My 15 year old is starting to act out with how strict my husband and I are: Advice?

This is disgusting!!! It’s one thing to have them do chores but to be completely not picky about how they get done is just not okay. Also, it really does sound like verbal abuse which is emotional abuse. I would be pissed at you too I’m really surprised all your kids don’t feel that way towards you guys. You guys are the parents you need to make sure the house is cleaned and in check NOT them. They’re responsibilities should be keeping their rooms cleaned and cleaning up after themselves. It doesn’t matter if you’re paying them they’re you’re CHILDREN NOT YOUR HOUSE KEEPERS. Smh I would definitely hate living in that house and probably would resent you for the rest of my life for being treated that way. And you “staying out of it” when he treats them poorly isn’t okay either. NO ONE should speak to your kids like that!!!


Sounds like your 15 yr old is sick of being a maid. when shes 18 shes going to leave and never come back


Your husband is ABUSING your kids. Verbal abuse is real and just as damaging as physical abuse. You are ALLOWING this abuse to happen.


Your parenting skills SUCK this is abuse


I have my kids do chores to…they each have a different chore every night…which I have them do and have them do correctly also but I don’t yell or get mad at them I just make them do it again the next day the stuff they missed (mostly dishes) but the only chores they have is dishes, clean counter, clean THEIR bathroom, and sweep the floor and the only other chore they have is to clean their room and do their laundry. I have them do those so they aren’t completely helpless when they are ready to move out on their own. Oh and they all share mowing the backyard once a week. I mow the front bc they are not good at mowing the lol…but calling them names and verbally yelling at them is abuse sorry not sorry


Eeek military camp sounds kinder ! . If it’s not up to your guys standard show them how you want it they are kids the fact your husband shouts at them about it is horrible they ain’t gona learn by being screamed there not good enough …. Lazy parenting ain’t healthy! .


These poor kids sound like your housekeeper, not your children. You work? Yeah, so? They have school. What’s your point? Let them clean their room, take out the trash but thats it. Let them be kids dammit. Your husband sounds like a drill Sgt not a father.

Sounds like a whole lot of child abuse to me


YOUR KIDS ARE NOT SLAVES! You are raising your children to also abuse their children! SHAME ON YOU! Kids are not perfect and while mine do not do things exactly to my standard, they do their best. I don’t think you’d like to wake up with one of your children holding a gun or knife to you but keep on and see what happens.


Someone give these kids a damn sock? They deserve to be free house elves!
They also deserve better parents than what you all are.

I bet your 15 year old did some math and figured out that the 80 bucks she gets to do all the housework for her parents plus the bonus of getting yelled at and called names isn’t worth it. I’m sure she loves her job where her manager isn’t allowed to yell at her or call her names, and the pay is a LOT better.

Edited to add: your 15 year old daughter is probably fixing to run away. It’s what one of my friends did when we were that age, only now, the police will take accusations of verbal and emotional abuse a lot more seriously. Thank God.


All I’m hearing is my husband this my husband that are you afraid to step up an say something? I’d be so thankful that my child at that age is still doing stuff around the house. Most kids wouldn’t they’d be out with their friends.

You both should be thankful! I’d stop over criticising before you have a legitimate reason to whinge!


It’s called if it’s not the way you like it, then do it yourself, I’m all about responsibility and everything, but you don’t yell at your kids if something isn’t done the way you expect it to be, you want it done a certain way, then show them, teach them, don’t sit there and yell and scream at them and call them names, that’s verbal abuse lesson 101 right there, and that can land you in jail faster than you can cough


So she has school and a job sounds like a full plate for a 15 year old. You treat your kids like maids. And then you sit there and let your husband verbally and mentally abuse your children. Terrible parenting. Point blank.


My parents were like this. I moved out on my own when I was 16. We hardly ever talk.


I grew up with no love yeah your teaching them responsiy but what about fucking love heartless home and people! Don’t care what anyone says way more to live than being a slave

I just watched a documentary last night about a teen that murdered her parents over stuff like this…


Constantly yelling and calling names IS ABUSE. Period, and if you’re allowing it… not much better than him. It’s one thing to have standards, but this sounds like he is being ridiculous. You need to step up, and defend your kid’s before they start thinking you do not support their emotional well-being. Sounds like 15yr old daughter is already there. My 16 yr old works too, but I’d never expect perfection after school and working a shift. I’d just be thankful he did anything. O and 80$ a month doesn’t cover the fees they’ll be paying for counseling if you don’t get your husband in check.


