Is my husband normal?

Ya’ll need counseling. You need to figure out if you should be married and the underlying reason you are repulsed by him wanting you all the time. If the only way to have your needs met is to constantly reject him, it is not going to be a healthy relationship. Constant rejection from your partner takes it’s toll on a person mentally. He doesn’t deserve that and YOU ALSO don’t deserve to feel uncomfortable all the time. Counseling will help you determine if you guys can find middle ground. If you can great, if not, find someone who is not big on affection and let him be with someone who is.


Some men are like this my husband is, but I’ve expressed to my hubs that I don’t like this behavior infront of the our kids. He’s listened and backed off a lot but once we make it to bed it’s Mr.GropeMe I don’t mind though if we didn’t have the kids eyes I wouldn’t mind it then either. It’s just your own preference so make it clear how you feel and make sure you both clearly understand each other’s feelings without belittling the other.

Just have a talk with him about what you do and do not give him permission to do. It’s your body, he’s married to you but he doesn’t own your body.


There is a difference between groping and loving touch. She says he gropes her, I would not accept that. Sexual predators grope, not saying he is one just saying the difference.


Respect… If you were openly honest with him about all the unwanted sexual everything and he still does not respect you, reconsider your marriage. My husband was the same way its EVERYTHING got worse. My husband completely turned me against sex. Remember, married or not, NO MEANS NO!!! PERIOD.

You people give awful advice. She basically said she’s uncomfortable and it sounds like the only time she gets attention is when he has a boner. Telling her to just go with it or deal with it…why should she when the only reason or time he’s paying attention to her is for HIS needs. What about hers. He’s literally pushing her away. Who the hell tells a lady to just give him what he wants. Wow

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I’m sorry but unless he’s like really young and immature NO that’s not really ‘Normal’. Wanting it once a day is normal but the way I’m reading this it’s like he never stops wanting sex. That’s kinda weird… makes me think sex addiction? My baby daddy irritates the hell out of me to but we were married for 12 years :person_shrugging: we’re old and he only bugs me every other day or so :joy: But in the beginning it was once a day and he didn’t grope me 24/7 or make every waking thing about sex sure he’d smack my butt two or three times a day but this post makes your man sound… weird. Maybe it’s just the wording… gives me weird vibes.

Not to minimize your experience, but I wish my husband was like this :pensive: we used to be like this when we first got married, but now I’m lucky if I get a hug everyday… however if it’s bothering you and he’s dismissed your feelings, that is a cause for concern and maybe seek counseling before he goes too far.


What was he like before marriage

Maybe he needs to be going elsewhere! See how you like that!!
At least you no he wants you! Maybe you’re the problem!!


He probably has a porn addiction.

You’re comparing him to an EX. There is a reason why he is an ex…

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Sounds like you’re repulsed… I know sometimes you just want some space to relax and just be you but you should just talk to him and tell him you need a little bit of space not all the time but just sometimes and he should respect that…


He sounds normal. But just because he’s normal doesn’t mean you’ll be comfortable being groped all the time. Not everyone is touchy feely.

Be happy he wants you like this. Maybe tell him once a day is your limit. But I love being groaped by my bf.

You have a say so to its your body too its ok to not be in the mood all the time he should respect your wishes


It’s literally like living with a horny 16-year-old boy that is so excited about having sex whenever they want regardless of how you feel! It’s a form of control, dominance, and rape!! You will eventually get tired of constantly “giving in”!

I say enjoy it while you can. :joy::rofl:


Dustin York this is you!!!

Thats maybe why your first marriage failed… to reject your man you are pushing him toward unhealthy things like other woman, pornsites and sometimes worse… but if you do not like being touched all the time just tell him that you just want to be in his presence and watch a movie of do some cooking with him… there are woman out there wishing their husband could touch them just once a month. :wink:


It may be normal for him, the important part is that you have told him “I don’t like this” and he seems to keep doing it. That is the bigger thing.


Your still newlyweds. It will taper off. I’d worry more if he suddenly just stopped. Good luck


Damn, wish mine was like that. 20 years in and he barely wants to touch me. Its about communication. If you don’t like it tell him.

Everyone is saying she should be grateful or that it’s her thats the issue.

