My 14-Year-Old Daughter Started Smoking: Should I Kick Her Out?

She is still a child, navigating through life. She has to make mistakes to learn from them. Ground her if you have to, but don’t throw your 14 year old child to the streets for smoking cigarettes.

She’s 14 and she’s telling you what she’s going to do? Something went wrong somewhere. Take everything she’s got away from her. Money TV computer phone time with your friends, and oh yes especially her money. Restrict her to the house only under our parents eyes

Get two packs of cigarettes. Go out back with her and tell fine. You will now smoke after another. My girlfriends dad did this to her. She pucked her brains out and never touched them again.

If you kick her out you will end up with a pregnant smoker, you are the parent. Bust her butt, there is a difference between discipline and abuse.

Why not try a private school to get her away from her friends. You can’t halfway raise her then toss her out.

take her to so volunteer work at a hospice for how ever long it takes esp the cancer ward to show her the people dying from smoking. game changer

Threaten to kick her out but don’t actually. It’ll put her in her place. Take all of her electronics and money. Put her stuff in trash bags and give her a mattress on the floor. Take her door away too if you have to. My mom did this to my sister when she was younger (I don’t remember the reason since I’m the youngest)

Well, kicking her out can get you in a lot of legal trouble, I would try a different approach

Have her smoke a cigar not knowing she’s not to inhale, make her fuckin sick. She will never tough smokes again.

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Also call police to come to the house do some tough love have them put her in handcuffs to show her what happens when your underage being defiant and have them put her in police car take her to station do the steps of booking her, mug shot and walk her through the jail area. Put the fear of God in her to see what will be her future!

Lock the kid down, super grounded style. School. Homework. Books to read. Keep her so busy with chores she won’t have time for smoking. No store. No restaurants. No outside unless she’s taking out the garbage.

How is she getting cigarettes if the legal age is 21?? Someone is getting them for her. I would find out. Not illegal to stalk my own kid to find out answer’s. Thats just me though

I would take all electronics and have her sit in front of videos of people sick from smoking it ain’t no joke it doesnt look cute I smoked and now I have heart leakage

So by your miss management of raising this child , your answer is to just let it happen? Throw her to the wolves :wolf: This is why our world is like it is people !! When you go to the morgue to identify the body then maybe you’ll finally realize the consequences :woman_shrugging:

Do not throw her out just cos she taking drugs. She is probably just experimenting. U have to ask urself y she’s taking them in the first place. If she’s only smoking weed she will stop eventually. She needs to be aware of the affects it can have on her and others around her. Chucking her out will only make her resent you even more.

Dont kick her out, just dont let her have a allowance, turn wifi off, take away phone, tv computer, you have to be strong. And say if you want to.see your friends they.are more then welcome to come to you house why you are home no smoking tho. But dont give up.

When I started smoking at 15 my mum literally brought me a packet and told me to smoke every single one of them after the other until I was sick, I find it funny now but it did make me stop for a year or 2. Not saying you should do this but this was one of my experiences :sweat_smile:

Well, if you are willing to kick her out over that, be prepared to have a case filed against you with the Crimes Against Children Unit under child abandonment :person_shrugging:

I dont let my daughter hang out with anyone because I dont want her doing that kind if stuff. Shes 17 now she has 1 good friend and is a good kid. I also dont let her sleep out. She stays home and her friend can come visit here but I wont let her go hang out. Now days it’s to dangerous and thier are alot of worse drugs then marijuana. I always explained to her and seen school kids getting high. I’m glad she chooses not to. Maybe it’s time to cut her off those specific friends

So many more options than kicking a 14 year old out for smoking.
Counseling is a good start.

Feeling abandoned isn’t going to her help make right choices.

Tell her if she wants to smoke it will not happen in your house and you will not fund her addiction. That’s what my parents did.

make her roll a whole packet and smoke the whole thing 1 after the other. see if she will want to smoke again lol thats what my dad did with me (i started smoking at 12) im a non smoker now :sweat_smile: hate the smell look and everything lol

Teenagers are horrible they don’t listen to anything. Its a waist of breath I have 3 of them. You can talk till your blue in the face and their just gonna do what they want anyways. Sad fact

Tough love! Take out everything in her room. Only leaving a dresser , and a bed . Take away her phone , an her bedroom door.

Um, to kick your child out over her smoking? Maybe tou need to be less harsh and look within. Unfortuantly most teens and younger will want to try them. You can only build up her selfesteem and let her know your not happy about the choice. But its her choice. I wouldnt allow her to smoke in your home or in public. Or circumstances need to happen. And also let her know you won’t be supplying her deadly habit. Ask her to Google info. on it also. Pictures of what can happen when she smokes. Knowledge is power. Punishing her will only increase her wanting to smoke. You don’t have to approve. But just don’t make it so she wants to run the other way. Been there… past teen. :wink:

Well to be honest I was one of those kids and I overcame it though I feel for me I wanted someone to understand and listen idk

I tried that when my daughter was 16 , she called the cops and they told me I couldn’t do it.

