Um. Yes. She’s 14. Regardless of how much you disagree with something she does or how bad her behavior is you don’t just abandon her. Take her to rehab. A mental health facility if needed. Get her HELP don’t throw her out on her ass. Some people shouldn’t ever be parents smh.
When she’s a crack whore downtown and your driving by looking for that sweet face you let go and it’s sunk in and full of nasty scabs and she’s a twig. I bet you’ll wish you had never made that choice… I’m sorry but this is a little much. it’s cigarettes it’s not like she is doing blow off your kitchen table at family gatherings… and she’s 14, of course she isn’t gonna listen to you, hello don’t you know that everyone knows everything when we are a teenage? It’s better to try and somewhat keep her close then to just push her out into the cruel world that will turn that sweet baby girl you remember into a nasty person.
Kicking her out at 14 would make it worse Enough said. U dont give up on your child
Wtf she’s 14?! Pull her ass out of school e learn her don’t let her have contact with her friends and start being a mom lay down some rules and demand some damn respect geez…
Try to introduce her to different kids who may be a better influence. I kept getting in trouble at 14 and by 15 i got a boyfriend who played sports at school and couldn’t skip school so i stopped skipping school. He didn’t smoke so i stopped smoking. He was a good influence on me. Kids are influenced by friends. She just needs to be influenced by a better crowd
My mother kicked me out when. I was 15 in 1975 over jealousy of her second husband. I never went back by 16. I was in kingston pen this from a young girl in grade nine who never smoked drugs drank still a virgin. I can tell you the road was hard today. I am 60yrs young please try everything you can to save your daughter she is worth it
She sounds lonely and lost trying to find her place. A lot like I was. Coming from a recovery stand point, the only way I learned (and was able to get clean) was when my parents stopped enabling me. Maybe go to ALANON or Learn to Cope meetings for some more insight? Even if you don’t know if she’s using drugs you can learn a lot about the behavior you are describing. But don’t kick her out now that’s not legal haha. Definitely follow thru on any consequences you say from now on
Well by law you cant kick her out lol however how about you ground her? Takenthe nasty cigs away from her dont let her hang out woth those friends find her something else to do as a hobby maybe something you can do together. You could aslo have her volunteer at a food pantry or soup kitchen to help teach her… Talk to the school psychologist. Maybe things going on with her you dont realize… Look i am a mom of 4. Teen years are hard on girls i had 3 at home at once they are not easy and you have to learn to communicate and teach by example
As a woman that had a parent to choose drugs over kids at that age and was left to fend for myself! Please don’t kick your daughter out she will go through far worse than smoking on the streets! Trust me when I say that the safety and well-being mentally emotionally and physically is with you regardless of what she is going through at this point in time. It will get better PLEASE DONT KICK HER OUT!
Smoke with her… Marlborough Reds… and don’t forget the hat…
I am sorry to hear that but you need to put your foot down and tell her who the boss is put her ass in her room take her phone away and then she doesn’t mind call the police and let them scare the hell out of her
If she’s old enough to run her own life and start “trying” to be an adult she can start paying bills and chores
Ehhh I’m sorry momma but to me that’s the wrong answer. Personally, one day if I’m faced with the same situation the things I would consider are. Either you stop or I force you to stop. If they don’t stop. A. You now have a mattress on the floor of your room. No, tv, no phone (if you have a phone it only calls me by program)no electric devices etc. B. You will now go to school and come straight home. No friends unless they come to the house and you have earned that right. Oh and the door will no longer be on your room. I would also take this time to spend as much time with them as possible. Counseling family/regular. Do things like go to the movies, cooking and meals together etc to try to rekindle that relationship. If she told you she is smoking and other things I feel like it’s a cry for help. Don’t give up yet she is only 14 (or ever but that’s just me) maybe even look into self help books.
Tell her if she wants to smoke she needs to find a way to pay for them it’s her choice to smoke so she needs to fund it. Talk to your local youth support organisations if you need assistance with the drugs. I am of the belief that if my children are determined to try these things I would rather it be under my roof so I know they are safe but yes talk to local support organisations, find out your options but it’s important to have an open kind of relationship with your kids keeping communication going. Good luck but no I wouldn’t kick my kid out if she started smoking. Pretty sure you don’t want to be the reason she has no safe place to sleep at night
Heck pm me an address or P.O. Box ill write her a letter. I’ll legit take the time out of my day to be a pen pal. (Sorry I’m graduating to be a teacher and I just feel for you and her!) But don’t kick her out please. I believe it will set her down a path of destruction. If anything find a treatment center.
