Just needing to vent

Money aint everything its for greedy people if that’s more important than family to him I would totally leave.

Have your husband do your job at home and he will see how much you work

Sounds like an asshole to me. Run as fast as you can. You’ll thank yourself someday. PS- speaking from experience. You got it!

Look up “second shift” its a book about gender spheres and the extra work women do that goes unappreciated

God some men can be disgusting, I heard this comment over and over from my ex husband, hence the word ex!! A man who disrespects a mother’s job, the mother of his children isn’t a man.
Does he display this disgusting outlook on other things like the home, how u look etc.

What the f**k is wrong with you women?
That is what’s wrong with society today.
She don’t need to jump ship, what she need to do is have her husband take a few days off and have an adult talk with her spouse.
It takes 2 for a marriage to work.
Apparently, by what little was said they don’t have the income for daycare so she bevame a homemaker. Nothing wrong with that now, she is home alone with the children while he travels for work.
Sounds like these 2 need to sit down like adults and communicate.
Maybe, she wants him home more, maybe he likes his toys, maybe she likes the lifestyle.
Too, many unknowns and alot of you saying leave, which i on my opinion is wrong cause not enough information to make an informed opinion on how to continue with this marriage.

figure everything that you do out in an hourly wage broken down to the specific job it entails, daycare, cleaning and laundry (drycleaning isn’t cheap) I am certain he returns home and expects a clean house, hot meals, and his dirty laundry he has returned with done, while he interacts with the children, and hand it to him in a bill, see what his reaction is to that one. Without your partner working with you to build your family, the family structure does not hold. Learn to appreciate each other for what you do.

You didn’t say how old the kids are?

You raise the kids and keep the house going but you don’t contribute?? :roll_eyes::fu: (To him, not you)

We will u ur supportive circle

That’s not a man. That’s a boy-child

Marriage is worth the work.

You contribute a whole lot by staying home with the children and you sacrificed your job in order for him to keep his. I would feel the same to be honest I’d probably leave. I’d move where there is childcare or support and go back to work. No need to feel that way and definitely no need to be in that environment that makes you feel unwelcome in your own home.

I would look up childcare in your area and present him with a invoice. So he sees exactly what your bringing to table

Do what I do… I tell my husband I’M gonna leave and im leaving the 4 kids with YOU… he changes his tune REAL fast lmao! I’m totally NOT gunna do that… but it works!

I wouldn’t blame you for leaving, honestly. He doesn’t value you and that’s disgusting. Take your time to get your ducks in a row. I’m so sorry.

Why would you leave your children over something a man says maybe get rid of the man

Money it’s not more important than family. Get a divorce and a big pension.

Do it. Leave him… what a stupid thing to say to the mother that is raising his children…

Maybe I read wrong.
You’re daycare and on top of that you work another 12 hours a week? What is he - 10 years old? TF? Working on top of being a stay at home mom And housemaker…that’s literally incredible. Maybe show him how much daycare costs and remind him you had to quit your job because it didn’t work with HIS schedule and work. What an ungrateful asshole. Honestly I hope he was just grumpy and having an asshole moment and doesn’t actually believe what he said… because if he does - I don’t know what to say other than leave. I’m so sorry. I hope you update us. You can always add me as a friend if you’d like. Love and hugssss :yellow_heart:

Tell his ungrateful @$$ to cook his own food and wash his own clothes, etc.

Hes not the one for you. Get out.

As usual, I have no opinion. There are always 2 sides to a story. I’m sure something sparked that convo and that was the only thing taken from it. Sometimes I wish these weren’t anonymous so I could see what the partners have to say :coffee: :thinking:

You contribute… you’re the mother. What a dick thing to say.

Just remind him! You work more then he does all day not just 8 hrs…… if he doesn’t appreciate you…. Find someone who does

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Just needing to vent

I promise it’ll come, it’s all gods timing, my fiancé and I went through many heartbreaks and miscarriages, doctor after doctor, I have a daughter who’s almost 11 and was told I just couldn’t have anymore and needed a hysterectomy but we were patient and it happened when we didn’t expect it . I’m now 27 weeks, sending you all some pregnancy magic :two_hearts:

Prayers Mama ! Your time is coming don’t give up :heart:

My husband and I struggled for a few years including a miscarriage. What helped us was to stop trying and enjoy ourselves. Taking pressure off yourself helps your body de stress which help. So instead of thinking about what you should do to get pregnant just enjoy being with the one you love and sooner than you think it will happen:


:purple_heart: you’re going to be amazing parents :purple_heart:

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Try positive affirmations and life style no negativity …only the belief system that you trust and believe the universe will giveback what positive thoughts you give it….

