My baby struggles to poop but the doctor doesn't listen: Advice?

A little bit of clear karo syrup once a day in her bottle

You can try a tsp.of Kero syrup. Did this for my little one many years ago.

You need to go see a GI dr for it.

Don’t do anything but get another Pediatrician

Put a tablespoon or two of Karo syrup in his bottles, works like a charm…

Karo is what I used with my daughter, worked wonders.

Luke warm water n drop of sugar, just give baby few teaspoons

Find another doctor and tell them your concerns. My doctor would tell me I could even do my own research and tell him what i think it is. My toddler recently went through this.

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Caro syrup and warm water

Try another pediatrician

Have you tried Karo Syrup the clear a teaspoon in her bottle

rub her bum cheeks if not already done so see if that helps x

Don’t take advice of others…could be more serious. Call a gastro Dr.

Put a teaspoon of corn syrup in her drink works every time for my kids

Light Karo syrup added to formula. You can use a rectal thermometer to gently stimulate them to poop. My son had severe constipation as a baby & child, as I did. They have baby suppositories that are very small & safe, just lubricant. When stimulating, put legs up to chest. Have him/her drink water. It may be the iron in the formula or intolerant of lactose as someone else suggested. And change dr


Bring her to an osteopath

My mom told me to put karo syrup in formula

Prune juice mixed with water

have him checked by a new doc for a rectal abnormality

Have you tried giving the baby probiotics. They really helpped both times we used them for this.

Sips of water do help too and prune juice

Mine too I used baby suppositories it was the milk

Another doctor.
Apple juice
Prune juice

change her milk… try lactose free milk…

The formula could be allergy

Gripe water worked great with mine!

Demand a referral to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Sounds like gas. Are you using formula

More fiber in her diet. Apple juice

I gave mine dark Karo syrup for constipation in there water or formula , it help them

Warm prune juice diluted

Get a new Peds!!! Also, a little Karo Syrup in bottles can help.

Warm baths. Help move bowels.

May need change formula. Change docs

We always used half teaspoon of Kari syrup mixed with the formula

Goats milk helped our grandbaby

Breastfeeding is the best

1 or 2 tsp of dark karo syrup in her bottle will help her poop.

Get another doctor’s opinion.

Mix a little bit of karo syrup in her formula

We had to switch formula. My little is allergic to milk

Maybe you need some suppositories for infants. Also give the baby more water. If it persists talked baby to see a Paediatric doctor

Dark Karo Syrup in their bottle.
It warms up hot so shake the bottle to test the liquid on your wrist

Gripe water and try changing the baby food

Bring in the stool to the Dr

Newborns have to learn to poop.

Time for a second opinion

Yes try the gas drops and Karo syrup…old remedies…it doesn’t take much syrup. I also agree about changing the formula. All 3 of mine had to do the soy formula and it made a big difference for them. Praying you find a solution that works.

Do you give her formula or do you breast feed .

Mix a lil bit of Karo syrup and water or sugar water …

Dark Karo syrup mixed in water or in with formula works wonders!!!

Watch how muck iron he is getting can cause constipation

I use add a little Karo syrup to my babies formula, not alot or it will give the baby the runs

You need to have her get a. Xray

Activa works great its yogurt so the baby should like it

Also of course prunes and lots of water

Change doctors fast. If they blow you off they don’t care

Get a new doctor…but you can put a tbsp of Karo syrup in an 8 oz bottle if baby…if tottler just give a tsp of karo

Give her a soapy enema I had to do that to all 4 of my children when they were babies. I hope she feels better soon

A little Karo syrup and water. Maybe try a different formula.

Add a tablespoon of Kayro syrup to the bottle once a day it will help.

Aloe drinks seem to help

You need to see a digestive health doctor ASAP. Be persistent you are the best advocate for your baby. There are a wide range of issues that could be going on.

Depends how old mine told me to give her more water cause the throws up everytime with juice or do prunes but prunes didnt seem to help she only poops little beans like 10x a day

Put a very small amount of karo corn syrup in a bottle. Give it a few hours.

My dr suggested brown sugar or Karo syrup in the bottle. It works

Gas drops and switching formula(if you bottle feed)

Have you tried Karo light corn syrup mixed with her formula

I had to buy a tablespoon of Karo syrup in my babies bottles

Possibly a Kinked bowel. See a specialist.

Apple juice worked for mine.

Id try a little bit of prune juice. Always did the trick for my kids. And after that, I’d 100% be looking for a new pediatrician. That’s ridiculous to ignore a pare ts concerns. Especially when there’s a clear issue.

Prune juice and water.

My daughter use to struggle to poop and I always thought her belly was bothering her and I switched to sensitive formula and haven’t had any issues since. Also I agree with everyone else about changing your doctor.

Sounds much more like colic !
Also … get a new Dr.

My grandson is the same way and he is 2…and he had so much trouble, he paces back and forth and nothing had helped. Drs won’t listen and I blt hi i he has a bowel problem, or his intestines are twisted or something.

Grape juice or Apple juice

Kero syrup … 1 ounce with an 6-8 ounce of formula or milk

Try the chiropractor

Baby prune juice or baby food prunes

Try a little dark Karo syrup in bottle of formula. Maybe 1/2 tsp.

Try baby reflexology

They use to do Karo syrup in bottle

Watered down apple juice will work

A teaspoon of canola oil

Add a Tablespoon of Karo syrup to 1 bottle in morning and see if that helps

More water in their body

Try K-row syrup helps baby’s poop

Put some Karo syrup in her milk :+1:t4:

Try a little Karo Syrup in her bottle

I use to put Karo syrup in baby’s bottle

Give a few drops of pure vanilla extract in a teaspoon of water, works wonders I have done this all the time for my children and I use it myself for gas pockets and colic

A little kyro syrup in the bottle

Put some karo syrup in her bottle.

I used karo syrup. Just a little added to milk!

No water for an infant

One ounce of apple juice per month of age per day!

Dark karo syrup mixed with some warm water

Give gripe water it’s the best I give it to my baby since he was 2 month’s old and now he is 4

Try 1 Tbl soon of dark karo syrup in her formula

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