Let her smoke what’s the big deal and nicely explain the affect of drugs. Say cigarettes is ok but not anything else at least she will feel comfortable coming to you but kicking her out she’s gone for good
Ground her she doesn’t realize how good she has it . Get programs involved ihave a intervention
A quick run in at juivy will straighten her up… or simply take her to the homeless
Encampment around you and show her just how her decisions impact her life!
Have the dentist show her what her teeth will look like… I’m not vain but that is what stopped me cold turkey. I think the dentist showed me the ugliest set of teeth pictures he had.
Talk to her let her know what the dangers are. She’s a teenager around this time they don’t want to listen but also make sure your firm with her and take everything away untell she learns
Omg yes cuz everyone who smokes weed gets into trouble. Wow and I’m guessing you never did anything wrong as a kid. Ha she’s a kid let her be a kid cuz I know personally if this “discipline” continues it’s not going to work and she’ll run away and all that jazz right to the “path” your not wanting her to go.
I started at 14 and it was the biggest regret I have. Just talk to her and say it’s your life, I can’t always make your decisions for you but just because everyone else is doing it doesnt make it ok. If you tell her not to shes just going to keep doing it.
Everyone has a choice but if the consequence of her actions means having to leave home, then she will do what she thinks is right for her. Just hope she can afford her habit but threatening them, will only make the problem worse for you. You will always wonder where she might end up or what she might be doing that you dont approve of. There are so many consequences for you, not knowing what your consequences meant, long term.
Dont put her work with her and counseling to get on track. There is more going on
It’s comical how y’all think any of this is going to work. Once they start on the path, that ball starts rolling down hill quickly. No she can’t be thrown out legally unless emancipated. Teens do not"have"to rebel, they choose to. She won’t have to throw her out, she’ll start to run away. Until she gets to a rock bottom she won’t stop, and she’s gonna take you with her on that ride🤷🏾♀️
I am having similar problems with my daughter! It is so disheartening and frustrating
Poor connections obviously brought her to this point. Learn how to work with it. Seek help…just don’t give up.
I was 14 when I started smoking - my mom smokes so she couldn’t say anything really … but she sat me down and said: if your gonna smoke, do it out in the open - so you don’t start any fires … and your buying your own cigarettes … - I’m not paying for your bad judgement …
Take all her clothes that she wore that day and place it in a plastic bag for two days. Bring the bag to her as a gift to smell. Then ask her if she thinks she smells good smoking because it is all over her skin too
Inappropriate behavior has consequences… just make sure those consequences are something you can live with also. Think before you mandate anything because when you do, you need to stand firm on whatever it may be.
Sounds like child services should be called to save her from you. Poor excuse of a parent.
I wouldn’t kick her out especially at 14!! It will solve nothing. She’s craving attention. Why else did she tell you. No phone, internet she doesn’t go out only for school. Make the school aware she’s smoking done. Smoking and taking drugs isn’t acceptable at 14!!
Talk about safety things… inform her. Talk openly and dobt be embarrassed. You want her to stay and be safe, then talk to her now.
Try to be her freind as well as her mum…she needs to feel like she can talk to you…after all at the moment its her freinds that are listening to her…and all you want to do is kick her out…who would you show respect to?
Tell her to pay for it ,then take her to talk to someone with copd because of someone else’s behavior it’s how I got copd
She’s a young teenager. Your child. Till she’s 18. Get off your phone and get some therapy on how to parent,or at least call professionals rather than Facebook. Sounds like u want to b a victim more than a mother. If u still reading this,You are the problem&she needs a parent&help
I wouldn’t kick her out from experience it’s just going to make her worse and she is going to get herself into a lot of trouble
I do not blame either mother or daughter I blame the government I can imagine the daughter knows the mother cannot do anything to her and the mother knows that as well and from reading all your comments if you tried grounding this girl she seems like the one who would not listen any way. I think if she got a job and by going to school she would not have much time for friends I know bad associations spoil useful habits but right now this young girl seems these friends of hers is all she needs but wait till they turn on her I do agree smoking is not the worst thing and who knows she may not be doing anything worst just let her smoke she will eventually quit we all do. But you do what you feel is right but just be there if she falls show her you are there to pick her up. Also talk to CAS and see what options could be done but take her with you. Good luck mother and daughter
Let her stay an hour with someone who has emphasima and has to use oxygen to survive .
