My 15 year old is starting to act out with how strict my husband and I are: Advice?

Sounds to me you let him abuse them, the verbal abuse is still abuse. You said “I stay out of it”. You need to protect your kids at all costs, if your husband is over stepping the boundaries you need to say something or do something. He needs to stop yelling and calling the kids names and for you to let it slide makes you just as bad as him. You could cause your kids to run away or commit suicide. Stop with the abuse NOW. Let kids be kids, cut them slack, you want your kids to wipe your ass too? Act like a mother and act like a father, not a drill sergeant! Be a friend and be a parent. Quit trying to slave your kids. Their responsibilities should be to clean up after themselves! Not everyone’s mess. You clean up after yourself and stop making your kids clean up after you two. Kids want love and affection, not to be bossed around and treated like robots, giving them an allowance and giving them a phone is supposed to compensate the abuse? You sound snobby and rich and think everyone owes you two something, your kids didn’t ask for parents like you. Y’all need counseling, your kids from trauma and you and your husband for anger and ocd problems. You and your husband need to get both your asses whooped, let’s be real, you should both be ashamed of yourselves. Disgusting.

This is horrible. Your kids are kids not maids. Yes they should have chores but you as adults are not perfect how do you expect your kids to be. Also she has a job why should she do chores if since you parents work yall dont have to do chores. Your allowing him to be verbally abusive if your kids are not perfect. This is sad on many levels

Children should be children and not expected to run a household. You and your husband are the adults, it’s one thing to have them take out trash, put their clothes away after you wash and fold them, pick up toys after they are done playing with them, but what they are being made to do is wrong! They are children and you are taking being a child away by being selfish and sorry but lazy

So growing up, our household was ran very similar to yours. Don’t get me wrong, it sucked some times Bc there were days that I wanted to be lazy and slack off lollll. But ultimately, it is the responsibility of the people who live there to maintain the home. I feel that it’s not unreasonable that you and your husband have the kids do all the housework since they don’t contribute financially to the maintenance of the home. Also, if you’re paying your kids to do the chores (we didn’t get paid to do the normal stuff, we would get paid if we went above and beyond but that’s another story). I would just explain to your 15 yo that y’all aren’t being unreasonable. If she feels that she has it that bad, well, when she’s of legal age, she can move out and live her life the way she chooses. Until then, she will do what is expected of her, and if she chooses not to, then there will be consequences. Such as groundings, etc. legally, (in the state of Texas) all you have to provide is a roof over their head, food, and clothing. My dad once wanted to teach me a lesson. He literally took everything away. All I had was one pair of undies, socks, pants, bra, and T-shirt. He took everything else. He also took all my furniture except for my mattress and one blanket. He locked up all the food and drinks and I lived off of ramen noodles (no seasoning packet) and pb sandwiches for 4 months. It hardcore sucked. But it taught me how fortunate I was and made me realize that I had an awesome life. Some times, you have to do the hard things to teach your kids to be grateful. We are parents for a reason. We’re not their friends. And also, it’s a normal reaction for peoples voices to increase in volume when they’re upset. If your daughter wants to talk about y’all ‘abusing’ her, I would point out the things that she’s doing that are ‘abusive’ as well. Like not following the rules of the home which are causing unnecessary stress on her parents. Or being disrespectful by not listening. Sorry that she doesn’t like authority. I don’t like authority either, but I still had to respect it growing up in my household or I got my butt beat :yum: anywho, I turned out decently. Teens are just difficult. Constantly trying to push boundaries, etc. I once threatened to call cps on my dad lol. He got the phone and called them right in front of me. He also called the cops. Both of them showed up, did their investigations, and straight up told us both that my dad wasn’t doing anything wrong at all. They said that as long as my dad didn’t leave bruises on me after a spanking, as long as I was fed, we had ac/heat, running utilities, I had (1) pair of clothes, shoes, my own room, with a dresser and mattress, that’s ALL my dad had to provide. And cps was fine with me living off of pb sandwiches, and ramen (with no seasoning) and tap water. So to prove a point to your teen, I’d just bite the bullet, call the cops/cps, explain the situation and have them come out and go ahead and nip it in the butt. Then if she wants to continue with her bs, well jokes on her. There’s nothing wrong with firm, strict parenting.

