Females are normal higher in iq and education and wanting to do more. Makes usually start to slow down. He may not be the smartest so try focusing else where, as you’ve clearly grown, but he must be goid at diy or cooking or something else that attracted you to him.
Hope he runs for the hills, holy cow
Maybe look into microdosing LSD. It opens the mind and sparks creativity.
I get it, I’ve definitely been in situations where my heart was in it, but my head just wasn’t because the person didn’t stimulate me intellectually. It doesn’t get better if the person is content in staying in their rut. And this is the kind of situation where you can be totally in love with a person and still have to end it. Sometimes, that love is just not enough to keep the relationship going.
Why should he and more importantly why did you marry him? Oh I know because you thought you could change him. SMH!!
Well…tell him how you feel? Idk I would tell my partner when I needed something from him. I would say it just like that…babe I need you to help me with this…and we would discuss what we could do to make it better. You are lucky to have this opportunity to do this. My Steve died 2 years ago (this next November) I’d to anything to hear a stupid conversation about thr Simpsons or if Batman and Superman were really real would they be friends cuz they both need to be in charge…lmao you chose to marry him…chose to communicate with him. On a personal level not making him feel bad cuz u think he is dumb.
Be prepared to lose him. Remember why you fell in love in the first place. Love how he makes your heart feel, not your brain.
Deal with it or leave him.
None ya biz
His education
Not yours
So drop him since ur feeling like ur smarter than him
Just sayin
Not bashing
Being serious
And honest
And find someone u feel is worthy for u
Stop settling it turns u bitter
Been there
Never again
Just typical woman let’s get married ur only one for me man says ok after few years woman yeah ur stupid ur dumb I’ve grown u haven’t this was a mistake
Tikesha Thomas me right here
I’m curious as to how it is you have reasoned that an advanced degree in pretty much anything equates to being a better conversationalist!
Is that what you want for your life?
" no interest in getting smarter" is not the same as going to school. that alone bothers me that people will equate smart to sitting in a classroom.
You both have to grow together. If one of you is growing and the other is content with everything the way it is then you are going to grow apart.
This happened with my ex. I felt like I outgrew him and no longer found him to be the person for me. I need someone who will with grow WITH me in ever aspect of life. If he himself is ok with how his life is then that’s ok however it’s ok for you to choose to find someone else who is what you’re looking for too. Never ask someone to change who they are for you.
There can be so many reasons as to why he doesn’t want to further his education. Have you asked him? Perhaps he got to comfortable in the marriage…Or he’s dealing with a lot more stuff and doesn’t want to burden you…does he feel inferior? Bored in the marriage? I agree education is important but so are many other things (I’m sure you know that)…you say that it never used to bother you…what changed exactly? I know you said you got bored/tired of the same watered down conversations… I’ve been there. If you truly love your husband (I suspect you do), you’ll either let this pass, or you’ll find a way to broach the subject with him. If you do end up having the conversation with him and things don’t change you’ll need to ask yourself what you want for the rest of your life…do you want to find another partner with the same thirst for knowledge as you? Or do you want to stay married to a guy who you know and obviously loves you.
You know, my fiancee has the drive to want to learn everything there is. He’s learning languages, he loves anything about space, he loves to learn. I have my limitations lol but we still have many conversations and make it work.
He’s learnt that i dont have the same drive for learning as him and thats okay because thats what makes up different. Maybe find out his interest, maybe you guys can find a common ground.
You kind of really sound like an asshole.
He’d be better off without you to be honest. He might be willing to “better himself” if you offered kind support and meant it.
I have a feeling you probably belittle him a lot and make him not want to become better.
I get what you are saying…I wouldn’t want to further my education Per se but I’m always trying to learn something new and expand my horizons. Someone who doesn’t care to grow and learn More not necessarily in an educational setting, just makes me scratch my head. Some are happy to be right where they are I certainly am not. I want better, I always want more and when your partner doesn’t it can get old. You have to evaluate the bigger picture and decide if this will be enough for you forever. People change but you’re supposed to grow together.
