I guess I don’t understand the whole concept of “once a day” “only at designated times” “don’t answer”. He is as much her parent as you are. Unless there is more to the story, there has to be a solution that doesn’t prioritize one parent’s importance over the other.
Lol just because he wants to call every hour doesn’t mean she needs to be grateful. he sounds controlling and super annoying. I’d tell him to calm down and keep his calls down to a minimum. Depending on the situation, even take her for the day, sheesh.
Advise him a time of day he can call. Block his number. Unblock 5 min before the time he is advised to call. Block it when he’s done.
Live your life girl.
Being married to an attorney I can tell you that this is considered harassment. Work with him to schedule a time that he can call that is convenient for all three of you. If he wishes to contact you for emergency purposes he can do so but sparingly. I would keep any other contact with him to texts. Good luck
I had a friend who shared 50/50 custody with his ex. He was told by the mediator person that he should only call every other day at most.
It may frustrate you but he’s putting in an effort to talk to her. Imagine if the rolls were reversed and for some reason he had her you’d probably want to talk to her whenever you could. You could look into FaceTiming or zoom or something and maybe sit the computer or phone in front of her in the high chair so she can’t push buttons that way they can talk and you can still do some things. Be thankful he’s putting in effort because some dads don’t and it wouldn’t be fair to her for you to limit how much she talks to him this is coming from a child who came from split parents.
Girl if it is interfering with your schedule stop doing answering all the time. If it ain’t life or death you can miss a call you don’t have to answer every single one. it almost sounds like you want to talk too or something lol get her her own phone a little track phone put some minutes on it and put it in her little purse so she can answer whenever he calls
Yeah, you can’t have a life like that. When you make the choice to co-parent separately, you have to give up some of the luxuries. One of those is talking to the child all day every day. I’d set up two times a day. Outside of that, I’d let him know that she can call if she ever asks and I’d call if there was ever an issue.
Be thankful that this man loves his child so much that he wants to always talk to her regardless of her age.
Many women beg their child’s father to be in their life. I suppose you can turn the phone off or block except for agreed upon times.
I wouldn’t answer if he calls every hour. It seems like he doesn’t respect your schedule and want to be controlling. You have a life too.
Don’t damn answer lol why won’t he just come pick her up wth
If the situation was reversed, wouldn’t you want to talk to your daughter at least once a day? I know I would…I would be thankful he wants to be in their life!
Honestly its interfering with your day to day lives and schedules so i would text him (so you have evidence) that you dont mind him calling to talk to her but please limit it between ___ time and ____ time (i suggest 6-630 right after dinner) and that the call be limited to a max of 15 minutes. That if he needs time change he needs to let you know by 3 and that if he doesn’t call within that time he forfeits his call for the day
Setting boundaries is ok! It is NOT keeping him out of her life. Any mediator would agree with once a day being enough. Especially for a toddler.
It’s in my papers that we can call/FaceTime the kids while with the other parent once a day for up to 20 mins, with a 10 min text warning. And it has to be at a reasonable hour of the day. We call at night before bed usually but every once in a while it’s in the morning or afternoon. I let my kids call their dad whenever they ask though. I also let them see him at his work whenever we are there if they ask or if we happen to see him while there.
You communicate this to him and work together on an agreed upon schedule. If you’ve already tried that, then stop answering the phone except at the time you tried to she upon
That would drive me nuts. Id tell him once a day and thats it.
Stop it, he’s the father let him speak to his kid. Why try to have issues.
Be glad he calls at all. Some of us can’t pay “Dad” to call
That sounds controlling and unhealthy. It’s intrusive. Give him a time when he can catch up with her. Period. He’s interfering with the life you and your daughter are living. He’s probably less concerned with her than he is on keeping tabs on you through her.
I’d wanna know why the relationship ended, first. If it was because he wanted it to or something he did, he kinda lost the right to talk to his daughter every hour of every day. But if it was something you did or because you wanted to, it’s not really fair to him that he’s just cut off from her. i know it’s not totally cut off, but you get what i mean. if you guys came to a neutral agreement to break it off and you’re on okay terms i’d just talk to him about setting up times he can call and if that doesn’t work just don’t answer the phone. get a new number and call him twice a day from an unknown number.