She’s literally 14. That is your child…
You’re the parent. It’s your job to deal with the good,bad and ugly. That being said why don’t you get her involved in a youth group. Limit time with friends by insisting family time. Teaching her how to cook and making it as fun as possible. Show her how much you love and care about her. We all have difficult times at that age. Find out what makes her happy (maybe get a karaoke machine) invite some of her friends and make a rule of no smoking at the house. Please don’t ever tell her that she can’t see her friends anymore that will only backfire on you. Let them come over and make sure that you enforce strict rules. Do arts and crafts and just overall show her that you really care. Please don’t ever kick her out, that’s the worst thing you could do. I really wish you the best and I hope that you don’t think I’m judging you. I speak from personal experience good luck
Dude she’s 14 and you’re telling her to pack her bags … to go where ?? This shouldn’t even be a question. Buckle up if that makes you want to throw her out I’m anxious to see what your reaction is going to be because this is definitely not the worse a teenager could do …
Make a court date have her evaluated. The judge will help you get her into a program.
Call the local police, have them come and write her a ticket for minor in possession. Have her pay off the ticket by herself. This may include having to get a job doing things she doesn’t want to do.
I recommend the book, Parent Teen Break through.
Take her to meet some people dying of lung throat or mouth cancer. Then hug your kid and tell her you love her and mean it and don’t you dare kick her out.
The only thing that’s gonna do it let her do whatever she wants to do. She’s gonna go live with a bf & do more drugs & smoke more. I’d ground her lil ass & keep her ass home. I wish my mom would have done the same with me.
yeah don’t do that. I’d smoke too if my mom was looking for the smallest reason to get rid of me. yikes.
Try to resolve it with love
Your this strong punishment attitude will make her more stubborn and more easily she will indulge in more stuff than this
Stay there behind her and keep on trying to manage friendly relation with her… she will listen to u not now but in future
Do not leave her at the mercy of cruelty of this world
Take away everything. Doors. Bedroom and bathroom. Make her sign in and out of the house. Bolt her window shut. Be the narc mom. Anonymous tip the school to which kids have the drugs. Let her see her friends go down. Take her to a trap house. Take her to a treatment center for addicts, have her volunteer. Take her to homeless shelters. Make her volunteer. Put so much time into her that she doesnt have time to fuck around with bullshit. But for gods sake dont take the easy way out and push her INTO it all
She’s only 14 ! Are you kidding me! You don’t throw out your 14 year old you get her in line you decided to be a parent now parent her
Didn’t some parents used to make the kid sit down and smoke till they threw up? I reckon give that a shot…
No offense but that is just bad parenting. She is 14, telling her to get out is child neglect and abandonment. If she’s smoking you should talk to her doctor, a youth pastor maybe if you are religious. Kicking her out shouldn’t even be an option. That’s just lazy and abusive. Keep her home and away from the friends. Call the police and have them give her a ticket and find out who is supplying them. Make her work around the house to pay off the ticket. Make her watch a video on lung and throat cancer, I’m talking a nitty gritty one.
If she’s so terrible at 14 that you are just going to kick her out over smoking then you seriously need to reevaluate your parenting method. Seriously with child trafficking, child prostitution, and all the other problems with homeless youth and your seriously considering kicking her out?
Grow up and be a parent. You wanna make her never wanna smoke again? Buy her 3 packs, tell her to sit down and keep smoking. Don’t stop. Between each cigarette, stand her up and do 100 jumping jacks or some other cardio heavy exercise that makes your breathing very labored, then make her sit back down and smoke another. She won’t get too far in before she wants to quit and won’t ever want to pick up a cigarette again. Then take her to a doctor and get their help getting her over the nicotine addiction she’s already formed.
I think that you are wrong in this matter. She is only 14. Honestly, there isn’t much you can do to stop her anyway. Teenagers are going to be teenagers. There are far worse things that she could be doing. I am not happy about my 16 year old smoking weed on occasion with his friends and I have tried my best to get him to stop to no avail but I would never kick him out over it. My mom and all of her friends started smoking at age 12. My brother and sisters started smoking at that age too. It’s very common unfortunately. I never smoked but most of my friends did. It doesn’t mean that they are going to smoke forever. It sucks but there isn’t much you can do about it except lock them up in the house 24/7, which is impossible.
