Is this too much for childcare?

I used to run my own in home daycare and I was licensed at a 4 star. I could have been a five-star but I didn’t feel like someone coming to stare at me all day… Sounds like she’s trying to take advantage of you… Being a licensed in home daycare I didn’t even get that much. I received subsidy for parents that couldn’t pay and participated in the food program.

We live in OK and used to pay $120 a week for one kid at a home daycare. When both our older boys were in a daycare center it was $300 for the week, so $150 a kid.


I feel like that’s a little high. I am a stay at home mom who does daycare part time in my home. I only charge $25 per day per kid. Most of my cost is in food. I provide one meal a day and 2 snacks. Maybe offer to send snacks/food and see if that helps her out. I think that is crappy that she expects you to pay her so much so that she makes rent. That is not your responsibility.


It really depends if she is a daycare or babysitter. I mean does she watch other kids? Does she provide food? I know you said she is not licensed but it seems kind of situational. I have looked into hiring a nanny and in my state the average is $15/hr. So I would say $50/day isn’t bad. Not to mention I work at an early education center and with my discount, I still pay 105/week otherwise it’s 385/week with no discount. It really depends on what you’re paying for and if it’s worth it


Honestly it depends on where you live… I live in Boston and the going rate here for a nanny is $20 an hour


I pay $50 per day. Worth every penny because I know my daughter is safe and well taken care of!


Im sorry but the fact she said she will only stay if you help her with her bills (more or less) is weird. I honestly wouldn’t trust her money wise after a comment like that.


That is entirely too much if she is not a certified daycare provider. And for her to guilt you into paying more, I’m not sure that is someone I would trust with my kid.


Honestly, if it is someone you trust and your son is safe that isn’t bad at all. I watch 1 child (in addition to my own) 4 days a week and I charge $50 per day. $75 when her sister comes too. But, I make them breakfast everyday and sometimes lunch. (Mom handles snacks and most lunches) They are always included when we go to Six Flags, the Zoo or the Aquarium. I have bought them each a bike and my kids love them. It isn’t easy at all and I love them but I wouldn’t do it for $30 a day. The stress and mess that I handle each day just wouldn’t be worth it. (I’m in GA if that helps)


Does she have other kids in her daycare? If so that’s pricey. If she’s watching your kids only, you aren’t paying her enough


I charge $35 a day for in home child care. On a M-F full time basis, that’s $180 a week. However I do not charge for the days the Children aren’t with me, for instance if they’re sick or their parent has the day off. So truly what I make a week varies.


$50 is what I pay for my childcare. It’s about what I’d pay for a daycare except daycare requires you to pay for full week even if only goes couple days.

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As a mom that walked in on the sitter shaking her child, don’t go for the price. Go with who makes you the most comfortable and your child is happiest with. Our sitter recently raised her prices $54 per month. I will glad play anything to know my child is safe and he loves her to pieces.


Having someone you know who takes care of your babies and cares about them and you know they are safe is priceless


30.00 or more, a day for 9 or less hours, per child is the going rate in Indiana. And have to pay for the days you need every week, even if they don’t go a day, or stay home sick.


I think it really depends on where you live. I wouldn’t know. I live in Miami, daycare here for one child at a decent place is like 1200-1500 per month for full time. And most of them include snacks but not breakfast or lunch, and most of the ones I’ve seen charge materials fee on top of the “tuition”.


Absolutely not too much. I had a nanny for 4 years and I always paid st least 50/ day plus expenses. If she is good worth every penny!


It depends on where you live, what you provide and the type of service being offered to be honest. I know nannies that are paid 6000 a month, stay rent free at the employers home ,drives a provided car, goea on vancatiins etc. I also know childcare providers that charge $3 per hr and some that charge $10-$15 per hour. Cost is all relative to be honest.


I live in MA and to have my daughter in daycare only 2 days a week (8 days a month total) it’s $1300 a month. I don’t think what she’s asking is unreasonable.


