My 14-Year-Old Daughter Started Smoking: Should I Kick Her Out?

Why would you kick your child out for smoking! Yes it is disrespectful however you are wrong. My mother tried that and got cops called on her and went to jail when I was younger! Maybe yall both need counseling

Ya you’re wrong because you can’t kick your 14 year old out sooo

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I’d sit down with her and a joint and have an honest conversation with her about where she could go if she isn’t smart. Show her the ropes so she isn’t a dumb young teenager on the streets fucking up her life with no parent guarding and guiding her. But, I don’t give a fuck what other people think so if you do, then I guess kicking her out is better. :woman_shrugging::metal::fire::revolving_hearts:

What she needs is guidance, patience and parenting. You can’t kick her out and expect any good to come of it.


From someone who was kicked out that young please do not do that to your child. Be the parent and parent! Dont just throw her away because she’s acting out! You will cause so much damage if you toss her out like garbage.


She’s 14. Be her mother. Cut her off from the bad influences. Make her stay home. Be there for her. Don’t kick out your 14 year old daughter… you’re wrong.


Yes you’re wrong. Istarted smoking when I was 14 and I turned out fine. You want her to be able to come to you and tell you things without being scared of the consequences

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Yeah u are wrong for kicking her out. What kind of person are you. She is going to smoke and there’s nothing you can really do except enforce no smoking in the house. Kicking her out of the house will only end up with her staying at a friend’s house or living on the streets. Is that what you want for her???

Take her to see a therapist, keep taking her back and trying different ones until she starts opening up. Don’t give up on her.

Advice from someone who was a troubled young teen themselves at one point. Put your foot down and take control of the situation before it’s to late. She’s 14. All i needed at that age and stage was a parent to step up spank my butt. It’s that simple.


Last thing u should be doing is kicking her out shes 14 are you kidding me and if you think your teaching her a lesson by kicking her out you’re not. She still needs you’re guidance and support no matter what choices she makes.


Ground her like a 14 year old. Cut the friends out.

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You’re so wrong for this. You decided to bring her into this world, woman up and be a mother.


How in the world can you call yourself a momma and even mention throwing your kid out at 14? Omg.


Keep calling the cops!!! Ground her

I know she’s wrong but damm she’s asking for advise no need to tear each other down we need to help each other out even if it’s good advise :woman_facepalming:t2:


Things are so different than when we were all teens but I definitely wouldn’t kick her out. Make her do things with you. Whether it be chores, or quality time like hair or nails or movie night. Definitely get her away from the friends using drugs. Figure out where this is stemming from. Something traumatic may have happened and she may be ashamed and making mom the blame or making you feel shitty sometimes makes the teens feel “normal”. Get to know her again. Theres definitely a reason she’s acting out. It could even be as simple as just wanting to fit in. But it’d be good to know she has your shoulder to lean on during the bad times in life. Even if it’s hurting you, you’re her mom. She’s a part of you so her hurt is your hurt too unfortunately. Good luck to you and i hope things work out for the best

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So kicking her out seems extreme… yes she should have consequences… grounding… no friends… no electronics… 14 is a hard age she’s trying to figure out who she is, she needs some tough love and support! I feel like kicking her out will only make her rebel harder and start to experiment with more dangerous things


You can’t kick out a 14 year old? Wtf! Be a parent. Jesus

Sweet jesus… you don’t kick a 14 year old out over this unless of course you want the state and police knocking on your door. PARENT your child. You have a ton of consequences YOU can impose that don’t include kicking her out ffs. Grounding, taking away devices, not giving money, etc.


How about being a mother to your little girl ! Jeez


Take full control of this situation as the parent you are or should be w God’s grace and correct her like a 14 should be!! Save her before you loose her!! Praying for this situation :pray:

Take her to a clinic where they receive chemo and to meet someone going through radiation. Take her to some narcissistic meeting, show her some cold hard facts!

She is dealing with something internally. The vices are just a sign that she lacks the coping skills for whatever ails her. Please call a child psychologist and make an appointment for her. Be sure to also book a therapy appointment for the both of you to work on communication skills.

My mother kicked me out at this age and I have never forgiven her. I still refuse to speak to her. The world is not safe for a young teenager and it is negligent as a parent to not provide care for a child under 18yrs of age. It is a punishable offence that could land you in jail. If you find drugs you can take it to the local authorities, but I don’t suggest it if you are a POC.