Turn her over to police it is illegal for her to be smoking…
Your going to kick your daughter out of the house for smoking cigarettes?! Wow! I don’t even know what to say. She could be smoking crack, I think you should be thankful that cigarettes is the only thing she’s smoking and maybe calm down a bit. SMH
Never weaken and tell her she is not welcom in your home.show her you love her don,t just say it.you will regret it.
No your not wrong but you put her out your stroll responsible
As someone who was kicked out at 14, DON’T. It will take her down a more worse path than just smoking.
Take her phone, ground her, but don’t kick her out. She’s still a child, your child.
Ya i think your wrong. You are pushing her away
I never thought i be ok with some of the things my boys did ( i have 6 boys)
My oldest came home once ( wen he was 16) told me that 2 years back ( wen he was 14) some kids gave him something and he didn’t know what it was… he said he smoked it and he didn’t feel right. He said his friends panicked and they botted him out the car… they sat him between to garage cans where he woke up the next day and walked 7 miles home. He waited to years to tell me this. He said he wished he could have called me. So from that point on ( and i can careless who judges me) i let them smoke weed with there friends and they came to me for everything and they asked me about other things. So far my first 4 kids are hight school graduates and in college…they dont smoke weed any more
The point is they are going to do it behind your back no matter what… they will learn things frome the friend. Its better to talk to her and be open with her. Did you want it to get worse and her come home pregnant or dead.
First of all your daughter is 14. You cannot kick her to the curb. Teenagers are disrespectful. Who’s the parent here??
You should never give up on your children, she’s a baby, don’t throw her away.
Mom of the year you probably just pushed her into prostitution
She will learn the hard way! They all think at that age that they are 10 feet tall and bulletproof. (guess what? They are not).
I’m really just over the fact that you are considering kicking her out.
At 14.
Ya realize ya cant do that…right?
How about volunteering at a cancer center?
You can’t just kick your 14 year old out. That will land you in jail
Will she listen to the belt? I did
Unless your sending her to another gaurdian thats illegal and for a reason
You’re the problem if you’re considering kicking your 14 year old out.
I started at 13. Now I’m battling stage 4 cancer for the 3 Rd time. It’s horrible.
Time to change the wifi password every day after homework is done.
Do not ABANDON her, she is only a child, she needs your love…and guidance…
Turn her into the authorities let her spend some time at juvenile probation
You and some of the people in these comments should NOT have kids. Some of y’all are abusive.
how can you kick a 14 yr old CHILD out.?
Take everything away. Can you homeschool?
Dear mom,
My advice to u is that, don’t scare her away, she is not matured enough to understand your intentions. If i were you, i would still manage to be her friend. While doing so, you can guide her away from her friends and show her that there are more important things in life. Let her know that you will always be there for her and let her know that she is loved. Don’t judge her, don’t push her, just be a friend. This is only temporary.
You need to get therapy the both of u. Take her to her dr too. Maybe she has depression , anxiety Etc.
Then interface classes.
- she needs to change friends. Don’t welcome them to ur home.
- start taking her out with you. The 2 only .
- find out what she is into now I say.
- find out what’s bothering her.
- don’t be her friend or try to be her friend . You have to have boundaries.
- Take charge of the situation. She extremely young. Once she turns 18 yrs. Then that’s a different story .
- Every child is different.
- Don’t be a coward and run because things got ugly. It’s a challenge with every child. We learn from each child. Parenting is different in every household .
My best wishes to u and your little girls.
