Please tell me this is a joke. I cant stand parents who turn their kids into slaves. Your as guilty as he is. Gross:face_vomiting:
You are both mentally abusing your children
Well if she feels that way, I’d imagine that that would be the case. Especially since you said he is “verbally but not to bad”. Chores are fine to go onto children but not when they’re done and you / husband tear them down for not meeting your standards. Its appealing reading your post. Let children be children and show them support. Providing for them is your job. TRIPS are great and all but not when being held over their heads. Give your fucking heads a shake and do your God damn jobs and parent.
Coming from someone who was raised similarly (but didn’t get paid for it), you are damaging your children. I’m not saying they shouldn’t do chores but I am saying you need to check your husband. Verbal abuse is still abuse. And your children shouldn’t be doing all of the chores (I did see that you do laundry but still). They should be helping yes and have a chore or two of their own yes. But holy crap, you didn’t have children so they could be your maids. You can instill discipline and responsibility without being lazy yourself and pushing all of the household tasks on your kids. Kids still need to be kids. My dad was just like your husband and I still cringe and feel a drop in my stomach when he calls or when I see him and I’m 29. We worked and did chores my entire childhood. We barely got to play or enjoy being kids. It was like a dang boot camp in our home. They fall short because they’re kids. You shouldn’t expect perfection from anyone. Your kids are human, just like the rest of us.
You have issues and are self indulgent
This is absolutely disgusting. Your children are not your slaves. Your husband is abusive and you’re allowing it.
You and your husband sound like narcissistic douchebags. Maybe your daughter should call CPS on her abusive parents.
Well Ma’am From Ur Own Words U & Ur Husband Are Abusing them Kids. The Father for Sure & Ur Accomplice. Smh! I Understand Rules, Respect teachin them Value of Life & Livin all that but this Overboard…
Obviously you have to stop spoiling them:roll_eyes:
U need to stand up for ur children…I would act out too if I was one of them…
It’s good for children to help with chores around the house but they shouldn’t have to do everything. And I agree with your 15 year old. They’re your kids not your slaves. If you want everything done perfectly hire a housekeeper.
You are both mentally and verbally abusive to your kids acting like this! They are only kids once and seriously twenty dollars a week to clean all of that?? 80 a month you’re both terrible. Your kids deserve better. How dare you allow him to verbally abuse those kids you are as just in the wrong.
She is allowing it to happen but it also seems like a quiet cry for help…. She keeps saying “he” and then says she kind of agrees or gets out the way…… hmmmm
I would’ve ran away…
Whew…please! Go get some counseling. So when did a full time job absolve an adult from duties at home. And if an adult is exempt from house hold chores and children are not what example are you setting for them other then as they get closer to adult hood that they become less obligated to participate in household duties. I hope like someone previously stated" I hope this is a joke"
Your husband is emotionally and mentally abusing the children and you are standing by, letting it happen!! I am horrified!! Your poor children!!
You cannot expect your children to clean to your unrealistic standards — that’s insane!! You and your husband are free to have your cleaning standards of course but it’s up to you both to meet them!
I absolutely believe that children should have “chores” because in my opinion anyone and everyone who lives in the home should help keep it neat and tidy. Parents are not and should not act like their children’s servants. But — BUT! —your children are not your servants or hired employees! Do everyone a favour and stop paying them so much and instead use the money to hire a house keeper! Children shouldn’t be doing the bulk of the cleaning anyway — they should be responsible for their own rooms, and then things like setting the table, dishes, picking up/cleaning up after themselves and maybe some light vacuuming or dusting or being responsible for 1 of the bathrooms or something along those lines.
They are children!! I cant believe what I’ve read
Yeah name calling is mental abuse point and blank. The way he acts is horrible simply because it wasn’t met to his standards. This is wrong 100%
Abuse pure and simple
They will grow up with childhood trauma and have to figure out how to heal themselves as adults. Believe me I know because I’ve been going to Therapy 3x a week for 2 years going on 3. I have realized that my parents have unhealed trauma but it doesn’t give them any right to project it onto their children. I have gone two years not speaking to anyone on my dads side including my dad and it has been the best thing during my healing process. You will regret one day if they choose to no longer speak to you or your husband. My sperm donor doesn’t care that my little sister and I don’t speak to him. He said “we either get along, or we move on with our lives and be merry because I’m too old for this shit.” He doesn’t know how to love adult children. I believe no one should have children if they haven’t healed their trauma so it isn’t projected onto their children. Good luck!!