In Canada, if you boot them out you’re obligated legally to support them. If they leave on their own that’s on them. Either way she’s going to smoke. And you’re on the hook. Is the sacrifice of your relationship with your child worth it?

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I’m pretty sure you can get a child neglect charge too, so remember that.

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Ur Daughter is 14 and since u have failed to do your job as a mother shes become a follower, and u have the audacity to tell her to pack her bags. U need more help than she does. If ur just gonna give up on ur kids DON’T HAVE ANY


WOW! As someone who was put out or told to leave because I was hard to deal with, I beg you not to do that to her. Please. Looking into counseling, military school, something, anything. Please that shit cut so deep when I was a kid. I got so bad on drugs after that I should have died.

Well this escalated quickly…
She’s 14, and you are responsible for her for 4 more years. Ground her, take privileges away. Call her friends parents. But kicking her out? That seems excessive.


Contact scared straight

How do you kick a 14yr old out? She needs you to not judge her and talk to her. Should she be punished? Yes. But remember how you were at that age and what you wanted your parent to be like.


I wish I could comment like the others. But I feel differently. Growing my mom laid down the rules and they weren’t optional. I learned to respect them and obey them. As a mother now one thing I tell my kids everyday. “See what others are doing and mind your business” . I’ll be their biggest support but I won’t tolerate nonsense. Rules exist for a reason.
I’ve watched my aunt raised her kids the “American” way, right now they’re in jail. I’d be damn,

I’d just beat her ass
Take her phone. No friends. No boys. No bedroom door. No extra activities outside of school. Like put her ass on lockdown to where she can’t get ahold of anyone.

And, also my mom made me chain smoke a pack of cigs in two hours. So that way I would have the sorest throat. And feel like absolute shit. I learned my lesson real quick.

Kicking a 14 year old out for smoking? Jesus…parenting gone wrong!!! Ground her, dont enable her to get them…dont kick her out…shes 14


Damn, your treating her like she has choices, like she is grown anyway, no wonder she thinks she can do whatever she wants. Pack her bags? Maybe that’s the source of the problem…

At least she’s not hiding it so throwing her to street is going to make her worse

She just turned 14, is doing common teenage things, and your first thought is to kick her out. Good luck having a relationship with her in the future.


I have a feeling you have allowed this type of behavior for a while. Discipline starts when they are young. Teaching them respect also starts early… Kicking her out is not the answer. You are just pushing your responsibility off on someone else. You both need therapy.


I research and called around our city and found a program that they do for troubled youth. I took him to the juvenile detention center, he had a meeting with a probation officer who talked to him about his behavior, gave him a few assignment and checked in on him.I also set him up in drug classes(we paid for)did random drops on him and if he was dirty I took EVERYTHING (phone, tv, ps, door etc.) from him. He was not able to go to his dads that weekend(where he could/ would get away with anything) had him help serve the homeless. I changed his school, I let It be very well known to his friend that’s they’re not good for him. I went to their parents if need be, I cussed, I cried, I prayed, I really went out of my way to look for any resource I could find that I thought would help him. I did not give up on him and I like to believe that’s what made him realize he needs to do something different!!


It’s so foolish to start smoke today with all of the information available. Does she have any idea what it will do to her physically? Forget cancer that doesn’t seem to hinder new smokers, does she know what it will do to her skin, hair, nails, breath, and teeth? Show her someone who has smoked and what they look like in 20 years compared to someone who never smoked. Those people she calls friends are anything but. Been there done that. All my friends from that time in my life are dead, or in prison. Most were dead before 25 actually. My sister overdosed at the age of 24… 2 years ago. No more spending time with those people and no more freedom until she can act properly. There’s a CHINS program you should look into.

When kids act like this is when they need you MOST!!!
Shes obviously got in with a bad crowd and needs boundaries, love and care!!! If all you want to do is kick her out because she is disrespecting you, then you need to stop thinking about yourself! And start being a proper mother for goodness sake, give your head a wobble, she didn’t ask to be bought into this world, you bought her into this life qnd now you just wanna ring your hands if her because things aren’t going your way!
I hope for her sake that she has other caring people in your family!
this is when she needs you most, if you dont, it could mess her up for life! Sort your own shit out and put her first! :woman_facepalming:

DO NOT LET HER LEAVE!! Be the parent and give her rules to follow.


She wouldn’t be leaving my house for a loooooong time. No phone, no friends, no fun.