There is a difference between sexual attraction to your partner and being invading.

No one wants to be treated like a piece of meat constantly and constantly have someone touching them. Newly weds or not, it’s okay to not want sex all the time and as her husband he should understand that and maybe put his energy into other ways of affection or endearment instead of just constantly trying to jump her bones.

Damn … I wish my man was like this I’m over here with the high sex drive suppressed and he’s cool…

No your not wrong. Its strange he wasnt like this before marriage but is now…i would just tell him you dont appreciate the way he is now and can he pls go back to the man you knew and ask him why has he changed. Sounds like he thinks your his to do what he likes with now your married. I wouldnt like that either…


Sounds like excessive but maybe mismatched sex drives. Maybe his love language is physical touch.

Girl, get some! First of all, it’s awesome that he’s that into you 24/7. Second of all, orgasms are THE BEST stress reliever out there and they’re free! This world is chaotic and crazy right now and there’s a million ways relationships are being destroyed… but you have each other and a man who wants to be on you and in you at all times. That’s amazing :clap:t3:


I’m confused how long were you together before you got married like? Has he not always been like this?? Surely you knew before you married him. Surely the fact he’s all for you and wants you is a good thing you don’t want him looking elsewhere?


Omg meet him in the middle. He has a high sex drive… at least he wants YOU and only you. Denying him or making him feel bad for wanting you could cause him to cheat in long run. Be happy he wants you… but set boundaries especially if people are around. My guys is alittle older and rarely wants to cuddle or do anything that sexual lol I’m practically raping him his sex drive is low lol but I know he loves me…. My ex was always all over me and yeah I hated too much but now I’m with a guy that rarely wants it … so it’s like really? Can’t I have I’m the middle? Lol

A man who doesn’t consider his woman’s comfort level is not respecting her. Frankly I’m really surprised at some of these comments.


I’ll swop ya for mine :joy::rofl:


Dude…I really can’t even with this


Everyone goes through stuff differently. I use to hate that all the time from my ex husband. I felt smothered. Honestly thought, after 2 crappie relationships and doing everything by myself I miss it. Not him, it was toxic, but the way he wanted me. Honestly yall have to come to a healthy agreement. Not being mean, but if you push him away completely, it may not be you he is texting anymore. Im not saying take something your not comfortable with. Im saying communicate and try to find a middle ground. God bless!


How are so many people missing the point here?!! His behaviour is unacceptable , almost criminal! No you are not wrong. NO ONE has the right to make you feel like you should give them sex, or access to your body if you don’t want that. I would run. Now. Fast.

I’m horrified by some of these comments. There’s a HUGE difference between a man showing attraction to his wife and constantly groping her. She does NOT need to just “go get some” as some people are suggesting. My advice is talk to him, tell him it’s too much and that you need affection as much as sexual contact.


Best thing you can do in a marriage is communicate so talk to him.


W.T.A.F with these comments. Saying he will go elsewhere. That’s why her first marriage failed. That’s beyond disturbing and disgusting. No if your uncomfortable then set boundaries. He is treating you as if your his possession. That isn’t normal. Its as if the marriage certificate made him think he now owns your body , your consent , your space
He doesn’t please sit him down and really talk with him about it. Please don’t listen to the people who are trying to invalidate your feelings. If he doesn’t stop i really would reconsider the whole marriage since he is showing zero respect for you or your boundaries and how comfortable you are.


My Husband is exactly the same… Even after baby no.5 and all the normal stress that life brings.

They say women need emotional intimacy to feel more physically connected… And they say men need physical intimacy to feel more emotionally connected.

This may be the easiest way he can feel emotionally closer to you, or he’s actually really stressed about something he doesn’t understand and trying to turn to you physically (not yet understanding how to come to you and talk about how he’s feeling)

This is my 2nd marriage too and my 1st husband was never like this either… The more I physically connect with my Husband whenever He needs it though: the stronger our bond grows in every other way as well, especially emotionally and mentally. :raised_hands:t4:


Sounds abit full on I mean we all love sex but to think and talk about that and nothing else constantly would bore the hell outa me wats made him change this way people don’t just all of a sudden change that’s wat i would question

Lucky you, lap it up! While he’s loving you, he ain’t doing anyone else! You obviously turn him on🙃


All the internalized misogyny in these comments, though…


Oh how I hate being constantly pawed
Its weird if his behaviour has changed since you’ve got married . Id say showing affection is normal but this behaviour is not . You’re not his property or a sex robot that just lays down whenever he feels the need. Tell him no…slap his hand…dont sit next to him…dont read his text
If you don’t like his behaviour he should be respecting that

Listen, yall need to do better. I HATE constant groping. And yall miminizing her feelings with the “i wish mine would…” or “enjoy it now…” comments reek of stank co0tchie energy. Yall blame rap3 victims too?