Do your children go to school? That is their job and it’s full time. Your husband is a bully and u are a wimp.


Good luck having a relationship with your children in the future.

He CALLS THEM NAMES when he’s angry that things aren’t done to his standard. WTF?!?

You and your husband no longer do any housework because you make your children do it because you work? Your daughter is working now, but she still has to do the housework AND deal with her fathers abuse.

Yeah, it’s good for kids to do chores and learn how the house works. Yelling and screaming at them and calling them names and inflicting severe punishment on them when it isn’t perfect is not ok.

WTF… I hope you and your husband come to your senses before your children get old enough to leave the house. You will wake up one day and wonder why your children don’t speak to you anymore. If you get to that day, just come back to this post.


Do you two enjoy being tyrants? Stop treating your children like servants!


Sounds like you & your husband are burnt out and putting everything off on your children. You make a snide remark about your daughter coming to you about how she feels… Your daughter is overwhelmed from work/ chores and everything else that comes with being a kid but that $80 you throw at her is supposed to keep her quiet. I’m sure you’re baffled at how to respond to your 15 yr old because all you do is work and your not expected to do shit else when you get home, pretty hepricritical if you ask me. Your kids should be your 1st priority not your husband. Stop trying to please him and do whats best for your kids. Too many kids don’t feel heard and hurt themselves or worse take their lives. Please take everyone’s advice and do something about this while you can. Your kids deserve better from you

Some nazi parenting right there … kids arent your maids .


Your kids shouldn’t be the reason you don’t have to do any of the house up keep. Your children are kids and though they need to learn rules and responsibility, there’s a line between feeling like a kid and feeling like your job is to keep a home for your parents.
The chores are to teach that we work as a family (EVERYONE) to keep the house picked up…not to teach that the kids are the help. I’m a single parent and work full-time. If my kids don’t do their chores, they don’t get paid- Plain and simple. In real life, you don’t do the work, you don’t get to keep your job.
They each have about 4-5 chores to do (from cleaning a bathroom weekly, to cleaning their rooms, and walking dogs). If the bathroom isn’t cleaned to my liking I will tell them what needs to be done to correct it. If it’s not corrected, they lose part of their chore money. I don’t go and clean the bathroom (unless someone is coming over and I want it to look better!).
They are learning to do a task properly, period. Your children are learning a task with the fear that they won’t do it exactly right, so why even care because the expectation is too high.
Your child’s feelings are valid and most importantly you need to let her know that! If you say otherwise, you are setting yourself up to fail.

As far as your husband doing the punishments and yelling…your kids are learning to fear him and likely walk on eggshells around him. They feel relaxed until he comes home. They gauge his mood and based on that mood they will either relax or stay in egg-shell mode. Over time, this becomes a trauma reaction. I highly suggest looking into it.


You both need to rethink the treatment of your children. Majority of parents these days work fulltime, and dont expect their children to be slaves to them. Firstly you give the poor kid $80 a month to maintain your unrealistic standards add to this the verbal abuse of your husband and you wonder why the kids arent all rainbows, smiles and unicorns, Wake up let your kids be kids if you want a maid HIRE ONE


Yh this is child abuse, plain and simple. They are not there to do your bidding. A few chores, yes. What you have them doing is unacceptable. I’m not surprised your 15 year old has said this. Don’t be surprised if your children end up with self esteem issues and end up hating you and your husband. Quite frankly I don’t think anyone would blame them.


Expecting perfection is harsh. You as parents should be their safe place to make mistakes and falling short sometimes is pretty normal I mean they’re humans not robots. I’d say when they grow up you won’t be their first port of call.
and you’ll find they’ll become secretive

good luck lol


Go ahead and take away your kids childhood. I totally get chores and responsibilities but screaming at them and making them do it over if it’s not to your standards. So they can’t have their own standards? Big freaking deal if they leave a small piece of cheese on the counter top wiping things up shit happens!! Sounds like y’all have that idea of a picture perfect home and lifestyle to the point it’s breaking your kids down. Bet your kids are gonna suffer with anxiety issues cause it sounds like you and the husband do as well.

I like how you say that your children “fall short often”, yet you fail to see how you’re falling short of being a loving, caring parent. You fall short in your daily life too. You’re doing it to the extreme as a parent.


