Shes 14 first of all you cant just kick her out. I agree take things away she is a teenager they all suck until about 25. Step up dont step out
Do any if y’all remember being 14?! Jeez. I’m 32 and still remember like it was yesterday. Throwing her out will probaly lead her to go couch hopping to these friends as houses she started smoking with. And who knows what else they do. When I was 14 I started asking ciggs, pot, and having sex because my friends were doing it.
She will end up pregnant next if you kick her out. She’s a child, call your local juvenile detention center.
You don’t need to turn your back now n kick her out of the house at the age of 14 years old cause u will regret it if she dies or something else
Take her to an emphysema ward. She’ll never want to pick up another cigarette again.
I went through that phase at that age. I was rebellious against my parents! I learned from my mistakes.
Look for a boot camp
For her. She is still young and needs something to open her eyes to real life.
Don’t kick her out, definitely ground her. Only essentials.
Well your wrong lady you might want to rethink that shit you might want to figure out why if it’s so easy for you to kick a14 year old out maybe you should-look at your self
You got issues lady if ur gonna kick a 14 yr old out to the streets…14 a vulnerable age for ANYONE. Teens lose their way it our jobs as parents to have patience and lead them back…maybe get her counseling
You know you could also get charged with neglect and endangering a minor… Im glad ur not my parent shame on you
You kicked her out for smoking at 14 and expect her to listen to you? Well She won’t have to if you kick her out
She’ll also never come to you ever again if she has real problems.
Ground her. Let school be the only place she goes… or church. I world never kick my underaged child out🙄 i got my ass busted growing up and i turned out fine…
Your the mother you need to take charge. She is not the boss you are
Don’t stop trying. Once u turn your back on her it will go completely down hill & she will never ever forget that when she needed you the most u kicked her out.
If shes exploring drugs, kicking her out isnt the answer. Your want her to become one of those lost souls?
Put her in a helf way house since shes hanging with bad people
In order to teach her about the VERY small problem of marijuana use, you are planning to inflict upon her the MASSIVE problem of teenage homelessness?
Sounds like a bang-up plan that definitely won’t end up with your flesh and blood prostituting herself to total strangers just to get by. Good job, “mom”.
How is she financing this habit? Ground her and close the wallet
Yikes. You’re willing to put your 14 year old out on the streets? Time to evaluate yourself momma. Good luck
My friend has Cancer of the lungs due to Smoking My Nephew died at 45 Due to smoking I would not kick her out but where does she get the money to buy them ??
Ground her no treats, no niceness until she comes around. She will, she’s 14. And the other girls who don’t, well she will be looking down on them in years to come! Being cool isn’t worth being a fool
Legally you can’t buy tobacco in the U.S. until your 21. Someone is buying for her or a store isn’t doing their job. That’s a lawsuit.
I started smoking at 14… Its normal for that age. As she grows up more she’ll choose whether or not she wants to quit. I do not support throwing her out.
Oh boy send her to my moms she’ll put her in place. You can’t kick your 14 year old out. Because things get rough you cant be like well I’m done parenting. YOU WILL be the reason she falls into heroine or gets raped if you kick her out. Instead take her phone. Dont allow her to go ANYWHERE but school(and school you can keep her online. If she leaves report it to the cops). Tell her those aren’t her friends anymore and dont let her see them. Take away devices. My mom ended up locking me in the house and I could only leave with her. Literally changing locks, nailing my window shut, alarms, cameras, no phone, took me out of my sports, etc… I sure as hell straighten my ass up and joined the army at 17
My parents made us each smoke a pack of cigarettes(i was 13). I have not touched a cigarette since (I’m 37) lol.
Id take away EVERYTHING thats not a necessity. Take out 110% of the stuff in her room. Except dresser, bed & clothes.
False teeth… I get on my hands and knees and pray that this child stop smoking she does not she’s going to have a miserable life cuz she’s not going to be able to breathe good enough to even keep a job it’s sadness me… my son started smoking when he was 14 and he’s 40 now and you can hear him gastrin for breath on his phone he’s got bad rotten teeth from the cigarette smoke and I beg all of my sons and grandchildren to please if they never do anything for granny please never smoke please please
Ground her until she listens. Take everything out of her room except her bed and dresser.
