My 7-Year-Old Refuses to Wear Underwear and Screams if I Make Her Try: Advice?

I find that boxers are more comfortable. You might try that?

Get her the boys underwear …the short looking ones

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Sounds like a sensory issue, my daughter has similar with socks


My daughter is 7. She hates them. She understands she has to wear them in public. Finally… but i still have to tell her to put some on every now and then

Try buying her some boxer breifs like plain white ones in the boys section Or those spandex shorts for under dresses to wear.

Buy her boy short underwear or hell, get her some boxers

Try a boy short style instead of regular underwear

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We just switched my 8 year old daughter to boys boxer briefs, she loves them & no more fights!

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How do I get a question posted on this page for advice?

Sounds very hard and I feel for you my daughter also takes shorts out of the dirty pile sometimes too but not going as far as this I feel for you momma maybe wash her shorts every night until she feels comfortable wearing underwear or even get her to pick out her very own underwear from the store perhaps involving her will help some I hope her phase doesn’t go on too long


I absolutely adore, how most of you parents, lift each other up. It’s a tough gig.
be kind, your doing a fantastic job mumma bear’s :sunflower::bear::smiley:


Do u ever find out in detail why the sudden change in her if she uses to wear an now uncomfortable sit n talk with her n c what’s bothering her
It’s just an advice


Try different materials and or larger sizing. Mine likes bigger sizes and polyester.

I used to do same when i was her age :joy::joy::joy:. I wanted to wear just some sort of shorts and only them
all i can remeber was my mom screaming AT me. Me not getting to play with my friends. Me not getting whatever i wanted like a toy or whatever. And The chat were “i have to wear them because i’m a big gril now” even after all this mom brought me The same sort of shorts în bigger size
It Will go away. I know is makeing you crazy but she will came around and start to listen. Just keep on trying your way everyday. It’s just a phase :hugs:

Bring her shopping and let her have her choice.

My son was doing the same.
I lied and told him without underwear his balls would begin to sag and that if he didnt wear them soon his balls would be at his ankles. He took me serious and has been wearing them every since lol


Boy shorts type underwear


My girls wear boys boxer briefs. They’re perfectly comfortable and cover everything.

Boxer briefs I wear them under my scrubs because girl underwear rub weird in my scrubs

Have you thought of getting her the short knickers instead

I haven’t read all the comments but I had a similar situation with one of my girls. But it wasn’t only underwear, it was also clothing and socks. Long story short, is a sensory problem, my daughter is ADHD and I cannot just buy her any type of clothing. It has to be without tags and socks without seams. I was very frustrated when I didn’t know or understood why it was an issue every morning. I decided to just find clothing that was comfortable for her. Pick and choose your battles mama!


Or try boxers instead.

Make sure they are tight fitting and thick leggings. I don’t see the issue of your child not wanting to wear underwear. No one should be looking there anyways. My middle daughter has issues with underwear but we found boyshorts in 1 size larger works best. She isn’t over weight but her weight is all in her hips

Try different materials and cuts.

How about boy shorts underwear or spanks?

Yup boys briefs. Shes having a hard time. Let her be comfortable in whatever even though it doesn’t fit your “normal” shes figureing things out for herself. Your merely in the passengers seat.

I have a 14 year old who doesn’t like to wear underwear but during that time of month will wear guys boxer briefs

The light really just be that uncomfortable to her. I hate underwear. Maybe try going somewhere like jc penny’s where you can buy singles of different kinds and see if you can find one she likes. Maybe try a pair with no seems

Ditch the girl undies they are uncomfortable and ride up whether brief or boycut, Go straight for the boys trunks, They fit perfectly on a girl and have far better and more secure coverage, My 7 year old has worn boy trunks all her life and loves them, My 2 year old girl has just started.

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I’d try putting them on for 5 minutes and increase the time everyday. Ignore the crying it’s a escape behavior. Tell her first undies than she can them them off. Soon she’ll understand they’re not bad. I’m a behavior therapist and work with autistic children this is something we would do with our kids to help desensitize them.

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A friends little girl didn’t feel comfortable in any underwear but eventually found some she would wear, the VPL seamless ones x

I don’t wear underwear. :woman_shrugging: they feel terrible under pants.
Shorts for under a dress is a perfectly acceptable option.

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We love Knockers brand! They are compression undies for kids in boy short form. Both my kids who are always tugging (boy with spd and girl ) love them. They don’t have holes and are made of a stretchy fabric. No more crawling up in places, no holes, no fighting to wear undies.

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I mean I’m an adult and I won’t wear underwear either :joy: so I feel for her! If she wants to wear a dress or something then maybe some boys boxers or boy short style underwear instead. Panties aren’t comfortable.