Sounds like lazy parenting. Ok so your kids know how to do chores. Good for you. No damn way should they be doing the up keep. Is that why you had children? With all the verbal abuse and name calling you damn well don’t sound like you’re putting alot of love in the house. She has every right to feel this way. Lazy ass parents and rude ass husband. You should feel very ashamed. There are ways to make your kids understand responsibility and this goes beyond. Shame on you! I work over 40 hours a week own a business work at a family business cook clean etc but I would never leave the weight of a household on a child. That’s what adulthood is for. Allow them to have a childhood. We are always pushing our kids to be prepared to be grown up. We need to allow them to live the best and easiest part of their lives…their childhood. It’s way too short. I would be surprised if you haven’t given them emotional disorders from the blatant abuse going on. Find a voice for your kids before they rebel in ways that are harmful to them. They may also reach adult age and never talk to you again. What a depressing childhood. Vacations don’t make up for feeling like constant failures when it comes to dad and name calling and verbal attacks

If you want it done a certain way do it yourself kids are kids they didn’t ask to be here them helping and doing chores is OK but if you want perfection ima need you to go back a good long while in time crawl up a cross and nail your hands and feet to it :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: some folks don’t need kids.


Why should she have to do chores if she is working? You don’t do chores and work! That is the example you showed her! I’d be pissed too. That is abuse! And she is in the right to say it.


This is abuse. I lived through this and it has scarred me for life

This is verbal abuse and your kids will never feel like they can do anything to the fathers unrealistic expectations, these kids will either become very self critical with low self esteem and continue to try pleasing an overbearing father and neglectful mother or rebel and speak out as the one daughter is. Material things dont mean a happy home, fyi and continuing to allow the father to explode in anger is abuse.

She gets $20 a week to be berated when he doesn’t think they’re done well enough AND she works? Geez nothing wrong with that insert sarcasm font


Definitely emotional abuse happening. My brother and i had chores growing up . I did the kitchen and bathroom and he did living room and yard work . If we did it wrong ( I would get so wrapped up in one spot of the kitchen I’d forget to clean another I’d forget the stove or a counter ) when she came home never once did she yell about the cleaning not once . She would point out things and sometimes have me do it or she would . She was a single drug addicted mom. We had it rough in many ways but we never had to deal with her emotionally abuse us . One of her boyfriends did for a few years ( he was beating her and wouldn’t let her leave him) he ended up breaking his back and she moved us to a different place and didn’t communicate with him about it. You as the actual parents treating them like there the help ( chores is fine ) but yelling and calling them out of there name is wrong. They will have serous emotional issues I’m guessing and may not want you to be in there life much. She is definitely right you are abusive

You work but don’t do chores…child works and now there is a double standard.


You need to let your kids be kids and can understand kids doing some chore. But treating your kids likes you dont have to do that just lazy parents.

So now she works and still responsible for the chores??? Why doesn’t she get same pass as you and the dictator… I belive in chores but yall need to reevaluate. And you cook sometimes :confused:


I can’t say everything I would like here cuz I tend to ramble on, lol, I definitely agree with discipline and responsibilities. Everyone should be helping out with chores according g to their age, I also believe they should be asked to redo if not done appropriately, perfectly or to someone else’s standards NO! When my girls were young I could give them the same chore they would work just as hard doing it but the one did a much a better job so there is no PERFECT or each persons perfect is different. Name calling absolutely NOT! Both parents I believe should discipline together. Where we can point out improvements we also can give much praise. And I think once a week or once a month we have a family meeting and each person can express anything and we all acknowledge and work as individuals n a fam to make things better happier etc etc Lol see rambling and didn’t even say what I’m thinking. Lol. Kids are our future so yes we need to guide them love them and hear them💫

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Well, this Mama sure opened a can of worms! :joy:


Chores are fine, but the fact that you say you don’t even really do much around the house because they do everything is insane. They have 18 years. 18 years to be free, to grow, to fail, to learn, and to PLAY, and that’s it. They’ll be doing “chores” and working for the rest of their lives. Give them some damn downtime to learn how to be humans. And boot your husband the hell out until he can work out whatever it is that’s making him feel so insignificant that he feels the need to yell at children. I work in adolescent psych and I hear all of the things those kids will never tell you. They’re out here trying to end their lives because of stuff like this. They’re landing themselves in the ICU on life support. The real concern here is not about the kid “acting out” and how that’s impacting YOUR life, it’s about warning signs that things are going really poorly and escalating, and it’s up to you to listen and take it seriously. The fact that you’re still able to post on here asking for advice means there’s still time to intervene. You can post on Facebook, or you can do something about it. Ugh. This shit makes me so mad.

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Its not all about given them money and gifts it’s about loving them and them being happy . I understand given a few little chores but that house like living in the army I can understand why they are miserable

If they mad you doing your job! Your not their friend​:heavy_heart_exclamation::v:t2::heart::pray:t2:

For the life of me, I’m trying to understand how it is your children’s responsibility to clean the house and you nor your husband do nothing? How is that even acceptable? I understand that children should be taught to pick up after themselves but it isn’t a child/children’s job to make sure yours or your husband’s lives are easier. No ma’am, I have 2 teenagers, 16 & 13, I work full time, and my husband does too but we do not expect our children to clean up after us nor do all the household chores. It is mine and my husband’s jobs/responsibilities to keep up the house not our kids, that’s not why we had children at all. What you and your husband are doing to your child is mentally and emotionally exhausting and abusive towards your children. Y’all need to reevaluate your entire damn lives and seek professional counseling.

Sounds like your husband sucks. Hire a maid and get over yourselves.

Get rid of the husband tbh


The father is abusing them if he’s belittling them or calling them names. Does he allow the children to talk to him that way or would he consider that disrespectful? If the answer is no they aren’t allowed to then he is victimizing them and I wouldn’t do chores for $20 a week if I’m working and being abused when I get home.


Chores are fine but it sounds more like they’re your personal maids which is stupid. Let them be kids while also having responsibilities. There’s no need to yell at them and belittle them. That’s abuse

The yelling part is ridiculous, but I agree with the kids having chores. They’re old enough to know how to do them, but your husband needs to get his anger in check before somebody does call CPS because that’s bs. There is no reason to yell at them when they’re still learning how to do everything.

I think chores are fine and getting onto them when they aren’t done fully is ok but never name calling, never yelling. And honestly if you’re getting onto them jumping in and helping is the proper way to show them how you want it done. You know the kind of job you hate cause even when you’re short staffed your manager / boss won’t jump in and help you and you wanna leave the job cause you’re always short staffed and underpaid? Yeah that’s how I imagine you’re kids are feeling. Mom and dad never jump in and help us they just yell at us if we do it wrong. That’s not ok

Dearly Nails 2, will you be sharing these comments with “anonymous31” on your website so this monster, and her monster of a husband, and sorry excuse for parents, if you can even call them parents, can see all the advice that is being given to them that this monster has asked for?!? And in the future I would highly recommend that you disable comments when posting like this, so those reading your post(s) will know that they need to click on the link you provided, so they can post the advice they have for this monster and her monster of a husband, on your website, so this monster can see all the advice that is being given to her, that she asked for!!!:angry::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Children :clap:t2: are :clap:t2: not :clap:t2: your :clap:t2: house :clap:t2: slaves!!
They are people and deserve the same treatment you deserve!


This doesnt even seem real, that sounds crazy. I do definitely believe in responsibility and chores, but children also deserve to have a childhood. And may I also add, that verbal abuse is just as bad as physical, it beats you down, especially when started at a young age. It destroys the idea of how you’re supposed to be treated. So while you’re " teaching responsibility " it appears also teaching a low self worth. Parents are supposed to uplift and teach, they didnt join the damn military :woman_facepalming::thinking::hushed:

I guarantee CPS would see what is happening in your household as abuse. Your husband sounds like a real winner. And the fact that you know and acknowledge he takes things too far but yet you do nothing, makes you just as bad as he is. Disgusting.