Are these real question people have. Like Jesus Christ the world we live in these days
REALLY… From the looks of it, it is you that needs to take a good look in the mirror. For better or worse REMEMBER??? You can’t change/make anyone do anything except yourself. Maybe he would be better off with someone who loves and supports him no matter what!!
Listen…i loved my husband when we first married as well.
He’s also significantly less intelligent.
We lasted 7 yrs.
I left a guy for this reason. He never graduated high school and I tried hard to encourage him to get his GED so he could find a decent job. He told me that he wasn’t interested in doing that because I had a good education to support him. That was the last discussion we ever had. My education was for me but if you can’t at least split the bills then you have to go. I don’t need to go be intellectually stimulated because I have my co-workers and friends for that.
it’s his choice not yours…
Perhaps set him free so he can be with someone who shares his interests and free yourself up to find someone who better meets your expectations. It sounds like you are setting yourself up on a pedestal. Is he a good man? Does he love you? Does he work hard to take care of you and your family? There are a lot more desirable qualities than just a degree and big words.
I can’t be with someone that doesn’t have ambition. It’s something that I look for when we first start dating, if they don’t have any I know that it’s not a good thing for me. Already being in it, I would say talk to him and if he has no more ambitions for himself, which equals ambitions for his family, that maybe you’ve outgrown the relationship. When we’re younger we don’t see these things.
I’m actually floored how many people think divorce is an answer to everything. Both my exes were not smarter than me, but smarter in other things that I didn’t know! I gave my first ex, 20 years, the 2nd ex, 12 years. I knew the 2nd one wasn’t that smart but I did try to find things that interested him. Like, he turned out to be a phenomenal drywaller. I don’t even think he knew how good he was until he started doing it. He would have made a great salesman…he had the gift of gab. (not always knowing the right thing to say, however) But, maybe redirect your husband or find a way to stimulate his mind. He may not be smarter than you in all things, just different things.
Does not meet you intellectually? Ever stop to think maybe you dont meet him intellectually? I am sure he has a wide range of knowledge in topics where you are clueless and vice versa. I am sure you heard of Steve Jobs… 1 semester college. Michael Dell as in the computer… 1 year premed. John D. Rockefeller Sr and Richard Branson did not even finish high school. Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates, Spielberg, Benjamin Franklin, the list goes on and on. If you were the intellect you claim to be you would know a college education does not mean that much when it comes to smarts.
This is the second post like this in the last couple days very strange I feel like this post in the last one is just trolling for comment
Just cuz you’re book smart doesn’t make you smart.
He deserves better than you.
Most ppl like that don’t want to further their education or conversations. Take him to art exhibits. Start going to simple FUN classes for adults like painting, crafts, wine tastings. Try to introduce him to a different view point. Once he starts having fun it might change… Then again he might hate it. If he hates it… More than likely the situation will never change. Find you some friends who share your love for intellectual conversation to compensate. Your husband alone doesn’t have to bear the whole burden of your happiness. It’s within you.
I’m more concerned with why the heck you married someone that apparently doesn’t match you intellectually LOL this is ridiculous
Just because he’s not formally educated doesn’t mean that he’s not intelligent in his own ways. I have no college education and have dated women who were. In a lot of ways she was smarter than me, but they were ways that benefited her career. In a lot of ways I was smarter than her, not just in my career, but life in general. What we couldn’t do was find a way to make up for what the other was lacking. It ended on good terms.
I’m sure both of you have your strengths and weaknesses. Is he making up in areas you are weak in and he is strong? If so maybe you should do the same. If not then maybe it’s time for a talk and go from there.
If he’s not meeting you intellectually, then you need to find other sources to satisfy that need. Do something for yourself, enhance your intellect on your own and find other ways to connect with him instead. You don’t have to do everything together and there should be NO reason for this to affect how smart YOU feel. It’s 100% YOUR responsibility to pursue your own intellectual interests, do NOT put that on him. You cannot force him to enjoy the same intellectual stimulation that you do. If you actually love him, you’ll respect that he’s not interested in this particular method of connection and explore other avenues to connect with him. Intelligence really has nothing to do with it, it’s about similar interests. So find some common ground, figure out what he DOES want to do so you can figure out something you’ll both enjoy. You’re so focused on you right now that you’re not even considering him.
