I've been told I need to let my baby self soothe: Thoughts?

Do what feels right to you. When they are very little i would never let my baby cry couldnt do it. As they get older might be a wee bit different as you learn what they want and know when they are trying it on. Give plenty of cuddles, they grow up fast. I have blinked and my oldest is 15 next month. Make the most of it!

Children are meant to be cuddled and snuggled. I raised 5 daughters and I cuddled them, nursed on demand, and they slept with me. Children need their mommy’s touch and soothing voice :heart:

My daughter’s are 31, 30, 27, 26, and 23. And they are wonderful young adults.

For the first 6 months at least the baby needs that comfort and needs to be held. I wouldn’t worry about self soothing right away although I don’t think it’s good to sleep with them. My babies were in a cradle right next to me, but not in the bed with me. It’s to easy to roll over onto them because they are to little and defenseless. When they get a little older and smart enough to figure out that if they cry you will come running you might want to start letting them cry for just a couple minutes. I’m talking when they get to be 6 months to a year or older and they start playing the “I don’t want to entertain myself I want mom to entertain me” point. At some point babies need to learn to entertain themselves at least for a little bit usually when they are sitting up or starting to stand up. There is a difference between letting them self sooth and teaching them that they can play with their toys by them selves for a few minutes while mom is 3 feet away doing dishes.

No don’t pay attention to those cruel people and you run to that baby each and every single time ! Wtf is self soothing anyway ??? What kind of person do you have to be to ignore your baby crying for yiub

Hear me!!! Do with your baby what you think is best for you and your baby!!! People will always have their own opinion but what works for me might not work for you. God chose you to be this baby’s mama there is a reason for that. Trust your gut!

For me it was learning to do what felt right for me caring for my child. This is your child and your partners. The 2 of you are raising that beautiful soul and you raise that child how you feel fit as long as you’re not beating or abusing the child in anyway.

Don’t do that crap. I never left mine self soothe. They’re babies, they cry for a reason. And I’d that reason happens to be “I want mommy” well so be it. I happen to have 4 very confident young men now. You only have this time for such a short time. Hold your baby, let them feel the security of being able to cry out for you and you actually come

It is more teaching yourself an not you baby… every cause and effect has repercussion what are you going to do about it

Enjoy your baby Because They don’t stay babies for long. If you want to cuddle him when he cries cuddle him. If you want to let him sleep with you let him sleep with you. I have never heard of a person turning out bad because they were loved too much

I never allowed my children to self soothe, I believe it’s cruel. When they’re babies they need to know that they can count on their parents to meet their needs. Whenever they cried I was right there. They’re 11, 10, 7, and 5 now and they’re all very independent, they don’t need me to do everything for them anymore, but they all get excited to have their sleepover night with me each week, and I cherish these nights because someday soon they’re going to be too grown up to sleep in my bed, cuddle with me, eat ice cream, and tell me everything. They know Mama always has been and always will be, their safe space.

My oldest NEVER slept in his crib. At first, at the advice of others I tried to let him self sooth but it was very stressful on both him and I. Eventually I gave in and he slept with me until he was about 2 or 3 then when his little brother came along he was more independent. My youngest was very independent from the start and I had no problems with him sleeping on his own. Now they are 12 and 9 and they are pretty much the same. My oldest loves attention and needs to have a lot of reassurance and processing with his emotions and my youngest is still very independent, but very loving and affectionate. My advise to you is to do what feels right for you and your baby. Love on them and comfort them. Too much LOVE never spoiled any baby.

