Is my husband normal?

Sounds freakin great to me!

My hubby is very similar :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I love my husbands sex drive :heart_eyes_cat::sweat_drops: we even do all that sexting and what not :rofl::rofl: Talk to him maybe tell him tell him what you want and how you like things aswell nevermind complaining on here.

I mean there is more to a relationship than sex and feeling sensual and wanted are certainly things that need to be felt. Sounds like the romance is ā€œgoneā€ have you tried surprising him with a romantic night? Sometimes you gotta jump start the romance. Try sending a cute morning text after he leaves for work something cute and not sexual but sensual. Also, explaining that to him. Guys are pretty dense, but also need to feel the same things we do. If heā€™s into anime dress like his favorite character surprises like a marvel movie marathon with sushi or anything to ensure the romance is had on both levels. If you put thought and effort into what he likes he will do the same in return :heart:

Physical affection and touch could be his love language. Try having a deeper conversation into that subject. If yours is not, you both need to find a common ground to make things work for you both


if u dont like it then he should respect u and tone it downā€¦

8 years together and my husband is the same way. He had an off 2 weeks a few weeks ago and it made me questions wth was going on lol. I would be more upset if my husband wasnā€™t doing it daily!

I am sorry your going through thisā€¦ My ex husband was like this even though he knew I had alot of sexual trauma and pretend to support me and my boundaries till after the honeymoon. Thatā€™s when the physical assaults began. I endured that torture for 7 years. I am free now and I am terrified to even be with anyone. I am still a bit broken but I am free. Do not let this go because if you do it will only get worse. If he canā€™t understand and love you anyways then this should be enough for you to leave sorry your dealing with all these woman twkkjng you that your feeling arenā€™t valid because they absolutely are. Sending you all kids of strength and positive vibes. My inbox is always open.


My husband is like this. I love it

Iā€™ll trade husbandsā€¦ Mine doesnā€™t even touch me anymore and weā€™re newly married.


My manā€™s so damn sexy to me Iā€™m always rubbing him up and I love when he is all over me. But to each their own I guess

My husband does the same and as much as I love that heā€™s interested in me still after all these years there are times I just donā€™t want to be touched lol Iā€™m also a stay at home mom so after having my kids climb all over me all day Iā€™m just touched out but i just give him a look and he knows in that moment not to touch me lol

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Went thru that after I got married . After the 2nd kid def not as much lol

Was he like this before you were married?

My only question is why do people get to share a question like this in this group? She felt comfortable enough to post such a private question but Iā€™m sure she didnā€™t want anyone sharing it for fun. #tacky


No, its not normal. Iā€™m so sorry these comments are rude and shaming you for not wanting to be groped all the time. Even if itā€™s your husband he should respect when you donā€™t want to be touched. You not being in the mood or not wanting to be touched is ok.
Have a serious talk with him and do it now before it worsens. Looking for professional advice or counseling. Unprofessional, online people arenā€™t it. Good luck babes!

Just tell him thereā€™s gotta be a balance and you need more intimate time without sex involved, in order to feel valued and cared for by him.

Do any of you realize that itā€™s not about him wanting her, yeah every now and then is okay, but when a man is groping your baby all the time, itā€™s more he has a problem, itā€™s her body if it makes her feel uncomfortable then why would he continue, yeah he could be doing another woman, but damn treat a wife with respect, what if she got breast cancer and lost her breast guess he would find another woman cause he wouldnā€™t be able grope her breast, guess her female part is all that makes him interested in her! Some of you are so rude and hateful and donā€™t even bother to read what ppl say. There more to a woman then her sexually parts,

my hubbys like this too, i love it, it prob turns him on more the fact ur now his ā€œwifeā€ id b more concerned if he wasnt showing the interest

If it bugs you. Communicate and set up boundaries. My husband is like this and after 13 years I could no longer say itā€™s ok. I set up boundaries and told him this is how I want to be treated. If it bugs you now it will only get worse. My husband would grab my private parts whenever he felt like it ā€¦ where ever we were. It was inappropriate and I simple would not tolerate it any longer .
Set up boundaries and show them how you want to treated. He will fight backā€¦ trust me: but has helped me tremendously to stop this behavior.

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I wish -_- youā€™re lucky


Enjoy it while you can. It dies down after a while and if you have kids it will go away all together. Youā€™ll basically have to schedule in when you want to have any moments of intimacy.


He finds you sexy and loves you. Thatā€™s why he does it. I can understand it might be a little much at work but when he stops doing it you will notice that too and it wonā€™t be so easy to change. Try to find a compromise because it canā€™t be all your way or all his.


I would be lucky if my SO did this to me everyday. We barely have sex like once a month it sucks

I feel u ā€¦i hate it too


Hes a man. Its ALWAYS on a manā€™s mind. Theyā€™re like monkeys.