If its interfering with day to day life give set times to fit in with ur schedule ur raring the child does he have visits pay maintenance etc?some men use this to their control evn tho he doent talk to u could be questioning the child I understand ur concerne a child needs stability and structure know what’s happening now and what’s happening next if the other parent has visitation I would be setting call times in order to provide that yes some fathers get blasted because of low life dead beats others dredge through court to set proper order for their kids others on d other hand I’m glad some of ye have not met
Way too often. It’s great that he wants to keep in touch And all but one call per day or even every other day is plenty enough. I would just simply let him know that you are unable to answer calls all day long as you are busy, but are more than happy to accommodate a phone call every day at ______o’clock. Then simply don’t answer calls at any other time of day other than the scheduled call time.
Maybe discuss with him set days and times that suit you all
Come up with a decent schedule
Ummmm no? He obviously misses his daughter, and it’s bad enough he’s not in the same household (maybe for good reason but as far as the effects on the kids). He wants a strong relationship despite this, which is a really really good thing bc it’s so common for dads to just fuck off and forget their kids. Let him take her more often if it’s an issue. Think about her and how she feels.
Y’all saying she should just block him but for a small period in the day is just horrible. I’m betting some moms on here WISH their childrens’ father had that enthusiasm. Maybe block the number when you’re doing something really important, or get your daughter a little starter phone and have him call that one whenever.
My son’s dad has always been the same way. My son is now almost 15 and lives with him and the dad still calls me a minimum of 2 times a day. (My son has terrible anxiety and minor depression so he doesn’t use his phone alot and won’t talk to me unless I go over there) It’s annoying af and I hate it so I simply don’t answer alot of the time. I’ll talk to him every other day typically. I say if he won’t stop after a talk just ignore it and answer or call him as many times as you feel is necessary.
Idk about all the ones saying limit time only let him talk once a day yes it’s an inconvenience having to answer your phone alot but wouldn’t you rather have a dedicated father in your daughters life I know if my children’s father showed even a little interest in his kids after we broke up id be over the moon just my opinion though if say your blessed to have such a great father for your daughter
LOL at y’all saying it’s not too much. Every hour? Are y’all serious? That’s way too much! I love that he wants to talk to his child and you’re not stopping him! But geeeeze it wouldn’t hurt for him to lay off a little since you do have your own life to tend to. He can still talk to her on a daily basis but he does not need to be trying to call multiple times out of the day to be an active father. Maybe ask if he can call in the evenings when the day has settled and she can chat with him for a while before bed or something? Or just whatever time works with both of your schedules but yeah…multiple times is super unnecessary
You didn’t state it but I’m curious if he has in person visitations
definitely sounds like he is doing this to check up on YOU, distract YOU, and interfere with your personal life. this isnt even about the child. pretty sure he is being manipulative and controlling.
not knowing him i don’t know whether to say this stems from him trying to interfere with your time or from him being a little overly clingy or something but like…that’s overboard. once in the morning and once before bed would be GENEROUS. and not to be that guy or anything but she’s 2 lol what the fuck could he possibly need to talk about every HOUR
Way too often and unhealthy. Set boundaries and make it in the morning and before bed. When she’s old enough to have a phone then she can contact him anytime she wants to.
Maybe try adding a phone on ur plan for just calls for her or a phone thats strictly calls only so he can call her and have him pay for it. Simple as that.
I wonder if he talked to his daughter as much when they were together, I wonder
He wants contact with his daughter which is great once an hour is a bit excessive what about getting her a cheap tablet and installing kids messenger on it, just keep it with you and he can video call her on that all you do is have to answer and hand it over without loosing your phone.
You don’t stop. He’s the father. Get over it.
What a complaint. Lmao.
She’s little. I understand the need for her to hear his voice often, but honestly, it’s too much. If he works, he would not normally be seeing her all day. Suggest, in a text, that at most 3 times a day. Once in the morning, once at lunch, and after dinner or just before bed. Sometimes the last two times are very close together, so only one call.
Nope. There are time limits, just like visitation.
That is very often. I honestly wouldn’t stop him though. He cares. That is amazing. My children would love a call just once a year but they don’t even get that. A parent that cares is amazing. You are very blessed
That HIS daughter too !! He can call when he wants to talk to her so what he don’t talk to you he’s your ex and He wants a relationship with his daughter and to be in her life ! You should be happy he didn’t cut her out his life when y’all split
Twice a day. She’s a toddler! Good morning wake up convos and good night how your day went ones. Done.
I would hate to co-parent with you. It’s his daughter. If you don’t like it send her to her dad’s.
Get over yourself and suck it up for your daughter. She deserves him in her life as much as possible.
