Gerber makes Infant prune juice. My oldest had issues with this because she had a milk allergy and before we realized and switched her to soy she was so bound up she couldn’t poop. Doctors office said to add some gerber prune juice to each bottle… works very quickly!
You did not mention how old she was but if still on formula might need to change. We switched to gentle ease. Also did baby suppositories.
So my 5 month old babies used to take 1 week to poop. Initially she would poop once in two days. Then she started pooping once in 5 days. We then realised that she was on iron and that’ caused her constipation. So we stopped that. Maybe it’s something you are giving and not realising.
I have so many question i cannot answer…how old is your baby? Is she still on milk or she’s eating? Obviously something is upsetting her stomatch but she is not constipated so could be the food or something in her tummy they are some type of food that avoid with my baby to make him feel better and then my life savior was bio gaia that i put in his milk and he would calm down his tummy!
My granddaughter just went through the same thing. For 2 yrs the pediatrician just kept saying she’s fine, normal, etc. Dont let your baby go through this! My daughter gives my granddaughter slightly watered down Bolt juices and occasionally Miralax. All of that pain made toilet training a nightmare, so don’t wait.
NEW DOCTOR IS YOUR ANSWER, every child is different and is smart not to try anything people tell you cause they don’t know what your child has.
We had the same issue with our twins. My opinion is 1. Get a new doc. One that listens to you. 2. Our doc put our boys on miralax. Even with all the supposed side effects it is the safest for kids. We started with a half dose then backed it off until the stool was soft not runny. Our boys are now three and no matter how much dairy they have they are always are constipated. My doc says some kids a just like that. So they get miralax almost daily, and no apples or bananas and very light rice. Keep your head up, you are doing a great job mom!
Momma I hear you! My daughter is 6 and this is a struggle for us. The doctors say it’s normal and she will go 12 days without pooping! 12! To me that is not normal but as I talk to other parents it’s more “normal” than I thought. I tried chocolate exlax, miralax, biocleanse from plexus, prune juice, probiotics… everything would work for like a week then back to pooping every two weeks it felt like. She HATED using the suppositories but I had no choice because her tummy would get so tight.
Only just NOW has she started pooping every three days with no medicine. I had to talk to her about not holding it in because I thought that was what she was doing?! Seemed to work.
On a different note it’s not good for her to try and “force” it out. So grunting all day is only making it worse. My mom had to have therapy to “learn to poop” after she had surgery and that was one of the things she said. Pushing/forcing constricts the muscles. Your body needs to be relaxed to help everything flow so maybe start there?
That’s what my pediatrician kept telling me. So we decided change her milk and her bottles. And our pediatrician told us we can mix one ounce of prune juice with one ounce of water.
New pediatrician first off. It sounds like more gas then trying to pass a stool. I’ve tried warm Olive oil on the belly and that helped. I used to " run" my son when he was a newborn… Grab their little legs and move them like they are on a bike… Gently of course, that would get the gas moving. We would sing a little song as we did it.
My baby had the same issues
I had to change to a rice formula…change doctor and used a baby laxative sometimes to soften the stool…why are you playing with that doctor. FIRE HIM/HER AND MOVE ON!!!
If she drinks bottle, fill one with water and a pinch of salt to help soften it and maybe get second opinion. I would go straight to emergency if its my baby listen to your guts
We had the same issue. When she was old enough we tried one ounce of prune juice am and PM. After about two days she was a different baby. I would also get a second opinion. It may be the doctor is just not in the same lane of concern as you. You should find one that is. Even if the doctor can’t do much more or knows it’s normal they should express their understanding of your concern and try to do something to help. But I do know they have to be so old before giving the prune juice. I also had to use generic store brand sensitive stomach formula. Like I said in two days totally different baby. Happy and content
She might allgeric to milk or a baby daycare had a hemorrhoids that what cause problem with going .
Get a second Opinion. My son could not talk and was Tongue tied and his pediatrician said oh he would grown out of it and needless to say we got a second Opinion and a different pediatrician.
