My 18 year old daughter wants her boyfriend to stay over: Advice?

Absolutely, she’s an adult. She’s going to have sex anyway! By allowing him to stay, you are helping her to have a normal, healthy relationship. She’s still going to have sex if you say no, it will just be riskier.

My kids are only 3 and 6 years old…so I havent a clue what to expect but if one of my kids ask for a boyfriend to sleep over, I will likely allow it but they can’t sleep together in the same room… That’s what my parents allowed me…and I would speak to both about sex including their friends in the talk - they may find the conversation awkward but that’s not my problem lol

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If their going to do it most likely they will not do it at your house on one sleep over… this is however how I am I also respect my parents way too much to have ever done that to them.

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It’s a bad habit to start … I have 2 boys… back in the day the girlfriends were not allowed even up in their rooms to hang out …


Your house…your rules. But im a mom of 3 boys that age and was a teen mom myself…nope,not happening, go home little girl, get OUT of MY HOuse! Lol

She’s old enough to have her own place and do what she wants if she’s going to be doing it she will I’d let them but have him sleep in a separate room

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In my opinion a lot of things need to be considered. Does she have goals and is working towards them? Does he? Is she respectful to you and will continue to be if you say yes? I think it depends on her maturity. She’s going to be with him regardless, she’s an adult. But for you to have it in your home you need to consider how it will impact you. It is your home. Set boundaries ahead of time that you are comfortable with.

I have a daughter and she can bring her boyfriend for lunch as for sleeping over hell no… this will remind her that if ever she decides have a baby she must go work for that baby I am not responsible for any outcomes of her actions

My parents had this rule- if it was less than 5-6mo of dating they were in another room or the couch.

If it was 6mo or more- they could sleep in my bed- with the door open & separate blankets.


They want to stay together at night? They need to have income to pay for their own place. Simple. You’re house your rules mama.


When she has her own place she can have her boyfriend sleep over.


I would say yes ONLY on the condition that the 3 of you have a conversation about how to be respectful while spending the night at your house. Have him sleep on the couch and her in her room.

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So if you approve this guy and they break up will you the key next boyfriend stay over after they date 6 months? You have to define your boundaries and house rules especially if you have other children

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I’m a mom of three young girls now so I’ve obviously got awhile to go before I’m in your spot. But, one thing that most likely won’t change…I’m not gonna be wanting every boyfriend of my girls in my house overnight. They could break up the next day, she gets with another one and asks if he can stay the night and it’s possible to be a several occasion situation and then the younger girls will expect the same treatment. As of now, I’m pretty positive I’d say no unless of course he needed somewhere to stay for the night. That’s just me though. Even with young ones, if I say yes to something once the same thing is expected next time and it’s hard to reverse for both parties.

She is 18 yrs old she is an adult, no longer a child!! So if you don’t want a bond with your daughter where she feels that she can talk to you about anything go ahead & be over protective & she will go behind your back & do whatever & you will be the last to know anything when you find out from someone else.

You make the rules for your house. If you feel uncomfortable with him sleeping over, then it is not allowed. Obviously they are having sex already so take her to a family planning clinic today if not sooner.

My daughter is 17… Her boyfriend from NY came to stay for a month. She slept on the couch in our room and he slept in her room…

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I let my son have his long term girlfriend over. I admit I wouldn’t have if he was irresponsible in any way and it was any less than 6 months. I wouldn’t want them going anywhere else- they will find somewhere if they really want to. My son and I have a fab relationship, very open and honest and I knew he was careful.
Everyone is different. I appreciate other people feel differently about it. I’m not asking people to agree but that’s how I went about it. They had my trust- 3 years they’ve been together now and they still aren’t pregnant. Working and saving for a house :blush:

On one hand 18 is legally an adult but on the other hand it is still your house your so it is your rules! Just know if they are gonna have sex they will find a way your house or not.

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My daughter took birth control. I allowed it. She was 18 and an adult. Ultimately the choice is yours. At least they are with you at home.

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Shes probably already having sex. I have an 18 year old daughter also. I let her ex boyfriend come over but never stay over. I do know that they will have sex regardless if he stays at your home or they go somewhere alone. She’s 18 as long as she’s educated on sex and birth control I would allow it because she will be sneaking him in either way.

