Is my husband normal?

Would you rather be in my position where we aren’t married and dude wants nothing to do with me. And feeling disgusting and unwanted and undesirable.

Trust me. It’s not greener on the other side.

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I think it’s normal for them to feel this and wasn’t to do this. I’ve talked to lots of people that say the same. It took my husband and I long time to train him that I don’t think about sex 24/7 and that loving platonic touch was critical. He also leaned over time that doing chores without me asking him or him looking for praise was a turn on to me. There are books on this. Try offering to look for ways to increase your libido and follow up by asking him to not make every touch about sex.

I find his behavior down right creepy, disrespectful, and completely lacking in care of your feelings. Sex in a marriage is supposed to be about life and intimacy. Yes it is ok to go at it sometimes just for the pleasure of it. But at all times it should have meaning for both people and also be consensual at all times.

Girl if you don’t grab that thang by the neckkkk :rofl::rofl:


Seek counseling ASAP, you are not wrong or at fault!


This is not normal……too much, maybe marriage counseling? Someone he respects who will back you up


Hi mama- you need to decide what YOUR comfortable with. Everyone has their own version of normal. Some women would be grateful for the attention, others, it’s a turn off. Neither are wrong and I personally think it’s gross to invalidate someone’s feelings based off your experience. Just because one women would be grateful for the attention, DOES NOT mean you should just accept it. I think you should be honest with your husband and tell him while your appreciative of the attention, it’s becoming a bit overwhelming and making you feel like a sex doll (for lack of better words) and try to find other ways he can show his affection for you. Everyone and every marriage is different. Telling someone to be grateful for the attention is NOT the same as giving advice. Good luck mama :heart:

Maybe you married to soon? :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: y’all not sexually compatible so that will be a disaster. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Not respecting you isn’t normal… but always wanting to have sex I think is. One day that big drive for it will possibly go away. In most cases. People tend to go through phases of not wanting it to always and vice versa
But it’s your body your choice.
He needs to respect that!

It sounds normal but at the same time your feelings should be respected.

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My husband is the biggest horn dog on earth! It’s totally normal!

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Why are most people not understanding that she told him it makes her uncomfortable YET he is still doing it?! It doesn’t matter if some of you wish you had that, it’s making her uncomfortable and he isn’t respecting her


See a therapist about your non-existent sex drive.

He feels extremely comfortable sexually with you he might have a high sex drive atleast it’s with you and not another. Maybe see a doctor for something to tone down hormones? Idk really but he’s clearly attracted big time

I don’t see the problem :joy:

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Absolutely not normal


Sounds pretty normal honey moon stage still.


If he was being more affectionate with the other behavior would that be ok? Or you just want him to calm down altogether? When i was in a serious relationship after being single/celibate for yrs i couldn’t keep my hands off him. His sex drive was low and felt like i just wanted sex but when im close/love with someone and im attracted to them i always want my hands all over them. Maybe he loves you and just wants you all the time. I understand you want the affection not just groping. Definitely needs to be some communication. The more it continues like this the more u will pull away and he will feel rejected and lord knows it doesn’t take much for a man to find an excuse to stray smh. Hopefully you guys can work it out.

Maybe it will slow down after kids, if not it will be awkward and you will have multiple people needing your attention and you will get overwhelmed

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Not normal :pensive: Just cause your in a relationship doesn’t mean he can disrespect your boundaries. You should never feel you have to be comfortable when your not.


I would consider porn as a possibility…its not normal what he is doing

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Umm no he should respect you and if you say no than that means no!


This is the kind of chemistry I’m looking for. It’s definitely a compatibility issue


That is your husband.


Seems normal lol. I use to be the same as you. My fiance wanted it all the time. But I never did because he never did the stuff I enjoyed that lead up to it. Like cuddling etc. Now he makes an effort and we both enjoy it all the time.


Listen I been married for 5 years and my sex life with my husband is great sometimes we can go for 2 days at the most without doing anything by the 2nd day he is already expecting something sometimes I tell him I’m tired that I dont want to do anything and he likes to do things every day me as a women our job is to get there needs met because that what will drive them to infidelity and for them to be cheating with other women but if I say no even though he gets mad he has to respect because is my body and if he cant do that there a problem but I love my husband and I will please him in anyway

He might jus he really sexualy into you embrace your selves but also set boundries also block his number :rofl::rofl:

My husband is like that. Has been since day 1. We have been together 13 years and married for 11. Though I’m grateful he’s still so into me I don’t care for sex as much as he does and it has caused problems. But when I talk to him about it he listens and tries to not be so pushy or handsy all the time. If he’s not listening to what your saying or don’t care it will definitely cause major issues in the marriage. I wish you luck.

