I used small amount of brown sugar in their milk with my 3 kids…worked well…my mother told me about this…
You could try gripe water. If she drinks formula that can happen with it.
I mixed half an ounce of apple or grape juice in with his milk once a day and it did wonders for us.
Do a ounce of prune juice with an ounce of formula. My son was the same way and I took him to Danville hospital to see a specialist about it who told me to do that. It works.
My sister was like that as a baby. Now as an adult she has been diagnosed with gastroparesis. Have you tried removing dairy?
Maniplute her legs like you are riding a bicycle. When you do it go slowly and bring legs up over belly. Do several times. Almost like excercising. She.may just have gas.
Colicky maybe, carry her with your hand on her stomach
Give her some watered down prune juice… 2 ounces every 4 hours.
but what the doc told you is true, new borns struggle, just get some gripe water from chemist
My daughter couldn’t handle the iron in her formula ~ miralax helped too
Baby food prunes mixed in their milk! Worked like a charm for my son
Get a new doctor and call your health care provider and make a complaint against the doctor.
I had to give my daughter gripe water with prune juice or if it was still hard for her I would do a couple oz apple juice or prune juice…
I used to put a little prune juice in my daughter’s first bottle. Worked like a charm!
if you truly feel its your peds not listening - ask to see another for a consult
Infant/children’s glycerin suppositories. There’s no drug in it, it’s super safe and effective.
Give her some boiled cooled down fennel water and add a few drops of gripe mixture in it too should help
sounds terrible but it worked for my daughter, dip a q tip in vaseline, put just the tip in her butt to lube it up, thr poop will shoot out like a goose
Give her chamomile tea, and if you are feeding her formula, try to get a low iron one, they put too much iron in it, you can also try glycerin suppositories
It doesn’t sound like constipation it sounds more like gas build up. I would definitely get a second opinion.
Switch the milk but 1st definitely get another Dr. and try water don’t lay the baby down after eating for at least 30 mins also Karo syrup works wonders
Do you give probiotics? Our pediatrician recommended probiotics to help with this issue.
I know this sounds crazy but it always worked for my kids, put them over your shoulder hold them by the legs and bottom and roll them over your shoulder on their belly
Warm baths. Switching formula to soya milk. I did that with my son and it worked wonders. When it was really bad I used the children’s liquid enema. Worked quickly. Way better than an enema that’s hard. And takes forever to work. If it works.
I use to have to give my littles this baby prune additive for their milk.
how is your baby try different baby formula and ask for gastrologist then go to a different dr,
I’d get a 2nd opinion, maybe even try a specialist. There may be issues with her bowel or many other things.
My first daughter and my newborn now struggled with this! So-This sounds nuts okay. I ordered the unflavored aloe from Herbalife. I mix one drop with 5-6 drops of water and give it to her. Aloe soothes the stomach naturally. And I chose the Herbalife kinda cause it’s pharmaceutical grade- not therapeutic grade. (Therapeutic grade has a lot of impurities) I give this to her every 3-4 days. It’s a gentle way to help her stay regular without forcing her body to “evacuate” if you catch my drift. And then I toss some in my water when I’m having issues cheapest easiest solution for the whole family that doesn’t hurt or unnaturally “flush” our insides.
Gas drops and swaddle works for my son
*holding said gassy but now sleeping baby this way currently *
I would switch formula. It is a lot of work for babies to poop, but this sounds like maybe need to try to switch up the foods.
Cut a sliver of bar soap and use it to stimulate the anal opening, it will do three things
¹cause pushing
² lubricate the sphincter
³ Encourage motility
You can use petroleum and a anal thermometer the same way
Is the baby is on formula? It could be a matter of just switching formulas.
Try putting a little kayro syrup in her bottle my son was the same way
I’m with everyone else, get a new doctor. This one doesn’t seem to take you seriously.
And you might consider a test for Celiac disease.
Second opinion fast. My ex had colon cancer that caused him not to poop, as a child.
