My daughters pediatrician told her to give her son a little prune juice with the breast milk and it helped, I’m sorry you’re little one is struggling!
Sounds like a milk allergy or colic. Both of my sons had the same problem. First one I switched to goats milk, 2nd one the doctor gave me drops for colic worked like a dream.
My baby had the same thing years ago and a friend grandma said to boil a yellow onion in water. Then pour the water in baby bottle. I didn’t think my daughter would drink IT but she did and started going poop. If not find a new doc and ask for a barem X-ray. If your baby has some sort of a blockage that will find it. Good luck. Keep fighting for your baby.
My daughter had the same problems! Pear juice, and we used baby suppositories . She grew out of it. As soon as she was potty trained
U shud also consider allergy testing. My son was always constipated and it was due to his allergies
… I’m sorry but up to 5 days without a poop for babies? That does NOT sound normal. I would get a second opinion. Go see another doctor. Too many times I have seen doctors pass things as normal and sometimes it is. But sometimes it’s not and this is a time I feel it definitely is now
Probiotics. Same was happening with our foster daughter. Started her on probiotics and the problem was completely solved. And her doctor dismissed her problem as well.
Had the same issue but once I changed from Similac to Enfamil the Gentlease kind it worked WONDERS and never had an issue after that. The Similac was making her too gassy and her stomach was hard and she cried.
I’m not sure. But seriously. Tell the pediatrician, and then explain. If it is normal what can I do so that I can help baby poop easier anyway. It makes me worried. And passing it off as “normal” doesn’t make me worry less especially when he’s up all night. Ask for detailed explanation. If they shrug it off or talk around the issue. It’s time to find a new pediatrician who will talk with you about your child. And elevate your concerns. Sometimes it means putting methods into your own hands. Grab all the “help baby poop” stuff you can off the shelf. Then go up to the pharmacy, ask to have a private consultation with the pharmacist. And go over the meds with them. Often they are parents too and will give you the straight up, not paid Answer. Use and do what they suggest. These guys don’t get paid extra for certain recommendations they read the bottle and know what is the better option. That’s what I would do whenever I was skeptical of a prescription or even suggestion. Take it to the pharmacist.
Also a suggestion, take it with a grain of salt, But. If you are nursing, drink some apple juice for a day or two. It will end up in your milk and transfer to the baby… And don’t go anywhere… Lol you’ll be doing your own fair share of pooping too LOL
My daughter would struggle like that. She was formula fed, and sensitive formula helped keep her regular as compared to the advanced. Also, I would do one ounce of pear juice before each bottle until she went. Worked every time.
I would get a second opinion and see a gastro doctor! They can tell if their is blood in their stool and recommend some tips on how to help! My son struggled as well and we had to go no soy and dairy for the 1st year!
Get a second opinion for a totally different pediatrician. And different office.
Just to try to help your lil one have you got any baby prune juice
Daughter had the same problem turned out to be lactose. Once they changed to lactose free formula - problem solved. But it took me telling them over and over and then demanding that they try something.
My oldest went through this. The only thing we found that worked was putting vaseline on a q tip and “stimulating” his rear just a bit. We also got baby safe suppositories and those definitely helped. After a few months he finally didn’t need it anymore, but when it first started you can’t help but cry with them. My mom said she had to do that with me too.
So my daughter was the same way, she now has an ounce of prune juice in ever single bottle and she’s much better, I’m almost afraid to take her off the bottle to see what will happen but she’s almost one so we shall see
Are you breastfeeding? They say breast milk is like a natural laxative for babies. If you are, maybe just be more mindful of what you eat. Fiber can go both ways, it can either help you make a bowel movement or too much can stop you up. If youre not breastfeeding then please go buy a can of Nutramogen formula, its sold at Walmart. Please just try it. Babies tummies are so tiny and new and it can be very hard to digest things sometimes and Nutramogen is formula that is basically already digested for them. It literally saved mine and my babies lives. Good luck. If you do find a solution can you keep us posted?
Find a new dr, if you feel it is an issue. It is an issue. The dr needs to address it and it should make you feel more confident in the Drs decision on how to handle it. If not this is not the right dr for you.
