Is this a harsh punishment for a 6 year old?

If he’s grounding a 6 year old for a month because she watched YouTube, I’d hate to see how he punishes her when she actually does something bad. :grimacing:

Do you want her to learn her lesson? Or just laugh it off and do it again?

Complete grounding for 3ish weeks? No. Too much for a 6 year old. Tablet or any electronic device for anything other than school for the rest of the month? That’s completely ok. Give her other options to enjoy her time rather than going all zombie in front of a screen all the time. Perhaps by the time she gets her tablet or electronics back she’ll have better options to balance her time

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I believe a month is a bit harsh, but it will teach her to think twice about doing it again. My daughter is 7 and was told no tik tok etc. I came out of bathroom and she was trying to create her own account and post videos! Watches computer on dining room table in Middle of everyone but still tried to do it ‘cos all her friends do’ she got grounded for a electronics. I got “im bored, what do i do?” For a coupleof days until she remembered to use her brain without computer. ( i thought about grounding for a month also ) but my husband and I agreed 1 week as 1st grounding.

I’d be more concerned about the level of freedom she has with electronic devices in the first place that she can sneak it at all.

What if she found porn at 6 years old? My children’s electronic devices when they were young had to be used in my presence, and when the time was up, the electronic devices stayed in my possession.


Well your too far away for an input. There’s nothing you can do but fight.

6 years old is too young to ground. She’s gunna forget why she is even being disciplined. Stick her in time out for a few mins and no YouTube for the rest of the day


Hell no! My son started acting shitty. Nothing was working out punishment wise.
We took away YouTube. He was upset, got through it and is fine now.
We literally had to cut YouTube. Then the good snacks. No dessert.
They understand their choices and like making them.
Strip it, it’ll turn around

Seriously though. Youre mad your kid cannot watch YouTube, and its too harsh? I think you need to reevaluate how you think about punishments. You sound like a pushover. I used to be one and had to toughen my skin for my kid.

I’d say yeah we say the month sometimes but usually never longer than a week :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I can honestly say… let him do it… our son is 6 and usually listens well… we ground him for a few days the first time he was caught on it after we told him not to. Then again the 2nd time and finally we ground him the 3rd time for 2 1/2 weeks and he hasn’t gotten back on since… our girls never get on without me around and that’s usually the same with him but he was downloading it to his tv and trying to sneak on it…

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Whatever you do, you do it as a united front, once a child knows they can play one parent against the other they will. Grounding her is no good but take away any electronic devices so she learns that if she does something wrong, she gets it taken away from her. She can go out and play and get exercise, it’s better for her anyway but don’t play good cop bad cop, you have to stick together when it comes to parenting your child.


He’s right, the punishment isn’t for watching YouTube it’s for disobeying him. I have 8 kids from 22 to 7 if you can’t control and enforce control with a 6 year old GOOD LUCK LATER!


6yr shouldn’t have had access to youtube to use freely. Sounds like dads just mad he’s lacking…


I don’t think most of you have strong reading comprehension skills. He wants to ground her from EVERYTHING for a month. Not just the tablets. Yall are downright ridiculous, if you’re trying to ground a 6yo for a MONTH what are you going to do when they are 16 getting drunk with their friends? You might think you’re accomplishing something, but you aren’t. You’re just going to teach them to hide it better because mom and dad are dramatic as fuck. I was a downright terrible teenager. And nobody even knew until I grew up and told them because my parents were excessive too and they never knew anything I was doing in my teen yrs :joy: but they absolutely thought they had me under lock and key Bahaha

What is grounding? Like everything or just from certain activities. Like we ground our son from the tablet or technology. Or from playing with local friends. A week usually does the trick and we enforce doing chores around the clock.


For a 6 year old to harsh poor child

It’s the middle of the month. So only a 2 week punishment

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Im sorry but as a kid I got grounded for months or weeks at a time, got stuff ripped out of my room so I could just stare at the walls.


