My 7-Year-Old Refuses to Wear Underwear and Screams if I Make Her Try: Advice?

Try different underwear and if she just won’t wear them then accept it and just make sure she wears appropriate pants

Thank you for this post! I’ve been having similar issues and was going crazy with my daughter. I didn’t know so many people had similar issues. Her doctor just suggested going up a size or getting some with out elastic. It has worked some but she still try’s

I’d say put her in a diaper and see if she likes that.


Try different underwear, let her pick and try different ones

Change fabric and go to the shorts style underwear, go up a size and see how she reacts. Try to get her to explain exactly why she doesn’t want to wear them if she says they are uncomfortable ask her why. Are they too loose fitting, too tight on her legs. Could be the material.

why force her to wear underwear? get her some ofher options like boy shorts and if it doesn’t work get some under shorts so she isn’t wearing the same shorts all the time.


My 3 year old granddaughter goes commando and says her underwear gives her wedgies. Lol. I bought her different styles and come to find out that boy short styles and actual boy briefs seem to work wonders. And with boy briefs she likes them cause they have a “pocket”


Get her boy shorts, had same issue. Too many other things to worry about

Get her the boy shorts underwear. I agree with you, she needs to wear underwear.

Sounds like a sensory processing issue ( SPD)
Please research it, it’s not as simple as telling her to wear something if it is literally painful for her to do it.

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Get spandex boyshort underwear. The stitching/seam on cotton regular underwear can cause discomfort in some children who are sensitive to touch/have sensitive skin.

The spandex will be both softer and more breathable for her.

Do NOT call them underwear when you give them to her. Say “since you don’t like regular underwear i went and bought you a couple extra pairs of PJ shorts so you can still wear your dresses and be dressed lady like.” Tell her to feel how soft & stretchy they are, and then move on. If you dwell on the topic she’ll come up with a reason to not like them.


By her boys boxer briefs and see if she likes those.

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My daughter prefers these kinds of briefs with dinosaurs. She never has to pick out a bite with these or adjust herself as much as I’ve noticed with gals undies


Boy shorts? If she won’t we’re underwater but is fine with shorts try meet in the middle with boyshorts! Take her with you let her pick what color etc it might encourage her

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My youngest kid doesn’t wear undies. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Not that unusual. Try underwear with no elastic in the legs and that are soft cotton. Might also consider whether there could be a tactile sensory integration issue. I see this a lot when working with children.

Try boys boxers or boxer briefs. Girls underwear is uncomfortable

Bike shorts- my 7 year old often wears them instead.

First I’d recommend following up with a physician. Maybe she has a uti and it is causing discomfort. Happens to girls when they soak in baths for long periods of time. Rule that out and speak to her physician while there about it. Don’t punish…

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Have you tried like the no seam kind? My kids both hate like the cheap character ones or like days of the week ones. They find the seamless ones MUCH better.

If the shorts are tight and comfortable enough to wear under dfrssses just let her


My cousins little girl did this. They let her wear big bro’s boxer briefs and she did much better. It’s a thought. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I wear those to sleep in
They’re comfy
-fellow mom

Let her go to the store and pick out her own underwears maybe she’ll want the shorts or even boxer briefs but let her go and pick out what she wants

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Offer her boxer briefs, and let her feel the fabric before you buy them. It sounds crazy but I’m a texture snob and absolutely refuse to wear traditional cotton panties. I’m a high rise, microfiber, tagless girl.


My daughter rather wear boy underwear than girl ones :woman_shrugging:t2: she’s always picking at herself in the girl ones but does totally fine in the boy ones

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Buy her boxers. Why can’t she wear shorts?

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Get her more shorty pajama pants. I can’t see making you all crazy about this.

How bout bike shorts, like the ones tight to the legs?


TBh girls underwear are BS. :rofl: they give you wedgies.


They have the bicycle shorts she could wear it does not have to be girly underwear it might bother her around groin area

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Personally, I wear boxer briefs for underwear because it’s more comfortable to me than panties. If she’s already wearing pajama shorts under her dresses, these are basically the same thing so could be a good compromise for both you and her.

Do you think that you could get her to wear boys boxers

How to find girls underwear that’s like the boxers

Who cares if she wears underwear or not? I never wear underwear under leggings. Sounds like she has found the perfect solution…pj shirts under dresses, otherwise, no undies. She may have sensory issues. Do some research in the condition and develop some empathy for how she feels and drop the need to control her.


Help her find something she’s comfortable with. There are different styles, hell even if she’d prefer boys boxers, it is something


Same issue with my 7 yo. But she just knows if she wants to wear a dress she has to wear pants under it in public.

Let her not wear underwear
Figure out other options

My daughter doesn’t wear them and she is 7. She says the bother her and keep her itchy all the time. I don’t force her too. We just wear leggings under everything. I don’t like wearing stuff that is uncomfortable so why would I make her?