So stop wasting his time,so he can find someone who will love him for who he is and not what you expect him to be
Sounds to me like your the problem here…reading and “learning” doesn’t make one smart or intelligent. The ability to remember and recite does. Want smart conversations? Make new friends. The world is a shit place. Maybe your husband doesn’t WANT to learn because he already understands this. Just because your smart doesn’t mean your doing anything either to improve the world…
If it’s that important to you, divorce him and find someone more your style. This wouldn’t be a problem if you actually loved him for who he is.
You think you’ve got it hard?
An arranged marriage in India was going ahead until the bride asked the groom to recite the 2x tables. When he could not recite it, she stopped the ceremony and never married him because he could tell her the basics of maths and she said, “If doesn’t know his maths, then how is he going to support me and a family?”
She walked out and his family was furious and all the wedding dowery had to be returned.
Full offense, but you sound like a biiiiiii. Maybe he doesn’t get into deep conversations with you because you’re a condescending snob who thinks hes stupid??
That’s pretty asinine of you. So you married him for who he could be not for who he is?
Personally I’m not one to want to talk about books all day, that would bore me
Had the same problem. Now I dont anymore. Thank goodness. I was done with all of that. Not wanting better and furthering career, goals and plans.
I kind of have the feeling you kind of need to change do you really think that you and him would have the same. Me and my ex-husband did not have the same. Never Force somebody to go to college or get a better education because they’re not as smart as you not everybody can be the same smartness then somebody else. Love them for who and what he is not for his mind
But honestly are you sure you’re not the one watering down the conversation by trying to shove education down the throat of someone you chose to marry for better or for worse?
Is this the same man that you fell in love with and marry why do you want to change him now you accepted him before why can’t you accept him now
It is important to have some things in common. What seems important to you now may not later. If he is a good man, does’t cheat, works, honest, loyal then love him for who he is. Men like that are hard to find.
Maybe you should find friends who can satisfy your intellectual needs & leave him to be who he is.
I’m sure he has knowledge about many things you know nothing about because it doesn’t interest you. Maybe what you want to discuss just doesn’t interest him
You might be intelligent but you are not smart.
Why did you marry him? Remember that guy?? He didn’t change. You’re trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Do you really feel the need to ‘change’ him? If you’re looking for stimulating conversation join the PTA, school board, a social club but leave the guy alone. Most of the time a partner is finding fault with the other it’s because they already have something else in mind, whether they want to admit it or not.
What I really want to know is, do you take interest in the things he enjoys? What’s good for one is also good for the other.
“not even close in the range on intelligence” honestly he deserves better. You sound like an absolute
You sound so condescending. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to be around someone like you. You obviously have no respect for him. Let him go.
Sounds like you’ve grown in a different direction. Sounds like you’ve changed. Why should he? People grow apart. Either deal with it or move on
It would bother me .
I feel for this woman. She’s not necessarily talking “smart”, but the spark of curiosity that can keep things lively.
My ex was the same (sorta). When I knew it was time to go: we’d had a conversation a yr before where I was trying to share interesting research I’d read, & asked what he thought. He answered, “What’s for dinner?” (btw, I did ALL the cooking, cleaning, housework in addition to a full-time job, & all child-related stuff for 3 y.o. toddler).
A yr later, he came into kitchen all excited, & quoted THE EXACT SAME THING I’d shared 12 mo. before, but NOW it was true, bc he’d seen it on TV
To put this in context, this was 5+ yrs into marriage. By now, he’d decided he was such God’s gift to women, that to disagree was sacrilegious, & deserved a beating. Buh-bye now
Society isn’t kind to ANYone outside the norm, altho one would think intelligence would be a selected survival trait… nope.
Walk away and allow him to find someone who deserves him … cause apparently u don’t
Umm sounds like you need to let that poor man go… Just because he dont wanna further his education dont mean you are smarter then him… Maybe he just isnt interested in the conversation you are trying to have with him…
Don’t bash me but here’s something worth bashing me for and I know it…
You should leave him be and find someone as shallow and judgmental as you seem to be.
He’s probably smart in ways that YOU aren’t so your false air of superiority (instead of trying to find common ground) isn’t doing any good.