Age matters. Everyone is going to tell you something different because no one parents the same. You have to do what works for you and your family! Only one of my kids wanted to sleep alone, she actually went through a faze of crying herself to sleep, my mother told me that I also did that. She didn’t want to be held, she didn’t want a bottle or need a new diaper, she just wanted to cry and that’s ok. My other 3 (baby just turned 4mo) have slept with me since day one, boys did until they were about 3yo and stopped breastfeeding. It’s what works for us and that’s what we do. Bed sharing is much easier when you’re breastfeeding, otherwise I wouldn’t even sleep. Hope you find what works best for you and are able to ignore the “advice”

Ok here is from personal experience I was told same thing my son is now 6 and my daughter is now 4 I was told with my son to let him self sooth and when baby daddy was around I did as I was told cuz other wise well let’s just say that part is another story for later but my son is mostly independent but he did once tell me when he was about 3-4 that he thought I didn’t love him cuz I always left him alone at night apparently he was haveing nightmares etc and needed soothing so I learned self soothing at a young age in my opinion is a no no because they need you period point blank Your mommy / daddy etc self sooth as they get older and can understand better that it’s ok and mommy didn’t leave you alone but again it’s an opinion and to each thier own

I cant believe some of these comments! Your babies will be grown and gone, before you know it! There is not a one size fits all, guide, to raise children! Trust your instincts. Every child is different! You can NEVER give them too much love, or attention! Dont guide yourself, by other peoples advice. Do what feels natural for you, and your child! “Self soothe”, is the STUPIDEST thing I’ve ever heard of. If you need people on Facebook, to help you raise your children, there is something bad wrong. SMDH

Who has told you this? You’re his mum. You so what’s best for you and your baby. It is NO ONE ElSE’S BUSINESS!

I say do what you feel is right for your baby. If you feel like you should go to your baby and comfort each time do it. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel you can’t do that. You are his mother so do what you feel is right.

My boys are 17 and 18 I never let them self soothe. They always knew I was there when they needed me. I have the most kindest caring boys. I don’t regret the way I mothered them at all.

#1 rule of parenting is do what you need to do for your baby. Those sayers need to mind their business and stop telling parents what they need to do with their children.

You do you, everyone is an expert when It comes to parenting n everyone feels entitled to throw their tuppence worth in, nod n smile whilst in your head do this :fu:

Mama, your instincts are spot on. No such thing as spoiling a baby under age 2. Their only form of communication when they need, is to cry. I didn’t let me older two cry it out, and now here I am with my 3rd baby. 4 months old. She knows mom and dad will be there every second she cries and she has great trust. She can depend on us. In the long-run, attachment style parenting is what teaches children to become independent. Not crying it out. The only time the cry it out method should be used is if the caregiver is at risk of harming the baby because they can’t handle the crying. Then in that case please let the baby cry it out in a safe area and get some help.

There is an article written by a lady who used to do mission trips. She visited orphanages all over the world and one day she asked the nurse/ caretakers, how they got all the babies to be quiet* they were all so quiet and well behaved as infants. Every crib full and not a peep. The caretakers told her that after a while the babies quit crying because they cry and cry and no one comes so they learned that it didn’t matter if they cried they were alone. It broke the lady who asked the question, broke her heart. She said she went home and cuddled her kids and vowed from that day on not to let her babies cry, to alwaya answer. The aerials made me bawl like a baby and I havent ever let my kids cry it out because mommy is always going to be there, always! And now I’m going to Google the article because i didn’t make it up lol

Never made mine self soothe. Definitely do what you feel is best. You know your child more than anyone.

Babies can’t be spoiled by love!!! Your house comfort your heart beat is his safe place. I only did consleeping the first 8 weeks because I had a c section. He slept so much better in his bassinet/crib . But any time he cried I picked him up. He’s 14 now and an amazing sweet, independent young man. I miss the bus if waking up and just holding him. But either way every baby, mama is different. Just do whatever works for you and your little guy.

That’s a bunch of crap…if your baby cries it needs you…they start getting independent around age 2…then u can encourage imaginative play and self soothe…not babies…

I never let my kiddos cry themselves to sleep I held them and layed them in their bed when asleep I think it’s a personal preference on how you want to be with your baby my kids all slept very well through the nite from 6 weeks to 3 months old

I would tell them that it is my baby and I’ll do with my baby what ever i want as long as not harmful, illegal,

I never let them cry. It’s tiring, but i believe the good for the development of my babies is best. They learn to self soothe when they feel secure & know you are there. You need to soothe them before they can self soothe. My 6 month old has started to self soothe if he wakes now. If he cries, i know what kind of cry it is, if he’s just fussy or is distressed & needs a cuddle. The cry it out method was made up in Victorian times when children were meant to be seen & not heard.

