Is my 3-month-old fine crying herself to sleep while I quickly shower?

Your all a bunch of bitches!!
All this poor woman wants to do is take a quick shower :woman_facepalming:t3:
If you have nothing nice to say back the fuck up and keep your bullshit “im a perfect mother” act to yourself

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Just shower while the baby is asleep??

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Take her an gently whole her in your arms an take a shower with her


I’ve always waited for them to be sleep before taking a shower and I’ve never liked the "cry it out"method. I’ve raised 5 babies and managed my life without ever letting them cry it out

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I always brought mine into the shower with me. Or at least into the bathroom (in a bouncer)

I used to put my boys in their little bouncy chair ( not walker or exersaucer) i the doorway of the bathroom while i showered. He could hear my voice and knew i was close

I’ve got 2 little ones and 1 otw and with mine I’ve always either put them in their mamaroo or their Fisher Price bouncer/vibrating chair (is portable) and put them in the bathroom with me so I could peek out on them and if they got fussy they could see me, which helped. I never felt the need to bring mine in the shower with me :woman_facepalming::joy: You don’t get much “me-time” as a mom… the least you can have is a few minutes to wash your hair.:woman_shrugging:

Mine was the same. I just put her in her bouncy chair on the bathroom floor so she could see me. She just didn’t like being alone. I always got the worst guilt trips whenever she cried for me, and having her in the bathroom wasn’t hurting anything.

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If I waited until my son fell asleep to shower it took me twice as long because I always felt like I could hear him crying and I would stop what I was doing and open the curtain and listen. :joy: I just put him in the bathroom in his bouncy with me and he was fine.

I used to put mine in the bouncer and bring them in with me…play peek a boo and stuff , that gets harder to do the more kids you have though

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My mom always said if you have done all you could to make sure the baby is ok then leave the baby alone so that you can have some space before you get too frustrated!

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I let my kids cry it out. It helps them to self sooth. Few more times that baby will lay in bed without crying.


Girl, if you need to walk away to tend to yourself for ANY REASON for 10 or 15 mins, and she has to cry, she will not die from it. Don’t beat yourself up. Poop, pee, shower, eat, sleep for 10 mins next to her screaming little face if you need to. As long as she is changed and fed and warm, you’re doing your job. I put mine in the baby swing to go to sleep and kept the swing in view while I showered. When he got bigger, and picking him up and moving him would wake him, I rocked him in his car seat until he slept and then I was able to carry him from room to room, and put noise cancelling headphones on too, so I didn’t have to keep quiet or anything either. He’d sleep like that for 3 hours at a time! Still sleeps better in his car seat than his crib. lol


Agree with those above. Try putting her in a baby seat or swing and putting her in the bathroom with you so you can talk to her and she can see you. 10-15 minutes isn’t going to kill her though if she’s fed and changed already. You have to take care of you to be able to take care of her


Put her in the bathroom while you shower.

You have to shower, she’ll be ok. Maybe just put her somewhere safe to play while you have a shower if you are that worried or wait until she is asleep already

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You are very sweet to worry about this but I did cry it out with my twins and my children show no signs of abandonment issues, honestly you have to let life move as it is if she is crying to sleep buy the time you finish your shower she is honestly crying because she is tired.

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There was a study with orphaned babies that were left to cry and they learned that when they scream it doesn’t get them anywhere so they stopped crying. Age zero to one is the stage where they decide if the people tending to them are reliable and trustworthy. You could research Erik Erickson’s stages of development. That’s probably what you’re referring to. Usually they say don’t let them “cry it out” until age 1 because that’s when they’ve hopefully developed to the second stage, with a secure attachment to their primary caregiver. As well as not letting them cry longer than 7 minutes at a time.

I have done the cry it out method with both my kids. But not at 3 months. I didn’t start that until they were about 9-10 months. At 3 months they don’t know how to cry just to cry, they only cry when they need something. I personally think 3 months is a little too young. But that’s just how I feel.

Your a great mum for asking :slightly_smiling_face: generally I go by the rule of it feels bad or wrong then it probably is:) trust your instincts they are always right.


Nooo mom. Take u a shower. It is good for her to cry. And when she is sleeping Ucan still make your presence known by telling her u love her, rub her or place hand on her for a brief moment. She won’t feel neglected. Don’t feel terrible . It was and is hard to let your baby cry without feeling worlds of guilt but sometimes it’s good for them.

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My mil always tells me what hurts my heart and makes me feel bad probably means it’s doing something good for my kids . Like my teens if I punish them and feel bad then it’s probably bc it’s the right thing to do.

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I always put the baby in the car seat while I showered. We would play peek a boo and they would just giggle hard


No babies can not self sooth they usualy lean that skill around 6-8 months. So you job as mom is sooth your child.