It seems like you already think you “deserve” better and that’s all fine and good, do him a favor and go ahead and leave so that he can find someone who isn’t as exhausting as you seem.
Can I just point out that it’s “more dumb” and not “dumber”
It sounds like you have different interests than him, that does not make you smarter!
Wow, he deserves better.
If you both are married, these are things that people discuss before hand. Maybe he should find someone less judgemental. There are plenty of people that don’t further their education and seem to be doing fine. Just because someone has education doesn’t make them smart… especially common sense
First up…
Do you know if he is actually interested in the same things as you??
Is he more of a doing/making sort of person?
And then, maybe, just maybe, he is content to be who he is right now and sees no want or need to change for you or anyone else…
Find something he’s interested in and take interest in it? My husband may not be “smart” with topics I’m into, but he listens and gets involved. But, he has topics that he flourishes with and I take interest in them to make him happy. It’s a two way street. But, publicly announcing he’s not intellectual will not fix your relationship, but hurt it.
My husband has a GED and I have my bachelors. He is the smartest person I know. Special papers mean nothing. Maybe you just don’t stimulate him intellectually so he doesnt even bother with you.
You would have thought you’d think about these things before legally binding your relationship. It sounds to me like he needs someone better than you because he deserves better than you. If you view your husband as a whole idiot then what are you even doing with him. Yeah, do him a favor and leave and take your stick up ass somewhere else
You may think your smarter, but your coming across as a complete idiot. If we got it in a few words, your husband knows as well…Pump your brakes on trying too trash that man.YOU need classes NOT him… Can we say: Etiquette
Poor guy. Imagine your wife coming to the internet to tell strangers she thinks you’re a moron.
These questions must be made up…how ridiculous
What a cunt of a thing to say. I hope you’re husband wakes up and smells the coffee…
Now might be a good time to read him stories in bed before he goes to sleep. If he stays awake then you read him a good story and now you have an idea of what interests him. If he falls asleep then throw that book away.
He just knows u would not be interested in the things he is knowledgeable of… How long u been married? Seems like that would be a d deciding factor before marriage.
I was judged like that once.
Try finding something that HE likes and start learning about that… You may learn something from him.
My husband is in to racing pigeons, I thought it was “dumb” but it matters to him so I looked in to it… And now the pigeons are “our” thing and we both learned new things , we travel, and have met awesome people because of HIS " dumb" hobby that i was to ignorant to see the beauty in at first.
Maybe you can get as a gift for him workshops you two can do together and go and have fun.
Reading through these comments made me have an idea that maybe you are so fearful in this world you want him to fix you and everything in it. That should not be his job that’s your job
So much for not bashing her…
Why are you with him? Since he’s not smart enough for you, leave him so someone else can make him happy
Half of these people bashing like it’s easy to limit yourself conversationally in a relationship. People who hate small talk and would rather have deep and enriching conversations will probably understand this post a little bit more. It’s easy to feel resentful like there is no effort, but if you want to try to stay in the relationship I think my first advice would be to try not to view it as him “not trying” but maybe he’s just not a college/further education person. Lots of people aren’t. Have you tried to engage him in enriching and mind-expanding experiences? If he’s a hands on guy he’s probably not gonna be a books-on learner. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t willingly go new places, try new things, and stimulate both his own mind and the intellectual aspects you’re missing out of the relationship. Not to mention it would be a good bonding experience outside of the every day mundane that might help you to feel less stagnant. Talk to him about it in a way that’s not going to be insulting and condescending. Explain that small talk and talking about life as it is right now isn’t gripping your attention and it’s making you feel stagnant, suggest trying new experiences together to get the blood flowing again, ask if he would be willing to brainstorm in creative workshops with you. It’ll be slow going at first but hey, if he’s willing to try and you are willing to try the possibilities are endless.
I have been feeling the same way…
Honestly you sound like a real ass tbh, its not like he changed from when you met him. you married him knowing who he was. Also saying you’re getting dumber as a result not only sounds disrespectful and condescending but also not all that intelligent either. like you’re not aware enough to know how you sound.
