My 7-Year-Old Refuses to Wear Underwear and Screams if I Make Her Try: Advice?

Maybe try a losing fitting size try a different fabric and get the ones that look like shorts maybe :pleading_face:

try different underwear. soft cotton and ones that arent skin tight

Try boy shorts underwear for girls , maybe they are to small. I always buy a size bigger they shrink in the wash so my 7 year old wears a size 8 and my 9 year old wears a size 10. Have you allowed her to pick out a pack? Ask her where they are bothering her .


I’m with her. I absolutely hate underwear. They always bunch up and make you uncomfortable. I like the boy short cut.

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Boy shorts it will fix the issue they are like shorts but underwear a size bigger than the age 7 wears size 8 that’s how my daughter was

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Get her the undies she finds comfortable, this is being a nurturer rather than a controller.

Get her to wear boys trunk underwear my daughter loves them,

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Have you asked her why she doesn’t want to wear underwear? If she can wear shorts under summer dresses etc is it worth the drama of outbursts? If she’s happy to do that and it doesn’t cause any discomfort

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Make undies for her with fabric she likes best. Sewing underwear is super easy for beginners and would be perfect for her to have control over it

Try different sizes, styles, and materials until you find what works for her
Hell I’d even try boys boxer briefs if she that set on “shorts”

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Buy her knickers that are the shorts

I’m 68 and hate underwear. Never wear at home. Wouldn’t wear out anywhere if I didn’t need to. Still can’t find comfortable underwear. I think it’s an age old problem.


It could be a sensory issue


Could u get her teacher to try and talk to her maybe?

Ask her what it is specifically she doesn’t like, maybe let her pick out her own panties?

Does she have issues with other clothing its a sensory issue. Get her teated

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Maybe she will be more comfortable in boy shorts. They are underwear but they fit more like shorts. Im pretty sure they make them in little girls sizes. Not sure tho


Try a different fabric

Try getting her boxers? They are just like shorts.


Ask her what is uncomfortable about them? Are they too tight? Is it the ribbon or trim that bugs them? Try different cuts of underwear. Try “boys” underwear ie boxer briefs ext, try boxers. She may just not love the style or the fit.
Also, what type of material are they? I can’t stand all the ‘new breathable’ kinds that aren’t 90+% cotton.

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My 10 year old son is the same way. Some days he just won’t wear underwear, no matter what. So that’s a battle I choose to sit out of. He takes showers every day and wears clean clothes so you know, kind of is what it is.

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Maybe try a different shaped underwear, and possibly go up 1 size. I had the same issue when I was a kid, and that’s what worked for me.

I personally hate wearing underwear, for how they feel against my private parts and for the simple fact that when I wear them I get yeast and urinary infections. I buy myself soft short shorts and change them everyday. I shower every day and ive not gotten one infection since I switched. Its all about sitting down with her and asking her why, is it the fabric, is it the infections. Be verbal with her, don’t make it a big deal.

My daughter is the same but she is now 9 she hated the elastic frilly bit round the edges of regular girly pants used to irritate her so she wears girls boxer type shorts primark sell seamless ones too x

Talk to her and ask her why. Is it the fabric? Color? Lack of choices?

Get her boy short underwear I got them for my 12 year old and she loves them she said they r more comfortable for her and she doesn’t put up a fight when I tell her to put on underwear like she has done before

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I second the boy shorts!

I would say no dresses if you’re not wearing underwear but wearing pants she can go without? Meet in the middle, maybe it’s a sensory issue. Lots of adults don’t like to wear underwear either so I kind of get it. But keeping genitals covered at school is important haha! Those tight biker shorts from old navy under shorts/dresses easily could work as underwear if she rather.

Side note, is she itchy? Is it an allergy to the elastic?

As long as wears something underneath what’s the big deal

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She could have a texture issue

She might be autistic, I had the same issue with socks and my mom eventually gave up. If she is wearing full length pants or jeans maybe just let her go commando?

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My ex husband’s gf makes my child wear shorts under dresses and it irritates me because I’m trying to teach her how to act properly when wearing a dress. Have you tried different styles of underwear? Quite frankly I only wear them when I have on jean pants, besides that I let my body breathe as it should.