Try a little prune juice in a bottle of water. I had to do that with my son. He got that way after bringing him home. I think it has to do with the change from hospital to home and a different feeding time. That was thinking back 30 yrs ago lol.
Get a second opinion with a new doctor. Your baby may in fact not be constipated but the doctor should at least listen and not be so dismissive.
I’m sorry that your pediatrician is not listening to you on this, I can only imagine how frustrating that is. I agree with you, you know your baby. I would recommend definitely finding another ped. My son struggled with this as well & it broke my heart to see him struggling and uncomfortable. But, I think it really depends on how old the baby is. I believe he was around 6-8 months and the dr started off with telling us to give him baby prune juice & water & feeding him baby food prunes. This helped but he was still constipated and they ended up prescribing us miralax and told us to put a little in his water and that worked wonders for him. I would find a new dr & get a second opinion. Hang in there mama, you got this
My pediatrician had us give my little one no more then an ounce of prune juice. It worked great.
My step daughter who is 11 always had a problem also. We gave her a tiny bit of mirolax. My son is 5 and also had the same problem. He would cry like no tomorrow because he just couldn’t poop. We have it to him until 4 years old and he’s been fine now that he’s a bit bigger. Drs will say it’s not good blah blah blah but start with a wee bit then as she gets older you’ll do a little more. I know it’s very stressful to see your baby I’m pain. Hope she gets better.
Go to a different pediatrician. It’s common sense that a tiny person who eats every 2 hours has to have a bm at least and this is the bare minimum of three times a day. I have 4 children, my second child struggled severely with this and I tried all natural glycerin suppositories. They will not harm your baby. Don’t ever give a child miralax, especially a baby because it’s synthetic junk and we all know how that ends. One day at a time. Camomile tea is so calming aand can be given to your child as much as milk.
Give your baby gripe water. It really helped us. My baby was too gassy when we brought her home. She’s almost five months now, but we still have to give it to her at least twice daily.
Time to change pediatrician. It sounds more like the baby is cramping and having gas and/or abdominal pain possibly due to milk allergies or something else especially since she has soft stools. I would get a new doctor for sure and ASAP!
My daughter had trouble pooping still does but when she was a baby i noticed she was straining like her belly muscles were tired i gave her a hug and she started pushing like she needed to go when i did so i just kept hugging her gently idk if that helps how old is she make sure you burp her after she burps
No its not normal , my daughter had this same problem… her pediatrician told me the same thing . It may sound bad but maybe make it sound worse. I just kept telling my pediatrician and telling her and she finally listened … there’s this medicine that tastes really sweet its a liquid and it’ll have your baby pooping in like 5-10 minutes of giving it , I forgot what its called … thats what my pediatrician finally prescribed my daughter… and then after they prescribed her miralax . But a warm bath may work as well if you don’t mind cleaning the tub afterwards… that worked for my daughter as well
Find a new doctor. If you feel the doctor isn’t listening get a second opinion. Listen to your gut.
My Dr told me the same thing. “Breast fed babies don’t get constipated.” “Its normal to go several days to a week without pooping because she’s breastfed.”
She screamed for the first 6 months of her life. She’s grown now.
She just gave birth to her first baby… She’s STILL suffering with constipation. No idea why.
When my granddaughter was born she didn’t poop for 13 days.The pediatrician said give her some sugarwater and that worked beautifully
My now teenager was born with severe constipation to the point where they thought it was reflux due to the constant vomiting, they did biopsies, test after test and untill today, no solid answer. As a small baby, on doctor and professor orders, I have him a sachet of Pegicol a day and when he was really stuggling a lenolax enema. As of today at 15 yrs old, he still drink a sachet of Movicol a day.
My peds dr said a teaspoon of sugar with 4oz water… And its worked everytime… My younger kids are 7 and 4 and if they tell me their tummys hurt thats my first go to
My breastfed baby went thru the same. It stopped after he turned 2 months. They’re still developing abdominal muscles to help them poop easier. Do bicycles with them when the start straining.