Way to harsh your husband needs to learn proper punishment


A 6 year old spending heaps of time on you tube there is the problem. Why do 6 year olds need access to you tube. No need too much time on electronic devices


I think grounding I great but I think the rest of the month is a bit of a stretch. Just like how pediatrician recommend that you put a child in time out based on their age (ex: 4min for a 4 year old) they have a short attention span.

Yes way too harsh for a six year old, six year old needs a timeout for six minutes and explanation so she understands why she was punished.

Mum obviously wants to be her friend more than be a mum.


Why is a 6 year old on YouTube in the first place?

My step daughter is 7 and only now has a tablet coz her grandparents gave it to her. But we don’t let her use it unless we go there to keep them happy.

She hates not having free access to it. But all these kids stuck on screens all the time is ridiculous, not to mention their behaviour when spoken to whilst using tablets and manners go out the window.

Not having one has made her use her brain to entertain herself.

And i agree with 2 weeks, just because she disobeyed her father

Step daughter turned on xbox to get on Netflix after her father put her too bed and denied, denied, denied it. She lost the tv and xbox for a week, until she finally told the truth😉


Do it now as the rest if the month and she won’t do it again

A month for a 6 year old is a bit much. The problem is sticking to it. If you tell them a month and the let up on it your teaching them you will give in before the time is up. Start out small and work your way up to longer if they dont listen. Its better to add more days then to go back on the time.


The rest of the month? I mean damn what was she watching? It’s a stretch. I have a five year old who also sneaks on YouTube she was on punishment for 2-3 days. No tablet no TV unless it’s learning apps or videos.

Sounds like one of my punishments. I’m with dad. Those YouTube videos are getting more vulgar by the day and they’re made to attract children. Your kid needs to learn no means no

Both are excessive in my eyes.

Kids of 6 work daily
So a daily removal is good
Anything over and they are inclined to forget why they are even being punished ( I hate that word ) x


Umm both is wrong lol maybe watch supernanny might learn a thing or two

I think you’re version is more appropriate. The rest of the month is very harsh for that age.

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I always preferred a short few days of punishment that I could stick 2 versus a longer one that I gave up on half way thru. Kinda gets the point across if u stick 2 it so shorter worked better 4 me

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A month is beyond a six year olds time horizon. You need to keep punishments within a child’s time horizon otherwise they will not understand and this will start the beginning of resentment.
This isn’t about the fact that the is on YouTube or has an iPad or whatever. It’s about the punishment.


Eh, let him have his moment so that way she will really understand that consequences for not listening are harsh and lying and doing something behind someone’s back is a bad thing.

It’s the principle not the action of watching YouTube.

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She is 6 years old being grounded from YouTube videos for the rest of the month is not too harsh of a punishment

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It’s 2 1/2 weeks. There are plenty of things a six year old can do that doesn’t require watching u tube


Uh, yah!! She is a toddler! Honestly, just a few days of being grounded should teach her a lesson. A month is ridiculous.

For a 6 year old, that is too long. After the 2nd day she won’t even remember what took place or why she is being punished. I would say to take it away for the day.

You also don’t want children to be fearful enough to start lying or hiding things. Excessive punishments can do this to children.

Talk it over again. 6days and 1 month are both pretty excessive in my eyes.


It’s a tough one. I would let Dad decide how long the punishment is for when you aren’t home otherwise your daughter won’t respect him if you intervene. He might realise on his own that it was too harsh, or your child will listen to the rules next time for fear of harsh punishment. It’s hard being a mum and not being there.


FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH. I don’t know what type of kids y’all have but if she knew she had to do it behind his back then she knew she wasn’t supposed to be on it. In today’s society people don’t give kids enough credit… She knows to navigate to it, get on there and try to hide it? 2 and a half weeks with no you tube will not kill her… He really needs to restrict her to you tube kids because of the amount of crap she can be exposed to on regular you tube… At any rate, I agree with him…


Nope as a six year old l would not allow her to have utube in the first place.

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Maybe just punish her from YouTube?

I don’t think being grounded from youtube is going to negatively affect her. If anything it will give her the opportunity to go out and play outdoors.