I waited until my daughter was around 6m before I let her self soothe, but prior to that I wouldn’t since we were EBF. Once she got to where she could sleep through the night without eating (or maybe only once), I would let her cry in small increments, and after a while she did really well with it and never cried for more than maybe 10 before putting herself back to sleep. As his mom, your instincts can tell you if he’s truly in distress, or just fussy/awake. No judgement to moms who cosleep, but that was just never something I wanted to do, so I didn’t. I think the main thing is to just take it slow, give him 5-10 minutes at a time before going in, and see how he does.

Babies are supposed to need/want their mama. You are doing great by meeting his needs. No need to self soothe unless you feel the meed

I never let my babies cry for long if I could help it. I also didn’t stop everything to run every time and pick them up immediately. You should do what feels best for you and your little one.

Not my cup of tea. Many moms “mom shamed” me because I chose to comfort. My best friends husband said it best, did the cavemen put their kids in a different cave? No ! It is not natural and in my opinion it causes kids to have more separation issues and trust issues. All of my kids co slept and are very independent now.

I found that it’s ok to wait about 5 minutes or so to see if they go back to sleep but if it continued I would go in and pat the baby’s back … if that didn’t work then I would pick the baby up and nurse or rock or change diaper or whatever worked
I have raised five kids now ages 14 to 32 and they all have turned out great … and they all outgrew that stage as a small baby being hit or miss with self soothing … they all were able to go to bed and go to sleep on their own by age two :+1:

I don’t agree with letting him cry. When babies are little they need to know that you’re there. If you’re having a hard time sleeping because of him then put him in a bed in your room next to your bed. Each baby is different. I have two boys and a grandbaby. I was a nanny when I was young. Everyone of them were different. My oldest went straight to his bed from the hospital. My youngest wouldn’t sleep in his bed so I had a bed next to mine. Also depends on what you feed. My oldest was a formula baby and my youngest was breast fed. I know that it’s hard to know what to do if this is your first but do whatever is best for you and the baby. Some cultures don’t put a baby down for the first year because they believe that it is the time for bonding. Surround yourself with people that love you and that can help you. Also know the your baby looks to you for everything.

Everyone raises their child differently. I did the cry it out method to a point. I gave my kids a small time frame to calm down on their own if they did not I was there. It also depended on their age that I felt comfortable with starting the cry it out method. My daughter is independent but my son is dependent on. Everyone calls him a Mama’s Boy. Sleeping with and rushing to them when they cry will not harm them. Don’t listen to others and do what you feel is best for you and your baby.

I never let my son “cry it out” not that there’s anything wrong with that…i just always went to him if he cried. I felt like if he needed soothing, then I would soothe him. He is no more spoiled than most children… follow your instincts…

Don’t listen to anyone else. Hold and sleep with your babies as long as they’ll let you. :heart:

We always checked on our daughter when she cried. Could be a wet diaper, gas hungry etc… My husband would take her on car rides to get her to sleep. I had a bad case of the baby blues and my husband was exhausted from being woken up, When the car rides didn’t work she often slept with us. At 2 weeks I added cereal to her formula and fed her a little applesauce. She was almost 10lbs she was hungry! After feeding her she started to sleep thru the nite!

I never let my babies cry and I have the happiest, most well adjusted kiddos now. My advice is you cannot EVER give your kids too much love or attention. Period.

self soothing is a great thing if you can handle it. your baby definitely can. it is us parents that can’t do it. babies are capable of sleeping through the night no waking up by six months or earlier .

You do what feels right to you. I think waiting a minute to see if they will go back to sleep on their own, but in no way believe in letting a baby cry , alone, and no one comes. I think it’s a little bit of abandoned feeling they will get.