She is right, her father is abusing them. Shiny things do not give parents the right to abuse their children. It’s OK to point out short comings in a kind way and I agree kids need to learn housekeeping skills, but not like that.
I was raised like this and I do not speak to my father anymore. Verbal abuse is still abuse. Do chores with your kids. Have designated chore time and make it a family event where everyone does their chore. I am a house mom with 4 teens (15-19) right now and this is what we do. They still understand the importance of discipline and hardwork without being overwhelmed by perfection and parents that don’t help out.
I’d literally hate to live in your house. Your husband sounds absolutely awful and it’s disgusting as a mother that you let him verbally abuse and demean them on the regular. You both need serious help if you have any hope of maintaining functional relationships with your children when they become adults.
this can’t be real right?
Sounds to me like you and your husband should have set chores also. Lead by example. Send you husband to anger management classes, and/or have a sit down family therapy session. I think you are afraid of your husband. Is he mentally abusive to you also? “Gets carried away”, “calls the kids names”…those are abusive terms whether you want to face it or not. And I bet he does the same to you.
If your husband should pass away early…like mine did…you will be in a world of hurt. Those kids will run all over you, and you will not know what to do. Do some parenting yourself! What are you anyway? An innocent bystander in your home?
I applaud you for sticking to principles amd routines. However you are taking things to extreme… Your children are not your maids or your slaves and its not up to them to have a perfect house. ITS ON YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND. Sounds like your kids need more of your actual time and love, not criticism. When was the last time you told your kids that you love them and that you are proud of them? (Without a BUT at the end of it) Seriously employ a housekeeper, it sounds like you can afford it and spend some time having fun with your children. As for your husband if you think he is over the top, Stick up for your kids… Yes as parents we all lose the plot from time to time, but daily or weekly is just not acceptable. Im a firm mumma, and yes whoopee we work full time too, my kids also have had casual jobs during school, we take nice trips and they go to private schools, but stop running a Prison Camp at home or your kids will grow up and run for the hills, and not really want anything to do with you.
You’re children are not your maids. . Yes it’s good to teach them responsibilities but they are only children once and you are taking that from them. They are cleaning after you. When you should be taking care of them. Yeah they have nice things. But that doesn’t matter when you treat them poorly. It’s not all about materialistic things. And by the way YOU describe it. You already know he goes over board. Put your foot down and stick up for your kids or they will never forgive you and when they all turn 18 they will leave you once they get freedom. And not be there as much as you like. Chill out.
Man I’d hate to be your kid.
Way too uptight- expectations WAYY to high. Relax. They’re not your slaves, They’re your children.
You are both mentally abusing your children. What a shame. You and hubby should get some help ASAP
Ummm…that IS abuse. Verbal, mental, and emotional! Stand up for your damn kids, lady! Sad that your 15 year old has more cahonés than you do!
I was in a relationship like this once. Behind closed doors he was physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexuqlly abusive. What’s written here is what I first started saying when I was putting out feelers to get help. It took ten more years before I was able to leave. This sounds more like a cry for help.
You might provide a “house” but that isn’t a home. Your children aren’t your servants. Maybe you should take care of the upkeep more, like a parent should, and let kids be kids. Yes children should have some chores, but when it’s to point your lazy ass doesn’t do anything…that’s straight b.s.
All you’re going to teach them is how to pull away from you, lie and sneak. I honestly don’t blame your daughter. She is acting out because you’ve created a prison and act more like a correctional officer than a loving, damn parent.
You sound absolutely absurd! U have children not slaves!!! I agree the kids need to have chores and responsibilities but at what point do u step in when your husband goes nuts over something small?!?! U are their mother and your husband sounds like a drill Sargent I wouldnt be surprised if someone calls CPS on your asses. The verbal abuse your husband is spewing is going to come back an bite u in the ass. Why dont both u an your hubs get off your asses an help them clean! Sounds like you an ur hubby are lazy asf and want the kids to serve u! Ridiculous parenting is what I see😡
I feel very sorry for your children. You are both disgusting with your attitudes and idealogy of chores and parenting. Nothing wrong with chores, but they are being treated like slaves. Let your kids have a childhood as it sounds like they won’t have happy memories of it in 20 yrs time.