My son struggled from the moment he was born. Still does… I started giving him prunes in his baby food. He’s 8 now and occasionally needs Miralax to go. He also drinks “green juice” often.
Try some gas drops, keep the knees to the stomach for a while try and help the process. maybe thin out the formula for one bottle if that’s not helping Change the formula. And if none of this helps get a new doctor and get that baby’s tummy checked. It’s your baby you know if something is wrong!! Good luck I hope the baby feels better sooner then later. You as well
Ask your pediatrician to refer you to a pediatric gastroenterologist. My granddaughter had some problems and they took her to a pediatric gastroenterologist and found out she was allergic to some of the ingredients in her formula. Rather you breastfeed or bottle feed you should take her to see a specialist, especially if your pediatrician isn’t listening to your concerns.
Get a new pediatrician!! My son as a baby went through this, my doctor at that time suggested prune juice and orange juice mixed together, that was however 35 years ago.
It’s actually is constipation but her body uses the fluids to make the bowel soft as a mechanism to finally pass the bowel. So prior to the she is constipated but after her body finally passed it it’s softer In texture. Do some research based in her age but don’t try anything that wouldn’t be pediatrician recommended. If she is old enough to eat solids try a jar if baby food stuff like prunes, pairs, and apple.
I used to do a karo syrup and water bottle for my son.
With my daughter, my dr told me to do myralax 1-2x a day for 6 months to clear any blockages and soften her stool.
Miralax 1 teaspoon daily In 4oz of prune juice (2 oz water, 2oz prune) my son is 14 months. My 17 yr old daughter was also constipated
My daughter is 1.4 months old, but I’m facing this problem fr last 3 months. She literally cry ad at times blood will also come. My doctor adviced to give Tonic . Evict 10 ml per day. It was good move but my daughter hesitated to drink. Atlast I landed up in woods wards grape water, mixing with warm water ad gave her twice a day. Within 2-3 hours of time, she will be free. Try once. Remember, you should mix with hot water and not with normal water. Try once as see…
I would definitely get another dr ! That is painful! I’m an adult an when that happens I feel like I’m dying . If breast feeding change up diet , if not maybe change of formula to sensitive . An depending on age maybe an enema .
honestly sounds like you need to find a new doctor or at least get a second opinion because NO newborns dont go 5 days with out a bowel movement they get constipated but they dont go 5 days with nothing if you dont want to try a different doctor then at least take the poor baby to the ER to get checked out
Definitely agree with prune juice. My daughter had the same problem as a baby. Prune juice mixed in her formula helped every time!
Tell your doc you want a referral to a pediatric gastroenterologist. If he won’t give you the referral find a doctor who will. The gastroenterologist will get to the bottom of what’s going on. Newborns should poop multiple times every day. Exclusively breast fed babies will go more often than formula fed or breast fed but supplemented with formula fed babies. Most babies some where between about 4 1/2 and 7 months will experience a one time event where they will go several days with out a bowel movement. This is not constipation, it is a sign that it is time to start introducing foods other than breast milk and or formula.
My son suffered from constipation as a baby. Switched formulas no luck. Pediatrician said to mix Karo syrup in his bottles. Did the trick!! Time to find a different pediatrician that listens.
My daughter had this same issues! It turned out to be a milk protein allergy. She ended up having to use allementum and it was seriously after the first day I knew that was the issue and she was so much better afterward. They can also grow out of that. She loves milk now and drinks it all the time. So I would suggest maybe asking if they think that you be an issue. Follow your gut.
Let them sit in a bath with ivory liquid soap they will go in the bath I had to with my daughter that’s what the dr had me do once she did that a few times she went on the toilet no problem
I feel this post in my soul. My daughter will be 4 in a few weeks and her weird/abnormal pooping has become so much of an issue that I’ve had to put her back in diapers again when she was out of them day and night besides pooping funny. It smells disgusting, it stains her clothes the moment it touches the fabric, and she goes on like she’s about to pass a brick and what she actually passes is a small, soft/sticky play dough poop that doesn’t coincide with the amount of force she’s exerting to pass it. I’ve been to 3 different doctors and they all say the same. that I should just feed her up on laxatives as part of her every day and be done with it but it’s been like this for 4 years. every time I thought it was off it was because she was on a new formula, trying solids, transitioning to milk, now it’s “she has anxiety”. my ass she does. From one mumma to another I hope we both get some much needed answers soon before it gets to the point they need to medically intervene
Sounds like colic and not constipation. She might need her milk changed. If it was constipation, her poop would be hard and dry. That sounds like my daughter and we tried several formulas until finally the Alimentum formula helped. She slept through the night on the first day!
