My 15 year old is starting to act out with how strict my husband and I are: Advice?

I feel for the kiddos. No man is going to talk to my children like that, father or not! I’d have been gone and rather do it on my own.

Your kids are going to fucking hate you for all of this 100% get off your ass and clean your own fuckin house theyre working leave them the fuck alone you need a cps vist… Some people dont deserve kids period

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She will go against all of it if she isn’t feeling heard or appreciated and all ya wanna do is have em work. Doesn’t matter with all the trips and bullshit if ya let your husband talk and call them names like that

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Ya’ll are shit for parents making your children sorry servants do all of y’alls dirty work shame on Ya’ll


It sounds like you had kids because you guys are too lazy to do YOUR responsibilities.

Verbal abuse is still abuse!! I’m sorry but your teaching your daughters that being spoken to like this by a male is ok and your sons will be taught this is how to speak to a woman if housework isn’t done ! Sorry no man/dad would ever belittle my children and name call them cos the dishes aren’t ‘done correctly. They are not slaves, that are children!

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I couldn’t even read all that before getting pissed off. So basically your kids do all the housework and you and the hubs have very little to do with the upkeep because you work. Oh and you sometimes cook. How nice of you. They’re kids!!! Let them be children!!! It’s one thing to have chores and entirely another thing to use your kids as your maids. Then get mad at em when it’s not perfect. Do you realize you’re setting these kids up to be so screwed up in the head when they’re adults! You are a failure as a parent!!!’


Op Wow, you straight up just told everyone you were garbage without hesitation. Good job being a shitty parent & allowing your husband to abuse them! Thank God this is anonymous

Yea that’s really weird that they do all the chores and you have the audacity to complain about how they do it. Obviously if they’re doing a terrible job that’s one thing, but its been that way their entire lives so I’m sure at those ages they are doing a great job with their cleaning. Yelling and getting worked up like your husband is doing is definitely abuse, especially for something as small as that. Its not fun at all to live with a parent (or anyone) that acts like a 5 year old. Past that age most people learn to not take out their shit on other people :woman_shrugging:t2: i wonder what you two will do when they’re out of the house but thats a whole other topic. Probably hire someone you think you have the right to yell at haha. (This is a good point too actually- would you yell at someone you hired if they aren’t up to par? If yes well you’re confirmed to be trash and if not then why the hell treat your own blood like that?)

Fuck! Good luck to you when the kids jump ship!!

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Your kids aren’t fucking maids. My dad used to work 16 hours a day as a mechanic and STILL cleaned his house everyday. And fed 6 kids. Y’all sound like some control freaks and him calling your children names IS emotionally abusing them. This makes me sick.

Children are and will be children. Do not set your children up for failure. There is a way to approach them. I’d advise sitting down with your husband in private and explain to him the affects this will have long term. ANY name calling and belittling children is abuse! Period! No exceptions! Thier home should be thier safe place not a place of constant fear. Structure is good. Chores are good but to the point of extreme expectation is not. Listen to your children and hear thier thoughts and opinions. They are only young once and thier childhood is very much the Fondation of thier adulthood and how they function within all relationships throughout thier lives , work, friends and romantic. Also some family counseling would be beneficial…


Let kids be kids. Wow. Sounds way to harsh.


You have children not slaves . Get it together woman.


Both parents sound toxic af.

Doing chores and learning responsibilities is one thing. But this just sounds like you had kids to be your personal maids&butlers and then demean them when it’s not to your standards.

Your husband sounds like a bully n a Brute n u let him talk to the kids like shit… You don’t have kids to be your servants 80$ a month 20$ a week you pay ur kids 2.80$ a day to get treated like shit n u dont have to do anything around the house cause u work well y’all shouldn’t have had kids with that thinking

You and your husband both need to be treated the same way you’re treating your kids and then see if it’s the right thing for you to be doing… you both need your asses kicked


She is right you are letting him mentally abuse them.


This isn’t parenting this is abuse.