Omg your poor kids, your treating them like your personal slaves, I bet they can’t wait to leave home, nice home life, nice fones holidays, all material things bought with money… wers the happiness these kids quite clearly ain’t getting
Honestly parenting classes will help you out alot and help you see what is acceptable and what is not praying for y’all
My parents were strict and if we didn’t do our chores properly we had to redo them. Guess what? If we didn’t do them properly it’s because we were “half assing” it and we were called out and called lazy and privileges taken away. (But never beaten ever ) I’m not traumatized lol I understand the value of hard work and getting things done. Your children live there and should contribute without expecting to be paid (ridiculous) If your husband is being excessive call him out. Your the woman of the house put your own foot down and take charge. Your middle child sounds like they are lacking attention somewhere, have a conversation with them about things they like to do and spend some one on one, make sure dad is there are. Your family is not dysfunctional and sounds pretty darn awesome to me. Keep up the awesome work on raising those kids you got this !
Abuse through and through!! Your kids will resent you and their father!
You know why your kid is working at 15? Because she is saving up to get the f*ck out of your home the moment she turns 18. Enjoy her now because you won’t hear from her 3 years from now. She is getting abused and you are letting it happen. This is not ok, and this hurts my heart. I feel for these poor kids, and I wish this wasn’t Anonymous so I could call CPS
Uhhhhhhh I was raised to help around the house and do things when asked… but I literally wasn’t a maid or verbally abused when something wasn’t perfect. You do realize kids are still trying to figure things out and find themselves. No one is perfect and I would hate to walk on eggshells around my parents. I respected my parents and did what they asked of me but this seems extreme. I mean you can keep it up and I’m sure once your kids are grown and gone they won’t speak to you anymore.
Omg! Your children aren’t your maids. This whole post is disgusting. Yes you are abusing your children and your 15 years old is right. I feel bad for them and your husband is a disgusting human being and you too for allowing him to do this to them and help him to abuse them and treat them like slaves . I hope those poor guys find a way of you guys
This sounds like a child labor slave camp
Yea If I was your kids I’d probably never talk to you guys once I became an adult! I’m all for chores and responsibilities but they’re not you servants! That’s completely insane how you’re raising them and not protecting/standing up for them when the name calling starts! I’d definitely make some changes before you lose any type of relationship with your kids!
Your home it’s not a home… it’s sounds to me more like a boot camp
Shyt I was abused them too lol my motto is do it right the first time
Your husband sounds like my father, and you sound like you’re afraid of him as well by allowing him to treat your children that way and you stand by him and treat them like trash/slaves as well. Children should have chores yes, but they also deserve to have down time as well. Just like you and your husband get on your days off from working…correct? Shiney things, pets and trips don’t mean jack if you’re abusing your children, paying them $80/month rather than giving them a daily allowance in return for their services of cleaning that house you and your husband made. Start doing better. You and your husband.
Just another to add to above comments, they are children and they are learning they will make mistakes!!! Chores are great and I agree they live in the house and viewing it as a community and putting something towards that community is a valuable life lesson, however first and foremost they are your children, little people to be loved and nurtured not BELITTLED for being children and finding their place in this world.
I hope you don’t expect your children to visit you when they’re adults.
Coral Dow these sorta parents shouldn’t be fucking parents. Kids are kids not slaves. This is straight up abuse.
80 quid a month? Wooopty fucking do! She’s working so YOU better ALSO give her a working wage if you want her to clean YOUR house you lazy piece of garbage
Imposing slave labor & labor exploitation on your children… wtf
Omg stuff having the both of u as parents… u both sound like u have OCD… I believe in kids doing their chores but to be getting fully abused from not having it done to your and your husbands standard is ridiculous. You know that can be classed as child abuse/ emotional DV… your children will resent u and their father…
Hmmm what a great parenting duo you are you are supposed to create a nurturing environment, a safe haven for your child and along the way teach them life skills with boundaries etc but you acting as tho you are running a business and your employees are mistreated pretty bad. Don’t be shocked that you kids might not want anything to do with you once they are adults and have their own families! Your husband needs help and you are an abusers witness and doesn’t do anything. Hope your children are not damaged for ever.
Sounds like your husband is to lazy to do things himself… kids are not free labour they should be responsible for there own chores but not for the entire household. Just because you and your husband work full time that doesn’t mean you get time off from doing the housework your still a parent no matter what and belittling your children because it’s not up to certain “standards” is ridiculous! Be thankful they help out and try praising them for all they do. What are you guys going to do when they move out and you don’t have anyone to clean up while your at work. Your children need you to stand up for them and they shouldn’t be bullied by your husband or they will resent the both of you.
