If I’m the only person at home no I won’t drink but if another adult is home and not drinking then ya. What if I have to drive my kids somewhere
I had a few glasses of wine tonight after the kids had dinner and it was wind down time.I think it’s fine every once in a while to help unwind and treat yourself .
Nothing wrong with it it’s important for kids to see responsible drinking
Umm it sets an example of being responsible with alcohol. That you don’t have to drink to get drunk.
I’d wait till the kids were in bed to have a drink I don’t drink tbh
Your husband had your back
That the best part
You’re of legal age (I’m assuming) to have a drink
If your babies are provided for taken care of and loved that’s what matters
Kids are a handful and we all need a break enjoy your drink(s) with your hubby by your side♥️
I see nothing wrong with it… Now her behavior was way out of line. This is a time to be thankful of your husband supporting you.
It’s your husband and your family rules. It’s good your husband stood up for you.
Lol it’s not like you’re drinking so much around your kids that it puts them in danger. I’ve had a couple sips of wine staight from the bottle with breakfast before. I don’t think she had any right to say that to you, and good for your husband for telling his mother off.
I don’t think you’re wrong. A few drinks (1-3) in your own house while the kids are going to sleep it’s just fine. When you know your limits and how to be responsible and still functional then it’s more than okay. I’m glad your husband supported you. We all need a few drinks now and then. Pour that mil of yours a glass too, she needs it.
Your not wrong since ur drinking responsibly and your husband is home. Me personally I don’t drink around my kids cuz I say that with my parents growing up and they didn’t drink responsibly around my sister or I.
No. Theres nothing wrong.
As long as the kids are safe that’s all that matters. I know lots of people that drink and play and go for walks with kids.
No you are not in the wrong. And in fact in most European countries children are permitted a small glass of wine with dinner. Responsible drinking is a learnt behaviour.
That’s not wrong at all. And who is she to come in your home and yell at you? Be thankful your husband stood up for you too! I mean rightfully so. His mother needs to apologize.
If your husband was there who cares if you have a sip or a 6pack after having a long day and just needing to wind down and enjoy yourself. If at least one of you is in a sober state to make sure the kids are taken care of whos business is it besides you and your husband. Now if both of you are getting sloshed and noone is able to think straight enough or sober to drive in an emergency then there might be an issue. I am a single mother so rarely drink for the fear of having that one beer and an accident happening but you are a grown adult that can have an alcoholic beverage
Not at all! So great that your husband stood up for you!
Children learn by example. Teach them to drink responsibly by modeling it.
Nothing wrong with it plus your husband was there and if he wasn’t drinking then what’s the problem there was another adult in the house that could take care of the kids.
You done nothing wrong hun, your home your rules, I have a glass of wine at the end of the nite, just to unwinde hun, it’s your bessiness, leave them all to themselves, fair play to your husband, its your home remember that hun…
One glass or one drink a day yes is fine with your tea but a few everyday seems a lot I’d maybe wait till kids in bed before drinking
I personally don’t drink around my children just a personal choice.
It’s fine as long as you don’t get drunk. Ignore your mother in law.
What you see fit I myself drank only when they was asleep but most times at work
Nothing wrong at all I even let my kids taste as they curious on what we are drinking haha lols and I think it’s normal so your kids as they’re growing up will not be ignorant about alcohol drink and from there they will not be rebellious and you can be best friends. Proper guidance is a must when they’re grow older. And do it occasionally. Don’t drink with your kids when you’re drinking cause of frustration it’s a no no no you must hide yourself if that’s the case.
Sooo what, body shots are out?
A few drinks, depending on what they are might be a bit much? But I think it’s okay if you are okay with it, does that make sense? Like it truly depends on what you want them to be raised believing. I definitely wouldn’t drink too much in front of my kids, and definitely don’t do it every day, just time to time😬
Your house-Your rules! I guess she was the perfect parent in the whole wide world! Don’t like then don’t come over. Stand your ground!
My kids are 9 and 12, I used to drink sometimes on the weekends when I didn’t have them. They have literally NEVER seen me take a drink of alcohol. That being said, NO it is not wrong, nor bad parenting for you to drink a few at home with your kids home. Or in front of them. As long as you’re not getting drunk, or to buzzed and you can not take care of your kids. But also, if an emergency arises and you have to rush to the er… And get pulled over cause you’re speeding or something… You’ll get a DUI and possibly endangering a minor🤷 keep that part in mind also lol if your husband isn’t home.
No there’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks in front of your children.
I would not be okay with anyone drinking around kids.
I think daily is a bit much, but once in awhile no.
I have my own opinion about this but I am a single stay at home heart mom. I do not drink because I am alone with my son and he has a long list of medical diagnosis and he’s had 18 surgeries so I have to make sure I can care for him no matter what. If your husband was there and sober then i do not see a problem at all. At the end of the day it is your house, your family, your decision and your life!
