My granddaughter did too! Her ped doc put her on a glass of water with pedi miralax everyday and it solved the problem!
Newborns do not get water or prune juice. Give her probiotics. If you are nursing, it’s something your eating. Dairy, coffee, maybe tomato’s. Do an elimination diet. Dairy takes up to 6 weeks to come out of your system. If it’s formula, then consider switching.
Depending on the age… and not sure if it’s been mentioned but Vaseline and a thermometer is what my ped said… Just stimulates and relief every time. Has helped many i have recommended too. Just gently do circulate it. May take a few mins but doesn’t hurt at all.
How old is your baby.if her yummy is hard it is mostly gas.oval is the best gripe water never worked for any of my kids
my son was that way, his grand mother gave him suppositories. are you nursing, if so, you eat more fruit and veggies🙋🏻♀️
Get a second opinion. My son has ulcerative colitis and I had to fight just to get answers.
Your child could suffer from Colic Which is often brought on due to lactose intolerance- my son suffered badly from it- his and my life changed when I put him on Goat’s Milk
New Dr if they don’t address your concerns they will end up letting something go to far and your risking your child’s health
This isn’t the answer you want, but I remember this with all of my babies. As their core muscles grow, it’ll get easier for them to digest without so much discomfort. But I remember ALL of my mommy instincts screaming that that was 100% the problem. Do tummy time because it’ll solve the problem faster. Once they were growing their back muscles, it got better. I would run my thumb nail up their spine (it tickles them and makes them arch their back) and it worked like a charm plus it was so cute to watch them squirm and stick out their butt. We used colic calm (this was like 7 years ago) and it worked wonders. We never even used the full dose for them, it was always just a few drops. Also try some light belly rubs with your nails because it’ll do the same thing- make them flex those muscles out of being tickled.
My daughter did the same thing and I’m the end was lactose intolerant. Try switching formula.
Well I have a story…
My infant had somewhat the same story!!
So I cLled the doctor, it was a holiday and a nurse called me!!
This it true!!
She told me to take a brand new bar of soap, cut a long sliver, then round off rough edges with the warmth of your hand.
Gently push it into the babies rectum!
The natural response is to push it out!!!
Wow she went a big poop, and I couldn’t be happier!!
My daughter had the same problems. Ask your doctor is
She can have some yogurt. It help mine immensely.
My mother advised me to put a teaspoon of clear Karo syrup in the toddler’s water! It worked for me about 39 years ago… imjs
In 1971 I used 1/8 teaspoon of Milk of magnesia told to me by her pediatrician. It worked no more walking the floor. Ask your pediatrician.
My son had this he had to be stimulated to poop. We took a qtip with vaseline and put it in just a quarter of a inch. He outgrew it thankfully.
Sounds more like a wind issue, try giving gripe water, more belly time, if you are breastfeeding go on a very plain diet as food could be causing the issue, if formula change to a gentle on belly one.
My daughter had constipation issues til age 8. Her xray of her abdomen had tons of poop. No milk. She was already on almond milk. No bananas. They can cause constipation.
Depends on the baby’s age could be normal could have an allergy to the formula could have an allergy to something that in your breast milk. Try stimulating the anus see if that helps
One of my children had this and even would bleed from straining! If your nursing try to cut dairy out and of on formula try switching to one that is for sensitive stomachs or dairy and lactose free. Will take a few days to see a difference but may be the problem also try rubbing a little a n d ointment or Vaseline near the rectum to make it easier to pass! Hope this helps! Been there and it is awful!
I had to use Miralax. I didn’t want to but a little every other day in some watered down juice did the trick.
My son and grandson had same his…son is incke to grandson. Son…used the glycrin sposatories, which usually worked. Grandson now 8, he’d scream as if dying and fight and fight and fight and not be able to poop (it scared us to death) from shortly after birth thru first 2-3 yrs of his life…his pediatrician had me putting a capful of a laxative, Meclif…white squareish bottle, purple label…in his bottles once or twice daily every day for years swearing it was safe…turns out after we’d been doing it for some time there was research on this product being used this way tied to children with learning disabilities and behavioral issues…which was odd cuz we were seeing this problem even at early age. We immediately took him off the stuff. Sorry this all seems kind of vague but iits kinda hazy in my memory bank but just thought worth sharing as we had this exact same problem…my heart goes out to you and I suggest going to some type of specialist or s children’s hospital if there is one in your area.
