Is this a harsh punishment for a 6 year old?

That’s an awfully long time for a six year old.


The rest of the month for a 6 year old is pretty excessive but I’m not going to let my daughter on YouTube when she’s 6 anyways lol YouTube isn’t safe. Not even the kid version. I’ve heard so many bad things it scares me lol but we do watch a lot of tv. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: so I’m not dogging on the YouTube thing it just scares me.

Depends, what is she grounded from? The internet/YouTube. Then no. That’s not going to hurt her any. That stuff is a privilege in our house and we have rules. If you can’t follow them you lose that privilege for said amount of time. Or until you can show your old enough and mature enough to have/follow the rules.:woman_shrugging: Actions have consequences and 6 is a good age to start teaching that.


I think it’s good. She will find other things to entertain herself with and use her imagination more.

You and your husband should speak the same language when it comes to deciplining the kids,agree on one thing before you pass it on the kids,so that the kids may not contradict one parent and respect only the other parent

Grounding a six year old is ridiculous to me. Like she is 6. She has been on the planet for all of 6 years. She still eats her boogers and probably pees the bed. Like WTF!


I ground my 6 year old for the rest of the day and the next day. But after that she doesn’t understand why she’s continuing to be punished. She knows what she did but after that her brain goes blank.


Wtf way harsh time out yes but not grounding a 6 year old :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Yikes. I ground my 8 year old from Wi-Fi access but never for a month. We talk about trust and not lying to mommy.

I bet she wont do it again

The longest I do is a week for my 6 year old

No 6yo should have the means to view internet videos. It sounds like dad might be punishing the 6yo for his lack of parental control. Imho.

I think it’s too long. :woman_shrugging:t2:
A month feels way longer to a 6 year old, and by the time punishment is up they probably won’t even remember what they did wrong in the first place.
I personally wouldn’t, and I don’t think she needs to be punished for that long.

My husband and I grounded our son and daughter from all electronics bc they didn’t listen to us about being on YouTube and keeping their rooms clean. They are not getting them back for another 2 weeks. If they are bored they are welcome to go outside and play with their dogs. And when they do get their electronics back and they still don’t listen then they will be grounded from them even longer then before or maybe I will throw away everything to prove a point. This is my house and if you don’t follow the rules there will be consequences. The day they buy their own stuff is the day they can watch what they want. But for now it is my responsibility to keep my children safe even if it means hurting their feelings. I’m their parent not their friend.


Plenty things to do outside! Not everyone parents the same…each to their own. 1 hour a day for youtube for my son then he can get outside and be one with nature :grin:

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Shouldn’t be grounding a 6 year old. Grounding is for like 13+ in my opinion. A punishment, like a couple days or taking a toy, etc. Is more suitable for a 6 year old.

At that age they won’t remember even why they’re being punished for 2 days from now… not a fair punishment. That’s absurd.


She is 6, relax. Limit screen time and encourage more outdoor play


Uh yes its harsh she’s 6!

For a six year old a month is absolutely too harsh. She didn’t go get drunk w Tiffany she watched YouTube when dad said no. Dad needs to get off his high horse


Yeah that’s a lot for a 6 year old. A week even is a bit, but strict and a compromise.


If the grounding is just from the internet\devices, then no, it’s not too harsh imo. But if he means a full on grounding, no play/friends and isolated in the room, then that is very damaging to a child at that age. I have taken my kids’ tv/tablets away for extended periods when they forget how to act, but they are still allowed to play and interact with everyone. A punishment that is too harsh for the age group can lead kids to feel uncared for and can lead to emotional damage that can stay with them.


You two need to be on the same page with punishment. But I believe for a month at that age is a bit excessive for a 6 year old. Maybe have dad make routine so she don’t have to much time on the internet/YouTube.

A month? Too much. not developmentally appropriate

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She’s not too young to ground but a month is too long in general, especially for what she did. A week is good


Shes a bloody kid take it off her for a day an let her bloody be. Poor thint


That’s way too long for a 6 year old.

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Yea kinda harsh, try and talk to him/her together, get the whole story, maybe he’ll shorten the sentence

I don’t think she should even be grounded at 6. Maybe some extra chores and explain why it was wrong .

I think you both should read some parenting books and appropriate punishments for the age of the child.


This is why we do YouTube on the living room tv only. And kids YouTube on the other devices.

Y’all are raising a generation of weak “poor me” kids… f that. It’s not too harsh. It’s perfectly fine. Better to nip it in the butt now than when she’s a pre teen and dealing with far worse behavior that you wish you could punish with “a month of grounding” :roll_eyes:
Bet she won’t do it again!


