Is my daughters dad calling her to much?

Maybe instead of creating a possibility for conflict, explain her schedule and ask when he would like to make his 2 or 3 calls per day. And you could start to miss the occasional call (if you are cooking, or doing something else hands on, or if she is sleeping, etc)


She is 2 years old set a time every day so they can talk, there is absolutely no need to be calling a 2 year old every hour to talk to them… it’s great he wants to be in her life it that’s excessive…


I’m kinda scared for the people who don’t recognize this man’s behavior as controlling :grimacing:


Set a time? Like he calls between x-x to talk to her?
Or once in the morning, once at night. I get wanting to talk with your child but no need to be so excessive…


Yeahhhh all I’m getting is controlling vibes but what do I know? The child is 2!


You have the power to set him straight. His calls are too frequent and it is disrupting your daily activities. Talk to him by giving him the set times that he can call you . Set limits! You have a life too, you have to work inside your home, do chores, the baby has to rest/sleep and you will not be able to answer his calls. And most of all you are the only one who can mute the phone, ignore or not answer his call. Sounds like he got you controlled. Don’t be. Good Luck!!!


Is it really every hour? Or is it a few times a day and its annoying so it feels like every hour? Bc 1 is controlling stalker flag and the other sounds like a dad really missing his daughter and lonely. But either way stop answering the phone!! You pay for the phone so YOU dictate when YOU answer it. As long as he gets to talk to her daily and see her regularly you aren’t doing anything wrong. Its not your job to fix his loneliness. He maybe calling to see if you’re alone. He maybe calling so much to make sure to ruin any chances of you moving on…then there’s the chance he simply misses her and is lonely and uses the calls to try and fill the lonely moments…problem is in a few years when he finds someone and moves on…his daughter will be devastated not being his center of the universe 15x a day. He needs to be reasonable. But YOU need to take back your power…read it again. ITS YOUR PHONE, YOU HAVE THE POWER HERE TO STOP THIS INSANITY. TAKE BACK YOUR POWER, dont let ANYONE control your time unless they are a newborn!


Control freak maybe once in the morning and at night to say goodnight or something but all day long nope I will not stop what I’m doing just for him to talk to my child nope he don’t get to interrupt your daily life like that’s he’s insane


Once a day is normal

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Make a set time schedule for him to call. Maybe once in the morning and once before bedtime to see how her day was and to say goodnight.


This is super controlling. Calling her 2 times a day is sufficient. Try to speak with him and explain and if he won’t respect that send him a respectful but stern text that you will set aside a time in the am and evening each day for them to speak and tbats it. What he’s doing isn’t due to actual desire to speak with his daughter. You shouldn’t have to stop your life every damn hour!!


Sounds like he wants to know what Mom is doing and who Mom is with


That’s quite excessive. I would be setting a schedule, once in the morning and once before bed, or whatever suits you. If he calls anymore than that I just wouldn’t answer. Make sure you keep a record of all this incase it needs to be taken further/if anything happens.


Be thankful he wants a connection with her. Set a time that suits you and your schedule and just be thankful he wants to be in her life.

The wording in this can be taken different ways depending on how you interpret. I interpret it that the ex calls their daughter for 1 hour every day eg 4pm-5pm. If it’s every hour of every day, sorry but that is controlling and you need to set timings and days.


Nope… not too much, you should be grateful he wants to be involved


Maddison Louise remind you of someone & “HIS!” Daughter? Jx

Two call per week, max 30 mins.

That’s our court order.

My ex used calls as a way to control my life when I left. Abuse through power and control. Best of luck


Yeah I’d set up like a morning and night call and maybe she can call him if something exciting happens and SHE wants to share but other than that we’re busy.


I share my daughter 50/50 (1 week, 1 week) and both her dad and I USUALLY do not contact her on the respective parent’s week. Once hourly is FUCKING ridiculous.


OMG…She is 2 yrs old!!! Don’t know about any others having a 2 yr old but my boys could hardly carry a conversation so that’s EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING!! He is trying to ruin your day and like someone else said, making sure you don’t move on! And not to mention why isn’t he busy working??? Make him pick that baby up after work and visit her!! I would have loved my ex to take our boys and visit more often


I say before bed is enough

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Boundaries…set boundaries…
Set aside a time…maybe once a day for him to call… …
This appears to be a control method…
I would definitely put a stop to hourly calls…that is not healthy for any of you…


It’s his daughter too , be careful because one day she may decide to live with him . Would you want your communication with her limited


Maybe morning afternoon n night and eventually move to morning n night :woman_shrugging:t4: my 2 yr old doesnt stay on the phone for long

we all know women lie and exaggerate when it comes to their child’s father. I doubt he calls that often. She’s dragging it.