She’s not a pet you can get rid of because she she’s doing something you don’t like…family therapy is a thing. Make her pay for her habits and give her her no allowance. If she starts stealing them, make her pay the consequences for theft. If she wants to act like an adult then she’ll face adult consequences (within reason obviously) most police stations will cooperate with you. Let her get caught. Smoking tickets are a thing and when she has to figure out how to pay her fines she may change her mind. At that age I thought I was so grown up until I had to deal with real adult things.
Another parent kicking their kid to the curb for being a teenager. You should be ashamed ma’am.
Omg its smoking cigarettes!!! She could be on cocaine, meth, ketamine… its just cigarettes she will learn how expensive it is when she has no money!
I agree with Jordan; you can’t throw them away because it’s difficult. Rules and boundaries. Set & keep them.
Throwing a 14 year old out is abandonment and neglect.
She’s 14 she needs her mom. Without you things will get worse. Love her ground her argue with her. Do not kick her out
You didn’t handle that appropriately.
She can’t smoke in school. If she’s home all the time she can’t smoke if you don’t provide them. GROUND HER. Take everything from her! Make her room like a jail cell. Nothing in it but a bed. Show her if she continues down the path she’s going that’s where she will end anyways.
Because kicking out your 14 year old child is gonna send her down the road of child trafficking and prostitution for money. 14 year olds can’t even work. What do you expect her to do???
Well, being under 18 you are still responsible for her so im not sure kicking her out yet is the answer. I can only imagine this must be hard. I think I would try getting in touch with a drug rehab facility or counselor and ask them what they think is best and what works for children her age. At 18 she can decide to live on her own and continue that life or abide by your rules but right now she is too young. I don’t even think she can get a job without being at least 15 with a work permit in some states so she couldn’t even support herself if it were legal. Definitely get a drug counselor involved, therapy, family therapy, so you both have the tools to deal with this situation right and at least if it doesn’t work you know you looked into your resources. You can do this, don’t give up!
I started when I was 14 and in the same predicament you’re describing. I didn’t quit until I was 24 and I still struggle with nicotine addiction. The difference, I think, is that the world is much less friendly to smokers today than they were when I was in high school. It’s possible you’ll get through more effectively in 2020 than you would have in 2000 by just talking reasonably about why smoking sucks. And you probably ought to frame it that way, too: Smoking sucks. Not “smoking will kill you” or “smoking is bad”, but literally the facts about why smoking is some nasty basic bitch shit.
Smells disgusting
Makes you smell disgusting
Makes your teeth brown
Kills your senses of taste and smell so you can’t even tell you taste and smell disgusting
Makes your no no bits taste awful
Makes your urine smell awful
Soaks into your skin and makes your hands smell awful
Costs way too damn much
You can’t smoke inside
You can’t smoke in the car
You can’t smoke in the house
Destroys your singing and speaking voice
The list goes on.
Wow. Lol don’t try to get rid of your fucking kid?
Wtf you wanna kick her out ? Sounds like you are the problem and she’s probably acting this way because of you
Wow… she is 14 years old!! Grow the fuck up, stand the fuck up, and be a parent. Nobody ever said it would be easy, but turning your back on your child when it gets hard is bullshit, plain and simple. From experience, if you want to make her hate you, and destroy her life… by all means, kick her out. However, if you actually give a damn about her, be the parent she needs!!
I’m not gonna say what I’d do cause honestly I have no idea… but I know I would have gotten my ass beat and grounded. And I dont resent my parents for that.
Pick your battles and smoking at 14 yrs isn’t one of them.Cut off her flow of money but don’t say a word she’s a teenager she wants the argument to justify what she’s doing. Some kids are a nightmare at that age they think they know it all but they don’t .If she works for any money like in the real world you see how quickly she gives up when it’s coming out of hard earned cash as she still doesn’t stop so what there’s a lot worse things she could be doing.As for friends doing drugs NO NO stop her seeing them.You keep her that busy doing chores she won’t have time for her friends and if she kicks off tell her tell her it’ll take a bell of a lot of chores to keep her smoking habit.
Don’t give up on her. It’s a tough age but be her safe place. She needs that safe place more than ever right now even though she’s fighting you tooth and nail. Been there, done that.