My boyfriend and I stayed at each other’s houses all the time when we were 16. Did not have sex for a year. I’m 34, have been married 11 years and did not have a baby as a teenager. Teach your children safe sex and make sure they know anatomy and what happens in specific situations… shes 18, is she having sex, probably… would you rather be sure she’s safe about it? That part is up to you…

At some point in time we have to let go and trust the lessons and upbringing we gave them. Set boundaries for sleeping arrangements etc. I know ot sounds strange, but it will show her that you trust her. Make sure that he also knows the rules etc

My son had his girlfriend move in with us when they were 16. They were married after they graduated from HS. They are now still together on their own aged 23 & 24 . They have no kids yet. Kids will do what they want. Teach them responsibility and give them the tools to succeed. Trust is imperative in hold rearing. also remember At 18 you can serve in the military!

So I was never allowed to have boys upstairs, much less spend the night. Ever. When I was 19, it was a huge deal for my boyfriend to spend Christmas with us because of it. We LIVED TOGETHER, and unbeknownst to us for 2 days, already pregnant at the time. And I had to go to bed before him and he had to sleep on a different floor, in a room the furthest away from me.

It was what it was and he didn’t really care where they made him sleep. It was their house, their rules. And it’s your house, your rules. :person_shrugging:

As a mom of two daughters one who had a baby at an early age. I was not a teen mom but my mother turned 17 right before having me. I never wanted that for myself. Maybe if your that worried about her offer to take her to the doctor for some kind of birth control. She’s 18 changes are good that they have had intercourse somewhere so make sure she’s being safe thats all you can do.

She’s an adult all you can do is preach safe sex and get her contraception. Better them doing it there then in a car or god knows where

She’s considered an adult, she can vote, drive, join the military. However, she in your home? At least she asked! As a parent, I’d rather have my child at home, rather in the backseat of a car, cede motel. It’s admirable she asked you and if you allow this, as a parent, you should set rules and boundaries. Would his parents, let her stay over at their house? It’s hard but you’re not going to stop them from being together. I’m a realist, No matter what religion, faith, etc, life is real and it’s complicated. I wish you the best.

My son is 20 and moved out and I allow him and his gf to stay over on occasion. I just make it clear no monkey business!!! You also have to look at it if they aren’t staying there they will find other places to stay. Just make it clear your house your rules and they better show respect and they have one chance to prove how “adult” they really are.

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At 18 either way shes gonna do it. At this point be her friend before it’s too late. Talk about birth control and sexual diseases. Your mistakes arnt her mistakes have faith in what you have taught your daughter.

My granddaughter is 22 and her and her boyfriend can spend the night but NO sex in my house till they are married… she and her boyfriend respect my feelings … just be honest… your daughter loves you and respects you … offer the boyfriend the couch and her her room …

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Let’s be real, I’m sure they’re probably having sex… but it’s your house and your rules. For me, it’d be a no. Can’t play house in my home. 6 months isn’t a long time to be together. If it were a year+, maybe… but… honestly, my mom didn’t allow such things until I was already moved in with the guy. I would feel so uncomfortable to have to put rules on who sleeps where and all that… or thinking they’re doing something in my house… just no

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I would make sure the girl has birth control

As for staying over, I am not sure …18 is old enough to be legally considered an adult…many have completed high-school and can vote and be drafted. I might be uncomfortable with my baby girl having sex but I think I would rather know her partner, and provide them with a safe place to be…I am not completely sure…


I wasn’t even aloud to have my boyfriend stay the night even after I got pregnant. Your house your rules, she can move out if she wants complete freedom

Hai those who say they are alredy doing it das it mean mommy shuld allow this nonsense n disrespect from teens to take place in her home?I’m 40 l still wont bring a man 2 sleep ova my moms house esp wen shes der awa bathong wat level of disrespect is that???

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When I have kids I would rather have them have sex in their rooms than out there in a car or whatever because I didn’t allow them to do it under my roof, and I’d teach them about safe sex and contraception.

I was allowed to have girls over and my dad always provided the condoms so I grew up not really seeing sex as such a big taboo.

She will do it with or without your consent if she has already but I would say no he may not stay over.If you allow him to stay over it will give her and him the reason to believe it was okay and will happen more and more.If you allow it and they break up you will have to deal with arguments about the next one.Say no and keep your self respect and I think in the long run she will respect you more.

Nope…not under my roof…you get your own place if you want boys staying the night. That was the rule in my parents house and mine


My parents would let the boyfriend stay over but only in a separate room! And I’ll add that it only happened on special terms like we got home super late, it was New Year’s Eve and had been out drinking etc

Just because she is 18 it does not mean she gets to make them rules now. If she lives in your house she has to continue to follow your rules. If she does not like it she is 18 and can find her own place and then make her own rules.