Ask her for a ciggy and see if she will smoke in front of you, if she does she has zero respect if she gives you a cig but won’t smoke in front of you, you’ve formed a bond, work from there xx

Not wrong but it’s illegal to put her on the streets. Find a facility to place her in for help

Thats your kid, grow up!!! This is when she needs your guidance the most. How dare you turn your back to her. Disgusting

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Message me I might be able to talk some sence into her I use to be like that and it impacted my life maybe she might list to me

Ugh thats a tough one. Tell her it is against the law, call cops and have them scare the he’ll out of her. Good luck

You’re the parent to TEACH, not to just give up on them and kick them out.

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If you do that you’re pretty much just enabling her to fall deeper down that hole she might not ever crawl back out of…

I would start with a lesser punishment than kicking the child out, like grounding and taking away their phone and access to the friends that aren’t a good influence

I gave my kid a whole pack of lucky strikes and said smoke every damn 1 of them and then talk to me about smoking because your friends think it’s cool when she was done she threw up and never so far touched them again

Come down on her hard…Show3 her that you care…she is testing you./.you are MOM not her best friend…

Age 14 she’s legally still under your care. They do have places that girls can go who are troubled and programs. Been there.

At 14, you are still very responsible for her actions.

If possible move from there, and take help from professionals!!! It’s obvious where this leads her. Bring her away and be a strict mother!!! Take help!!! BEFORE this problem grows

You can’t turn out a 14yo child. You are their guardian by law. There are other ways to deal with this.

Make sure she is on good birth control…at least a child won’t have suffer from her bad choices…IUD or something

I wouldn’t make her leave the house (at least you have some control over her), but she would need to buy her own cigarettes

My mom and dad made my sister smoke a whole pack and she didn’t smoke again until legal age.

I wouldn’t say kick her out but take all her valuable stuff away from her. Teach her a lesson. Kick her ass lol jk meaning she smoked weed? I was her age when I did it. My mom was happy it wasn’t drinks or street hardcore drugs! But don’t support her bad habits. Meaning giving her $$$.

My advice,i wouldn’t throw her to wolves and put her out. That’s my story that I wouldn’t wish on anybody. Try to get her help

She needs to be shown what drugs can do to your face and body! Before and after pics That may make her sit up and think! :thinking:

You are completely wrong she’s your daughter and should try and get her help but throwing her out isn’t going to solve anything except maybe get her hating you which I wouldn’t blame her at this point

Then she don’t get to hang with those friends anymore, and she is grounded until the cows come home.

Take away her WiFi. Have her color, draw, match UNo cards, play with puzzles. Shit we had to do in the 90s.

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She’s your daughter! Don’t abandon her ! Google what the penalties are for kids doing drugs . Show her videos of people who drove cars under the influence , how much damage they did … both life and property. It’s the hormones. Control them while u can . Best of Luck

Ummmm no… you’re her mom, step up and get it under control.
Ground her. Counseling. Cut off money if you’re giving it to her. Make her life harder than it obviously is.

Ground her to the house but take away her phone and/or anything that she really cares about getting taken away.

tell her it will couses strokes and heart attacks and really bad coughing maybe not right away for her but in the long run tell her it will i know first hand and im trying to quit again and it also effects your breathing, dont push at her or she smoke more sit her down and exsplain things to her dont demand she quit but reasure her your there for what ever choice she makes

She evidentially has too much money if she can afford cigarettes’ and he should be doing her own laundry to get the smell out

Pack her bags ? She’s 14. Poor child. Sounds like there’s more everyone needs a helping hand someone help this mother

Your suppose to discipline your children in a way that works not throw them out because they are not to your satisfaction.

TAKE CONTROL! YOU are the MOTHER! SHE is YOUR CHILD!!! Buy a pack of butt’s and MAKE HER sit outside with YOU and SMOKE EVERY SINGLE CIGARETTE until she physically can’t. SHE WILL NOT SMOKE AGAIN. AND If she does…DUDE C’MON…LAY DOWN THE LAW!! YOU are giving up on YOUR OWN FLESH N BLOOD OVER CIGARETTES!!! Maybe someone should call DCF!!! GET A GRIP KAREN!

You should also consider that there may be something that she isn’t telling you. She may have been assaulted or is being bullied.

We made our son smoke one after another after another until he threw up. 25 years later he still doesn’t smoky

Your not wrong but also inhave a 13 yr old who been wanting to drink n smoke lolol it happens I will try to prevent but honestly bc of my bad example my kid may pick it up … I dont want it butt

I’d take it as a massive good thing though she’s able to tell you that !

Sue her for the extra she is going to cost on health insurance.

As a parent you are now in a learning experience.
Dammed if do. Dammed if don’t.
But someone everywhere to tell you how .

To threaten to kick your child out, especially at 14 is bullshit! IDC what said child has done! My children know that no matter WHAT THEY COULD DO, they ALWAYS have their mom! You wanted a child enough to bring her in to this world, deal with it. Sounds more like a lack of parental supervision at hand

Sounds like you need consequences. Take away the phone, TV, games, take away any money, make up a chore list, ground her.