That’s very illegal to kick your minor child put of the house. Ground her, take away all privileges, send her to counseling. You can’t just jump to throwing her out at 14 for disobeying you.


Your Kicking her out of your home at 14 for SMOKING?!

Are you INSANE?!

By the way you are STILL legally responsible to take care of her as she is a 14 year old CHILD.
If you have any other kids, figure the state’s going to take them.

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What are you supposed to do when grounding, cutting out friends, electronics, etc… don’t work…

Seriously I was one of those kids when I was a teen, and “grounding” and all that would have just made me rebel more and I did rebel more. I would sneak out… skip school… all of it…

What is this Mom supposed to do when “traditional” punishments don’t work and she is trying not to alienate her kid and make the situation worse…

I know I would have liked my parents to sit and talk with me… be honest with me… no scare tactics not shouting… just ugly face crying honesty. That doesn’t mean I would have listened or taken it all to heart…

But I really hope there is some good advice out there for this mom, she is obviously trying to get some honest to goodness help from everyone and is at her whits end…

Parenting isn’t easy and for some it is more difficult… please keep that in mind. Your kids might be a little easier to deal with than others. No one is perfect. Let’s try and work together please… :broken_heart:


Don’t kick her out cuz that will just make her go down a worse path. Parent her, put you’re foot down. She needs a parent not a friend and that is your child not anyone else’s.


Yes you are 10000% wrong. A 14yr old???

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Put her in Boot Camp

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Take her to a cancer ward. Grounding won’t work.

14 who’s paying for them :rage:

Take her door! No privacy.


U would be a piece of garbage to just kick her out u need to teach her what smoking can do and how addicted she can get to it and that it will take all her money not kick her out??? My father kicked me out at 17 and I was lost I had no clue what I was doing I was homless and got into even worse shit then smoking cigarettes don’t disown your children over dumb shit if she wants to smoke make her get a job to support her habit or get her off the cigs by pep talking her daily and showing her the shit it can do to the body.

Shes a child, treat her accordingly, but most importantly stand your ground firm. My child most certainly wouldn’t have the slightest audacity to even dare pull that shit. PUT PARENTAL FEAR IN HER! ACT. A. FOOL. MOM!!! FLY OFF THE FUCKING HANDLE ON HER ASS AND THEM BRAT ASS KID’S

No don’t do that!
Tough love. Keep her there, keep her home, keep her safe! You are the parent, you take her away from the negative influences (friends) she may hate you now but thank you later. Kicking her out is giving up on her and she’s to young to know that she wants and needs you to make boundaries and give consequences. It’s time for YOU to parent up!!!


Ground her only school and home. No phone no friends.

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Sign her over to the state temporarily let her live in a foster home or state care it will straighten her out fast


Also take away everything from her except a mattress pillow blanket and next change of clothing give her no options

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She’s fucking 14 years old and your daughter! Put your foot down and do something about it! Counseling, grounding I don’t care, figure it out. Kick your 14 year old daughter out because your tired of her behavior??? You are the PARENT start acting like one and get your daughter the help she needs before you lose her to drugs, sex and the streets or worse. This is absolutely ridiculous too me.

No you are right. At 14 she doesn’t make her own decisions!!!

If you kick her out, you are just as bad. YOU are the parent. Ground her, take away all of her electronics & whatnot. When you catch them smoking or doing drugs, call & report it to the police. That’s what u can do instead of throwing her out. Be a parent & try to help, not make things worse


I’m sorry…pack her bags? Where tf is a 14 year old supposed to go? That reaction I’m guessing this is a direct result of your fantastic parenting skills. :unamused: you’re the mom. Ground her. Take everything away from her. Pay more attention to her. Put her ass in therapy. And narcotics anonymous. And you take her and walk her in and wait outside until she’s done. Putting her out in the streets is setting her up for becoming a junky, resulting in selling her body to get her fix or to survive. Be a fucking parent and handle your child before she completely ruins her life or worse, ends it. :unamused::unamused:

Telling your own flesh that is only 14, to get out? Naw…there’s more to this than a kid smoking and being the typical rebellion.
I’m more concerned with how you’re handling it. Social Services would be as well.


