My baby struggles to poop but the doctor doesn't listen: Advice?

Use Miralax once a day in their drink and it will my daughter had to become she had to have her insides reconstructed and could go by herself and her dr had us do th that

Slip a pediatric suppository up her but and listen to your Doctor,they did not go 14+yrs after high school for no reason😎

You definitely need to find a new pediatrician. In the main time if you have a children’s hospital close to you I would take your baby there.

This happened to my son when he was a baby. Took my son to a gastroenterologist pediatrician. Miramax. 1 tablespoon a day in whatever child is drinking.

The have glycerin tabs that are form like preparation h these glycerin tab are for babies but you have to ask the pharmacy for them they are not prescription it gives her immediate relief put a little Vaseline on the end then insert in the rectum

Put a dab of dark karo syrup in her bottle. That’s what I used for my son and it worked wonders

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I would suggest, first of all, look for a new pediatrician. It can definitely be normal for newborn babies to go up to 5 days without pooping. But I would try Mommy’s Bliss Constipation ease. It is basically just prune juice. If breastfed, you could try cutting dairy from your diet(it takes 2 weeks for dairy to be completely out of your system so I would do it for a month and see if that helps) also, when they are newborn, they have to learn how to bear down and push, basically learning how to poop. So this all could be normal, so hang in there! If formula feeding, perhaps try a different formula such as soy, or there’s also some that have pro/prebiotics that can help as well. Hang in there girl, it can all be very overwhelming. And remember, don’t ever be afraid to ask for help/a break wether that be from your partner, or your parents, or his parents. Good luck! You got this!

Get a new pediatrician, I know of a little having bowel problems the ped passed it off also , the child turned 5 was thought to just get to busy an not get to bathroom , finding dirtys under the bed hidden in something happened often. Then one day a new pediatrician was checking this little had a hernia , and was able to poop the soft poop so would feel it coming out but , hard poop was impacted and not coming out this Doctor said give , a enama , then duplex but , he had a set number of times per day an a another enama to remove the bowels , it got better not having this issue.

My grandson had this same problem had him in the er for this an we had to give him cario syrup in his bottle then we had to use murals as he got older he did outgrow it now he’s 4 an has no issues at all ! He will get better with pooping just takes some time !

Smh I hate this doctors my son had the same problem n the doctor had the balls to tell me is normal for them not to go up to 7 days I ask him have u tried not going for 7 days? He just looked at me like I’m nuts I told him exactly what worked for my baby was apple juice n prude juice u can mix it with some water hope that help her

My son had a similar issue but it was bc of the formula we had. I had to switch brands all together to make it better for him

Are you breastfeeding or formula? My daughter was BF for 13 months. And she pooped almost after every feed for 2 months. Then it slowed to once or twice.

A dairy allergy can cause this, pain while trying and also not being able to go. So I would eliminate dairy. And it can take upto 3 weeks for it to be fully out of your systems.

How old?
Formula fed or nursing?
You can always massage her belly clockwise only to stimulate the bowels and help move things along. Remember if you go the opposite way it will constipate her.
Prunes work great too . My youngest would go every 7 days when an infant and breastfeeding… good luck!!

My child went through this for the first year and a half, PEAR juice worked wonders. I also had trouble getting any help from the doctors and tried EVERYTHING. It’s rough. Hopefully you find something to work for you.

My baby had the same issues and it turned out he had to get a nee formula i had to put mine on soy and the troubles went away for him

My daughter had this issue. Ended up having to switch her to Nutramagen from breast milk and regular formula.

When she got older we discovered she was lacrose intolerant.

Extra Water could be a help or a hurt …and the formula change could be the answer I would definitely address this to a new doctor…so many things it could be or not be.

1tsp of dark Kari syrup in her bottle and she won’t have any problem pooping. Works like a charm… old secret passed down for generations!

I usually give my baby 1 bottle of the formula Reguline Enfamil and that clears her up. I only give it to her when I notice she hasnt pooped in a few days and also seems to be struggling.

I would suggest maybe trying a different formula…and see if she does any better…give it a couple weeks…mommy of 7!

Let the baby burp every after feeding. Just cuddle him in an upright position, his head resting on your shoulders. Try to avoid acidic foods, it affects your milk if you are breastfeeding. You may use vaporub or aciete de Manzanilla on baby’s tummy for some relief

Miralax. My son had the same issues. Just put dosage in his juice in the a.m.