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My daughter had this issue and when I asked the pediatrician about it she said to stop using fabric softener
Apparently the fabric softener makes the fibers in the underwear stand up and it was bothering my daughter
The problem seemed to go away after I washed her underwear without fabric softener
Some kids are very sensitive to the fibers in clothing

Try boy short style they also have boxer briefs for girls now to

My 6yo boy also dislikes underwear, has as long as we’ve been potty trained. We tried all types of underwear. We have compromised, when he wears shorts he will wear underwear. If he’s in pants he doesn’t have to wear underwear. I explained to him that his penis is his business & he needs to keep it out of view of everyone else. He seemed to understand & hasn’t been an issue since.

Well why not try boy boxer briefs? They are like shorts? We are getting farther away from “gender” specific clothing these days so it’s an idea that could work that she might find comfortable…


Pick your battles. This one isn’t a big deal. It’s not unhealthy. If she wears a dress she needs to wear something, otherwise I wouldn’t make an issue if it.


Maybe she is sensitive down there and gets itchy my daughter did at first and we use only dove and switched to arm and hammer and it has gotten better and make sure undies are not tight

Any chance she’s being molested? Trauma can cause this type of behavior.


Definitely time to try boxer briefs or girls boy short style.

As a parent, you learn to pick your battles. I’m my humble opinion, but her some boxer briefs and call it a day!

Boys undies for the win!!! I’m a grown woman and I wear boxers at every given opportunity specially for work

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Have u tryed boy shorts underwear??? Bc I’m the same I hate underwear!!! But I find that the boy shorts are tolerable for when I absolutely have to wear them.

Maybe try a different kind. Like boy shorts or even find her size in boys briefs. Certain fits might be really uncomfortable to her.

Take her shopping and let her pick her own stuff

So change her underwear type?its not that hard to do…

Try some boy shorts style ladies underwear

Whoever laughed at this is an asshole


I 1000% feel for her because regular girl underwear is super uncomfortable for me. So I wear boxers :sunglasses:

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Can you try buying boxer briefs for her, since she tolerates PJ shorts? Is it a texture thing?


Is it panties specifically she has an issue with? There are so many other options out there if she just needs something to wear under a dress. Maybe she has a sensory issue with the seams? :woman_shrugging:t2: or the fabric? Maybe try some different styles/ fabrics in girl and boy styles. A lot of the boys underwear come in seamless, which may be more comfortable for her under a dress.

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How about you ask her what is the reason she doesn’t like wearing them at all, then try understanding her point of view and let her know that. After that u both can try to find a substitute that she is comfortable with and is also appropriate and comfortable for your peace of mind.

Why are you pressing wearing them? As long as she’s wearing short under a dress or skirt I don’t see the big deal. Maybe ask if she’d like to try (boys)boxier briefs or spankies (cheer/dance elastic shorts).


Give up the battle. Im 41 I rarely wore underwear during my life time. I mosty wear demin jeans and shorts.

My daughter is 7 and wears Boy short underwear- She says they are so much more comfortable! She never gave me issues wearing regular but wanted to try both shorts and loved them! I found them at Walmart and few other stores

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My daughter did this too and I finally figured out shes allergic the the elastic in undies and was hurting.

I was the same just a little younger. I hated the elastic it felt like it was hurting my skin no matter the kind. My mom ended up putting me in swimsuits until I could tolerate underwear

Buy her some boxer shorts to wear?

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I absolutely hate underwear to

Maybe take her to the dr. Something might be hurting down there that you cant see.
I cant wear pads bc it hurts me to wear them so i wear tampons. Maybe shes just really sensitive or maybe shes just a hippy who doesnt like underwear :joy:

Let her wear boys briefs. My daughter prefers them :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Try seamless dancing underwear? Or boxers

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She may be allergic to the elastic in the waist line and legs

Bobby Corless :joy::joy: Isla isn’t the only one!

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Bring her shopping and let her choose?

Have you tried taking her to the store and let her pick out what type of underwear she prefers and is willing to wear??

Have you tried the seamless ones?

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My daughter 8years now went through the same thing at 6-7 yrs old and still does… we bought a whole heap of stretchy pants full length.
Swim costumes were out of the equation and so were any bike shorts or boxer girl undies .
Just do what u can … I know to us its something so simple to “just put a pair of pants on” but the sensory overload, the feeling of fabic the tightness
/ looseness ect its quiet a mission for our babies.
U know how much this does out head in dealing wuth the emotions and meltdowns about it , so imagine how and what our babies must b going through xxx
It’s hard …i hav no answers, the best advise I was ever given was to take each day, (for us hour) as it comes :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:
Hugs to you both xoxox

Well first off…if she dont wanna wear no underwear, she definitely dont get to wear a dress.


