Is my marriage over or should I work through online infidelity?

I don’t know about ending everything, maybe try something different bedroom wise

It’s about more than love. You need trust and respect. Is it worth keeping the family together just to have your children see you sad and put up with the same behavior over and over. Your happiness matters.


Start with counseling mama. Hugs :purple_heart:

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You both took your vows before God. Always try to save a marriage, especially when children are involved. Children need both parents!! Don’t just sit back and take it. This needs to be resolved. Your husband needs to show you respect and he is not doing that now. You both need to sit and talk to each other. If you cannot resolve this between the two of you, then I would suggest therapy. I hope all turns out well. I wish you and your family all the best. God bless you and your family :two_hearts:


If you’re already staying then the only advice I have is learn to get used to it because he knows he can get away with it


My husband is well aware that cheating is the hill l will die on. I will never be able to accept it from my spouse. I am not the type of woman who can deal with worrying whether or not my man is sleeping around everytime he is late from work. If you can, then more power to you. I am a firm believer of being aware of my surroundings relationship wise, because my children are watching and l dont ever want them to think it is ok to be disrespected by their partners and walked on like a door mat.


So you caught him doing this behavior 8 years ago, 1 year ago, and now. You have only caught him those few times, chances are he has been doing it alot more than that though. Especially a large time frame like that and you just caught him again, doesn’t sound like he will stop no matter how much time is in between even if that was the only times. That is still 3 more times than he should have ever cheated. I personally could never get over being cheated on in the past, it only got worse mentally everyday. Staying also enables him to see what he can get by with and still have you. I would never stay with cheater, been there, done that and it never stopped just got worse and worse. It ate at my mind all the time regaurdless where he was or what he was doing. It is so unhealthy and never ever worth it. Good luck.


I’m going through the same thing. You’ll never trust him the same again and you’ll always wonder if he’s still doing it but in my case it’s because he’s incredibly insecure and doing that boosts his confidence and we are not always together so I understand if he needs something when he’s away for work. As long as it’s not physical and he’s not meeting up with these girls I’m not fine with it but if it makes him feel better about himself it’ll be fine for a while but not forever.


I was in this exact situation with my now ex he did it online, with a co-worker and I forgave him multiple times because I loved him but it turned out being the worst thing for me in the end because with me thinking he will change and stop because he said he would he didn’t, he was believable to the point it caused me more hurt and emotional, mental abuse from everything he had done… not only did I hurt myself but I hurt my son as well without realising it


It’s a big deal obviously.

I did and it was the best decision I ever made! Difference is we didn’t have the loving relationship that you have. He wasn’t ever attentive. Relationship counseling but if you can’t get through it in your head cut your losses cause it will only make you and him miserable.

You already made your decision so next step is to figure out why he does it. I’m sure marriage counseling would be helpful too.

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Speak to him, not saying it’s right but there could be something more deep going on with him and he’s acting out.

You say you have a good marriage but he is cheating !
You either confront him and get therapy or leave !


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is my marriage over or should I work through online infidelity? - Mamas Uncut

Sounds like an addiction.


I will never understand why people put their dirty laundry out in the world. If you don’t want to hear the truth don’t ask :joy: he’s a cheater obviously get out now :joy::joy:


It depends if you’re willing to put up with a sneak. Only you have that answer


Ugh. Leave him. Why would you be with someone like that. You’re better than that.

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Definitely an addiction that maybe he needs to seek help for. Maybe suggest counseling and see if he is open to it first. If he isn’t willing to fix it then go to more extreme measures.


Once they do it once they’re gonna keep doing it. Unfortunately and I’ve learned the hard way … sometimes it’s just better to go and focus on yourself and your kids. He’ll just learn to get sneakier and sneakier about it as time goes on and that’s gonna hurt you and your babies even more


He’ll never change. Leave. For good.


Haha maybe why hes happy you have to ask…


Kick him to the curb …asap. I’ve been down this road with someone and they don’t and won’t stop they just get more shady.


Id suggest therapy counciling first. If he’s open to owning this then he can do better…communicate before doing anything rash.


I would be crushed but never would be able to recover from it. Sadly, I’d end it. Crushed. Find a guy who doesn’t do that to you. One that would never want to see you crushed. They’re out there.