It’s your babygirl, fight for her! It could make all the difference in her life
Sounds like crappy parenting to want to kick your FOURTEEN year old out. Could you imagine how many homeless 14 year old children there would be if everyone thought this way? She’s a teenager…be a parent, deal with the issues, GROUND HER and discipline. Every teenager goes through some sort of issues. She needs her MOM
I always tell my 14 year old “I can’t control who you hang out with and date at school, but I can control where you go and with who” I’ll be damned if my child goes down a bad path because I didn’t want to be a parent. If someone is a bad egg, don’t let your child around said person outside of school. You can also let the school know what is being said and done and they will keep an eye on them. And if you tell her no about hanging out with someone, when she leaves the house, call the cops as her being a runaway.
How is she funding her habits? Cut her off. You have to keep her under your roof but you don’t need to support her trash habits.
These comments are ridiculous. No one knows the whole story. Giving a child an ultimatum is not bad parenting. Telling a 14 year old who is WELL aware of her actions and even MORE aware of any consequences that could follow is no different than you telling a two year old not to do something… once the two year old does it they get a time out, spanking, whatever punishment you deemed fit.
All these people attacking your character are completely pathetic.
Keep your head up mama. Do what you feel is right, however if she is being this big of a rebel now… be prepared to lose your daughter for awhile . Dont worry she will grow up and come back and be stronger for what you did.
She is asking for advice on what to do and y’all are attacking her. She said if you read it correctly that she told her daughter if she is gonna continue down the path she is on to pack her bags. Did anyone think to ask her if she was kicking her out on the street? No every one of you jumped to that conclusion. Who is to say that she isn’t planning on sending her daughter to her dad’s or some other family members? My advice would be to take her into a police station and show her what’s going to happen if she continues to listen to her friends and not her parents. Scare her straight
How do you get her to go to the substance abuse center for testing/ counseling?
My sister was satan as a teen. She ran away, smoked, drugs, went to jail. My parents never gave up on her. She made mistakes and was a bit wild but she is a good person, sister, daughter and mom now.
I really believe if my parents just quit she would have been a different person.
Let me talk to her… I started smoking at that age and currently fighting for my life because of it… she will end up in places she doesn’t want to. Yes smoking is not “too bad” but what it leads to is what will be the end of her living with the consequences or dying because of it…
Easier said than done when you see your child changing to a different person. Don’t crustiest until you’ve been through it
Ask a local hospital if , when Covid has subsided, you can take her to the cancer wing and let her talk to some patients who have smoking related cancers. Maybe seeing her future would be beneficial. You could also try group homes if there are other problems as well.
It is sad the amount of people who can just give up on their children. She’s 14. YOU are the parent. Or I mean are you? Kids can get mean and very disrespectful but it is your job as her parent to be there for her, support her, and take her down the right path. Completely ground her. Let her have zero free time. Call your local law enforcement agency… sometimes they can scare kids into behaving.
Wow. I mean how do you answer this without just looking at you and going WTF?
Not judging you whatsoever Momma! Teen years are hard!
I starting smoking at probably 13 or so. When my mom caught me i had 2 packs hid in my drawer. She told me if i smoked all i had right then and there and i still wanted to smoke she’d support it.
I smoked them all, she stood there made me inhale too lol. A friend of hers came over and helped smoke a few lol.
I spent the night hugging the toilet and still chose to smoke afterwards.
With my 4 kids (who are now grown) My oldest is now 26 , starting smoking as a teen. I preached the health and financial reasons not to, he choose to keep smoking. He has quit and switched to vaping back n forth over ther years.
My second oldest son startibg vaping in highschool, because well everyone had a vape. I told him to use with 0 nicotene. Same with my youngest son, he wanted a vape at 16 or 17 to play with for the smoke. I allowed it.
Pot all 4 at some point have tried it. My biggest issue with teens geeting weed is knowing where its coming from. My oldest son in early 20s smoked daily, it helped with his anxiety tremendously. He’s quit now due to his work.
Ive never raised hell with my kids over smoking, pot, or even drinking. Ive educated them on the consequences of it all.
Seeing she thinks she’s an adult have a grown up sit down with her. Talk to her momma, find out whats going on. Please stress to her tve drugs could be laced and deadly. Smoking is gross , (im still a smoker) and expensive if she has a dire need see if you can talk her into vaping with no nicotine. Sometimes daughters need a friend rather than mom. You need to make her comfortable in coming to you with anything and being able to talk to you.
I have 1 daughter, she tried smoking and weed. Thankfully neither were her thing. You got this momma , take a deep breath and a sit down with her.