How old is the baby? Bc you don’t want to give prune juice to a baby younger then 4 months but there is some stuff called Gripe water that you can buy just about anywhere and it’s all natural. Hopefully it helps if you try and find a new doctor lol
My great granny, granny, mom, and myself, we boiled purple onion in water, resolve a tsp of karoun in a bottle and let it cool. Let them drink it and it should help with belly aches, colic and help get the poop going.
You need to go to another doctor. My friends baby had the same issue and it ended up being a Heath problem that could haven been months prio.
My son wound up needing his sphincter muscle dilated. Definitely get a second opinion.
My daughter who is now 20 years old had the same problem and the doctor told me that same thing. When she got older she was finally able to tell me when she drank milk, ate cheese, ice cream, etc(dairy) it made her stomach hurt and she would have the same problem of stomach turning hard. I felt so bad that I never knew she was lactose intolerant until she was old enough to understand when she ate dairy she was in pain.
My son had difficulty with his formula so we had to add thick it so he could keep it down so because of the thick it he had a hard time with bowel movements we had to put a tip of a teaspoon of miralax in his bottle every morning after that we had no issues. Now he’s healthy and happy
Is she breast or bottle fed? She could be getting to much air while she eats and she is experiencing gas pains. Colic calm worked wonders for my kids when they were babies. When ever they were extra fussy and I could tell they had tummy pain, I would give them some of that and within maybe 15 minutes they were much happier.
She could also still be constipated even though the stool is soft. There could be something going on where her stool isn’t passing through like it should so she can’t go. Either way, I would find a new pediatrician that will actually listen to your concerns. Regardless of how “dumb” it may sound, you should still be taken seriously when you have concerns about your baby.
Sounds like she’s colic too me, and yes that is common and not much u can do.
Try a probiotic like culturelle grow and thrive. My son was the same way. Exactly the same. Very gassy and grunty . He would(and still does but he poops now) pull his legs up push and grunt and slam his legs down over and over. In combination with toot whistles, fart whistles or windii baby(they are all the same just vastly different in prices) we got my son going daily on a regular basis within two weeks.
When my daughter had this issue, my doctor said to get pear juice and do a 1:1 ratio of juice and water… This helped her pass really easily, but it was a huge mess🤣
We went through this with our granddaughter. She is now 4 and still having problems. She has to take medicine 2 times a day and still has problems some of the time.
Miralax comes with side effects plz do research prior if you go that route. Parents Against Miralax Restoralax Movicol (PEG 3350) may be able to offer some good advice too.
Are your formula feeding or breast feeding? That makes a big difference in the bowel movements, when my oldest was nursing he didn’t go as often. He had tummy troubles and I found out it was things in my diet, dairy, broccoli, and onions giving him horrible gas he’d cry, act like he was trying to poop, turn red, the works, we tried everything. The nutritionist at wic asked me about my diet. I told her and she said to try cutting dairy, and gassy foods. Sure enough cured the problem with in a few days. Also gas drops, and peppermint water with a touch of sugar may help. We would put a tiny drop of peppermint oil(food grade) in 2 oz of warm water with a pinch of sugar. Good luck mama
I had to put a thermometer in my sons butt and move it around and it worked. His doctor had me do it . You dont put it 2 far up his butt . Nothing else worked but that worked
The same thing happen to my new born and I use a tiny depository and it helped. She pooped right after.
Trust your gut and get another Dr doesnt sound like constipation could be a muscle issue and needs a Gi consult
Are you nursing her, or feeding formula? If you’re nursing, it may be she’s having trouble with something you’re ingesting. It can be a medication, or a food. Artificial sweeteners can dramatically effect the digestive system. Giving her a little diluted prune juice, or malt, will help. If she’s a bottle baby, you might need to switch formula. A any rate, a new pediatrician is probably in order.