Lucky you hell I wish my husband had a sex drive more than he does it sucks

Im confused?! Are you all constantly worrying if you don’t constantly have sex with your partners that they will be going elsewhere??
If they are going to they are going to but that’s another story. This lady is asking if it’s normal and saying she’s not feeling it.

How long were u together before you got married…for him to just be a different person like that is super wierd the fact he doesnt stop when u tell him is the bigger issue though

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You should only worry, when he works late and a lower sex drive then normal

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Communication is key. Set boundaries.

Y’all are disgusting. I was molested as a child and my ex husband did this to me CONSTANTLY. After telling him multiple times that it bothered me, he continued. At some point it turns into sexual harassment!


I don’t think there is a normal where men and sex is concerned there libidos are different. If it is too much and you would enjoy it more if there was less of it, tell him and be sure he understands it does not mean you love him less , it is just means your body needs to rest between events.

women really are hard to please


It’s normal to want your wife. It’s also normal to respect her boundaries. My husband starts sometimes and I’m like, nope. I’ll cuddle but if you grope me I’m out. Sometimes I let him grope as long as he touches a part that I’m ok with. Sometimes I let him text whatever, and I’m just like :+1:. Sometimes I’m into it. Sometimes I do this to him. But when I’m not having it, I say “I will be affectionate if you need my attention, but I’m not feeling sexual” and he respects that. He doesn’t have to like it, but he has to respect it. Relationships are give and take, but we all have boundaries. Sounds like you let him go well over your comfort level. It’s nice to compromise a little, but don’t you do anything you’re not prepared to do. He should never expect that of you. Ever.


She said it is all the time. What do you all not get? He’s not holding her hand or putting his arm around her he’s groping her breasts and fondling her vagina. Would it still be ok if this was a teenage girl? Come on ladies! The misogyny is coming from inside the house. You’re not there to be a sex slave to your husband.

The misogyny is coming from inside the house

These comments though. :woozy_face:

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HES PRESSURING YOU UNTIL YOU RELUCTANTLY GIVE IN… ITS NOT NORMAL. IF YOU SAY NO IT MEANS NO. NOT KEEP GROPING WHENEVER HE WANTS TO. YOU ARENT HIS PROPERTY… can’t believe some of these comments. :pensive: Clearly some women are used to this behaviour which IS NOT RIGHT. I’ve been in a relationship like this before and it’s disgusting


Ask yourself this. How would you feel if he didn’t touch you at all. Or show you attention. Or text you?..most guys don’t have a moderate affection. Either they are or they aren’t. Keep that in mind. He may just be so attracted to you, he can’t keep his hands off of you.


Has his demeanor changed?Does he seem restless or jittery? Does he have the sniffles a lot?Is he not as hungry as he use to be? Does he have a hard time getting it up even though he’s always groping you? Is his take home pay a little short lately ?It could very well be he’s doing drugs! I would check his sock drawer for a spoon and syringes! Or little baggies or little pieces of paper.With white stuff in them or empty.If there’s stuff in anything flush it! If their is a syringe break the needle off! If he does say anything about the next night put everything on his dinner plate with numbers to rehabs and narcotics anonymous numbers.He might think he can quit on he’s own! But let him know either way you only have one choice and so does he!If it all starts all over give him the ultimatum,you or the drugs! Don’t be surprised if it’s the drugs!


It won’t last forever, enjoy it while you can but yes maybe sit down with him and set a few boundaries. Nothing makes me love my husband more than when he shows me some affection.


No it’s not normal at all if you were ok with it then sweet as but as your not he should learn to have a bit of respect about boundaries and a compromise made


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is my husband normal?

