Well if it was one of my 3 kids here’s what I think I might do. Sit em down, walk over to my humidor and grab the strongest cigar I can find. Then a seccond one just in case. Sit down acroos the table, make em light up the cigar and they have to finish it. They’re gonna inhale and they’re gonna get sick. May never wanna smoke again by the time they’re done.
Talk to her about it to try and understand more why she does it then help her through quitting and show support for her . The more you dislike it the more she’s going to go against you.
Sweetie, she’s 14, you havent seen nothing yet. If anything, get yourself some classes or help to learn to deal with what’s happening now and for the road you have ahead.
Youre her teacher, teach her well. She’s your/our future.
Do not kick her out over smoking - it is not worth it. Let her smoke but if she has enough money and is adult enough to smoke, she has enough money to pay for her phone, her clothes, her entertainment etc. smoking is the least of your worries with a teenager - do not freak out.
When my mom caught me smoking at age 13-14 she took me outside and made me smoke as many cigarettes in a row that I could. By the time I was done I never wanted to touch another cigarette and still havent to this day.
Find a community drug diversion program for youth, and put her in it , find your strength and pray but give chances to clean up their act.
I’m afraid the only way to stop her is to cut off all funds…don’t give her pocket money or lunch money
I don’t like to tell people how to handle their kids but at 14 where is she allowed to go without supervision and who are her friends? You have to keep your eyes on her!!
She is your child regardless of her choices. You can’t throw her away at 14 because things are hard. There are other things you can do. Giving up on her is not the answer.
Guess if she doesn’t need help anymore than she can deal with real world!! You go, I don’t think it’s tou being bad! Sometimes people need to hit bottom to understand.
Time for tough love Mama if ever needed. Don’t provide ANYTHING other than basics in your home, no makeup, etc. Ground here. I was grounded at 15 for wearing mascara that I did not wipe off very well. Rules are rules. You can do it mom. And remember, anyone who sneaks a smoke always has a hint of tobacco in hair, clothes, hands/fingers. Be strong.
Take everything away. Door off its hinges clear everything out of her room except 7 days worth of clothes 2 pairs of shoes, and her school stuff. Put locks on all things. Liquor cabinet etc. Drug test her ass every day and let her know if she pops she can either go to rehab or turn in her supplier to the police. If she is afraid of getting arrested maybe she will stop.
Kick her out for smoking ciggs? I started messing around with smoking when I was like 10… more often when I was her age… ground her and be a parent. If she has a phone, tablet, social media take it idk why kids need that shit anyways… it’s probably why kids are acting more ridiculous these days
You are going to get sooo many comments saying what you did was wrong and some of what ypu did was right. Regardless what it comes down to is how you feel your child will best relieve the message your giving her.
I started smoking at 12 and got caught with pot a week before I turned 16. My mom broke EVERYTHING in my room including my bed and all my stuff searching my room. She straight up said she wanted me out of her house and in foster care so on my 16th birthday I started living alone. AND SHE GOT MAD AT THAT… She ended up taking the 2 gs of weed and my pipe to our school officer because she decided I needed to be arrested. He did of course and for years her and I didn’t talk until I got pregnant… like I said what you choose to do is your choice. How my mom went about all of this I feel was wrong and could have been handled differently… my moms and my relationship is civil but there was so much damage made between us our relationship will never be anything like a mother and daughter relationship should be…
I get you punishing your daughter 100%… Just don’t inflict damage that can’t be mended…
I was same way. My parents said thats fine but not around me or in my house and don’t you dare ask me to buy them for you!! They didn’t kick me out!! Set some rules and guidelines. Hell she prolly be with new group of friends in a year from now and she will quit.
let her hear the coughs of the elderly and show, send her the stuff that it does to the lungs mouth an throat even breasts…It’s bad, that’s the only thing as a bad habit i picked up an the doctors found a lump i had in my chest/breast area but it has been removed an that’s what i believe it was from because think
about it like this the cigarette is at chest level at most times in holding one an smoking you breathe it out an most times goes down inside an outside of chest an lungs… Need to show her a place of a smokers and one of a non smoker and she’ll see an know a big difference…It dulls out everything including LIFE…Don’t smoke
hun it’s bad bad bad…
I have a 14 and 16 yr old nieces they are the most disrespectful horrible cruel selfish human beings ever
I’m sorry but be firm,take away her luxuries like phone,pocket money and no friends at home
Smoking makes skin bad as the body cannot cope with the cell damage so she will have skin problems too with that
Be firm .but dont say things you wont do,so if you say no phone so no phone ,tough love but also explain to her peacefully that you have seen life its difficult and friends are actually enemies if they drag you down
Be firm but responsible and dont be angry all the time ,peace.