Parenting a teenager is tough. I am on my 3rd one now. But my own experience is that I started smoking at 14 too and I was rebelling. My parents did not like it but eventually they allowed me to smoke in front of them because they said there was worse out there I could do but I knew they did not like it and I knew they would not support it in anyway as in it was my habit so I had to pay for it. Now years later I have learned and I do have copd. I have finally quit. But the openness with my parents actually kept me from doing more. They talked with me. I felt the trust of we are giving in on this but trusting you with this. I still won’t touch drugs. Communication is a big deal. All of my kids are honest with me and I feel blessed for it. Sometimes you need to pick your battles on which ones to fight or which ones to give a little. If you can’t be a parent that communicates and are too frustrated please find a family member to step in and help. My kids are given respect but they also know the boundaries and even my adult 2 still show that to me. I have had moments of shower cries and frustrations but most of the time the end result is worth the hardships.
U don’t like smoking? Ok throw her out…she stays with smoking/drug friends, starts sex for basic needs, lives on streets, gets addiction issues, pregnant who know what… Can u live with itself? She’s not listening but she’s testing to see if uyr always going to be there no matter what even IG she don’t realize it lol she’s a teen!!! They don’t listen they test boundaries. Ur still her parent!
You are wrong! She is 14! Be a parent!
Chasing her away is encouraging growth of what you are chasing her away for
For smoking??? What if she come to you saying she was pregnant??? Shoot her??
Take away EVERYTHING. Straight to school and home. She can’t go anywhere.
I would ground her take away her phone or some thing I certainly wouldn’t kick her out of the house
Can you try counseling, that might help. If the 2 of you can sit down maybe find out what’s really bothering her.
This way you and her can hash things out. Might help. Maybe the counseling can her keep her off of other more dangerous drugs as well. Please don’t kick her out, that will only push her in to more dangerous drugs.
She could even end up pregnant. So please be patient with her. God Bless you and her. Just love her.
She’s 14 yrs old!! Threatening to kick her out isn’t helping situation!! Wow!!
Let her talk to someone hooked to an oxygen tank…
Rehabilitation center for sure
Id take away everything one thing at a time until she had basic things. Bed and food. No phone internet allowance etc
Take her to watch an autopsy
you need to be herr mom not her friend
Get her away from those friends now.
Ground her till she is done craving for it
Feeding her to the wolves.
You’re joking right? If you kick her out you might as well kill her yourself. There are so many sickos out there I don’t even want to imagine what would happen to her.
Don’t give advice give discipline. She’s 14. Take away the electronics , the bedroom door , friends , privileges… she can’t smoke if she’s not around people to get the cigarettes. I wouldn’t tell her to pack her bags for one it sounds like you’re giving up on her and for two I wouldn’t even let her think she has options . It’s your rules not hers . Hope things get better for you !
For someone who started smoking when they were 13 and was sent away to countless boarding schools, the best advice I can give you is just listen to her. Obviously there is something more going on. My parents were so worried about what I was doing rather then WHY I was doing it. Punishing your child is only going to push her away more and cause her to do more things then just smoking. I was going through so much inner turmoil when I was 13 and 14 and I didn’t know how to deal with it. You need to educate her and share your experiences. Ease up on her alittle. I can’t imagine the pressures these teens are going through these days. There is so much more they have to deal with then what we did. Body image is so hard on girls these days especially with reality tv shoving unrealistic goals to every girl in the world. Figure out WHY she is doing what she is doing and put yourself in her shoes. She probably needs you more than ever now.
I started smoking at 14 by stealing cigarettes from my stepfather (great man btw) and my parents had to of known but never said anything. She will pay with her lungs. Show her pictures of what it can do to her lungs and any future children she may have. Relay to her that once you’re addicted to smoking, its extremely hard to quit. I have three girls myself and I find that showing my disappointment speaks louder than words. Just like wearing sunscreen, you must relay the consequences of bad actions. And let her know 'Hey, you have to live with dying young and missing out on life" is what I tell my kids. But you can’t kick a 14 yr old out to the curb as she doesn’t have the skills to survive. Trust me when I say my girls can make me wish I was a Virginia again but you must toughen up and see it through. I tell mine all the time its my job to get you to 18, it’s their job to make sure they enjoy their lives after that as they must live with their bad or good decisions.