NORM. You wouldn’t rather have a guy that doesn’t have interest would you? This guy is obviously extremely attracted to you.


I was with my last now ex for probably 7 years when he started getting aggressively obsessive about sex. All the time. He didn’t care how tired I was. And he would decide to keep me up all night grumbling about it if I turned him down. Try being with a man who has E.D. and still wanting to keep trying to have it. It hurts. He wouldn’t go to the Dr for it either. I feel like it’s your body and your right. There has to be a balance. And respect.

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I dated a guy like this and I just took it as him really being into me, until he started raping me. I realized he was just seeing how far he could push my boundaries. Keep speaking up and do what’s best for you if he continues to not listen.


My man of 12 years is like this can’t keep his hands off of me I take it as a blessing but if you starting to feel uncomfortable tell him to back off a bit. It’s all about how comfortable you are. I say it is completely normal but only if you are comfortable with it.

This kind of stuff has caused a LOT of problems for me. That’s great that he loves you and wants to be intimate with you. But if you are uncomfortable, no matter how much he wants to have this kind of intimacy with you, it shouldn’t take precedence over showing respect to his wife. It can cause a lot of problems for both of y’all. I would have a very serious conversation about boundaries, marriage doesn’t remove the need for them.


Girl your lucky, been with my ole man 6 years and for the past 4 our sex life is pretty much non existent he says its his age, he’s 20 years older then me but he’ll who knows between the kids and him working swing shift I WISH I got even a little bit of the energy your man has for you lol


DO you not understand how many women WISH they had that. You better appreciate that before someone comes and steals him from you. Then I’m sure you’ll be like WHY WOULD HE EVER DO THIS TO ME…well there’s your answer…He ISN’T your ex husband. THAT’S THE POINT. You better get right or get left girl. I’m sorry if this offends you.


If he doesn’t respect your feelings, its not normal. Its called having healthy boundaries, anyone who says different must not have healthy boundaries themselves or they just like it. You don’t have to allow a man to do or treat you any kind of way just because you’re married.


If you feel disrespected or uncomfortable, there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way. Go with your intuition. He needs to respect you, cherish you. Healthy boundaries are important in any relationship, I’d say more so in marriage. :pray:t2::white_heart::sparkles:


Consent is still a thing married or not, of you say stop then he needs to stop


It sounds pretty normal, to be honest. But you should be sure that his behavior doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. That’s where you would draw the line.

Literally my husband walks around groping me if I am in reaching distance.


It makes me sad to see so many comments that seem to say you have no safe right to want space. Being fondled constantly starts to feel like abuse. I hope you find something helpful in these comments


This is d man I need in meh life​:woozy_face::woozy_face: look my fantasy is showing up at my man job with trench coat and lingerie. A lot of women forgot what good sex feels like with their partner because their too tired, cheating or something and you’re crying? Send him by me. I will talk to him all day everyday and I’m surely gonna finally get to wear that trench coat. Let him pull up​:wink:


One of the main reasons I left my husband, trust your gut and never do anything you don’t want to.


Bottom line, if he isn’t respecting you for what you do and don’t want, he needs to learn. If you don’t want him touching you, then he shouldn’t. He does not have a right to touch you freely simply because you’re married.


I wish I had that. My ex would stay up all night looking at big black d**ks on Craigslist. Cheated with tons of women and I’m assuming men as well. He never wanted to touch me. This was at the end of the relationship, it did not start off like that.


It’s very normal and healthy. He’s coming to you with all his needs. Honestly if you don’t fulfill his needs he may look elsewhere. The honeymoon phase will end eventually and hell want it less


Yeah honestly sounds like he has an addiction. I would not say this is normal and it’s absolutely not normal for him to not respect your feelings about it.