Counseling? And go from there

What does he say about why he did this? No one can say end ur marriage unless we know his story for doing that.


He knows what may happen ……he decided to do it anyway.


I don’t think your relationship will ever be the same. Once the trust is broken, it’s hard to come back. Plus you deserve better than a man who would do this to his wife and mother of his children.

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It really is up to you…in the sense, can you live with it happening again? Can you be ok with an “open-ish” marriage? Some many not see his actions as cheating but his hiding it as dishonest…others would have burned all his clothes in the front yard…either is ok…if it’s ok for you. xx Sorry that you have to deal with this heart ache


I went thru this with my ex husband. Eventually he had to start doing more than online chatting for gratification. It’s not going to change. If anything, it’ll only get worse. Imagine catching something from your spouse. How bad do you think that’s gonna hurt?

I’ve been in your shoes and I understand you still love him but she got to get out he’s not going to change, it’s going to hurt like hell but just save yourself some heartache :bangbang:

Just remember he wasn’t sorry when you didn’t know, he wouldn’t like it if the roles were reversed and he won’t change or stop he will just make sure he doesn’t get found out next time


See the type of crap I would do is the same exact things he is doing and leave it for him to find. Then when he says “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I’d say “You do this kinda stuff. I thought it would be okay if I did too. I mean it’s only fair.”

I always tell my husband before you do something,ask yourself how you would feel if it was me doing it.


Relationships are like milk. When it gos bad throw it out! I’m sorry your dealing with this and I hope you find someone that makes u happy and treats you well

It’s an addiction that he will need treatment for and you both will need counseling for. If you love him like you say, I’d take the necessary steps to hopefully rectify the situation before just throwing it a away. Your marriage can get back to that happy place with time.


It really depends on what you want. I know I thought I wanted to fix my last relationship but I change my mind when I realized how much he disturbed my soul by lying and cheating on me.


You are right, it isn’t “that simple” for many reasons. I would try and get to the bottom of why he is drawn to or has such a need for those kinds of online interactions. You have every right to be heartbroken, disappointed, and angry. I agree about seeking some help from a professional on some level.


Why do women in this sitiuation even consider staying. Someone who loves and respects you wont do that


Counseling. This could be some deep rooted issue with women.


Your the innocent one here you don’t have to do anything other than give him the bin bag and tell him he’s got 1 hour max to gather his belongings and get out that’s yours and your kids home he can pack up and leave every action has a reaction the fact you forgave him last time told him he has a second chance to be more careful with this new found stuff it’s game over your worth so much more than what he cares about you and your family otherwise he wouldn’t do it

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If I had to guess, it probably hasn’t been 8 years since the last time it happened, just since the last time you caught him. They usually don’t stop. They usually just get more secretive. You have to decide what is best for YOU and your kids! If you choose to stay, then I recommend therapy! It could very possibly be some type of addiction. Best wishes to you! No one can truly judge your life regardless if you are putting it “out there” seeking advice! Ignore all those rude comments!


He’s doing the same things over and again. He’s a cheater. They either do it only once and apologize forever, or they do what he is doing. Save yourself some heartache sis. Just leave


I’m a firm believer in once a cheater always a cheater. You won’t ever forget and forgive it completely. But I do understand being in love and having children to think of. Go to therapy together and find out why TF his dumbass thinks that what he did is okay. And go from there. If it continues or therapy doesn’t help then consider leaving


If he cheats once he will cheat again. Voice of experience. That’s why he is my ex husband!!

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End it. I found messages from my dad messaging another woman. My mom forgave him but 9 years later they divorced anyway. Because it was already broken and the trust never was able to be rebuilt even though he was faithful after that. She stayed with him because of me and it saddens me that she couldn’t enjoy her life for 9 years because of me. Even though it’s not my fault, I don’t want to be the reason someone stays in an unhappy marriage


Maybe :thinking: he needs different things that turn him on and is afraid to discuss or embarrassed. Maybe try a couples therapist it could be something you to can work out and maybe spice up your sex life . Definitely talk it out and get to the bottom of it . Blessed bee :honeybee:


I won’t tell you what to do but I will say that you deserve fidelity. You deserve the same respect you have shown him. You deserve to be able to trust him every time he is on his phone and If you can’t trust him, then don’t continue to destroy yourself trying to show him you deserve these things. Neither option you pick will be easy. Don’t choose in haste. But when you make your decision remember none of this was your fault, he is who he is and you cannot change another person.