Personal experience… Just give her buttermilk during the day on a daily basis, this will keep the system clear.
A a cup of luke warm milk with a pinch of turmeric.
This can do wonders… Try this
Of the baby is too young try to give her an oil massage everyday… This helps the muscles to relax.

Prune juice or apple juice will help my dr said it was ok to give a small amount to help that when my kid had that issue

Prune juice or pear juice. My son does this. He was preemie and on a high calorie formula. We give him an ounce up to 3 times a day, until he has a good vowel movement. Also, I’d get a new pediatrician. Perhaps it’s the formula? Maybe a bit of lactose?

If you go the miralax way work up to the normal dose otherwise you may end up with a mess.

I just had my 3rd baby and the formula was making my daughter really constipated. We used Windi (by the makers of the SnotSucker). Help relieved the gas and eventually poop a hard poop. We ended up changing the formula and then it stopped and everything turned normal. But yes, doctors said the same thing to us.

My first advice is to FIND A NEW PEDIATRICIAN… whenever someone ignores your issue and then it becomes a bigger issue … they’re quick to blame us for not “bringing it up”

Definitely get a new doctor. If you’re worried they should acknowledge it at least

I didn’t see how old the baby is but karo syrup mixed in with formula always worked for my kids/grandchildren. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned before but we used to stimulate the area around their little anus–not inside–just like massage the outside–I know TMI–but it also used to help. A dr once told me that it relaxes the muscles down there and helps them have a bowel movement. Bottom line–Trust your maternal instinct and if you feel you are not getting your concerns addressed by the dr, then find one who will listen to you.

See I don’t get why Drs a ) do not listen and b ) stopped telling mamas sometimes babies need a little water … My Drs always told me offer plain water and if they wouldn’t take some mix 1 tablespoon light corn syrup in 4 oz of water and let them have some of that a few times a day ( not even necessarily the whole bottle … But just to add some extra fluids )

Give her miralax every day until she starts going everyday then cut it back to a few times a week gave to my grandson help tons

Ask your pediatrician about lactulose. My youngest was on it for a while because pf her tummy troubles. It helps alot

She could be allergic to lactose in her formula might cause her to bloat and cramp my son is that way

If she’s on formula, might try switching. It could be allergy related.

How old is baby also and unless you really like your dr if he’s pushing that much off maybe look for another dr and get a second opinion I tried everything on my oldest but nothing helped I had to give miralax to her and it depends what kind of formula you use

They can go upto 5 days with out poop as new baby after the initial first poop makes it all out of them. She maybe struggling because she’s gassy. Just like anyone else can have an upset stomach with to much gas and feel like needing to poo but not actually needing to. As long as when she finally goes it is not hard then it’s not an issue. But it’s ultimately up to you if you are uncomfortable with your doctor then find another but more then likely they will tell you the same but may say you can try this or that if you like but its more then likely nothing to worry about.
Try to raise her knees to her chest for a while and rub her belly clockwise pretty firmly 10 times repeat several times. This helps with both poop and gas. OT does it with my daughter

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Pear juice was recommended by our pediatrician. It seemed to do the trick.

I’m sorry u r going through this, I’ve never known any doctor saying that newborns can go up to 5 days without a bowel movement, all mine went regularly, but if they couldn’t go, I would give them syrup of figs in the milk

:wave: same here: my pedi said the same thing ! I’m EBF and cut out dairy and that seemed to help but he’ll still have some trouble. I’ve also been given him some prune or pear juice everyday.

I have a classmate that their daughter had adhesions all over her intestines. I would get a second, third, fourth opinion until they resolve her medical problem.

I have 4 kiddos and my oldest and youngest were both this way. It was the milk formula. They were too sensitive too it and it would build up gas in their little tummies. We switched them to a soy based formula and it went away almost instantly.

Get a second opinion. Your Dr isn’t listening! Try prune juice!

Had the same issue my daughter ended up being lactose intolerant. Ended up with soy formula and karo syrup to help her

My Dr. recommend putting a little Karo syrup in her bottle to help her poop. It worked wonders when she was a baby

They didn’t give any suggestions at all? Sounds like you need a new dr. They should have at least given you ideas to try if you are concerned. Ours had us add a bit of white grape juice to my son’s bottles.

Look, I worked in daycare for years, at no point in time has a bay ever gone 5 days without a bowel movement
It sounds more like a blockage, trapped gas, milk allergy, etc
I would certainly get a second opinion, and then based on that, drop your PCP

It’s 3 days maximum that babies can go without pooping. I’d go and see a different doctor. My one gave me medicine to help my LO with her BM.