I didn’t have kids to make them my slaves, there’s a difference between teaching them how to do things and making them clean every day so you don’t have to do anything. My mom was like that to me after her divorce so she could keep her new husband happy. I hated her, we still have an estranged relationship. Like I said there’s a major difference! Kids are only young once let them enjoy life. There will be plenty of time in their adulthood that they will have to work and do for themselves. That’s what’s wrong with this world today. Kids aren’t allowed to be Kids!
Someone needs to turn them into CPS for abuse. I am healthy care. So it is my job to turn them in. So any information on who this people are let me know
Been done like this and have friends that had it worse. And our relationships with our parents are non-existent or stained. I personally felt like a maid and nothing more. Having your kids do chores an to enforce they do help contribute is perfectly normal. But you all aren’t strick, you’re
just using your kids to do all the house responsibilites. Or at least thats how this post sounds. And if they don’t do something to your husbands standards, its not the childs fault it is his. The child is not him and never will be. If its not done good enough do it yourself. You all sound lazy. Working does not equal higher power, your job is still within the house hold too.
One thing I try to remember is, what is more important people or things? Things are just things. The house, cars, phones,money, ect… are just things… you’re children should be the most precious and loved people in your life. There is nothing wrong with discipline or them having responsibilities but to the extent of being verbally abused for not doing them up to standard is going to cause your children to be emotionally scarred for a long time to come. They deserve your love and protection.
I thought i was a Nazi mum! Are they your children or you soldiers? This is ridiculous, these children need some love and attention not a god dam life lesson on keeping a clean house for life. Give your children to someone who will show them love openly and give them time with each one. Poor kids.
Are you running a child slavery house? Or something. How is that a nice home for your children? I would have ran away so fast if that was my house hold growing up. You are supposed to love and care for your children, your not supposed to slave them.
Where and when are they allowed to be kids ? Your 15 year old is right . It is abuse !!!
You both sound delightful ! Regardless to if your both work full time , you’ve had children and should be able to juggle work and chores ! Yes children have to learn to be independent and help out but Jesus their kids not robots ! Your Husband clearly has issues that are deep rooted and your kids will rebel !
They’re kids, not servants!!! Chores are great for teaching responsibility and such, but this is way too far!!
Sounds to me by the way way she keeps pointing at the husband that she may have him read these comments to point out to him that he is in the wrong. Kids aren’t perfect. If he has an unrealistic standard of clean than he should be the one cleaning and they just pick up after themselves.
Grow up momma, there kids they rebel remember when you were there age, it’s not easy rearing kids were all learning, but holy God they are kids give them a break,time enough for the big things when they are grown, fair enough they have to share the chores, but the are not ur unpaid house keeper
Yeah she sounds about right u have let him verbally abuse them prolly their whole life gross
Verbal and mental abuse IS abuse. Expecting the house to be perfectly spotless everyday is ridiculous and only serves to create anxiety. Verbally abusing your kids because things aren’t utterly perfect is not acceptable either.
Child labour, yes children should clean up after themselves but they are NOT your slaves.
Even if it’s not physical it’s still abuse. Not all abuse is physical. Verbal abuse can be just as bad as physical abuse.
Calling them names and yelling at them for not meeting his high expectations is abuse and your 15 year old has every right to feel the way she feels. It’s one thing to expect chores, it’s another thing to demand the entire house be up to your standards all day every day. They have stresses, too. School, friends, their fathers abuse and their mother’s negligence…
Edit to add:
Your working, and you don’t do much. Why should she??
Sounds like you made them your slaves. Not cool
Is it a home or a show home how can they relax and be themselves
Have you both got OCD
Helping yes but they are still kids. They aren’t perfect. I wouldn’t want to live with you guys. My kids help but they don’t do it all. I still have to come behind them. They get the basic done for me though. I’m thankful for what they do help me with. $80 for that type of work. They are being under paid. I had kids not house keepers.
So aside from occasionally cooking, doing some laundry and working, what the eff do you do around the house? Your children aren’t your salves. To bully and belittle them is atrocious behaviour and you are not showing them their value.
Yes they can help with chores, but when do they get to be kids??
Grow a set, tell husband to pipe down and pull his thumb outta his ar$e and help out and let your kids be bloody kids. Far out.
