My baby struggles to poop but the doctor doesn't listen: Advice?

how old is your baby

Take away lactose products

Try baby reflexology

Have you tried pear juice or prune juice

Dark karo syrup is easier on small children. My family has been using it for generations. Works right away.

Magnesium!! You can get it in powder or liquid. I have 2 like that.

Use WARM prune juice

Brown sugar and water

Or molasses. May need soy milk

Probably the formula

My son has the same issue and was lactose intolerant. My other son had tummy issues and would potty so I thought everything was fine but found out after a trip to children’s that he was apparently still backed up causing pain.

That’s definitely not normal

Pear juice half juice half water

Karo in the bottle at last feeding before bed!

Dark Karo syrup mixed with a bottle

Soapy water through a syringe it works

Have you tried warm apple juice

A warm bath and, this is going to sound crazy ass hell, but when my nurse practitioner explain it to me it made sense. She said rub the anus with your finger while running warm water over it. Why? Well. Think about a momma dog. She licks the bums of the puppies to help them move their bowels. So essentially this is the human version. It worked. Also, good belly rubs work on babies and puppies to move out the gas.

Sounds like a gassy tummy

Apple juice or Apple baby food

Kato syrup works too

I would try a small bottle of apple or prune juice diluted with water.

If that doesn’t work, a teaspoon of olive oil in the bottle. That worked on my kids.

Caro syrup a little in the formula or breast milk

Use a wax suppository.

Gas Drops in each bottle

Please get a new doctor. My daughter was born with 2/3 of her colon not functioning. It can be very serious and if not treated cause death. Not saying that’s what she has but please find a doctor that will listen to you! Mommy gut is a really thing!!! If she starts to vomit green or yellow bring her to the ER immediately. If her belly get really bloated and hard. And call 911 if her color changes and she become lethargic. These are signs of sepsis. I don’t want to scare anyone but babies can be lost due to this problem becoming serious quickly. Also, check with a doctor before giving her anything other than breast milk or formula. Praying for this baby and her momma. The condition is called Hirschsprung’s

Lactose intolerance?

1 tsp dark Karo syrup in 2pz apple juice

Try a predigested formula

Try homeopathic Chamomila

Warm bath. Prune juice. Gas drops.

Put a little karo the bottle

Apples , without the skin depending on age .

Try infant suppositories

Karo syrup in their bottle will help. In every bottle.

I used infant suppositories on my daughter when she was a baby. You stick them up just enough to get the poop started, keep doing that a little at a time until it comes out. Good Luck!

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BUY A BOX OF WINDIS!!! No joke! (And lube!)

Straight apple juice

My son had a similar issue when he was a newborn and my doctor said baby suppositories…it worked really well. I believe I got them at the drug store no prescription just over the counter.


I had a baby in my childcare do this for weeks. It was awful and mom was beside herself(as was I but I loved that sweet baby) turns out it was the formula and her bread milk. The baby ended up having to be on a specialty formula that was prescribed to i guess feeding tube babies? Anyway, it was a prescription formula. Praying your sweet baby finds comfort soon!

Try giving the white karo syrup it worked for my son years ago i would put a little in his bottle

Definitely need to get a new pediatrician no matter what happens!

White karo syrup in her formula should allow her to poop.

Try fiber foods applesauce oatmeal breads grains and they also have stool pills for children and infants

Kari syrup in her milk, I went through that with my daughter and it was horrible for her

My son was like this. I gave him motts tots apple juice it always helped him poop

I would suggest bringing her to the ER

Try gripe water
Try increase water intake
And most important miralax mixed with apple juice
I’m a mom of 5 try this first then go to GI if it doesn’t help soften stool. Then it’s a structural issue .

That’s colic dear, it is worrying when they couldn’t do it on their own… in our culture we usually do little light massages onto the belly, calves and the bottom of their feet with baby friendly asian ointments, it’ll make those parts warm enough for them to feel more comfortable and less to no colic after… also if your baby is bottle fed, try to change to a non-colic bottles with special design valves and if your baby is breastfed… try to burp her every once in a while… poor baby must’ve struggled so much… I hope this helps!