This was my childhood and I’m the middle child of 3… I’m 45 now so let me give you a look into your future… My parents finally divorced after 30 years of marriage and trust me when I say, my mother DEFINITELY regrets waiting so long. I was in and out of psych hospitals and even my siblings have had significant struggles as a result. I’ve not been married, but my siblings have both experienced divorce - we were never taught how to communicate or express emotion because we were controlled and abused. Even my dad has major regret and wishes he would’ve done things a lot differently… I’m in a good place now but I promise you I almost didn’t make it here and I was about 15 when I started voicing my opinion too… Just a heads up! You need to stand up for your kids

i’ve never been so disturbed by a post.


Why is this on a nail page in the first place ?


There’s a difference between the children doing their chores and abuse. Youre letting your husband verbally and mentally abuse those children because the house isn’t clean to his standards or yours. You both are narcissists. If you want it perfect then get off your LAZY butts and do it yourself. You people are disgusting and the fact that you writing this post thinking it’s okay is probably even worse.

$80 a month ? Take that$80 a month and try and hire someone to do her part of the chores. Your children are not maids it’s good for them to have a chore or two but sounds like you and your husband aren’t even doing any chores so why is it fair they have to do all the chores while you barely cook home made meals? You guys are abusing and exploiting your children your children didn’t ask to be brought into this world there’s no reason why you guys should be throwing the nice house, trips, and things you guys have for them in their faces you suck as a parent. Please don’t procreate anymore


Wait what? You mean these kids are cleaning, cooking, going to school, and some have jobs? Yet all you do is work, laundry and some cooking? Your child expresses they feel abused by their dad and you come to Facebook for advice instead of being their mother, growing some balls and standing up for them? All you and him are doing is making these kids feel like no matter how hard they try they will never be good enough. Be better for your kids sake.

I work 50 hours a week and my son is ONLY expected to clean up the messes HE makes. I’ll be damned if that boy will clean up after me. Seek therapy

This just screams narcissist smh.


When I was a kid, my dad when I was doing some thing such as cleaning the guinea pig cage wrong would yell BUT he would also yell as he showed me what I was doing wrong. It’s important to note that my dad had a hearing aide as he is deaf. Did I hate it? Yes. Did I often get told I’ll never be able to for instance get my license to drive? Yes. But he would never call me names or do anything like that. After a while I started cleaning the way he wanted and I did get my license to drive just to prove I could do it. I understand you pay your kids as well as provide them with basic life skills however they are kids. They are not in the military and they definitely don’t deserve to be called names or verbally abused.
At one point my dad almost physically hit me and my mother jumped in and screamed at him for 3 hours straight. She told him all teenagers get a little sassy but it’s no excuse to verbally berate or physically hit anyone.
Sometimes you need to step in or at least take your husband aside and explain that he is mentally draining and damaging the kids more than he thinks because honestly he is too much.

I grew up In a house with a dad like that and rebelled big time

Children need responsibility but they are not slaves and should enjoy being kids. They need to understand and take pride in their work but they are in no way beeding to bow down to you. Kids need to be kids. They are not something to have so you can stop doing something. A parent should do the cleaning and cooking. Kids helping is a plus but you’re not a good parent if they’re doing it all. You’re a boss.

Why not let the kids be kids and hire a cleaner…you get one childhood…


Calling names is definitely a form of abuse, you may need to be less strict, my heart aches for them, they don’t ask to be in this world WE ask for them to be in this world nothing wrong with having chores and expectations however if you guys ONLY give them crap about “not meeting your standards” and yelling at them and never praising them they WILL get depressed which will only make them slack even more because they won’t feel good enough for you guys definitely need to release the reigns a little. I will be praying for those poor kids :sweat::sweat:


Be prepared to never see them again once they turn 18. You are horrible abusive people. Not parents. Better pop out another couple of slaves now to grow up and replace your older ones when they ditch you


Protect your children from your husband’s verbal abuse! No one is perfect in doing a chore or a job. Stand up for your children and they will remember that! Because if you don’t, they will also begin to hate you along with your husband.

