Is it wrong to keep old dance photos?

Is it weird to keep homecoming dance photos with past ex’s?

While cleaning out an old nightstand in my garage, I found my old dance photos from high school. My husband said I should throw them out. But I don’t want too. He sounded defensive from that response. Yes there old photos of me and ex’s. The photos are over 10 years old and we’ve all obviously moved on. (Married, children etc). They’re just memories for me. No feelings or anything. If my husband had old photos with past gf’s I really wouldn’t mind. Especially dance photos that have been collecting dust in the garage.

Am I wrong? Is it weird to keep them?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it wrong to keep old dance photos?

They are your memories and you should keep them if you want to.


Theyre not memories of his life. :upside_down_face: he’ll get over it

photos are memories to look back on, just put them in a box and back of wardrobe

Omg my parents have mine framed. Its so awkward and funny


It’s literally highschool stuff? You should never give that up over a petty insecurity.


I have all mine like that… May husband doesn’t scare though. Lol
He’s also not so insecure that my lofe in high school makes him feel some kinda way.
Talk to him and ask why he feels you should throw them out.

It’s high school memories, of course you keep them.

I don’t think so. You only get to live your high school years once. It’s from a dance. It’s a special memory. I think it would be different to keep pictures of just you & an ex but if it’s from a high school dance I don’t see why it should be an issue

Yes it’s not cool.
If rolls were reversed “but there not” you might feel some type of way.
And even if you didn’t …… he don’t like it. That should say enough

Absolutely keep them!

It’s your memories, he can get over it.


I have a whole box of things from my younger days. Awards I won, pics, yr books ect. Their keep sakes. It’s normal to have some things from ur past. It just shows where u came from and what u have done to get to where u are now


Keep them they are your memories not his.


I have all mine they are your memories to keep he can get over it!


No they are childhood memories. Now if you had them hanging on your wall then you would be a weirdo. Keep them. They aren’t romantical pictures, I personally do not see an issue. You had a life before you met him, remember that.

High school pictures? Nah we both have ours I’m separate boxes in our apartment. Those are memories that you’ll never get back. I don’t see the issue as long as the person wasn’t a serious relationship before you got with your husband.

I don’t think it’s weird.

I think those photos are part of what made you who you are.

So long as you don’t harbor any past feelings, then what’s the harm?

Reflection of the past is a good thing for your present and future.
I would keep them.

I was still good friends with my first ex husband, still loved him… of course, not in the same way as back then… but never the less, I still loved him.

He passed away last Sunday. In my minds eye, I can’t picture his face…I can hear him laugh, and say some of the silly things he used to say, but I can’t see his face. I’m glad I still have a few photos of him.

We met when I was 10, married when I was 16, and was divorced when I was 20. Short lived, full of fire and ice, and a love that lasted thru the years, even tho it had changed. And his morals and values stuck with me all these years.

He was a good man. A kind man. And a sweet man.

I think having him in my life, even a brief as it was, was part of my becoming who I am today.

My current husband loves me for who I am…
My ex had a past in making that happen.

Keep the photos. Life is short. :revolving_hearts:

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Keep them! Your children will love them!


It’s not weird to keep those.

Since he doesn’t want them there maybe you can take them to your parents or a sibling to hang on to them for you? I would want to keep them, I have all my memories from my teenage years, but it’s difficult to not adhere to his feelings as well. I mean what is his reasoning? Does he still hang on to any memories?

Keep them for your memories.

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I think you should keep them,they hold memories of YOU and the older you get the more you will appreciate them. Has nothing to do with the fellas, you’ll probably forget their names anyway but it will be nice having pictures of your younger self.

No you’re not wrong or weird.

I have all mine still even on my fb still. I’m married with kids and my husband doesn’t let it get to him. He doesn’t like that I keep everything but doesn’t care because all through hs I was with his best friend and there still best friends. Keep those memories. Sometimes that’s all you’ll have.

They’re childhood school photos, it’s not like they’re photos of you and a lover… It’s just different! Keep them but be respectful of his feelings by keeping them out of his line of sight.

Nope I have old pictures from high school, dances and my prom i just keep then in a box tucked away in the back of my closet.

I have a box that lives in my closet that’s full of old pictures and mementos of my relationship with my ex, going back to our high school dances and including our wedding rings. It’s part of my past. It’s part of what shaped me into who I am today. And I figure our daughter might want it someday. I don’t see the problem with hanging onto stuff like that, it’s not like you’re sitting there pining over them every day. And you can’t erase your history, so :woman_shrugging:t2:

Keep them! Your supposed to keep them. It’s a part of your story, your life story is yours to show and tell your kids about and it’s your history, it’s not a piece of your heart, def don’t throw away a part of your life, maybe box up the stuff and take it your moms or bffs garage….but don’t toss them, no way. A woman who tosses pics of her life away for a man is def not vibing on the right frequency.