Let her eat prunes as a snack… I gave mine, half Dr. Pepper, water and table spoon of sugar, it worked in 5 mins
How old is she? Formula or breast milk? Lots of variables to consider, but definitely see another Dr
Try a little massage with lavender baby oil it helps with a fussy baby and possibly pooping when you use certain points like the belly right bellow it and there are alot of cute videos on how and where to massage for relieving constipatation on youtube
My mom always had us move the babys legs up and back from the belly…working the muscles seemed to help.
There are a couple of things I had to do to get mine to go to the loo as babies…Give your baby a nice warm bath just before bedtime with a belly massage 20mins before bedtime feed…Do the bicycle every day with your baby with a massage, my son’s pedestrian told me to give him 4oz of cool boiled water with 2.5ml of prune juice mixed in…you need to give that an hour before a feed or else the milk will curdle…that will take about 2 days for everything to work out
I gave my daughter water before each bottle, it helped.
If you are not breastfeeding it’s her formula.
Second opinion. Mine was like this as a newborn. By 4 months it was discovered he had a hernia and had to have surgery to repair it.
Cooled boiled water. If she’s weaning, avacado.
My dr recommended dark kayro syrup. 1 tbls with 2 oz. Of warm water. Always worked for my girls.
Rowe casa organics! Look them up!! They have a product called happy tummy time. If my daughter goes a day with pooping ill put it on her feet or tummy usually within 30 mins i have poop. Plus it helps with gas!! They have alot of products that are all amazing!!!
I would definitely get a second opinion from a different doctor
If your baby is on formula try a different formula…perhaps Enfamil gentlease or a sensitive/lactose free one. Also if your little one is old enough some water or watered down juice
My daughter was the same way still is super gassy I still rub her belly.
If the baby takes Iron in her vitamins or formulae,stop.
So this sounds more like gas than constipation she might be struggling to pass the gas . Constipation is usually hard or tar like or a sunami of loose poop after a little plug .
This gas is a common condition called colic ,the pulling up legs and hard tummy are common signs .
Keep a chart of her bowel movements and also of what you eat if breastfeeding .
But it is true that babies can go along timeone of my babies would go 3 days between and then poop out the top of diaper
If it’s not over a week baby drs will not be as concerned as we moms think should be
Try a little bit of dark kayro syrup and Luke warm water in a bottle, or pear juice it worked for mine also make sure if you are formula feeding put the water in the bottle first to make sure the baby is getting the amount of water needed
If you are breast feeding avoid gas forming food.
If you give formula milk you might want to change it, and also make sure you follow the precise measurements as per instructions on the container
Get a second opinion. Definitely. It could be any number of things, including bad gas, reaction to milk, etc.
Push for them to test. Two my grandkids have a thing with there bowels . They actual had to remove my granddaughter bowel movement twice before they got her teated
Prob needs low iron milk. Iron binds you up. They also have gas drops to help with gas pains. If you are breast feeding check your diet. Dairy, spicy, garlic all cause gas for the baby.
Look up Encopresis - Soiling Solutions Clean Kid Manual Forum. My grandson had this as a baby through toddler and eventually outgrew it. His Dr. had never heard of it. My daughter stumbled on it when she was looking desperately for help when he was a baby and suffering with constipation.
Or HELP!!! My child has Encopresis.
I would fine a new doctor. Maybe some gas drops would help? Maybe it’s the milk she is drinking?
Prunes!! Baby food or if he/she is still too small, add prune juice to the bottle.
Mine did that and our Dr said to put a little apple juice and water in a bottle and give it to them. It worked
I had to give my babies and I mean babies 2-3-4 months old miralax in their bottles per doctors orders
Try putting some karo syrup in her bottle. I had go do this with one if mine when she was little.
Try probiotic drops also in the bottle/ or on the breast. This also helped my little one with bowel movements and extremely painful gas.