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I had this issue in the hospital. My husband stayed home with our older two but I felt guilty just going to pee. Now he is 10 months and I still run to his start crying. He is my 4th and everybody thinks he is spoiled. But while they all can’t soothe him if I am home he is calm. He knows mom has me. Mommy will feed me. So now it’s a simple I am coming and it’s instantly stops. So personally I can’t just let them cry it out till they are 18 months to 2. Go with your gut if it feels wrong to you it’s wrong. No one, not me, anyone on the internet, not your mom, not even the baby’s daddy knows that baby like you. So be fully confident in how you parent you are mommy and you are her world.

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As long as your baby is safe- where she can’t fall off the bed or get hurt in anyway it want hurt her to " cry it out" ever once in a while. I always made sure I could see mine from the bathroom and took a bath- shower. She’ll be fine.But I just liked mine in the bathroom in a swing or something comfortable where they couldn’t get hurt.

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I always nursed my son to sleep before showering.


I have a floor rocking seat I take in the bathroom with me to check on him as I shower so I don’t have to rush too much and can get the things I need done. He’s usually pretty patient because I sing in the shower lol


I always put them in their swing in front of the bathroom. If they cry then they cry. Momma has to take a shower. 10-15 minutes is fine. You got this.

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Its perfectly fine to do so.

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I used to put my babies in their carrier, strap them in, gave them a few toys, and hopped in the shower. I always showered fast but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

I used to put my daughter on her bean bag/a changing mat/bouncer in the bathroom with me while I showered at that age. I used to prop a mirror up next to her aswell if she was on her mat. She was so interested in the baby in the mirror she didnt really mind me having a shower. The noise used to settle her down aswell.

Honestly hunni do what you need to do. 5/10 mins isn’t going to hurt. Try the mirror thing or have her in the room with you xx

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That’s sad. Dont listen to others when they say let her cry it out. They dont understand and 10 min if crying wondering where you are is like 24 hrs to them. I would always put them in the bathroom with me in the playpen or a swing by the door facing me. You would enjoy your showers alot more that way knowing she is in the bathroom and calm.


This might sound weird but this worked for my four kids. Wrap your baby with a shirt you’ve been using for a day or so. I breastfeed my babies and they wouldn’t stay with dad nor anyone. So I would swaddle them in my shirts worked every time. Trust me just try it.


Try some soothing music before leaving the room, and leave it on til you’ve finished.

No, it’s not. There’s a reason she’s crying, comfort her, always. Can you put her in a carseat or bassinet and take her into he bathroom while your shower? Maybe the sound will soothe her. Letting infant’s “cry it out” has been proven to cause a great amount of stress on them. It’s an old school method and proven to be very harsh and unacceptable. Good luck Mama.

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It’s good to let her cry it out sometimes. She won’t feel any abandonment from anyone bc she’s loved no mater what.
She’s most likely crying bc she wants to be held.

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Baby’s can’t self soothe it’s very stressful for them. I feel for you not being able to shower in peace though. I’d just run out of the showe if I had to and nurse back to sleep then attempt to finish my shower. This will pass though

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If you know shes not hungry and is has a clean diaper, jump in for 10 minutes for a w=quick shower. You can also put her in a seat or even her car seat in the bathroom or leave the door open and leave her right there. This will pass in time. Take that quick shower.


Babies cant “self soothe” until they are made to self soothe. I dont mean always letting them cry it out of course, but if you know their cries and every momma knows her babies cries and if its just for some attention let them learn to self soothe. Im going through this now with my 9 month old daughter. She hates it and so do I but she needs to learn self soothe.

I put my boys in their bouncer and brought them in with me times they did cry still while sitting there but I felt OK as I could see them still

The biggest part of parenting is balance. You have to take care of your baby but you have to take care of you too.
Crying it out once in a while is fine.
If baby’s asleep when you get in the shower and wakes up…go ahead and finish your shower. No point in dripping soap all over baby. Just make it quick.
If you’re up to your eyeballs with making dinner…like step away and it’ll burn…and she wakes up. Its ok to get to a safe stopping point.

However, in general its best to plan your showers around her sleep. Get her down then shower. Get up early and shower before she wakes up.


Why not put her in the car seat in the bathroom while you shower and talk to her. I did that with my son and he did just fine.


Don’t believe everything you read. Be her mother and make decisions based on what you feel is right. Everyone raises their own kids different and that is ok. I look at some other posts and think wow I never did that with my kids but at the end of the day it’s you who has to teach love and nurture that child. I have 5 beautiful kids and 3 amazing step kids and I’d do anything for them but I had my own idea how to raise them. With the first of mine I worried about every time she cried( she didn’t cry much) on my second she was preemie she cried every second she was awake till she was 3 years old. And my third I had 2 toddlers and a baby and I was pregnant again in just 2 months so no I let her cry it out when I had to. She is the most confident of all and bossy wow she is bossy! No abandonment issues at all and honestly when your baby turns about 2 you couldn’t abandon them anyway they will be right there all the time. Cherish a moment to yourself it won’t last long.