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The people who laughed…SMH.


Here’s my take on it…

You have been married to each other for some time now. Obviously the honeymoon is over.

We tend to forget that the courting and dating each other doesn’t stop because we are married. Of course life gets in the way… we have kids, bills start to pile etc… these all lead us to forget our relationship and leave it for last.

I would say go to counseling, work through your problems, be honest and open about everything. At least this way you both have an understanding of where it took a turn.

Marriage is difficult but it’s also different for everyone. Both need to give :100: for it to work. Communication is key no matter how much it hurts.


Is this someone you’d want raising your children or would feel safe leaving them with after what you’ve discovered? If the answer is no, the marriage is over. Cut ties and seek full custody. He is not someone who should have access to your kids. Leave now, or send him packing and end all communication except for that through an attorney.

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Why does everybody go to Facebook instead of therapy for these things :roll_eyes:


Two children’s family being torn apart really isn’t funny (I see some think it is) I hope he sees how dumb he’s being.


Had this happen.
And I learned it will just keep happening.
It eventually goes farther no matter what. He’ll stop for a while but he’ll always go back and do it again.
It will get progressively worse until it becomes a real interaction. Maybe many interactions.
It won’t change. You will feel the heart break over and over.
Eventually you won’t be able to trust and the end will come. By then it will be easier for him to justify. And it will be easy for him to walk away.


He’s always been a cheater it sounds like. You probably just finally caught him again and it’s been going on for years .


Yup, done done done girl.
I found that kind of shit on my exes social media and at first I tried thinking of every possible excuse for why it might have been okay. If he’s doing it online- he’s doing it for real and just hasn’t gotten caught.

Save yourself the heartache of it happening again and just respect yourself enough to realize he doesn’t deserve you.

I’m so sorry this happened, I know it’s the most horrible feeling when you think all is well.

Confront him in a calm way. Find out why he felt the need to do any of that. Communicate. Dont just end a marriage over this straight away. It could be a situation where he has a fetish or fantasy and is too embarrassed to tell you and maybe he just needs to hear that he can be open and honest with you. Maybe whatever hes trying to gain from this, you can explore together. It’s hard to judge this based on what you’ve told us.


Personally it’s happen to me in my marriage. We went to counseling and it helped. We stayed married but told him I’d it happened again I was gone and taken the kids with me. He would be able to see the kids any time he wanted, but I wasn’t going to put up with it again. It’s going to be up to you and what it is right for your family.

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You have to do what you need to do for you. Can you forgive him? Will he stop this behavior?


This is a Heartbreaking choice. I’ve Always believed that once a cheater Always a cheater. I couldn’t stay with someone who was so dishonest & disrespectful. But again it’s not my choice

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Here’s my take…

The last line that says don’t say “get out it’s not that easy” you have already made up your mind. You’re not ready to leave. Second of all yes it is that easy to get out. In my personal experience guys that have this history will always have this issue. The only time it will be resolved is when they’re ready, that’s therapy, apologizes, changed behavior. All of it.


Only you can decide if it’s time. For me personally I’d end it. He’s proven he hasn’t and won’t change in that department.


I would leave. Honestly. That’s still cheating and that’s not right.

People who laugh at other people pain are some real depraved people and lack the mental complexity to be fully functioning people.


I went through what u are love I divorced after 32 yrs its up to u what u do but once a cheater always a cheater and in my case my now x is also a liar as well


I’m sorry this is happening to you. In my opinion, since he continues this behavior, he has no intentions on stopping. If you are willing to put up with it, I commend you for that. Just remember your happiness is at stake also. You have to do what is best for you and your children. It’s a difficult decision to disrupt your children’s lives. No one can tell you what to do, that is solely your decision. Every man I have been with cheated on me and swore he never did, even when the facts said otherwise. I am happily single. I waited until my daughter was grown before leaving her dad. I sacrificed for her, now it is my turn to be happy. Best of luck to you.