Keep them. That was then this is now. He must be insecure

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Im gonna be the odd ball out here and say get rid of them. I deleted all the pics I had of any ex’s, even old high school pics… I have moved on and want to not be reminded of any of that. I also wouldn’t like it if my husband had pics of him and his ex’s. Just how I feel tho… but if you want to keep them to maybe show your children in the future or something, have them stored somewhere else.


I think it’s normal. It would be different if you had a bunch of pictures of you and an ex that you were saving but photos from high school dances are just that. Just memories. It might be fun to look back on them later. When I was little, I loved looking at my parents’ old photos (even the ones of them at dances with other partners).

I got rid of mine and I regret it. Some day my kids are going to want to see their mom at prom and winter formal…I’m lucky my mom still has her put away in the closet. Especially because I looked my best then😆

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I went through this once. My parents took all of my old photos so my fiance at the time wouldn’t freak out. I’ve never been so blessed because soon after, one my close male friends past away and thanks to my mom I still have all of those pictures to remember him by nearly 21 years later :heart: see if your parents will keep them for you or a relative.

Keep for sure. Memories are memories. I love holding on to things like that. They helped make me be who I am today. The good ones and the bad ones (same with friends, the good and the toxic ones I still keep pics of)
I even still have pics of my exs and I on my fb and I’ve been with my husband for almost 13 years now. I have poems exs wrote me, cards, tons of pics all in a box somewhere in my basement. My husband also has a box full of the same kind of things.

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Umm dance photos are off limits to the trash bin. Those aren’t just relationship memories, they are high school and teen memories. Just lock them up in a photo album somewhere. He acts like you want to blow it up and hang it on the wall. Sheesh… he needs to work on that.

Idk I still have mine. They aren’t on display so who cares.

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Don’t throw them away. Those are YOUR memories wether good or bad and those will last last forever. I know somebody that did that, burned everything she had because it was most of her and her ex and completely regretted it. Even after 20 years

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I have mine packed away in a tote. I can’t seem to part with old photos. It’s fun to see them from time to time.

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Uhm no not at all. Child hood photos are in the past. I have my ex husband and I photos tucked away in my photo box and all of high school things and such. I was with him for almost 12yrs and have two kids with him. I have things of past boyfriends. I have what I have left. My mothers waterheater exploded running a bunch of my child hood stuff I use to keep there especially my American girl doll. I’m glad I was able to save what I have. If my current boyfriend had any i would mind. Not like they are on display any place but in a tote in my garage. And he doesn’t care that I have them. Shoot my mom is one of them moms if you open a frame you’ll see old photos like homecoming and prom and wedding which she replaced with my kids pictures and what not now. Lol

I kept pictures and stuff that xs would draw for me I just have them in a box in storage

Put them in the cloud and he can do what he likes it’s a win for both.

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Why not keep memories at the end of the day that’s all we have money comes n goes. I got a whole shoebox full of old pics n then some

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He needs to grow up it was a long time ago when u were a child still! My ex husband was so jealous that I kept some flower in my yearbook my ex gave me and he threw it out but he was a man whore he was chosen couple that might last LOL all making out with his ex so I didn’t care and he shouldn’t of either

I’ve still got mine and hubby 20 yrs has his. Its memories at end of day

It’s photos from your homecoming. I have a photo album with past friends and their partners and then later on in the photo album it’s been updated with all of their current partners. Everyone likes it we all joke around while flicking through the photo album.

Not weird completely normal. Reassure your hubs theirs no feelings and move on. If he still acts up about then you’ve got a big problem

Put them away somewhere… probably wasn’t a good idea to show him pics of you with other guys even if it was high school. It was a knee jerk reaction to a not so great move on your part.

Toss the insecure husband

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If u trash them, you’ll never be able to get them back. I would just put them away in a tote and ask family to hold onto them for you. Hubby will never see them and you can keep your memories. It’s a win, win :woman_shrugging:t5:

My ex had his and his ex’s and I put it in a scrapbook :woman_shrugging:t2:


Do not throw them away. That is ridiculous

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He’s being ridiculous

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He’s being absurd. It’s part of your past and you are entitled to keep your memories. We all have photos of past holidays, family, friends and other moments in time. Does he propose you get rid of them all?

Just memories plus if you want them for something Eason you can always crop the ex out lol

No. Your husband is insecure and controlling


Cause he thinks he’s the only guy you’ve ever dated? You were teenagers tell him to grow up

Those are your memories girl do not.

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Sorry but those photos I have go to my children when I pass :woman_shrugging:t4:

Nah, its all part of the journey and is a contribution to one’s life story.

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I still have mine. Its a memory, completely normal to have them

He’s insecure. Tell him what about his old memories. Should you gather them up as well. Those are precious to you because they are your memories. Put them in a book alone and put them away. Just as his are. If it causes more anger then yes …throw them. But don’t forget his too.

Also let him know you don’t need pictures to remember old friends. You will always have them. They can’t be erased away.