Sorry but she’s only 14. The only place she would be going is school and home. No phone, no computer, tablet, technology. No contact allowed with her friends. Chores and earning your trust back should be her only priority. You are the parent act like it. Who cares if she says she hates you or throws a fit this is for her benefit suck it up and deal with it. I wouldn’t let her be alone much either keep her busy doing chores.
I wouldn’t throw her out. My mom did that, albeit a little older. We struggled then, we struggle now to find a decent relationship. If she’s talking to you, telling you what she does… That’s pretty mature and smart of her. It’s very hard raising children, I have three. You need to reconnect with her. Maybe a getaway, nothing fancy, just you and her. Get her away from her normal and her comfort, and then try talking. Like friends. No you aren’t friends, but talk… Listen… Like you would a friend. She may have more to say then you were hearing. Good luck love, just know… Under it all, she loves the hell outta you too!
department of children and familys / children protective services will take her if they seen this or got wind of this good thing you hid your name.
Take her to the prisons and rehab centres to see what she could be in for in her future.
I would never kick my child out. Obviously there are addiction problems in your family if she started so young… not your fault… but it’s your job to teach her
Cut off her phone and get rid of the internet. If she is grown enough to act like that, she can get a part time job to pay for it. She won’t have much time to hang with friends.
You should take away all electronics that she has, And don’t let her out with her friends , take her to school & pick her up from school
I’d ground her so she can’t get out to get cigs. If she’s still able to get them while at school I would either be at that school lunch time to pick her up or get a family member to pick her up so she has less time to be able to. also get her to write a two page research paper staying why smoking is bad for you.
Wouldn’t agree with kicking her out she’s only 14 there’s other ways to make her realise the consequences
She’s 14- I hardly think her packing her bags is an option unless you want to send her right into a life of drugs and drinking.
I smoked young I didn’t care and I told my mum I was smoking at 13 she couldn’t stop me and wasn’t ever going too sorry to say but that’s the truth. I only got into smoking bc everyone I knew smoked so it was normal
Kicking a 14 yr old girl out is not the way to go its the easy way out but that’s your kid she needs you now more than ever its like your helping her ruin her life by pushing her out
My mother in law solved that for my wife when she was a teen by smoking all her cigarettes… As a teen it was too expensive to keep buying them.
Do what my parents did if I wanted to smoke they bought me a whole pack and I jad to sit there and smoke each one till they were gone i wasnt allowed to get up i couldn’t make it past the third one without puking fron being so nicotine sick
I wouldn’t throw her out id rather her smoking than not knowing where she is. She’s 14 take her picket money away ground her.
My niece is exactly the same. Just turned 14 and going completely off the rails. I have no idea how to help her or my BIL who is a single dad
Do what ever you have to to get her out of the situation! Send her to a different school, move, whatever.
My 18 yr old started smoking when he was 17. He worked since 16 yrs old pays for his two cars n graduated n worked. So i dont mind if he smoke cigs. It could be worse
Oh and good luck parenting is the hardest and there are no user manuals to refer to we just have to wing it … just know you are doing your best xxx
Well i started smoking when i was about 14. My mom caught me made me eat one and smoke one right after. Ive never touched it since
How is she funding smoking ? Probs a tad harsh telling her to pack her bags ? Whomever is giving her them is breaking the law as well point out that those people are in trouble as well as her x
Honestly, time to reflect on yourself. Youre OK with kicking your 14 year old child out, youve got some serious issues.
Sit her ass down with a carton of smokes a bottle or 2 of 20/20 and a case of beer . and watch her if she can walk out the door she wecolme too. But I’ll bet she begs to stay home. This worked for my folks 2 out of 3 times
You ca t kick her out cuz of her age. Counseling is a option. Show her who’s boss but do it right start with phone dont let her isolate in her room give her chores dont buckle to her
I wouldn’t kick my child out for smoking I much rather find a solution then kicking her out. She’ll end up hating you
When my parents weren’t home, I’d go in the bathroom and blow the smoke up into the ceiling fan, I never got caught and sooner or later just got over the novelty, haven’t really smoked cigarettes since…
My dad made me smile a whole pack of cigarettes and get sick . That will do it for awhile
Get a pack of 20 Full Strength, make her smoke them one after another. be ready with the sick bucket, but it works.