Trust your gut!! Request a second opinion. My daughter was the same way. She ended up on soy and soy products till around 3 years old. Don’t second guess your intuition! Goodluck
Had the EXACT same problem with my kiddo when he was a newborn, had the EXACT same problem with my pediatrician- he had a milk allergy- switched him to Similac Alimentom they never listened to me after 6-8 doctor visits then he had blood in his stool-he’s 3 1/2 and now takes miralax
1-try giving her banana(smach it for her)as it contains fiber and may help her 2- massage her tummy,lay her on the back and bring her knees to touch her belly as it may be gas. 3 A doctor who doesn’t care about your child,can’t be her doctor
Yes, sounds more like food intolerance or food/additive allergies. Helps if she is able to float in a tub. This helps the gas bubbles move with gravity when she changes positions while floating
I did a teaspoon of kayro when both of mine went through this. Their doctor said it was an old school but it works lol I hope you baby gets some relief, poor baby
I’m so sorry Ma’am your little one is feeling stopped up. What i use to do was take a water bottle and put warm water in, and wrap a towel around it. And roll it around on my children’s little tummies. Yes it worked and they would load up their diapers. But Ma’am I would get a second opinion just to make you feel better. Sending my prayers to you and your sweet little one that she gets better. God Bless AMEN.
It doesn’t sound like constipation so I wouldn’t use prune juice. Never give water because can throw off babies system. Try gas drops and find a new pediatrician who takes your concerns more serious.
My son was the same way, he was in pain and would struggle. I would have to help him get the poop out. The doctor prescribed Disposable suppositories and it helped. Good luck
I had problems with my daughter for two years, I was ready to take her to a GI specialist once we got back from a trip to my parents in Florida, but there she started pooping and it was a lot, that poor kid was so backed up, we joked it must be the water, then it dawned on me, we had well water at home with a high iron content, she was constipated due to the iron in our water, I switched to bottled water for her and never had another problem.
My child did the same thing and the doctor wouldn’t listen either. I tried colace and it worked for us but I don’t know how old your child is.
Gripe water and kyro syrup - the clear kind in her bottle. 1tbs for 8oz, my daughter had horrible colic and the exact same issue, both of these were life savers. Also, new doctor for sure, had it not been for my pediatrician, who was SUPER old school, I never would have known about the kyro syrup.
My son had this same exact problem, his dr finally switched him to soy formula and he was a completely different baby
Dear new mom: about your newborn that doesn’t poop. Have you and your pediatrician ever discussed maybe your baby is experiencing colic? Both of my babies had colic as newborns. What they had me try was kero syrup? I’m questioning my spelling of the word. The pediatrician said it would help with gas attacks. I tried it but it didn’t work! So after awhile he ended up getting medicine drops to put in his formula. He thankfully outgrew it! But your a new momma and if your really worried about this and it continues. Please, please take your little girl in for a second opinion. Second opinion ‘s is only you being a good and thorough momma. There’s no law saying you can’t get one She’s your new beautiful girl and right now she’s hurting and crying out in pain and she needs her momma to help and if you feel maybe your pediatrician’s not hearing or helping you at this moment. Then getting a second opinion is a good idea. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Good luck! I hope your little girl is feeling better real soon!
Happens with my daughter too… She struggled for almost a weak and doctor said its normal for newborn babies if they r only brestfeed then there is no issue but after almost 12 days doctor prescribed suppositery its available in medical store for infants and then she is able to pass stool comfortably
Prune juice! Worked wonders when my son went thru the same thing. I would also think about switching doctor to one who listens to what you have to say
Glycerin suppositories are over the counter
Talk to pharmacy about using Senokot a natural concentrated juice
Small amount in dropper
Keep amount small & be patient
Baby needs water there are
Additives so water is slightly
Thicker (no choking )
There are pediatric gastro physicians for consult
Be patient
Sign me an old grandma
Second opinion for sure. Sometimes third until you find someone to listen because you know your child better than anybody.
My now 13 year old daughter had issues and I would have to take her diaper off put clean one under her and then put her little knees to her chest and just let her push little at a time, about 5 months old I didnt have to " help" her poop anymore.