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Get her a bunch of pairs of those little tight shorts and have her wear those in stead- or buy her boxer briefs or something

Get the girl boxers much more comfortable feel like shorts

I would take her to the store to feel different kinds and let her choose a couple she might like🤷🏻‍♀️

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My 8 year old niece was the same way until we got her boy shorts

It sounds like a sensory issue. Definitely get her pediatrician involved and maybe suggest getting her tested to see is she may be slightly on the spectrum


Try what I call “modesty shorts” almost like a bike short? My nieces, once they decided they were too old for bloomers wore those over undies under dresses. Little girls panties are so thin anyway, in this day and time it makes us feel better :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Agree with other comments- girl boxers or small shorts. Knickers can be uncomfortable even as an adult they sit uncomfortably sometimes!! I’ve always preferred girl boxers since I was a kid x

I have never liked or worn underwear they are so uncomfortable to wear no matter size diffrent fits cuts I know alot of women who just dont wear them iv never had any infections ever nothing I’m sure she will be fine just no dresses !


I don’t wear underwear and havent ever made my kids wear underware unless my daughter was wearing a skirt. Who cares? Who’s going to see her lack of undies?

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Take her to the store and let her pick out underwear and/or shorts to wear when she wears a dress. Give her the option of either wearing underwear/shorts under the dress, or wearing pants.

What school did not know they were in school

Who does she know that doesn’t wear them?

I would not bash her for that. Do what is best for her for her own peace. Try to find a compromise with her, believe me you have to live with her through the high school it is not easy. Good luck to you and a lot of patience!

Try different kind of underwear like boxer briefs or boxers

My daughter is almost 10 and I’m constantly bugging her about wearing underwear too!

Try a different fabric and/or style of underwear.

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Different styles of underwear and different fabrics. Maybe try around and see what works.

Maybe she has a sensory disorder. Get the boy shorts that are silky and no tags

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Get her a different style. Boy shorts.

Let her wear boys boxer briefs. That way she’s still wearing underwear.

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Does she have a sensory disorder?

What type of underwear is she wearing? I’m asking because maybe she doesn’t like those, they can be uncomfortable or too tight. I normally buy my seven year old a size bigger and they are not loose but just right. I get her the hipster briefs for bottoms and boyshorts for dresses. She loves it!!

You could try different girl under wear or a pair of boy underwear if it comes down to it.

Me personally my children are not allowed to go without underwear. Definitely not allowed to wear dresses without shorts under them. (too many pedos out there) If they don’t like the underwear we try a different kind. To each his own I guess.


I would say just let her not wear any and not allow her to wear dresses outside of the home. Its not the worst problem for her to have.


Our 9 year old son is the same way. He just doesn’t like wearing underwear and says they feel funny and are uncomfortable. I used to try and make him and bought a variety of different styles/fabrics but some battles just aren’t worth the fight I mean I totally get it, I’m the same way. If I don’t have to wear them, I won’t :rofl:.


I no what you can do are you the mother act like a mother she wears underwear or get her but busted. It seems like the the kids are telling the parent’s what thy are gonna do


Definitely try maybe boy boxers or boxer briefs. Maybe girls panties rise up and irritate her.


I agree we told my grand she has to wear them.or shorts when she wears a dress but if she chooses not to when she wears jeans or shorts her body her choice

I have that problem with my 10 yr old.

My daughter has issues with the edges of pants too, we have solved it. Asda sell stretchy ones that looks and feel more like shorts 10 pairs are about £5-6 and they come in loads of different fun prints and colours x


Just get boy shorts underwear. They are underwear shorts

Have you tried the underwear that look like shorts? That’s the only ones that are comfortable for myself! They also make them in different materials, maybe it’s a texture issue? Good luck lady

Have you tried seamless underwear because that works for me and they don’t dig in to the skin and she might forget she’s wearing any but good luck

My daughter is the same. No underwear ever. But just have her wear spandex shorts under dresses That’s what we have done. No sense fighting her. Pick your battles. But I don’t wear underwear either :joy:


My daughters are the same. They wear boy short cut panties and problem solved for me.