Just bring her in the bathroom with you in a swing or something that’s what I had to do with my son after he was born

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You do not need to hold them every minute. Take your shower, if she falls asleep let her sleep snd cuddle her when she wakes up. She will not be permanently traumatized because mom needed to be clean.


Won’t hurt them at all.

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I used to put mine in pram and wheel in to bathroom. But they have to get used of not having you in sight 24/7. If you know they all good. (Nappie feed etc). Then don’t worry. Xx

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Put your t shirt or your pillow case ( minus the pillow) in the pack & play with her laying on top of it. Your smell just might soothe her. What do you got to lose ??

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I bought a fisher price tape recorder and taped myself reading children’s books. When I needed to put her in her crib to get something done I turned it on and she listened intently :grin:


No it’s not bad and its not cruel…letting them cry It out so you can get a shower is just fine. And its actually a good thing that the child goes to sleep. It teached them self soothing. And if your child falls asleep I’d say he/she is learning

You got to take care of you! It takes a lot of neglect for a baby to get to this abandoned feeling :woman_shrugging: my baby did because the state took him but he eventually forgave me, when they came home, babies are smart and know the difference

I have put my kids in the bathroom with me I’m a bouncy seat . This way you can keep an eye on them and they can see you. Maybe give them a little baby toy as well.

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Put her on the floor outside the shower and talk to her.

We did the cry out method with all 4 of our children and you know what? They don’t have abandonment issues. They’re adults now and I have a ten year old. Dont let the way other moms parent make you feel guilty. If baby is fed clean and not sick then you are fine she or he will be fine. Just parent the way you see fit. Baby is not neglected and you need some time for you.

Is she crying right away when you put her in the pack n play? Or does she start when you start the shower?

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Mom of 6 She’ll be fine! It won’t hurt her to cry while you’re in the shower. Mom guilt is real. You lean to channel it as they get older.


Letting her cry it out every now and then is fine

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She will be ok. It hurts your feelings more then theirs I promise. It will make you doubt yourself like crazy but they say it helps build their lungs. As long as she’s not being left for hours screaming she’s good momma.


your fine I’m a mother of 5 they have to learn to soothe themselves sometimes or your not going to get a shower


She will be fine, don’t worry :slight_smile: as long as you’re not leaving her for too long and you’re close by to keep an eye/ear, then all will be okay :slight_smile:

I did moderated CIO with my daughter, she’s 10 now and she’s perfectly fine, healthy with a good sense of bonds, relationships and boundaries

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As long as she is fed, burped,changed, and safe… then momma enjoy your 5 min shower… you deserve it!


Do u feel Abandon by your mom and dad

But I mean by that is you learn to soothe yourself and your baby will be just fine

Mom of 3 First time mom panic is totally normal. She will be fine. IMO abandonment issues come from a lot more than a quick shower, and babies need to learn to self sooth to some degree when young, so they can cope when they’re older. You’ll both be fine momma.

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My daughter did the same I put her in the bathroom with me to see me and she did fine.

Crying never hurt the baby it hurt you more then you and she will learn boundary that today a lot of mom don’t do


I use to put my son in his chair in shower room x

Mum of 3, soon to be 4
Honestly, there’s a lot more to abandonment issues than leaving baby while you shower. As long as you know she is clean, fed and comfortable, she’ll be fine! I’ve used this method will all 3 of mine and there’s certainly no abandonment issues with them, they’re very affectionate children! You need to take a shower when you need to take a shower, she has to learn that your attention can’t be on her 24/7 x

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You’re fine. Crying it out wont hurt them as long as it’s not for hours at a time. If baby is fed, changed and in a safe place and not hurt anywhere then shower. But if you’re like me and really do feel like crap about it (i cant let my son cry for more than a minute before i pick him up) do what i do. I take my son in the bathroom with me and put him in the bouncy seat while i shower. He seems to enjoy it. I talk to him while im in the shower so he knows im there and he babbles back. I can keep an eye on him and it saves us both a lot of anxiety. Just a tip that helped me

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I brought my baby in a bouncer in the bathroom while I showered…now he’s 1 I shower at night before bed or when he takes a nap In the morning… sometimes he goes in the shower with me if it’s a busy morning…he always liked the bouncy seat in the bathroom he could see me or I could pop my head out and say hi

I was the same but it got soo exhausting not letting him actually soothe himself to sleep now that I made it a habit he sleeps on his own and I get to shower plus he seems a lot happier being a tiny bit independent on his sleep

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She will be okay, crying for 10/15 minutes till she tuckers out isn’t going to harm her any, and you know her needs are met beforehand so you know she’s just mad not in peril. I used to put my daughter in her travel basinet in the bathroom with me when her dad wasn’t able to watch her. And I’d sing in the shower so she could hear my voice.