Aw those poor children! I completely understand how your children feel and honestly it should be equal for you all, your children go to school or work, you and your partner work, so why not clean up after yourselves, let your children have a childhood and be kids! Your children make a mess, they clean up, you make a mess then you clean up, it shouldn’t all be down to your children. Your grown adults, you’ll have to do it yourselves once they move and I can guarantee that’ll be soon. This is abuse and although you may do nice things, they’ll always remember the abuse. Give them a break. :disappointed: this was so sad to read!


Dont go crying to the media when one of your kids shoot up a mall…or their school. #parentingfailure more like it. Abuse seeps from every word in this post…

So you’re mad that one of your kids is finally speaking up about the abuse and being treated as paid help? Chores are one thing…good enough doing it all so you and husband don’t have to do anything…that’s a whole different thing! And then there’s the whole…we buy them nice things so what we’re doing to them is ok…wtf?


Calling them names is abusing them. Its called verbal abuse. Expecting children to clean YOUR house and clean up after yourself with out helping them is insane. I will do chores along side my children, how are they going to learn your expectations if you arent teaching them. You claim you and your husband works full time. I imagine your 15 year old goes to school and now also works part time, why are the expected to do chores but yiu aren’t

They’re not kids. They’re slaves. If I was your child I would have left as soon as possible. If you want that much control hire someone


Teach them to take care of themselves. Clean up after themselves, cook for themselves, wash themseleves… and if each of them do this the house will stay clean. Teach them to communicate in a healthy way by listening to their wants and needs and everything will fall into place. Peace is happiness and healthy.

Your children are your children, they’re not house guest, they’re not maids. What the fuck makes y’all think this is okay?!? I am so glad my children know they have a home not feel like a guest in their home. If my parents did anything like this I hated them. I actually moved out at 15 because my “dad” thought he could make me do EVERYTHING while he went out and partied. If you didn’t want kids you should’ve hired a maid :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You are abusing them you awful people, I hope your kids pick up enough courage to escape you and soon and never look back. How can you as a mother do this to your children… you don’t want kids you need a house keeper! That is NOT your children’s jobs to do. I realy hope they can escape this and some one comes and helps them get out of this asap!


When I was a child, I was left home to watch my younger brother while my parents worked and went to school. Everything was left for me to. I cleaned the house, made dinner, washed and hung clothes from laundry, I had to bathe my younger brother and make sure he was fed and put to bed by myself. I started doing house chores at the age of eight years old. When I did all of this I was 12! I had my own homework and schooling to juggle which was ver hard and exhausting. I had strict parents and had to make sure things were done every day and done up to standards. I had a lot of stress as anxiety when I was growing up, I now as an adult have a hard time keeping up with my own household chores and feel sometimes overwhelmed by dishes in my sink or laundry not done! Sometimes parents put to much on their children and it hurts them in the long run!

You seem to continuously need to justify your husbands actions without questioning them
To begin with. Somewhere along that whole text you can see how it’s been taken a bit far. I understand having chores, but it isn’t someone’s life. Yes you get older and they become part of starting your own home, but let kids find themselves enjoy the little things, family time etc… the 15 year old is working going to school and still expected to go beyond the norms and get yelled at for it… take a step back and think
About if it were you


Yikes… I’m surprised your 20 year old is still even around lol


You chose to have children! Are they children or your slaves?! I am sorry kids deserve to be kids!



You seem to be making a lot of excuses for your husband. That is also a sign of abuse. Your children should come first and they should be treated as your children, not criticized and called names daily by a grown man.


Wow even I feel sorry for your kids and I moan when mine don’t help out Enough,but that’s what mum’s do! Say ffs can’t you wash that up or at least put a wash on🙄 then tut and do it ourselves…but you 2 sound horrible!! As for your husband he sounds like a bully! Bet your kids can’t wait to leave home.