Is this the first time she has done it? So yes it is excessive it this is a recurring issue it isn’t but I say grounded from the tablet or whatever she was on but not from everything

I think it’s a bit much for a 6 year old. A couple days seems like a lifetime for a child that age.

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My son is 8 and got grounded for a month

She will survive


I mean that’s how long my punishments were as a kid. Starting in kindergarten, anytime I did anything I knew was wrong it’d be a month. Taught me respect & honesty pretty quick🤷🏼‍♀️

No its not she has to learn sometime

everyday i yell at my 9 and 8 yr old mostly 9 yr old to stay off you tube or searching clothes. but i dont ground for a month but ground from computer and they are not aloud to touch our phones either because of that as well.i say if on computer learning if not learning stay off been telling them anyway stay off computer give a break sense done with last school yr on them from march thru may

Maybe she’s going through a lot with you being deployed. Kids express sadness, loneliness, and frustration differently than adults. Personally, I think a month is a tad extreme. Kids nowadays are into the kids YouTube channels and that’s just the generation these days. I have a 6 year old myself and he watches kids YouTube, too. So the people that are saying that she’s too young to be on it, need to realize that with each generation there’s lots of changes in things kids are into.

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A month to long for a six year old !! 4 to 7 plenty !!!

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Like grounded from YouTube, or regular grounded? How do you ground a 6yo? They have nowhere to be…
But I personally don’t let my kids play on youtube alone, it’s not regulated enough. You never know what could pop up. I say delete YouTube.


6 year olds don’t need to be watching youtube period in my opinion, no reason to ground just dont allow it


A month that’s too harsh yes he needs to relax

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Yes harsh! She’s 6. Discuss it with her & then replace tablet time with something else.

1-2 weeks no electronics period … tv, tablets is what I do. I increase time if they sass or tantrums about it before the time is up. Bored… actually clean room and do chores to completion. If you can’t do the chores or have the room good by time allotted increase time again because they’re using it as a way to act out. Coloring and toys allowed play out but you’re cleaning that stuff you left out too from the play or coloring

Bet she remembers it. Its not going to kill her

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It will give her extra mommy time. She needs her but whooped.

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It’s not too long if he’s willing to be grounded that long too… it will give her a chance to find other interests. Kids get sucked into there electronics and forget about the outside world and it’s the perfect season to explore outside.

A month is too long for that age. 3 days max

Ok it too harsh, it sounds like your husband is just struggling with single parent hood and is trying to regain some form of control because he feels like he has none. So I would honestly suggest letting him enforce if for a couple days, and kind of point out the perspective of this like this isn’t the worst thing also maybe you suggest him to just take some time talk to you daughter person to person so he can explain more of why he doesn’t want her to do that, it might help them learn steps to talk things out as she gets older

Punishments need to fit the crime and be age appropriate. A month is not age appropriate. Id be more likely to block you tube. It’s not appropriate for kids that age anyway. And I’d remove the tablet for a 24 hour period. Some parents rhink punishments should be super harsh to work, but the facts are super harsh punishments teach nothing. The point is to teach. She’s young. This won’t teach her anything. Oh, and I’m retired family therapist. Good parenting doesn’t come naturally to most. And carring on what our parents did is often a disaster. There are some great books/parenting guides that teach parents how to parent in an age appropriate style. I hope you and your husband can find one you like and use it. Good luck!


I think a week for a 6 year old is enough, that’s my opinion. Punishment should fit the crime, and kids are always testing limits. They’re kids. Honestly a week to me is more than enough.

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Yes it’s harsh. She’s only 6 years old, and although she might know right from wrong, her impulse control is at a basic level. She still has 20 more years to go before her brain is fully developed and the frontal lobe, the part in charge of judgment and reasoning, is the last to do so. Your husband is setting the tone for the relationship he’s going to have with his daughter. When parents are too strict their kids get sneaky, and it looks like it’s starting already.