I used to put a spoonful of clear Karo syrup in the bottle. It helps keep them from getting backed up. I had to switch my daughter to soy formula. She could not handle regular formula. Too much iron
Try probiotics. Also if she’s EBF, cut caffeine and dairy out of your diet. If she’s formula try a more sensitive formula but it takes 1-2 weeks for babies body to adjust to new formulas
Try feeding her prunes or like an oz of half apple juice half water. Your pediatrician isn’t wrong about the days and how they can go that long without pooping but it will make your life miserable lol
Depending on age pear juice was the only thing that helped my son with pooping but not til after age 1 also could be lactose intolerant, my son had to have the orange sensative stomach formula by Similac then after a year he had coconut milk. He can now have regular milk since age 2
Get a Windi! It helps with gas a ton! It was a game changer for my baby who struggles just the same and even at times made her poop instantly.
Miralax and raise legs up in squatting position. My daughter was like that and that was a savior.
Have you tried the cotton swab up the rectum to stimulate her? I had to do it a few times for my grandson and it worked. Just coat the cotton swab with Vaseline and stick up her rectum and twist.
Colic. My son was the same way. And yes - did all you are doing now
Go see a proctologist or internal medicine specialist, and yes get a new pediatrician!
PEAR JUICE!!! My baby had a problem for a little while and as soon as I gave him some pear juice he pooped! Only about an ounce. You should be able to find it in the baby section.
My babys dr said add a tsp of corn syrup to milk it helps the baby absorb the water in the milk. It worked like magic
This occurs same thing like my baby 2 months back. I keep massaging her stomach and legs for each diaper change with baby massage oil with eucalyptus . Make her do leg exercises raise up and down to pass gas. And pump milk too, sometimes moms milk have a lot of air that’s causing gas for baby.
Lay her on back, lift legs push knees gently towards her chest and massage the bottom of her back this worked for my bubba x best wishes x
Switch Drs or ask if they can prescribe Lactulose. All 3 of my kids have had constipation issues since they were only a couple months old and lactulose worked for them.
I used to have to put prune juice in my bottles. Start early with miralax mixed in juice or liquid senna or try giving her prunes
I went through this as a child and so did my daughter. Check your family history. My daughter eventually outgrew it.
When my daughter was little , I had to give her miralax.
I recommend getting a second opinion, if your “mommy radar” is telling you something isn’t adding up. Go with your gut & get a second opinion.
Try grape water to help the stomach. I used to put in my son’s bottle every day
I had to put prunes in formula for my baby to poop… he finally had decent poops and no more grunting or straining.
Sounds like she needs to switch formulas or something like that
We have the same problem…we use mylicon and probiotics…it seems to help
My daughter did this switched her formula to enfamil reguline and never had a problem since. Worked wonders for my daughter.
If your baby is on a formula with Iron this maybe causing the problem! Maybe switch to a different formula! It maybe just an upset stomach if the stool is soft
2 of mine had that problem. I put a little karo syrup in their milk. Also, I know you said you did the bicycle with the legs, but try doing that with the diaper off
Wellaments. Make sure there is enough liquid in the babies diet. And definitely address a dairy issue possibly
My kids had such a hard time the dr told us to put wheat germ on food didnt work now my grandaughter is having same problem they put her on miralax that works wonders
Newborns have absolutely no core muscles at all. They have to strain, wiggle, grunt, etc to pass gas or have a bowel movement.
Burp frequently and if bottle feeding, practice pace feeds. It can lower the amount of air ingested.
And some newborns can go up to 10 days without a bowel movement, especially if breastfed/receiving breastmilk.
(I hade one go e erythema he ate and one that went every few days and one that was a scheduled pooper )
For gassiness, mine responded well to a towel covered heating pad on my knees and them on their belly, booty up slightly higher
I took my granddaughter for the same thing they gave me a prescription for miralax
How old is baby? Mine was allergic to formula. All they have to do is a simple test. Mine had a lot of the same symptoms you are talking about. If they won’t do the test in office request they refer you over to a gastroenterologist and if they won’t find a new doctor
Don’t let them fob you off. My nephew had the same problem with the doctor telling them they’re worried about nothing and ended up with a operation at 1 month old. He’s 8 now and still has problem with his bowels
Apples and prunes. Also, push her legs up into her belly and row her legs. It will make her belly feel better and loosen things up
I had colic as a baby and mum would put me in my bouncy on the washer and stand with me, the vibrations would make my tummy better…
Could be formula! Had the same problem!! I had to give him nutrition formula. No soy no milk
And also try a tiny bit of pear juice or prune
We did juice but eventually they returned one and we needed up doing miralax and enemas still do in one kiddo. They also went gluten and dairy free and are on a new med for pooping hahah I wish drs took it more seriously my oldest has been super constipated for 9 years and he goes to the hospital for a cleanout soon. He’s got poo from his butt up to the top of his lungs…
When my daughter was a newborn she had constipation issues. Dr Williams from Corpus recommend mineral oil. That does work. You can buy it anywhere, Wal-Mart Heb or Family Dollar.