I am from the old school but my doctor suggested Cairo syrup in the formula. Worked like a charm…
My daughters were primarily BF, but supplemented with formula. One of my younger 2 had to be put on special formula that didn’t have milk or Soy in it. The only other issue we had was my youngest had to sleep laying on a steep incline to not spit up while sleeping (had to get a doctor’s note saying it was ok for her to sleep that way)…
If you formula feed try different formula, if you BF adjust your diet.
Vaseline on the tip of a baby qtip put it in just a little so it goes inside. 10 mins later…poop. No the tip will not fall off in her hiney I did this many times very carefully and worked everytime. Doc recommended it and he has been a ped for 50 years. Holding legs back a little for about a min helps as well after you do it. If you don’t want to use a qtip put gloves on and insert with tip of pinky.
I would seek a second opinion. My grandson had a problem and if it wasn’t for a second opinion we could have lost him.
I swore by grip water for my son. It helped a lot. Also switched to soy formula every once in while as doctor suggested and it seemed to help.
My oldest had the same problem. We bicycled his legs, rubbed his belly, etc and nothing helped. He was formula fed since I wasn’t producing milk and we had to switch him to Soy formula. Once we switched him all his pooping issues stopped.
Switch doctors. Secondly start changing the babys food you baby maybe lactosei ntolerant. Is is very importanr that your doctor take you seriously and do various tests to determine what is wrong with the child. You do the big tests first to rule our the serious stuff then you work frim tbere. Pparent/Physiciam relationship is vitally important.
My daughter was the same since she started soles, she couldn’t poo and the poos were hard she was always in pain everytime she did one and it wouls take all day sometimes, we went to the doc and tried some stuff, it really helps, i can’t remember the name of it i can check and let you know, you just buy it off the counter
Also, gluten allergies are a cause-usually they cause diarrhea but also cause severe pain. A GI doc can diagnose this and their are good pediatric docs out there.
Try the chiropractor. He has helped our Grandson go.
Miralax half a cap was the only thing that helped us we also give her a probiotic
My daughter was the same way. I had to give her glycerin suppositories (1/4 of one, sliced lengthwise- bought in the baby section). It was the only thing that worked until we figured out that she couldn’t tolerate dairy. We switched to soy formula and I cut dairy from my diet. I was told that it normally ends at 6 months. It took until about 4 months to figure out the dairy issue. At 6 months, she was fine with dairy again.
I used karo syrup (dark) thin layer over the bottom of the bottle and shook it into the milk. it helped my son tremendously. i used it in every bottle he took. the older he was i would increase the karo syrup a little if I noticed it wasnt working as well.
Does her formula have iron because that’s constipating. My daughter had same problem when she was an infant. The doctor gave her suppositories. After 2 never was constipated again
You can also have the or pediatrician instruct how to do a sudsy enema that works like magic as well.
If shes formula fed you could look into getting a low iron formula. My daughter would get like this. When my daughter would have issues I would mix some prune juice in her bottle(1 or 2 ounces maybe every 3 days or so depending on how miserable she was)
Chiropractor!!! One that specializes in babies and kids. It’s life changing. Sounds crazy (I thought it was @ first) but it’s helped with pooping issues and acid reflux in my 4 mo old when my ped wouldn’t listen .
Sounds like colic honestly but I’m not a doctor but have been through it 4 times!! Try getting some colic calm.
It doesn’t sound like constipation or problems pooping sounds more like either baby isn’t settling well on milk or has gas/collic issues my daughter had similar issues with my breast milk. Turns out she was allergic. It was probably something in my diet that I couldn’t pin point but the issue went away when I put her on soy formula. But of course I’d recommend a second opinion.
Ask for a different pediatrician since yours is not listening.
I had the same struggle with my newborn! He went up to 7 days at a time for the first 2 months of life! My husband did research and suspected a dairy allergy and we switched to nutremigen hypoallergenic formula to supplement and I cut all dairy from my diet and it was a miracle!!! Previous we had tried anticolic medicines, pre and probiotics, nothing really helped until we cut dairy from my diet.
Oh my goodness 5 days without pooping no way. It sounds like gas and maybe you should look into changing the milk if that’s all the baby’s drinks.
Trust ur gut. Ditch that dr…and find another 1. In the meantime take ur baby to urgent care…she could have some twisted intestines or something.