I think dad needs a punishment as well


Just for watching a YouTube video yeah. Shes 6. Way to young to punish got that long…idk that’s just me though.


If its just the internet yea to me thats fair. But if its full blown grounded thats way too harsh

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Maybe from her device( which will never last​:rofl::rofl:) by the end of the month she won’t even know why she was grounded and won’t realize she’s grounded. She will feel more “left out” and a “burdan”. Her brain and emotions aren’t developed at 6 to fully grasp that extent of time… It will be more confusing to her then a learning experience. That’s
why the punishment of “time out” only lasts the minute to age.


For a 6 year old I think it’s harsh.
But with that being said, I’m not their, so I have no idea what else has been going on.

Holy hell :sweat_smile: i think even a few days is harsh.

The recommendation for timeout is 6 minutes for a six year old and you are giving them 30 days?

I honestly think kids YouTube is an addiction for a lot of the kids nowadays. I’m beginning to notice it in my own 6 yr old. The constant need to watch these families doing outrageous things and thinking its real life. I literally just told my daughter today that she’s going to take a good long break from YouTube. After that we will definitely put restrictions on her screen time. I don’t want her to be confused between fantasy and reality, and I also want her to do more constructive things with her time. This whole COVID thing got her stuck in a YouTube rut. I would say if she tries to sneak it, I would just take it away longer. Grounding is not an appropriate punishment for that act. The punishment should def for the crime.


Maybe I’m a softie, I think even six days is a little on the harsh side for a.6 years old a day for each year but still she’s a little child and of course they’re going to sneak and the more you tell a child not to do something then more apt they are going to try to do. I say take away the privilege of the YouTube for a day or two but that be the only thing that taken away. Then again that’s just my opinion and every parent does what they see fit

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Why is she watching it? Is she feeling isolated and wants to be with other kids?

That’s along time my sons 3 and I only do that for an hour or sometimes the rest of the day

I don’t have a dog in this fight, but a young mother has asked for advice. I’m a Vintage age. Our kids are grown. I can tell you, each of ours needed different approaches. Our older son was devastated if he was reprimanded! Our younger son had the shell of an armadillo/tortoise/battle clad knight when told anything; words bounced off of him like rain dropped off the eaves. At 6, the elder son received a verbal lambasting and an afternoon without “whatever” it was. At 5, the younger son washed the bathroom floor with his dad, on hands and knees, with a toothbrush. At 6, the younger son started martial arts lessons to help with his self control. As teenagers, roles reversed and the older became the “problem” child, while the younger focused on his future. Both grew into responsible men I am proud to call Sons! While this little one’s grounding seems excessive, if this is repetitive behavior and her attitude to verbal corrections is “selective” deafness, it may be what is necessary. Dad can always back off on the length of time if he sees she is changing her ways.


Mine is 7 and watched scary videos after I told her not to so I took YouTube for almost 2 months :woman_shrugging:t2: she’s honestly lucky she got it back at all

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I would say taking away youtube for the month is ok, not sure of what else is being taken.

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A month is definitely not developmentally appropriate.


I had to remove YouTube from from devives around. Cause everytime my granddaughter would watch it she got where was so disrespectful and rude.thinking she had to have toy every time turn around from watching those toy reviews or the ones where kids got new toy all time. Since I took YouTube away she stopped acting like that.


6 hes an ass sounds like hes full of his own self importance wait till shes older and rebels

how about just uninstall youtube and let her use youtube kids only. And just for the record my mom used to be the queen of groundings lol, but we were never grounded at the age of 6 …thats just ridiculous and makes no sense. Maybe for like a day lol but other than that its going to be nothing but an emotional roller coaster for that little one. Shes not going to understand :frowning:


I’d take away her tablet for the rest of the month. Every time I take away my daughter’s tablet she suddenly remembers she has other toys and an imagination. It may do her good to be without it for a couple weeks. But I’m not sure what else he’s considering taking away to ground a 6year old.


She will forget why she is being punished. I’m s teacher and the Swift short punishment is the best

I don’t think it’s very fair. She’s not going to realize last a few days why she was in trouble and even if she did I doubt she actually understands what she did was wrong.

Maybe just grounded from YouTube for the rest of the month? And think of it as less of a grounding and more of a detox lol

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Taking uTube away indefinitely wouldn’t be a bad idea. Real grounding from all thing, two weeks at that age is to harsh! My son started getting a week at a time after he turned 10. Before that is was no tv for x amount of time or no video games or no friends. Not all at once. And honestly his recent grounding from everything was for a bigger deal.

