My 4-Year-Old Has Been Looking Up Inappropriate Things on YouTube: Advice?

Parent control setting

Take it away from him

I have a 4 year old that tested out of kindergarten when he was 3 , and he learned it all from electronics. Electronic is not bad for kids . You have to supervise them and monitor there screen time. My 4 year old watch you tube because he likes Blippi. He watches Ryan, and some other thing on you tube. They also have you tube kids.

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Who the hell is in charge on your family!

Have him use YouTube kids.

Obrother find people that are close and have a brain to help you

Put a child block on your computer.

One of my son’s did this same exact thing. It turns out he had been touched & shown some thing’s by someone we trusted. This is what gave him knowledge of “sex” & what to look for. Kid’s are naturally curious but when they are looking up specific thing’s, words, u need to be concerned. Make sure u ask the child why, where they seen it…ect, ect. It may be nothing or it could be something u need to put a stop to & get him help for. My son had to go to therapy for a long time. One thing my husband & I had to do was go in & block certain word’s so if he searched them, they would be blocked. Idk how to do this, my husband was tech savvy so he knew. Someone can help u do the same thing tho. I hope it’s nothing more than him being curious on his own. Good luck

They have YouTube for kids

He’s 4!! I have 3 grandsons. Maybe you need to leave your house and let him be a kid on the playground without a diaper on his face.

No electronics for four year olds.

He’s only four years old

There is childrens youtube.

Take the tablet & go play outside.


Don’t let him use youtube… problem solved :woman_shrugging:t2:

It is called supervision

Parental controls settings

Put a parental block or age appropriate block


Dont let him on youtube. He is to young frfr

Take away the electronics

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Take the phone away from him

He is too young, to be using you tube, tht’s whts wrong with kids today, making them grow up to fast, should still be using coloring books.

You can put a parental restriction on YouTube. There is also a YouTube for kids site.

This is done for my 9 year old

Their is kids you tube site. I would stick to that.

There is YouTube kids

Um don’t let him have electronics and be the mon

Easy, change the password

He’s 4. Just take the computer away. Parent is a noun & a verb. :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

Why is he on the internet

Why would you let him on utube anyway

there is a youtube just for kids

What the hell take it off remove it…

There is a you tube kids app that doesn’t have things like that.

Um…parental controls work

Block it you have the control .

Parental blocks. Take his devices away.

Put a block on it. Parental controls.

Kids YouTube it’s great

Take the internet away. My kids only had the first Neintendo still turned it off after 2 hours they could go out and play or read a book

There’s no reason for this. Do your job as a mother

Take it away permanently. Non negotiable.

simple take it away,

Use the parental controls. Duh

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Parental controls on your devices. However, a four year old’s use of electronics should be brief and supervised.

Take the device off him SIMPLE

Block out the sites you don’t want him to see.

Hit adult supervision button

Download YouTube kids and put strict perimeters. Then lock your YouTube account. IT’S VERY EASY

Block YouTube. There is a YouTube for kids that has educational games.

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Block or take computer away

Put parental control

Parent lock on computer or tablet…cell…etc

Put a password on your pc so he can’t look at it. Or you can password youtube.

Take away the laptop

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A 4yo has no business on the internet, zero

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Put a filter on your iPad.

dint let him on youtube

Take it away.A (4) yr.Old doesn’t need access :pensive::white_check_mark:

Take away the computer . . .he’s 4 and shouldn’t be on YouTube . . .

Don’t have a way to block it or is he just following parental behavior?

Take away the devices

Are these questions for real?

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Put parental controls.

Four years old and YouTube videos!!!

Delete it and download Kids YouTube

OMG Remove the computer now.

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My daughter blocked U tube from her sons device.

Try u tube kids. It designed for toddlers

Try youtube kids and take off the voice search option.

Your the parents take u tube away or block

Take the electronic away

Just pull the plug…

Making the kid a vidiot!