Just buy some boy underwear, the boxer briefs. They basically same purpose and I’m sure she would feel more comfortable if she is wearing pj shorts. No law against a girl wearing boys underwear

maybe get a size bigger-to be mor e comfortable or are there other issues going on

Sorry I am old and old school. Tell her to put on her panties shut up and go to school. That is what is wrong with kids now adays they make the rules and you damn well better find a way to appease me. What happens when they come against rules in the big girl world when noone is going to ask the world oh my what should I do? When she is grown and can buy her own underwear she can wear what she wants. Guess what she will be able to because she was raised to know to get off her butt and go to work there are no but I don’t want to.

Could be a texture issue. I can’t stand certain undies. Try a few different fabric and a bigger size. And you can always get her shorts that have undies built in (like some swim shorts do) or get her bathing suit bottoms. Or she may be the type of girl that doesn’t like bikini style, try boxers

Maybe get her boy shorts

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Look up Broxies shorts. Amazon may have them. I wish they made larger sizes because my daughter loved them and they were super cute and such a soft cotton. Just a thought-

Boys boxers…not the boy cut shorts for girls…BOYS BOXERS…my oldest went through this and those boys boxers worked.

Ps…I’m 3something and still hate underwear. I will wear boy shorts under my clothes sometimes…panties are really uncomfortable for some🤷🏽‍♀️ Bras too!

I personally like the boy cut shorts. Maybe try those or buy a boxer briefs

Would she feel more comfortable in jocks? Boyleg underwear?

Have you tried a different style of underwear for her maybe she is more comfortable in the shape that the shorts are, you can get boyleg undies their like bike short style. She might just feel more comfortable in the shorts cause of its style and material.

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Get her the boy boxer breifs.

I wear boy short cut underwear. That what I wear

My eldest hated the boyleg shorts types. Maybe its the style? or try some that are little looser? Let her pick the design? Its ok to go out with no knickers on. Just put some shorts on under a dress. Actually having restrictive underwear can cause thrush.

Have her wear cotton under dress shorts (sell them at Walmart) for school. My daughter had a very sensitive genitalia skin and her pediatrician told us to minimize the time she’s in panties. None at home or to bed (my obgyn told me the same thing) so she just wears cotton shorts or cotton leggings to school…

Buy her boxers. Some get irritated by the fabric. It can happen, even if it is too constricting around her thighs. You can also buy her just regular shorts to wear under her dresses.

My kids and I never wear underwear. Like why does anyone HAVE to wear underwear? I would try an alternative to panties like boy shorts or hell boxer briefs if you just want her wearing something under her clothes. I honestly don’t see a problem.

My daughter is 14 and doesn’t like woman’s underwear. I buy her mens boxer briefs. Just like wearing shorts.

If she like shorts have you tried boyshort style or even boys boxers? Boxer briefs even? Hopefully you would be able to find something that she finds comfortable but also feels special picking it out.

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Mine did this too… we had to buy the seamless underwear for her .

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My daughter hates the girl underwear but will wear the boy underwear. More comfortable

Get her the boy leg briefs, similar to bike shorts

How about boys boxer briefs instead🤷‍♀️

Have you tried boyshorts…the elastic going around her personals might be itchy/ uncomfortable

Sounds like it could be sensory. However, when this started did you happen to change your laundry detergent or fabric softener. Maybe she’s having a reaction.


I don’t wear underwear all the time and so I don’t force my kids to wear them either , I don’t really care what people say I’d rather my kids be comfortable.

Yeah she needs different type of underwear. I know a child very similar and the mother went shopping with her to try on sorts of underwear and she opted for the boylegs

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Seem less or booty shorts thats what my daughter wears now that she’s too old to not wear them all the time

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Have you tried the shorts underwear? Like what boys have

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They have short like underwear for girls

I myself didn’t wanted to wear the girls underwear when I was a kid. I only wanted boys boxers, they were comfy. Or at least I thought they were lol!..
Best of luck!

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It may be a sensory thing. Get her plain boy briefs, sew the hole up and see if that helps.


Maybe it’s the cut you’re choosing for her but is it really that crucial that she wear them at all if her private areas are covered? My 7 year old daughter goes through longwhere she won’t wear underwear but she knows that there are some instances where she must wear boxers under her clothes.

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My boys all went through the no underwear stage. No problem. For your girl? Certainly something under dresses. Modesty shorts, or try boxer briefs - yes they have them for girls. But honestly? Not everyone wears underwear! This is not a major issue unless you make it one.


I had to buy my daughter the ones that looks like short / boxers .


Have you tried different kinds of undies, like the boy short kind? Definitely bring up to her dr, sounds like a sensory issue. Perhaps this will help

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I went through this with my daughter 30 years ago with socks and underwear. It was exhausting. We didn’t have many options then. I’d try a few different fabrics. But she still doesn’t like underwear. She is a healthy, productive member of society with kids of her own. If your daughter has shorts and wears them. Go with it. Although it seems huge, it’s really not. As long as she is covered and protected that’s all that matters. Dont sweat the small stuff. It really all works out in the end.