This was similar to my daughter she would constantly be pulling front wedgies out :roll_eyes: I got her bigger boy leg undies and boy leg tights to wear instead. So far so good :crossed_fingers: good luck mumma :heart:

Why does she have to? If she’s wearing pants what’s the problem?


Underwear suck honestly… but on another note maybe try the boy shorts kind or buy her those yoga shorts to wear as underwear?

Buy her some boxers?

She may have a sensory issue with the underwear you are trying to make her wear. A friends daughter liked to wear her brothers boxer briefs when she was younger. So they bought her own and let her wear them instead and that made her happy and stop the fights over her wearing underwear. So maybe give that a try. It might be the way girls underwear are shaped that bothers her.
Otherwise if that doesn’t work, maybe get some basic shorts for her to wear in place of underwear. Or like dancer/gymnast shorts. Very basic, cotton or stretchy fabric, no embellishments or pockets. So they’ll fit under her pants.
You gotta pick your battles and cut your losses where you can. As long as she is wearing something that resembles underwear, it shouldn’t matter that it’s not actually underwear.


Is it really the underwear? Or could it actually be something else lke an anxiety or even a sensory issue? Or perhaps boys underwear or boxer briefs would be more comfortable for her?? I would definitely bring it up with the doctor

I don’t think it’s a big deal. Get the playground shorts from target, they’re basically boy short underwear with a little length and pick a different battle. I have 2 daughters, my rule is keep your important parts covered, the end. :woman_shrugging:t3:


My daughter doesn’t like girls panties so I made a deal with her and I buy her the boy boxer briefs. She says she’s much more comfortable. As long as she’s wearing something I’m happy. Nobody will see them and I don’t have to deal with her being upset because they are uncomfortable.
Good luck mama.

It’s just underwear bro I got my ass literally beat for just once not wearing it. Theres no big deal underwear is annoying

Let her go without underwear​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:all kinda of adults don’t wear them simply because they hate them. I don’t see the big deal. If she wears a dress, she has to wear shorts under it.

Try boy shorts for her

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I’m the weird one in my family bcuz I DO wear underwear. My mom, sisters & my older daughters do not. My mom use to always say u have to let it breathe & air out :woman_shrugging:

Why can’t she go commando?

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Let her choose her own underwear?!?! Don’t force her to wear something she’s very clearly not comfortable with.
I had boxer ones for years at school because normal female pants really hurt my leg line area.
I don’t think she needs to go to the doctors, that’s saying there’s something wrong with her when there might not be, and that’s embarrassing for her.
Just literally ask her why she doesn’t like them and offer to go shopping together to get some different types?

The girls I used to nanny used to wear gymnastics shorts under their skirts every single day. A lot because they used to do cartwheels etc and the school would rather them wear shorts and not just pants, but they also wanted to wear them for comfort. Some days they didn’t wear pants underneath and that was absolutely fine :ok_hand:

I would suggest boys briefs. They should be more comfortable for her

My 7 year old boy has stopped wearing them all together now. (Like mother like son so I can’t say anything) couldn’t ever get any to fit him right anyways so saves me money lol.

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25 percent of American Women do not wear underwear


My daughter had to switch to boy short style due to tbe others bothering her. I have seen many of my nieces and nephews go through a phase where they didn’t like the way certain clothes felt.

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How about she doesn’t have to wear underwear but not dresses /skirts unless she is. My son hates wearing them too… so whatevs. I’m not going to force him to be uncomfortable when nobody can even tell the difference


Have you tried handmade custom underwear? My 6 yr old prefers that

My son refuses underwear its a sensory thing for him he is picky about socks also … I have allowed him to be unwearless and explain some possible natural consequences he may encounter and has encountered … I would suggest trying different cuts of underwear but in the end she is going to do what feels right on her skin amd body … But encourage an open mind to different types of underwear styles.

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This definitely sounds like a sensory issue. Maybe try different types and size up a little bit. Try boy boxer briefs. Take her to go feel and pick some out.


Maybe she appreciates shorts altogether. Boy short undies sound like a nice middle ground


Try a different type of undies. They could be hurting her or she could be sensitive.

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Mayb some girls boyshorts, shorts…

Mabye try a different style of undies? Maybe she would perfer some ‘boy shorts’ style. They’re like boxers but for girls without that little flap .

Buy more of what she likes to wear. Done.

Boy short underwear type… look like shorts! Compromise mamma!

Boyshorts. Sometimes the elastic on regular briefs around the inside of your leg can cause discomfort.

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