My baby struggles to poop but the doctor doesn't listen: Advice?

My daughter has to use stool softener to get her youngest son to poop.

Try giving infant gas drops. Can put in bottle with formula or by mouth.

Are you breastfeeding or not? It’s the best thing for the baby

Quite normal for breastfed newborns! Either every diaper change is a poop, or only once a week!

Normally if someone is constipated it’s cuz the poop is hard that’s why they can’t poop

Try a table spoon of prune juice. My daughter had the same problem and that helped at first, eventually it got really bad and it was to the point she had a partial prolapse, they put her on drops and medicine to help and it’s SIGNIFICANTLY gotten better!

Are you nursing? And have you started taking any supplements? I swear Fenugreek did this exact thing to one of my babies.

Being to GI, could be allergic to formula and or dairy on the formula

2 oz of apple juice every 6-8 hrs. It may take a day or two of this, but should help My son had the same issue

Depends on the age but miralax is magical

I added mylicon 2x a day my doctor said the same thing

Maybe try changing the formula. Also I remember my mother’s old remedy, a little Karo syrup
In the formula

Try Pedialyte rub eucalyptus oil on her stomach and her back it will relax her body

1 tablespoon of dark Karo syrup per 4oz bottle should help. I had to do this for my son and it is common to have to do this.

I would try a little more water then formula if your using powder

Nursing or formula? If formula switch to a sensitive formula. If old enough we used to put baby prunes in with milk…

Put a tsp. of Kari in het bottles. Worked with my daughter and nieces and nephews.

1 scoop of tea camomile in the milk powder always did the trick for my kids

A little miralax powder in milk or formula, 1/2 - 1 teaspoon

I would seek a second opinion, with that second opinion if your child gets relief…CHANGE your Doctor!

Apple juice does wonders provide the baby is over6 months

My daughter went 4 days with out pooping it’s normal try Myclon drops

Try some white corn syrup in her formula

Blueberries. In any form. I always gave my twins blueberries if they were corked and BOOM! No more constipation.

I would get a new doctor first. Second I would add lots of fiber. Maybe have her take a warm bath with some magnesium salts and then try to go. Also, a salt water flush works great, apple cider vinegar does the trick too and collagen too. Good luck to ur lil sweetie.

If your baby is old enough to drink juice give them water down prune juice it will help

My daughter suffers from chronic constipation

Wonder if baby lying on tummy a little when awake will help?

Put a Little prune juice in her warm milk or kyro syrup w water. Both work very well.

1 oz of apple juice and change the pediatrician

I always used apple juice. It always worked on my babies. ( I had 4)

Yes try the gas drops. My son had this too !

Sometimes infant gas drops will help

Try miralax one teaspoon in milk or grape juice.

How old is ur baby? There are dietary options depending on the baby’s age Prune juice works can wonders usually

Try a little bit of prune juice or a tiny bit of castor oil. Corn syrup helps too. U cud give some pear juice too. Hopw it helps.

Gas drops and juice is what i did with my daughter

U used 2 make ivory bar soap suppositories for mine 1 am size lube with Vaseline insert in rectum and soon he wuld go

White grape juice, and just a little. Start diluting it with water

Sounds like milk protein. Try some apple juice and water.

Use asafoedita ,mix it with Luke warm water and apply on naval area ,this will help and try to give Luke warm water for drinking

Check with a new doctor how old is the baby?

Try switching formulas maybe some for lactose

Had 2 same issues. 1 ended up on rice formula and the other on goat milk.

Are you sure she is not lactose intolerant?

Are you breast feeding,? If not try changing her formula.

Could be the iron in formula if formula fed!!!

Try some gripe water and/or probiotics!

I would put white grape juice in formula 1oz to an 8 oz bottle

How old is the baby? And breastfeeding or formula feeding?

Apply coconut oil on the bellybutton and massage around the bellybutton . I used to do this for my daughter… always worked

Gas drops or essential oil and on tummy. Doterra oil has digezen its amazing.

Its probably the formula. Change it to something more gentil

Change her formula to soy milk is constipating

I would use mylocon gas drops and dark kyro syrup

Dark Karo syrup & or probiotics ( start with this it will be powder form )

Mix a little karo syrup in bottle works every time. ( the clear one not the dark)

What my doctor would tell me to do when my daughter wouldn’t go was to rub her lower tummy and lower back for 15 minutes at a time with baby oil especially when I saw her trying to go. Also what could help is the frida gas helper it’s a bit pricey but I’ve been told it works really well especially on newborns and toddlers learning to potty

1/2 oz of prune juice mixed w breast milk or formula

Green beans chicken broth rice apples water ice sickles these should help

Change formula to sensitive or even soy

I used suppository s but you can’t do that very much I put prune juice in the milk in the bottle or really help ed

Second opinion. This can lead to issues down the road.

I recommend getting another pediatrician. My oldest struggled and cried so much, but her pediatrician at the time assured me it was normal and then she said it was just acid reflux. I changed pediatricians and she was allergic to the cow milk protein. We changed her formula and within two weeks she was 100% better. I hope she gets better quick! :heart:

Try the washer on spin or a running vacuum

Warmer water mixed with breast milk or formula more warmer water than milk…

Peas add every meal. Can help. vegetables add more to diet. Karo syrup is corn syrup make kids chubby, it add to soda as sweeter.

Water with a peppermint candy in it.

Keep giving Apple juice it might take a couple days. But will poop :poop:

We used Miralax. Then when they got older I took them off of milk. That is what made my kids so constapated. They drink almond milk now.

How old? Was going to suggest baby food prunes

Black Strap Molasses, or Karro Syrup

Try a bulb with warm soapy water.Or try baby gas pills.

Use gas drops. U can buy at Walmart mart

Miralax, bicycle legs, how olds the baby?

A spoon of karo syrup or 3 parts baby prune juice with 1 part water and you need a new pediatricianfor your baby…

I suggest getting a new pediatrician. If you’ve tried literally everything, she needs to get checked out to make sure she isn’t backed up or something is wrong. It could be her formula. Maybe she has an allergy or needs her formula switched? I hope the best for your little girl and hope she gets better.

Small amt of diluted prune juice?

Do you breast feed or formula feed?

Find another doctor who will listen


Try switching formulas

Milk/formula allergy?

Did you try warm bath n maple syrup bottle? bottle 1st

They sell sepositories I think at walmart. It’s a little stick you put in their butt and it melts then the baby explodes. I used them for both kids😆


How old is your baby and what type of milk?

How old is your baby?

I’d get a doctor that will listen to you.

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You might want to look for a new pediatrician !

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Sounds like a terrible pediatrician. Look for another

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New pediatrician, miralax, or warm prune/apple juice

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Get a different pediatrician. One who listens to your concerns.

I would get another doctor. Ignoring this is just wrong of them.

Mylacon drops could help and I would suggest getting a second opinion of that doesnt work…

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Find a new pediatrician.

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Can still be blocked even though they are using the bathroom


Go to another doctor. You know what’s best for your baby.

Baby probiotics worked wonders for my youngest!

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Enfamil reguline if she is on formula… it was a lifesaver for my son

Add a little bit of water to her diet I know they say don’t give baby’s water but it will help

go to chiropractor that works on babies!!!

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