Is my husband wrong for walking away when we fight?

You’re both toxic if you’re having that many arguments.


If he says he doesn’t want to talk anymore and walks away, then let him be. Give him time to decompress. Come back together at a later time and discuss the situation when tempers calm and logic returns. When you do talk about it, focus on how YOU feel, not what he’s done wrong in your eyes. Same with him. Once you figure out what’s causing both of your feelings FIX IT. Support each other when the next argument arrives. Help each other, don’t antagonize and cause each to stumble. Set ground rules when fighting. No calling names, throwing things, etc. I’ve been happily married 40 years and might know a thing or two.


I get extremely angry at times during arguments…to the point I wanna hit or say something really hurtful…I walk away.
What would you want him to do? Continue screaming that gets you nowhere? Hit you? Or walk away and calm down? IMO you’re the toxic one who wants to keep things going and he wants to drop it and calm down.
But both should definitely learn how to communicate better. I know with me and my husband once we learned how to correctly approach each other our fights turned into talks that end with the issue resolved.


He has probably come to the conclusion that he can never win with you, because you seem to give the impression that you are always right!!! So he prefers to do the gentleman thing, go away and vent his anger there, rather than against you. Be grateful that he does this, as if he stayed , he might very well reach a stage where he really lets go and lashes out at you. You might very well be sorry then. If you really want harmony, perhaps say sometimes that he is right and you are wrong, it might help him in the future.


Easily solved. When he walks away and talk himself through everything then you leave him be and go somewhere you can’t hear him. Walking away in a fight is better than not leaving sometimes and by following him to continue the argument you’re being toxic.


When he goes to vent loudly in his office…go turn on music loud enough to drown out his complaints. If he hasn’t the balls to stay and speak to u face to face…then that’s his problem not yours

Sounds much better than it getting physical.


He is right. If the subject is stated and comments made dont keep on and on. It is better to walk away.


Would you rather the fight escalate to violence?

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Sometimes in the heat of an argument I get overwhelmed and walk away because I feel myself going out of control. I don’t like doing that so I like to cool down and come back to it. But I don’t scream when I leave. I may talk shit under my breath or whatever but not for others ears just venting and decompressing. :woman_shrugging:t3: depends on how and why he’s doing it I suppose.

I think y’all need some counselling and lessons on how to communicate properly within your relationship.

I walk away let it drop them discuss it at a later time…things go better when you stay calm…

Better for him to go in the other room to vent be glad if v he foes it bin your face there could be big hurt…

This sounds like y’all need to talk and learn how to communicate. Me and my husband often won’t talk when things get heated bc neither of us like arguing/yelling/fighting. So usually, we’ll both calm down and come back to it. But we went through couples therapy and learned a ton.

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I have a private Twitter that I don’t follow anyone and no one follows me, and that’s how I vent. No hurt feelings from my husband cause it’s a secret account. He should write down his anger like that

You’re toxic for trying to control him its not your way or the highway. If he walks away its so he calms down. But hes toxic for mot coming back to calmly talk about it after. He avoids. He needs to fix whatever needs to be talked about.

Some people do not like confrontation and will walk away before it gets to intense. Need to decompress without saying things that they cannot take back. Would suggest therapy for you both

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Dear you to need to laugh at some crazy things and tell each other I am sorry you do not want to ever give up on each other mike

If he walks away and talks to himself. You have no say in what he says. Thats controlling. "Cant walk away. Cant vent outloud. Cant leave unless im satisfied " if you dont wanna hear it. Go to a diff room.


I feel you both need to respect each others ways of managing emotions. By asking him to remain active in an argument isn’t healthy for either of you. And he’s actually taking good steps to get out of that situation for you both. I can respect at the time for you it doesn’t feel that way.
But clearly this is his way to deal with his emotions and it’s a safe technique that should be praised and reflected on not made to be a problem.

Is it that he walks away that causes you anxiety or that he replays the argument to himself loud enough for you to hear it that causes you anxiety? Maybe it’s a matter of understanding where your personal anxiety is coming from and break that down for yourself to help you feel better when he takes this course of action. It’s probably very much something to do with you on a deeper level, rather then his actions.

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I walk away sometimes i need to get out of the situation if it’s not going anywhere I hate confrontation but I will stick up for myself if I need to.

Grow up and get some counseling.


