My BF treats his dogs better than me

Im sorry hes using you as mommy/ maid break up with this jerk you deserve better

18 years and my husband still let’s me and the kids decide where we want to eat, 18 years and i still know that if there is something I don’t get to in the house and i apologize to my husband about the house being messy all he says to me is if someone saying something to me about it and we can take care of it together. You are not in a relationship you are in a dictatorship.


Read, what you posted, Then ask yourself if you deserve to be treated like this? He’s just a bf. Keep your money, and go home and stop being his door mat. You DO NOT deserve to be treated like this. You can do bad on your own, Without being treated like shit. Life is too short.

He using you and treating u like his maid. Not a bf tbh it sounds like he does care for dogs more please get away from him leave and just never go back this guy deserves a text message break up. U do so much you can find a man who appreciate you and doesn’t ask you do anything :100: your bf not a man he a child do not waste anymore time

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Wow! You actually stay with this jerk? Why? Love? He’s just using you honey… move on!

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And, WHY are you with him??

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Um you’re more of a maid to him in my opinion. You need to bounce.

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God girl run stuff putting up with that…

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Why the fuck are you still with this loser? This has to be a joke, you can’t really be that blind. Holy… leave that man child!!

Okay but… why are you acting like a wife when you don’t have a ring on your finger, and he thinks you’re his maid? Like, he clearly has issues. Be thankful you’re not married, you can still find someone who sees your worth.

Sounds likes he got himself a maid honestly. No love… no intimicy… no respect. No sure what advice to give you. But ny mother always used to say that a man will only do what the women allows… and i think you let him get too comfortable with how he disrespects you. And as far as the dogs. Im sure theyre a handful but i think youre just yearning for his attention. I think if hes so stressed with you being there… then dont be. Take a step back amd see where it gets you. Good luck


He doesn’t love you I would split up with him and find someone more deserving of you, your allowing him to treat you that way and he will continue to do so because he knows you allow it

He doesn’t love you, he needs you. You’re his maid.

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He has a mother, your not it. Stop bending over backwards for a lazy asshole who doesn’t even care for you… grow a back bone and leave

Listen carefully. Go back to your place, leave the dogs at his, never go back, block him on everything. He is using you and doesn’t care about you, just the free labor he gets from you. Put a stop to it.


You are a gluten for punishment. This is not a relationship unless it’s slave and master. Think better of yourself and Han to be used like this. It’s not the dogs. It’s the free labor. RUN AND STAY AWAY. CHANGE YOUR PHONE NUMBER


Leave and never return

You need to leave. It will not get better.

Point blank YOU are HIS MAID!!! Girl get your things and GO HOME!!! Let his ass go and move on. This is mentally and emotionally damaging to you, and you’re hurting yourself by also putting up with it and staying. He doesn’t love you one bit and you do not need all of us here on this group to tell you this. Block him off of everything and start over. Begin to emotionally heal and love yourself first, because if you did you would have left already

Your not in a relationship. Your his mother. Move on

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You are paying him for you to be his maid !!


Go home! Never go back. You’re not his mother nor his maid. Find yourself and love yourself a good man will come into your life that loves you and respects you.

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Girl leave him and don’t look back u are a slave and house keeper u are amazing and don’t deserve all this

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Firstly , I just want to take a moment to appreciate the #parenting at the bottom of your post.
Secondly, that’s not love. He’s gotten himself a woman to fulfill his needs in all aspects by the sounds of it and is very content with the dynamic you have

Um… go back and read this. Sounds like you already know the answer and you are choosing to live miserable with this idiot. All the advice in the world can’t convince you to leave when you know it’s better for YOU, if you continue to stay.

The choice is yours, but if you stay, don’t complain about it and make the best of this misery, otherwise do what you already know what needs to be done and find your worth and happiness with someone who loves you.

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You lost me at give him all my money. Wish tf I would. I may put all my money in our house and Bill’s, but I’m not handing nobody my check I worked for. You buying a man honey, and not a good one.


What would you tell a stranger if they said this to you?


He’s obviously just using you. You leave, stay away. Live your own life.



Lady leave the jokes on you.

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You need to read your post to yourself. Clearly he’s got a free maid who gives him money. Baby detach yourself and move on. You can do better


I couldn’t even get through this whole post without feeling angered. You are not in a romantic relationship you are there as a maid and caregiver. He also sounds abusive. I have to ask why you are with him? My advice? Leave and never look back. Smh


Why on this earth’s planet would you stick around for any of his garbage. He’s definitely just using you to be a maid and dog sitter. He obviously doesn’t love you or you wouldn’t be going through what you do. Just LEAVE!! I can’t believe you’re looking for answers from other people when the evidence is right in front of your face.