It depends if you want to raise your kids so they see a heartbroken mother or a happy one.

It’s a big deal if you’re willing to ask a bunch of strangers for their input. You’re allowed to not be ok with things.

Do you just not want to divide your life because it seems scary and uncomfortable or what’s your other reasons?

Is he willing to go to counseling and admit he has a problem?

Given the information you gave to us, all signs point to leave him especially if you caught him last year and obviously tried to move on from it. It still bothers you or he said he would change and clearly didn’t.

Time to get comfortable with uncomfortable.


4 morons clicked lol emojis !


My ex never stopped with the only stuff then it turned into physically cheating probably because he felt he got away with doing it online. I ended a 17 year relationship because of it. Things like this will eat you up because you will be constantly wondering what he’s doing and you’ll feel not good enough. It will damage you alot more than a divorce and living in that kind of marriage is worse on the kids than having divorced parents!


Marriage is hard
Divorce is hard.
Choose YOUR hard.


I’m probably going to be in the minority opinion here but you should work this out if at all possible ask your husband to seek counseling or whatever it takes because divorce is an awful and life altering decision not just for you but your kids and generations to come nobody said marriage is easy but working it out could be worth it if he’s willing to change best of luck


1st off this could put both you and your kids in danger. Who knows who he is even talking to or what their intentions are !! Internet predators are everywhere. Way to many weirdos online. This is a complete betrayal of trust. I would start to detach emotionally from your marriage. Start saving money and make a timeline to leave. Good luck !


Some people need sooo much constant attention, its ridiculous. Move on…be happy … it CAN be done. :heartbeat:

Sorry this is happening. It’s easy for me to say leave but me and my husband have two kids together. I couldn’t make it on my own. Mentally and financially. Difficult.

After reading your entire post, it doesn’t matter what anyone here says.
You WILL NOT be leaving/ending your marriage. The reason I know this is because - IT IS EASY to leave, when you’ve had enough of the disrespect.
I walked after 12 years :woman_shrugging:t3:
If your partner has accounts on social media OR dating sites and they’re SAYING inappropriate things, it doesn’t stop or go away, most of the time it develops into something more, something physical.
If you’re okay with someone emotionally cheating on you, then stay. If you know your worth and you know that you don’t deserve to be disrespected, then pack up the kids and hit the road.


Oh that’s simple… CUT HIS PENIS OFF. When in doubt Lorena Bobbitt it up sister. There’s my advice.


Let me say that I wish that I had more understanding for my husbands sexuality but I was going thru the change, a horrible tragedy in my family, medicine that affected my libido. I beg you to go together to a counselor. Your marriage is worth it. The men outside your marriage aren’t worth it.

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Read the book unfaithful

If he’s done it in the past and you caught him again now 8 years later, he’s probably been doing it all along. Are you willing to deal with that behavior for life? It’s your call. Some women can and do, others refuse or cannot.


Wait… wait at first I was like oh if he only cheated or did this slight behavior shit 8years ago he’s probably capable of change. Specially if your happy?
But then after reading what you saw and what he’s done… I feel sick of you.
Really just sick for you. That ugly feeling you get in your stomach. Because the answer is to break up. It’s either break up or deal with turning the other cheek. Sounds like he’s keeping you happy enough so that he can get away with this stuff. Ugly nasty people do that shit. He’s probably cheating. That makes my heart hurt for you. Find your happiness because someone different is capable of doing that. Change is scary ending things is scary. But… where your at now is scary. You don’t deserve that. I’m a firm believer in wrecking your world to build a better one in its place. Try all you can… so you won’t have any regrets. Then get your bob the builder hat on and go to work ripping down your world and your kids world so that you can have a real world with happiness in it. Don’t be someone who settles. Don’t be too scared to change things. To stand up for yourself. That’s my real advice. I’ve had to do it…. And it’s sucks and it’s scary. But I know to this day I did the right thing with no regrets. I’m
Married now… I’m happy with someone I couldn’t have ever pictured. I have two step sons… we’re a blended family. And him? He’s changed. He’s happy with someone else as well. We all were better for it.