I take my daughter to regular daycare and I have to pay $90 a day so I think what your paying is a really good deal


50$ a day is crazy high for where I live, the going rate here is 20 a day 25 tops. 50 seems like alot. And no offense to that lady but it’s not your responsibility to make sure her Bill’s are paid. Even state certified daycares aren’t that much. If I were you, i would find someone else to watch my kid, she shouldn’t keep uping her rates on you.


I’m here in PA as a SAHM running an in home daycare and I charge $20 a day.
When I was working I took my kids to a in home daycare who only charged me $20 a day as well. I think $50 is outrageous. Plus you aren’t responsible to help make her rent. If she needs to make her rent then she either needs to take on another kid or figure something else out.


Ask yourself this: what are you willing to pay for the quality of care, consistency, and your peace of mind? I drive an extra 20 mins the wrong direction to an already 30 min drive to work and pay my babysitter what she asks/needs because 1) she deserves that and so much more, and 2) it’s a wage not a favor.

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Depends on where you live. I was a nanny 7 years ago and made $20 an hour. Currently my daughters school is $750 a month for 1/2 days and $1500 a month for full days. I would say she’s worth it

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I feel like that’s a little high. Especially for her to be not certified. Does she know CPR, first aid training? Before covid my kids daycare was $19 a day. I stay home now with my little ones and still go to school. I was working full time and school full time. It just sounds like she needs to pay her rent and she knows that you will pay that. Personally i feel she is taking advantage of your kindness. You are better off putting them in daycare. Just so she can make her rent. Does she not have any other children she is watching? If she is not certified she shouldn’t even be changing that much.

I think rather than the cost think about the care and just what good quality care means for you as a parent … to be able to go to work and not worry about your child’s safety and well being is priceless

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10 years ago I paid $110 a week for home daycare, regardless of how many days or hours my kiddo was there. Naturally prices have gone up since then and it’s very normal for daycares to make you pay even when your kid isn’t there. It “holds their spot”.
Tell her what you can afford but be prepared to find a new daycare in case she doesn’t accept it.

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Cost depends on where you live but I would definitely not be paying her more than a licensed daycare would charge. And if she watches other kids or not shouldn’t affect how much you have to pay in my opinion.

I paid family $40 a day and would’ve paid more if asked to make sure my kiddo was well taken care of

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At the end of the day it’s up to you on how you spend your money but where I live childcare is usually $40 a day in a dayhome where someone is licensed to work with children. But that assures you that they know how to plan activities and do things according and do educational play. Also in a lisenced day home you usually can get subsidized. Now they fact that she suddenly after a year is sky rocketing her price is concerning! Did her rent suddenly go up?? The other thing is that you shouldn’t have to pay for days that your child is not there that is stupid! But again your money your choice. Just seems like a lot of red flags for me and I would be calling her out on her bullshit. I work in childcare and we don’t charge that much. Being a stay at home mom was her choice and if things are that tight then she should consider taking on a couple other clients and not expecting you to supplement her income

Does it seem crazy when you stop and think can this woman live on $600 a month? And I’m only saying this because let’s face it that’s a light bill and a trip to Walmart. Hopefully she has more kids and or a husband lol


For one kid, yes. Too much. I pay 63 for two kids at a daycare where they provide food and learning. I was paying my home daycare person 50 dollars for two kids because I supplied the food and everything and she wasn’t teaching my child hardly anything. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I know some people who are paying $300 a week for 1 child Mon to Fri, even if the kids get sick or the daycare closes for holidays they still have to pay so that’s cheap considering

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Is she providing food for you child? I’m in the Seattle area and was paying $1200 a month for 3 days a week at a preschool/pre-K. And that was at one I didn’t have to wait on a waiting list for…!That’s $100 a day.!! They provided all meals and snacks, and all supplies for the kids.
$50 a day sounds great. I pay that now $50/day…$600/mo) for my daughter to go to a private school over here… so ridiculous how expensive preschools can be, whether it be in a home or at a facility. I know cost of living is completely different than Seattle, but I think the important question to ask yourself is if you feel he is learning anything and is advancing in a way you would like to see him develop? Is the price worth it in your eyes? If so, I would keep with it. Hard to find someone you and your kiddo trust…!