Kids have a right to be kids. Sounds to me like you expect them to be adults. They will have a lifetime of being adults, maybe let them be kids. I agree with teaching responsibility by all means, but not to your extent. Sounds like your putting yours and your husband’s responsibility on your kids.


Wow so basically your kids are you and your husbands slaves. You’re disgusting to be this way to your children and it’s not there jobs to clean your house each day even though you work. This has nothing to do with responsibility it’s has to do with you being lazy and expecting your kids to do the things you should be doing along with your husband. I could see the kids keeping there bedrooms clean and maybe doing the dishes and stuff but I’m sorry you and your husband shouldn’t expect it to always be perfect because I guarantee you both wouldn’t always do it perfect but I guess you wouldn’t know if that since you make your kids be your slaves and then let your husband verbally abuse them and think it’s ok. I hope your kids leave and never bother with you again since you find all this ok and then you can look back at the childhood you gave them and see you messed up and you didn’t care because all you seem yo care about is living in a perfectly spotless home all done by your kids. THIS IS ABUSE AND YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES.


Your husband sounds like a total @$$hole and you are enabling him being abusive, which makes you just as guilty. I have a 12 year old and he has chores to do, but we aren’t strict on him. We don’t need to be. We also encourage openness and freedom of expression in our home.

If my partner were to ever call my child a name. He would be out on his @$$, because I would tell him to go kick rocks somewhere.

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I read half of this, although I get its good to teach children to be tidy and the reasons but when you are solely relying on them to clean your house because you and your husband work “full time”.
Have you ever wondered they just may want your time? Thats such a structured life I’d be rebellious too.

My advice: Live a little, and let them too, they are kids not slaves.

Love them more 20 years from now your house will be empty and spotless and you would have missed the time to bond with your kids. Quit your job fucksakes lol


These children will have no self worth, or self esteem. Shame on you and your husband. They will grow up to hate both of you. And they will never feel good enough in their adult life’s. A home should be a home not an army boot camp.


So you had children to be live in housekeepers that your husband gets to be verbally nasty to. I bet the 15 year old is counting the days till they are 18 and can leave on their own free will.


I commend your parenting only in the sense that she feels she has enough of a voice to express herself and your openness to seek out other opinions.

However I do think you should see professional advice not the horrible name calling and condescension here.

80 a month to be your little slave? and they get verbally and emotionally abused? you let him call them names and the like? yall are messed up no doubt. you’re cresting self hating perfectionists. I can’t believe yall make them do all the house work. wtf.


Kids should have chores. Life is a learning process. Years ago girls were taught by their mother how to cook and women chores. Boys were taught by there father manly things and it stood in good stead into their adult years.girls today don’t know how to cook most couldn’t boil water.boys are let do as they hate to think what the next generation will b like.


Great job, they may be ready for real world and not fairy and unicorn time


What ever when i was a kid i did dishes laundry scrub walls floors cooked went to school and worked cutting grass unloading laundry trucks cleaning other people’s house cooking changing my younger brother and sister diapers sewing clothes and other items i would get paid for work outside my home the stuff i did ay home was because i love a clean :house_with_garden: but the father should take a different approach don’t pay them but don’t belittle your child they need
direction not someone screaming in there face he needs anger management classes mom you need to step up make a change break the cycle


My heart breaks to hear this.
One word. Abuse. Sugarcoat it however makes you feel better about it.
“Nice phones, family trips, we provide a good home for them.” That does not cover up how they’ve had to train themselves to be “okay” with this and just do it to spare themselves as much degrading as possible that they have to go through daily from their own mother and father.
I pray so hard they endure an ounce of genuine and sincere love at least once a day… with no manipulation.


Ew, you both are toxic Af. You both need therapy and need to let your kids be kids.


I would run away from that home so fast if I was a teenager


Well sounds like a very terrible atmosphere for your children! And what is the moms problem for not speaking up? Is she scared of him, I imagine so! It’s I believe the kids probably live in fear of their dad. Which is sad. And the bottom line I believe in chores within reason. But come on, not to be maids!!! And to do it at an age appropriate level. I mean for gods sake they have school, homework etc. and it is ridiculous! And to scream and cuss at the children IS child abuse!!!