First of all you can’t throw out a 14 year old. You have to take control, put your foot down, show her who’s boss or send her to me for a weekend
Drag her little butt to the morgue and have her watch an autopsy of someone who smoked and O.D. on drugs…
There is a program like that in L.A.
The negative comments are not helping. I suggest you get her into counseling.
Get advise from people who have seen and heard it all. 888-866-8660. that is where I would start.
And were are you going to take your daughter??? She’s 14!!! Take her to a counselor… something!!! You doing give up on her!!!
You are the mother here and you need to set the rules. Many kids rebel. Ditch the cell phone.
Show her the Barb Tarbox. Video when she talks to school age kids thinking it’s cool to smoke
Wow… tell your 14 year old to " pack her bags and leave"… the problem didn’t start with smoking… it started when you stopped being a parent…
Ground her take away her privileges I’m a Mam of 3 boys and 2 are going through pubity at the min and it’s hard you will get through it x
She is 14, you cant tell her to pack her bags, you are responsible for her. You need to step up and ground her, do whatever it takes
What? You mean you’re ready to stop parenting? Ground her for life, take her phone. Put her in therapy. Don’t throw her out.
I started smoking at 14. My sister started doing heroin at 14. Count your blessings
She refuses to listen? You are in charge, not her
What? Kicking her out was the first reaction? I’m confused…
Are you for real? How could u even contemplate throwing your 14 Yr old daughter out on the street. Its cigarettes not crack cocaine!!
Children are not disposable. Parenting isn’t for sissies. Ground her, make her absolutely miserable… but remind her you love her.
Take her to throat, ca
Nicer dr. Show results.
Don’t pack her bags call the police to take her to the youth center
put disgusting pictures all over her room if she sees the consequences it might help.
Make her smoke a whole pack,of cigarettes all in a row.
It should be your Rules or the Highway !
where is she getting the money from that’s what I would like to know
You don’t kick out a 14 year old
then what will you do when she smokes weed or has sex? or steals or anything worse.
Beat that ass and handcuff her to the bed post wtf!!?!
Why is this even a question?
Where does she get the money to buy cig?
You are doing the right thing, it’s called tough love! Great momma:pray:t3:
Smokes pot? Or cigarettes? Pot isn’t a drug
Yes because she us a minor and isn’t ready for the streets yet
sometimes you have to let them learn the hard way since she doesn’t want to listen to reason.
Wow. She’s wrong, but so are you be a mother! You don’t just up and toss your CHILD out when you’re faced with hard situations
the irony in your hashtag lmao. Unbelievable
Smoking what? Cigarettes? Weed? Crack?
Awe man! thats about the age I started as well and now I regret it so much.
She’s to young to be on her own . She needs counseling
Ground her. If she sneaks out call the police. They will bring her back.
Dont throw your daughter away if have to be other ways to fix it you need to be there for her
Way way WAY TOO YOUNG to be told to leave.
Also the more you nag her and fight her the more she will do. But don’t throw your child away
My parents told me to go at 15 and I did so be ready for her to go. Just know that you will be sending your 14yr old into the arms of all the "friends " and the folks they are around as well. She maybe going through something. Take a step back an really listen to her. She is acting up for a reason. You are the parent not her act like one.
Please don’t kick her out, she is way too young
I personally think that you will just have to lay down smoking rules. No smoking in the house, no smoking where you can see her, and no smoking around family members… no matter what you try to do, she will keep smoking. It is with hope, that smoking outside in the freezing rain or snow, she will come to hate it… I think it is just teenage rebellion… kicking her out of smoking is not the answer… chronic drugs or stealing, then a girls home… not on the streets though… she could be killed… this is my opinion… I have three grown kids, and the girl was the worst. She did smoke, but with my rules… she eventually gave it up… I hope it goes well for you and your family
This is a hard one. I was 14 once, smoking, doing drugs, petty crime, being a general pain in the arse to my mom. Grounding me didn’t work, taking things off me didn’t work. The underlying issue with me was my grandad dying and nobody realised how much It effected me, nobody sat down and actually spoke to me.
You need to sit and have a good chat with her, throwing her out certainly isn’t the answer. Teenage girls are hard work, I was one myself, they think they rule the world.
I would ground her. Take her privileges away. All of them. Make her earn them back.
Remember she us only 14 call the police on her
Be her parent your not there to be a friend discipline her ass! Take shit away ground her give her and ass whooping!!