We had to block YouTube because my kids watch useless garbage and repeatedly get on things that they’re not supposed to. I had enough and took it away entirely

One day is a good grounding for a 6 year old.

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A week I understand but a whole month?!

First time going behind y’alls back? If so, 2 weeks grounding is a little much BUT I would just ground her from tablet/phone. Put parental controls on it and youtube kids. Regular youtube is no place for a 6 year old, hell I JUST started letting my 11 year old use youtube at his grandmother’s house and definitely NO Tik Tok. Some apps/sites are not suitable for children.

Dad is there… Your not. Im sorry, and I know it sucks, and as an American I thank you tremendously for your service for my freedoms, however dads at home with her so what he decides sticks. My four year old geta grounded. Hes given multiple chances, but when those chances are over i start taking stuff away. I either set a time limit or I make him earn it back.


Have you seen what these kids are watching on Youtube? He needs to harsh about it. A 6 year old should not be on Youtube!!!


A month is too long for 6. They’ll lose sight of the point. It’ll be all punishment and no lesson at that point.

She will find other things to do… its not the end of the world

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I got grounded for a month as so did all my friends when they did something they where not suppose to. I have grounded my kids for a month for things as well. One thing I learned if one parents says something it isn’t good for the other parent to derail them on it. I would talk to dad alone and say your concerns, but don’t undermine his parenting.


It’s not for us to say… this is something to be discussed with your spouse and be on same page … I hope the two of you come to some kind of Compromise as children really need both parents on same page for discipline… prayers


I would have only done a couple days. A whole month is way to much. It’s just YouTube not worth that big a punishment

Has she been challengimg him on other things too? Attitude problems? Etc. If so it could be just the break needed. If dad does a month ask him to do other forms of entertainment with her…make it bonding time. Make it count…then a month will be ok. Hiking, parks…anything but videos.

I would think 6 days would be better

I also have a 6-year-old if she is on regular YouTube you should look into putting blocks on it and get the kids YouTube you can set it up for her age that way you don’t have to worry about the content when he does get it back Just a thought … Only because my 6-year-old son likes to look up like kids nerf gun fights and sometimes really inappropriate gun things come up on regular YouTube Just thought maybe it would help for the future and piece of mind… And yes it is a little harsh in my opinion Just because they don’t have the capacity to understand that far but it all depends on the situation I guess and everybody parents different! I wish you the best of luck and hope everything works out


I mean it’s kind of harsh but maybe next time she will listen. I mean I have 5 kids from age3 to 18. It’s just YouTube anyways. For me it be the fact of her not listening to what I said so I’m totally okay with that being taken away for on month 6 years old or not. Or else she will just keep doing it because you’re allowing it to slide. It’s better to stop it now. Regardless she should have listen to what her dad said the first time he is the parent. Maybe she will think more into next time before doing it again


Dad would get flipped on lol

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Most of all you and your husband should agree on how to punish your child and meet in the middle. Everyone else will have an opinion but you and your husband should make that decision together, not other parents.

Grounded how… she’s 6 what exactly does she do… If he’s taking electronics away for a month, she’ll survive she’s 6 it’s not harsh she has other toys


A month is a long time for a 6 year old. If she were in her teens, maybe.

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Here’s the thing. At this point dad has already punished her and sent the punishment. If you go back on what he says then she will forever look at you to be the one that “saves” her from dads punishments and/or rules. If you two discuss it and decide she can become ungrounded earlier then it needs to be dad telling her so. Most important children need to see a united front. I say it’s a little drastic but to each their own. Everyone parents differently and who am I to say what’s right or wrong for your child. What you can do is ask his to discuss punishment with you from here on out and give him the same respect.


To long for a 6 year old. There’s more effective ways to get your point across than isolation and alienating


Grounding from YouTube and all social media for rest of month then after that she’d be only allowed to watch it with him present. Physically grounded from life for 6 days… Only allowed to sit on couch… Eat. Bathroom and bed at bed time.

Grounding means no fun activities. So no toys… No fun tv shows. It’s a part of life. My kids would rather be spanked then grounded… Grounding means they only get to sit on our couch all day. No tv shows tgey enjoy. I either turn tv off completely or turn on the news channel. Trust me after six days of no fun… They will listen.

That’s what I would do and I do.