Calling your children names and belittling them is abuse! If they do fall short sometimes so what they are KIDS. She’s old enough now to know the difference is all, I wouldn’t call it acting out. If he were my husband I’d set him straight or he can kick dirt.


Nah the chores and schedules are fine, I also teach my kids the same, but you need to treat them like adults too and also u need to speak to your husband hes a clown and the way he speaks to hiz kids is probs a reflection of how he feels about himself


If she is working…then charge her “rent” for not doing chores.

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You allow him to abuse them when you allow him to call them names and belittle them. Your children ‘fall short often’??? I firmly believe kids should have chores but your kids sound more like slaves to lazy ass demanding parents. She WORKS and it’s still expected that she does chores and I’m assuming school as well.
Solely relying on your kids to take care of the house and meals and be perfect about it makes you both shitty parents.

You both are awful parents and I promise your children will have nothing to do with you as soon as they move out of that house. You reap what you sow. You’re abusing your children. You are using them as slaves. I hope the older ones get the younger ones out. You’re not standing up for your children you’re allowing your husband to abuse your children so you were just as bad. You are their mother you need to protect your children. You’re asking on a public forum so maybe you know that it’s wrong in some form so do something about it.

Have you ever been taking your kids to camp, or to the park or to go swimming. And if you do do you ever act that way in public does your husband go and does he act that way in public because I can guarantee you he doesn’t. Because you both know it’s wrong.


So did yall birth them so you could be lazy and only work? Let them be kids I understand them having chores and responsibilities but yall are doing too much im glad im not your child I would start showing out too!!!


this sounds exactly like my childhood, it’s been over ten years since I’ve spoken to my mother. I moved out at 16 and never looked back.


This isnt about cleanliness. This is about control and abusive behavior. Calling them names when they dont do their chores effectively or well and remaking them do it is abusive and controlling. I bet your husband is nitpicky af to what he considers “dirty”. Theyre children. Is it okay for him or you to scream at adults obscenities or names? Yall both need help and i pray for strength for your children.


Well he does verbal abuse them

All of your kids will grow up to resent you both.

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I wish my children were like your children. I have 8 children, my youngest is a baby but my third child is the only helpful and considerant one. I try to install a good working routine but it never works out the way I want it. Because children will go and mess up what I have just tidied up. Its the respect and appreciation of having a beautiful nice clean home where I am a perfectionist. I was a beaten child into child slavery. I just wish my children could just make life much easier by cleaning and tidying up after themselves. But I am passive speaker and choose not pass done a family curse that has been two generations before me :heart::heart:

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Glad tha 15 yr. old wised the up!!!:pensive:


agree with discipline,routine,chores for pocket money. teaching responsibility.
but it sounds like the mother is scared of the father herself. to not interfere even when she knows it is a step too far. children are children not slaves for the parents. holidays,pets and a nice phone…in exchange for parents who are always working,and then verbally abusive. sounds like a childhood from hell.


You are their mother and father. Supposed to be the people that they feel will still love them no matter how they may mess up in life. These children sound more like servants to you and your husband than your children. Shame on both of and u can totally understand why your 15 year old is acting out


This is ridiculous. My kids are 12 and 13 and they have daily chores, but they don’t go beyond bathing the dogs, doing dishes, vacuuming, just some help with general upkeep as I also work full time. I fully believe in teaching responsibility and doing things for yourself, but name calling and belittling if there’s a speck of dust left on an end table is way over the top. For what you’re paying the kids to do all this cleaning and upkeep you could easily hire a housekeeper or cleaning service and maybe end some of the discord in your family. The fact that he acts this way amd you’re completely passive to it is only going to push your kids away from you, and in a few years when your house is empty and they don’t call or come around, especially if grandkids are in play, you’ll look back and wish you’d done things differently.


Also your kids didn’t ask to be brought into this world. It’s your job also to make sure their living environment is clean. You might work but they go to school. You should ALL be doing your part, more so you two as parents.


So, can I get this lady’s name and address? I just want to make a phone call to the children’s services there.


Family counseling ASAP. Y’all need to open your eyes to how you’re harming your children and your relationship with them.


You need your kids taken away


The children don’t need Verbal abuse from their father, that will stay with them forever.Your children need love shown to them not abuse, I don’t understand how you let this happen. My thoughts x


“And provide a good home for them,” everything but emotional support.