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For watching YouTube? Lol

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I doubt think its too harsh, she won’t like it but each parent has their own parenting style and moms tend to be more lenient. She’s going to be fine, especially if she just isn’t allowed on YouTube and can go out to play and such

Kids will test you no matter wht …They can sneak on it at schools …I think it’s a bit harsh …

Punished for watching YouTube?..

y’all do know there’s restrictions you can place on YouTube for kids right?


A month is WAY too long. She’s 6. Not 16.


Depends on what she did

He is only punishing himself…Take devices and TV away…kid wont do it again

Guys parent different. I’d say don’t go against your husband. In this day and age girls need tough love .


I told my kids to get off YouTube one day about 3 months ago and they didn’t listen. They permanently lost tablets. Best decision I’ve made honestly so no I don’t tgink his is to harsh


I have my 5 year old 5 days for the same thing. I told her every time she cries about it or tries to sneak the tablet or phone or laptop I’m adding a day. She was miserable at first but the break from electronics was great! More outside play more crafts and more imaginative play. At 6 it should start out slow. I mean everyone is different, but I agree. 6 years old 6 days. If she is still struggling add a day but a whole month for a kiddo is a lot and who knows dad May even forget. Keep your chin up mom! Thank you for your service and be safe :pray:t2:

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Not harsh at all. She will survive without YouTube.


Too harsh. I would do 2 or 3 days.

Just don’t let her on it the next day :see_no_evil:

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Even 6 days is slightly harsh.

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Personally my 12 year old isn’t allowed to watch utube or tictoc. No reason kids under 13 need to be on iPads all the time. Get your asses outside & play. Too many predators on there.

That’s to looonnggg… he should’ve set restrictions on it. If she went around those than I can see some time, but not a month

Dad seems Controlling… I would be concerned for him to be alone with her. First off it’s YouTube, not Porn Hub. Secondly, shes 6 not 16. Hopefully he’s not physically punishing her too… he seems crazy as hell.


She doesn’t need YouTube to survive. She also deliberately went behind his back and was being sneaky and dishonest. Not something to be taken lightly. My kid isn’t allowed to be on YouTube at all so I don’t think it’s harsh


How did she disobey him. . . why wasnt she allowed on utube?

In my opinion shes 6 not 16. A day or 2 at the max.


Also if u dont want to argue with him about it then keep her occupied on somwthing else. Coloring, outside play, making crafts… Etc

My kids arent even aloud on YouTube, tiktok Social media etc So this isn’t bad to me


6 year olds dont need to watch you tube…


What kind of a grounding? A month is a very long time for a 6yr old.


I agree it’s only 2 weeks she needs to learn not to lie

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Kids shouldn’t even be on YouTube anyways.


Seriously, she’s six not sixteen !


Is the grounding from the device? If so then yes a month sounds about right


:flushed: take the ipad off her for the weekend but a whole 6 days or the rest of the month is a long time for someone so young

I would say six days is harsh :grimacing: i would explain to her what she did wrong, not let her have any screen time (tv, tablets, whatever) for a day or two and limit her “fun activities” for those days. And then once that’s done just limit her screen time and encourage more outdoor play or other things. I just recently had to do this to my 5 year old who snuck and took her tablet out of my room and stayed up till 1 am watching it. She didn’t get to use it or watch tv for 2 days and now her screen time is even more limited than before and I try to get her to do more constructive things with her time, crafts, helping me around the house, playing outside, etc.

A month is a lifetime for a 6 yr old. That’s ridiculous, and not age appropriate. That’s not strict parenting, it’s a power trip


A month is too long for a six year old. Personally I would only allow Kid’s YouTube, not the regular one at her age.

Well, how many times has she been told??? Rest of the month is only 2wks.
What does “grounded” mean in your home?

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A month to a 6 yr old is eternity. One week. A n d tell her if she does the same thing again,add a week. Etc…

Taking away entertainment is like punishment for himself :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: some ppl dont let their kids on it ever so its not that serious. Also you being deployed should back up whatever parent at home says goes. Unless he is having them eat dog food for dinner or something insane, but otherwise let the one there take the lead its hard doing all the discipline alone as it is.