My husband calls me any time to see our daughter when he’s at work and we are home (more so when I’m off work cause that’s when I’m with her all day long). I always gladly stop what I’m doing to have him talk to her, it’s something she will grow up remembering and bonding with him.

However, once an hour is kind of crazy. Maybe like 3 times a day? Morning when she wakes up, afternoon before a nap, and mid afternoon/evening before bed. That seems more reasonable. 2 year olds don’t talk much, but remember dads need to be involved too, your daughter needs it. Just think about it, you could always end up wishing he’d call or see her.


Be glad he cares , most of these post have no contact with dads. 4x a day morning when she wakes, after lunch, after nap and before bedtime


My court order is 3 x wk, at 5. She’s freaking 2. Once is enough.

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Give him a time and set it for 30 minutes. 2yo’s don’t speak full sentences but they speak jibberish and it’s cute.

He wants to talk to his daughter, misses her!!! Count your blessings. You set boundaries and in 6 months you will be whining he never calls. Some men want to be with their kids as much as a mom does. You deny him that and he will shut down and stop trying. Just hand her the phone and let him enjoy the phone call since he can’t physically be there.


Man, I can see how you’re busy but I definitely wouldn’t be annoyed by it. He loves her and wishes he could be with her all the moments that you are. She’s a lucky little girl, that’s for sure.
However, just let him know it’s hard for you to answer that often. Maybe morning, afternoon, & bed time would be fine. I do feel sorry for him though knowing he wishes he could talk more to her, even if she don’t understand. :pleading_face:


Set a schedule, don’t answer outside those hours, gain Your freedom back


She sounds bitter because he calls to talk to his daughter and not the mother


Okay I might be the odd one out here (haven’t read all comments just recent ones).

Umm no. She shouldn’t set boundaries for a man that is calling her line on the HOUR and DAILY at that? Another comment said get the two year old a phone? What…so the mom is responsible for charging it, keeping up with it cause a two year old most likely won’t… :woozy_face::expressionless:

You have every right to set boundaries. No one here knows your story. No one knows if this man hurt you mentally, broke you down, whatever. No one knows anything about your relationship. They just see this little post and respond.

Set boundaries. I’d be fine with twice a day, maybe even midday. But when you’re most likely up from 7/8/9 am until 9/10/11 pm…that’s 12-16 times a day this man is calling you. That’s not okay. Your daughter can have a great relationship with her father by talking only a couple times a day and spending time with him as well. YOU should not have to be bothered by someone every hour of the day when you are not even with him anymore.


Furthermore, as you said you aren’t trying to keep her from him…which means you want them to have a relationship. Possibly allow him more days with her if he doesn’t get half time with her. I share custody of my two teenage kids with their dad. We have them equally. It works out great for us.

I worked as a legal secretary for a family attorney for about three years. If a mother went to court with this exact issue the judge would look at the father like he’s crazy. This is a grown woman who is bothered by this excessive calling. Y’all WOMEN are wild for acting like she has no right to feel that way. Let y’all get a crazy ex doing this, I bet you wouldn’t feel the same smh


He wants to speak to his daughter, he loved her and obviously misses her. Imagine you in his position, maybe set up 4x calls a day and space them out. Be thankful he wants to be apart of her life. It’s not hard when he calls answer it, give the phone to your daughter and then continue what ever it is you wheee doing. Check in on her here and there.

He obviously misses his daughter, maybe make a more convenient time for him to ring her

Dont answer his calls. Every hour all day is insane


It’s nice he’s involved and cares. But that’s annoying. Set boundaries. Speak up. Never tip toe. :person_cartwheeling:


Once a day, twice max.

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Its nice he cares yes. But calling every hour. That’s probably 10+ times a day. I agree that’s far too much :flushed:
I would set times with him.
Maybe a lunchtime or morning call and a call before bed to say goodnight etc or whatever fits in better with your schedule.
You definitely have to set boundaries.

I personally would say once a day. But because he is used to calling so much maybe say twice a day but at set times so you can at least get on with your day inbetween the calls.