Sounds like she’s very gassy. I would try mylicon or gripe water. If you are formula feeding you could try a different one. If you are breastfeeding it could be what you are eating.

My kids were like that too i had to change there formula to Enfamil gentlease and my 3 month old gets 1/2 - 1 oz of prune juice when he hasn’t pooped

Try holding the baby on her stomach … lay her on her stomach& put your hands under her palms up & open …gently pick her up like this …so shes resting her stomach on your palms … her body weight on her stomach … do this whenshe is trying to go (grunting) …it helps her stomach muscles work (assist with pushing) & as they (the stomach muscles) get stronger she will be able to go with more ease…i had to do this for about 6 months until my sons stomach muscles developed so my son could go …

We put a tiny bit of dark corn syrup in the bottle. That’s what our pediatrician recommended.

My friends kids had this once she put them on the potty it was easier to poop.

My pediatrician Recommended water down baby apple juice. Much more gentle than prune juice. Find a new Pediatrician ASAP

A different dr. Mine kept telling my son was normal. But she was wrong. You know your baby serl another dr.

Breast or formula fed? (Peds nurse here). Try baby pear or prune juice. Start small. It can cause a blow out. You may need to try a different formula for a milk protein allergy. The doctor I work for likes Alimentum. Hope this helps.

My sister and i would give our kids chamomile tea to help with any tummy issues. One ounce if water, place tea bag in water, microwave for 1 min until hot. One ounce of cold water and a teaspoon of sugar. Mix everything together let her drink it. This worked all the time for us. Hope this helps.

You can try dark kero syrup just a couple drops in the bottle of milk couple times a day and then just once a day this is what are grandmas would do and it work for my kids grandkids great grand kids

If your baby is under 6 months just give her a couple of once’s of warm apple juice with Ali water. If she is over 6months no need to add water. Both of my daughters and my 3 grand daughters were the same way.

With my oldest my grandmother told me to use peppermint water… i used the red n white peppermint candies in a full bottle of water… let it dissolve it worked Really good… she was cholic too n helped with both

My grandson has that problem he is 7 his mom has to give him meralax to clean him out I don’t know where you live but there is a specialist in Iowa city for kids with this problem there might be something wrong I would get another app apendion

My baby had trouble pooping and passing gas, I too tried tummy time, bicycle movements. Nothing helped. Until I tried Gripe Water. I found out about it through other moms, picked it up at my local Walgreens. Worked great!

Miralax is wonderful. It’s not a laxative but softens the poop to pass easier. My daughter had this issue.

My oldest son struggled with going to the bathroom, depending on how old the baby is there are a couple of things you can do!! I use to use prune juice and then I used MiraLAX! You can get it right over the counter, I also just Recommended this to my husband friend because his daughter was having the same issue and the doctor just told them to watch it, but I told them that my oldest was the same way and now they give it to their daughter and she goes just fine now! It works with the water in your body!!! If you have any questions you can PM me!!! Good luck

If your newborn is on formula. I highly suggest the premixed version of it. My baby would cry all day and night to the point of my ear ringing for over a month. A NICU nurse suggested trying this because preemies can have a sensitive belly. Within 48 hrs her gas, constipation, colic were all gone. She was such a happy baby after that

I used to give my son apple juice when he was little and had that problem

Both my daughter’s had this problem, our Dr switched them over to a lactose free formula and no more problems

Mix moral ax in the bottle. I had to do this for both my sons. It’s hard watching them struggle but this will help.

I use to have to bend my daughter’s knees to her belly to help her along

Boiled and cooled water with a little bit of brown sugar, every alternate feed feed baby this solution and it will help to soften and pass out stools. Usually formula milk tends to harden in babies tummies, the sugar in the water helps with this a lot.

Simple 1 ounce of water 2 ounces of pear juice. Our pediatrician also failed to listen. My son was only two months when I started giving it to him at 8 weeks

It’s an old wife’s Mexican remedy but what you do is get some Olive oil warm it up and rub it on her tummy also before she goes to bed

I put my daughter on Enfamil reguline. She had the Same issue. Pediatrician said the same thing also… I went with my gut and she is the happiest baby I’ve ever seen. Been on it the last 2 months no issues.

Have you tried mylicon drops for baby gas? Gas can do a number. If the baby is meeting milestones for weight and poop looks normal it is likely gas. Some have an intolerance to milk but it would be followed by runny stools, gas, weight loss or gaining issues. At that time a formula change may be necessary.