No you don’t kick out a 14 year old. Step up and be a parent. Need help, try a counselor for both of you and talk.
Talk to friends parents. Call the police .ground her. Dont give her money. Spend more time with her. Do not kick her out. Dont give up. Just love her
Wow. Well you just took the path that killed alot of people I know. Your a mom. You don’t get to me like kick rocks
I started smoking at that age, my parents found out, they made me smoke a 20yr old green cigar, and you know what, it didn’t make me stop, and in one comment she’ll quit if it comes out of her money she makes by working probably not I just bought them anyways, I loved smoking, I finally quit thus past Jan I’m now 45 so it is what it is, try talking to her about all the lung issues and stuff, but I mean she could just be like I was and say I’ll smoke anyways. If so just tell her she has to smoke outside all the time even in the winter, and don’t give her any money, but don’t be mean and tell her to pack her bags she’s 14 and knows everything just like all of us when we were that age hopefully she’ll grow out of it. But if you really want to put her out send her my way I’ve went thru 3 teenagers already I can deal with them. Honey just love her for who she is, she’s young and dumb that’s what I call it cause believe me she is going to have more things to go through then just this. If you need help just message me I’m here. Hope all comes out well.
I wouldn’t go the route of kicking her out. Cut her off from her friends that means she comes right home, no phone or internet. Don’t give her money. Make her join a sport or after school club. She is going to hate you for a long time but your not meant to be her friend one day she will thank you. Don’t allow her any freedom until.she can be trusted.
Kicking her out is not going to solve anything but you can use the tough love Rule.
I rather have my son trust me instead of kicking her out spend more time with her see wats bothering her she’s probably doing to be cool I was smoking and I would smoke weed and drink at school I started to do drugs pills powder and if you kick her out it’s going to lead her to doit that
I think at that age your just bound to rebel I wouldn’t of kicked her out personally I would of just said you know where I am if you need me. And just let her get on with it obviously step in if she goes off the rails etc but when I was 15/16 I met a guy started smoking dope and would stay at his house 24/7 but now I’m stable have a house with him and two kids my mum tried to control me that’s why I ran away so much so if you leave her to do her she will come back eventually.!
Id shit down and show her photos of what different drugs do. Including the more graphic ones. If you know anyone who has gone down that road, have them approach her and try to “sell” her things. See how she reacts. She may just be playing hard. But don’t kick her out just yet
Definitely wouldn’t kick her out, but yeah as everyone else is saying, tough love! Take stuff away… phone, out time, she goes everywhere with you. Grocery store, any and all errands . Everywhere! Spend time with her (which I know most teens don’t want to at times, my sons 11 and doesn’t sometimes lol) but oh well! But kicking her out is so harsh unless she has a different family member to go to.
You legally cannot kick your 14 year old daughter out of your house. Tf is wrong with you? Obviously you raised her and you’ve allowed her to disrespect you for this long but now you expect her to respect at 14? U gotta b kidding me rn it’s called make your children respect you from the day they are born!
Get a grip she’s not doing crack on all fairness, take your daughter to the side and explain why you’d rather she didn’t don’t kick her out that’s when she will start smoking crack when she’s no home at 14 slow like.
I wouldnt know what j would do. Im a recivering addict its been 6 years but i try to instill my life lessons onto my kids when its relevent to what their in trouble for. My whole family did/does smoke, i will try my best to make sure she knows the consequences of it all. Including drugs when that time comes. I would want mine to come out to me about those things so i hope mine does so i can tell them the consequences that can happen kicking her out wont do any good especially if shes gunna do it regardless just push further away. But dont enable the priblem either shes young enough to be grounded everything taken out of her bedroom.
Tough love is good, if a calm conversation doesn’t work.
Were doe a 14 year old get the $8-10 bucks a pack to smoke?
you can’t kick a 14yr old out there are other options like discipline her don’t let her go out take away phone tv etc do whatever it takes you need to gain control.
Hard to smokewhen you’re grounded. Legally you can’t kick her out- but you legally can prohibit smoking in your home
Uhhh lol take some parenting classes? Sounds super judgmental but that last thing is be doing w a teenager experiences things is kicking them out? Is this even a real post???
Plenty of teenager have been kicked out there home btw legal or not if anything they’d end up in foster care or worse
The fact that you think kicking a child out of your home is an acceptable answer says all anyone needs to know about you… I hope your child can find the help and guidance she needs because you’re not it.