There’s only so much he could possibly speak to a 2 yr old about … set a schedule for him to call … once in morning, once in evening, heck let him FaceTime her too during those times … and you have a set calling time too when he has her …

Your 2 year old must be more advanced then mine if i hand my two year old a phone and continue what im doing like some of these crazies are saying to then that phone is going in the toilet


if its bc you need your phone to work or do things throughout the day you could get her a cheap flip phone so you dont have to hand your phone over. the schedule is a good idea too, set times he can call.

That’s excessive. He’s doing it on purpose to disrupt your day. Set a time. If he cannot stick to it he won’t speak to her at all of.


Its insane for any man to be calling on the hour. Whats wrong with you ladies who says she is bitter or not understanding towards him!!! He needs to be focus on work and supporting his baby girl now that he’s out of the house. Mothers work too!!! I work from home due to the pandemic, I know I cant be answering calls hourly. My husband works from home and still doesn’t bother me during working hours. My toddler even knows better than that grown ass man. Omg, ladies instead of shaming a mom, shame on you


I’m sure he misses her, he divorced you, not her


Once, maybe twice a day is plenty. Yikes. If you were both working outside the house, you wouldn’t even be around her for him to call her. I doubt a daycare would entertain this. Tell him once over lunch or something and maybe before bed. But that’s ridiculous.


He’s doing this to mess with mom. There is no reason to call a 2 year old every hour to talk to her. Hes just curious as to what mom is doing. Make a schedule


Maybe doing visits instead

He IS her father! :flushed: I’d think he has the right to talk to her as much as he wants to. You need to think of these things before you have children because it’s not fair to limit time just because one of you decided you didn’t want to make the commitment last. That’s not the child’s fault.


He wouldn’t be doing that if he was at work or out doing things like seeing friends. Or if she was at nursery. It’s pure control and manipulation. He has every right to be involved but you have every right to be able to live your life. If he feels the need to speak to her every day more than once then I’d say lunchtime and evening. Set boundaries and if he rings more than that don’t answer the phone


Be glad he’s taking interest most fathers don’t give a shit🤷‍♀️

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Yeah hell no. Custody agreement*** there’s ZERO need for him to constantly be upsetting your schedule. Because, frankly, that’s constant. I’d barely be able to accomplish much with that jazz…


I get, totally, why you might be annoyed, but this is so much better than him acting as if she does not exist. It’s nice he wants to keep in her short toddler age attention span. Perhaps you try to talk calmly with him about setting up a schedule.

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DON’T! It’s an inconvenience to you, but, set THAT aside. A father IS (big important) your daughters STRENGTH, her daddy. Do NOT EVER INTERFERE with parent/child relationship. Let him, EVERY SINGLE TIME.


He may just miss her but honestly I’d tell him to give it a rest. Limit it to three calls a day. Morning afternoon and before bed. He doesn’t need to be blowing up your phone constantly to talk to her lol.


It’s nice when a dad is so interested, he may miss her loads, never be the reason for coming in between her and her daddy, but if your unsure of his motives, like if he’s checking where you are what your doing or who your with then buy your daughter a cheap phone of her own, then your phone is your phone again


Depends, if he doesn’t get to see her in person then no, if he does and is only doing it while she’s on your time then it’s a bit much and shows a lack of trust he may have towards you


Hell no. Get a custody agreement. He can call once a day at a set time. Seriously, F that.


What’s wrong with him calling twice a day instead once in the morning and once before the child goes to bed. This is nuts


If you want to talk to her every hour move back in :man_facepalming:


Get her a tablet or cheap phone. Set up a kids messenger through fb on it and just add him so he’s able to video chat her when ever he wants. Just a thought.


Is your child enjoying talking to her dad? Then you would be wrong to severe that. Relationship change it won’t go on forever but its a bond and its sweet


I think 3 times a day is perfectly fairies great he is showing an interest and loves his daughter but while them maintaining a strong relationship is a priority so is you being able enjoy your time with her also and him always hanging over your shoulder isn’t fair on “your time” with her.
Just asking as you respect those boundaries also i think 3 times a day is perfectly fair.


Lucky to have a dad that wants to call his child but every hour is a little much. Maybe 2x a day. Morning and night and that’s it. She is 2 not 10


Over the top. Set times and stick to it.

Start calling him every half hour. Let him see what it’s like to not be able to get anything done. Then maybe he’ll wanna set some boundaries.


Does he not work ? Dang. I just wouldn’t answer unless I had the time. He’s not YOUR dad.

