Is my husband normal?

I had to have a conversation about this with my boyfriend (3years together). I told him boyfriend or not, when I say no that means no. Anything done after that gives me every right to call the cops for sexual harassment/assault. It doesn’t matter if you’re together or not. No means no. So no to me that’s not normal. If you think just because you’re in a relationship that you can’t say no. Think again. I don’t care if people think I went over the top about it. That opened his eyes up and definitely made him think about what he does. I love him but I’ve been raped before. He knows that. Comparing him to my rapist made him uncomfortable but it made him realize his actions were/are wrong.


That would get old fast! Your body is not his toy! Set boundaries. If he wasn’t like that before you married maybe it’s a control issue for him.


In my opinion it’s a phase. My guy and even myself go through it a few times a year when it seems like we just can’t get enough of each other and then sometimes we seem to have some very vanilla action once a month. My suggestion is do what you are comfortable but also try to be a little bolder. I was very shy when it came to sex but when I hit 35 I decided to start getting what I wanted sometimes it is don’t touch me other times it’s very very not vanilla.

If it makes you uncomfortable, then it’s a problem. Set your boundaries! Marriage does NOT mean consent to do whatever the hell regardless of what your partner wants.

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As a person who used to feel like this about my ex’s , I thought it was normal that I hated not to be touchy like this … my fiancé now is this way and I LOVEEE IT . Because I love him . We feel the same way about eachother even after 3 years .

I think some men are hornier than others for sure. I would have a talk saying that you’re not a check list. To make you feel included, I had to have that talk but the other way around, I was the one always touching and trying to initiate sex because he’s overthinking. So something may be wrong personally for him and he’s trying to work it out with sex and you guys need to talk about your feelings and needs

Some of these comments creep me out. Married or not, your body is yours.

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Just because your his wife doesn’t mean he gets to fondled you whenever he pleases. You have a right to be upset.

It sounds to me like he is not including any foreplay. Talk to him about what turns you on. You need to deal with this before it becomes a problem that wrecks your marriage.

May be a sex phase he’s in my kids dad was like that n it change me when I got older I went through it but not when I was younger at least ur getting attention n getting felt on

PORNOGRAPHY …its not luv that makes him want to be intimate its pure lust and sex as a result of porn in his life

I think maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he was giving you things other than that…nice words that aren’t sexual, hugs that aren’t, conversation that isn’t, cuddling that isn’t. It’s not that attention like he is doing is bad but if that is all there is you kind of feel like a piece of meat. Maybe just tell him that you need the other too.

My husband and I are both like this with each other and have been married 10 years. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Have you talked to him and I explained that you don’t like it? If so then no that’s not normal. And a huge yikes.

Was he like this while u guys where dating?
How long where u dating before marriage?
Did u guys wait until after marriage to have sex?

Now I know a few Amish couples that have waited until after marriage they guys are animals for a bit. And do make the women feel very uncomfortable.

If ur uncomfortable then set ur boundaries. Say no but this is a fine line of balancing act u gotta also say yes once in awhile to keep him interested.

That’s your husband that’s pretty normal in my house doesn’t mean you always have to take advantage of a Boner

Normal is him respecting you’re feelings and listening to you. That’s normal behaviour anything after that isn’t normal…

See this it that bullshit! If you wanted a boring ass milk toast dude, you shouldn’t have married a man who would hope his newly married wife would actually enjoy having sex. Spare me the sexual harassment, creepy, rapey, sex obsessed man crap. Just say you shouldn’t have gotten married a second time and now you regret it. And don’t you dare make it seem like something is wrong with him. It should say: I’m looking for the best way to emasculate my very normal, sexually active husband. I’m sure your attitude will dry up whatever sex drive he has in no time, well just in time for you to get bored of your husband not paying any attention to you so you can move on to hubs #3. SMH :woman_facepalming:

Whether is “normal” or not. Even if all these comments say he’s normal you should like it. It doesn’t matter because YOU don’t like it and it’s makes YOU against sex and you are the one in the relationship. Make sure to validate your feelings even if his behavior is seen as normal.