You should be happy he wants to talk to her that much, some dads completely check out once they are no longer together with the mom.
Tell him how u feel about it if he cant compromise, block him and have your daughter call him in the late morning/early afternoon and before she goes to bed. Theres not much to talk to a 2 year old bout every hr
That’s ridiculous. Doesn’t he have a job? Lol
She’s just asking for a schedule. lol. Damn some of you are acting like she’s gonna take the kid away. If you have a solution that works for both parents then give it.
It’s not that dramatic. So calm your tits. lol
No one calls their kids every hour no matter how old they are. It’s great he wants to be involved but that is excessive calling IMO more so to disrupt your time as well. You are allowed to have uninterrupted time with your child as well. The OP doesn’t want him to stop calling period just to be more reasonable. Morning and night makes sense and then he can have his visitation too
You don’t. It’s his daughter too. If you miss his call just shoot a text with a time she will call him back. I doubt he does this everyday all day one of you must have a job.
There is some straight up rude bitches on this page. That’s what’s wrong with this world. Can’t even give advice without being a bitch so annoying to even read response because people act like they know everything. Separate families do not need to call each other all day every damn day.
I’d suggest maybe getting a tablet with facetime?
Set up with him a time frame that he can call and talk with his daughter. This way its in your daily schedule. helps him not to worry if he is able to talk to her.
Really??? He is dad and has just as mich right to child as you do. Good Lord! Be thankful that child has a father who is in her life
How often would he be talking to her if they were in a home together. He should have as much access as he would if he was in the home. You’re mad it is interrupting your life? That’s his kid too! How much would you want to talk to her if he had custody?
He is holding you emotionally hostage girl! His control and manipulation is right out there for all to see! Let her talk, he’s got you between a rock and a hard place. Don’t let him and he again has you between a rock and a hard place!
Stop allowing him to control you thru a toddler ! Don’t let others influence you!
How much would you want to talk to her if she was with him?
That’s overwhelming. Yeah you guys need a schedule! I would say maybe before bed, that’s it! A picture in the morning or something?
Does he see the little girl?
Too Bad!! Be happy that he wants to be in her life!! If he didn’t call her you would call him a deadbeat. You sound so prissy and shitty!!
Put the shoe on the other foot, if he had full custody how often would you want to talk to your toddler? Would you be okay being limited in your contact with her? Would you sit for a schedule?
Have him take her more so you have more time for your day to day stuff.
I agree… that he is her dad… and he should have a relationship with his daughter… but… not to call every hour on the hour. Boundaries need to be put into place. He can call her at such and such time. Both will benefit. You get to kept your sanity and he gets to talk to his daughter.
As often as you can.
I wouldn’t stop something if I was in the middle of it and he called. But I’d answer when I could. As my child deserves that access. But if I’m busy…Naw man, call back when I can answer.
Cuz dude. Imagine having to stop everything you’d doing, every hr, for X amount of time, cuz the phone rings.
There is caring…and then there is controlling…
He’s trying to control YOU by using the kid.
Pick times throughout the day, and then answer at those times for sure. Any other times…just tell him it comes down to if you’re busy or not. If busy, tough,call back daddy.
Personally, there has to be boundaries. And that’s with everything in life, you can’t call anyone every hour and expect them to be okay with this lol I would set a time where he can talk to her daily. Take it to court if you have to and make sure they put it in the parenting plan.
He has every right to be in contact with his daughter.
i say good for your daughter, shes lucky to have a dad who checks up on her daily, even at this young age… my daughter’s dad only calls when he remembers he has a kid, which is once a month at the most… but hopefully you both can set a time every day when he can call without it being a problem…
Give him two specific times to call, morning and night. Anything more than that is excessive and might even be to keep tabs on you
Set up a schedule for morning and night to call.
Eventually she won’t want to talk to either of you. Let him talk to her.
Stop answering every time he calls and have the conversation with him that states he can call at certain times. E.g. 8am & 6pm
Get a prepaid phone tell him to put time on it and have him use that one.
My ex does the same. I’d set a schedule with him if I where you. If I don’t answer my ex’s calls he gets verbally abusive.
It won’t interupt you if you don’t answer the phone. A good morning in the am and goodnight before bed. If he has visitation, he can talk to her then.
I think if he gets visits with her, then he should definitely get a call before bed and that’s that. Maybe a picture in the morning. And if he doesn’t, there should be a calling schedule set up. For appropriate time to call and not.