I paid $50 when my son was going to a SAHM while I worked. I probably would have paid her more, if she had needed. But she was someone knew I could trust with him, and that meant a lot. I was glad to have him out of daycare, and it was less expensive.

Wow. Childcare costs are crazy all over the states. I’m in the UK, I paid £125 Monday-Friday to send my little one to a childminder. She was there from 7am-7pm, fed, napped, looked after, she adored her. but because I worked, I got a discount. The government paid £122.50 of my expenses towards therefore I actually paid £2.50 a week towards my childminder.

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It be 175 or more a week were I live…thats why am a stay home mom daycare isn’t cheap…talk to her I would pay 30 a day

I feel like that’s reasonable! When my son was in daycare it was 1200 a month :tired_face: so honestly 600 sounds like a steal. I think it would be too hard to try and find a better deal/someone you trust more.

It sounds like she knows you dont want to change child careers, let her go.Find someone better.

Yes just remember when you take to daycare there is always a sick child always mine child was always catching something at daycare like private babysitter better

Thats a good deal. I pay $90 a day for 2 kids 2 days a week only. So that’s $720 a month. But I love my sitter and she always cleans and does my laundry as well cuz she like to keep busy. And I give her extra $ tips.

I’d pay it if it were in our price range and for the sake of my baby staying in the environment she knows. If it’s doable, do it! Lol here in Cali daycare centers charge like 1200 a month if not more :sob: I found someone who only charges 30/day and we love her

In Massachusetts a day care for a month is more than my rent and my rent is 1400$ a month. I’m a stay at home mom and can’t go back to work because daycare is too expensive and even with me working childcare would be more that what I made a month.

Another daycare provider may charge you for a five day week even if you only use three days of daycare. They need a stable income, too. It could be difficult to find a better deal than you have.

$600 a month for childcare is nothing. I used to pay $2200 a month for two kids. If you love and trust the person who watches your kid - that’s priceless. Good luck :pray:t2:

I would much rather pay the additional cost than switch carers and have my child with someone I dont know and trust.
$50 a day seems fairly good!

That’s 6.25 an hour and that’s cheap!


I am willing to move to Idaho for that!!! I pay $11 an hour (which is seriously cheap), and it ends up being about $100/day. We were at a different in home sitter/daycare, that was a little bit cheaper, but we had to pay whether we were or weren’t there, the kids couldn’t come if they were sick (of course), and we had to pay her the weeks she took vacation, maternity leave, her being sick, etc.

It seems expensive to me because I pay 25/day with breakfast, lunch, and snacks included. So I pay 125/week. Seems like she may be taking advantage of you.

But at the same time if you really don’t want to find a new provider and really like/trust this woman, it may be worth it to pay. :woman_shrugging: I know the woman i currently send my daughter to I would probably pay any amount to keep her. :woman_shrugging:

Trust is everything so if you trust her then no it’s not to much also it depends on if you can afford it. Just have to weigh your options

And you gotta think someone is watching YOUR CHILD for you to go and work. They deserve good money. It isn’t easy watching other people’s kids all the time hell it isn’t easy being with your own kids all the time. As a stay at home mom myself I’ve been there and people seem to think just because we’re already home we want the responsibility of someone else child for a full work day. We don’t. Are you providing everything the child needs while their there food diapers wipes juice snacks etc ?

You can’t put a price on comfort. At a official daycare I was paying 238/ week for daycare because they included food and also had cameras which I really liked. I paid that for my comfort of being able to check in on my child. And it turned out amazing.

It isn’t extremely expensive for an in home daycare provider. You will probably pay $30 a day at a daycare center. 26 years ago I paid $125 a week for my child.

I pay $130 for three days of care plus three days of before and after school care for #2 . This is subsidised care here at a daycare here Australia.I’d say she’s a bit steep.