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Windi Gas and Colic Reliever for Babies (10 Count) by Frida Baby Frida Baby Windi Gas Passer, Baby Gas Relief and Colic Baby Relief, Baby Constipation Relief, 10 Count

this was recomended by our ped doc and has been a lifesaver!!

Have you try prune juice

Mommy’s bliss gripe water helped my son when he was a baby. He would get terrible gas. Gripe Water – Mommy's Bliss

Something that I was suggested … Is chiropractor … I know it sounds weird but there’s a part of the spine that has nerves that control bowel movement and digestion… It worked for a little while with mine until he was old enough to take probiotic vitamins … depending on the age they make otc daily vitamins with a probiotic in them … I’m sorry… I know exactly how you feel in this situation

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My daughter was this way and I was really concerned. I had to change her pediatrician and my mum told me to introduce tummy rubs and gentle leg excerises when I see her trying to poo.

I used to use this for my youngest when she was a baby and it worked great


Apple juice works on my 2 girls who are constantly constipated and have had trouble going. They like fig Newton bars it seems to help soften their stool to make it easier for them to go. Don’t dilute the juice either.

How old is your baby ? My grandson was having this issue at 5 months and the pediatrician said to use prune baby food but only 1 baby spoon full every 3 days and it helped a lot

I used these for my son and they were a life savor. I would put a tiny bit of Vaseline on the end and twirl it while it was inserted into his rectum, and within 5-10 minutes lots of gas and usually a poop. I hope it helps, it worked wonders for me and made him soooooooo much happier.

My kids would do the same thing, thank God their doctors listened and this was seriously a life saver!!

It’s a colic. Are you breastfeeding her? If so, be careful of the food you’re eating as this passes to your breastmilk all the way to your baby.
You can try chamomile tea for baby, I always used that tea for my baby before she was 6months and very effective for colic.
We have this medicine for colic called Aceiti de manzanilla, we rub this on the baby’s bellie after bath or going to sleep. Your baby won’t experience colic again.

Okay. How old is she? Is she breast or bottle fed. If bottle fed, what formula?

I JUST went through something similar with my infant son. He was 6 weeks old. My son from the time we came home had a hard time pooping. He would try all day and then it would be very runny/mushy. He would cry while pushing. But he was very happy and content otherwise. At 6 weeks old he woke up one day crying in pain… and it didnt stop, all day. It got worse throughout the day. He wouldn’t eat. Couldn’t poop. It got to the point that we couldn’t hold him without him crying in pain. His entire body would be as stiff as a board. His hands were locked above his head and he just screamed. This all happened in 1 day. I took him to the ER and this doctor said to me… “he’s a baby. Babies cry. Maybe he has colic.” No. I knew that wasn’t right. So I took him to our pediatrician the very next morning. he ended up in the hospital for a week with an Ileus. Basically his intenstines were in a knot because He has a slow moving digestive tract. He is allergic to milk protein and has severe reflux.

His doctor is amazing and she went to bat for him. She ran all the right tests and sent us to the childrens hosptial all within 2 hours of our first visit to her about it. When he was released we had to wait 6 weeks to see a GI. She called him personally and told him there was no way we could wait. She got us in 2 days later.

If your peditrician isn’t in your corner, find a different one. Find someone who treats you like your concerns are valid. Who treats your baby as an individual and not “the norm”.

Link has to be on Nutramigen now. He has to take prilosec and gripe water everyday, and also an over the counter probiotic so he can poop easily. Don’t give up, just because your pediatrician is.

Add white karo syrup and find ned pedestrian

I can not suggest it enough PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS. It comes in powder form and you keep in fridge, do not heat milk when given cause it kills the effect. Give once a day. I used this one

Try gripe water. It works

Try infant probiotic drops takes about a week to see positive results

Old school here… karo syrup

My daughter was like this when she was about 3 years old it went on and on made her sick alot eventually they took her into hospital as they noticed she was impacted so they had to get her to poop they gave her medicine in her drink but she refused it so had to put a into her so they could give her the medicine it did work and they gave me stuff when I took her home she’s now 14 and doing great good luck with that

Get a new doctor. We had a baby like that in my class. We got him at 6 weeks and he did the same. We keep pushing the mom to look into it. Her doctor said the same. Before the shut down, he had to be hospitalized and surgery.