Sounds like me when I was 14, my mom was a smoker so she basically said “I cant tell you not to do it when I do it too, but I’m disappointed that you are choosing to do it”. The guilt got to me. Teenage years are tough for these kids, especially with all the social media outlets exposing them to things too mature for them to process. Just love her and support her and continue to guide her. Punishing her and kicking her out will only make her rebel against you more. Talk to her, listen to her and find out what’s really going on thats making her feel like she has to do things to “fit in”.
I started smoking at that age. I did a lot of things I shouldn’t have. I didn’t really have any real guidance in life. My mother signed me over to DSS custody because it was easier for her to do so, plus her longtime bf probably encouraged it. Well all it was for me was to find the love I needed in the streets. I was never close to her from that time forward. I had wished she was more of Mother then, probably would of saved me from a bunch of turmoil. She’s 14 and she’s still YOUR CHILD, do what you need to do to remain close to her. It will help her in the long run
Don’t kick her out, she’s not dealing with something well and doesn’t have the tools. She needs to know you care. Accept her reality, be there when she needs you, keep paying attention to her when she’s at her weakest moments.
Obviously as a parent u was not getting to involved in her life as much as u should. U as a parent should have known what kinds of kids shes hanging out with and also to know the parents. U must have pushed her away somehow not knowing what she was doing. Its time u start to step in and spend more quality time with her. She needs to know what can happen when she smokes and what can happen with they type of kids she hangs around with. My oldest wanted to start hanging with the wrong crowd and skipped school and hung out at a no tresspassing building, they left her behind and she got caught, the police were called to me. I had to get really envolved in her life more and she hated every minute of it. But oh well. Im a mom, and as long as she is my child and living under my roof she is to obey me. Grasp it before its too late. She made another mistake again and broke her ankle and leg skipping school using a skateboard. Once again that was a consequence. She stopped hanging around those kids. She finally realized they didnt care about her and left her suffering. Sometimes kids figure out the hard way. Ive been a detective in my kids life from then on out. I find things out. She finally matured a little. Dont let everything around u be more important than ur daughter. She is seeking attention and doing things to get urs. Sometimes the negative attention she is getting from u is actually acceptable cuz its some type of attention and she wants to see and kniw if u care. Just spend more time with her. Do things together. And make sure she can come to u about anything. U are supposed to be her safe haven and someone she can trust. Just love her and listen. Then have her listen to u. Dont kick her up, dont give up. She needs u at this time, especially being a teenager. We all made dumb choices as kids. Keep her away from them kids. Talk to the school as well. Find out who the parents are so u can talk to them and let them know whats going on.
I get there’s likely more to this story…as far as how she treats you etc. But, speaking as a mother to a 14 and 10 yo and a sister to a deceased addict and daughter of a deceased alcoholic parent (both had mental illness issues as well), kicking them out is not the answer. Run your house like a prison if you have too. If she assaults you and you want her to face consequences call the police. Admit her in to a treatment center. Do more than just throw her to the wolves. The one person on this planet that should never ever give up on you is your mother. Until you help her get to the root of her problem, let’s face it this is about her problem not yours, this will only get worse. Start exploring options for her to get help for herself. She’s a child. She needs a parent to take these steps for her right now. I get how tired you may feel. Exhausted even. Broken down maybe. That’s why I’m not judging you for feeling like this or having this thought. But please, dig deep, find the inner strength you need for her and for yourself to carry you both through this. Sending positive and healing vibes to you and your family.