Completely normal but if you are uncomfortable and have told him to stop then he should respect your wishes.

Just pinch his nipple real hard when you’re not in the mood to be touched, that’s what I do. :joy:

Mate I could only wish that my man was like this! Noone can tell you how to feel that’s up to you only but I know id be feeling pretty special if my man showed me this much attention! #goals

My man was like that but last 6yrs nothing he has diabetes it has took his pride away he can’t do anything. He picks at me talks dirty to me but with my problems it doesn’t bother me I mean sometimes it would be nice bring old times back I feel bad he tried pills toys I tried things it’s just gone it started at 28 by his 30s it was gone now 47 there’s nothing

Seriously dude? Most women would kill for a husband to love on them like that. Let him love you.

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Hyper sexuality, possible bipolar? This was a MASSIVE issue in my last relationship.

It sounds like he is still in the honeymoon phase

No it’s NOT normal of you have said no and he is still doing it. Husband or not, he should be respecting you. You’re not a sex toy! I can’t believe so many women are defending it and saying you should be grateful! No. Being groped when you don’t want it is NOTHING to be grateful for.

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Do you think his behaviors could be related to sexual abuse he may have experienced in the past? My ex would do stuff like this a lot and he was also addicted to porn. He’d get mad when I didn’t want to tag along or do it or just simply help him get off. He would never respect my boundaries and badger and push! He’s a victim of sexual abuse.

Absolutely not wrong at all he’s being disrespectful. Stop means stop, married or not.

Not normal and he’s not respecting boundaries. Huge red flag.

Not normal I think he’s a sex addict

“Is my husband normal?” you ask. Your asking that means, you are a woman, who is not prepared for marriage. If you turn against sex, as you said; then your husband shall have true cause for divorcing you, and marrying someone else who believes in marriage and sex.

Was he like this before you married him?

That is not normal…that’s almost sexual assault/abuse.

Was he doing all that before you got married?

I don’t find this to be the normal! A man Can be attached and still know boundaries. Like is he only with you for sex? That’d be my concernn

This is how my husband is, and I hate it.


Sounds about right. Sounds like he loves you a lot and he is really attracted to you

Lucky :four_leaf_clover: :joy: most guys turn cold after marriage. This guy really wants you.

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I WISH my bf was like this! Girl be happy!

Nope sounds like an addiction.

He may be a sex addict . They have counseling for that .

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Thats normal but if you say no then he needs to respect that.

Girl appreciate that shit or give your man to me :joy:
Since me and my man been together for long it’s just died :smiling_face_with_tear:

This is not normal if he thinks so he needs help

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I wish mine was like that. I didn’t like it before but now over 40 and his drive went down. :pensive:

I find that normal with marriage

If you want a zombie just say that

Girl enjoy that he’s that into you!!

Im here for the comments honestly… The mix between them is crazy… Has me thinking now🤔

My man is the SAME WAY and I LOVE IT!!

This feels like a time for a talk about boundaries and possibly your affection “type”. Some ppl buy gifts, some acts of service and some just want YOU. if it’s a healthy relationship you should be able to have a sit down and has our a compromise between the both of you…

Man, If you don’t have the same sex drive as he does, you should really tell him. I’m in the opposite situation. My husband, except for conceiving our kids has always been a minimal to no sex guy. I am like overly sexual or something, but for me to feel physically validated and for him to feel confident and comfortable, we need to have constant, open communication.

I don’t know why people are saying “be lucky you have this” If she feels a certain kinda way about it that’s how she feels. I can see where this would be a turn off especially if she isn’t feeling Into the mood. So I can see where it is continuously wanting to have sex with you and you not wanting to then you kind of feel turned off. Believe in having open communication so if you bring it up to him he should have no issue with receiving what you’re putting out. Body and you can do with it what you want to know men or some men just have a very high sex drive was he like this when you guys were dating??

