hospital out of the blue for things like a broken arm, one stuck his finger in the vacuum and burned off all the skin, one has fallen down the cement stairs knocking out teeth, just things like that and I refuse to drive anywhere with them if there’s the slightest chance I could be even slightly impaired. I also was a single mom for a majority of it so I didn’t have a significant other to help if anything did happen like that to drive instead of me so our circumstances are a bit different. I hate pushy mother in laws and that’s probably why I was a single mama for so long. Lol now that mentality is etched in my head and it’s been a thing where I’ve rushed my current boyfriend to the hospital instead of the kids lol so that’s my reasoning but I’m extra. Lol


The issue here is that she disrespected you in your home. The thing that is not ok for your kids to see is their grandmother acting a fool and screaming at their mother.

You are not wrong for having a drink or 2 around your kids. In my experience kids that see their parents responsibly drink are less likely to over do it themselves later. Keep doing you girl. Don’t let that woman’s insanity get to you.


She needs to go and stay gone


I’m divorced. I either don’t drink or keep it to a glass when they’re here. When they’re with their dad then yes I can have a bit more and get tipsy because I know the kids are in responsible hands. Otherwise I couldn’t either. But as far as having anybody come into your house and set out rules for you? That’s unacceptable. Whether it be your mil or anyone for that matter. You’re a grown up.


i see no issue with it. my mom liked to have a glass or two of wine in the evening and it was just??? idk??? a thing??? we knew it wasn’t for us and knew it was alcohol but it was unremarkable. i also remember her ordering margaritas at mexican restaurants and shit. it was whatever. my parents even got drunk in front of us a time or two when we were older and it was just funny. neither of them are mean drunks and we were teenagers so we didn’t need them to be super attentive.

i think exposing your kids to alcohol in a safe environment is better than making it seem off-limits (and by extension more appealing earlier on).


Personally I don’t drink, but your mil needs to mind her own business. As long as your children are safe and being taken care of, you deserve a drink! :heart: don’t let her get to you momma


I have me a glass or two

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Wait, so having quarantinies with the kids this last 13 months while lockdown is frowned upon?

Ah well, I’m going to hell. Who’s coming with me?


I mean, my three year old will grab my drink and ask me does it have alcohol in it before she drinks it so…


She is probably damaged by an alcoholic in their family which may be why she reacted like that…

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It’s your home and your kids so that’s your choice. We personally don’t drink when we have our girls. (8 months old twins) We said we wouldn’t before we had them and we’re sticking to it. We rarely get a break, but that’s when we do.

She already had her turn to raise her kids the way she wanted. Now she needs to mind the business that pays her because your business is not it. As long as you aren’t causing harm to those kids, she needs to stay out of it. I certainly have a glass of wine here and there. My kids understand that it is for adults only. They are 6 and 11. They have never seen me drunk, but they have seen me have a glass of wine with dinner. I don’t see the harm.


A few yes. I don’t drink. Kids and grandkids never saw me drunk. If you act up while drinking. Yes

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No one has the right to tell you what to do in your home and around your kids! If anyone ever tried to tell me what I should or shouldn’t be doing around my kids, I’d kick them out! And they’d be removed from my kids lives until they can act appropriately.

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When I was a kid Friday night and Saturday night use to be shandie night half a cup of beer filled with lemonade. I was as young as 6 and I didn’t grow up an alcoholic. So I’m sure your glass or 2 of alcohol in front of your kids is not going to affect them.

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By the time my twins were 3 they new the difference between high octane, beer and wine… :woman_shrugging: They are 9 now and still don’t drink, :rofl: JK they are very well adapted kids… Enjoy, you’ve earned it!!

It’s fine. I definitely wouldn’t be getting drunk and you said you’re not. So I can’t see a problem! Probably not every single night either though cos that’s not v healthy! I think they recommend Max14 units a week or something?!

:joy::joy::joy::joy: do you know how many parents drink infront of their kids?
A LOT!!!
If you’re not acting like a fool or doing anything irresponsible… There is no issue! Your MIL had no right to say anything🤷

Have a drink or two, who cares what she says … if you aren’t getting drunk every night go for it.

Man in her eyes i must be the most fucked up mom there is bc i be getting drunk at home whether my kids are up or not🤷🏼‍♀️


We had margaritas at my daughter’s 3rd birthday party :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:

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Hell NO your house your rules PERIOD!!!

A drink or two is fine while your kids are awake still. I wouldn’t drink more than that while caring for them- impo. Your husband is there too, tho, and everyone is safe at home, so, YES, your MIL was out of line! She should have went home and enjoyed a drink herself instead of raining on your parade!

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I never really did when they were young. My youngest is 19 oldest almost 30. I still never do. But when they are small, my fear was something happening and I’d have to drive.