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Once a day should be sufficient pending any special circumstances

He should call her everyday, but not once every hour, that’s abit excessiveconsidering everyone has things to do. If the timing is an inconvenience to you, just give him a set time to call her everyday or everynight. He misses her, he’s her dad just as much as you are her mom. That’s just my two cents.

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Its great the dads so involved, but it most be something that agrees with you both. Not just suit him… at two I’m surprised she doesn’t put the phone down herself.
I do believe twice a day is a bit much too maybe once a day in the evenings after dinner. When she can share her day…

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I’m just sat here wondering how on earth its possible to even get a 2 year old to entertain a phone call once a month let alone every hour. My son would not sit still or be interested for more than 30 seconds lol. Once a day at most is reasonable, anything more than that and it’s a bit intrusive and I’d not be having it. X

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Gosh there’s no winning with some women. Yall don’t want dead beat baby daddys that do nothing but then complain when a dad genuinely cares or misses them.and wants to call to talk to their child. Is it maybe a little excessive?? Maybe, but at least he’s involved and cares enough to call.


That’s not “a little excessive” it’s borderline crazy & definitely not normal.


I was gonna say let it be till you said every hour. Give me a break. I just wouldn’t answer every time :woman_shrugging:t2:


That’s too much expecially when child is so young to be on the phone that much.
1 Morning and 1 evening is sufficient and if child wants to speak to their dad inbetween that then they can call them.


I’d say morning and before bed is enough x


Oh bullshit. This bitch is most likely exaggerating. Every hour? Please. She’s lucky he gives a shit about his daughter. A lot of you are man hating tw@ts.


What a horrible father ! :woman_facepalming:


Too much,change number of he won’t talk to you


YOU can’t be on your phone if the baby is on your phone. Set boundaries and limit the every hour to what better fits everyone. If he can call every hour then he has a very flexible schedule to accommodate to.

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Every morning and evening would be appropriate. Even FaceTiming at night to read a bedtime story or something. That hourly thing is a control move.


It’s sounds to me like a form of control maybe it’s just me but obviously to speak to daughter has to get you to do it x


Calling a 2 year old all day everyday? Seems to me more like he may be trying to keep tabs on you. Listening for “background noise”. I doubt they really have a whole lot to talk about that often…


Sounds like he can’t handle the separation or has guilty feelings.

It’s excessive. You need to speak to him about it, or offer to get a therapist involved. If she were in daycare, he wouldn’t be allowed to do this.


Kids that young need that connection more, so at least Morning and Night. But let him have his kid at least half the time and he wouldn’t have to call. She needs time with Daddy too.


The nerve of yall to tell her she’s lucky he’s calling at all. Tf. Every hour is to much & inconsiderate.


Definately to much! If it is cutting into your time to get your personal stuff done…YES…it is to much. You both need to make a schedule that works for both of you. Maybe twice a day in morning or afternoon and maybe night. Best of Luck to you!


Ideally I’d say morning and night as long as it isn’t disrupting a schedule. The key is to get a schedule so that it doesn’t disrupt anyone’s day to day life.


Tell him your happy that he wants to " call and talk" but she is ONLY 2 “TWO” years old. Set up a time with him to call or do a facetime with him so he can " talk & see" her? Blowing up your phone is totally ridiculous!! Plus your busy doing other things. Turn your phone on mute or silent.


Be happy he wants a relationship with her. You wouldn’t like it if he never wanted anything to do with her.


Does he not have a job? To call every hour of the day is beyond excessive! I’m not sure of your guys’ relationship status, but maybe this is a way to keep tabs on you :woman_shrugging:t3: idk… but that is too much!!!


Sounds to me like he is controlling. Was he controlling in your relationship? If so this is probably his way of continuing that when he has no other way to do so.


It’s awesome that he wants to talk to her. Maybe allocate set times.


My custody agreement states that either parent can call once a day when our son is with the opposite parent


I can see the annoyance in this but I’d be thankful that the other parent even cared that. Seems like you need to work a schedule that works for you and isn’t too overbearing


It’s been awhile since I really coparented with my kids “father”, but he’d usually call them before bed and see them once or twice a week. Sometimes twice a day on the weekends, but there were many days he wouldn’t even bother. But I think morning or afternoon, then before bed is fine …but he’s being excessive.

Give him a time to call in morning and a time to call in evening and refuse every call in between. She’s 2 it’s not about him actually talking to her, he’s checking on you