Not weird at all!!
That’s the reason we take photos, to keep the memories.

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Keep the memories !!! Those are for fond times growing up…crazy hairstyles, dresses, friends, dates, and etc. They should not cause insecure feelings on his part.


I think you should keep them they are you high school memories. Just dont display them. Put in a nice box tucked away.and if you have kids they will want to see what you looked like in school And the story’s.
And wasn’t that before you meet your husband? Everyone has a past from baby pictures, birthday pictures, frist day of school, & so keep them!!!


I’d keep them , it’s a milestone

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If it’s dance photos then fine keep them if it’s just random photos with Ex’s then yes I would pif them


Youre not wrong or weird… he is…he must have some deep self esteem issues. Im sorry.

Nope…that is part of high school and memories…maybe don’t display it on a wall, but definitely keep


I don’t think so. I mean, I don’t display them, but they’re in a highschool scrapbook. It’s memories!

Absolutely not! I still have mine too! A picture is a visual piece of a memory and as time goes on they end up the only things we have to hold onto.

Honestly hun my son’s father died and if I could have just 1 photo of us together I would love that…back then i was so young and deleted everything without the thought of it being a memory not only for me but for my children. I’ve moved on and had kids but that’s a story in that photo that photo has a million words so many memories of who we were. Dont throw it go give it to ya mom. I understand both sides. But if anything was to happen to u that’s something someone could use to physically show your children and remember hear about who u were at that age. My kids are 18 and 10 they both ha 1 photo each with dad and I can tell them all the memories but I wish I could show them.


No it’s your past.Just say okay lol

Keep them!! I love looking at my moms old dance pictures and I have basically none of mine from high school because someone stole my laptop in college with all my pictures :pleading_face:

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Normal…he is insecure


No… dont throw them out, its a part of your past & helped turn you into who you are today… put them away, like AWAY… hubs doesn’t need to know you kept them… one day you’ll break them out & have a story to tell

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Keep. They are YOUR memories.

I’m not sure what ever came of most past photos, except the ones I had from high school with my ex-husband who became my oldest daughters dad. Those pictures I put in her keepsake box for her to have, cause at this point she would treasure them more than I would. I think it’s a personal choice if you want to keep them. I also think he’s not wrong for maybe not wanting you to. Again, it’s really not a right or wrong answer, just everyone is different. If you want to keep them, talk to him, maybe yall can come to an understanding. I wouldn’t let past pictures destroy a good relationship, assuming that it is. Blessings to yall.

So coming from my situation I wish I would have kept a few of my ex when we split his family just loss him in a car accident so they wanted pic from when he was in school

Absolutely not strange at all. He’ll get over it and if he doesn’t he’s being childish. Those are memoirs of your dancing days. Uh uh, do not throw them out girl.

Keep them for your kids and grandchildren later and any other relatives and any historical things you could pass them down to show photos are lost too often now and with them go the memory of that event. I’d give anything to have my grandparents photos all of them

Keep them they’re part of your history.


He is over reacting,must have a problem with jealousy!

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No, old photos have Happy memories… You wouldn’t have kept them otherwise.

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No, not weird at all…

Those are your history of your youth. Keep them …fun to share with your kiddos. Telling your story.

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Those are his exes too. :roll_eyes: Did he not know he gets a whole woman when he marries one? :rofl::woman_facepalming:t2: you share your memories and your stories because they are a part of what got you to him. Those are the milestones or stepping stones that get you to the present day. He may want to focus on not becoming a picture in a memory box that you have no feeling or emotions for, and the live version surpassing the drawer of stepping stones. When you are in love with someone, you’re IN it. Maybe this is about him and not you. :heart::candle:

No. Don’t throw them out. Those are memories. And things to show your kids some day.

I still have all of mine too. Shoot, my mom still has them posted on her FB page with my ex and I tagged in them (pics taken almost 20yrs ago). My husband has never said anything about them :woman_shrugging:

I never delete photos. They are apart of my life, they made me who I am. Every person, place and event

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it wrong to keep old dance photos?

I don’t think it’s weird, like you said it’s just memories. I’d keep mine too if I had any.

I have mine. Not for my ex, but for the memories those pictures represent. We did have good times and those memories are about so much more than him.

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Ive seen plently of my son’s father’s pictures with girls even though I never graduated from a real school but graduated from a text book homeschooling school. It’s just what parents do, don’t feel like it should be a weird thing. I normally keep my pictures too.

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When ur really old and u can show ur great grad kids photos… those are memories they will want to see. When my grandmother was on her death bed, going through her albums of photos was the best 3 days of laughter

Happy memories are happy memories. You’ve been with him for a long while, he shouldn’t feel threatened by you wanting to keep old photos. I know I’ll want to be able to show my future kids old photos of my self. Even if the photos aren’t with their other parent.

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Not at all!! Those are being kept for memories of the event not for pining over your date that night

Not weird at all. He sounds a little insecure🤔

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I will never throw out my memories. Ever.