You could find another pediatrician
Infants ( newborns) and I’ve raised 9
Every day they usually go
As they get older sometimes it changes to every other day or so.
But not 5. It becomes way to hard to go- severe constipation
Have you tried glycerine suppositories for infants?
My son dealt with encopresis till he was about 11. We used to put mirolax or glycolax in a juice he would drink everyday. And sometimes had to give him crushed up senalax pills in apple sauce. I would suggest finding a pediatric gastroenterologist… good luck.
Both of my kids had sphincter muscle disorder we would have to use a rectal thermometer to stimulate the rectal muscles to contract!
My son had the worst issues going to the bathroom. His pediatrician blew it off so after several months of my son not being able to go to the bathroom 5-6days on average I finally got a new pediatrician. The new doctor sent Zeppelin straight to a GI dr and thats when I found out that Zeppelin needed to be taken off all baby foods. I’ve been making his foods for almost a year now and not one problem.
Is the baby bottle fed, or formula fed? If the baby is bottle fed, a special formula would work best. Your baby may be colic. So her digestive system may be under developed. If so, she might not be able to digest what she’s being fed properly. I’m no expert, I just had a colic baby. Based on your post, this reminds me of my daughter when she was a baby. The more I bounced my daughter, the better her tummy felt. I remember taking her for walks. The bumpier the sidewalk, the better she felt.
My grandbaby had that problem when she was born had to take her to a gastro specialist who gave her meds and she had a procedure done on anus being too small. She is almost 5 and has finally weaned off med and. Still doesn’t do milk unless it is lactade free,and eats plenty of fruits.
Honestly, all three of mine did this and it turned out all three had horrible colic!
My son had hischsprung disease which is something they don’t normally catch until the child is a toddler but I was so persistent about his bowel mo and his stomach being so bloated that the Dr finally ran test and they seen his intestinal tract was full of poop that the little poop I seen was what he couldn’t hold it was looping
Go with your gut, you will be the only one who knows your baby find a new doctor until you get the help you are looking for… Bless you and your bubby you are doing a awesome job mummy dont let anyone cloud your opinion when it come to your baby
My eldest struggled and Hera was very hard. Her pediatrician didn’t listen. That was twenty three years ago. Now, she’s significantly obese.
Gas drops for babies. If her stool is soft shes more than likely not constipated, probably gas
That sounds like trapped gas.
Also, please stop using a thermometer to try to release gas. That’s extremely dangerous. You could inadvertently puncture something in her rectum. They make a product to help release gas called windi, You can get them at Target or Walmart. They are rounded on the end, and designed to be inserted into a baby’s rectum.
Get a new doctor. One that is willing to listen to your concerns.
Sorry, but your pediatrician sounds right. It takes awhile for babies to “learn” to poop without it just happening on it’s own(like it does right after birth). It sounds like gas that is the problem, not constipation. Everything you’ve said points to gas. Not constipation. Get your baby some gripe water and gas drops. Burp baby more too. If that still doesn’t help, you might need to try different formulas. Total comfort is usually a good one for gas, and try dr brown bottles too.
There are drops called mylicon that can help with gas…my daughter was super gassy, would turn red in the face and grunt and cry and once we started the drops she improved…you can also try moving her feet and legs in a pedaling motion and gently press her belly to help move things along as well. Good luck momma
I am currently going through this with my 15 month old. Since we switched him from formula to regular milk when he turned one he started getting constipated severely then his doctor said it was normal, and told us to go to the urgent care. I took him to the urgent care they said to change his dietAnd add more protein and fiber so we did that nothing changed then we went went to the emergency room they prescribed him MiraLAX to soften his stool. And then his pediatrician ordered stool sample test ultrasound test and they found nothing out of the ordinary. Then finally they recommended a G.I. pediatric specialist and he said to give my son more fruits and limit his whole milk intake and 8 ounces of water every day and gave us a different stool softener so I will be trying it out tomorrow. If your baby is still on formula try changing it to gentle ease.