Take it as compliment if he is your husband the bible says do not deny your husband for he will wonder ā€¦ If youā€™re not in the mood totally understandable but I know the mind of men even godly men he may be in his prime enjoy it while it last .


Nah seems he got married more for the lust than the love.


You have to train him ā€¦


Oh girl enjoy it while you can and try to have fun. Nothing lasts forever and you will miss the attention once its gone.


Yā€™all are still in the newly married phase. Just say no and put up some boundaries. Two years into marriage and he still is touchy but not overly doing it because I let him know before marriage what was ok and what wasnā€™t.

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Not everyone has the same ā€œnormalā€.


Noā€¦not even in the same vicinity as normal. Quite disturbing actually.


I feel like I would love this so I canā€™t relate lol


Normal. Keeps things fun and interesting :heart:


Yeaā€¦youā€™ll miss that one day.


You canā€™t compare husbands.


I hate that alot of people are telling her to ā€œenjoy it before it goes awayā€. Do you all realize that not everyone enjoys being sexually touched all the time. There are times where itā€™s nice to just relax and enjoy the mood and not make it sexual. Just because itā€™s her husband,it does not mean she has to ā€œjust enjoyā€ or ā€œfeel luckyā€. It can still feel off especially if you donā€™t like it or want it. Smmfh


HE MARRIED YOU!!! u are literally the only one to fill his desires and vice versa. Maybe heā€™s more in love with u after taking vows


I think itā€™s normal but he should respect your decision. Maybe he should try to understand why youā€™re not in the mood or if thereā€™s anything youā€™d like to have in return. Iā€™m going on 5 years with my s/o and heā€™s the same minus the texting but I guess itā€™s a compliment. Itā€™s sweet but sometimes Iā€™ve been home all day cleaning, Iā€™m sweaty and tired from mommimg all day Iā€™m just not in the mood. I usually make him give me a long massage before or tell him to take me to homegoods if he wants it so bad.:joy:


Your husband is normal in the sense heā€™s a bit of a horndog but itā€™s not normal if itā€™s making you uncomfortable and he keeps pushing it on you.


Set your boundaries, be clear and concise when communicating those and explain how it makes you feel when he dismissed them. Satisfying his sex drive shouldnā€™t be at your expenseā€¦those excusing or condoning this behaviour recognise there is a bigger underlying issue.

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Sorry but if you donā€™t enjoy it, he needs to stop.

Heā€™s your husband yes, but that doesnt give him ownership over your bodyā€¦

It may be normal that heā€™s always in the mood, but he should also listen and respect the fact that you dont want to be groped/fondled at every available opportunity.


Every one is different! Some have more drive than others! You canā€™t help that you donā€™t feel sexual all the time same as he canā€™t help that he does feel sexual all the time. Try to have understanding!!!

If you do NOT want to be touched, groped, and fondled all the time, YOU DONT HAVE TO BE. Just because youā€™re his wife and should fill his desires etc does not mean you have to do something YOU DONT WANT TO. It is YOUR body. It doesnā€™t mean youā€™re not attracted to him or love him any less or makes you any less of a wife. Itā€™s called RESPECT.


Also Iā€™m deeply concerned about some of the comments here. Unwanted sexual advances should be appreciated, your boundaries should not be respected and if you donā€™t give in you canā€™t be mad if he cheats on you? Get outta here lmao. What kind of example does that set for not only your daughters but your sons too?


Not everyone likes that shit. And not everyone does it. Stop lying and saying itā€™s normal. Maybe to a slut or complete horn dog it is normal.

I get it, I do, but this is not a bad thing. It shows how much he loves you and how hot he thinks you are.


I donā€™t think your wrong. Your his life partner not a blow up doll.


I cant even walk past my husband without him trying to grop me

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I donā€™t think your wrong. If it bothers you it bothers you!

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You should feel flattered
Now if he wasnā€™t! Doing sexual things then Iā€™d say not normal but heā€™s showing you how much he is inlove with you plus attracted too you :tipping_hand_woman:


My sex drive is way higher than my bfs. But I came to understand that we donā€™t constantly need sex just to be happy. I respect his boundaries and your husband needs to understand yours.

So let me get this straightā€¦you donā€™t want him to want you? Would you be more upset if he didnā€™t ever want to do this? You have ALL of his attention lap it up!


Itā€™s not normal for it to be every day, every waking minute.

Some yes, obsessive, no


He may need a new wife


I think itā€™s normal but for someone like me. It sounds like the two of you are just not compatible. Maybe shouldnā€™t be married. But obviously talk to him about it first. Strangers on the internet shouldnā€™t be the first stop for this conversation.