Your husband needs to learn self control and that his way is not everybody else’s way He is teaching them what to look for in a husband and if he has boys he is teaching them to be bullies he needs to lighten up his kids will only be with them a short while then he can live in his Sterile environment

I really hope this Mom actually takes the time to read all the comments and recognizes the truth of what’s really going on in her household and what her husband and her are doing to these poor children. I could go off but everything I wanna say has been said in other comments. SMH.


Nice things are not a payment for abuse.


I’m all for chores, discipline and responsibility. But both of u as parents are abusing ur authority and using ur children as slaves. They are kids they will NEVER do a “PERFECT” job. I can see how dads ways of dealing with this will cause long term trauma for ur children to the point of when they are adults this will affect almost every aspect in their lives from relationships, to work and anything in between. U shouldn’t expect ur daughter to work and still do chores when u don’t even do tht. I hope u open ur eyes and truly try to fix this.

Don’t know how your husband can have a go at the kids for being lazy when they’re the only ones doing the house work. They’ll all go to school and are kids, let them have a childhood. They have plenty of time to be cleaning up after everyone.


I don’t even think I have the energy to write exactly how this post makes me feel right now.

You’re both Dick heads though and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Yes kids should learn how be independent an odd chores. But not full load house wrk it wrong an she working to. Still expecting her to do it no wonder she now playg up how about u all join in make it fair she rigth say abuse


I’m sorry you’re husband is Most certainly ABUSIVE you can train up a child without belittling them all your children are going to take from this is that they were never good enough … shame on you both


Your daughter is smart! To set boundaries and speak up for herself takes incredible strength! Kids are people, too and should be treated as such! Your daughter is going to have relationships and by some maricle she has learned that the relationship she has with her parents isn’t a healthy one…listen to her! We can learn so much from our children if we just were open enough to listen. I do believe children should be taught responsibilities, hard work, team work, what is put into a household and your daughter clearly learned that since she went out and got her own job to make her own money. Tasks aren’t going to be done perfectly and shouldn’t be demanded to be such…this type of control IS abuse and your daughter is right about that! If her telling you how she feels is seen by you as her misbehaving then you have A LOT to learn along with your husband! I’ve been working for the last 15 years to try to get my 2 boys to talk about their feelings and to stick up for themselves! Be grateful she feels confident enough to do so.

Sounds like id hate to have you guys as parents


Your children will resent you, let them be children! Let them make mess and HELP them clean it!

Treating them like slaves is disgusting. Do your own bloody chores. Occasionally asking them to wash up or bring their laundry down, or putting their stuff away is fine but Jesus Christ. My son is 10 I dont ask him to do alot other than HELP me pick up his little sisters toys or put his clothes away and tidy his room. He actually offers to wash up, or help clean the bathroom etc.

Your husband sounds abusive, maybe get him to do eeverything the kids do! My partner works 6 days a week, while I look after our two year old. And on the days I dont get everything done, guess what? He picks up the slack. Even on his days off when I tell him its ok I can do it, he still washes up, tidys up after the kids and makes us tea and coffees all day, will pitch in with dinner or keep the kids amused while I need half hour to myself.

You really need to sit and evaluate what is important in life!!

This is so ridiculous and degrading. Children didn’t ask to be here. Therefore let the kids enjoy their childhood. And you and your pathetic husband need to grow up and be adults and take care of your own house cleaning. The kids aren’t your slaves. Cps should be involved in this if they aren’t already. Sad how you let your low luge husband treat these sweet innocent children.


I don’t expect my kids to do anything apart from their rooms. Any other chore I pay them pocket money.

I work 2 jobs and my husband works full time. They are children and not your house keepers.

You don’t have children, you have slaves. So very colonizer of you


It’s funny how a lot of parents punish their children for mistakes that if they themselves made wouldn’t be punished for… Gonna yell at yourself and call yourself names when you didn’t wipe the counter off “good enough”. Girl, you’re letting him mentally scar your children…

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Good luck. You are going to have adult children who wont speak to you any longer.