Filling voids with sex? I think he needs hobby, some friends or something to look forward to. I really don’t think it’s normal.

My husband is the same exact way! I feel you when you say it makes you desire it less. Like I am not a battery operated toy that just keeps going 24/7


Sounds like yall married to soon,

Your husband sounds like me and my husband. It’s sex drive related his is super high.
Yours is not.

He’s not a dick neither are you.
It’s just non compatible

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My fiancée is like this. I love it. We both have high sex drive. I’m glad it didn’t slow down after we had kids. However if you don’t like it then he should stop. Maybe you are just not sexually compatible.

I know this sounds crazy BUT there are also times when a brain tumor affecting a certain area of the brain can cause hyper sexuality. If he wasn’t like that before and all of a sudden it started increasing and increasing or if he has had some type of head injury at one point between then and now it’s a possibility. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Sounds like a normal happily married guy to me


Ya that’s normal. Every time he sees you naked he thinks he’s lucky to marry you. He gropes you because he loves your body. He’s doing it because he loves you and knows your the most beautiful girl in the world to him


Honey moon stage trust me it will fade. Make him cuddle with you before sex and after. Some of us wish we had that but I hope you find balance.

Tbh you should be happy he still wants you as much as he does. I’d love that! If he was the opposite you’d be on here asking why your husband isn’t showing you he wants you


Yes enjoy it before he enjoys someone else…


Did you not date before marriage or did he change after?


If they’re not like this they are fucking somone els !!! (Not all cases)

You have a man that’s in his prime and is very attracted to you. You may want to discuss that you’re not use to aggressive behavior and want to be more respected about your body. Some guys think this is how to show their love. Somehow you both need to come to a happy medium if you want this to work out.


Omg the comments are hilarious! :rofl: all these frustrated women saying he is wrong. Girl the man loves you, he is madly into you, wants to be with u all the time!! My husband of 14+ years is the same way, since day 1!! Even though when u r not in the mood it may feel annoying, you can always tell him NO. When I see my husband, I be checking him out, he looks hot to me even after all these years. You need to stop viewing it as something wrong with him as that would immediately turn u off. Instead embrace his way of loving u and enjoy his attention, love and affection.


Thats pretty normal. But if you dont want to all the time, he should also respect your decisions

I feel like now that y’all are married, he’s taking that ring as a “I can screw you whenever and wherever I want” and that’s simply not the case. You’re right in communicating with him and telling him that it’s turning you against sex, but if it continues, I’d label that as sexual abuse. And THAT is most definitely NOT okay.

I feel a little like something is wrong with you and not your husband. That is attention and attraction that he could give to another. Be his wife, let him love you Or someone else gonna get it.


Dammnnn that’d be niceeeee…


Some of us long for that attention, enjoy it!! Make the best of it!!


Yea, you are wrong. You have a man who loves everything about you. Even things you are uncomfortable with. He sees the beauty that is you.


Be grateful he wants you all the time and not someone else .I wish I had a man like that.


I think it is important to have a conversation about consent. It is not that she doesn’t want to have sex with her husband, but being groped all the time is not a turn on. There are many other ways to be intimate with someone without constant groping. Her body does not belong to him, it is not free reign now that they are married. Yes, I know many people will say “enjoy it while it lasts”…”be glad he is doing it to you not someone else”…. Bla bla bla…… in a grownup relationship there is consent and a mutual respect for each other. If she has to worry about losing him over not reciprocating all the time, then bye bye. He needs to grow up. His urges might be normal, him acting out on them without consent, is not ok.

Damn i thought it was normal and actually enjoyed it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sounds normal, you need to be worried when he doesn’t want to touch you anymore.


Man some of yall live a boring life atleast he’s all over u and not another woman and if u push him away to much ull push him to a girl that will like that…


Flick his nose.
While you’re at it, flick anyone else’s nose that is trying to tell you any of the following:
It’s normal for him to completely disregard your feelings and comfort level because he’s a man.
It will make him cheat.
I like it so you should too.
You should be grateful to have your space invaded when you don’t like it because I don’t have that.
Or any other variable of those things.

You’re not wrong for wanting your boundaries to be respected.