Have your drinks momma! As long as your being responsible and have it out of your kids reach I dont see a problem with it! Your mother in law has no right! Also kudos for your husband for having your back!


Does she not go to cook outs?? Or go camping?? Your an adult and should know how much your able to drink before ur unable to parent… I drink around my kids all the time and when I’m at my moms we all grill out and drink. Its not a bad thing unless you can’t do the mom stuff. They’re not her kids and its not her life. She might have a problem with drinking, but it has nothing to do with you and please dont get down about it


Who cares! Tell her to not come over anymore unless she lets you know she is stopping by!! It’s probably ok for her son to drink but not you :woman_facepalming:t3:

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She sounds like SHE needs a drink! #SitDownMIL


Your husband did the right thing it’s non of her business tell her she can die mad

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Ope guess we’re bad parents. Our 4 year old knows how to identify fireball and likes taking shots (of root beer of course)


Along as your not getting so drunk that you can’t care for them then there’s no problem with that. And cudos to you hubby for standing up for you


No f way!! As long as your kids are good is up to you what goes on under YOUR roof :fist:

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I don’t drink because I have kids very very sparingly all have one drink and that’s it like once a year maybe two I’m so scared something will happen and I won’t be able to drive ect that I just don’t even after bed kids get sick in the middle of the night we have mad emergency room trips with no warning signs before bed I just can’t do it that being said I have nine sister all of which don’t mind having a drink after the kids go to bed and or when we have a family function everyone will have one drink I honestly don’t see the harm :woman_shrugging:t3: I could see if you were drinking to much and then she said something or if their use to be a drinking problem ect but just one beer/ wine no past issue I don’t get it


Damn it’s not like you were giving it to your kids :upside_down_face:. My kids know alcohol is a grown up drink and they’re not allowed it. It’s frankly none of her business what you do with your children around.

You are constantly modeling behavior for your children. If you’re drinking daily to reduce your stress, you may want to think about what you’re modeling for your children.


For me, I’m native american, sobriety is decolonization, and there is no alcohol allowed around my children. When I was drinking, I had strict rules about not drinking around my children. When I did start drinking around my children, that was when I knew that I was in trouble, and I, most likely, was an alcoholic like my mother and other members of our family. This is just my experience. Alcoholism has become widely accepted and normalized, especially by moms needing a break from the hard work that we do. In my opinion, I’ve seen the harm and violence and pain that comes with alcohol and addiction, I don’t think it’s appropriate to drink around children. No judgment, this is just my experience and perspective with alcohol, which will differ from almost everyone else’s due to the cultural differences.


You’re being responsible. I drink around my kid. Awesome job by your husband!


If your husband or kids try to talk to you about your drinking (or your kids start doing things like completely avoiding you once you’ve opened the wine or take it on themselves to dump your stash down the drain) it might be time to stop. If it’s just the MIL who’s not there normally and you definitely keep yourself in check, you’re fine.

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Yes your MIL is opinionated, out of line, and needs to mind her own business. However, if it were me, I would enjoy my drinks more when all the kids are in bed, shoes off, and kicked back on the sofa watching a movie or reading.


She needs to mind her own damn business

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Drinking and teaching kids moderation when you do is a good thing. Alcohol is not just there to get drunk on, its also just to enjoy


No ma’am, you are not wrong, if you are at your house! Your house, your rules. She can kick rocks. Her house, her rules! Your husband sounds awesome, in telling her to leave. Good luck momma.

If you are not drunk and still can take care of your children then she can go to hell. Parenting is hard, you are allowed a glass or two to unwind


Lol, you not wrong at all! I personally don’t drink, but my whole family will be outside braaing and drinking. Kids are running around playing with each other outisde. I remember my mom drinking and I don’t think I turned out too bad,lol

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Nope. I personally try not to drink in front of my kids but parents needs to relax too and if you’re not getting black out drunk in front of them then you’re fine. You’re still being responsible cause they’re safe in your home and your husband is there too :woman_shrugging:

That’s it, I’m Mother-In-Law Shaming

Lmao unless your getting plastered and beating on them I don’t see it as a problem but I guess her concern is the behavioral aspect sorta if they see you drink daily then they will too because human see human do :person_shrugging: but nah ain’t that serious tho

As long as you’re not drunk or buzzed.

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Good on your husband for sticking by you, it’s more than well ok to have a drink or 2 hell maybe even 3 after they’re in bed or close to. You’re MIL was out of line. You’re not getting sloppy drunk or belligerent or even neglectful for that matter!! You do you mama!!

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Firstly I want to say good on your husband for standing up for you like that.
I don’t drink at all anymore, but when I did I never drank around my son. I always had a huge anxiety that something may happen and I needed to drive somewhere, if I drank then I couldn’t. I also didn’t want my son growing up watching people drinking but again, that’s because of personal issues that’s happened in the past due to alcohol.