All u need to say is “My love i love u and i dont want u to have ur boyfriend to spend any night because u CANNOT do these things that is not ur husband n you r not his wife n i dont want u to end up like me when i was younger please understand” or ( me speaking in my own way now ) he cannot facking stay over because i dont want u doing wife things at a girlfriend price talk done n yes i also have an 18 yr old daughter dont encourage it because u will have to pay the price after

If they gonna do it (if not already done) I’d rather it be in my house safe environment for her ,she knows the risks about getting pregnant surly? You can advise but down to her at end if day, gooduck

She should know about birth control, probably should be on birth control now. She is 18 to late. The most important thing is choosing a responsible person who is making good choices in life. The more you try to control her the less responsible choices she will make. Just because he is there for sleep over does not mean sex put him in another bedroom. Time to get to know him. But make sure she knows about safe sex, safe people, and responsible choices.

My parents let my boyfriend stay over but he had to sleep downstairs. If I left try room my mom would have whooped my ass… I knew better. We are married now and have been for 30 years. We dint have our first child until we were both out of college

Trust that you’ve done your best mama and go with your heart, we can’t protect them from everything. We must allow them to make the right decision for themselves. simply put, watch your work in progress.

Personally, she’s 18, she’s an adult now. Myself and my husband have a daughter, though she’s only 8. But going from our teenage existing we’d rather be open and honest with her when she’s older, and we’d rather her be home, where she’s in safe surroundings and if there’s a problem she and her boyfriend can talk to us. Everyone’s different, but being open and honest about your feelings with her, give her boundaries, better for all around if you’re all in the same page. X

My 16 year old has asked multiple times. It got to the point where we said u ask again u won’t be seeing him for a while. Shes never asked again. We’ve also had “the talk.” I feel my house, my rules. Until shes 18 she follows my rules. I was never allowed a boy to stay over even if my best friend is a gay boy.

I mean she is 18… yes it’s young and still under ur roof but if u keep the lines of communication open, have the sex talk, let her know it’s normal… she’s gonna have it regardless even if she’s already done it. Which chances are they did. 7/10 looses before they are 18

My 18 year old daughter asked if her boyfriend could spend the night and I said sure as long as you sleep in my room :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: she actually agreed and went with my plan. Of course I didn’t sleep very well lol. She is actually married to him now and they are going strong!

You know your daughter.
If you say no, will she go behind your back? Is it better that she’s (if) doing it u der your roof then in some hotel room?
I would have a chat and see what her understanding is.

My mum never spoke to me about it. I went to some hotel. And though I didn’t get preg, I wish it was with someone better.

If teenagers wanna have sex they will have sex if you let them stay over or not, letting them stay over is 100% a personal decision, at 18 or 38 of you don’t want someone to stay the night it’s your house and your rules

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She is 18 feel happy she is comfortable coming to you instead of hiding have the if you guys are gonna act like adults be responsible like adults and respectful like adults talk and have a serious conversation first. You can’t stop her so make sure she is protected. Also respectful means your house your rules. If that means door open and they can sleep together but not “sleep” together or he is on the couch that is part of the respectful like adults part. You get to call the shots

If she hasn’t graduated high school, then absolutely not. If she has graduated, then base it on how you feel.


To young for me but at 18 (the day after she turned 18) my daughter asked it she could stay at her boyfriends we said no. She said I’m 18 I can do what I want and the law said she could and that was the last time she live with me.

Spoiler alert if she’s going to get pregnant it’s going to happen whether she’s in your house or not. Educating her Being honest and full disclosure about everything is what you need to do.

Y’all if I was to move back in with my mother or grandmother the answer would be no. I’m 27! It’s a respect thing really. If you grown enough to mess around you grown enough to get a job and live on your own so you can do so in your own house.

Sorry she’s 18, I’m sure she’s already had sex. And I’m pretty sure, regardless of how protective you are, it’s probably happened in your house. I was a teenager once, sneaky as can be. But. Since she’s 18, if she wants him to stay over tell her to get her own place. She’s an adult.

I would recommend birth control. Your house, your decision. However, please advise she gets on bc if not already. Btw- the arm implant is amazing and you don’t have to worry about her taking a pill on time every day.

Could just let them have a sleep over but one has to sleep on the couch and the other in the room :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m an adult now (23) but my parents tried restricting me and I got pregnant at 15 because of their strictness I wanted to go against them so best to not try to fit something into a box that wont fit.