Sounds like more of a boot camp

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I am now un-liking this page

So, you hold your children to perfectionist standards, and find it fit to degrade them when those standards aren’t met. You expect them to do all of the household upkeep, but it must be at your standards, or they risk being verbally attacked? There were six kids in my house growing up. There was still plenty left to do when our chores were done between SIX of us. Chores are one thing; expecting your children to maintain YOUR life style is a whole different ball game. Berating and insulting your children is abusive. Belittling and name calling is abusive.
Contribute to your own household, your children do not exist simply to serve you, and you absolutely shouldn’t stand by and allow anyone to talk to your children like a drill sergeant.


Ya I agree if you and your husband work and don’t take care of your house she has a job now why does she have to clean and hr husband should never be calling ur children names I hope u read all the stuff people are saying cause everyone is saying the same thing

There is a such thing as emotional and verbal abuse and nobody is perfect including you and your husband obviously, the fact that you bragged that you guys do nothing around your house and make your kids do everything is kind of nauseating. You didn’t have kids to take care of you it’s the other way around and the fact that you let him feel like bell never be got enough is abuse. So it’s ok he berates and belittles then cause he leaves you alone?? Your kids will resent you.

That is such a crappy way to parent. My dad was like this and I no longer speak to him. Children have mental health issues and lives of their own. This is child abuse

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Sounds like no positive reinforcement is taking place in the home. Just expectations. Maybe y’all need a parenting class and not advice from online strangers. :woman_shrugging:

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These comments tell me exactly why young adults have absolutely no work ethic anymore. Everyone seems to be entitled to everything because parents don’t make them work for anything.

They (except the 20yr old) are still kids! School is also tiring for them! Yes they should do chores but being verbally abused because it’s not to one standards is completely wrong! You need to tell your husband to pull his head in and speak to them properly!


Sounds like neither of you should have kids😳 they aren’t your slaves!!! Let them be children

So you both work don’t do chores. She works but still has to do the chore. They are children, not your slaves!!


Teaching a child responsibility’s and how to take care of themselves when they leave the nest is very different than using your children as house slaves. He can sometimes take it too far but you stay out of it? Those are your CHILDREN who cannot be replaced, he is a man who can. He wants perfection? Tell him to do it himself. Oh but you work so you shouldn’t have to clean? Neither do your children who do work. This isn’t teaching your children what you want to teach them. You’re teaching your children to be doormats for other people in the future.

Stating that you work full time means what? Your kids go to school full time. You would have to clean your house whether or not you had kids. Get a grip and stop the abuse.

I would like to ask how is the oldest one doing with life. That would be a good indicator on how well its working.

Sounds like lazy and mean parents. Chores are absolutely a necessity but this is extreme, they are KIDS. Let them be fucking kids. Obviously the 15 year old has friends and understands that her home life is bullshit compared to theirs.

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So verbally assaulted when they are not perfect, you are OK with this? So the kids have a full work load and they go to school full time and do homework? Yet you work full time and do laundry maybe cook a couple meals. Sounds to me like you are both lazy and narcissistic. 80 dollars a month to clean? A house keeper will get the much each time they clean a home. You are disgusting and so is your husband

Your husband is abusive. You are condoning the abuse which also makes you an abuser.


This is abuse, your daughter is 100% right. You openly admit you as parents don’t do much, as parents, you should be sharing the burden, not letting your kids do everything! You abd your husband need to take a step back, your husband needs to shut up, then you need to listen to those good kids you have, and work out a way forward that you’re all happy with. If you don’t, you may end up very lonely old people, and you know what, you’ll deserve it


To me, the only things my kids are to keep clean are their rooms…that they do once a week (vaccum, dusting, giving us their bedding so i can wash it) We do deep cleans with them about once a month were we go through toys and rearrange stuff if its gotten a bit out of hand from just them cleaning. My husband does dishes and i do laundry and we both take turns cooking- the kids are always willing to help in the kitchen and be our little chefs with us. We both work full-time. And if for some reason the house is super bad (maybe cause the kids had a sleepover or we had company over) we all do a house clean together and the kids dont mind helping mom with laundry or helping dad put away dishes. Kids have enough on their plate with school and everything thats been going on with covid for the last couple of years and not being able to see their friends and family. Be kind to your children they already are having a tough time right now and they didnt ask to be brought into the world…we as parents try to bear the weight of stresses in the world so they dont have too and they will learn from how they were treated as children to care for their kids in the future.