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Girl itā€™s been 6 months since I had any action, i donā€™t have any advice for you except enjoy it now before it becomes a distant memory


I am not your target audience because I get pissy when mine doesnā€™t act that way haha


I think itā€™s great he wants to physically show you how much he loves you but he also needs to respect your boundaries and he can show you he loves you in ways that make you feel loved too. I suggest yā€™all read 5 love languages.


Sounds like heā€™s in love with you. Could be worse I reckon.


Physical touch is his love language, and yaā€™ll are newly weds, with some time he may back down some

My husband is like this, and always has been, but we are a match when it comes to intimacy. He also does all the grand romantic gestures, plus small things. I think you have to have a balance of romance and sex. Tell him youā€™re feeling this way.

Physical groping is not love ladies .
Its self gratification

Pressuring someone its entitlement

Emotional thimkers give to takers and pressure and they also have a difficulty with saying np and setting boundaries for.self safety emotionally
Teach respect by feeling pressure and self protecting .
Otherwise ladies you teach him no no no, means YES when he just doesnt.stop
What are you modelling for your daughtera

Teach girls to think pracrically and let someone earn emotional investmet after respectful behaviour

Nurturers should learn to balance their thinking and learn to be comfidemt and.comfide.ce is self protection and teaching from a feeling . She knows it ceels wrong, stand.up and say it. If he loves you hell hug you and.appogose .

If he doesnt and he vets friatrated and aggressive , you need to walk away . He feels entirlwd to you

Be assertive and teach respect for YOU before you nurture HIM.

Women are their.own worst enemies when they be taken , forced, controlled and think its a game

Be a teacher of respect


For all the women saying to appreciate it more, shame on you. If it bothers her, thatā€™s okay too. As a victim of childhood abuse I myself know I could NOT handle that constantly, especially the fondling when your just trying to relaxā€¦ Sheā€™s an entire ass person. Not just an object. We all love knowing our husbands want us and find us desirable, of course! But damn this seems too much

Girl someone else will take it if you dont.
Wouldnt you have known he was handsy?
If you dont want to be touched in a particular moment straight up move him and say no. If he doesnt listen thats a bigger issue!!

Omg my ex was like this. The groping was so annoying. The sex quickly turned to like a chore because itā€™s all he wanted. Everything was sexual. There was no banter or playfulness ONLY sex. Id wake up to him groping my boob or pressing his thing up against me like EVERY DAY even after I told him not to wake me about 30 times. Or trying to get in my pants even after Iā€™d tied the pull string up tight and he STILL wouldnā€™t get the message. I could straight up tell him to fuck off, heā€™d stop for like 30 seconds then be back into trying againā€¦
When I did have sex with him there was no leading up to it or foreplay it was literally a dry dive straight in.

I left him lol he was also incredibly racist and old school stuck up (women where just stupid creatures meant for the kitchen and bedroom at any and all times)

I wonder what would you say if he finds himself a woman that can keep up with him. Why did you get married them


Enjoy it while you can. Sex is great anytime place!!!

Mine was like that 8 years ago and still like that, and I love it.

Sex doesnā€™t define love. Vise versa. It can be random cuddles, little surprises and exciting things to say to keep a relationship going including intimacy but Thereā€™s a limit to everything. Otherwise even ā€˜thatā€™ could end up getting boring or getting too used to it. Like she said too much could mentally tire u and somewhat naturally turn u against it.
Openly having a talk could make things better. Yā€™all need to always remember having open conversations about how u feel with your husband is important.
Hope it helps.

Sounds like a honeymoon phase shall pass

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Itā€™s such a turn off when that all it seems like youā€™re there for I Donā€™t blame you for feeling how you do


Just my .02 cents as a single guyā€¦if youā€™re MARRIED, and heā€™s still treating you like thatā€¦Iā€™d say thats a keeperā€¦I only say this because in my experience, that sexy ā€œsparkā€ is the first thing to go lol


Maybe Youā€™re Incompatible And Need To Divorce If Youā€™ve Allready Decided That His Healthy Appetite Is Wrongā€¦Iā€™m Sure Youā€™re Not Intentionally Telling Him To Eat Elsewhere By Starving Himā€¦


All of you saying he will find someone else or why did you marry him obviously have no self esteem or no IQ. He obviously changed from her description which is a reason for concern. Either he was pretending to be someone else before or heā€™s a different person now


My recommendation is to be glad he wants it. The worst thing for libido is marriage lol


Thw problem in society is theres always a needy emotionally comdirioned woman looking to be comtrolled that reinforces his entirlement .

We need to balance equally emotional.with pracricalā€¦i d energy and.stop.calling it masxuline practical and feminine emotiomal
Were.being disrespected and called irrational.
Takers and givers
Predators and.prey

Personaly not prey, giver, or nurturer, empath
I am independent confident and know how to teach respect
Im.flexible give and take but youll earn my emotional investment
I dont just give to anyone mate !!!