As if that would stop anything. I had my boyfriends over and stayed at theirs since I was 15. Had my son, my first pregnancy, when I was 26 and married, the same age my mom was when she had me. My mom is still my rock and very supportive. I’m grateful for her always being there for me. Growing up, the friends I had that got up to the craziest stuff had the strictest parents and were scared of getting in trouble so hid everything from their parents but also seemed to enjoy the thrill of going behind their backs to do stuff. The most sheltered ones ended up going so wild they got hurt, actually physically hurt. Up to you though, it’s your house. What could your parents have done that would have prevented your pregnancy do you think?

If you don’t let her then she’ll move out and he’ll stay with her nearly every night. If you approve of him then maybe don’t push her away by being overprotective.

I would talk to her about your fears of her getting pregnant at this age. They have been together 6 months so its probably safe to say they have been experimenting with sex anyways. After that try to get the daughter and boyfriend together and find out what they know about birthcontrol(as its probably an american OP it hasnt been taught in highschool like where I live) Depending on the answer talk to them about it. If they know enough, make sure they are using it. Also ask them if his parents are on board with the sleepover and if the parents could exchange phonenumbers in case something happens (could be a deterrrent). And based on the answers you get above make a decision. I would probably let him stay, but in his own room untill i know him better.

Nope, when you move out sure. Not under my roof unmarried.


Here in our country. We don’t allow that. We strict especially for our daughter. As my own opinion you can do everything after you graduated. Study first before pleasure.

In my house no, she’d be free to get her own place and let him stay. I was raised old fashioned and my house will be that way too. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I would agree to let him stay as long as he stays in a different room and I would stay up that night

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Why is it so hard she is an adult I’m sure it’s already happening and has happened at least shes asking you that’s a plus and it doesn’t just happen at night time so sleeping on the couch really don’t matter js she is 18 and not pregnant so that’s another plus trust her and she will come to you with anything and I think that’s the best thing ever having a good relationship with her is the best trust her .

My mom let me sleepover with boys too young and I ended up having a baby at 17. Not saying you shouldn’t trust her, but just be aware of what’s going on.

I would rather my daughter stayed in the comfort of her own home than found other areas to go to.

I had my boyfriend over to sleep when i was 15, we never had sex, i had my first baby at 30. My parents would rather i be in a safe environment, and, they also repeatedly asked me if i wanted to go on the pill. And i told them no, coz i was not having sex…

No tell her they can stay at his place or a hotel but if she wants to have him over at her place then she needs to get a place that’s not happening in your house stick to your morals Momma

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I think it depends on your relationship with your daughter.
If you think this will stop her from having sex… I don’t think it would.
I think the important thing here is to have an open and honest conversation with her and figure out what the reason is…

Well let me just say at 18 they are considered adults in my aspects excepts probably moms aspects lol let’s face it if she has a boyfriend and she is asking she is being responsible I assume you haven given the talk yourself since the talk in middle school therefore I assume she is on BC! My mom had me at 20 and my grandma had my mom at 20 I did not have my child at 20 and my boyfriend slept over! I have boys so I can’t say I know exactly how you feel but I understand your concern but you can’t hold her hand you can only guide her! I say let the boy sleepover my sons girl sleeps over here !! A baby would so throw a wrench in their plans ! Raising teens today is different then it used to be renember they can deploy at 18 so they are ok’d enough to be considered adults and if this boy thing is a touchy subject I’d make sure it’s a talked about one to but that’s just me!

I believe times have changed, its not like before when we had strict parents/grandparents to guide our decisions. Kids generally lash out in behavioral issues if they do not get what they want. But, in your situation she’s just asking for him to sleep over… Everyone’s assuming “sex” but when I was an 18yr old thats not what a sleepover meant… When I had guy friends over my Mom never let me close the door, if a friend was sleeping over we were having a living room sleepover… Guys never stayed over, unless in a bad situation and they had to sleep on the couch… My daughter is 17 years old and she’s a lesbian girl… she’s has girls sleeping over all the time, I trust her not be fooling around in the home… But then again, my home is her home and I’d rather she be safe at home then anywhere else… But that’s just me… I don’t want to judge my kids and if they want to make their own decisions it will happen… So far, letting them make their own decisions has been a good thing for me…

My parents NEVER let my Boyfriend stay over growing up and I have a large amount of resentment as it was a different situation. My dad ended up asking a friend if he could pay for him to stay with them but not allow me in their home :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:.

I’d say no, I was 21 and pregnant and we couldn’t sleep over at either parents house.


If you never give her a chance to lose your trust, you also never give her a chance to gain it. Give your boundaries if you were to say yes.
Think about a compromise, have a serious sex talk, like how to be safe and not just abstinence. How to have safe sex, what a healthy relationship is, her right to say no at any moment, develop a safe phrase for if she feels unsafe and needs you to pick her up. Be her safe space so she can come to you with the same respect and honesty that she did when she asked.