Hey so my husband bf at the time needed help … yo I got all a’s I had his back plus I was super proud of myself haha
This may seem harsh but tone down the “beneath me” attitude. That’s the man YOU decided to marry. Furthering his education is his choice not yours. That doesn’t make him dumb and it doesn’t make you smarter. I can’t say if you’re truly intellectual and educated but I can definitely tell that you have no common sense when it comes to marriage. Marriage isn’t about you molding your partner into what you want them to be and do. You will have differences. He obviously has other interests than you have. It’s normal and apart of marriage. If that’s your only issue you have with him, consider yourswlf lucky. If you can’t handle it then end it because he deserves a better woman. This is just too demeaning and childish!
I’m sorry but that is just so cold to say about your husband. I thought when you love someone enough to marry them you except them for who they are, like you would want to be excepted.
Sweetheart, you can have a PhD and still be an idiot. Need proof? Look in the mirror
Why would you want him spending thousands in student loans? College education doesn’t necessarily mean you will have a better income or become smarter you gain knowledge yes but knowledge doesn’t equal intelligence lol . … You called your husband dumb because he doesn’t want to go back to school, I’m 31, I’m a PSW and I have a career if my husband ever told me I had to go back to school to upgrade to nursing or learn a new career, I would leave him, I don’t want anymore student loans I am happy and content with what I have now and where my education is. You sound extremely bitter and shallow! Hopefully your husband comes to his senses and leaves you, he deserves a lot better than you!
You can’t force someone to do something just because you think they should.
Are you smarter or just a narcissist? The world may never know. .
Sounds like you’re married to the wrong person, you should leave immediately and let him move on to someone that appreciates him for the man he is
My mother went through this with my father, I with my ex-husband, and now my son in the same boat with his wife. And it’s not whether one has a formal education or not. It’s just about being knowledgeable and informed so that YES!, you can carry on an intelligent conversation with other human beings! My son and I have our “times” when he is at work and will call me when he is able, and we have some serious informative conversations! And/or we send each other texts/messages with articles or links to various subjects. When I go to my son’s house, I rarely do so when his wife is home because if I do, I’m stuck talking to the kids only! I mean, God forbid my son and/or I have something we might like to discuss. And she HATES it when we DO get into discussions and it becomes a somewhat heated debate. She accuses us of fighting, LOL. We just tell her “hell no baby, we just beeze gettin our groove on honey! Jump in or start rowin!” She gets mad and walks away. LOL I have a good (much older friend, he is 87 and I am 61). We LOVE our differences of opinion. They are like food for our souls. His g/f is like my DIL though. She walks out of the room, after calling us a few choice names. LOL We just laugh at them! I myself, call me a shithead if you must, just cannot fathom not feeding my brain on a regular basis! Does the body good~!
Maybe he isn’t interested in attempting an “intelligent conversation” with someone so rude and arrogant. That high and mighty attitude is honestly disgusting, and I feel for your partner, if you’re attitude about conversation is like this, can’t imagine how you are with any thing else. Divorce him, save yourself, from his contagious stupidity as you seem to put it… get some cats, They have that same worship me, you peasant attitude you seem to, but then again I wouldn’t wanna subject them to you really either
Fuck all of these comments you people don’t really know what it’s like to live like that either from one side or the other side
He is boring not intellectually challenged
I know EXACTLY how you feel! You know there’s a whole world out there to explore and you want to absorb as much as you can of it, but dealing with a partner who is narrow minded and doesn’t care to understand there’s more than meets the eye. It’s soooo frustrating. I was unable to carry on a relationship with two people I know who are like that but we still, albeit irregularly. We just have a lot of disagreements.
I’m sorry, I have no advice for you other than you have to do what’s best for you.
I’m sorry did you just call your partner stupid? Sounds like you don’t deserve him
Woah id dump u lady lol ur kinda mean. U don’t show ur intelligence in this post I’m sorry but this is hurtful u should take it down. U said hes making u dumber ?? How u follow it up with i love him so very much is beyond me.
College doesn’t make you smarter then him.
It makes you educated in the field of your degree but but smarter. Narcissistic people are something else!
A college degree is honorable but it does not make you smart and it does not make you better than any one else.