My baby was the same but only after I had to stop breast milk(didn’t make enough milk ) and I had to put him on formula and that’s when it all started, the dr switched him to a gentle formula(soy based) , because he couldn’t use regular formula. That seemed to do the trick. I hope you find a good solution to your babies discomfort
Watered down Pear juice worked, still does, for my daughter. Gas relief drops too. Live others have pointed out, get a new Dr, he/she should listen to your concerns
Babies have to learn how to regulate their bowels and that’s partially why they get constipated. Do you formula feed? If so that can have a lot to add to gas, constipation etc. Try changing formulas and see if you find any differences if you formula feed. If you breast feed take a look at your own diet and consult with someone who can help you find things that will be gentle on her belly.
First get another doctor and second it might me the milk…my son was like that two and turns out I had to change his milk to soy milk because everything would else would mess his stomach up
A breast fed baby can go a fair few days without passing a stool a formula fed baby should pass stool more frequently…the fact that your baby is straining and only passing gas is an indicator something isn’t right …if your baby is formula fed make sure you are making your formula up correctly and not adding extra water or extra powder also is everything sterilised properly are you using a perfect prep machine or similar if your baby is breastfed maybe keep a food diary because something your eating could be disagreeing with baby. As a short term fix a pinch of brown sugar in cool boiled water will sort baby out but not a long term fix
If you’re giving her a bottle make it as warm as you can, to help break the gas. Also try rubbing a bit of Vaseline by her butt hole, kinda like a lube to help it pass easier. This also works with baby oil. Just drizzle a bit
Same thing with my son happened many years ago. I took him to a specialist. I just felt like his straining was abnormal. Trust your gut. You know your baby,
My 3 month old was like that they suspected hirschsprung’s disease I did an biopsy and no disease thank God .I changed formula to allemntum and gave him half a dose of luctaos which is a infant laxative . Three days later he pooped normally . He poop once a day but it’s a blow up Holly hell why did I worry about him ever pooping once a poop. Go with ur gut mama . Get him tested for hirschsprung’s disease and message and bycycle helps
My daughter had the same problem. Turned out she had goats poop syndrome. Obviously that’s the none medical term. But basically her poops are hard as a rock and she generally poops out little round turds, they tend to look like goats poop. To this day (14 years) she gets severally constipated and she has to have laxatives to make her go.
Maybe time too see a new doctor my new grandson 4 months old went threw this exactly!he now drinks two ounces of baby prune juice once a day and it seems to be working well
Find out if you need a referral to see a specialist, if you can make an appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist. My granddaughter has the same issues. She’s been prescribed miralax and cenna
I know probably not likely but came to mind because my best friend son has it. Please look up Hirschsprung’s disease. Its a lack of nerves in the intestines which makes passing stool impossible or extremely hard to do. Maybe see if her systems fit and find a dr who will rule it out or not.
I went through this with my son unfortunately it is normal but I would see if she will do a referral u to a stomach doctor.
My infant daughter would get so constipated that it got to the point i would have to help
Her “deliver” her poop. Her de had me put dark karo syrup
In her bottles. It really helped.
We found out our son had a dairy allergy. He ended up in the e.r. because he couldn’t go. Be careful.
Is she drinking water? This happened to my daughter because the doctor told me babies didn’t need water. Once I started giving her water she was just fine, no more issues.
Time to get an opinion from another doctor. If you feel your pediatrician is not taking your concerns seriously then I would switch.
It depends on the actual cause of this issue.sounds like dr needs to get to the root of the issue or find a new dr. To me it sounds like maybe a lactose or cow milk protein issue.we tried 4 formulas on my son b4 finally getting to that it was a milk protein thing and switched to Gerber…used to be orange label.gentle ease may be the name of it.but it was our very last switch and he did great with it!