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No electronics. Period.

Download YouTube for kids. You can set it to the age you want it to be for

Remove access! Simple.

They have parental controls on most devices.:man_facepalming:

Control the computer or phone. Who is the adult.

ban him from the computer.

Don’t let him use the computer unsupervised.

Get rid of electronics, hes 4

Take away devices and priledges

Seriously? Even I know how to stop the voice activation app on my phone.

Only let him use YouTube for kids.

I blocked YouTube, allow mines to use YouTube Kids till they’ve matured. Got tired of having to repeat myself, plus one vid can lead to another and etc

Put blocks on your phone/electronics

Unplug the computer and teach him to read!

Simple fix no access to the Internet

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Download YouTube kids :woman_facepalming:t4:

Then delete regular YouTube off there

Lol with YouTube kids he can only view videos in his age range and you select it

My kid watches age 2-4 prek videos

Get him off youtube . or at least set the sensor …hes 4 no reason for him to be on youtube

No phones for children.

I would try YouTube kids! We had an incident like this when my son was around 4-5 . He was looking up people pooping :woman_shrugging:t2: no clue why he just was. He was also using voice control so we turned that off too . YouTube kids is much more kid friendly and usually you won’t find videos like that on there. We also monitored what he watched but kids are sneaky !!

YouTube has an all kids version.

Why in the world would you allow your four-year-old to have access to YouTube in the 1st place?
I don’t understand parents and their need to want to shove electronics down their kids’ throats.

Stop being lazy and actually parent your kids and play with them instead of handing them off a phone or a tablet to occupy their time.


Install YouTube kids. Problem solved.

Maybe I’m in the minority here, but i don’t think any part of this is inappropriate. This child is at an age of curiosity. Looking at butts is funny, babies in mommy’s tummy is fascinating, parts that are different than his own are fascinating…he’s 4, this is the age of curiosity, the age of connecting dots and exploring. My 2 y/o is fascinated by boobs…why? Well, because he doesn’t have any so he can’t quite figure out why i do. Put parental controls on your phone/iPad and only allow him to view age appropriate apps like disney and YouTube kids. He’s not doing anything wrong, 4 year olds don’t think like grown people.


Why would a 4 year old even be allowed on YouTube let alone know how!!! And as always some parents will never take the blame!!!
Parent ur damn kids WITHOUT social media or electronics jesus


No bashing here, just a suggestion on what we do. My daughter is 4 as well. She has an old iPad of ours. The only thing my daughter has access to is YouTube kids because she likes to watch funny dog and cat videos, science experiment videos and a few other G rated things. We have the controls so tight that she’s unable to even accidentally access anything else. By going into the parental settings, you can control how much time they are allowed and what time of day they are allowed to be on it. There, you can also control what websites they are allowed to access (PBS Kids, YouTube Kids, Disney, etc). It will prompt you to select different restrictions for content, language, violence, etc. By doing this, even if he were to use talk to text (which I would disable) it won’t allow him to access it due to content restriction.

Don’t let these mom-shamers hate on you for allowing your child to be on a tablet. There’s nothing wrong with it as long as there is balance and you’re able to control what he has access to.

Now, as far as what he is looking at and searching for, he may just be genuinely curious and at this age kids think butts are funny. I would sit him down and have a conversation about it. Ask him questions, get to the root of the why. Explain that there are some things that little kids shouldn’t be seeing and there is a reason for it. Explain to him that if he is caught again, the tablet gets taken away for a set period of time. Which, if you set the controls, he won’t be able to anyway. Good luck momma, this parenting stuff is hard, you’re doing fine!:slightly_smiling_face:

And let me just add, regular YouTube is super dangerous in my opinion. I learned that the hard way with my daughter. She started out watching funny cat videos and it led to some inappropriate content. I caught it immediately because she was right beside me. That’s when I swore off YouTube and switched her to YouTube kids. Much safer as far as content.

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