My husband walks away when we fight. At first I was really insecure about that. But you know what, HE ALWAYS COMES BACK, once calm, to talk it out. He had some of the same words to me, I had to push my pride away and understand how he works, it wasn’t always and can’t always be on my terms.


I have found that when they say they don’t want to talk about it they sometimes don’t really know what else to say to resolve the problem and really Ned to let both of you think it over cool down and consider both points of the subject laugh it off and find a compromise point marriage is a give and take you are there to make each other happy and sometimes that man’s both of you have to give in

Thata that Narcissist behavior

If he’s in there screaming out things loud enough for you to hear them, it’s not that he’s walking away from the fight. He’s simply putting himself in a position where he can voice his opinion but you can’t voice yours.
F*** that guy

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I refuse to side with anyone but the but the husband. But at the same time maybe counseling

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You need to walk away FIRST. It will regain your sense of power, you will see if he likes it. It will end the argument sooner !! Try it. Win Win. Then try sitting down, calmly, and have a conversation.

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If you force someone to stay and talk then they are bound to say something they will wish they had not. Walking away is good but he needs to learn to talk about it. And if an argument is making you have nightmares you need to get some help to learn how to control your emotions. It almost sounds like you may be too sensitive and need to learn how to “man up”


Sounds like your man was taught to be respectful enough to walk away from a woman in anger instead of instigating things further.

Count yourself lucky & maybe QUIT ARGUING so he doesn’t need to leave. You are so insecure when he goes because you know the fighting is wrong & he might be tired of it.

Can’t blame him.
Get help, & live in peace or move on. Nobody needs that drama.

Sounds like neither of you is listening to the other.


I personally walk away when my husband & I fight. I would do this bc I found myself getting so overly emotional that regardless of who was right or wrong - I was in no place to have a calm, rational
Conversation. It has only been through counseling (together & individually) that I was able to get the right tools to help myself calm down & have a productive conversation. And, sometimes it was my anxiety….so, maybe counseling would be a good place to start! It has been a huge help personally & as a couple!!

I mean it sounds like to me that he walks away to scream out load rather than screaming in your face. We all need a cool down period after an argument, but when a man is respectful to not do it to your face, he automatically has :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:??
How about BOTH take a cool down period, then sit down and talk reasonable.

Do it to him and see how he likes it


Walking away is good :+1: & if he vents to himself in his office ’ that’s better than yelling in your face or hitting you "

Toxic relationship. Seek couples counseling.

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I am usually the one to walk away or leave until I can get my temper under control. By that time the discussion is usually over and we can talk about other things that don’t involve arguing

Walking away and refusing to discuss further at a later time is the most aggressive behavior because it says, “I’m not even valuing you enough to talk with you.” Caveats: it’s fine to walk away, take a break, and discuss (no shouting) later. “Later” should be given a time and date.

But the fact that this is such a chronic issue indicates that you two need therapy to resolve it. Neither of your approaches are working.


I mean , I hate it when my husband does it . But I’ve done it as well ! I feel like sometimes , to step away and collect yourself is what’s best before it blows up even bigger than just a simple argument . If I get to emotional there is no way I can have a calm conversation .

Are u both full grown adults??? U need to communicate❤

Walking away isn’t a bad thing.

You are completely toxic for expecting someone to stay and continue to argue with you…and he is toxic for “walking away” but actually continuing his side of the argument

You 2 deserve each other


Terminating the interaction is quite acceptable in a dysfunctional exchange, the question should be why is escalation you guy’s communication style? Use rational dialogue or uncouple

I’m on your husband’s side on this one. I have an argument limit and if I’m getting close to it I absolutely have to leave that space. It keeps me from moving into crazy person territory where I start saying things I don’t mean out of anger.

I can almost guarantee he is doing it for the same reason & at least for me it’s because of how much I love my husband & know I don’t want to cross any lines I can’t un-cross.

Walking away to cool off is a good thing. But if he refuses to even discuss the issues then y’all both need to take a hard look at your relationship. Especially if you continuously argue over the same things.


Sounds like he continues the argument from the other room so he doesn’t have to listen to what you are saying. Try counseling

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My husband used to do this as well. We went through therapy and found out that although it was a very healthy an acceptable thing to do that the way we were communicating wasn’t real communication which lead to me feeling as you do bc it didn’t exactly hurt my feelings but it actually made me feel like he was abandoning me. That fear of being abandoned is more so why I was hurt by him leaving the argument to have a cool down time bc there was zero healthy communication taking place either. I suggest you seek marriage counseling to help you better work through your arguments and to better communicate with each other.