That’s about what I’m paid for 3 days a week as a nanny. That’s actually really not bad for childcare.

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when my kids were little I paid about 260-300 a week for daycare, when they got older it was about half that. but I’m in Nebraska and it has been about 4 ish years since my kids were in daycare. also were In actual daycare/learning center. In home is generally $25 -$35 depending on age and how many meals theyll get a day.

Keep her and use one of the days out of the 5 for your self also be your paying and do a house call or get some shopping done on that day… that’s a great price for good care keep it and think of her going 4 days a week 3 when you work and 1 so you have a few hours to yourself your paying for it so y not!!

Why are people talking about nannies and there rates for ?? She’s asking about unlicensed childcare/daycare I’m pretty sure they’re two different things

No not really I babysit for people and that’s normally what I charge them is 50 a day but where I live childcare is on the expensive side for a regular daycare some girls around here charge 80 to 90 a day

I was a nanny and made $18 an hour.
I’ve also needed childcare myself for my children over the years and it cost me $240 a week per child.

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$50 is definitely reasonable, also… I pay if I take my daughter or not: so matter what days she goes to childcare they are still getting paid to keep the correct amount of income

One of my daughters go to a in home licensed daycare and i pay $25 a day (140 a week) full time only. I live in NH and she is one of the cheapest daycares. It all really depends on where you live.

California Bay Area, $50 a day is a steal. Especially if she does any school work.

$150 for 3 days is a decent amount to me! Not too high in my opinion. Daycares usually cost quite a bit, so much that I decided it was best to stay home with my kids. If I went to work in retail, all of my money would go to daycare costs each month. Not worth it to me

At my center, we offer a structured curriculum, breakfast, lunch, 2 snacks, and dinner. We charge weekly from Infants to School Age. Prices range:$230-100. (Weekly)
The question asked doesn’t elaborate on what age this child is. It depends on what you’re willing to pay for quality care.

You pay $50 a day in an official daycare in California. I was paying a lady $60 a day for 2 small girls

I live in an area with a population of 10,000 people. I pay $35 per day at a daycare facility. My child is there for 8.75 hours a day. They provide food, etc. If you have a baby, you provide milk and diapers.

Some things in life just have to quantify value vs. worth. In other words there are some things in life that you just don’t go with the cheapest. Childcare is one of those. You need to find what is safest and best peace of mind and disregard the cost. (To best of your abilities of course)

I would think so, daycares normally make you pay regardless of the days you take your kid there

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I pay $35/day per kid. And that includes breakfast lunch and snacks, I’m in VA and I think the cost of living here is higher so I would say yes thats a little high for your area.

Cost was never my first consideration when choosing someone to care for my children when I couldn’t… So as far as I’m concerned… You’re not asking the right question.

Hi Idaho resident here, $50/day is what most actual daycares charge for an infant. I would not pay her that much tbh

$50 a day sounds fabulous!

That being said it really depends on your budget and what you can afford.
Paying a little more for extra attention is generally worth it if you can afford it.

Youd be paying $600 a month so shr pretty much just wants you to pay her rent…what if you asked her if you could keep it the $30 if you provided your childs food for the day

Before my twins started school this year, I was driving 15 min out my way but paying 125 per child per week. This is the cheapest in my city.

For a non licensed person from their own home, I feel like 20 a day if you provide all food, or 30 a day if they provide food is reasonable. That’s what I used to charge when I did sitting per child. I’m in Colorado.

Honestly no it isnt because you and your child both have done got comffy with her . you know your chikd is safe there . changing it up on your child now could be a shock for your child

No not really. When I was babysitting I got paid more than that for about 8 hours a day. Considering children are handfuls and food costs(if she is paying for it)
idrk though my kiddos are too attached to me for me to leave them with someone for more than a couple of hours lol

I think she is being reasonable. Childcare is expensive. If you want to keep her you meet her price

As an off and on babysitter, I charge $10/hr whether its for 1hr or 12hrs. Feeding a child adds up. Breakfast lunch dinner and snack can easily come to $15 or $20 for a single day, depending on the age of the child. (My toddlers eat so much gahdamn food🥴). So not only are you paying her for her time, but unless you’re sending all of your child’s food, you need to be paying for what your child eats out of the babysitters grocery budget. I’d say $50 a day is still cheap. Here in Alaska most babysitters charge closer to $15/hr.