My youngest daughter was like that for a bit. I let her wear those little spandex shorts as undies for a while and she seemed to be ok with that. Eventually she started wearing regular undies again

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I dont wear underwear either lol.
Maybe she would prefer boxer shorts? Or just get her a bunch of spandex shorts she can wear under everything?


I feel her lol i hate underwear as well. Maybe different style, boy short style was my fave.

If she doesn’t like the feeling of underwear and she would personally rather wear shorts under her clothes, try the Nike pro shorts or similar styles. Some battles are not worth stressing over. As she gets older she may grow out of it, but on the brighter side atleast she is willing to wear something under her clothes…now it just up to u to kinda meet in her in middle. Good luck and I hope this helped!!


My 7yo daughter despises underwear too. When we leave the house she has to wear them. Mostly she hates the feeling of seams, anywhere on her body. I buy her these and size up so they’re baggy, not snug.

Just wash her shorts and let her wear them? Or maybe boxer shorts? Whats the big deal. If she doesn’t like them she doesn’t like them. Pick your battles here. I hated underwear as a kid too. Still do as a matter of fact. I just wore shorts under dresses. Its really not that serious.


They sell some underwear for girls that look like lil shorts, and they are way more comfortable … maybe u can try those and tell her that they are shorts as well


Buy boys boxer shorts or boy short for girls.

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Get her some little boy boxer briefs…

Maybe see if she would like boy short style or …she might want boy boxers or boxer briefs…
I know it seems a bit early to have that kinda talk with her but maybe give her a cart show her different kinds boys and girls and let her pick. See what she would think she would be comfortable in. I mean only y’all would know.

Personally, I dont see how it’s an issue unless she is wearing a skirt or a dress.

Maybe just try some shorts? They’re pretty much the same thing🤷🏼‍♀️

My son didn’t wear them for years. I don’t wear them often. Buy her a bunch of little shorts or spandex. It’s not a big deal. Pick your battles.


Get boxers. They come in different colors and fashion. Hang in there mom. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I don’t see why it matters at seven years old. But try taking her to the store to pick out underwear. Maybe if she’s allowed to have a say in the style,it will help.

Boy short underwear??

Sounds like you might need to get more shorts.
Take her shopping and let her choose them.

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She may have a skin reaction to the material in the underwear, I personally can relate! I agree with letting her wear the shorts! As long as she’s comfortable! :gift_heart:

I would go buy her more shorts. I bought my girls underwear almost like boxer briefs/shorts or spandex type. They are very comfortable to wear.

Allergic to elastic maybe? My kids would only wear 100% cotton boy short with elastic band completely covered

Some kids don’t like the tight elastic. Try little boys boxers. She should be comfortable. If that means boxers or boy shorts or a boxer brief style then take her shopping.

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My daughter likes the shorts underwear because the other kind bug her. Try that

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CALL your Pediatrician right away. She has to learn to wear underthings, even at home. Call a child counselor for advice or a one-time appointment…sometimes these things happen when they have been sexually abused or even touched (sorry to say). She also may just hate the feel of the fabric…try all different kinds. But don’t allow shorts or repeated wearing of things or she can get many different types of infections which will make all this much worse.

Maybe she needs a bigger size? Or boys undies instead?

Underwear isn’t necessary. Being covered is. Try boy styles like boxer briefs. Try cartwheel shorts or bike shorts or leggings. Nobody will know. Not worth a fight.

I would consider the bigger picture for any sensory issues.


Go on line show her some pictures of rashes and what not .explain

Have you tried different styles, sizes, taken her to the store and see what she’d like??

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I can’t wear girls underwear I break out into hives etc… I usually go without unless I’m on my monthly then I buy the silky men’s compression underwear and I don’t react as bad

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What feels fine to you might not feel ok to her. My daughter (she’s 7) has sensory processing disorder hates tight, itchy, lacy, elastic, stuff and hardly ever wears underwear. We get her bike shorts and stuff to wear at home and under her clothes when we go out. Her fighting is probably her at her limit trying to tell you she’s uncomfortable.


Try some biker shorts… Like the spandex ones… Or try some of the boxer ones. Try some boy boxers… Maybe you can come to a compromise… Hang in there

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My daughter complains also so the only kind she really likes is boy shorts underwear that she likes to wear as shorts.

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