Same happened with my son…they had me put a table spoon of caro syrup in his bottles…it helped a little…but he had problems going all the way till he was like 4 or 5…we started with the caro syrup…graduated to watered down prune juice…and then 2 daily doses of miralax…i dont think any of those things worked too good, but something was better than nothing…he finally started going normally on his own at 4 or 5 years of age and hasnt had problems since and hes 8 now…
Look into Hirschsprung Syndrome. I read an article on it once. It says that “Babies with this condition are born without intestinal nerve cells called ganglion cells, which allow the intestine to relax and contract so stool can pass.” It’s pretty rare so it gets over looked. I hope you find out what it is…
Babies digestion is constantly changing!!! My daughter does this too. Gripe water helps and isn’t really medicine… unfortunately this is part of being a baby/parent good luck!
How old is your daughter? Also it sounds very
serious if she can’t poop.
I would get a second opinion with a different Dr.
DO you nurse her?
Maybe like some of these lady’s said try eating more good fiber, less Dairy.
If no change there are other options. It is very dangerous if a baby can’t poop.
If her belly is very hard and not soft it means she’s backed up.
You came massage her belly to help it move her stools along.
Ask your doctor about Miralax if she can have it?
I’m not a Dr. But I’d ask another Dr. If she can get an abdomen x-ray. If it comes back abnormal then talk to a G.I. Dr.
Oh my daughter used to do this. My doctor actually listened to me and said that it was because we were giving her Enfamil and my breast milk. The Enfamil was giving her the constipation we also kept rubbing her tummy and also moving her legs around. It did help the poop come but unfortunately it was projectile:rofl:However every baby is different but I would suggest another massage and switching your baby’s doctor. And remember to keep your face out of the blast radius.
Switch to soy formula or gentlease. My nephew had the same issue and it was from the lactose. The pediatrician should know this.
A little mineral oil once a day helped my son with his pooping problems but he was a toddler not a baby.
my grandmother put little slivers of ivory soap just barely on their little area . she swore by it and my kids never had problems.
Note: she held it there… she did not shove in like a suppository.
My sweet country grandmother…lol
My children are grown but I would use a thermometer. Very easy go in and out a few times. It worked every time
Mylicon for gas, and infants Tylenol if you feel like its hurting her too bad.
Keep in mind growth spurts. Our daughter went thru those every 3 months. It was awful. We always thought it was gas but she was just growing really fast.
I changed my baby’s formula on my own. The doctors will tell you that it’s not the formula. My mom changed my baby on the carnation milk formula. I don’t know if people uses that formula today but it worked wonders for a lot of babies. Of course this was years ago. Try changing the formula and see what happens.
And yes prune juice is good but it has a taste most children don’t like although my granddaughter was so uncomfortable she drank it but miralax is fuss free
A little warm water works wonders. How old is baby? My daughter called me and asked what to give my granddaughter when she was a few weeks old. I told her to use warm water, only 1 or 2 oz, she gave her 4 oz and my daughter had poop everywhere. It worked, though.
Try a tiny amount of vasoline on the end of an anal thermometer and gently ease it in and out about an inch. It worked miracles for my daughter when she was little. Her pediatrician recommended it.
My granddaughter could not have normal bowel movements and she started running fevers and being extremely sick and her doctors just kept saying to give her more vegetables her breath wasalso so bad for a baby.When her fevers kept getting worse we took her to the ER and after x-rays we were told she was severely impacted and her body was being poisoned. We could have lost our granddaughter if we had not done this when we did. She was then given medicine to get her going and then we went to a person who specialized in supplements that helped her digestive system which she took for several years and eventually she out grew it and has been fine since. Please change doctors and get help for your baby as we have since talked to others whose children have had difficulties like your baby.
My daughter did too when she was a baby. Prune juice didnt effect her. We found mangos helped her. She enjoyed mango more and it worked the best. When she got a little bigger we would just have frozen mango bites so then it was just a treat.
A 1/2 teaspoon of Karo syurp in bottle, once a day until she goes. Old home remedy… did it for my kids and 8 grandsons.
Absolutely get a new doctor! Your doctor should listen to your concerns and help you, not ignore you. All of my children have struggled with constipation. I use daily probiotic drops for my son who is 7 months. I used to put a little dark corn syrup, Karo, in a warm bottle for my daughter and it worked wonders for her. I hope you get some answers for your little one!