I think as long as its not becoming an issue, and both you and your husband agree that what your doing is okay, and the kids are safe then you continue doing you.
There is no right or wrong answer, you’ve just got to do what’s right for you and your family

Every situation is different. Im not much of a drinker but I smoke throughout the day. Not enough to stop me from taking care of my kids, just enough to unwind while they nap or have quiet time. Btw unless your husband just doesn’t like his mom, he clearly understands what you endure on a daily basis. Go mom and dad!

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As long as it’s not every night and only once in a while I don’t see why not. I’m not a fan of alcohol and rarely drink but if I want to drink with my friends then I will I know when to stop and I sober up fast when needs be because I never let myself drink too much

I don’t see a problem, i grew up with my mum and step dad drinking :woman_shrugging:t2: if we are having a party/Bbq we all drink. My children will always be my number 1 priority but that shouldnt stop you having a drink or 2 :blush: your house your rules xx

Girl, do you!! :heartpulse: I’d drink my ‘happy juice’ as .y the 3yo called it while she had her apple juice :grin: no shame in my game lol we do the same at family gatherings, so what’s the difference? Imo at least lol

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Wtf? Your kids are awake and you wanna drink that no ma’am get some juice. Alcohol is after the kids are asleep.


Whew, the judgement in this thread!! There is nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong with having a drink to unwind at the end of the day.


No she needs to mind her business… also give your hubby a little something something for sticking up for his wife!! :smirk:


Like u said ur not getting drunk ur still in control ur still looking after ur children properly a few drinks around ur children is harmless why shouldnt u i could understand if u were geting drunk then i would say no def not but thats not the case ur aloud to live as well and anyone, saying u shouldnt drink around ur kids is completly unfair ur not doing anything wrong its jist a COUPLE of drinks guys people have a glass of wine or somethjng wen they go for family meals and if anything ur jist showing ur kids wen they get abit older u can have a drink sensibly without havjng to get wasted keep being u and stuff what others think theres far to many judgemental people and im sure if it was a problem ur husband would be the first to say seen as their his kids as well and the people saying no not to drink around ur kids like they never have yeh right so ur saying at christmas u dont have a glass of wine with ur kids there or watever it is u drink do wat u think is riggt ur not getting drunk so wheres the harm ur still looking after ur children great so there is no problem some people jist like drama or to think there perfect wen theres no such thing most people have had a drink around there kids at some point its not like ur drinking all day long and getting drunk its a few in the evening seems like people arnt aloud to do anything these days its pathetic there ur kids and its up to u wat u choose to do around them

Wow good husband! Nothing wrong with having drinks around your kids. As long as you can function and take care of them!


Your house your rules! Not even mom in law business!

Your kids, your house. Simple

No you can drink around your children as long as you ur not getting drunk an ur putting it up if u walk away… some people just put their nose where it doesn’t belong.

Hang on let me put my gin down whilst I think of something to type Nikky Gilmore have you seen the judgement :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Your mother in law was wrong for entering your home and trying to dictate what you can and cant do in your own home around your own kids


Is it wrong - no.
Also you need to get a better lock on your door and keep that bish out!

Why do people on here seem to need to justify their actions

‘ I know a friend who does this but I don’t drink around my kids’

If it’s not interfering in your care of yourself or children you go girl xx

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I don’t see anything wrong with it. My kids can tell you which house is responsible with drinking and which isn’t. My kids know they are safe here no matter what. I didn’t drink a sip until they were older, but they have to see responsible drinking and that you can be responsible and have fun still… or simply relax depending on the occasion

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You did nothing wrong. I’m glad your husband supported you


I always got a beer in my hands. Grew up running wild with the kids while my parents through hillbilly keg parties wouldnt trade those memories for nothing. A beer is not the same as hugging toilets or acting crazy though


When you say “a few”, that leads me to think 3 or more. That can be considered excessive depending on your age, weight, etc. it may be affecting you more than you think… I know if I have 1-2 drinks my teens can immediately tell the difference in me since I’m a lightweight when it comes to drinking. One is enough, but that’s just me. There’s nothing wrong with having a drink in front of your kids but moderation is key. It is possible your mother in law also notices a difference in you after “a few”:woman_shrugging:t2: maybe that’s why she flipped out?


Sooo you asked…I wouldn’t be comfortable with someone caring for my kids after a few drinks. From time to time it happens but every night seems like alot


My mother treated alcohol like it was the devil and would never even talk about it. I gave myself alcohol poisoning when I went to college because I didn’t know how sick you could get, or that there was a limit- I had never seen anyone have a drink responsibly.
My kids see me drink. Sometimes it’s a glass of wine, once in a while it’s a few glasses. Even my 11 year old knows that alcohol is a poison to your body that can be enjoyed safely by adults. She’s seen many friends take the couch for a night- no one is allowed to leave if they’ve been drinking.