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It would depend on how often she is doing it or how her behavior has been all around. If it was a one time thing I think that’s a little much but if it’s that on top of other things and more then once. Now if it’s just grounded from electronics then she will be fine and can occupy herself with other things.

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Your not there . also you just keep making excuses for her defiance…man 16 is going to be ugly

The longer she’s off the better it is for her. She’s too young to be obsessed with you tube. Find her something else to enjoy. I agree that you should both try to agree on the punishment!

She shouldn’t be on YouTube anyway :confused: the internet is crap for kids don’t expose them to it too young and yes there’s consequences ur deployed so leave it to dad . Setup a kids YouTube for her when ur back but absolutely no YouTube will do a better raising of ur daughter than ur husband can . Atleast look at it this way . If she’s not on the internet she’s interacting with family :slightly_smiling_face:

I know there’s a lot of good comments but my 5c is this…you are deployed…there is nothing u can do about it right now…let him be the parent…im sure he loves your kids…so dont fret so much…focus at your job at hand…then when ur at home get the whole picture…u r one strong mamma and thank u for your service

I personally hate kids on you tube, my grandkids age 14 and 9 will stay on it from eyes open to close if they are let too, but thats up to the parents

Yep, too harsh. 6 years old, 6 days of punishment.

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For a whole month for that yes it is way too harsh! Even 6 days imho is too much unless it was an everytime thing. First offense I say 2-3 days tops

My nephew is 6 and he only watches videos or plays video games. He is absolutely awful with his attitude and not listening and disobey every rule MD even being rough with his sister and cousins. He is currently on a week of re a t from both and fixing to loose them for another week. Its not harsh to take away electronics. Make them play with actual toys! Make them use there imagination before they dont have one. I think you might be to easy on her since your away and don’t see behaviors first hand

A month for a 6yr is a bit ridiculous :woman_shrugging:


Whether you find it harsh, in a general sense or not, it doesnt matter. He is parenting alone and needs backup from you, Mom, that what he says go. Its far worse to undermine him on this and show your child that they can play off each parent to get what they want. A month is not going to really hurt the child but knowing that their parents arent a team when it comes to discipline will!


No its not harsh, its tough love.


Way to much for a 6 year old by time it’s over she won’t remember why she was grounded

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Yes. The punishment should fit the crime. Its not like she went and broke the law… if this is her first offence, I would think maybe taking the device away for a week or two would be sufficient. Grounding entirely for a couple of days up to a week. If it has happened multiple times, then it would warrant grounding for a month, and device privileges revoked indefinitely until he sees fit.

Grounded how? Totally grounded (no fun at all) for the rest of the month or just not allowed youtube for the rest of the month? I think a nice long break from youtube is completely appropriate. She’s old enough to respect limits and boundaries, and deal with the consequences when she doesn’t.

Our kids started to become downright obsessed with TV, video games, the iPad, etc, back in the spring and we decided to cut them out completely as a detox so they can get back to being kids and playing creatively. It’s made a huge difference for us! We spend more quality time together and it makes family movie night a treat. We’ve also seen a positive difference in their attitudes and behaviors.

We’ve started slowly incorporating electronics back into their free time so they remember that it’s a luxury, not a given. So far so good :crossed_fingers:


Too harsh. She wont even remember why she cant watch. How about remove the temptation. Give her other options.

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Depends what the punishment is for .
As a mom I thought things were to harsh , 2 daughters at 15 and 14 my son is 11 and I regret not giving harsher punishments .
He’s just made a law about you tube so that’s not overly bad maybe your little one will have more fun interacting with dad and if any sibling…

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We took you tube away from our seven year old. He hid watching certain shoes and lied to us about and then threw a fit because we updated the parental settings on the Xbox.( which is where he would get on his dads account and watch things he wasn’t allowed to watch). We permanently grounded him from it all together. So I think his punishment is fair and it’s only till the end of the month( 19 days). I bet my seven year old wish he had that punishment than the one he got.


How the fudge he expect a 6 year not to do much at all for the rest of the month? It’s only Sept 11. There is 20 more days left. More than 2 effin weeks. I’d say 5 days tops.
But at the same time, there really is nothing much you can do but talk to hubby

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She’ll forget why she’s being punished. Download YouTube kids, you can set time limits and the tablet as well. He should have been monitoring her anyway.

Making rules that have her using the tablet with him there would avoid it


OMG this thread is hilarious. What will a 6 year old possibly do without utube for 2 effin weeks???:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


All this post did was show who could and couldn’t read. :joy:

I got a month when I was a teenager who got caught drinking…