Time for a second opinion. When you come across a doctor who does not address your concerns it’s best to find another one for the safety and health of your child. Your child comes before a doctor’s ego. Be blessed :heart:


My Goddaughter was sent to CHOP, had a barium enema and was diagnosed with a “redundant colon”. She did finally outgrow the condition but as a toddler, she required a special diet and daily doses of lactulose. Keep pushing as hard as your baby does!

Okay 1.) You need to look into getting a new pediatrician. Because they should be listening to you better.
And 2.) Give her a little bit of prune juice. Give her 2 ounces and it will not hurt her. Obviously the older she gets increase the amount. Whenever my kids were backed up I gave them a little bit of prune juice and they immediately pooped. Even from the time they were just a few weeks old.


If you feel like something is wrong, and you doctor isn’t addressing your concerns then it’s time to get a new one. Parenting doesn’t come with a handbook. We rely on our instincts, and what we feel is wrong or right. If your gut is telling you something you need to learn to listen to it, and get a different pediatrician.


Straight prune juice none of the medical prune juice bs just prune juice and water in a bottle. My oldest had issues with it for a long time and she turned out to not only be lactose intolerant but intolerant to soy as well cause her to either get backed up or puke when shes too backed up


Get a new pediatrician who listens to your concerns, then take the advice of that doctor rather than internet advice. Everyone here is more than likely caring and trying to help, but you’re trying to help your baby, not find the best way to fix a radiator. I know you’re tired, and frustrated, but seriously, get a new doctor.


It could be just tummy issues with gas…regardless, a doctor who does not listen, especially when you bring it up again and again, is not good. Time to switch docs and figure it out. It could be allergies to something in your diet or formula. You need to find a doctor who will listen to your concerns and help guide you along this journey!


Our little girls pediatrician has us mix dark karo syrup in with her formula. It didn’t take much, we used 1/4 teaspoon in a 6/8 ounce bottle of formula once a day.


Suppository / I know it sounds unpleasant. My son was like that and one of my good friends told me if I didn’t do it, she was going to bc he was suffering. So I had her show me how and do it the first couple of times, we used only half of one, and he would start pooping almost instantly. It was the only thing that worked, so if he hadn’t pooped all day, I would give him one. after a few weeks he didn’t need it anymore. Good luck I hope she feels better!


My daughter had an issue with pooping as an infant… the doctor had me lift her legs up as if changing her diaper. Dip a q-tip in Vaseline and gently insert it 8nto her bottom just barely and run it in a circle in her rectum. It stimulates it just enough that it enabled her to pass her poo. She grew out of it. Best wishes mama!


Karo syrup (clear) in the bottle just a teaspoon. It helps make the stool slimy making it easier to pass it. Also pear extract works really well


When my son was an infant he had major constipation. We 1st tried miralax but that didn’t do anything. I took him to the pediatrician. He gave us two options. The first was trying different meds and seeing if any of them worked. The second was give him a little coffee with formula and see how that goes. He has been perfectly fine ever since. He is 14 now and drinks coffee but no bathroom issues.


Mine had similar issues when she was a newborn, she has some digestion/sensitivity issues and a touch of colic. Our pediatrician recommended nutramigen and it was the best thing for her. She transitioned to regular milk at a year normal too

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Mine did the same thing. No help from the pediatrician… more water , juice, etc. even had a couple of ER visits. Finally my step mom said give her mineral oil. So I ask the pediatrician. Sure! You can give her mineral oil I have some kids that take as much as. 8 TBSP a day!!! What!!! You let my child suffer like this all the while knowing simple mineral oil would help??? So we did the research and did the mineral oil. Started with 1 tsp in her bottle eventually went to 2 tsp per day. It’s odorless, colorless, and tasteless, and over the counter. It is not a laxative so it does not cause dependency it is only a stool softener and it works AMAZINGLY. Needless to say, we changed pediatricians as well.:triumph:


breastfed babies can go days without pooping. not sure about bottle fed babies. My daughter is breastfed. She always seemed like the way you said. I talked to the doctor and she said the same thing. I decided to take dairy out of my diet and that helped. She fussed all the time no matter what I did. Shes not as fussy now but she is teething now. if you feel like you need to get a second opinion go see another doctor.