Verbal abuse is abuse and often times the most damaging. What you and your husband say to your children, especially when you are angry, becomes their inner voice forever!. You are all the more guilty for “Staying out of it” when he’s angry and starts calling them names. I hope that while your kid’s are busy being your maid servants that you are busy saving for their therapy with your full time jobs because they are going to need it when they finally get out of your house.


That’s not how to raise children you are both allowing abuse chores yes I agree but just because you work it’s still both your responsibility to do chores not take your stuff out on your kids boo hoo so what kids aren’t slaves either they have to grow up yes but not called names or harmed at your hands I raised 5 kids by myself I worked 3 jobs never spanked or you priveledges away either I talked to my kids with love we did everything as a family you harm it teaches them to harm so you both seem to have ocd you backing your spouse up by his actions is letting him bully your kids and makes you an absent parent. I did the housework I went to work i raised the kids but never was harsh like you both are being love in teaching creates educated kids there is no excuse for what you’ve done and paying to be a family member isn’t correct either. Forcing a job is wrong a child only gets a few years to be a child before it over being responsible when they choose they are wanting it with some encouragement is fine buy not force they will get there soon enough after graduation they need time to grow up before adult good wake up your not being Christian in they harshness your dumping your adulthood on them making them them parents and not in a good way

Sounds like they are in military school. Or they are yalls slaves. Just because you both work full time doesn’t mean the kids should do everything. Also you STAY out of it when he’s being to harsh. That isn’t good. You need to step in and tell him to chill the fu** out when he’s in the wrong. When he’s like that and you don’t step in you are just as much at fault as he is. Yes chores are great to teach your kids but it doesn’t seem like CHORES in this case. Yall wanting slaves.

You’re going to end up with kids who don’t have anything to do with either one of you one because he did it in two because you allowed it


This is abuse. Not parenting. This is insane.


This screams emotional abuse with a dash of neglect or not enough love and acceptance.


Sounds like you had kids to be your slaves. Get off your own butt and do your house work. Let kids be kids

You basically have slaves then not children? Regardless if you work full time your the parents. And as for your husband he needs a swift smack to the mouth for verbally abusing his children!

Also let me add. You guys don’t so shit because you work but then expect her to work and still maintain the home. Gtfo

So let’s say your kids that are still minors but are old enough to work, work part time 16-20 hours a week. They also go to school approximately 6 hours a day 9ish months a year and let’s add an hour per day for homework making that 7 hours. So between school and their part-time job they are doing the equivalent if a 50-55 hour work week and they do all the chores and cooking. You’re using your kids as indentured servants and you should be ashamed of yourselves. My child had multiple age appropriate chores and gets an age appropriate allowance and is expected to follow the rules and loses his allowance and/or privileges when he disobeys but I am his mother I chose to bring him into this world and he’s not here to serve my needs, I’m here to raise and care for him.

as soon as they turn 18, they are going to be gone, maybe for good! Who will do the chores then?


The hell did I just read?! You stand by as your husband calls the kids names and belittles them? What the actual fuck.
First off, you’re a shit person for allowing that.
Second, kids are kids they’re gonna work but will find the easiest way to get it done and to the standard :woman_shrugging:t2:
Third, sounds like your husband is being nitpicking and maybe has some OCD, sounds like he needs to chill the fuck out.
Fourth, it’s good to teach kids responsibilities but not like this- you’re gonna teach them that if things aren’t done a certain way they aren’t worth it. Kids don’t deserve to be called name and made to feel like shit, that will mess with them mentally. You and your husband should be ashamed of yourselves. I understand why the 15 yr old feels like this, her dad yells and calls her names while I’m assuming you do NOTHING. That is abuse from both of you. You don’t deserve any advice.

Sounds to me like she is coming into her own and expressing herself and you guys don’t know how to handle it. It definitely seems like abuse. Just because he’s not hitting them doesn’t mean they aren’t being mentally/emotionally/verbally abused. Would you want her future partner to treat her like that? Would you want your potential grandbabies treated like that? Having nice things doesn’t mean well loved, just means bought.

What I get out of this…

First off, verbal and physical abuse pretty much have the same affect on people’s mentality eventually.