I started smoking at 11. My parents where mortified, I was such a rebel child and literally didn’t listen to them. My parents used to cut the plug off my TV or take my phone off me. She’s still a child discipline her, she’s your daughter and under your care she doesn’t get an option in what she does. The people she’s hanging around with are clearly bad news. Also try speaking to the school see if they can do anything like have a little word with her, because a lot of the time kids who rebel against their parents are being peer pressured into doing stuff.
I started drinking at 10, and smoking at 14. Acted out my whole teen years because of the sexual abuse I suffered as a child. I lied, I did drugs to numb myself and my guilt, I drank in excess, ditched school, got into so many fights in hs i was put on a contract that I would be expelled. There’s some underlying issue going on. Please take time to talk with her. My mom kicked me out at 17 I had a rough life.
You do realize the authority you have as a parent right?
Like weed or cigarettes?
I did that to one of mine when he finished the 200 he asked me for money to buy more for tommorrow so I said if your old enough to smoke you are old enough to get job he never smoked again
My dad told us if we smoked we bought them. No money to buy with
Its her life to make mistakes with. Loads of children smoke at that age as its ‘cool’ im not condoning it, give her advice and tell her not to touch the other more dangerous drugs, also that she won’t be getting any money from you to fund her bad habit as you dont agree with it but the best thing you can do is tell her you Still love her and that she always has a safe place under your roof I want my girls to know they can always come to me in their time of need, id rather them do these things under my roof if they have to try these things then i can check on then and ensure they’re safe rather than in a ditch on the street with no one to help them if they need it. Hope you can sort it all out
I started smoking at 14 just cigarettes my parents where not happy about it but I had to buy my own smokes so do my chores and I only had my pocket money if I did them and I could buy smokes if I didn’t have money smokes I could not smoke. Pushing your child away will not help at all. I didn’t do drugs did have a drink now and then from about 15 but I had my limits I am not a hard drinker if I have 2 drinks a year it’s alot. I am 30 I still smoke it’s my sanity. Yes off course I don’t want my kids to smoke at all but if they do I will accept it but treat it the same buy your smokes or don’t smoke. Doing drugs and drinking they will have consequences most definitely but I will never push them away. I have been teaching my kids from a small age you are your own person if you do things because others do it you will have consequences I don’t care who told you to do it, it was your choice to do it. Every choice in life has consequences good and or bad and you have to face them. I take phones and wifi and tablets away, no pocket money, no going to visit friends and it helps not easy but it we are the parents we can understand and help them and stand by them or abandon them and they can do what they want and you as the parent will have regrets if something happens to your child and you didn’t try and help them.
Jesus heals…ask Him.
Let her live n learn. I’ve raised 3 kids. Yes they got into alot of shit. You hold them down, the worse they will do. You cannot make someone quit anything unless they want to. Tie her down n you will for sure lose her.
That’s your child and you need to figure out how to get her to listen to you! When I was 13 I tried being one of the badass kids and my mom didn’t allow that shit at all I couldn’t lift a finger without her knowing and no you should never kick your kid out bc she will never forgive u and will blame you for the rest of her life why she did this or that! Bring your daughter back home and figure it out your her mother! A mother has the power to do anything and get anything she wants done just have to figure out how!!! I am 20 years old and I have a 5 month daughter never will kick her out during ruff times someone could kidnap rape or hurt her in general I don’t agree with this at all! Bring her home!!!
Nope! Kick her ass out…
Follow the rules or get out!
Her only job is to go to school don’t tolerate that disrespect
Whip her ass
Dont abuse her but help her realize your the adult. Its better her be mad than her end up hurt or worse
For smoking cigarettes and weed??? Or what cracķ? If she smoking weed and cigarettes you realllly need to think if you want your 14 year old on the street cause of smoking cigarettes and weed…
Did you smoke weed or cigarettes as a teen or do anything your shouldnt have… like im mind boggled.