Words are abusive too, and can emotionally last longer than bulbs and brusies. I do think it is good for children to do chores, they shouldn’t have to do them y’all. I guess from what I’m reading they clean and vacuum your bedroom and bathroom since you do next to no chores plus, you said you work full time right? Well, they go to school full-time remember, and they need to study and do homework. Also, if your 15 year old is working than she should have less chores and get less allowance.


Jewels Littlefield clearly the 15 year old is asking her mom for help. “You let dad verbally abuse us.” That baby definitely won’t be speaking to either of her parents once she graduates :grimacing:


All im saying is id hate to have your husband as a father and as their mother you need to be there to stop your husband from going out of control as you say he often does. Don’t be surprised your daughter feels abused. The kids are being verbally abused. Name calling, all that shit. Why the fuck did you think you sounded in the right on that? Lmao you stay out of it and let him do that and talk to them that way. Wow theyre kids not objects to call names or servants. Verbal abuse is abuse

Idk lady pick and choose your battles. Life’s too short. Maybe since they don’t always meet his standards he should chip in and show them how he wants it done …maybe try to make it a fun positive family thing. They do not deserve to be talked to like that though. Somethings gotta change. Just bc they have nice things doesn’t mean they deserve to be talked down to or your hubbys bad day? They are his kids not his verbal punching bag. It’s gonna get lonely once they all turn of age their anger towards their dad will certainly drive a wedge and hell you may end up all alone. I respect you want to raise hardworking children and show em a little of the real world but there’s gotta be a different approach.


Oh my gosh I am so glad I’m not your child I feel so sorry for them they are going to grow up to hate u both and the constant put downs of things not being perfect they are all gonna have self esteem issues! Wow!


Your daughter’s right. Your fighting.will not get better only worse. You let your husband call your kids names? Wtf is wrong with you and him? Poor kids. Good luck.


There’s chores and then there’s them taking care of the house, they aren’t housekeepers they are kids!


Sounds like military school. Nothing wrong with teaching responsibility but this is a little bit over the top. Name calling is not a part of discipline. You’re chipping away at their self esteem.

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At $80 per kid per month that’s $320 per month. Hire a maid service & let your kids be kids! All for allowances & chores, but expecting perfection & browbeating them if it’s not? Shame on you both. “The drawers lined up perfectly”??? Are you kidding us? Do you run a military school?
Your kids will run as soon as they can & you & your Hitler wanna be deserve it. He puts them down & you don’t step in?


If the 15 year old was to seek any help from someone at school (support person) human services (cps) would get involved and these parents would be educated on acceptable discipline but for this father to scream at them and call them names is emotional and verbal abuse and this mother just lets him do it :flushed:
They will lose any connections with their children when they move out of home if not before.


Jesus christ! I’d be outta there for sure! If they don’t “meet your expectations” perhaps do it yourself. The name calling that’s verbal/emotional abuse, so your daughters not wrong there!

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I didn’t even finish reading the post.
You both need to wake up! Did you have children just to have your own personal slaves? That is fucken slavery, not discipline!! Glad yall ain’t my parents.

Lol congrats. Your kid is gonna be so wild after they get out. This is just BEGGING for future drug problems


Your husband sounds like a dick and don’t be pissed off when as they get older they don’t talk to y’all. You need to get a check on your husband bc what he and you are doing is a little extreme. He shouldn’t be calling them out of their names. It’s okay to be strict but what he is doing is abuse not “abuse”. If your reading this that’s bluntness for you. You need a damn reality check before you loose your kids and or relationship with them.

Verbal abuse is abuse.


All I’m hearing is we push all the house work off on our kids and then tell them its not good enough everytime! Smfh seriously yall choose to have kids. I’m all for kids having a chore or two like keep their room cleaned and do dishes or vacuum or even their own laundry all depends on age but I think its a little extreme to require them to be responsible for the entire house upkeep thats is beyond ridiculous :roll_eyes: your children are not your maids smfh both you grow up and help clean the damn house to highly doubt you and your husband makes no messes. Also we have full time jobs oh really bet your kids have full time school with the exemption of summer break ect smfh. Dial it back some and let them be kids too not just your slaves. Kids need to learn responsibility yes but they need a balance so they can still be kids as well not your slaves.