Put some locks on the doors and windows… no electronics and no friends. Constant adult supervision… and every time there’s disrespect there’s going to be chores… poopy attitudes get poopy jobs. There’s more than one way to make someone’s life difficult…

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As someone who was kicked out at such a young age; dont do it. You’ll fuck your kid up for life if you do that. :woman_shrugging: be a parent. Explain why what they’re doing isnt alright, explain that yeah those kids might be doing it but you love your child and dont want them doing that stuff because it causes more harm than good. Explain you love her and want her to be healthy and successful and that drugs and all that are just going to drag her down, and that as her mother, it might be “horrible” in her eyes to be grounded for a while until she smartens up, but it’s honestly so much better to be grounded than to be sent away and made to feel unloved and pretty close to worthless in their eyes, because in the eyes of a child, how could their parents claim to love them, and dismiss them out of the house as if they’re trash when they mess up?
From both the child’s perspective, and as a mother now, I couldnt ever see why my parents did what they did, and still dont. My child is my world; I need to show him that this shitty world is worth it, and remind him that he is worth so much more than any mess he makes or faults he has. He is a brilliant and talented young boy, and no mistake he makes will EVER change the fact that it is my duty to make sure he has a roof over his head and food on the table one way or the other. We do things for our kids that might destroy us in the process to make sure that they are okay and know they are loved endlessly, not just cast them away when were tired of dealing with whatever they’re going through. Help your child. It’s really not that hard. Kicking her out shouldn’t even be on your list of choices?? Like, maybe see why your kids doing what shes doing and get her help and support her instead of messing her up?

Is making her eat them too much?! Lol


They need a good whooping

She’s smoking weed? Kay. Get over yourself Karen :woman_facepalming:t2:


Unless you want her shaking up with older men, doing drugs, and having no future then by all means - kick her out.


Totally wrong she’s a child!! U can only advise her and try guide her, if u are bullying her she’s going to do worse!!! Explain ur hurt and how you hoped she would do in life in a nice calm manner, let her think about that and decide herself, bullying only pushes children away, I was that child :neutral_face:

The only way to freedoms is straight a’s for two marking periods and a total change of attitude along with it

Kicking her out at 14? That’s wrong mama. Ground her. If she can’t leave she can’t smoke. Maybe look into getting her some help? If you don’t show her that you love her now there’s no telling what she’ll end up getting into. Trust me… she isn’t the only 14 year old to smoke because of peer pressure. It’s all a part of it and a part of being a parent too. Do your job. Best wishes to you both.


I can understand the initial anger, but that is not the route to take. She needs guidance right now - and of course no teenager wants to admit that. You’re not finished raising her. We never finish being parents, but there is a time where we are no longer authority, and now is not the time

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The more you tell her no the more she’s going to want to do it just to show you she can

I was a troubled kid and here is what I wish I had: A parent to be supportive of me while still disapproving my actions. Corporal punishments like spanking aren’t going to work with a 14 year old and throwing her out of the house is not and should never be an option. I agree with the grounding. Cut absolutely everything; go after what she loves most whether it be her friends, her phone, he door; nail windows shut if you have to, and certainly get her to a therapist so she can try and work through her feelings - even if she doesn’t open up to you at least she could maybe have an unbiased party to talk things out. Try to educate her without intimidation. Drug/smoking/alcohol lessons at school use fear mongering (or at least they did while I was going) to make sure kids never tried it but somehow it always made those things look more appealing. Keep loving her even though times are hard - that’s just part of being her mama. She’s still figuring things out and trying to impress your friends at 14 is such a big part of every teenagers life. Being different from the crowd is scary, especially for kids, so she needs to have support at home even when it’s frustrating for you.


Sounds like me at 14.
Some kids just don’t listen and the traditional punishments don’t work. Whatever punishment you decide, stick by it.
I’d start with taking away her form of communication and make her stay home. The friend’s are probably doing the same things and she’s going along with it.

She is 14, it is illegal for her to live alone. Somewhere along the line something happened that made this child feel this is an appropriate way to act. You need to be a parent and change that, not get rid of her because its hard. Kicking her out will make it worse not better.


What you need to do is take away all her stuff, makeup, hair tools, fav clothes, cell phone, completely clear out her room except her bed. I can guarantee you that she will think twice about the stupid shit she is doing. YOU are the parent not HER! :slightly_smiling_face:

You can’t kick her out of home you are legally responsible for her. My son loves to smoke and his friends have a huge influence on him unfortunately. He was 18 years old when I told move out because of my stance on him smoking cigarettes and marijuana. He still smokes both and he is a adult he has a job. He does not live with us. He also stole money from us which was the last straw. He still smokes and last time I saw him he was still smoking cigarettes and marijuana. He was high as a kite. But also he is not taking meth. I would rather he smoke cigarettes and marijuana than take meth.