Id be pissed at my son if he ever did but im not going to kick my son to the street for it! Fuck thats my baby
I understand reaching your wits end, almost every parent has been there. But, instead of reacting, which I guarantee you she wants, have an open and honest talk with her. Sometimes having a real adult heart to heart will open their eyes to see you are a person too and not just a mom/robot. Speak to her like you would a friend, allow her to see you and your side. My youngest son was going down a rough path, and one night I just lost it. I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I let him know what he was doing was breaking my heart. I blew up with emotion and he saw Meghan, not Mom. He sat their with his mouth open in shock, then broke down as well. I told him I would love him NO MATTER WHAT he does, but that I didn’t like him at the moment and how that killed me as a mother to feel like that. He straightened up quite a bit, but is far from perfect. That is just who he is, he is difficult, and I’ve accepted to work with his personality than against it. He is completely different than my other four, but you have to learn to roll with it because with strong willed kids there is no other choice. I’ve always raised my children with honesty, openness, and with blunt reality. I do not sugar coat anything and never have. I treat them as an equal, unless they treat me differently. Over all it has worked. Your daughter needs to see you and your side, and you need to be open for her to do the same. My parents were FAR from perfect and actually damaged my brother and I quite a bit, but I knew I could tell my mother anything and she would help me deal with it. I told her when I was addicted to drugs and needed help, she hugged me and told me “Okay, we can deal with this and get you help… I thought you had lost your damn mind and didn’t know what to do for you, I can deal with drugs Lol.” That sure didn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed or furious with me, I knew she was, but she left that door open no matter what hell I put her through. Try everything before giving up. Trust me, this bs is a cry for attention. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t have told you anything because she wouldn’t have cared.
Take everything away, bedroom door, electronics, allowance, etc. have family dinner at a specific time, homework right after school. If she starts to see reason allow her one privilege at a time. Perhaps looks into counseling, sometimes having a mediator that is not partial or judgmental to either party can be helpful to get to the root of the matter. If money is an issue some places offer low cost or free counseling. Look up local support groups in your area, you might find one for families but you might find one for people with cancer or lung disease. Talk to her teachers and ask if they have seen a change in behavior. Being a teen is tough and destructive behavior is difficult to deal with but there is usually a cause that is often easy to overlook.
So I think there needs to be more information. And I am being 100% genuine. I have been that teenager.My first question is what kind of parent are you? Meaning… do you let her do what she wants and because she’s so disrespectful you just let it go because it’s ”easier”… or do you take everything away, on top of her type of parent?(When I was 14 I was a troubled teen. My parents sent me away at 15 to a “program” in Mexico.If you haven’t watched Paris Hilton’s documentary, you should. I went to a school like that and it was horrible. No matter how bad your child is… do not send them to those types of “boarding schools” or “behavior modification programs”. They do not help. Instead look for certified rehabs that help with substance abuse issues. )
I lived with my dad and was able to do what I wanted for the most part, my mom didn’t have much to do with me during that time also. So I got into trouble because I didnt have consequences. (My dad wasn’t a bad parent, I just think it was “easier” to ignore what’s going on then adding all the extra stress to everyday adulting.)You need to be a strong parent, stick with what you say. I also suggest seeing a therapist. Someone for her, also someone for yourself and then maybe have time every session to be apart of her session so you can talk things out with. She WILL NOT WANT TO DO THIS. She may sit silent the entire session for weeks but eventually she will open up.BUT STAY CONSISTENT!Teenagers just want to be heard and feel like they have control of something. She is hurting in some part of her life and it’s important to find out why she’s hurting. If she’s hanging out with bad friends, it’s probably a self esteem issue as well. Try to help her figure out what’s important to her, her passion and find an outlet for her where she can express her passions.
I know this is all easier than said. Teenagers are assholes and want to do what they want to do. I totally get that. But now that I’m a parent to a 14 year old and I was that teenager that struggled my strongest advice is to be consistent. Mean what you say. Also be vulnerable and let her see that you are hurting when she is hurting. Show her that you care, that you will always be there while staying firm. It’s not your job to be her friend but let her know that you’re always there. I hope this helps.