He’s all about you, that’s a bonus.

I wish my husband was like this



Your husband desires and loves you. What exactly is the problem?

I’m trying to understand. Help me. :rofl:


Shiddd I’m the one who can’t keep my hands off of him :roll_eyes::rofl::sneezing_face: Ya man loves you and his body language is craving you… not necessarily meaning he only wants sex but for freaks like us lmao that’s the best way we can show it…

Maybe you can try Suggesting to him ways to show his attraction and affection for you in a way that you can be comfortable with. Sex plays a HUGE part for some people though you’re gonna have to meet him half way somewhere…

Sounds like a kink fetish he still isn’t fully aware of. Or isn’t ready to admit.
Talk to him. Find out what both your boundaries are.

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::clap:t4:No, this is absolutely normal!!! What your feeling is probably just claustrophobic in a sense. I made it as completely normal, my husband is pretty much the same. Don’t think anything of it. He loves you and is obviously attracted to you and will continue if you start to enjoy the way he relieves his love to you! #touch is everything. Own it! You have your ways of expressing love/feel goods that’s he’s never experienced either!!! :crossed_fingers:t4:


Yeah your was your first husband.this dude is into you.


My ex-husband was like that but when I wasn’t in the mood he was sleeping around, it turns out he was a sex addict. My second husband was completely the opposite, he had no interest in any form of intimacy. I am now single and happy, no more weirdos in my life! :grin:

Yall are newly weds I thought that was normal


Enjoy that while you got it


Ewwww, what a turnoff. Especially since you said he was not like this before you married him. I would be miserable if my husband and I couldn’t be intimate with each other without having to have sex every single time. I love playful affection and groping and grabbing as much as the next woman, but not every single minute of every single day. I see some comments saying that you should be happy he wants you and he just loves you so much and loves your body so much…blah blah blah. I don’t care how hot he thinks you are, there still needs to be some balance. He sounds like he needs a cold shower. Let him know how you like to be approached when he wants some sexy time. Talk to him and let him know that you prefer hugs and kisses over grabbing and groping. Hopefully the two of you can reach a compromise.

I would kill for this! That being said everyone’s comfort zone is different. I would talk to a therapist to help you help each other find a middle ground.

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U better appreciate that attention before he gives it to someone that will


You said on the post that even at work he’s texting you things as his sexual desires… makes me wonder, is he texting someone else too or who is he in contact with on his phone? I’d look into that first and if it’s nothing then he’s just into you, but if it’s something then I’d say something wrong with that picture cuz boundaries should always be respected, wife or not.

His type of love must be touch. We all show our love in different ways and your type of love just isn’t the same as his. But that is HIS normal. You both just have to find your middle ground.

Although he should absolutely not disregard how you feel. That is where you need to try and communicate and understand one another. As the saying goes, “Communication is Key.” Hopefully he will take what you say to heart and work on a way to show you love in a way that makes you comfortable.


If he’s forcing unwanted sexual touching on her and you all thing that’s normal and ok… what about if he actually forces sex on her? Is that still okay? Because he’s a man? At least he was doing it to his wife and not another woman? Should she still be grateful because some of you aren’t having sex at all? He just desired her so much, right?

This is so normal lol you were neglected in your past marriage. I’m always groping and caressing areas :woman_shrugging:t2: and vise versa.


Girl one day it’s all the time attention then the next forget about it you’ll ask him to give the same energy to you again.


Yes! Your husband is in love! Be grateful. I have been married 26 years and right up till this morning was he still groping me in bed. He’s loyal and true. I submitted happily. I feel fat and ugly and he tries every day to make me feel sexy. Talk to him about how you feel. But don’t be foolish to what you have. Try to see it from his view. Men sometimes only now how to show love through sex. And if it’s only with you. You’re fortunate.

This is normal. You better start appreciating it. After a few years guys cool off some, then you start wishing you could get a little undivided attention.


I totally understand that boundaries need to be respected. But, just me being selfish, I WISH my husband was like this. We have been together for 6 yes married for 3 and we basically have no sex life. No foreplay, no desire, no drive. Thank you for letting me rant

He’s into you, I think you should try to embrace that. However, you are entitled to your boundaries and they should be respected. Open communication with him is the best solution. Compromise.


Normal not necessarily. But it is obviously not working for you so I’d explain it that he might see it as normal but you’re starting to feel violated by it.