My son doesn’t like certain kinds of undies. He’s very picky re fabric and fit. Also with other clothes as well, he will only wear sweats or “soft” clothes 99% of the time. Maybe let her pick them out?

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I’ve gone through MANY clothe sensitivities with my daughter weather it be pants, socks, underwear, or shoes. Literally from about age 3-8. She is now 10 and has finally outgrown that the last year or two. There’s really not much you can do to force it to happen and still keep your sanity. I tried many things over the years and finding what is comfortable for her was the only thing that worked. Since it’s underwear maybe trying different materials or styles of underwear that may help her be comfortable in them. No one wants to wear something all day if they aren’t comfortable in it.


Any chance your child might have a sensory issue ? My daughter have one so certain textures … socks . Tags … and so on .


Ler her wear her pj shorts!
She will grow out of it
Maybe swap them over while she has a bath/shower. Tell her you want her to have nice fresh shorts every day.


Yes I was gonna say it’s something and she needs to wear undies at same time if it is a sensory texture issue she JEEDS support sucks when no1 can relate which in turn makes her feel bad could be Alot of things I have an 15yr old autistic sun and 4 him IYS wiping hates it almost gotta give him a shower every time he does #2 so I know the frustration Hope it gets better

Try buying her some little boy undies maybe like boxerbriefs maybe idk just a thought ?


Boy shorts (they are girls undies, shorts shaped, fitted like men’s boxer briefs)


If she likes wearing the shorts she might like boy shorts better

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Calm down. You’ll have to put what’s bothering her first to find out what’s bothering her. Her medical Dr isn’t going to help her, she needs you to stop with the you can’t take it any more. Try boy cut underwear or gets some gymnastics shorts for her. What if while you’re worried about it disrupting you, which you’re doing that not her, it’s really something that will pass.


Now I think I’ve heard it all🙀

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It is a texture thing. I went through it with my girls. One ended up in tongs, other one stayed in diapers and last one finally got to smallest size of Victoria Secret, Extra small is about a 7/8 in little girls. They all where Victoria Secret on sale you can get them as low as $1.75 a pair. Wait until you have to get Bars. Or Blue jeans. Scratchy. Labels, and they were not my Autistic daughter.

Buy her boyshorts underwear maybe they’ll be more comfortable.

Boy short style undies

They have the little shorts/undies for the little girls too. Try some of those.

Try bonds bike shorts.

I agree on the sensory issue. I was the same way and still am in many ways. It’s a weird feeling, like the texture feels so uncomfortable its makes me anxious and aggravated, almost suffocating! I’ve gotten so frustrated with socks I’ve snatched them off and put them in my purse. :joy::woman_shrugging:

Buy a different type of undies and see if that works like briefs or boy legs. My son hates jocks but, loves the trunks and wears them without a problem.

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Does she have sensory )especially tactile) sensitivities? She may need to be seen by a pediatric occupational therapist for sensory processing issues.

Have her wear shorts. I really don’t think it’s concerning enough to bring up to a doctor, but do what you think is necessary. Girls underwear are uncomfortable no matter what age.


Try having her wear boy shorts! They’re very comfy! I’m very particular about which underwear I can wear too, so I understand the struggle.

My son will only wear silky boxer shorts. Otherwise he wants to go commando and hes only 4. Try other types.

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My daughter had a similar issue. She said it was to tight around the waist. So I tried one size up and I try not to buy the ones with thick elastic! Cotton underware help too… Good luck!

One word. Boy shorts. I can’t stand briefs or hipster or anything else really but the spandex boy shorts are amazing and super comfy. They don’t ride really at all and the fit really well. They’re basically booty short underwear. My 6 year old has gotten to where she wants them as well because my sister and I both wear them and she’s very close to her aunt. Let your girl pick her own kind. As long as she’s covered it shouldn’t be an issue. Going commando isn’t all that bad either as long as she keeps clean.


She’s getting way to much attention, maybe a size larger , try that if that don’t work cut what she likes most to do… if she makes a fuss, bedroom if she makes a fussTime to spank, it she threatens to call someone about it hand her the phone, if they, come let them take her , but make sure she’s the one that’s making the decision… if she’s old enough to say what she will or won’t do, she’s old enough to be responsible for it… she’ll be expecting you to step in at some point” But Don’t “ all she is doing is pushing you, too find out where her limits are… kids need boundary’s, they’ll push but when they know you will not put up with stuff They back off… Don’t You Give A inch…There’s more then her lives in the house… Respect,Respect,Respect ,


Have you tried boyshort undies, maybe a size larger than she usually wears?

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if you haven’t already tried it, try to find onces that are 100% cotton, no elastic. and different cut might help too. or have her try a pair of boys breifs. I know it sounds odd because she’s a girl and all but if it will get her to wear underwear would you really care? it could be that they are just too tight around her legs even if they fit around the waist or something.