It seems like a habit for him to do these things. I HATE to say this, but think about what you haven’t seen. If he’s doing this stuff on line, it’s extremely easy to hide it.
It boils down to what you’re willing to tolerate in your marriage. Me personally, I couldn’t stomach it, especially when you think you guys are happy and he’s doing this behind your back. :disappointed: I’m so sad for you and if you were my friend I’d tell you that you probably can’t trust him. It may start online but it’s doubtful that it ends online. The internet can be so damaging.


Respect yourself before you expect anyone else to.

It sounds as if your view on the marriage and his view on the marriage do not match up. Do some digging, I bet there is a lot that has gone on that you don’t know about.


Try to work it out !!!
It’s so hard and everyone hurts. It has been 2 1/2 years since my husband of 25 yr walked away. My kids are 16 and 17 and barely see their Dad( his choice does not want responsibility)

It is hard to leave and be alone, but it’s harder to sit by and knowingly be cheated on and disrespected. What kind of example does that set for your kids? That is 100% enough reason for me to leave. It would hurt like hell but know your worth. That’s not it. Sorry you’re going through that


At this point, he has an issue. It’s not something that will stop, just something he will learn to hide better. You have to make a choice. Can you live with it or not? You’re the only one that can decide.

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Follow your gut feeling :heart:

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If he’s not willing to get help, I’d leave. I’d also feel mad sad hurt pissed and all the other things.

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Think about “Josh Dugger” & do you want this to keep coming back to haunt you? If you don’t know who that is, just google it. Might enlighten you just alittle?

It’s not easy to just give up and leave. Sounds good, but doing it is another story. You and your children have a roof over your head. Marriage is hard. Have you confronted him about it. He needs to know that what he’s doing is disrespectful towards you as his wife, you as the mother of his children, your marriage and to his kids. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Good luck with whatever you choose.


Have you tried talking about it with him? Coz that’s the first steop, i guess

If he did it before and stop but is now doing it again it shows he won’t give it up
You have to decide if your ok with it or not
I get it’s not that easy just to leave but one day that might be the answer when the timing is right

Once a cheater, always a cheater. Do what you have to financially


Fight for what you want. You will have to have the hard talk with him. I suggest marriage counseling as well as maybe some sessions just for him. You can toss in the towel at anytime. You may save your happiness if you both are willing to work for it.

Talk with him about it, if he isn’t willing to own it or willing to counseling then he will most likely continue and he broke the bond of trust and more than once it sounds like. You won’t ever be able to fully trust him again, there will always be bits of doubt here and there and that will slowly eat away at what love there is currently there until nothing of left but anger, hatred and resentment!! So no don’t leave give it a chance of he isn’t willing to put in the word to fix his end of it then leave for your heart and the kids because at some point they will catch on to what he is doing and learn that it is appropriate to treat your wife that way and it will become a cycle. My heart breaks for you, listen to your heart it will never guide you wrong.

Honestly you know the answer to this question and if you don’t want the answer (leave) then there’s not much to room for other opportunities by asking a question and not wanting to hear what you really need to do . So might as well stay and work it out or brush it off and come to terms that your husband has certain needs… He’s obviously bored of the relationship and you two need to sit down and have a safe place no judgement zone and discuss this as mature adults and see what he wants and what you feel like you need. Leaving is challenging but it’s doable…

It depends on what you can live with. Can you live with knowing he is doing it, and most likely will continue to do it?
Personally, I know how horrible it feels and I couldn’t live with that sick feeling in my stomach. Once the trust is gone, it’s almost impossible to get that back and you’ll always be wondering what they’re doing.


My ex-husband did the same thing as well as sharing pictures. In my opinion this is cheating and so I divorced him. I could no longer trust him. We have two kid’s and he was the main supporter because of his job, but my happiness, health and mental health were more important. He didn’t just have one either he had tons of women he would have these conversations with including one he got together with immediately with and now they are married. I cannot speak for you because ultimately its your choice and it’s a tough one. I do wish you the best.

What you allow will continue. If he’s done it before, doing it now, he’ll definitely do it again. The choice is yours to let him go or keep accepting the behavior. It doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small issue, it hurts you. He betrayed your trust and to me that’d be the end of it.