She’s 14, you can’t just kick her out. I was rebellious and constantly in trouble at that age. I was constantly grounded and having things taken away, it took awhile because I was stubborn but between that and counseling to get my everything under control it worked. It took a mass amount of time and patience on my moms part but it was worth it in the end and I thank god she didn’t just give up on me while I was acting out. There was so much more to it then just being rebellious, I was hurting and broken and needed guidance and structure.


Saddle up, it’s not an easy age but you don’t kick her out! Get her into therapy, ground her if she’s disrespectful - she’s only 14, she’s a baby she needs you


Take to s hospital where they treat ppl with cancer
Where it eats .you from the inside . And one of those treatment centers before it gets too late

14 is a hard age and they are such turds at that age. Basically you take away EVERYTHING from her until the disrespect gets better and let her earn it back. More than anything you love her thru it…

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No-no don’t let her out of your sight

My daughter did this , I tried everything she went thu windows ect . I even grab her back in when she was half way out window once and slapped her face , she called cops they came and told her she should be thankful her mom cared , she ran away 10 times, I called it in every time . The last time the cop said why did I keep calling?? Um because my child is out of my control and I cant find her , they finally listen and I had no choice but to put her in Foster care , she had a hard time then finally she landed with a family that helped her she went back to school and graduated. I never gave up , I went to every vista every counclers apt , every teacher parent conference with tbe foster mother . It took a team but we did it do not give in or give up . I have a great relationship with my daughter now and she is a great young lady .


I agree with Brandy your still the parent never give up on your daughter she young its not that bad

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Why is she allowed out alone at 14?

Legally you can’t kick a 14 year old out :woman_shrugging:t2:


To pack her bags? No , take privilege away, take her to counseling but no pack your bags at 14, you are still responsible for her actions. DTont give up

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I have a 20 year old son with whom I’ve always had a good relationship. Mutual respect. I found a coke can in his washroom with a butt and assumed it was my husband. Until i asked him and he said no, not me. I asked my son if it was him. He admitted yes. I told him “Listen, you’re a big boy. You know how i feel about smoking. I went thru all the reasons why he shouldn’t smoke but said if you’re going to do it, don’t do it in my house. I told him i was disappointed. A few days later, i teasingly asked him if he needed an ash tray for his back deck… He said I gave the cigarettes away mom. I couldnt deal with your disappointment.” A good relationship goes a long way. Kicking your daughter out at 14 for smoking is a bigger problem then her smoking itself if you ask me. Nothing in this world would make me turn my back on my children.


I definitely would not kick her out at 14. She needs guidance. Ground her lil ass but please do not kick her out.

Love. Love. Love. Understand her. Don’t fight her.

Kicking her out for a cigarette? Pushing her into a lifestyle she doesn’t need nor want? Call me crazy but sometimes kids need love. They need reassured, told they’re awesome, told all the good things about themselves, build their confidence. Kids are what they are told they are. You call her a disrespectful little brat, that’s exactly what kid you’ll get. Right now she needs loved the most and she is being pushed away by the very last person who should do so. She’s a child. Most teenagers will try cigarettes.


You don’t get to kick her out. Shes 14. What you DO get to do, is parent her.


When I was having trouble with my preteen I sent him to live with his father to straighten him out hes been there less than a year and he is showing major progress so maybe ask a family member to help u

Mom needs help too dealing with situation therapy both.

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Definitely don’t make it a big deal (of course it is) but teens don’t handle heavy emotions well. My biggest advice is to spend more time together. Sometimes they just need a friend. I know I definitely did. The more my mom tried to force me to see her way, the more I wanted to go wild.

Go on a drive, listen to her favorite songs. Show her your favorite songs when you were her age. Just talk. Nothing heavy.


How about you be a parent instead of kicking a 14 year old girl out. What would you do if you found out something horrible happened to her. Take her to get help at a hospital, counseling, home school her if possible. Take away phones, and ground her to the house explain to her the dangers of smoking and drugs ect. Don’t sugar coat it. Show her stories of real life people’s experiences on it. It is illegal to kick a 14 year old out.

Chuck them a full pack of ciggies and make them smoke the whole pack in front of you…


Is that legal to kick her out