Here in Canada (close to toronto) you pay $1500/month for 1 child in childcare .
$600/month is amazing !

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How many hours is that?? 50 dollars is very resonable if they are watching him for over 5 hours. Thats less then 10 a hour. Ya’ll better pay them people good money that keep your kids.

I’m in california, for a licensed and exceptional day care it ranges from $800 for $1200 per month. Unlicensed is generally half of that. For my area, $600 is a steal!

I’m sure where you live may make a difference. I live in west Michigan. I am a SAHM and I watch a friend’s baby a few days a week. I charge her 40 a day. I would say 50 a day is reasonable

I pay 10 an hr for childcare and thats a nanny coming to my house on the days I need her. I thinks its cheap but depends on what you can afford. See what your local minimum wage is to get an idea of what she is getting paid hourly vs what you are getting hourly. If she isn’t paying taxes on it then that can be taken into account but I know that 600 or more a year is supposed to be taxed in my state. (Ohio)

I pay $10 a day in Illinois for six hours! I wanted to pay her more but she will not take it no matter what! So I do all the meal prepping for her kid and mine. Plus buy them things I know they like to eat and drink or I will bring the babysitter things also. Like coffee in the morning. But I would also like to add that it is my cousins girlfriend that watches my son.

It depends on where you live. When I had to pay for daycare it was $25/day. I live in Nebraska.

Average in my area for an infant is 1000+ for a toddler 700+. So the price you said of 600 is like beautiful singing to my ears lol

20-25$ a day is the norm where I live. 50$ a day seems wayyyyy out there to me

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I paid 36$ a day, but that’s for an infant which are more costly rate wise. Personally I think 50$ is too much for a SAHM that is not licensed or certified.

I live in DC so I’d be thrilled. This varies by where you live. I’m paying 3000 a month for childcare.

I pay $46 a day for a Montessori school for my son. 2 meals a day and a snack are included.

Sounds absolutely obscured. Definitely would be looking into other options.

You answered your own question it would coast you 600 or more for day care if it on 50 and your son is safe and she is reliable then that little extra is worth it

It depends… On really where you live 🤷 I live in more of a farming community in Northern California FT licensed childcare could run between $125/$200 per child depending on where you go. HOWEVER about 80 miles west in the Bay Area they’re paying double that. It’s all based off of overhead and the cost of living where you are. My friend lives in Oklahoma and used to pay just $100 a week for FT care per child.

I wish my nanny cost that much! I paid $450 a week and she only worked 3 days. Where do you all live? I’m jealous!!

Honestly that’s high for someone not certified! I charge $40 a day for 10 hours and 2 meals and 2 snacks… I’m certified, have my clearences and a degree in child development!

In Ky the daycares I’ve worked at charge that much. They supply food drinks cups everything except diapers and wipes essentially. So you could honestly put your child into a professional daycare for that price. They charge by the day as well but they don’t even charge $50 a day

I pay $130 a week for less than 30 hours but my son get two meals two snacks they have all diapers/pull ups and wipes. Plus a preschool curriculum.

In home licensed my sister paid $120 a week but had to bring meals, wipes, diapers. Also will a preschool curriculum.

(Top two have taxes they have to pay, workers and so on)

I charged my friends $20 a day but they brought food and diapers and wipes and was less than 7 hour days 5 days a week. I didn’t claim as extra income so they couldn’t write daycare expenses on their taxes.

It totally depends where you live. I live in Maine and it’s very common to pay 15-30 per hour for childcare here! Maybe post on a local site?