Every child should clean there own bedroom maybe mine never did cause I never made them but your kids seem to be slaves in my eyes its abuse they should be loved and cared for they shouldn’t be in that house never mind a dog
Wow I feel so bad for those kids
What I think is hilarious is that you guys work full time and never have to deal with up keep. But your daughter started working and still expect her to do her chores. This is ridiculous. Reading this I was very disappointed. Those poor children have to walk on egg shells around you and your husband. I understand teaching them what chores are but telling them it’s not up to your standards. Then you guys make it meet your standards on your own. They are children set your sights lower. Poor kids!
You are treating them like slaves. your daughter is right.
It’s not your children’s responsibility to keep the house clean and cook meals! You cook ‘some’ meals?! You’re the MOTHER! That responsibility falls on you and the father regardless HOW MUCH you work!!!
Kids should be responsible for cleaning up after THEMSELVES! Their rooms, put up their laundry, pick up after themselves etc.
And they are KIDS!!! They aren’t going to clean perfectly.
You want a perfectly cleaned house?!
I certainly hope you guys read all of these comments and go to therapy for your OCPD and learn how to parent better because this is not okay at all. I’ve always thought re-doing things is incredibly stupid. It does NOT teach “discipline” it teaches submission and teaches them to hate you. it also teaches them that nothing they do is ever good enough.
I agree with a lot of people on here, but just from reading this I also believe that you’re gonna take what we say and throw it out the door. Children are not meant to be the ones constantly cleaning the house. And yelling at them, calling them names if they don’t get it perfect is abuse. I hope your children turn out nothing like you and your husband. Cooking “some meals” seriously? Why did you even have kids? You need to get your priorities straight and get some counseling. I hope you take our advise to heart before you ruin the best thing that could have happened to you. Stick up for your kids against your husband. Letting him call them names makes you just as guilty.
You said “completely perfect “. I agree with the children
So basically your children were born to be your slaves? Well have fun in a nursing home when you guys get too old to take care of yourselves. Also your husband sounds like an ass. Constantly putting your kids down for not doing things the way he wants is fucked up and is mental abuse. If he wants it a certain way then he can do it or you can.
Standards huh do you allways meet high standards in every part of your life? Job, home life, marriage? Sex life? If you say yes your lying to yourself in an effort to excuse your behavior. Rule number 1 mistakes are just that nothing more. So they didnt meet your high standards, can you do that day in and out, under the same stress. What if your boss come to both of you wanting a perfect standard, could you perform to that level everyday for years. Think about it.
If it’s not up to your standard then do it yourself. It’s not their job to keep up with housework, it’s yours. It’s your home. You’re the parent. Sure, they should help out but it’s not their responsibility. Also, to say that you work full time and don’t clean but expect your child to work and clean? Shame. They’re kids not housekeepers. Hire someone else to do it if you want to be that picky.
So your kids are the maids in your house so you and your husband don’t have to do anything in YOUR house!!!
So you are telling us you think it’s OK for your husband to call your kids names because he is “frustrated”? Sorry but I would not like that either and your daughter is right! VERBAL ABUSE IS STILL ABUSE! I’m all for kids having chores, don’t get me wrong, but come on. Y’all are ridiculous!
You should be protecting your kids from him instead of letting him call them names etc… they will all hate both of you when they are out of the house.
Hi. From your kid in the future at 26 Verbal abuse is just as bad if not worse in my opinion than physical abuse.
I will not speak to my father and he will not see my children. I won’t let his influence on them until it’s their own choice. The battles I have to try and break the cycles that my parents had is horrifying at times. He also lost my mother and the rest of his kids last year.
Protect your babies and stand your ground because they don’t have a voice. Because honestly, If you have to ask if its wrong you already know…
Dude what the fuck?! Your husband is 100% verbally, emotionally and mentally abusive and SO ARE YOU FOR ALLOWING IT!!! The BOTH OF YOU need parenting classes and therapy and I’m sure your kids need therapy from growing up with you. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t speak to the both of you when they move out. Afterthought THEYRE NOT SERVANTS OR MAIDS. STOP BEING LAZY.
Starting to act out im surprised they haven’t moved out. Oh but if they did you would have to do it all yourself. Sounds like you breed cleaners not children. Them poor kids must hate living there
Have fun having a bunch of children whom hate you now and in the future, you both sound like douches who can’t “upkeep” their own home.