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Communication issues clearly. He’s scared to do the hard work. I would suggest counseling or walking away until he wants to learn to Communicate. You shouldn’t have to beg your spouse to listen to you and comprehend how you feel. Of walking away is what he needs to cool down … ask why he’s so mad and also give space. At some point he should come back to talk. If not then I see no point in repeating yourself.

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He’s doing the responsible thing in the moment, but that being said, this shouldn’t be a frequent necessity. Be mature adults that discuss your issues with resolution as the goal, not who can yell the longest and loudest.


Slap some headphones on and vent yourself seem to be toxic on both sides
Grow up and talk it out


I think you need a divorce. It’s obvious that neither one of you respect the other one, and neither knows how to communicate.


I’m sorry I know a lot of people say it’s a toxic relationship but no I did it to my husband my husband did it to me we walked away from each other at least one of us always walked away from the other so we could get our temper under control and come back later and discuss


Marriage made in heaven sounds perfect to me :joy:

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You’re both wrong. Him walking away is a good thing, except the fact he keeps going. When he does that, are you able to get far enough away to not listen to him keep going. Maybe go by outside and take a break while he continues to argue with himself? The fact that that’s how your arguments end, is the worse part. It leaves all that negative in the air to just get thicker. Communication is mandatory and if y’all can’t break that barrier and talk about it when it’s over, your relationship will continue to get tomorrow toxic and that’s hard to come back from

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If you two are arguing that much, you need counseling. If you two can’t figure out how to even come to an agreement as to what is acceptable while arguing, you need counseling. If you two are arguing…you need counseling. I too walk away when a discussion gets too heated and the parties are too emotional to get anywhere. This happens with my ex when dealing with him about our son. He is a diagnosed narcissist with sociopathic tendencies. He pushes buttons and yeah. I’m better at gray rocking him now. You wanting to continue when your not getting anywhere is toxic af. All it does is gets emotions going even worse. His speaking loudly enough to himself that you can hear but can’t engage is toxic af. I talk to myself too to kind of get it out and think it out. But not where the person can hear. Then I look deeper to see if I’m getting emotional due to triggers and so on and so forth. Shadow work. My guy I’m with now, for about a year actually, of something bothers or upsets us we just say…hey…baby…can I talk to you about something? Are you in a good place to talk. Meaning mentally. If yes, we TALK calmly and quietly. When this happened, it hurt. Or Hey, I’ve noticed this…have i upset you in some way or is there something going on that I can help with? If either feels emotional we will tell the other one…hey…can you give me some time to think about this and we can pick this up later? Yeah…then we go do something together or just continue with a different conversation. But we do come back to it later when both are ready. No yelling. No eye rolling. No screaming. No slamming doors. No stomping. No ignoring each other. No huffing. Just…aiight…cool. ok…enough of icky feelings I want to enjoy your company and we’ll figure it out when we’re both ready.

Both are toxic. And as for who is seems like you may be.

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This is better than getting physical, but definitely talk, NOT YELL !!!afterwards, later on when you’re BOTH calm enough to sit and listen to each other.

fix the problem you fight about problem solved

Walking away is fine. You both need to cool off. The venting is fine as well, but not if there are kids who can hear it. But at the end, you both need to sit down and talk calmly, not get defensive and also reflect on how the other person is feeling. Dont brush it off.

If you are fighting a fire do you start throwing matches and paper at it in hopes that will make it better or would you throw water on it to cool it off, then when it’s cooled find out what can be saved from the damage done?


No he isn’t wrong!! I walk away and vent to myself and wana be mad until I’m not🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t I do it :woman_shrugging:t3: then I come back after I have talked myself down and cooled off to be an adult but know I might say something I don’t mean so I walk away first and throw my fit come back composed most of the time lol

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In my opinion he’s doing the right thing, he doesn’t wanna say anything out of anger or during an argument/fight that could be potentially used against him at a later time. If you can’t give him his space and y’all keep having the same argument(s) why even be together? Sounds like y’all need therapy as a couple and as individuals, if that don’t work then maybe separate or divorce

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If it were too much for me to handle, which could be the case for him, I would walk away too. I do, and have been, because I am not going to argue if I’m too angry to even function to get the argument over with. It would just continue. So yes, he’s doing the right thing.