To each their own, different things work for different families… But I know what works for mine!


I don’t think their is anything wrong with having a few ( 1-3) drinks, if your still able to function and take care of your kid(s) sure go ahead, It’s OK when guy’s come home from a hard days work and drinks a few (1-3) beers. It’s your house, your MIL needs to mind her own business. I am glad your husband stuck up for you though!! Next time she comes over offer her a drink ? It’s not like your having a party and your mixing drinks and doing shots.


If she ain’t paying your bills tell her to suck a fat one. I think it’s normal for children to see and understand that adults have adult things. We call it mommy juice and daddy blue pop. But our kids know it’s only for adults and we don’t abuse it. Kids know parents and adults drive cars and have to do other adult things so what making drinking any different. Your MIL is a Karen and should mind her business. I would tell her she’s not welcome. What happens in your house and I front of your children is your own business and if she doesn’t like it she can kick rocks


There is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly, which you are. Your home safe, not driving, and not getting trashed. As long as your still able to care for the children properly then your fine. I’m glad your husband had your back on it.


Absolutely nothing wrong with it !
It shows a healthy relationship with alcohol instaed of a reckless one . It shows that you can have a few and still function.
Imo it sounds like your mil has a story to tell , some trauma attached to alcohol.

You did nothing wrong. As long as you were aware of your limit and were not drunk and out of control that is fine. I am glad your husband had your back. It is your house and you were unwinding. Would she had said anything if your husband did it? Probably not! Enjoy your unwinding time in your home!


No your not wrong I have a drink at dinner every once in awhile and when we’re BBQ or hanging out. I dont get drunk and my kids know it’s only for grown ups. If anything your showing them what responsible drinking looks like.


It’s fine… shes not paying for your house, looking after your kids or paying for your drinks so none of her business…
My kids love to laugh at me when I drink, I don’t get drunk but I do get the giggles…
We both drink, hubby more so.
Our eldest likes a drink on occasions, 18yr old doesn’t like the effects of Alcohol on himself so he doesn’t drink at all… so drinking in front of themdoesn’t turn them into Alcoholics…
Just glad hubby supported you!

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Maybe your MIL could use a drink!! Lol I see nothing wrong with it. As long as you’re being responsible (seems you are!) then it’s none of her business what you do in you’re own home!
Kudos to your hubs for having your back!


If you drink everyday or more than once in awhile then it may be a problem.

I don’t think it was her place to say anything necessarily but she may see something you don’t or aren’t willing to admit.


No your in your own house She had no right disrespecting you in your house plan out she’s not your mother it’s perfectly okay for a guy to have like 3-4 beers when he comes home from work but it’s the end of the universe if the role is flipped I’m glad your husband stood by you and did not plan out let her disrespect you just because she’s his mom

Every now and again I would say is fine, but if every day you’re teaching your kid you need it to relax which becomes a problem of dependency.


No ur not wrong. I have a drink every now and again to unwind. My husband drinks 2 or 3 beers after work to unwind. Ur mother in law needs to get over herself ! Big props to ur husband for sticking up for you!!


What it all boils down to is this…

If the kids are not being neglected or endangered, ain’t nobody else’s business or call to make about what goes on in your house… Mother in law, neighbor dude, mailman, don’t care. If the kids are taken care of, she needs to stay in her lane. Just because she WOULDN’T, doesn’t mean you CAN’T. Not her place.


Nothing wrong with unwinding. Parenting isn’t easy. And I love the fact that your husband supported you. You know yourself best,nobody else.

She had no right to say anything especially if your husband was there.

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You did nothing wrong. I very seldom drink, and I have never been drunk, but my kids have been around,and seen me have a drink at home or while out. One, or 2 drinks at home is fine. Just don’t get tipsy!.. If it was daily, more than one or 2, or you were getting behind the wheel, then that’s not ok.

Sounds like mother in law needs a drink and also needs to mind her business.


The only thing you did wrong was to let that woman yell at you and tell you what to do. Im glad your hus and kicked her out. Mama you do what works for you. Im so tired of people thinking that someone doing something different is wrong.

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I was raised with no alcohol in the home, and my husband was raised with alcohol in the home. I personally don’t agree with it, but my husband is perfectly fine and it’s your household. So it’s your decision! I wouldn’t agree with getting drunk in front of children though

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You have done nothing wrong at all.
Why is it ok for men to come home and have a drink but not the mums???
I say you were to kind not to smack her in the mouth and tell her to mind her own business.

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