1-if u don’t trust the doc, get a new one. Its a waste of time and money for you to see someone who won’t listen
2- get the baby on miralax if old enough…daily dose…works wonders
So my daughter had this same problem when she started walking. We thought she was grunting and straining to poop and she was actually trying to keep in in because it hurt to poop. Her anus was just tiny. The fix was we put Miralax in her bottle, sippy cup, etc to allow the poop to move until she was old enough to realize she had to push it out. We had to use enemas a few times when she would back up and it would be softball size. It was crazy. It eventually passed.
I used to put some prune juice in my daughter’s bottle…worked like a charm. When they got to be toddlers I bought the individually wrapped prunes and told them they were big raisins and gave them one every few days as a treat.
Lay her in her bath with warm water that will help my grand daughter was the same her poo was not hard but she just had trouble going but I re read that post I don’t about giving it to a baby miralax
Try pumping her legs like a bicycle when she is laying on her back a few times daily
If she is on formula, try changing the formula type. Sometimes milk allergies do that. My mom says I was like that as a baby- turns out I was allergic to milk. Maybe a soy based formula will help.
My daughter had severe severe constipation as a newborn!
If you haven’t already tried pear juice and some gripe water!
I highly highly suggest a new dr. & second opinion as well. My daughter is almost 6 and this is still a struggle today but not nearly as bad as when she was a infant!
My son has been chronically constipated for 2 years. Had him referred to a GI specialist at my request, not the doctor’s. GI doctor only wanted him on mirilax. Refused to do any scanning. They don’t give 2 shits
Most likely the baby is lactose intolerant, definitely seek a second opinion and ask about switching to soy
Get another doctor.
Also baby suppositories give temporary relief, and add additional water to her diet.
If her bowels are soft I don’t think she is constipated. My son had a lot of gas and didn’t sleep for like a year. Try gerber probiotic drops!
first let me say you should have a pediatrician who listens to you, if not you will be lost …Is she breast fed. It could be something you are eating…
I would give my sons camomile tea and I would put Mylanta drops in their bottles but find a new doctor to be sure it’s not simple gas or colic
Miralax. I gave it to her even in her formula when she was 3 months old. Doctor said “its normal” but screw that, they don’t see them in pain. Toddler age: try giving them a piece of those fiber one brownies or cookies. Works wonders. (Just a piece. Not a whole one)
Don’t know if she’s breastfed or not but all my breast babies did that as newborns. On my 3rd and last right now and she does the same thing. Babies have to learn how to use there muscles to pass gas or have a bowel movement. Try a probiotic, gas drops or gripe water might help. sounds like it might not be a poop problem but her trying to pass gas.
My baby was the same way! We used Merilax (not sure the spelling) for a little while then she just started going normally where at first it was up to 7 days. They said for me it was the breast milk breast fed babies do not need to poop as much because there is not alot of waste in breast milk. When we switched to formula. Pooping became normal.
My kids are 38 and 37,they both had problems with their formula constipating them. We put 1/2 teaspoon of Karo syrup in their bottles and it worked wonders.
Get a second opinion that is not normal a newborn should poop everyday a couple times a day. It could be from the formula she may not be able to have it.
I’d get a new MD before trusting strangers advice on the internet.
Could be something as simple as trying a home remedy, could be as serious as a severe bowel issue or medical condition.
How old is baby? What is the baby eating? Sounds like they need some kind of fiber to help loosen things up, are they drinking enough?
Doctors are way overrated!! Some are legitimate but many either slept, or partied through medical school, or just don’t care! You know what’s best for your baby.
A newborn can have miralax. I would find another doctor too. Mothers know their babies.
Get a new doctor. Not normal. My daughter too and then she developed a feeding issue.
Just because her poop is soft doesnt mean she doesnt have a blockage. Please take her to another dr. I almost died from intestinal blockage .started off as struggling but then would pass loose stool .then got to where i couldnt pass anything .ended up in ICU for 3 weeks and put on terminal list twice. Struggling or having issues to poop is a serious problem . Please get her checked by another dr.
Definitely get a second opinion! Always best to be safe than sorry!
Have the babies intestines checked they could be twisted. Happened to a friends child.