Mom please don’t give up on your child by putting her out there in these wicked streets, you will definitely regret it. Parenting isn’t easy but God gave us these children and we have to parent them whether we like it or not, they are ours. Sometimes some parents wait too late to put their foot down when it comes to their children. I have always been a no nonsense parent (that doesn’t mean my children didn’t still go out and do things they knew they shouldn’t) we all had our time when we rebelled because it’s part of growing up. However as her parent you need to put your foot in her ass because she is 14 and should know not to disrespect you in any way shape or form. Take away what she likes and only let her go to school and home. Don’t let her hang out with those other kids. Yes she might become combative but you are the parent. But please don’t put her out and give up on her. I’m talking from experience!
What a piece of shit parent! I’m assuming she’s smoking weed and you’re gonna make your CHILD homeless during a fucking pandemic?? What the fuck?! It’s weed/cigarettes, not meth.
She is 14 yrs old!!! FOURTEEN!!! She’s still a child! Yes, I would be furious with my 14yr old son for smoking but I sure as hell would never kick him out for it!! You work with your child, get to the root of the issue!!
A little not what you should do but when my mom found out I was smoking in high school (her menthol light 100s) she gave me a pack of full flavor 100s and made me smoke them one right after the other till I got sick. I didn’t smoke while still in high school after that. I tried weed once and it gave me cotton mouth sssssoooo bad and I never got high off of it so I just didn’t do it because it didn’t give me the effect that everyone else gets. Most children will try some drug of something at some point and no teenager wants to listen to their parents about it. Another way is to find some “cool” young adult (18-22) and let them explain and show her how drugs ruined their lives. Let her go meet the crackhead living on the corner prostituting themselves for drug money and explain how they can’t get a job, have had all their kids taken away by the state, lost their family (doesn’t trust them cause they kept stealing for drug money) been locked up and how they know their habit will one day kill them, how they OD once and did almost die or how many friends they’ve lost to drugs and how that same person was once 14 saying that won’t happen to me, I won’t get addicted, I can stop at any point. Another way is, she wants to live a life that leads to prison, make her space a prison. You buy basic, ugly clothes from the Walmart or thrift store and take away all her other clothes. You take everything out of her room except a mattress on the floor. You take all electronics, make-up EVERYTHING away from her. She gets 3 hits and a cot and that’s it. You drop her off and pick her up from school and besides school she lives in her room/prison cell. When she decides she doesn’t want to live in prison and lead a life that leads to prison she can slowly (cause their tricky and will say things just to get what they want) earn back her stuff.
You could be in my shoes… my daughter is 14 and smokes pot. Am I the perfect parent? Absolutely not. Am I a realistic parents. Absolutely. When I was 14 I was out smoking cigarettes, weed, drinking, partying, staying out all night, etc. My mom was a single mom with physical disabilities so don’t anybody dare blame it on my mother. But anyway I turned into a successful adult. So do I feel that my A+ daughter that is a good kid in general and occasionally smokes pot is a bad kid and im going to kick her out?? Hell no. Im going to continue to provide her info on the negative side effects and be there for her when she needs me. JUDGE AWAYYYY. I think your being too overboard tho by saying your going to kick your daughter out.
Some of you “parents” scare the shit out of my fr. It’s cigarettes for christ sake! Lord have mercy
U dont kick a fuckin 14 year old out. R u insane??? Over smoking and bad friends?? Thats the fucking NORM dude. My kid smokes and haz bad friends so im gonna kick her out so she can get fucking raped and beat an pregnant. Ya that’ll teach her. Woman the fuck up and handle ur business thats what u do smh
She’s 14… I personally don’t think you should ever say that to your child. That’s how kids run away and go missing.
This is her life, I get she young but try to be with her during this. She doesn’t want to stop smoking ? Make her ass smoke out side. It’s getting cold.
I started smoking at 10 and my mom didn’t like it but she didn’t threaten to kick me out either. She made sure I was safe on my decisions even when she didn’t like them. She knew she couldn’t change my mind