Your teaching your kids that adults don’t have to help around the house because they work and provide. Your daughter has been conditioned to this thinking because that is what you have taught her that if you work you don’t need to do chores. Put your 15 year old self in your daughters position and ask how you would feel is it fair. You should be reigning your husband in too he sounds over the top


Stupid. Bad bad lazy parenting

This is abuse & my best advise for you is to sign your kids up for counselling for all the damage you’re doing to them.

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Chores are good for children. Teaches them responsibility.

Doesn’t meet the standards I dunno maybe you both should help I will never understand how someone thinks this is normal your children are not your slaves.


I don’t think the advice went the way the mom thought it was going to.


This is not abuse you people are confused.

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I have no words. Yes, children should be taught responsibilities etc. However, for the parents to not have to do any upkeep in the house for years… What? These kids I would assume go to school? So they get no time to just be themselves with the expectation of constant perfection within the family home or they are abused and belittled. Do these children have time to do things they enjoy or what most children do? This has to be some sort of slavery. You are taking away who your children are as individuals. You surely must realise that abusing and belittling your children because the chores aren’t up to an adult standard is wrong? They are children. Give them responsibilities, but let them be kids. Your husband sounds controlling. And you, should be standing up for your children as a mother. Guide them. Show them. Don’t belittle them. Your excuses of a good home and family trips is unacceptable. I hope your children break free from the cycle you have embedded in them and are one day capable of becoming who they are without judgement if they make mistakes.


Yeah cause it is abuse :joy: y’all have slaves and housemaids, not children. You’re doing what makes your lives easier and better, not theirs. :fu:t3:


If you want an effing housekeeper, hire one!! There are better ways to teach your children responsibility, turning them into slaves just isolates them and In turn will make them resent you. It seems its already started with your daughter.


Are you for real? Did you have children to become your slaves? BOTH of you are abusing your children, it may not be physically but my God, it’s emotional and mental torture! If at least one of them doesn’t have mental health issues I will be very surprised. Also, the fact that you think your husband is too hard on them yet you stay out the way… Isn’t that the same as when a mother knows her children are being sexually/physically abused?? Stay out the way? As in out of sight out of mind?? I’m not one for parent shaming in the slightest but that’s poor parenting I’m afraid. The fact that you’re trying to justify your actions just doesn’t bode well with me. You are meant to be their advocate, don’t just shy away from it because it may upset your husband. IF (and I’m not insinuating they are) things are difficult at home and you are in a controlling/abusive relationship, there is help out there. Please try & reach out for it. Remember THEY ARE YOUR CHILDREN, NOT SOMEONE ON YOUR PAYROLL!

Who even writes all this garbage? Surely they must have someone creating this because I genuinely hope it’s not real :woman_facepalming:t4:


Your abusing your children for your own self gain of a clean home

Idle parents


Name calling is definetly a form of abuse, i agree children should have chores, wash dishes, the other puts them away, maybe clean their bathroom ( kids take turns) keep their rooms up, but to have them clean your home and you not touch it isnt teaching them responibility thats just a im your parent so do it bc i said so and i dont feel i need to. Chores and total upkeep in your home is way different in my opionion my kids have chores but not clean my whole home. Your 15 year old has a job and goes to school full time im also betting helps take care of her sibilings at times as well and she has to maintain the house. Thats alot when does she get to be a kid?


Your children are not there to absolve you of your duties as a parent/adult. The ‘parenting’ your husband is displaying is that he has had children to clean up after him, and by ‘staying out of it’ you are further proving this to be true. By not doing anything yourselves you are not setting any good examples…this cycle will continue with their children one day. :disappointed:


Hope this Bitch is ready for the crap she’s about to get and deserves

Balance is key. Even God’s word has practical advice.


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As a mom of a big family 5 kids. Yea routine!!!

I really hope this is a joke, gone horribly wrong, so some could get 15 minutes of fame……this sounds like a dreadful household. You want a “perfect house” so it yourself or hire someone. Chores are one thing, child slave labor is another :roll_eyes: Legit admitting you and you’re husband are lazy and leave the running of your home to your children……that’s disgusting.


Sounds like to me you and your husband is working and expect the kids to do everything. To me you are setting the example if you work, you don’t have to do much chores.

So if your 15 year old is working now, then why can’t she follow the example you and your husband set? Why should her chore amount not lessen?

I’m all about kids doing chores and helping out. I’m just saying that you should practice what you preach.

I work full time as well and I clean with my kids. We knock it out together. In the summer they are expected to do more since there is no school and homework.