How old is your baby? I find that taking care of your babies needs before he needs them, Feeding them on a schedule and making sure that they get enough to eat is one way to take care of that and then playing with them and helping them make sure they get their naps is another way to have a content baby and then love them and hug them often and instead of running to them every time they cry help them to not need to cry. Just hold him and hug him all the time because you want to. I’ve done both ways my babies that I hold and hug and love speak sooner have better social skills and seem to do better in school the ones that I let cry it out I wish I didn’t every single day. However my babies are able to sleep in their own bed at night and they do start sleeping through the night at about 6 weeks but that is based on the feeding wake sleep schedule.

Its your Baby and you do what you feel is right! Everyone has opinions no matter what you do! :heartbeat:

I have read a lot about this topic over the years. I always tried to let my kids make their own choices within reason and be independent but when they want their mum I always want to show them im there and it builds trust between you and your baby. I read they can feel abandoned with the cry it out method because they haven’t developed their sense of time so to them it feels like someone is never going to come back. Now if they can see you clearly in the room and they are just sitting and fussing then you can help them communicate and teach them other ways to get your attention other than fussing but it your kid wants to cuddle whats wrong with cuddling lol

Both mine slept with me from day one, we actually got sleep and they both love sleep as they got older. I never let them cry, eventually they went to thier own beds and were just fine. It takes time to soothe them but I gots time, lol

I hate when people Shane moms for picking up and living on their babies every time they cry. They are only little for such a short period of time. Love on that baby as much as you want. Because next thing you know you that baby will be 3 then 6, 8,10,14 and you will miss those days where all they want is you. I don’t believe in the cry out out method, of the were plenty of time my sone would wake up cry and I’d just put my hand on his belly and he was right back asleep.

Hold, love, rock, cosleep or whatever that baby needs and what makes you feel good.

It really depends on age. I have a 5 month old (3rd baby) and if I know she is fed and changed. And if she is fussy I let her cry for a few, if I’m in the middle of something.

You need to do what you need to do - your his parents and tell people to stop telling you how to parent - If you need advise you’ll ask

I never done this with myb2 kids. Every night I rocked my daughter to sleep in my arms while patting her bum if not her laying on my chest. Shes nown6 years old. When i say it bedtime she goes straight to bed and indont see her til morning

Don’t worry about what other people say or think!! Its your baby you them best even if you just brought him home! You will get to know it’s a I need you mommy or a I want mommy difference! Meet the need you mommy first! Get all the snuggles while you can! Before you know it they will be driving to college!:joy:

There is actual evidence now to proove that leaving babies to cry it out and self soothe causes them to be more angry later in life.

Self soothing is good but I felt that if I didn’t pick them up and cuddle they would have anxiety like I did as a kid.

I don’t believe in teaching them to self soothe until they are much older into early childhood if a baby is crying Comfort it that’s what I believe

I let my son sleep with me til he was 4 he is now 7 and sleeps in his own bed! I let my daughter sleep with me til she turned 3 she is now 4 and sleeps in her own bed! My youngest daughter is 1 she sleeps with me every bight and I wouldn’t change a thing! They grow up so fast love them and be their everything while you can.

I have 4 children ranging from 22-10 years old. I slept with all of them as babies. It was difficult at times, but I am not wired to be able to deal with the crying. It rips my heart out and I can’t function without sleep.
And I certainly attended to them during awake hours if they were unhappy. The baby carriers were attached to me quite a lot.
Anyway, all of my children have always been independent. They each went to school at 3 years old and didn’t give me a backwards glance. They all have gone to sleep away camps and never had a problem separating from us. And yet we are extremely close.
It was extremely difficult at times, I will admit. It did put a strain on the marriage at times. It was especially hard at nap time because I would have to just disappear with the baby. But it’s just what I did, it’s how I felt best and I’ve never regretted it. And before you know it, they’re grown and gone.

My babies aren’t babies anymore…I’d love to go back and hold them. My mother-in-law gave me that same advice (let them cry)…I’m so glad I didn’t listen to her.

Do what you think’s right for your family.