Take mucinex and hydrate while you’re ovulating

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Go on holidays and relax.

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I definitely understand how you are feeling but everything is Gods timing and no matter when or how your baby gets here you will look back and realise all the worry and slight resentment wasn’t worth it.
You’re feelings are valid so FEEL THEM but things will work out. Xxx

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Y’all are trying too hard. Quit focusing your sex life around trying to get pregnant and just have sex and have fun with it.

Been there. My doctor told me that I might just be one of those women who for no reason just don’t get pregnant. Went home started to think positively about living with just myself and husband. Thought of people I knew who had no children but went of great vacations and owned their own home, cars and even a cottage. I was pregnant the next month. Had a three year wait between first and second child. Though I must be hard to get pregnant. Eleven months later welcomed a girl and boy baby. I think they will come when they are ready. Hang in there.

Try to not focus on it so much because doing all those things going the extra mile just makes u more anxious the same happened to myself and Hubby and when we least expected it we were pregnant and then a year later again, God works and in His time be patient focus on just being happy together it will happen soon enough

Infertility is a medical condition and should be treated as such. I say this as a woman, who tried for 8 years to conceive, faced numerous surgeries, had five failed IUIs and one failed IVF, beat infertility and am the author of a book on the topic. There is no such thing as waiting it out. There is no such thing as “relax and it will happen” or “it just happened.” You have been trying for a while. You have been diagnosed with infertility. Now you need a proper treatment plan. There are many assisted reproductive therapies out there such as IVF, surrogacy etc. Explore this. Don’t give up. Speak to an infertility specialist and get proper advice. Good luck. Infertility can be beaten!!!


Me and my partner were the same, I tried everything but after about 5 months trying. I said to my husband I’m going to stop all thr things I’m doing and if I’m not pregnant by my birthday then I’ll have the implant put back in. We then booked a night away just for some us time away from the kids as we already have 3 then tye next morning when we got home I felt very weird, so I took a test I was 2 weeks pregnant with my now little girl. Sometimes you need to give your self and break and don’t try too hard xx

I had a friend that was trying for nearly 5 years, when they gave up hope and was enquiring about adoption bamm she fell pregnant xx

Start taking folic acid now also I was the same over 2 years before I finally got pregnant did you come off contraception to try ?

I wanted a baby and my husband had a vasectomy 17 years ago. He is older than me and when we got together I thought it was fine for no more kids. Well after 10 years I started asking and he said no way. Our girls were about grown at this point. We adopted our son and he was 6 and I found out I was pregnant! His vasectomy must have came undone and I was antibiotics so birthcontrol didn’t work either. Hang in there good things will happen in their own time

I don’t know if you are but don’t track your ovulation & stuff it just puts pressure on you both, just go with the flow ! Do it when you are both randomly in the mood , not when a test tells you to x

Took me n my husband 7 years our baby boy is now 7 months old ik how u feel we thought it would never happen we started planning to move n start fresh then boom I found out we was pregnant took 7 long years lots of being down n crying just don’t think about it have fun n when u least expect it . It will happen I’ll b praying 4 u

Don’t focus in making a baby as it can stress you body out and not relax

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Stop trying so hard…sometimes the stress from trying and life is too much. It’ll happen


Been there had a few losses as well and now we have Irish twins…we saw a few doctors was told everything was fine, I took Pregnitude sending prayers :pray: all in God’s timing

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I went thru this for the better part of 2 decades…true story. My husband and I have been together since 2002…married in 2006 and started trying immediately. Never happened for us. All the testing and specialist accomplished was infertility for unknown reasons. We gave up. 2017 I found out I was pregnant…SUPRISE, lmao. My daughter will be 4 in June.
I feel for you, its really hard to watch everyone around you get what you want. Stop trying… completely. Trying makes it miserable and all the more upsetting when nothing comes of it.

Professional massage has helped my clients

I’m sorry!! Sending you prayers for a new bundle of joy soon. :blush:

Just breath alittle, stressing yourselves out over it can actually make it harder to conceive. If you haven’t tried it already, have intercourse everyday for an entire month, sometimes your ovulation can be out of sorts. All the best to you and yours.

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I have 3 kids my second on took us 4 years to conceive. Honestly I was so stressed about it that when I told my husband I wasn’t trying anymore I was happy with just one child bam 2 months later I am pregnant. Again with my daughter (3rd) I told my husband I didn’t want anymore kids after a certain age and so we began to try for our last child and he was about to schedule a vasectomy and bam I am pregnant. My oldest is 12 my middle is 8 and my youngest is 2. Honestly just don’t worry about becoming pregnant just enjoy the practice.