Look no one can or will judge. Specially if they still have young children in school cause we all might go through that rebel phase with our kids. We can teach them right from wrong but if they mix with wrong friends then what we taught them won’t necessarily help. Sometimes kids are strong enough to stick to what was taught, and they walk away but sometimes they try too hard to fit in and will do anything to be part of the ‘cool’ kids. I won’t say kick her out cause she might end up with stuff worse then cigarettes. But there are boundries and if she crosses it she will have to face the consequences. Take away her phone/laptop/tablet. Stop giving her allowance (she is allowed to live in the house), she might even end up wanting to walk away or do a disappearing act but be firm. Be her mother. Try to talk to her without letting it sound like you want to demand her doing things. Teenagers are weird. They love saying people don’t understand them. As if we weren’t there. We were young. We made mistakes. Let her make mistakes but don’t push her away. Let her learn on the hard way. It is much easier said then done. She needs to feel safe. She needs to know that she can trust you without you acting up if she tells you something. They are actually sooo vulnerable. The more you ‘preach’ the more she will rebel. Help her pick up the pieces. It is just a phase. And if you tell her not to get mixed up with certain ‘friends’ thats exactly who she is going to mix with. Its hard. Its very hard but you will win with time. Teenagers means = patience. Alot of patience. P. S. Remember… You are still her parent and she still has to respect you and the house rules but as many said… Currently you won’t be able to stop the smoking. She needs to stop by herself. She needs to decide for herself. I smoked. My father forced me to eat the cigarettes. That didn’t help. I only got worse. Had an attitude of ‘I will show you I WILL do it.’ they don’t spite us, they spite themselves.
You need to be a better parent sorry but you don’t turn your back on your kid. She is still a minor and child. This is your responsibility.
Ummmmm “beat that ass” comes to mind
Take her phone, restriction, beat her ass. Drive her to school pick her up.
Get your shit together. Control you kid. Ground her ass. Take all her shit away except for her bed. Home school her. How she going to smoke if she she can’t leave her room? If you can’t handle her then (1) report her behavior to local police department, (2) file a court complaint asking a judge to designate the teen a “youth in crisis,” or (3) ask a judge to declare the teen emancipated, giving him or her all the powers of an adult and relieving the parents of any responsibility. If you kick her out without emancipating her it’s a crime punishable by the law.
Once you give it to God leave it along
Wow wtf I started smoking and my parents never threw me out when I started using they tried to help you don’t throw your child hense the word CHILD out on the streets… What is your freaking issue you be supportive you offer advice sheesh try counseling but don’t throw you child out on the streets with the rapists and pedophiles. She is 14 she is going to act out and be disrespectful she is a teenager!
Go buy her a carton of cigarettes and make her smoke them one after another Atil she gets sick and don’t never want them never again
I started smoking at 12, my dad gave up trying to get me to quit at 13. I’m 23 and I still smoke today. My dad worrying about things other than my smoking was a god sent. I’d of moved out on my own if I’d of been threaten to be thrown out of my own home. You need to figure out why her and her friends are smoking cigarettes and if it is just to be cool you need to educate her. After that, it’s on her. As long as the money isn’t coming from you. You’re not buying her cigarettes and shes not stealing your money there are bigger fish to fry with teenagers. There are also alternatives like getting her patches, punishments for getting caught smoking, talking to the other kids parents, etc. How can you be so quick to throw out a child you/her dad aee legally responsible for who is again only 14 over something so minor as smoking. Ban it from inside the house. Smoking is only the beginning to already happening behind your back rebellious behaviors. Especially when she doesnt sound to be beyond help. No I don’t support kids smoking. I’d probably beat my own kids ass atleast once if I ever caught her doing it but at the end of the day determination is key. If you approach the situation wrong, you’re only going to end up encouraging her to smoke or driving her to it. You dont really sound like you love her if you can throw her out over a cigarette. The only thing you can do is teach your child right from wrong and do the best that you can while you have them. Everyone has a choice and everyone has free will to but to give up before you even tried? My dad tried for over a year to get me to quit before he had bigger issues with me than a cigarette problem. This is a sign that shes already got issues. She let her friends peer pressure her into it. She clearly wasnt educated on it or taught a backbone. These are all things you should be trying to teach her in circumstances like these. Hell bribe her to quit. Make her work for cigarette money. But throwing her out over smoking? Yeah that’s going to go over real well.