If you’re busy, it’s OK to let him cry a few min. Other wise, he’ll be fine if not. I feel like the co sleeping is different tho. I co slept for about 6 months

My baby would NOT do that. I was told by a doctor to try letting him cry it out. The first time I did he cried for three hours straight. I didnt do it again, and the biggest problem I have is that he is a momma’s boy and always tries to climb in bed with Daddy and I.

You want advice when your baby :cry: go to him/her check don’t pick up talk rub touch sing if that calms your baby then you know he/she just needed comfort .You don’t always have to pick up your baby . Let your baby cry even just a few mins before you pick him/her up will help the lungs develop

How old is he. If he’s 8 months or younger you are fine. But the older he gets the harder it will be to get him to learn self soothing habits.

I did both. My first born had acid reflux and was miserable so he cried and cried. Would be up a LOT crying so I had to sooth him or he would not stop. My daughter rarely cried and was throwing tantrums when it was bedtime. I would let her cry it out. She only cried when she knew she was laying down for bed.

I say use your best judgment. Sometimes mom needs a breather and its perfectly fine to leave them in their safe space and take a few mins to regroup.

noway i don’t agree with self soothing. he’s crying for a reason and it’s good for both of ye to cuddle

I see the results with my brothers. I have a 35 and 33 year old brother . Im the oldest . My 35 yr old brother was coddled and the 33 year old wasnt. The 35 yr old is loving and silly but my 33 year old brother is an unemotional jerk. I dont know but my mom thinks she made a mistake with the younger one. So ever since ive seen the difference growing up with them i co sleep and cuddle my kids all the time

It’s easy for others to tell you how to parent. If you want to self soothe, do it. Please make the best decision for you.

Do what you feel is right! No one else is listening to your child cry.

If mine didn’t “ self sooth” by 10 minutes I went and comforted them.
I breast fed and let them wean themselves. Usually around 1 year.
I’ve had 5 kids, and tries not to let them go to sleep crying.
The older they get the harder you have to get but I’m a firm believer that you can’t spoil a baby.
Spoil a toddler for sure lol

I have 3 kids. I never let my babies cry. What for? They are crying for a reason, even if that reason is simply that they miss you. I have never been a fan but some people swear by it.
All 3 of mine are excellent sleepers 8, 3 and 2.

Letting a baby cry a certain amount is good for them to help their lungs but you know your baby, obviously if he’s very distressed by letting him cry then scoop him up and cuddle him as they grow too quickly x

My kids are 22 and 17. They are both intelligent, confident, talented you people with leadership positions with their peers. I never let my children cry it out and we co slept. Babies cry for a reason - and they need to know that they can trust you to comfort them. Do what feels right for you, but one day you will miss those sweet baby days.

Sometimes it’s best to go with your gut on these things …every kid is so different…the difference between a cuddle baby and spoiling the child is so fine it’s hard to figure sometimes…be reassuring and loving …but when it counts be firm and loving…

I didn’t have the heart to do that. I tried to for a few nights, but couldn’t do it. It felt too cruel. My son turned out just fine.

No!! Babies left to cry alone for more than a couple minutes will be negatively impacted If they don’t feel cared for. Balance is important yes, it can be like walking on a tight rope being a parent. Keep listening to your gut instincts, observe your baby and seek knowledge and you’ll be just fine :purple_heart:

Crying is they only way to communicate there is a need. You can rub their back, etc while they’re in the crib. One thing that helps is no eye contact, unnecessary removal from their crib, or speaking to them… this helps to calm and communicate it’s sleep time. But absolutely be there for your baby!