I think you should both relax and enjoy your love life more, you’re both anxious as the time is passing, please try and put your anxieties aside, enjoy your life together doing activities outside the home, going for walks etc whatever you bothe enjoy doing, then it will happen when you least expect it, I hope this helps you both x

Quit trying, you are stressing yourself out!


Don’t stress it - it will happen

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Different things work for ppl.
Tbh I was told I couldn’t have kids because I have endometriosis, but I had sex on my monthly time an the condom broke and I was able to conceive then, now I have 3 kids an only get pregnant by doing it on my period…
So maybe try it on your period an see if that works? Basically a slip an slide for sperm. :sweat_smile::joy:

Try not to stress! My daughter got pregnant pretty easy the first time, but not the second. They even tried in vitro. The first time it didn’t work, and they tried again, and it didn’t. She was so frustrated! She decided to try one more time, but had to cancel because she got pregnant on her own! It will happen when you least expect it! Good luck!

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Stress is a killer. Get the app Flo and track your cycles and everything it will give you all the accurate times you’re ovulating and will heighten your chances. Stay strong !!!

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It took us 10 yrs. When we were finally ok with it not happening for us and stopped trying along came my son!!


Best fertility advice I’ve ever heard, and it’s been fairly accurate thus far…

Most people believe that your most fertile day is 14 days after the first day of your period. My great grandmother swears that it’s the 11th day. I’ve known several couples that stopped the prediction tests, temperature taking, etc and just tried this method. It’s worked every time. Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe it’s the stress of not worrying, but it seems to be fairly accurate.

I’d frolick from the 11th to the 14th day, but that’s just me! Also, take prenatal vitamins to help prepare your body.

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I know exactly how you feel. I went through the exact same thing. I would actually break down and cry when it didn’t happen. Finally I felt myself relax after 6 years and resigned that I was never going to have a baby. Well I got pregnant and ended up with 4 babies. It really does matter if you are help to relax. You might not feel like you are under pressure but you are and it seems to hinder it

It took me n my husband 7 yrs to have our second son I had just gave up and then I got surprised, it will happen just have fun with life in the meantime

Stop trying, with my daughter my husband and I kept saying “if it happens great, if it doesn’t we’ll just have more money” eventually I got pregnant. The more you stress the harder it is to get pregnant

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Prayers,just relax an quit trying so hard an it will happen.your stressed.an don’t have sex everyday it will be more potent

We were in the same boat for 4 years. I started going to the chiropractor for my back and got pregnant within 6 weeks. Good luck to you!

Sorry, he will never get pregnant, it just doesn’t work that way.

Is it you or him? He could have low Sperm count. My brother can’t have kids because he shoots blanks. You both should get checked out.

Mucinex is supposedly a game changed for fertility

Give up I did and ended up pregnant after we decided we were gonna test and put non hormonal bc back in till we figured out the issue poof baby no idea why or how

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My husband and I tried for 4 years and we were surprised one day with our rainbow baby. Your feelings are so valid and it is perfectly okay to be frustrated, jealous, angry, or sad sometimes. People will say stress is the worst but I honestly think it’s all about timing. We used OPKs for years, the supplements, being active, it really just didn’t feel like it was working for us at all. It’s okay to cry, scream, do whatever you want to get that frustration out. Hang in there girl. It gets better

Have you had your thyroid checked?? I wasn’t getting pregnant and found out that I was hypothyroid and eventually found out I had Hashimotos Thyroidosis. Once I got on meds I started to get pregnant but was miscarrying, once my dose was optimum I was able to have my miracle baby. Good luck to you!

Don’t fucking listen to people when they say “just stop trying it’ll happen”. That’s my biggest piece of advice for you. Coming from someone who’s been trying for 5 years.

Try paleo or keto diets. Paleo helped me get pregnant within a month after 2 years trying


Youre trying too hard. Just relax, enjoy the practice and it will happen. We spend way to much time tracking when is best and forget sex is supposed to be spontaneous and enjoyable.

Try taking a break and letting it go. Sometimes being so anxious and built up about it makes it harder to conceive. I hear your frustration and understand!


Same situation. We’ve been trying 5 years now. Nothing is wrong it’s just not happening. So I feel your pain. But it’s going to be so special and beautiful when it does.

My first happened within 5 months. Then we suffered from secondary infertility. We had IUD for 4 years after having our first. Tried for our second for 5 years. 1st & 2nd child are 9 years apart. Our second was born @22+5 & had a 9month NICU stay. We done natural family planning afterwards. When she was 2 we actively started trying for a 3rd. Took us almost 3 years(due 2/27/22). Our 2nd & 3rd will be 5 years apart.