I wish I had a man this way!!! I have a high sex drive my husband could care less which after 9 years has led me to care less about it!!! Still leaves me longing for more but have learned to do without I suppose! If you’re not into it then you’re with the wrong person! You need to look inside yourself and see if a healthy frequent sex life or an occasional sex life is what you’re looking for and go from there!


you have a boundary, he needs to respect it. me on the other hand am extremely affectionate and sexual with my partner but we have talked about stuff we are okay with and stuff we are not there are check lists you can print off online. then exchange them and talk about them and be able to get the awkwardness out of the way


Your feelings can never be “wrong”. I went through this too. Still am. He needs to respect that you aren’t turned on by his behavior. He’s being counter productive. He should accept it and change.


okay no, that’s NOT normal. you’re not a sex toy and shouldn’t be treated like one. you told him you don’t want it, but he continues anyway. that’s so wrong and straight up sexual assault. and do NOT listen to these women in these comments saying “i wish my husband was like that” bullshit. bottoms line is if you’re uncomfortable with it, then he should respect your boundaries and not push you. i’m so sorry you’re going through this :((


It’s not really up to us if it’s normal or not. Are you comfortable with it? Do you feel objectified or just torn on getting into the grouping because of the way someone else made you feel?

Maybe it’s the new excitement of being married and going through the newlywed feeling?

Either way, you need to decide how it makes YOU feel and have a talk with him and find a way to meet in the middle with his needs and your comfort zone.

But his needs don’t come before your comfort zone.


So,you bragging or complaining,lol,Seriously–should be grateful he is attentive I would think,Stop comparing him to previous husband,would you like it if he compared you to another woman? Have a conversation without putting him down,go a little easy on his ego,keep in mind the day may come when you want that attention and he can’t deliver( ya know what I mean) communication is key, hope all works out for you both


Y’all saying you wish you had this are toxic AF. Trust me, you don’t. Hypersexuality and uninvited sexual touch is NOT NORMAL.


He is really turned on by you and u should take it as a compliment. Alot of people deal with their man not even wanting to touch them anymore or have sex. So consider urself blessed


If they were always in the mood to do dishes, vacuum, or even laundry, that would be a great turn on. But no…always in the mood for sex tho! Most men just don’t understand. Always thinking with the wrong head. I hate that!


Sounds like a sex addiction. Its not normal. You sound touched out.
I’m sorry that clearly some desperate women are insinuating that hed leave or complaining about how they wish they had that. Clearly not having that they dont know your position or what youre going threw. You’re feelings matter.


True he’s your husband, but he needs to respect you. If someone doesn’t want to do something you should respect that, married or not. Not everyone is all about sex


I get it! When they do this all the time but don’t put in effort in other areas, it can make you feel used. Even when they are super sweet, it can be overdone and get old. It makes me feel claustrophobic almost. But I think many are like that, especially in the beginning. Mine is still like that after 6 years lol.


If he is creeping you out you can tell him in a calm manor ! He sounds like he is letting his little brain control him !
I would not consider this kind of constant sexual attention a compliment!
He has a problem not you :smiling_face:


Girl… my husband and I got married almost a year ago and he is exactly like this! He doesn’t make it creepy though. He says he just loves and is so attracted to everything about me. Now, he knows when I’m not feeling it and knows when to “keep his distance”. Lol


My man is very touchy like that but I usually just laugh at him and if I ask him to stop he does. Every night when I change he acts like its the first time he has seen my boobs haha but I think the issue is that he needs to respect your boundaries.

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Sounds like he has a high sex drive! Honestly I’m a woman that wishes she had this lol… If it is however making you uncomfortable you need to express that to him. He needs his needs met, but not with crossing your boundaries.


Communication is the key if you can’t talk it out and work something out that makes you both Happy then u know what to do we have one life and I should be happy but he does too


Honestly I don’t know if it’s normal or not. But I’m in the same boat. I hate being grouped 24/7 and I’ve actually made my hubs mad because it’s put me off sex because he literally can not let me do ANYTHING without groping me is some manner. It’s literally driving me insane. I’m sorry your dealing with it girl. I know how irritating it can be

Side note we have a toddler who needs my attention as well so it also pisses me off when I’m doing something with her and he try’s to pull me away

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Yes my husbands the same way! It’s hard I get really annoyed but I just learned to kind of ignore it most the time! He gets sex every other day but his libido is just really high!

My husband is pretty much open to it anytime lol. It can feel pressuring sometimes, but I would just make sure you’re honest and open, and also that both of your needs are met.

I need more information. Was he always like this when y’all dated and were engaged? Is this something new that’s happening? I mean you had to have had an idea how sexual he was before you married him, right?!