What example are you setting for your children, especially for your daughter?
When you let dad pretty much do the discipline and yelling and you are not involved? I see the daughter’s self esteem being dug into the ground, and her not learning to be a strong, independent woman. Or any of the children.
This is a toxic home.
Going to school is also a full time “job” in itself. And the homework on top of it.
It sounds like a drill Sargent, kids are still learning, and things are not going to be perfect every time. Children are growing up in a totally different world then we did.
Listen to your daughter while she is still talking to you. Wether you like or don’t like what she has to say. There are places for help. She is crying for help or maybe your attention.
Money, phones, trips aside… kids needs parent’s guidance, support, and love!

Lmao are folks really this upset about kids having chores? That being said you and your husband are being ridiculous. You want something done perfectly then do it yourself. Im all for structure and discipline but hes just a bully point blank period


Everything I thought while reading this has been said. Bet this didn’t go as she expected. Shame on you and your husband.


Is this a genuine post?
Sounds like child abuse to me. If it is genuine, I do hope someone from social services sees it!!!

I work and still come home and cook dinner and make lunches and keep up because that’s my job as a parent. My son makes his bed and does his dishes and plays outside well I do the rest unless asked. Because that’s my job as a parent

There is nothing wrong with children doing chores.

What’s wrong is treating them like slaves.

You explain you and you husband don’t have to do much.
We your both adults, and parents.
Put yourself in your children’s shoes.
Your middle child Is holding down school and now starting a new job. She’s getting treated like a slave at home and i gaurentee you she feels no love and no worth. Providing a good home and material things is not love! It is entiltied masking.
So your daughter is going through teen hormones and changes and having to hold down , school, work and all her home work and home duties.

She’s the real legend here at 15 :purple_heart:

I don’t mean to sound so blunt but your kids don’t need the newest ipad and iphone. They need you and your unconditional love.

If you lost everything money owned what would you have ??

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If the father is unhappy with the results then he should turn around and help no matter if you work full time this is the parents home and no amount of nice things will replace the damage of verbal abuse why don’t the parents pay each other the 80 and do the same chores after their full day of work it’s equivalent to the child going to school and working and results will be to their standards and no need for verbal abuse


Either you have no back bone or your afraid of what he will do if you pipe up! No way this post is real…the way you worded it is as if you really see no problem!!! Your husband needs to be knocked off his pedestal and brought down a few notches!

Holy shit, lady…you and your husband have some serious fucking problems. Those poor kids have to suffer because you both chose not to heal yourselves from your trauma. Go to therapy. Heal yourself. And mend what ever you have left of your relationships with your kids. You’re raising children that will resent you. Parents seem to forget that their kids will grown into adults with their own beliefs, ideas, thoughts, etc. And they can eliminate you and your dick head husband from their lives if they feel that your toxicity is poisoning them. And from your dumb ass fucking post, your toxicity is definitely showing. Allow your children to BE CHILDREN. Childhood is VERY short lived. Don’t make them grow up faster than they need to. Teach them responsibility. But don’t treat them as fucking slaves. Fuck man, shit like this pisses me right off. I am struggling with infertility now and want nothing more than to be a mother. And here are parents like you abusing your fucking kids who don’t deserve it.

Get fucked.

The husband is 100% abusing the entire family. Chores are one thing, but expecting perfection every time is unreasonable. Mom is possibly being physically abused but not stating. If she steps in to intervene, she’ll get worse than they did.


Yeah, sounds to me that yall just had kids so yall wouldn’t have to deal with cleaning house.

It’s not a kids responsibility to maintain their household, its the parents. Delegating everything to the children to the point yall dont have to do anything, nor barely even cook, is shitty as hell parenting. I dont care if you work 60 hour work weeks, its still yalls responsibility to do the majority of cleaning.
Kids can have chores, yeah. But it should be age appropriate and correspond to what they do around the house. Keep their rooms and pets clean and fed, pick up their messes in other areas of the house, and have a rotating schedule with dishes, trash, bathrooms, etc.