Always always acknowledge a child’s expression of need no matter what it’s about. They need help to identify & label what they are feeling, then teach them it can be resolved or not-natural consequences are great teachers when allowed with love & support. Don’t let your child experience distress on their own but you do have to teach them how to take more responsibility for their own feelings/actions otherwise you end up with a child that blames everyone else for their behaviour. Remember the parents job is to help the child teach their full potential & to achieve that they need to feel safe, even with their own feelings. Your actions now become their inner voice-acknowledge & respond to needs but help them take responsibility for how they feel & make sure they know they can change/control how they respond. In my view that is teaching self soothing, ignoring a distressed child on a consistent basis is neglect. There may be times ignoring behaviours is the best way forward but that comes with the proviso that preferred behaviours are rewarded, its balancing act & at end of the day listen to your instincts-remind yourself you are doing the best you can & forgive yourself any wee blips xxx

Sweetie that is your child and you and only you know what’s best for him/her, if you think your child needs you to cuddle then cuddle that child. Babies live in us for 9 months and know our heartbeat to all of a sudden we take that away, then it is going to be upsetting to them, some children just adjust fine and some don’t that’s why I say the child is yours and you will know when to cuddle and when to say no more. Just trust yourself and you will be fine.

Somewhat depends on childs age. But, always go with you gut. That’s the motherly instinct. Cuddling and being there allows baby to learn trust and to depend on your always being there. If the child is really young, don’t worry about independence so much. It will come. Enjoy these moments cuz once they’re gone, they’re gone.

People are gonna quote you the science. I believe in science but I know with my two, I fed them, changed them, and gave them plenty of cuddles, but when it was nap time I let them cry it out. We’re still close and even as teens they still want cuddles sometimes. They’re fine.
Kids don’t come with instructions. Do what you feel is best, as long as you’re not harming them.

You know I never did this and my kids don’t sleep with me now. And they are plenty independent. Just raise your baby right. They are only little once.

I co slept with all my kids until they wanted to go to their own beds (current ages 19,17 and 10) they are just fine. I never let them “cry it out” i tended to every whimper and cry. To this day if they are having a bad day or feel sick they will climb in bed for snuggles and head rubs. They are very independent but know that I will always be there for them regardless of whatever it is and my door is always open

It depends on the age of your child … my son couldn’t fall asleep without crying for a couple min it was always less than 5 if he was really tired … but under 4 months you can’t sleep train. Just good habits like don’t do anything you don’t want to keep doing like rocking to bed etc . Hang in there . Every kid is different

No , no and no… listen to your heart if that doesn’t feel good don’t do it . He’s just a baby he will learn to self soothe with the time. He will be independent. I did run every time my baby used to need me , I used to co-sleep with him. He’s a great 11 year old and independent kid. Even if you are a new mom do what you feel that’s right to do. Don’t let anyone scare and tell you whats good or bad … you are his mom and he needs you. Actually the faster we respond to babies needs the better is for them. Do some research on internet… your are doing a great job!

Being told by who? You are the mama and if you feel like picking up your baby when it’s crying then please do so! To hell with what ‘everyone’ says. Your baby your choice :two_hearts:

I have a son turning 17 tomorrow. I wish so much he needed me to calm himself down or to cuddle up beside me in bed. Baby them as long as you can. They aren’t babies for very long.

This is kind of right, but also not. It depends on how old the baby is. If they are under a year old, they don’t have a solid grasp on object permenance yet, and they are not crying for attention, they are crying because they need something. Maybe don’t run every time, but wrap up what you are doing quickly and go love on that baby. While you finish what you are doing, try talking and saying soothing phrases, “I know, baby, Mama’s coming, I’ll be there soon” or something along those lines. But if the baby is over a year, they are starting to understand the existence of other things in their world, and you will figure out pretty quickly what is a “I need you” cry and a “Give me attention” cry. Trust your gut.

Hold. That. Baby. The pre frontal cortex (area of the brain) is quite literally underdeveloped in children that are neglected…for babies this specifically means touch, eye contact, and voice. There is tons of brain research on this. The consequences last into childhood and can be quite severe depending on how long a child experiences neglect. The most important factor in proper brain development in children is the bond to a loving caregiver, whomever that may be.