I would give her 1 tsp if mineral oil
Have you tried lactose free baby milk my son had same problem until I bought him lactose free
Put some dark kero syrup in every bottle… just a bit to coat the bottom. Not joking it works. My daughter had trouble to and it helps
Stop worrying she can poop she knows about attention if their was something wrong Dr would do something
Prune juice worked for my daughter!! Just a bit mixed in the formula/milk…oh yea…and find a new Dr!
My granddaughter has to she is 7 give your child Miralax twice a day every day it has no flavor it get your baby going right
Gripe water.
I have 3 children & it was recommended by a certified english governess who nannied 7 kids for a gastrointestinal surgeon.
My brother used a small amount of pasteurized apple juice in my nieces formula.
Try some probiotics! Helped tremendously for my baby!
Second opinion and gripe water at any drug store. Poor baby!
Some babies have trouble getting pushing without clinching worked out. They clinch their butt when they try to have a bowl movement. It’s pretty common.
Mylicon gas drops and soy formula worked for my daughter. But she’s 22 now so this is old advice!
Iron in formula sometimes causes stomach pains also
Sounds like your doc isn’t right in the head babies should be pooping a few times a day.
How old is child? Give them applesauce or apple juice on a regular base.
First question is are you nursing? If you are, stop eating and drinking any items with dairy in it immediately!!! Second is stop eating anything that causes severe gas like broccoli, cabbage and cooked tomatoes like marineras. I have nursed 4 children through the age of 2 and had to stop eating ALL Dairy products for the whole 2 years while I was nursing each of them. It is not safe to give them water or really any other type of juices at this age. I would also give them gripe water made by little tummies. Try not to do the gas drops unless absolutely necessary as that sometimes causes it to be worse. (Use to be an aid with my local LA leche club and have degrees in child development, science, and nutrition.)
Change formula to Similac alimentum it worked for my granddaughter
Sounds like colic. My son had it until he was about 4 months old. We also had to change his milk to soy.
Dont know if you nursing or bottle feeding but to high of iron can be an issue as well
I used an 8th of a teaspoon in my daughters bottle that was told to me by her doctor (1971)
Go back to grandmas ways they worked. Kyro syrup little warm milk
1st and most importany new dr. 2nd get vaseline and take q tips and put some vaseline up her tush. Trust me it will help. Also 2 oz of prune juice before breastmilk/formula.
My suggestion is to seek a second opinion… let the new peads assess your baby.
Do you know Yuyee oil. Rub all over her belly. All my grandchildren I do every day morning n night and it works
I’m wondering do you need to change the babies milk
Try laying her on her tummy across your legs and gently rock her back and forth. Helped withy daughter
Dark kyro suryup can help. Also Vaseline right around her butt.
Sometimes its the formula, there are gas drops which I feel help.
My baby was like this, it was a dairy allergy…try non dairy formula or milk…my now toddler has to have oat milk
A warm bath,move the baby’s legs while they are lying on their back to mimic the motion of riding a bicycle. Doing this may help the bowels function and relieve constipation.Using the fingertip to make circular motions on the stomach in a clockwise pattern.
Walking the fingers around the naval in a clockwise pattern.
Holding the baby’s knees and feet together and gently pushing the feet toward the belly.
Stroking from the rib cage down past the belly button with the edge of a finger. And as stupid as this sounds take a rectal temp it stimulates the bowels to move
Sometimes you consider it constipation if the stools are soft yet sticky. It is hard to push. More water maybe dilute formula
But some Vaseline around her rectum and bent her legs forward
Get some Fletcher’s castoria it gentle and mild
About 6 oz of water, 3 tbsp corn syrup, and 1/2 tsp honey in a bottle. Or if baby is old enough try 6 oz infant apple and 3 tbsp corn syrup, no honey in a bottle.
There is an RX called Lactulose…A Child can associate BM with Pain and there for hold it in. Its harmless.
Old timer here try fennel seed tea if she can have water now.