Stand your ground and.teach

Iā€™ve been with my man 13 years and if he didnā€™t do all that I would think something is wrong. But hey, if youā€™re not into it all the time just have a conversation. Communication is key.


Iā€™ve been with my husband 10 years and I donā€™t think he could get thru the day without touching me some how and the days he doesnā€™t heā€™s grouchy he have a good marriage we donā€™t have sex all the time once a week maybe sometimes once a month but he some just show it physically this way some donā€™t but of your uncomfortable allow it to an extent but let him know you do have boundaries an some make u feel uncomfortable. Maybe he will ease off a little

Sounds normal to me. He a mn with a high sex drive. Iā€™d be flattered.

I donā€™t knowā€¦ I feel like there needs to be a healthy balance between ā€˜groping/flirting/sexual touching and just love and caressing. Balance is key. I would hate it if my person didnā€™t grab at me now and then because I feel itā€™s nice to feel he is attracted to me sexually. But then if it were all the time Iā€™d be annoyed and crave just that loving embrace without it needing to go anywhere. My main issue with your post is that you should be able to communicate that too him. And be heard. Marriage has to work for both of you.


Heā€™ll prob go somewhere else or at the very least be resentful if you arenā€™t interested at allā€¦


Well for 1 we
are most sexual active as soon as we wake up or I am
And 2and if your wearing clothes that show curves around the house kids at school or sleeping itā€™s on lol itā€™s a turn on for me to see that cleaning house like just a shirt or tee shirt it depends on clothes lol


So you didnā€™t cuddle or shower together and it be sexual?? When we shower together i want him to take me anyway he wants.

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I can see how that would turn you off. Honestly sounds like he has an overly stimulated libido. But he could still be more respectful of you. Maybe he needs to seek help. He may not recognize it as a problem.


I would communicate with your spouse thatā€™s the best thing to do. Most of the time the internet is a horrible place for marriage advice. Even friends can be. People will say heā€™s gonna cheat or your wrong etc etc etc. Go to him tell him how you feel listen how he feels and work together on a fair compromise. This is the best way to stay married donā€™t ask other people. It sucks but only ask people you truly trust or your husband


Is there any chance of him using meth? I dated a guy once and he was always like this a lot and come to find out he was using methšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You must communicate how you feel, I understand you, he has stopped being romantic but he does not stop playing, it is like an invasion of personal space, he should excite you with words and pampering because the woman is not just a vulva.

Just because you are married does not mean your are his property to grope and grab whenever he feels. CONSENT is always a thing. Women need to stop letting men ā€œhave their wayā€ just to shut them up and appease them!

Set your boundaries and stick to them. Express your dislike for his actions and if he continues to be overly aggressive after the fact that is when you will have some tough choices to make!


Youā€™re man is showing you attention and not looking else where. I canā€™t really say much more than that. Are yā€™all having sex on a regular? Is his libido too high, or yourā€™s too low? More information is needed. Best of luck for you though.

No youā€™re not wrong.


Love and touch are a part of marriage. But too much is awful. I noticed she said ALWAYS yeah thatā€™s a bit much. Sex is great but we are not in the mood 24/7 sounds like he has some issues. Especially if youā€™ve spoke to him and heā€™s still persistently trying. Itā€™s not normal. I wouldnā€™t want to be his pin cushion.

Maybe youā€™re not sexually attracted to him?


My husband barely wants to have sex so be happy shit I wish mine did that

Sooooo maybe talk about meeting in the middle.
It was Really hard for me to become very open about sex and everything had to be hidden. So for my fiancĆ© he loves to be the same way. After talking and discussing and maybe a few times ive yelled or got emotionalā€¦ Ive opened up and hes calmed down. Give and take a few days when we both agreed differently or tried more

Your body your choice. If your uncomfortable with what he is doing lay down the law. All the men saying that you should be greatful are pigs. Itā€™s disgusting expecially since you have voiced how you felt about it and heā€™s trying to make it seem normal. Iā€™m sure you wouldnā€™t mind if it wasnā€™t every minuet of everyday of what it feels like.


Wow I wish my husband would be like that again. Lol. Its pretty normal but it will die down with time. Be happy that your husband wants you this much right now because when life happens and things start moving fast and furious his attention for you might be lessened. I would rather have all my mans attention like that to have none of it.


When I was 41, I was married to a 46-year-old man who loved sex as much as I did. We once had sex 20 times in one week, and after being together for 90 days, we had already done it way more than 90 times.

This is not normal and a huge red flag. He is not respecting your autonomy and this is a early sign of controlling you


So the only thing that matters here is, she has told him it makes her uncomfortable and he still does it. Thatā€™s a problem.