Even if you are married if you don’t want it it could be called rape

Lol at least he’s groping you

I mean if he says stop then he needs to stop. Me personally id luv it if mine was like this. Some men are and some men arent. Either is normal i think.

Normal. How my husband is. Wants it all the time. No more romance or cuddling. Groping and getting what he wants. Usually better behaved before marriage bc working for it. Agter marriage they think automatically deserve it. Just means he is into you. Just tell him to tone it down some. At least give you a two to 3 day break. Lol.

Sounds like a man to me😅 sorry i’m not much help, but any guy i’ve ever been with including my husband has been this way.

I’m assumed y’all are under say 40… understand please there is a sweet spot for men unlike women and after 40/45 MOST not all have a lull it will not be this way forever. I do understand it begins in your mind first for a woman but it’s really all hormones and visual for men. Find a way to mentally stimulate yourself and be accepting when YOU want it but know this is a time sensitive thing and when it “dies” you will miss it. I hope this makes some sense to you sweetheart I’m not at all trying to be mean or ugly!

Neither one of you is wrong. Being groped ALL of the time would get annoying & I’m a very sexual person. There has to be intimacy & not straight to “the sexual spots.” If your husband can’t come up to you and hug or kiss you without groping your boobs or going straight for the crotch then he needs to grow up!
My husband and I are newly married & we’ve been together for 5 years, we are 43/51 y/o and we are always grabbing each other’s butt & stuff & kissing but we also leave each other alone too. It would piss me off if I’m the middle of watching a show, he just decided to grab my crotch. Everyone is entitled to their personal private space.
But honestly I have no idea what else could be going on with your husband??? It could be as innocent as he is just REALLY Really into you. But he needs to learn boundaries definitely.

Sounds like he could be a Narcissist or he has a sex addiction… both arnt normal doing these things is fine if the other person wants it if they don’t then they should pull back if he can’t then there’s bigger issues at hand

How I wish I was in your place.

You do know the people that are saying you should be greatful for this… she actually shouldn’t. If she feels uncomfortable and doesn’t want to be touched and he’s basically pushing himself it’s sexual assault. That’s what nobody likes to hear!
Just because you’re in a relationship, married or whatever doesn’t mean sexual crimes are diminished.
Sit and have a conversation with him if you don’t want to be touched or groped, no means no in ANY case.

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Tell him to keep his fxcking hands to himself until you’re ready for it unless he wants to catch a sharp one to the gut. And check up on your life insurance policies.

Sometimes the second ain’t the one either, girl.

He’s smothering u. Not cool.

A lot of people advocating for marital sexual assault in here

Each person is different. Not saying the way you feel isn’t valid. But for some people that’s normal and some it isn’t.

I’m like your husband. My husband is like you.

Sounds like an addiction of one or another

Maybe he just thinks you’re really hot lol


Shit. Wait til it is no more. Won’t be complaining then :joy:

Girl I’m sorry. But your man wants YOU and you’re complaining?

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This post and the women on it are hilarious. I never said it was ok for him to make her uncomfortable or that if she says “no” or “stop” for him to continue and it be ok. I simply stated a FACT. There are so many women out there that wish and pray that their husband would crave them all the time like he does. But I’m wrong for being honest? So many women get left because they aren’t sexually active with their man. I never said that every time he snaps his finger she should drop her panties. Y’all seriously reach way too much. Talking about “Rapist sympathizer” Not knowing I work at a jail where we lock these motherfuckers up that sexually abuse women. And any chance I get I’ll let an inmate fuck a rapist up…Like even today. Because I don’t sympathize. So just stop. And for all the grammatical Nazis. Fuck off. This is Facebook. Not a college essay.