You decided to have children so let them be kids not your slaves
Hate to break it to you but you’re both being a bit harsh on your kids and your husband belittling them by resorting to shouting and name calling is a sign of emotional/mental abuse. This is how mental health issues can start. Your kids are acting out because of the way they’re being treated. Sit down and speak to them like normal human beings instead of raising your voices.
Also, the fact you both expect them to do so many chores that you as parents haven’t had to do much for years is ridiculous! It’s your job as the parents to make sure your house is spotless and meals are cooked.
When I lived at my parents I was expected to keep my own bedroom tidy and I’d sometimes help with tea or do the dishes afterwards. Now I have my own place I’m a clean freak
More to the point, if you’re such clean freaks then why have kids knowing damn well that kids make mess? It’s a well known fact that kids are messy and teenagers can be defiant.
Although you both work full time, you also need to consider that some of your children are in school full time and will have homework to do when they get home. I assume your 15 year old is in their last year of high school meaning they need to be studying for their exams. Your kids have more important things to be worrying about than the upkeep of your home, which is your responsibility as the parents.
Jesus wept, some people are absolute idiots! There’s people out there who really want kids but really struggle to conceive and here’s you treating your kids like shit. Give your heads a wobble and act like adults!
I finally understand why everyone is anonymous. All the people who want to post already know they’re flat out wrong and aren’t brave enough to show face.
Let kids be kids they make a mess they have fun they are your responsibility… they do not have to run after u both and be spoken too with such discipline when things don’t go your husbands way.
If you stand back and let your husband verbally discipline them with name calling… who protects those kids when someone other than their father is name calling them??? They won’t come to you as you can’t stand up for them at home…
It doesn’t matter about the material things phones and holidays , its the emotional roller-coaster those kids are feeling and thats what they are going to remember???
You are the parent you cook clean wipe the benches and have your husband yell at you and see how you feel on a regular basis.
Thats not parenting thats slave labour and those babies aren’t your slaves???
Man up protect your kids and treat them like kids???
They are kids. I am strict with my kids as well but I allow them to mess up and correct them in a nice way. Not yell call them names. Would you like it if your boss called you names because your work fell short? NO!!! Teaching children and using children are 2 different things. Allow them to be kids because once adulthood starts it never stops!!! Keep them children n get yours n hubby’s lazy butts up and help!!
Stop treating your children like slaves, you are the parents YOU are supposed to keep up and make a comfortable happy life for your kids. This sounds like abuse, they shouldn’t have to clean every day and damn well shouldn’t be punished if it is not up to par with your rude ass husbands expectations
All these soft people in the comments taking this way too far. Yes there’s some issues here but my God I didn’t realize the extent of softness society has reached. This is why kids these days have no work ethic cause they grow up in homes where mommy and daddy do everything for them.
You are raising hard workers no doubt. Dad can ease up a on the intensity and shouldn’t discipline imperfection and definitely not call names. Everyone makes mistakes.
I understand what having a hard ass father is like. He needs to relax on ridiculously high standards and give way more praise and acknowledgment. You’re 15 yo and other kids would feel more appreciated.
The structure is good for them but doing every single thing around the house is too much.I also believe kids should have time to be kids. Hour or hour and a half of chores after school tops. Then hmwk. Then do whatever tf you want. I also feel they should not have the chores on weekends. You’ll allow them to understand and experience a balanced life. You get all the good out of everything.
If the mom who shared this sees this please I encourage you and your husband to read “How to win friends and influence people” by dale carnegie. This book I recommend anyone to read but it’s even better for parents. It’s teaches fundamentals for successful dealings with people and especially for people in leadership positions. It changed my life.
Wow you are doing everything right as a parents they will thank you when they are older. Ps name calling is not necessarily you should sit down with him and talk to him about it.
$80?!?! Your kids are spoiled next to mine. We certainly do not call our children names or abuse them in any way but they live for free in a home we pay for and we provide for all of their needs. Being a part of a family means everyone pulls their weight to take care of each other. My husband and I work and pay for and provide them everything and more. On top of that, my husband does all of the yard work and I do all of the laundry and clean the bathrooms and the floors. The rest is on them. Which is in no way too much for kids. Dishes, trash, bedrooms, living room and we all take care of the pets. And if something isn’t done right the first time, they’ll have to do it over. They will eventually learn to do it right the first time. Family takes work and it’s not a job we get paid to do. We’re raising people who have to know how to survive in the real world some day when mommy won’t be there to come behind them.