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Definitely normal, maybe just explain you can’t do it all the time that you are tired just wanna relax, but make sure when you guys do have time for it give it your all. Don’t be harsh about it- pick your battles and be grateful your husband wants you the way he does, you just said you haven’t been married very long sounds like your in a honeymoon phase it will pass


What if it vise versa. A gf alway wanting to touch a bf?

To be honest sometimes i get sore to so im like nah not for a couple days and have to keep pushing him off saying no. Breaks are good.

I would give any thing for a marriage like this


ummmm this is very normal lol my husband does most of this yes it’s annoying but it’s normal

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I get mad at my man for this all the time and he tells me that when he stops showing his interest in me that when I have to worry. He is just trying to show you how much hw is attracted to you. It does get annoying but I wouldn’t change it for the world


You’re allowed to have a say to if you’re body is being touched. If he ignores your wishes it’s not normal. Especially if it’s turning you against sex


There is some pretty terrible advice here. If his behavior is making you feel uncomfortable and objectified, you’re not just required to grin and accept it.

You’ve already expressed to him that you dislike his change in behavior and he’s done nothing to even attempt to meet you in the middle somewhere.

This dude isn’t respecting your boundaries and that’s a huge red flag.


I would have a serious talk about him maybe having a sex addiction :woman_shrugging: and don’t let the ones saying he’ll go elsewhere if you don’t keep up with him that’s bs :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:

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I completely understand where you are coming from!
My hubs love language is touch and I hate to be touched!!!
Having 2 kids and a dog that need my constant attention is enough!
Being shown little to no physical affection as a child probly has something to do with it!


If his behavior has changed, I would say you have reason for concern. Either way, he shouldn’t just be blowing off what you say about how it’s making you feel.


Excitement of early days. Find a balance but do not put him off or live feeling harassed


No you are not wrong - some women like the tender approach - not being groped - I had a boyfriend that used to push me down in bushes before he bought his first car and hump on me - fully clothed - hated that - grabbing trying to kiss - don’t like this rough business and after a while didn’t like him. Some men get so excited with serial desire maybe this turns them on.

He’s madly in love with you.
Try to talk to him that all the sexual affection is alot. Explain you love him and are really into him. You are judt not use to this much attention at once and need to slow down.


I’d appreciate if I was you.


Your husband is a very Sexual Active Guy and that is Quite Normal…
:pencil2:Many women long for this type of Husbands …:pencil2:
There will be a time when he will start to slack off and u will be longing for his his sexual attention so Enjoy it while u can …
Do not discourage him, What u can do is have an open communication with him yea…


There is a book called “The Five Live Languages” it is an amazing book and I encourage everyone to read it. It helps you to uncover the type of love you need to be happy and the type of love that you are accustomed to giving, it will also help you to understand your partners love needs and giving. It’s a way for you to better understand each other. My partner showed me this book and we have both read it a few times. Our relationship is better, stronger and healthier for it. There is also a book geared towards children so parents can learn more about their children and so your kids can learn about themselves. They are incredibly useful and insightful books. I recommend you try this and also get him to read it and see if the two of you can find a way to fill your “love tanks” together and build towards a relationship you both crave with one another. It has helped so many of my friends and family. I honestly believe it can help anyone who puts in the time and effort!! Good luck darlin!


Maybe his love language is physical touch. Yours is something else. We express love and receive love differently. Some people may not agreed, but schedule sex. That way you are more prepared and he has something to look forward to and enjoy the anticipation of you. It’s a compromise to respect your boundaries without him developing a complex about his level of being super into you. If his love language is denied it can feel like love denial in a way maybe. Loving someone who doesn’t want to receive love can still feel just as bad as wanting to be loved and not getting it. :heart: I am more like your husband with my husband. I see him and only him. He’s enough for me and fuels my every fantasy and desire. Nothing and no one compares to him. That probably feels like a big place to fill since your one person. Sorry about that​:heart:

Yall give some TERRIBLE advice


I’d give anything for my boyfriend to be like this. He is no longer interested in sex. Like at all. I am lucky if I get him to “put out” once a month. Enjoy it. You’ll miss it when it’s gone. I sure do

Enjoy it women. Lol jeezs youd be complaining if u wasn’t getting nothing lol


After 6 years my man is still like this. Yes it can be annoying but at least he is still attracted to me like he was a 20 something! I have been in a relationship where it was opposite and it was terrible. It just means he still loves you and finds you so sexy!


How would you feel if he didn’t want to touch you or have sex at all?