I don’t drink much, but when I do in front of my kids, I tell them that it’s a grown up drink and they must wait until their older. I also tell them that mommy rarely ever does, but when she does she does it responsibly and doesn’t do it to get “wasted”. I do this in a way to be an example when it comes to drinking. My 4 year old daughter will say that she has to be older and to drink, I nod and praise her and tell her yes, and that it’s okay if she never drinks at all. It is her choice once she is older. But for now it’s a no no.
No it’s totally fine too drink while you have your kids as long as you don’t get drunk and can’t watch and attend to them if needed but too have a couple drinks or beers is fine.
There’s nothing wrong with it , you’re being responsible about it, Yall are both grown adults.
I have never got drunk in front of my child (he’s nine) I have drank in front of him (a few glasses of wine or beer etc) big difference imo as long as your faculties are good you’re fine
Your house, your business. A couple of drinks after a long day can be relaxing… anyone telling you anything should mind theirs…do you
Does she pay your bills? Wouldn’t pay her any attention then
Nope and its your home im gladnyoyr hubby had your back!
Would you smoke a joint in front of them? It’s the same thing. And if your answer is no to pot then it should be no to booze too. Send them to a sleep over or wait until they’re in bed.
Go for it have a few drinks no diff to any other parents who wish to have a drink I do
You’re not wrong. You are in your own house with your husband. MIL needs to but out.
I do it, but I also know my tolerance and I don’t go past that, period. She was way out of line to flip out like that. Glad your husband stood up for you.
lol grandma needs to chill and have a drdink.
No lol I do from time to time you did nothing wrong
You did nothing wrong!!!
Your kids are the keywords here. Tell her to mind her own and move along. As long as they are healthy, happy and cared for then she needs to butt out. Enjoy your drink, unwind and don’t stress it.
You did absolutely nothing wrong. Shes in the wrong. It’s your house!!
Commended your husband for standing up for you and another shame on your ML for telling you how to do anything in your home. As long as your babies are taken care of that is all that matters.
A drink I think is okay but honestly anyone who tells me I have a few drinks but I do not get drunk I honestly really question that reality fact is most people if they drink daily and as you say have a few drinks often do not realize how drunk they are or are not. Personally I do not think your mom would have brought it up if there was not any concerns. The fact your questioning it also mean you are concerned, Frankly if you have to drink to unwind and can not find another way to unwind you may want to evaluate that. Fact also most people when they drink at home if they drink anything out side of beer or coolers they really may not know how much they drink because more often than not they do not measure what they are drinking so they truely can not say how many servings there is. Frankly my policy I am not against drinking because I do have a drink once in a while but I NEVER drink around my child or when I am the only one responsible for my child If my partner is drinking I do not drink If I drink my partner does not drink there is always one who is 100% sober with no alcohol and no medication. And both of us have the policy only one drink If partner is on medication its a no go because the partner is prescribed a medication they need it then is my job to be 100% nothing in my system. Kids should not think it is “normal” that their parents drink daily in my opinion, its not healthy. and frankly its not responsible parenting. The fact your husband got so upset is because he most likely drinks with you and ouch how dare you say anything about our parenting and our drinking and judge us. Sorry you asked our opinion I know many may disagree with me but I have worked with abused kids and I am a foster mom who deal with the kids whose parents have made poor choices. You need to look at yourself you need to find other outlet to destress and calm down because FYI drinking only numbs it does not help your issues.
Tell your mother in law to join or shush… serious
No ur not wrong. Ur mother in law need go mind her own bees wax u n ur husband have right drink if u want. Long ur children arent in no danger have fun
Your house. Your liquor. Your kids. Your husband…for the win. Period.
I would’ve told her to get out to and mind the MF business that pays her
As long as you can still do mom things it’s not a problem you can’t get a cool buzz and still watch them kids.
I have done it too I have not gotten drunk but I have gotten buzzed I don’t go anywhere or anything I honestly don’t care what other people think I have seen too many people get drunk and act stupid and get sick too and it holds no appeal to me
She was in the wrong for yelling at u in front of ur kids. Glad ur husband stood up to her.
Kudos to your husband for asking her to leave
Fuck no your not. She needs to mind her business. Drink away. You’ve got a good husband to stand up for you. Let the drama ensue. It ain’t your problem.
It’s your House, and Your Kids, !! Unless you get out of Control, and don’t see it!! But damn that, I will tell my kids to bring me a beer out the refrigerator!
Oh boy. Sorry for you.
Ok first of all it is my experience, after having two mother in laws, they are complete bull shit, and I have told both of them that and dared them to come back at me. Guess why both of their shit ass sons are now my ex husbands. Second the more you hide from your kids the more they will be curious about when they become teens. Parents that try and hide all the “bad” stuff from their kids are dooming them. Children even as teenagers are naturally curious, and it’s up to us to teach them the seriousness of stiff. Not hide it from them.