Kicking her out is just going to get you in trouble w the law.
My heart goes out to you. I was that kid and have a son w not that exact problem but really defiant verbal and mentally abusive , horrible temper. We looked to professionals for help. It was years of misery but, we were lucky to find Rogers Memorial. He’s doing well but not after years of agony and heart ache. We did sent him to place in MN that was a nightmare and did more harm than good. Its really hard to find the right place. Most places are covered by insurance. One thing i did learn was to to be as black and white w rules, no flexibility. It left it to easy for him to manipulate. The people that are scolding you have no clue. Good luck, truly.
I wouldn’t kick her out she is 14 that seems quite extreme!!! Our kids aren’t always going to live their lives the way we see fit that doesn’t mean you quit on them …Take her to a cancer ward i guarantee she won’t want to smoke when she sees what happens to you
No do not kick her out keep her home.
Talk to her. Set the ground rules. Take her to the doctor and have them show her the cold hard truth about smoking. Ground her. Take her phone computer laptop whatever. Talk to her friends parents. She obviously is mimicking behavior she is seeing.
You can’t kick her out she’s too young even though it hardly seems like she’s young anymore. I fear this happening with my preteen. The only thing I can suggest is informing her of the health risks of smoking and how she will later regret the choices she’s making right now. Keep her away from friends that are bad influences and keep her home if you have to. Look into church groups to have a better group of friends around. Spend quality time with her and try to reconnect.
Wtf ??? Man I’m not even going to say what I really want to say. But I will say this calm your evil ass down and be a MOTHER
If you care about her id strongly recommend not kicking her out. A lot of things can happen to a 14 yr old young girl. You could end up raising your grandchild or worse over smoking. Our parents just made it very clear no smoking in the house. I will do the same with my kids. I dont smoke any more nor do I drink or do drugs it doesn’t mean she’s a lost cause. Try to pick your battles momma she’ll come around
You did right… Hoping and praying she will turn around as she matures. Not saying how long that will take. Just continue loving. Don,t get too close. But be open to love.
You don’t kick her out but you keep her IN!!! Full lockdown, everything gets taken away and she must ask for permission to come out of her VERY EMPTY AND BORING room! Don’t baby her and don’t give her too much options. Kids today are just disrespectful and have too much freedom. She is still the child and has no option but to adhere to your rules.
She’s 14! Maybe if you tried parenting her this wouldn’t be happening. She’s your child you cannot just kick her out when she doesn’t behave how you want. Get a grip, sit her down and talk to her properly
She is 14. Not 18. Yes you are wrong.
As a teenager who has experienced rough patches (never drugs or smoking though) keep her home. Tell her that you are her ally and that you are there for her. You have to remember smoking is an addiction and addiction is a disease. Show her pictures of what smoking does to the body and tell her all you want for her is to be happy and healthy. She is young, impressionable, and will move beyond this point.
Ouch. These comments are hurtful. No where did it say she was being kicked to the streets. And you all just jump to the conclusion that she is. Maybe the daughter has pushed her that far to the limit and starting to smoke is what finally broke her. Maybe mum has tried everything. Maybe mum has no more avenues left. Maybe she is a single mum and doing the best she can. Turning around and saying child services need to take her daughter away and any other kids she may have, because she is being a bad mum, is inappropriate. Jessica Grant i agree with you.
Please don’t kick her out … she’s only 14 and needs you …
Take all electronics away. Cell phone. Social life. Deadbolt her bed room door shut and let her come out to eat, piss, and shower. That’s all. She’ll learn her fucking lesson real quick. Then, make her smoke an entire pack of cigarettes in 10 mins. See if she ever touches another one. Extreme? Well, you could just kick her out instead…
Just ground the shit out of her and hold to it … I wish my parents would have … Its hard af to quit
I wish my mom
Would of told me to pack my bags at 14. I would of loved that. Probably would of been pregnant or dead
I started smoking at that age. And the other things you mentioned. I wish someone would of talked to me about it. Gave me other things to do. Or really sent me to military school or some sort of structured place.
Probably wouldn’t be where I am now.
Where is she supposed to go at 14? Don’t send your child in the Street.
Yes you are 100% wrong. Its literally your job as a parent to teach them and guide them. So when she needs guidance the most you kick her out?! That’s child abuse just so you know. Absolutely disgusting
Well… this post reminds me that even on bad days… I am a damn good Mom… sheesh.