Prunes can be a bit harsh…I used a little apricot juice mixed with formula & it seemed to be a little more gentle & without causing any gas pains/tummy cramps
try a baby suppository or warm milk or apply a small amount of vaseline around the anus or room temp water with honey in it if none of those work then it could be an intestinal problem that the doctors need to take seriously
I had to dilate my daughter, using a little rubber on my finger to help her get the poops out for about first 6 weeks.
Try giving her water in between feedings always kept my kids regular. Even at a month old I have them water.
Corn syrup,1-2 tsp,warm it up and add it the bottle. Will help and works wonders.
It could be the formula or could be an allergy from whatever the mother is eating if she’s breastfeeding. Newborns systems are very new. The mother needs to be patient with her newborn… mine use to struggle…
Chiropractor, when the spine is out of alignment it can cause muscle tension and a bowel backup and a little prune juice
Try dark kero syurp in her formula 1 tsp to 8 oz every bottle shake it up till mixed well. Also get a new doctor
Keep talking to her. Bring it up constantly. If one won’t listen, find one that will.
Pear juice worked for my son as did the occasional miralax but I hated using that. The juice is a natural laxative.
i always used to wipe there belly with a cool cloth. sounds weird but it always helped my kids. even into adulthood
Years ago when babies had a problem with pooping,the pediatrician stretched their rectum. Many babies in the late sixties had the rectum stretched.
Also, sugared water is good because they’ve never had it before so it will move their bowel!
After the soap, I made sure she had peaches, they help move the bowl
Enfamil reguline. It has prebiotics that aid in soft stools. Used it on 2 babies and has worked like a charm
My daughter was like that. I was told to put a teaspoon of miralax in one bottle per day.
Sounds like a food allergy! Its horrible for little ones, the get abdominal migraines - they are awful!
Luke warm water with prune juice. Went through this with both of my children. It was the only thing that helped.
shes not constipated. sounds like belly issues if your formula feeding switch to similac sensitive.
change pediatrician!! if she ignores you on this she’ll ignore you on other things. Find a better doc
My granddaughter had a milk protein allergy that did this to her the dr put her on nutramagin formula
This sounds like gas, not constipation. Thump (lightly) on her tummy. If it sounds like thumping a basketball (a hollow, echoey noise), it’s gas. Take both legs and extend them all the way down to the bed, then take both and bend at the knee, pressing the upper legs into the tummy. It simulates a squat. This is the only “exercise” that worked with my kids and it works QUICK.
Get some over the counter baby enemas. My son had that issue. Cut it in half first.
Sounds like colick, rub her tummy gently. Pear juice is good. I use to give my kids an old school drink, bay leaf water. Boil some bay leaves let them cool down, put some in a bottle with water.
If you’re breastfeeding don’t eat broccoli, turkey or other gassy foods. My baby suffered terribly bc of the things I was eating. I learned the hard way.
If bottle feeding add dark karo syrup to the bottle. If not then get a small bottle and mix dark karo syrup with warm water and feed. We had to do this with our son. I also got vaseline and baby suppositories which I cut length wise in quarters.
I agree prune juice. Also can try gas drops. I know its gas drops but it always seemed to help bowel movement
Food allergies causes that, allergic to milk and starches can cause constipation in children and adults its a lifetime condition get a new dr.
She might be colicky. Wfold a baby blanket in thirds recieving blanket wrap around tummy with open ends in back her her very close to your body really snug and rock
Butter rub on her gums my little one had a problem then i was told to do this and it wrked everytime
Have you tried gripe water? Are you breastfeeding or formula feeding? There are so many things that can cause what you are talking about and sounds like your baby is likely getting diary through your or formula that is dairy based. If breastfeeding go without any dairy. It takes a couple of weeks to get fully out of your system. If using formula either switch to something with the enzymes already broken down such as Gerber Gentle or switch to a formula without dairy.
My pediatrician told me to give my newborn a 50/50 mixture of prune juice and water and heat it up a little bit
We thought it was my granddaughter stomach in a way it was her not being able to poo makes her tummy hurt
And also if you are breastfeeding,keep on breastfeed her but if you give her bottle milk try to reduce it in case intolerance
Water with kyro syrup that will let them go and want hurt their little stomach…
You need a new doctor as soon as possible its not normal
Sounds like it’s just gas. Give her gas medicine.
Oh yeah and fruit juice when she was really little we halfed with water. Pear was her favorite!
I had a son who was constipated all the time my mom told me to soak him in a hot bath and it worked most of the time
I’m not sure how old she is but you can do half ounce of apple juice with a half an ounce of water. Gripe water can help with gas pains.
Try switching to soy based formula if she is on formula. Also a q-ti pbc with vaseline is what I had to do
What about one of those baby suppositories. Once it’s in, just put her little legs together as it’s more comfortable
Also what milk is baby drinking? If breast milk then good but if not it could be a reaction to the formula/ other milk
My daughter was on Miralax for six years!