Fuck her… your house
Uummmm no, your not wrong. Your a grown adult. Mom in law needs to be set straight, And fast. Good on your husband for having your back.
Feather more. Kids learn by example. Your showing them that there’s nothing wrong with having a drink or two. And you can do it in moderation. Thsts a great example to show them.
Me and mil drink while the kids are playing , who cares jeussu You only live once
Omg I’m a mother of 4 they are 18 turning 15 14 and 13 I work and also trying to open my own business I drink what Eva day I want to and always have as long as my kids have a house food and a cooked meal every night I don’t care what anyone says and it doesn’t make me a irresponsible parent at all anyway if someone said any of that to me I would love to tell them where they can go
1 drink won’t hurt now if you were tripping over your own feet now that’s different now once they are in bed get hammered it’s YOUR house not hers you do what you want in your house it’s not her place to say hey you can’t have a glass of wine with dinner you know your limits
I put mine in a cup so they cant see
I take my kid to breweries with me
If you can drink responsibly, drink up!
You can get wasted in from of your kids , as long as you aren’t driving and they are safe who gives a flying fuck ? They have seen people on tv and online drink … it’s normal and legal . She’s nuts
Geez. So she wants you to hide & keep secrets from your kids? Probably what she did when your husband was growing up…
As an kid was around it a lot I grew up thinking it was what you did as an adult.
So I’m on the fence, I didn’t drink around my grandkids when they were young, or my kids. As they got older yes. Occasionally at party, or vacation. Just watch the message your sending. Make sure they learn other ways that you relax .
Your mother inlaw was out of line. If you were being neglectful and drunk, I could understand. But, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a drink around the kids. It is common in other countries to drink wine with supper. The entire taboo of alcohol seeded in the minds of many Americans is disturbing, and often encourages children to play with the notion of getting drunk. Drinking responsibly around children, actually teaches them how to drink responsibly.
Oh hell no! I’m so glad I have the most amazing mother In law, Debbie Daly you be drinking with me
Your home, your rules. You can have a damn drink whenever you want. I have been on that same boat, but with weed. Guess what I still light my blunts up daily & don’t give two shots what a person feels or says. My kids are beyond well taken care.
A few drinks is fine. A few drinks every night? Not fine. If you’re having a few glasses every night but thinking you’re not tipsy it suggests you might be having said bit too much…
To me this is kind of a loaded question.
First consideration for me is how often you ‘have a few drinks’ in the evening.
Once in a great while? Every day? 2+ times a week? Those are very different things.
A single glass of wine with dinner even every day is one thing. A few drinks every evening is another.
Just because you dont feel buzzed doesn’t mean it’s not becoming a problem if that’s the case.
My father would drink beer from 10ish in the morning until bedtime. He never acted drunk or even buzzed, and honestly that fact right there signaled just how much of a problem it actually was.
Second even if you dont feel it…if this is a regular thing you’re still putting your blood alcohol over the legal limit on regular basis. If there’s any kind of emergency and you need to drive you cannot safely or legally do so. If you get pulled over you’re done in an emergency.
I’m sorry but our society has increasingly started encouraging alcohol as a way to cope which often transitions to alcoholism.
If this is a regular occurrence then youre on the path to potentially having an addiction mil has every right to say something as it involves the well being of her grandchildren.
I love that your husband stood up for you! It’s not wrong to have a couple drinks at the end of the day to unwind, she should have never tried to correct your parenting especially in your home in front of your children… that sets a bad example on her part…
Well since you don’t answer to her. Do you think it’s a problem that you have drinks around your kids? Does your husband have a problem with it? You’re hopefully showing them how to do so responsibly, in the comfort of your own home, not acting a fool… Pretty simple. You’re fine we’re fine everyone is fine
No, I sometimes have a few drinks while my kid is up. If you were getting drunk or driving with them that would be another story but a few drinks is fine. You’re a grown adult!
My step dad was fall over drunk all the time n i learned independence pretty quick… I think havig a bit to relax is nothing compared to that.
Oh man you mil would hate my family. Half Irish half Italian and a tad French. It is common practice to have a bottle of wine on the dinner table a keg at family gatherings and a beer or wine cooler on have just incase company stops by. Every single person drinks in my family. My father puts Bailey rum in his morning coffee and it’s customary to allow children 15 and over a very small glass of wine the 3rd Sunday of the month dinner to celebrate the lords gift by breaking breaking bread (no I do not do this nor does my younger sisters) (please remember I am half Italian and this is a very old tradition). My hubbies family is very similar. He is half middle east and 1/3 English. No one in ether family drinks to get drunk it is to inhance the flavor of food or give respect to the lord only. It is taboo to drink too much unless it’s a celebration and there are no children allowed during those times.