And divorce the fuck out of that thing you call a husband. Thats not a father, thats a tyrant. He can’t handle a spot of dirt then he can get off his ass and clean it himself. I really worry for those kids and the mentality they will have with parents like yall. Abuse in any form isn’t okay, and you just sitting back and letting him have his way is cowardice.

$80 a month to do all the house work is nothing! They are your children not your slaves. I get kids need chores and discipline but this does sound like abuse and you dear are enabling it! So sad

You allow your husband to verbally abuse your kids and call them names ? That’s unacceptable. And no you cannot “stay out of it” those are your kids as well. Also nothing wrong with chores at all … although I found it weird that you said you guys as parents have not had to do much upkeep around the house in years because of your children… sounds like they are doing all the cleaning?? Don’t make excuses for your husband either. You probably should have not even posted this :woman_facepalming:t5::woman_facepalming:t5::sleepy:

Chores are one thing but this is on a whole other level.
Definitely abuse
Your kids are not your slaves or maids etc.
They are your children.
When they grow up all they will remember is how much they hated living in that house.
Definitely doesn’t sound like a loving home😞

A parent name calling there children is abuse there is no need of that . It nearly sounds like your teaching your children there not good enough . It sounds like you have great kids that help out and do chores but it sounds like your setting up your children to resent you and your hubby and it’s simply because of how harsh the approach is . Kids go threw a lot of stress and you want them to feel safe and happy in there home . Is having a spotless cleaned to perfection home worth having your kids hate you ? Don’t get me wrong kids need chores but the way this was explained sounds excessive to me . This is my opinion based on what I read but I’m not in your home … but please make sure your kids feels love and safe in your home if they don’t then you don’t need us to tell you it’s wrong you should already know and be changing it .

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I’m all for chores and teaching kids how to adult… But they do everything and you do laundry and some meals? And I’m assuming husband does nothing around the house from the sounds of it. I don’t blame your daughter I would feel the same way. I’m also wondering how you and your husband will do when the kids move out and you have to take care of your own messes.

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Chores are chores you have these kids running your household just because you and your husband both work full time. So what is your participation in all of this. It is your jobs to keep house and teach responsibilities not sit back and watch and punish


I went thru this, being treated as help in the house. They are children not required to cook and clean for you or your husband. They should clean their rooms and pick up after themselves make a snack etc but in no way be responsible for the things you should be doing as a parent. I feel for your child as I was that child I quit school and went to work so I didn’t have to deal with the abuse. I even wound up moving out so I didn’t have to deal with it. It’s one thing to make them responsible but it’s another to use a child. You choose to buy them nice things and that’s a whole other thing. You need to speak up when this happens or things will get worse. Smh

Ffs get on a mums page :woman_facepalming:

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Let him be a kid. He’s going to have anger towards you guys for taking that away from him. And as soon as he is able to, he will move out. And then he’s going to get out and most likely get Into some trouble cause he feels he is finally free.

You need to do your own dam chores. These kids are clearly being abused.


Abuse so they clean while you’ll do what work!! News flash you are a adult you wanted kids … I understand chores but they run that house hold

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In my house we all have our chores while my child is doing something me and my husband are also doing something.
We have full time jobs with crazy shifts, I also point out when she doesn’t do things right and ask her to pay attention next time.
You can’t expect a child to do thing as perfect as you do while not doing it with them or showing them how it’s done. Verbal abuse is one of the most horrible forms of abuse their is.
You guys should be ashamed of your attitude towards your children.

I try to stay away from commenting on stuff like this. As a mother of 5 children, not everything is going to be perfect… Not everything will be clean or stay clean the way you want. Scheduled times for events and activities may not always be met… I understand once they are old enough they should clean up after themselves however, if everyone sleeps,eats,showers,etc… In that house then maybe everyone should do their part in cleaning and doing other chores. The verbal attacks are not going to get you or your husband anywhere. Your children will only dig their heels into the ground and you will be met with resistance.