Our motto in the house is “teamwork makes the dream work” :heart:

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They are your children not your personal slaves… of course you provide a home for them YOU BOTH chose to have these kids that is your duty as parents!!! Disgusting you both are

Just wow. Growing up my father worked two jobs, he was hot headed but I don’t think he called us names but we did most the housework and didn’t get paid. It was a part of growing up and we lived there as well. My mother also worked a full time job plus we took care of a few local parks. My brothers played sports. Worked as we came of age, actually a little sooner as I started babysitting at like 10 and set trap for my grandfather’s gun club at age 12. Yes my dad got upset sometimes and prolly cursed more than a sailor. I dont think it was abuse. But it did teach us all strong work ethics. Sounds like yall are a bunch of Sallys honestly. Who are we to judge anyone else’s parenting styles. It’s not gonna do anything but make them strong work horse independent adults, ready for the real world. I can’t believe you all think this is abuse. I got my ass whooped so bad one time I think I died. But I turned out ok. Do I hate or resent my parents? No. I love and respect them for everything we were taught growing up even if it wasn’t ideal to others.

Sounds like your husband needs to quit work and gain control of his temper!

Lmao what’s the point in having children if you’re just going to be a shitty parent? Your kids didn’t ask to be born and you think it’s acceptable to degrade and verbally abuse them?! They should be focusing on school and being kids without being screamed at because they didn’t organize a drawer correctly. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with kids having chores but your husband sounds like a pompous asshole and you’re just on the sidelines allowing it. Your kids are going to end up resenting you and you won’t have any relationship with them when they are older because they won’t want one with you. Of course they are rebelling! If you and your husband are smart, the whole family should be going to therapy. Especially you and the husband!

Verbal abuse is still abuse. EVERYONE is responsible for chores. Including you and your husband. Kids may jot have jobs that are paying them, but they do have other things going on (school, sports etc.) would you or your husband like it if someone yelled at you in your home or at your jobs? I would probably say no. Get that man some anger management classes and you need to find yourself some goddamn balls to stand up to your husband. Pull your head out of your ass.

Those kids will never speak to y’all again after they move out. 100%. Toxic parenting. Telling them it’s not good enough will have them questioning their self worth for the rest of their life. Calling them names is the same.

However changing how you address it like hey remember we gotta wipe the entire counters off because xyz.

My husband and I are raising our son to know all the normal life things too. My son is 17 months and picks up his toys and dirty clothes and brings his cups into the kitchen to be cleaned. And all I’ve got to do is ask. Because he’s a toddler. But he does it immediately and gets high fives for it. He knows he’s supposed to do it. And wants to do it because he knows it helps me.

I don’t yell at him. Or call him names. I don’t tell him it’s not good enough. Those poor kids. Especially the daughters

Get a new husband ASAP!

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Y’all are assholes. There’s structure and discipline- but you need to realize you are driving them to act out. This kind of treatment of people with young minds is what causes mental health issues. I feel sorry for your children and you, and I hope she turns you BOTH in for abuse.

Sounds like your husband got some OCD issues they have medication :pill: for that :thinking: you know stop step in as a parent to know when he’s over reacting towards your children. I agree with teaching them how to be clean but to make them do it repeatedly over and over again. I see where the children are acting out.

Im sorry who are the adults and who are the children :roll_eyes:you are worse for sitting there letting your husband think this is ok


Your daughter has expressed how she feels you really need to listen and discuss with your husband about how the yelling and name calling my actually be affecting the kids. I’m not saying you all are abusive but maybe try a different tone in your home and see how that goes over. Maybe it’s not the work around the house it’s dads tone and how it makes her feel.