I don’t see anything wrong with having a few glasses of wine. But every night might be a little much? Having it a few times a week is fine in my opinion. But also this is my opinion which really doesn’t matter because it’s your life. You do what you deem fit in your life with your kids. Your mother in law should mind her own business. She is entitled to her opinion but NOT entitled on sharing it.
Not enough information.
How often are you drinking…every day…3 days a week, etc? One beer versus 4 or so every day are 2 totally different things.
A relative of mine would have one cup of coffee and then tequila the rest of the day…everyday…thats a problem. Just because you dont “feel” buzzed, tipsy etc doesnt mean u arent legally drunk
All the mexican parents reading this like
My parents and grandparents didn’t just drink around me, they took us to the working men’s clubs with them.
I’m now an alcoholic (jks not really! )
As long as you’re been sensible I don’t see why it’s a problem.
I see both points, kinda But if your husband is not drinking, then her reason for being mad is kinda null. Because even if you were to get a little tipsy, someone else is around To care for the kids. If you were getting belligerent and stuff, then drinking around kids is a no no. But it doesn’t seem like you were.
Most of my family on both sides are drunks. They drank all the time & let their kids drink. I’m the only cousin that doesn’t drink to excess today as adults. I contribute that to my mom. She drank in front of me on occasion, not regularly & not excessively. I got to see that theres a responsible way to drink. I’ve drank infront of my kids. Not regularly. Maybe once or twice a year. 1 drink, never more. What you’re describing “a few drinks” sounds like you’re drinking more than a responsible adult should. It’s very likely you’re getting drunk but not realizing or acknowledging it. Like the drunk driver who claims to had “only a few” & blows twice the legal limit. Talk to your MIL & husband. You may have a drinking problem that you don’t realize.
This is what I was told at least one parent or legal age adult in a household has to be sober. If someone like mil reports or something happens while your drinking then you could lose custody… there really isn’t enough to go on, for instance if your drinking everyday 4-12 beers doesn’t matter if your not tipsy or not or don’t feel anything your body is use to the amount your ingesting. But you will still blow over the legal limit And is considered an alcoholic.
For one, what goes on in your house (as long as it’s not illegal or dangerous to you and your children, especially your children) is no one else’s business. Your husband made her leave and I would leave it at that and just cut her off until she shut up about it, honestly.
If you’re getting wasted in front of your kids acting a fool, then yes it’s a problem. If you’re enjoying a couple glasses of wine or whatever sitting down unwinding, no. I don’t recommend daily, I’ve been down that road and while in the beginning I was okay, I realized that’s not what I want my kids to see. Personally I keep drinking for when they’re laying down for the night. If I really want to unwind that’s how it has to be done lol
U can have 50 as long ur in ur home and ur babies are safe & taken care of.
Once in awhile no
All the time yes
It’s literally none of her business. She was out of line. Unless you have a drinking problem, no one should have said anything.
I really wish someone else’s momma would try to scream at me… especially about MY parenting in MY own house Kudos to your husband for having your back. And this was between the 3 of you, nobody else should be involved to even cause “drama”
I think her yelling at you around the kids is more detrimental than you having a few drinks, if indeed you aren’t getting drunk or otherwise behaving irresponsibly.
No. The kids wont even know what you’re drinking, so long as you’re not getting sloshed.
I’d tell her until she can leave the judgmental stupidity, dont come over.
Your mother inlaw must just need to control someone. There is nothing wrong with having a few drinks everyday before bed, if its only a few and youre not drunk, or irritable when you drink those, and if youre not driving the kids anywhere. Id be sure there is someone else home or around incase of an emergency, so you never have to drive after drinking with your children. Its YOUR life, and you only get one. If you and your husband think its okay, than its okay! Your kids are gonna grow up and see that you were able to handle your alcohol and that you can enjoy a few drinks without being loaded. And they will learn lesson from that. forget about judgemental people, its America, we all drink. Doesnt matter if its the guy down the block who gets loaded every weekend, or the old man at the bar every night, the wife who drinks wine every night at dinner, or the closet drinker. Everyone likes to drink alcohol. Being a drunk who doesn’t take care of their family or who puts them in danger is not okay, but, In my opinion youre doing the right thing staying home drinking and being responsible, and not laying in the bar room away from your family. Also. Props to your husband for telling his mom to leave.
Well I have teenagers and I drink wine it’s a nerve pill for me and better than a … But if it’s every night u are not buzzed as u say because your body is use to it … If u hubby made her leave I would let it summer for a bit let her realize it’s your home and she can’t come in and he rude I would also try smooth it out eventually for peace in te family good luck momma bear try remember she said something because she cares and might of been wrong how she done it but my guess is if u two have a good relationship it’s do to love God Bless You