Show her pictures of what smoking does to your skin and health. Show her how she’ll look haggard at 40.
I started smoking around 14 . My mom made a deal with me no smoking for two years and if I wanted to smoke after the 2 years was up then she would let me freely smoke in front of her .
Don’t give up on her! She will thank you for it one day love! Take care and take 1 day at a time.
No money. No devices. Grounded - no extra time w friends. You are the mom!
Also, no money, phone, computer or ipad and ground her ass if she can’t go out, contact said pals or have money to pay for drugs or ciggies they won’t hang out with her for long
Keep her ass at home and tell her if she’s grown enough to smoke then she’s old enough to cook, clean and whatever you can think of. She can’t smoke if you dont give her enough space to.
I smoked off and in and decided it wasn’t for me. Give her a chance. No smoking in the house. No money for cigarettes…
She is 14, kicking her out will only help you.
The more u react to her the more she will do I was the same and my mum stopped my money took stuff away from me and wen I asked for money she give me a pound so cudnt do nowt with it. Or buy her a full pack and tell her to sit and smoke the full packet of fags and one after one she prob wont smoke after that but I did wen my friend mum made us do it but I still smoked
I could see if she were 24 kicking her out but not 14
My 14 year old daughter is doing it too. It seems like their way to make an identity/fit in or something.
Have you lost your damn mind??? Do not kick her out and be patient we were all curious kids once.
Ground her ass and keep her home. She shouldn’t be around friends right now anyway because of covid
If she’s 14 you can make her go into a rehab facility since she’s not 18 yet.
She’s 14. She’s a child. You are the parent. Not her friend. Put your foot down and ground her ass! She wants to sneak out? I’ll send ya a link for $10 window locks that require a key and a door alarm.
When I started doing Marijuana at the age of 14. My mom explained how some drugs can bring you down in life. Then she explained it could possibly lead to trying other drugs because I told her I only smoked. Instead of yelling at me. She drove me to areas in the town where people that were always high and drinking and living in old cars and out in the streets. She said “if you keep it up and keep going down the wrong path and messing up in school, this is where your gonna end up, some of these people only care about their next drink or next high. Do you want to end up like that?” That stuck with me.
My mom told me if I’m gonna smoke I have to use the money I worked for . This taught me if that really is relevant I’d work my ass off just to buy it if not then that helped me sort things out in life .
Send her to rehab! They don’t let you smoke in rehabs anymore, and how does a girl that age, buy cigarettes’? Someone, is her supplier?
If you want her to resent you and hate you for the rest of her life then kick her out.
No you don’t kick her out!Go to concealing or punish her but do not kick her out!
Educate well. And if she were mine. She sat at the table and smoke a whole pack!
In TX you would go to jail for abandonment if you kicked your 14 year old out.
You’re kicking out a 14 year old? For anything? Honey you’re the one who needs the therapy
Kids that smoke are usually depressed. I’d start there - maybe a therapist??
Yeah…throw her out so she can get herself mixed up in harder drugs, or prostitution, or get raped or murdered or god knows what. If she’s to the point you can’t handle her maybe she needs some boot camp and tough love or mental help or something. Abandoning her isn’t the answer though.
Who’s more immature? The 14 year old who wants to smoke, or the mother who wants to kick her out instead of actually having to parent?
Pack her bags and go where?
wow during a pandemic, how does she get $ for cigarettes and also you need to find out where she gets them, stores are not supposed to sell to minors
Umm kicking her out is not the answer. She’s 14 ground her ass make it so she can’t smoke or hard for her too.
Don’t kick her out. This will only expose her to more influence from others.
Telling your 14 yo to pack her bags and leave is just you giving up…
Putting her out is only gonna add to the situation.
She is more probably to leave I passed the same situation and she leave
Don’t kick her out ground her take away devices etc no money or anything
You can’t kick your 14 year old out of the house.
People no matter of their age needs someone there that lives and cares for them and to be there even when it gets hard not to kick them out because if you do that they could feel like trash. I would not recommend that just do ur best to be there for her let her make mistakes. Like I tell everyone else when u create your own family u stand by them u help them no matter what
Would never kick my child out I’d guide her though
Make her eat a pack of cigarettes guaranteed she won’t smoke anymore
How can you consider threatening to kick a minor out? Wtf. Just stop right there.