It’s one thing for KIDS to have chores, it’s a whole other thing for KIDS to have to do all the house work because the PARENTS work full time, and then complain when it doesn’t meet the standards of the PARENTS. The fact that you think it’s ok to belittle your kids because they don’t do things perfectly or because they forget to wipe down a counter or organize a drawer is the problem. Let your children be children.

Honestly, I think these “advice” pages are a set up to trigger people. Idk tho :woman_shrugging:t2:


I grew up with having to do all the chores. It is important kids do chores absolutely. But it is mostly the parents responsibility. Once your child gets a job you can not expect them to keep up the whole house that’s crazy.

And this is why kids dont talk to their parents after they move out. Jesus christ, I bet u and ur husband are insufferable

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Your kids do all the house cleaning ? That’s insane.


I hope you give more positive reinforcement as you do discipline


I think its disgusting that 1 you sit back and let your husband verbally abuse your children. 2 that you also expect your children to basically do all the household chores, theyre going to be stuck doing that shit throught their whole adult lives! Why can people not just let kids be kids and enjoy their innocence, their freedom and their freeness from responsibility while they can!? It goes so quickly then the rest of your life is just full of hard work and responsibilities, let your children be children, stop your husband instilling in them that its okay for people who clame to love them to put them down and verbally/mentally abuse them!!!

Staying out of it? You are required as a mother/parent to be in it, they are your children. Expecting a child to be perfect in their chores doesn’t exist and condoning your husbands behavior is unacceptable. Listen to your child please, she is crying out for help.

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Of course kids should do chores, but seems to me your kids are full time underpaid helpers. Please understand that they have to attend school and they need some down time too. What you guys are doing to those kids is borderline abuse

I’m sorry but if y’all didn’t want a messy home you shouldn’t of had kids it’s never going to be perfect.


Parenting and teaching is different having slaves. Kids should learn to clean but that’s not their responsibility… to help out is but you’re the parent. Parenting styles are different for everyone just sayin!

That’s way too strict


Are you freaking serious? So you pretty much have servants who you allow your husband talk to any type of way…i feel so sorry fot ya children. Not gonna lie you sound like a piece of sh** mother…smh

Can I ask when your children get to be children. Yes it’s ok to get them to do a couple of chores to help out like keep their rooms clean and help with dishes but cleaning your whole house? You may work full time but they also have school full time. And what their dad is doing is abuse and will harm them mentally so pull your big girl knickers up and get more involved and lux your own floor


I didn’t have kids for my kids to clean up after MY kids, it’s my job, yes kids need to do chores in order to learn for their future, but they will have their cleaning days when their kids come, I hated being 1 the oldest and cleaning everything, we were kids, we wana play, that’s y I wil never b strict with some crappy cleaning

Why let him do the disciplining and you stand back?! That’s the first issue. My gosh. I thought people were over this ridiculous parenting.


He sounds like a dick

You don’t have kids to do chores all the time :woman_facepalming:t3: yes clean up after them self etc but Christ , poor buggers !


Your gonna push your kids away to the point to where they aren’t Gina want anything to do with you or your husband. Your the parents not them they shouldn’t be doing all the work my kids have some chores but not everything.


They go to school 6 to 8 hours per day and that is harder than you think. They are facing peer pressure at school and then face it again when they get home. If you don’t appreciate your little robots you can send them to my house. Let me ask you mom did you husband clean up their afterbirth when they were born? Doing a chore WITH mom and dad IS ADDING LOVE.

I grew up in the same environment. Except when I worked as a teenager my parents demanded I give them my paycheck plus do daily chores. Forget having friends over and forget going out.

What you and your husband is doing is verbal abuse. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Discipline them now or visit them in jail in a few years.or they never move nowadays expect everything justhanded to them and when they actually have to earn their keep the cry about .
They wanna complain then keep the chores list and remove the pay…tell them you are preparing them for their future.

Too true Eira, they are your children not slaves, defiantly they should do their share but not what they have to be doing and verberally abused defiantly not, it will affect them later