Do not try it if makes you uncomfortable. Baby’s love to know where momma is when they need it. On my third baby and he just loves to know I’m around. I’ll pick him up for a bit and he is calm. If it makes your baby needy to that person that gave you this advice you tell them that’s exactly what a baby should feel…needy. they need something and someone all of the time. Yeah maybe by 6 months or so you can try some self soothing techniques but you don’t want to let your baby cry for long. Do not let your babys face turn red or allow them to scream before you make your appearance. You can test it out and see if they stop whining or making noises, if there is a light cry or sob they will be fine. It you feel it picking up then just go straight to them and love on in your baby because maybe self soothing just isn’t for your baby. Self soothing wasn’t a thing for my first she needed me and I loved it. She was the type of baby that needing to be rocked to sleep. My second is so independent and has shown those qualities since she started sleeping in her own crib at 4 months. Til this day she goes down for naps by herself and she never liked being rocked to sleep. My third is too young because he is new born but we will see what his personality is like soon :slight_smile: good luck, momma!

No I don’t believe in self soothing. Until after they can walk. I had my kids with me all the time. Went to them every time they cried even when they didn’t cry. I nursed past the 12 months and my babiea slept with me. And the bond I have with my girls many envy. I never did anything I wasn’t comfortable with when it came to my kids and always follow your gut instinct.

You do what you feel is best. I raised 3 boys and didn’t do the self soothe. They got lots of lovin. They are all grown and doing very well.

Good luck momma i never could bring myself to let my babies " self soothe" so dont have much advice other then my son is very dependant and his lil sister is very independent so they turned out complete opposites although i was the same with both

I loved every second I spent breast-feeding and rocking my son. Dancing with him. Not sleeping. I think it’s crazy to let your lil one “cry it out “. They need you, all of you.

We took a sleep class for new borns. They should not cry it out beyond 10 - 15 mins. Check with your pediatrition first.

I can’t do it. If they are fussy and whiney, I’ll leave them for a little, but if they cried or screamed I got them. I couldn’t sit there and listen to them when I know they wanted me. My oldest two are 12 and 6 and they are fine now. My youngest is two, we will see :joy:

I just didn’t panic when they cried. If they needed a diaper change I did it right away to avoid rashing. If it’s a feeding I let them cry while I prepared the bottles. If it’s fighting sleep I would lay them down if they cried linger then 10 minutes I would go and rock them to tire them or rub my fingers across their eyebrows or face to relax them. I co slept alot as they got older but let them sleep in a crib in my bedroom for the first year. Then they slept with me. Mostly because our bedroom was down stairs and our older kids were upstairs and I was afraid to have them to far away from me

Who ever told you that needs to learn to mind their own business! No two households are the same.

My baby is 26 years old so this might be a bit outdated but I’m of the belief that babies aren’t spoiled by being cuddled and nurtured and that mine rarely cried just because they were spoiled. If they were crying it was because they had a need and sometimes that need was just to be soothed or be close to momma. I never co-slept until they were older and climbed into bed with us in the middle of the night but whatever works for your situation it what works.

Also, I’d like to echo what I’ve seen others mention as well: if you need to walk away and let them cry while you take a sanity break, by all means do so and do it without guilt!

Maybe a toddler but not a baby and you’re a great mommy for feeling this way please don’t let people question your instincts

My children are 2 and 1 and I do not let them cry themselves to sleep. They are very well adjusted with no negative side effects. Don’t ever let anyone dictate the way that you parent! :heart:

Tell them to piss off and give your baby a cuddle and soothe them as much as possible. A child need to be comforted. Xx

I was always told, and always read in parenting books/magazines that going to your baby the minute they cry is teaching your baby that they can trust you to be there for them whenever they need you. No matter what. So that is what I did with my only child. She cried, and I was there. Her dad always complained I rushed in to her all the time. But look now…my daughter is 18, will be heading off to college in August. She comes to me with any and all problems that she can’t handle herself. When she is asked by her doctor if she feels safe at home, and if she has someone to talk to should she need it, my daughter says “yeah, my mom is always there for me”. She was asked about her dad, if he was, and she said “no, I don’t think he would be.” I like to think it is because I always went to her when she cried. Your child will reach an age where they start to want independence, and will start the process of spacing and self soothing on their own at that age. But when they are little, they need mama to always come when they cry.

You can not spoil a baby … that’s what they need! Is love and comfort .