Legally you can’t put a 14 year old out on the street
I smoked at 14. Im 39. I dont smoke today. Not necessary to kick her out.
My momma made my sister smoke a whole pack till she pucked… that was after vfc whipping her ass she still dont smoke till this day
Are you kidding me? Don’t throw her out. You’ll regret it if anything were to happen to her.
Get her a chemical dependency assessment STAT! Please trust me on this. I’m an addiction counselor. You have the power as mom of a minor to force her into help. You can address her needs head on from addiction to school to mental health.
I’m just curious as to how many people commenting how wrong the mom is actually has a teenager of their own.
I would bust her ass and put her to bed! Sounds like you need to start parenting. Telling her to get out at 14 can get you in trouble. Smoking age in Indiana is 21.
Take them anytime you find them (especially in your house) and DO NOT give her money to spend on them. Be constant. Both of my girls smoked for a while in their early 20s & then asked for perfume for Xmas, I refused. They smelled like smoke so that was their perfume. I wouldn’t kick them out ever but be consistent on your rules!
Nah, sit her down and make her smoke pack after pack after pack after pack, until she can’t take it anymore. She’ll pike and hate life but she’ll be fine.
Smoking what? Cigs? Maryjane? Meth? Seriously if you’re going to kick her out because of an attitude & cigs yeah things aren’t gonna get better
Just a thought???
Why not move to another school???
Im dealing with disrespect from 15 and 14 yr old boys especially the 15 yr old
Yep you are. My mum turfed me out at 15, straight into the arms of an abuser.
Time for you to put your foot down hard and babysit her 24/7 if that’s what it takes.
As Gram said: hate the sin; love the sinner. She’s only a 14 & she’s your responsibility until she is 18.
Buy a super soaker. Follow her around Everytime she gets away. If you catcher her smoking, drench her with the super soaker.
If she’s gonna be disrespectful, maybe an unconventional parenting method might work.
You can’t legally kick out ur 14 yr old kid… start reflecting there…
I found a Juul on my 13 yr old son last night.
I would force her to look at the videos of people talking through the voice boxes, eating, etc.
Make her see the lung pictures.
I smoked when I was about 12 or 13, because other people a few years older were. The “fun” eventually wore off and I realized it tasted and smelled gross.
You have received some good advise here. It would be illegal to toss her out. And, she could be taken into sex slavery!
You’ve got very little time left to rein her in.
It’s probably against the law to kick out a 14year old minor,I would think
Ps - some of you “mothers” are nuts. How can you be so cold to your own children. Breaks my heart that these kids are being raised like this.
I believe you should definitely seek some professional help in this.
And watch a video called rat park on YouTube please.
Your child is your child. You’re supposed to love her always… To kick out a child you vowed to love forever because her choices are less than ideal is absolutely heartbreaking.
Educate her. Support her. Respect her. Ensure she is respecting you in turn. Lighting up a cigarette isn’t disrespecting you. Doing drugs isn’t disrespecting you… They are poor life choices but they are her own… she’s getting very close to being an adult and she’s trying to figure herself out… Despite how hard it is, it’s your job to do your best to be there for her.
I bet that’s the last time she tells you anything.
You should take that hash tag down too because you #givingup not parenting
Super wrong. That’s fucked up. She needs support not belittlement
Wow thats awful! Why would you kick her out for that? She will stop eventually
How does she afford it?
Where does she get her money from?
yes you are . what the hell is wrong with you?
Google smokers lungs on the internet and show her what it looks like …
Where is she getting money to buy cigarettes?? Arent they like 8.00-9.00 a pack? No money no cigs. She’s 14 take control.
Shes a teenager behaving like a teenager and your answer is to treat her like an enemy? Shame on you.
Wow, you’ll get rid of your kid for smoking? Wth?? That’s illegal, and that’s not unconditional love. My folks started kicking me out for every little thing at 15. It feels like shit. She’s gonna hate yoi and be so hurt. Where’s she supposed to go? CPS can get you til she’s 18, even though she can legally leave at 17. Chill all the way out. Ground her and don’t give her extra money.
Pack her bags and… What’s the end game for this? Send her to a relatives? Boarding school? Boot camp?