I find it a bit sad that there’s a lot of comments saying this is normal and to just get use to it and over it. your feelings are valid, being hypersexual is not necessarily a positive thing. he should be able to be intimate without it being a sexual type of intimate, kinda sounds like he has an addiction problem.


It’s not normal. I don’t care what people tell you, it’s not normal. And it will escalate. When he feels he cant use you as his cum sock things will get worse. I’d leave. Just leave now. He is ignoring you when you tell him you’re uncomfortable yet he still does it. Thats rapey as all get out. Been there. Remove him from your life before it gets really physical and painful.


He sounds like a dirty horndog who just wants to fuck and doesn’t care how you feel nor respect you :person_shrugging: its far beyond just being attracted his wife.


That sounds exhausting…I’m sorry you have to deal w a man not respecting your very clear boundaries. Have an honest convo with him and if he doesn’t change…leave him.


I used to get annoyed when my man was like this.but then i thought.I rather him be so into me and still so sexually attracted to me then no longer attracted or’s his way of showing love and that you are so sexy and find your natural being is a turn on for him.embrace it.cherish it and worry when he stops.don’t let it turn you against sex.more sex with your husband is creates bond and chemistry and your connection will be epic.his behavior is normal for a man whose in love and attracted to his not just not used to can ask him to slow down at times.but don’t push him away or have him feel like your disgusted or not into him as he is you.your blessed.I promise you.


Communication and respect. You’re not wrong in feeling the way you do. Even if you’re both married, boundaries are healthy. I repeat, Communication and Respect.


I hate these girls going “why are you bragging” and “CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY HE TOUCHES you”
If you don’t feel respected or it’s WEIRD, makes you uncomfortable — tell him to fucking stop!


My husband 24/7.
If you’re not comfortable, tell him. I do have days where I tell him to back off lol. He’s just an extra affectionate person & im not.

I literally got married 3 weeks ago and my husband is the same way. I get how you feel I really do cuz there’s times I’m just annoyed with him and it an I just wanna cuddle and be held not felt up like an object. I also know getting married allowed all his mental and emotional walls to come down and finally feels like he has someone who is his(not a possession, I understand him/this). So this all could go back to his childhood and or trauma that has caused mental health problems or emotional walls through out the years. Sit and talk to him on a deeper level so you can get a better understanding. Remember it’s you us against whatever is going on not you against him.

Not everyone is the same. Ur new husband and ur ex husband are 2 different ppl. Be glad he is so attracted to u. And wanting u. I’d be happy if mine did that once a week. Maybe ur not used to that type of attention.

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He’s normal. Your ex wasn’t.
If you feel uncomfortable, nip it in the bud now. If you don’t like it, stop it.
But a year from now, you’ll probably be saying how he doesn’t do this.
I understand if you don’t like it but it’s a pretty normal newlywed thing.

I’m shocked at the amount of women belittling this lady, and basically telling her either have sex 24/7 or lose her man. And that she needs to be grateful , I can’t even phantom how some of you are thinking. Like…… what?


No mine does it too I cant stand it makes me sick 16 years of shit and this is one of the many reasons im leaving him

You should cherish your husband, most men are not like that

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You should be so lucky!!

Sounds like a sex addict but when you tell him to stop he needs to respect your boundaries

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That only happens if you couche don’t stank or he don’t care about the stank.
True love

Enjoy it while you can !! When they can’t do it any more you will miss it !

Can you have your husband call me???

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Dammmm you can have my bf . I wish

Sex addict…he is ill

Wow, this comment section. The misogyny is coming from inside the house

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Wrap all your unwashed underwear around a football, hang it on a hills hoist rotating washing line, spin it, then lock the cnt outside, throw his shit out the window! He will either be chasing that ball around the next morning or will have moved on. Cant beat the PROGRAM. Alternatively, a stanley knife or baseball bat is really helpful, belt yourself over the head first and wake tf up! :rofl:

It’s normal for a man. Do you not enjoy sex with your HUSBAND?

Why are you complaining!?

I wish I had your problem