My oldest had the same issue. It was horrible! He was on formula I switched to low iron and it stopped

You need to take her to a specialist my granddaughter went through the same thing and she had a small blockage that was causing that so please take her

My daughter had this issue after I stopped nursing and put her on formula with iron. I finally changed her to low iron and it worked like a charm. Second child I never the iron…

My son was the same, had to switch him to a soy formula problem solved!! Good luck

How old is she,what feed you are giving her,a baby after feeding milk berbs many time ,after feeding her,don’t forget to take on your shoulder and rub on back until she berbs 2,3 times,if it doesn’t help ,go to pediatric surge8

Old trick my Mom taught me was to use a tablespoon of dark Karo syrup in 4 oz bottle of warm water worked for my children. Good luck

If baby has stomach issues try gripe water and or Reuterina drops. Good luck x

My baby did this and they change formula to Alimentum.Not sure if they still make it. He is 30 now.But he would turn red trying to grunt n poo.Oh much better after the change of formula. The pedestrian said that my son had a hard time breaking down the whole formula with the sugars.

My son had the same trouble. After a second opinion trouble was solved

My son had the same problem. You can get probiotics from pharmacy for infants. You add to formula or breast milk it helps there digestive needs massively. Our son was so much more settled and comfortable and passed at least every second day if not everyday. Hope you figure it out

Chamomile tea worked wonders for 2 of my boys. I breastfed for a few months, but changed to formula…my doc actually had me use the tea to make their bottles instead of water…stated with half tea and half water. My sister is using this as well. Also Hyland’s colic tablets. Doc put my middle son on Lactulose, the tea didnt work for him. Hope you find something, terrible seeing our babies in pain!!:purple_heart:

My first born I had to use karo and she was always hungry so my mom got rice baby cereal and we made it real runny but it all worked out… She will be 26yrs old in November.

If you feel that strongly about it then I would suggest another pediatrician. Has the dr tried changing formula if that’s what you are using?

It would be helpful to know age. If your baby is eating baby cereal, i know what the problem is. Take him or her off the rice cereal and switch to oatmeal. Had that issue with my second child. Hope this helps.

My baby was constipated took him to the ER they said to give him prune juice with apple. U can get it in the baby isle. I said ok. He pooped afterwards .

Sounds like she’s having issues with milk. Is she on formula or breastmilk? If formula, try soy based for a few weeks. If breastmilk, try staying away from dairy yourself. I’d also look for a new pediatrician and see a GI specialist.

My grandson did the same thing… her pediatrician said he is learning how to poop…

Keep going until you get someone to listen. I spent over 3 years asking for help as my daughter was pooing once every 3 to 4 weeks!! WEEKS! Eventually we found a great paediatrician who sent us for xrays, found a backlog of poo in her system that had likely never properly be cleared out in her lifetime and she spent 9 days in hospital having it dissolved to pass it. Turns out a part of her bowel has Hirschsprung’s Disease which means the muscles don’t work properly to move it along & she’d only pass a poo once everything got so back up behind it (& I’d work for hours over days with massage etc) to get it out. They’d be the size of MY foot. Go with your gut hun. I’m not saying it’s disease related but if you feel there is something there, push for some tests.

Yep Miralax is what my daughter was prescribed as well. I put it in her bottle every other night for a year.

New doctor… Our advice could not be right for your baby.
I had to do these god-awful “exercises” with wax suppositories, to stimulate and make the muscles “work out” with my 1st born … It was absolutely awful, I hated it… But after a week, it worked, just like his doctor said it would… But I would never ever give that kind of advice to anyone else, because only a doctor can say for sure.

Go see another doc…my granddaughter had the same issue,she had a small bowel blockage…2nd opinion for sure!!

So this happened with my son! He was allergic to milk

My oldest son is 11 now. He has been using Miralax, directed to use from his doctors, since he was 1. They didn’t recommend it until that age but it has helped him for 10 years and the doctors told me that he can use it his whole life without worry. I took him to a gastroenterologist as well to see if something was wrong a few years ago but they never find anything. So Miralax it is.

Apple juice… it’s a natural diarrhetic… it helped my daughter when she was little

We did prune juice and miralax for my son. And occasional enemas when needed. I’d find a new doctor.

Put some Karo syrup in her bottles, not a huge amount and it doesn’t matter if it’s light or dark. Doing this helped my daughter when she was under 1 years old.