I think that if she wants to have sex with him she’s going to find a way either way. She’s 18 that’s legally an adult. Why don’t you just honestly tell her what makes you worry about it and use it as an opening to talk about birth control and safe sex

My Dad always said, My house,My rules. It didn’t matter if we were 40. It was always the same.

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She’s 18. Which means she can freely go out do what she wants. But I think it depends on your relationship with her and how much she’s proven to wether or not she’s responsible. IF I had a bf sleep over he slept in another room. My mother wanted me to be safe. She did the same thing which alcohol the first few times I experienced being drunk was under her roof top. If you do not trust you daughter then say no I’d you don’t think responsible enough yet say no. But there’s lot of things to factor in before just out right saying no. There’s people in the comments saying how they didn’t let their kids do it and they grew up fine. Which is great for them. I have two older brothers. 4+years older then me. They did far worse stuff then I ever did. I’m the youngest and was the most responsible. Who do you think your child is as a person? A trustworthy/responsible one, yet or not? Your her momma. Ultimately you have to make what you think is the best decision. Trust your gut not your fear.

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when I first met my hubby at 17/18 we never where alowed to sleep in the same room but my brother was alowed to have his gf sleep over. now I have boys I would let them have a gf sleep over because you have to trust them

Your house your rules. Just my opinion


Get her in birth control. I have 2 daughters an I once was a young daughter. I had my first 17

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If u trust ur daughter then yes…my daughter just had her best friend(a guy) ,which lives in another town stay 3 nights…during the holidays.i trust her and her decision…

Honestly how I see it is shes an adult. When mines 18 she will have free reign but there will be rules. Doors open at all times. Period. I catch the door shut im breaking it down or taking it away. Its still my house. Dont like it move out. Or deal with it.

You can’t always please your child they need boundaries personally i wouldn’t allow it but this is your child in the end so your choice just keep in mind what yu teach them now will stay with them forever…

I agree with everyone. My daughter is 19 and its still a no for me


I wouldn’t. I remember my mum allowing my boyfriend to stay over but he was on sofa. At the time I thought it was silly but I now agree with her.

I’m 17 almost 18 in a couple of days and my boyfriend stays the night. We’ve been living together for the past couple of months now. But I’m a teen mom myself and I can understand were your coming from. I had my daughter December 29, 2020. And I know I don’t want her getting pregnant. So the best thing you can do is just tell her your not comfortable with it and explain why.

Seriously? Believe me she’s already done it. Let the bf stay, they won’t do it at yours anyways :grin: but you’ll gain her appreciation

For me its a big NO, at 18 she is still young, filipino culture still implement in our house, no boyfriend untill she finish her school, at age 25 true love will come, at 18 still young to get seriously invoved with boys and sex, just saying my opinion im not against girls with boys at early age its there life to deal with…

I was never allowed to have my boyfriend in my room even If he stayed over. Yet I got pregnant at 17. If there’s a will there’s a way. Make sure she’s on birth control.

Just be you , be honest with her, just say you aren’t comfortable. You don’t need to let that happen. She can tow her own line legally, she can get a job, get her own place, and if she can’t , your house your rules.

They are old enough to buy a hotel for the night if u say no. At least at ur place u know she’s safe. Also just ask them to b respectful of ur house sex is most likely already happening no stopping that but u can ask that they respect ur home by not doing that there & just because he stays the night does not require him to stay n the same room on the same bed

She is 18, birth control.


Idk i would say it’s okay. Or she can just sneak around. I used to have my bf sleep over at 16/17 like all the time … he would go “home” and just sneak into my room and that was it :woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s all up to your comfort level , and their maturity level. My daughter was very responsible and mature , and I allowed it . But, I was also comfortable with it .

Make them sleep in seperate rooms until you feel more comfortable?, I mean I was already living with my now husband when I was 18. But before then when I’d sleep at his parents place with him, his dad would always joke saying we had to sleep bum to bum🤣

Nope. I have that respect rule too. Get your own place no need to do it here. Sure at 18 you’re an adult and can go have sex and thats a choice you make and reap the consequences of. Even before 18 I will help supply birth control options but you won’t be disrespecting me under my roof. :woman_shrugging:t5:


My partners parents are not from America they allowed him and flew is girl to town they was 17. Yes her momma was with the shits. Just give her an open space to communicate and y’all will be fine. There are worse things than pregnancy at 18. Like herpes and AIDS. That is forever so really press condoms and the importance of being diligent in that!