There’s a reason she doesn’t respect anything you say or anyone else.

I personally think if you yell at her and try to kick her out like she’s just going to go out and she’s going to do it out on the streets and she’s going to do worse than just smoking weed weed is just a plant it’s a medical thing how about you try to work with her and compromise about it like instead of making her feel like she’s a disgrace about it about a plant how about you work with her about it :woman_shrugging:t4: because a lot of people have smoked around that age so I don’t understand why a lot of parents are like oh kick her ass out or oh ground her she’s going to do it whether you ground her or take her phone away like she’s going to do it either way :woman_shrugging:t4: when a lot of parents did the same stuff around her age. And I get she’s young but maybe she’s smoking for a reason maybe she’s depressed maybe she has anxiety cuz marijuana helps with all of that. :woman_shrugging:t4:Talk to her , not kick her out

Depending on your state you can get in trouble for kicking her out at 14.

If she literally is 14, still a pre teen, and you’re telling her to pack her bags, I think you haven’t thought of everything you could do. You gave birth to her. You can’t rehome her like a pet. As an adult she will NEVER forgive you. Don’t ask how I know. This is a yikes.

So your first impulse with your 14-year-old daughter is to kick her out. She clearly does not feel valued because she clearly is not valued.

You are the adult, so you need to have the mental maturity of one.
Telling her to pack her bags is essentially acting like a 14 yr old yourself.

Maybe have the cops come over and talk to her…maybe that will put a scare in her and make her realize that you are not playing

Show her what people look like before and after they started smoking and doing drugs… Might change her mind???

Everyone is assuming she is kicking her out. Maybe she is sending their daughter to live with her father or a relative…

Your not wrong your doing the right thing and when she wakes up she will love you the rest of her life

Smoke her ass out!!! Get ge so high that she thinks she’s dying. Worked for my brother and his daughter. And if she picks up cigarettes them make her smoke 2 packs back to back she will never want to smoke again… old school but it works :woman_shrugging:t5:

Yeah I thought I was cute smoking cigarettes 15 years old it’s ridiculous I’d give anything to have never smoked a cigarette I can barely get around anymore I have COPD emphysema rumitoid arthritis.

That’s a sad mum don’t ever do it, let her do her and all you can do being her mum is help her give and show her guidance no matter how you get treated your children will be the only ones ever there for you so take care of them!!

She needs to be on serious restriction. She’ll resist at first but oh well. Take away electronics, no going out ect she’s too young to be on her own the drug addicts will pimp her out and she’ll end up dead, jailed, diseased or some combo

Oh and take her to a nursing home to watch all the nurses chain smoke on break and make her write an essay telling you how cool it is.

I wouldn’t kick my daughter out. We are the parent it is our job to get the help they need she’s only 14. What’s the whole story? Put your foot down. You are the parent she has to listen to your

Where is she getting it from? Smoking what? Put on punishment. No friends, no TV, no electronic. Come straight home from school etc. Is she doing anything else?

If you can send her to a relative out of state, at least out of the area. My brothers and my mom threaten to send them to me because I’m a hard ass and i live I the boonies

I feel sorry for your daughter being kicked out of home because you don’t want to or don’t know how to deal with it, she’s still a child put her in her place and ground her.

I do get it I was kicked out at 16 although I thought it was illegal to kick your child out to the streets younger than 16?

Legally u can’t but understand how u feel the more u tell them no the more they will rebel. Its a ruff age with girls well both ur kid ur choice do what u feel is best for ur home

Your wrong dont throw your child to the wolves, strip her room, and tell her to find a job to replace everything.

I started smoking at 14 and I told my mom she never kicked me out …she was fine with it …as long as I did what I had to do at home and went to school.

Kick her out, she will only turn to worst things!! Sheesh woman :person_facepalming: she only Frickin 14!

Unless you are sending her to her fathers you can’t Koch her out. It’s a phase you just have to have patience.

You don’t get to kick your kid out because it’s gotten too hard…

OMG! Wrong! You don’t kick your 14 year old out of your house, for any reason! She’s freakin’ 14!

Fuck kicking her out!!! She’s your responsibility!!! Be a parent! Ground her… Take shit away… watch her like a hawk!!! It’s easier to kick her out than be a parent isn’t it? Tough… you should have thought about that before you had her!!! Suck it up and be a mom!!!:rage::rage::rage:

She is young and wants to fit in.
Cellphone must be removed and you need to give her much love but ground her first

After you beat her ass , take all luxuries away (even room to her door) these are privileges that you gave her , she disrespects you and home she needs to earn back!
You are her mother not her friend put your foot down raise your voice these are the rules XYZ ETC… she is 14 a child ! Good luck Momma and dont cave

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You can’t give up on her yet. If she was 18 but she’s still your responsibility.

How is she affording cigarettes? They are expensive for adults to afford them.

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You can’t kick her out she is 14.