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I had a similar situation when my daughter was a baby…turns out she had and still has a dairy intolerance. The ped we had switched her formulas multiple times and said gripe water, the gripe water helped but switching the formulas didn’t…he suggested going soy instead which then constipated her and made it worse… she ended up doing rice cereal and apple juice as early as 4 weeks due to this and took finally getting another ped to recommend going to almond milk…which is what’s she’s been drinking for the last 8 years now

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I know a doctor who put some metamucil or a tad or miralax in their chocolate milk so his kids would poop. I guess a tiny bit might not hurt? He was a gastric specialist and was very good at his job, I trusted him. Or a little karo syrup in water. And you need a doctor to listen to listen to you. Mom’s know their kids.

My son did this when he was a baby. Turned out to be lactose issues. Switched him to sensitive formula and it stopped almost immediately.

PROBIOTICS!!! My son had the same issue, went 4 days without going at all and when he finally tried he barely could. Our pediatrician had us start giving him probiotics (he started at 5 weeks and is now 3 months) and he now goes regularly once a day without straining. We still give them to him daily, they’re great for their digestive systems in general.

My oldest went through this and we found out he was lactose intolerant we switched to soy and he was able to poop like normal

Neosure gave my son so many stomach problems soon as we switched his formula he was fine so I’d try to a couple different formulas see if anything helps. I remember when my son was little and it would get really bad like over a week with no poop my mother in law would give him a bottle of just tea and it usually helped but I can’t remember what the tea is called

Probiotics help bowel movements I had a daughter that was like that and I started her on the enfamil formula that’s in like a cream colored container that has probiotics and that made her regular

My daughter ended up on nutramagin (?spelling) because she was going through a lot of what you described and her body was having a hard time breaking down the food (formula). Perhaps worth a mention or try? And I’d definitely recommend a pediatrician who listens to you, mommas know their babies. Good luck :blush:

My son had encropesis (sp?) and struggled with pooping and being able to control his bowels until he was 10. I learned that just because the stools he did have were soft didn’t mean he wasn’t constipated. He had blockage that only allowed soft stuff to get past it. I would highly recommend a different pediatrician. Trust your instincts as a parent. You know your child better than anyone else.

When my baby was little this happened we got the all natural gas drops but looking back I think it was the formula maybe your baby has a sensitive stomach or a allergy to certain formula but the gas drops are the best

I made the mistake of listening to so many pediatricians when my son was a baby until he reached 2 years n his tummy was so swollen n I found out about a gastroenterologist pediatrician specialist, and found out he was suffering from chronic constipation since birth, n I always took his to doctors n clinics n they laughed at me saying I’m overreacting. Now my son is almost 7 years old n has a permanent condition called encopresis which is chronic constipation. So he’s on a medication called movical which helps him poop, and he’s also on probiotic which helps his also…

A teaspoon of brown sugar in 2 oz of water in a bottle is what my doctor told me and it works like a charm! I also had to switch my daughter to Enfamil reguline and that helps also. My poor daughter would get so constipated she would scream every time she pooped :pensive:

My son was always fussy. He screamed, his tummy was akways hard and hed poop out either round balls of poop with diarrhea after. He also spit up alot. Turns out my son was lactose intolerant. I had to switch formulas.
Also to much iron in formula can cause those problems too.

Try seeing a chiropractor for the baby.
I know it sounds crazy, but birth is hard on their little bodies. Having them get adjusted and making sure their spine, neck, and pelvic bones are all good can make a world of difference!
Karo syrup is great too, as well as the gas drops. You don’t need much of the syrup, just a little bit and it will help lubricate everything and make the baby go easier.
Best of luck to you all!

Ok my grandson was not pooping.son called peditrician… with gasoline and qtip inserted slowly. Pooped that night and ever since…I hadvtge honor of doing this task… believe me I was nervous but happy it worked

Its common for a baby not to poop for days. My son as a baby went 10 days and then exploded! But id get a second opinion. The pain wasnt so bad for my son. Please dont give anything to a newborn like prune juice until a Doctor says so!

Change your milk. They put my baby on 22 calories NeoSure because She was a preemie i took her off because i was having the same Problem and put her on sensitive