Get a cheap phone (like a phone through straight talk) have him buy the $35 card or you buy it and he can blow that one up I understand wanting them to talk but it seems a little much to call every single hour have him get her a cheap phone for calls or you can get one and you guys can figure out who’s gonna pay for it or tell him the constant calling every hour is a little much and you guys need to set up a call schedule I feel like he’s calling frequently because he wants to see what you’re up to and by doing that he’s constantly calling to “talk with your daughter” but in reality he’s calling to see where you’re at and what you’re doing or at least that’s my suspicion
1 or 2 phone calls a day. 15 minutes each, as toddlers can’t really carry on conversations. Boundaries need to be put in place as you have a life too…and guess what it doesn’t revolve around him anymore. But every hour of the day is controlling and excessive.
Did some of you even read the post? Calling every hour of the day? Who in their right mind would be okay with that? And now she has to stop what she’s doing and give up her phone? Nah man that’s some narcissistic and manipulating bs.
Tell him she has a schedule that you’d like to stick to and set a time agreeable to both of you one or two times a day.
There definitely needs to be a schedule she is 2 and even if she was older still needs a schedule for talking, every hour everyday wtf I would be blocking calls or not answering except morning and night. To the woman saying the woman is wrong , you wouldn’t be saying that if that was you , you all sound bitter maybe because you’ll kids father not in there lives
I would have no problem with this, why cant u hand the phone over and just do your chores, it will keep her occupied and out of your hair.
Could he see her more?
Set a schedule that works okay for both of you
Set up a 2 hour time frame 1x a day he can call and vice versa. As the child gets older she’ll like that you both let her contact the other parent to talk.
Woah! That is too much. I think setting 1 or 2 specific times a day is reasonable. It is ridiculous for him to think you have nothing better to do than to facilitate his times to talk to your daughter.
The women up her shouting about how she should be grateful and that there’s nothing wrong with this situation…your thirst and bitterness is showing. Smh. This mom has every right to not be okay with phone calls every hour because its inconsiderate AF and makes the father look unstable as hell.
Tell him to take her half time so he stops. He needs to realize day to day with a toddler isn’t easy to spend near a phone.
At least he loves her
I would have lost my shit already so kudos to you. I would most definitely set some boundaries and scheduled calls or tell him you will block his number.
He obviously misses her. Let him have more time with her? She’s not I school so as long as there wasn’t any history of abuse or anything in your relationship let him have more time to spend with her?
All I’m saying is, put it in the perspective if he had your daughter 24/7… treat him like you would want to be treated
Oh hell no, I’d block him after the first call and unblock him when I cut my phone off at night… LOL
If you answer once a day, and keep a log of it there’s nothing he can do. You’re allowing her to talk to him but that much is insane. There is no reason to call that much 2 year olds don’t have much to say lmao. He’s Doinf it to be crazy to you. Answer once and block rest of the day or tell him you will if he keeps calling and you’ll only unblock one hour a day
Every hour?! Does he have a job?
What is the custody situation? If it’s your time - he gets to interrupt your day once or twice. That’s it.
This sounds like a control freak issue. He’s using your daughter to control you.
It is COMPLETELY out of bounds to expect you to constantly drop everything to supervise a 2 year old with a phone.
If he aint working, then he needs to stop and pick her up … if he can talk to her that much he needs to spend one on one time with her and not on a phone…face to face would be alot better
Can he have more visitation? I have mixed emotions, if it is honestly just him missing her then a sympathetic conversation where you two set boundaries is best.
However, if he is doing it to control or harm you, then you should give him a firm schedule and tell him you will not answer if it is not those times.
I think thats crazy controlling behaviour. Once a day is enough if he has to speak to her daily.
Set a time in the evening. And only answer than. He’s not talking to his child that much with out cause he’s babysitting you to see if you actually have her and what your doing. 2 years won’t sit long on the phone.
I wish my ex gave 1% of what this man seems to care… I know it might be annoying, but maybe you can work something out.
Let him call her 3 times a day at the most. After breakfast, lunck/nap, and before bed.
So is Mom allowed to have a life or she’s supposed to just answer his call every single hour of the day?
Calling hourly is CONTROLLING (not loving or bc he misses his daughter) behavior. My sons father would do that when it suited him & God forbid I was out & didn’t answer the phone immediately, he’d barrage me with names, insults etc. There was no way I was letting him manipulate me like that. By all means, call your child to see how their day is going, say hi…whatever but every hour? NO. I’m sure he wouldn’t like it if the Mom was doing that to him.