It is so hard to want a baby and try so very long with no “luck”, especially when everyone around you are with child. Each time after our first after I gave up obsessing over it is when it happened. I hope y’all get your blessing soon. xo

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My daughter went through the same thing. As soon as she stopped trying, she got pregnant.


Try to really focus on something else …I had a friend who tried for 15 yrs …her dad got sick and between working running to the hospital to check on him and then to her moms house dealing with her she got pregnant

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I was 20/21 and the doctors told me they can’t control my heavy bleeding from my Mensies so I just HAD to get a hysterectomy. I laughed in their face and told them no, and to figure out wtf is wrong with me. A few years later, under a new doctors, I was diagnosed with PCOS. Was told I’d never get pregnant naturally. Here I am now, 27 with an almost 6 month old, that was conceived by surprise and ALL NATURALLY. DONT GET DISCOURAGED. DONT LET THE DOCTORS TALK YOU INTO DOING ANYTHING YOU DONT FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH. It does all happen when it’s supposed to :two_hearts:

I have a sister who cannot conceive at all. I’m currently expecting my 3rd n she makes me feel as if it’s my fault she hasn’t had kids. I refuse to let her male me feel bad for being blessed with children.

Stop trying. Honestly I would consider using low dose birth control for 6 months. Go off it, wait a couple more months and then go on about your business. Take a romantic vacation.

We tried for 5 years. I took clomid and got pregnant the next to last round. Then with number 2, i got pregnant 3 days after stopping my pills.

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Maybe find out if there are medical issues preventing pregnancy? Our Daughter had PCOS, & had problems getting pregnant! You almost have to find out what the obstacles are!

Go to RMA (Reproductive Medical Associates) Are you in the USA? They have an 82% succuss rate.

Good luck to you both

It took my husband and I 2 years. 3x a day

In the exact same boat. It’s so hard to watch everyone else get what you’ve wanted for so long. And then to be genuinely happy for them is even harder. And hearing the “it’ll happen when it happens” phrase every time just makes you upset.
You’re allowed to feel all those feelings and have all the thoughts that go with the feelings. Just don’t live there for you and your husband’s sake.
I remind myself daily to be grateful that I have a loving husband who has been so patient and kind through this. And that this is just one of the struggles of our journey and when we finally get those two lines, all of the struggles and tears and feelings will have been worth it. Keep your head up. :heart:

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Relax, Enjoy each other and don’t be frustrated for God has a perfect timing ! I pray you get your wish :heart::pray:

I am so sorry that you have to experience this and I pray you get your miracle baby. But like someone else said maybe just relax with it more and not let the anxiety take over you. Anxiety takes over our bodies in so many different ways. Also as long as those other family members are not throwing it in you and your husband’s face about their own pregnancy be happy for them. Holding that jealousy can cause that anxiety as well. Except some things are out of our hands.

I feel your pain I can’t have kids at all I’m infertile and we just found out my brother in law and his girl are expecting when I heard the news this morning I bawled it hit me sooo hard ik I should be happy but I can’t help feeling that pang of jealousy

Are you tracking your periods? Making sure you Orgasm each time?

Mucinex, red raspberry tea leaf capsules, pre-seed. You can get them all on amazon. Look into how basal body thermometers work if you haven’t already also.

Are u tracking ovulation? Also increase your folic acid. Are u taking a prenatal? Get one with high folic acid. Took me 4 years but I swear taking prenatal did it. I also took maca root powder in my protein shakes and ashgwanda but I didnt take either of those regularly.

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Idk if this works but each time we tried I took it and got pregnant 5 times and have 4 babies… let me say we’ve never pulled out or used protection but when we tried to conceive I’ve used this and within 2 months fell pregnant

A lot of times when you stop trying and happens!


Try speaking with a Doctor. Sometimes the male partners sperm can’t get up far enough to get you pregnant. A Doctor can help with that

Track your ovulation if your not already. Have sex consecutively 2-3 days before ovulation. It’ll take a few months if u haven’t started tracking but it’s easy too track. Don’t go off of 14 days after your period starts. Go off of YOUR CYCLE. when you think your ovulating take a ovulation test. Theres lubricants that will help the swimmers bind better too you as your having sex. Keep your hips up so the sperm doesnt run down. Inexpensive. I didn’t get pregnant for 5 years and I wanted it badly. I got with a new guy and bam it took a year, and in that year 2 months of trying after tracking my ovulation for a long time.

Stop trying and it will just happen. Your thinking to hard about it.

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Stop trying. Relax, enjoy each other as you usually would and it will just happen.