Bring her into the bathroom with you! Put her in a chair, bouncer, etc. why leave her alone to cry? Or, shower after she goes to bed at night.


It’s actually good for them to have a good cry once in a while. It strengthens their lungs. And if your kid only cries when you ‘dare’ to take a shower, you are blessed.
The fact that you were concerned enough to ask, means you are doing a great job.


As long as she has had her needs satisfied and she wasnt fussy before hand I wouldnt worry. You need to shower. If she is still crying after then yeh help her calm down a little but it wont hurt her to cry for a few minutes

I put my baby in the bathroom in the rocking seat we have. It was the way I felt comfortable enough to take a shower long enough to relax

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You are a good Mom! What you are doing is appropriate. You are gently moving toward separation .


Bring her into the bathroom with you, keep the shower curtain slightly open so she can see you. X

I’m not a fan of CIO, I tried with my oldest but we both would be crying. My oldest has anxiety and other behavior issues that my younger two don’t have, and I never let the younger two CIO. :woman_shrugging:t3:
I always brought them in a bouncer Into the bathroom. The steam is good for them, and the white noise of the shower usually lulls them to sleep.


Shell be ok to cry a bit. Take your shower.

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It will do her good later on. She will be just fine.

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Shes fine♥️

My happy healthy babies all learned to cry it out to 15/20 min. (As im sure babies who didnt cry it out are happy n healthy too) more than that though and they got picked up.

Just dont let her cry for hours! Which you dont seem to be doing anyway! :sparkles::two_hearts:


Do you have something she can safely sit in while you are in the shower so you can talk to her?


I always put my babies in the bouncy seat in the bathroom with me while i showered…having them cry whole in a shower is ok…wont hurt them. :+1:


I say whatever you’re comfortable with! If you’ve met all her needs and she’s due for a nap she’s okay for a few while you shower.
I don’t necessarily “like” the cry it out thing, but sometimes the baby doesn’t stop and moms need a minute.

You won’t mess her up if you care!


I’m against cry it out, I always put my son’s in the shower with me I would put them in their baby bath tub I would still pick them up & hold them for skin to skin for extra bonding time & When I needed to shampoo & condition my hair, shave & wash my body I would sit them back down in their baby bath tub & I would talk to them the whole time & I didn’t feel like doing that then I would take a shower late at night when they were asleep


She’s fine! Enjoy your shower and keep her in a swing or vibrating chair in the bathroom :blush::blush::blush:


Just bring them in the bathroom! In bouncer, walker, something… When they cry then open curtain and talk letting them know your still there.


I feel bad for most of your kids :100::roll_eyes:


She’s fine. But if you’re really worried, Get this thing. It rolls and u can secure baby with the straps. Fits in the bathroom too!


My lord they cry that’s what they do showers are a most sounds like you might need a support group it might help to talk to other moms in person

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Perhaps you should shower while she is sleeping or when your husband is home!


IMO you aren’t damaging Bub.
But if it is stressing you try bringing her in with you

It’s ok. I’m not a fan of CIO and I could never support it. What I did, I had my son with me in the bouncer while I showered really quick! It worked great cause I could keep an eye on him!


I used to let my son cry himself to sleep. Now hes 17 and a well adjusted, sweet, considerate teenager.

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As long as baby is fed, clean, and in a safe place, you can safely take a few minutes for a shower. However, it sounds like doing that while baby is crying causes you stress. For this reason, I would recommend you try a few of the above suggestions and see what works for you. Shower when baby is asleep. Take baby into bathroom or shower with you. Wait until Daddy comes home so he can hold baby. Figure out what works. No judgements.

When my daughter was that little I would just put her in her little bouncy chair in the bathroom with me while I showered…she was perfectly content with that. However i did the cry it out method when she was 22 months when i was weening her off the bottle. I was replacing her bottle with a sippy cup at that point and she was not happy about it but within a half hour she would finally stop crying and go to sleep. As long as you’re making sure all babies needs are met a few minutes of crying doesnt hurt

It does not hurt her to allow her to console herself while you are in the shower. When she wakes in the middle of the night and you jump right up its ok until she should be sleeping through the night at about 6 mo. Then let her cry herself to sleep. My husband has a gift to knowing when that should be. I would go to get up and he would grab my arm and say, let her cry. 1 night and it was over. They would sleep all night after that. It SUCKS to let them do that. But if you continue to jump everytime they holler, you’ll end up with a spoiled child that will be out of control.


Honestly i showered with my daighter for the skin to skin for a the first 2/3 months but then i started just laying her down before hand. if she cried then she cried for 10 or 15 minutes tops while i showered. crying isnt going to hurt them as long as it not for hours on end