I think everyone in the house needs to do something. Don’t expect perfection, just very good. They are kids after all. I make my kids clean up and it teaches them how to maintain a house. Even if the 15 year old is working, till she pays some bills, chores are expected. Now with that said, your husband needs to get counceling. Issues from work need to be left at the door. Don’t take it out on the kids. Words can hurt worse then physical abuse because while bruises may fade, words will stick with you. Be careful, remember that children and young adults are more prone to have suicidal thoughts and hard home life’s can break a kids self esteem down to where they feel they have no one. :disappointed::broken_heart:

This is absolutely absurd. CPS should be called if you expect your children to be maids for your home, and then belittled when it’s not up to par. Absolutely ridiculous that you’d let your husband humiliate and belittle them because chores aren’t done. This IS mental abuse and you guys should get some counselling.


That’s the way I was raised I hated it. The kids fell like you only had them to do work. I was a really good kid but ended up hating my dad for it.

15 is a huge age where everything about her is changing. She’s learning herself, her values and beliefs, pretty much everything that will make her a productive member of society. It’s one thing to expect them to do chores—they absolutely should because it teaches work ethic and responsibility. It’s another thing to scream and bash them for not being perfect. That’s abusive. If something doesn’t meet standard—calmly show them what is wrong and needs to be fixed and move on from it. Treat them like their human. Imagine someone screaming at you every single day for being less than a robot?? That’s insane. Also, think about what you’re teaching her for her future. She’s going to learn that it’s okay to have a man screaming at her/her children for messing up something minor? She’s going to learn that abuse is alright? She’s mentally exhausted and burnt out. I understand that both work full time and don’t have as much time for housework but think about what she’s also going through—school, work, homework, housework, hygiene, etc. Does she have time for exercise or social time? Does she have time for hobbies or anything?
In my opinion, everyone should help around the house. Everyone does 1-2 chores and it’s done and over with.
Chill out on her.

Well I mean, y’all sound absolutely awful. The fact that a 15 year old has to point that out definitely says something.
When they’re all out of the house as adults, you’ll probably wonder why they don’t visit :rofl: get your asses to therapy, damn.

You really need to look into this it is not right at all


You didn’t have kids to be your slave


What is wrong with you??? These children didn’t ask to be brought into this world. You are terrible parents. Your children are not your servants. You have failed as parents. You are supposed to take care of them, Not the other way around!!! I am furious. You are the kind of people who should never have children.

Your husband sounds like a w@nker. Those poor kids deserve better. You can’t buy love.

Yeah no I had a childhood like this and turned on my parents as a teen as being perfect is not fun for a child learning who they are ! Redoing something ten times over because it wasn’t perfect made me absolutely hate the person who was making me do it and generally caused a lot of mental health issues in my adult life your only shooting your self in the foot being so hard on your kids help them guide them teach them don’t force them! MONEY DOSENT BUY LOVE

Wow… I have 6 kids and yes they have chores too but when it comes to them doing their chores im also cleaning with them and setting an example I know I’m a stay at home mom and you said you work but that is no excuse to expect to leave ur house spotless! I mean kids are kids they make mess and they know they have to clean after themselves but to leave everything spotless they won’t even want to take anything out😒 and if my husband screams at my kids for that I would yell at him back to see if he likes that or simple as that if he dont like it for him to do it himself!!! Kids will be kids I love my kids and I will never ruin their childhood this way! Oh and I have a 16 year old and she has never said anything like that because she knows she is just in charge of having her room clean and she washes her own clothes without paying her… but she has what she wants and needs always…

You’re insane. That’s your house too. Those kids didn’t ask to be there you gave birth to them, how can you stand around and let your husband treat them like they’re less than human. And you act like 80 dollars a month is something :roll_eyes: wwoowww you got some nerve fr. Yall don’t deserve them. Like yall had kids so yall could have slaves that you make listen to you. Fkn ridiculous.

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So you let your husband yell at and degrade your children? What’s wrong with you ???


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