Fight flight or freeze. He’s clearly flight

Maybe he walks away until cooler heads prevail. I will walk away from my husband and let things calm down and go back

No, hes not wrong. Fighting solves NOTHING. Go to therapy to learn how to communicate properly like adults.

Get into counseling as you both react differently. That’s okay to do. Give yourselves 2 hours to think things over then sit calmly and rationally. Counseling will show you the steps to fight or argue fairly without your having a panic attack.

Walking away from you is better, he obviously knows himself more than you know him.

Read Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.

Get off FB with your drama


Why do u have to fight so much?

Honestly walking away in a screaming match is the adult thing to do

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I would walk away also. That way, I would not say something that I would regret later.
You need to learn “fair fighting” – it is an excellent technique but both MUST PRACTICE IT.

Maybe he walks away to avoid saying something he knows he’ll regret

Hes walking away because if he stays, it’s not going to get better…so he walks away, calms down and then you can continue. I get the frustration because my hubby and I fight differently as well. I like to deal with it then and there…he likes to process …

Go somewhere where you can’t hear him…


Walking away is better than saying something you cannot take back.

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hey folks? dont invest too much into it. its just a spam page that posts dumb stuff for comments and shares…

Depends. Is the issue addressed and worked out afterwards? If nothing is resolved then he’s walking away to avoid the problem.

Use a pause method. Instead of saving I’m done, I don’t want to talk any more. Try saying let’s pause this and come back to it when we’re both in a better place emotionally so that we can communicate better.

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Some people need time to sit with their feelings before they react and say or do somthing they know is not how they really feel. Let him walk away and say wht ever . Then you and him can come back to talk about it when your both calm .

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He is correct by walking away. Walking away could be keeping these arguments from escalating to the next level.

Sometimes it’s best to walk away and re-address it after everyone has cooled off.

I haaaaattteee when somebody walks away during a meaningful conversation (it doesn’t matter if it’s about something un-important) whether it’s a disagreement or not. It’s disrespectful to me. I get when you get to the point where you need a break, a moment to collect your thoughts and calm down, but you should ALWAYS finish it. Even if it’ll be tomorrow evening when we get home from work. You just don’t walk away and leave it at that. THATS toxic because then nothing would ever get fixed.

You don’t get to choose whether or not he takes some time to work through what’s happening. It can be more toxic for a partner to not give their partner some space. Maybe you two can get into therapy so you can both learn how to disagree and one partner isnt forcing the other into a situation that sucks. Literally both of you need this.

Well he does stop a yelling contest. You need to adjust to this and walk away yourself. I can’t think of anything that will be so important that in a day or so it is of no consequence.

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Hes definitely doing the right thing.

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how about counseling?

My husband and myself walk away from each other. We both think about we were fighting about. And found out that it was not worth fighting over. And we forgive each other.


Walking away is the best thing to do

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I walk away and talk to myself sometimes if I’m really upset.I wouldn’t like it if someone told me to stop neither It’s how I calm myself down

Walking away can be a good thing because he doesn’t want to just be reactive … That being said, I have severe anxiety and need reassurance… so if he said, “I am walking away now because I need to calm down and we can talk when I think things through. We are good, I love you. We will be okay we just need to work through this issue”. Then leaves.

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Walking away yes but continuing to have his say loud enough so he knows you can hear is disrespectful. If he is going to walk away then he needs to learn to shut his mouth too.


When he walks away and goes into his office to be loud and extreme go outside so you don’t have to hear him or wear ear plugs if you’re not there then you’re not hearing it and then he will stop with his outbursts in another room . So stop acting like you hear him and he will stop acting that way because no one is hearing him and his outbursts so just ignore him.

We all deal with these types of things in our own way. My daughter used to do that. Thankfully she stopped doing it at around 10 years old. It was probably the most frustrating thing to have to deal with. Put on some headphones, or pop in some earbuds and listen to music to drown it out. You could also go for a walk to get away from it. He could be doing it just to get under your skin.

when people walk away from an argument instead of snapping they’re trying to avoid a blowout…


I think he’s doing the right thing by not letting the situation escalate. But I do agree that maybe he could vent to himself/talk it out with himself a little quieter.

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Everyone handles fights and conflicts differently. Asking him to change how hes able to handle things is not ok. He does need to do it quieter or silent.

Why is this reminding me of johnny depp and his ex. Eeeeks

Walking away if often the best thing to do. You don’t want to go on fighting until someone says something that won’t be forgiven. I