U need to leave, he doesn’t appreciate or love u, he just likes that ur his maid and mother… No one deserves to feel less loved than dogs


Okay so I just stopped reading bc… girl why? We don’t have to tell you he is using you, you already know. You deserve WAYYY better. Get your things, go home, and don’t look back.


If he’s “fine” when you aren’t there, let him be “fine” all the time. Bye :wave:


Why are you paying him to be his maid basically that’s what it sounds like to me

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Have you heard of slavery? Hmmmm

The signs couldn’t be any clearer …time to leave …like yesterday !

Run, he threatens to breakup?!? You deserve better, your man shouldn’t treat you like a maid and take all your money, honey, RUN! As fast and as far away as you can!

Why are you there? We teach people how we want to be treated and you have obviously taught him you want to be a doormat, this is not love and you cannot make this time back in your life but do not waste another minute get out now.

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ok…soooo…read what you wrote once again and pretend you are reading it through someone elses eyes. What advice would you give them!!! Kinda smacks ya right in the face!

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Ew Wtf. Read this out loud to yourself !

And ask yourself what you would tell someone else in your shoes.

Take your money and go baby there’s no love there, there’s lies and control and abuse. Gross

Don’t even say goodbye, pack your shit and cut and run. Block and delete everything. Dont give him the chance to trap you again!
Cause 100% he’s going to come begging for his maid back woth false promises and you’ll end up in this exact position but worse. Love yourself more hunny.
The more times you go back the worse it gets everytime and this is how domestic abuse forms because they know they can get away with it.

And when you don’t reply to his messages he’ll start to get hostile, and aggressive and very belittling and do a complete 180 and be very apologetic. And you’ll go through this roller coaster for a while.


Narcissism is ugly. And highly manipulative

The fact you could possibly think your the asshole in this situation shows how much he’s already devaluing you and making you think so little of yourself.

Leave and don’t message him or call. See how long it takes before he tries to contact you. He says he’s fine when your not there so clearly he doesn’t even want you there.

Your basically paying him to babysit him…leave him and get someone that will actually give a shit about you.

I’d honestly just stop going over there. And probably stop speaking to him also. If he wants to see you he will call or message. But I wouldn’t be giving him anything. And if I did go over there for a visit, it wouldn’t be to do his chores.

Leave him-

……the dogs are the least of your problems honestly

I would totally just get out of that whole situation. He sounds like an entitled jerk.

Your his slave, in his eyes he’s your master. Run :grimacing: and run fast :100:

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I got a quarter way through before I realized you are literally paying this man to be his slave….his whipping post, and his house maid. STOP :stop_sign:


Why are you still there?!?!?!??

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Yup run and never look back
Like someone mentioned, the dogs are the least of your problems

Honestly you are being the a**hole to yourself. You need to leave yesterday and never go back. He’s using your caring nature and rubbing it back in your face. Block him from your life, and use that time to work on learning to how to value yourself. You deserve more than he will ever be willing to give you. But you can give all that to yourself and more if you don’t allow him to keep dragging you back in. Think of how you picture you want to be treated by a partner, and apply that expectation to your real life, then never settle for anything less. If they can’t love you at least as much as you do, then it’s not for you. Good luck, and if you ever need a good uplifting reminder of your inner beauty and worth, or just need a friend to vent to and provide neutral feedback, then please feel free to send me a PM :heart::heart:

I couldn’t finish reading this, he’s now accustomed to the routine in which you continued to allow happen. I didn’t get to the part that there was even an animal because your boyfriend is well…… listen get away from this guy & find someone who will respect you. Your being taken adavantage of and only you can get out of that situation

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Why does these woman stay with these guys.

My best advise is to get a therapy

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Girl you are his maid and not even getting paid for it…your paying him…leave


I got one sentence into this post and all I could read is RED FLAG REG FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post:

Babes you are his slave, you cook clean give him all of your money ( wtf??) and massage his nasty ass feet?!?:face_vomiting::face_vomiting:
Babe read what you have wrote, then stop and read it out loud to yourself to hear how you sound… you are more than this you deserve more than this you are better than this. Pack your shit and move out and move on from this leech that is just going to suck everything thing out of you

Run. Far far away. He sounds like a disgusting using creep! And you are paying him to be his slave! Gtfo there!


Is this post even real?


Yeah, I’m out on that. Been there, done that. You’re a maid sweetheart. That’s no life. I didn’t even read all of it because I felt I was living my past. Stay at your own home and tell him bye.

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I couldn’t read the whole post. I couldn’t stand the parts I did. If you have somewhere else to be please never go back. This guy is using you. Look up “trauma bond”. I think youre waking up to something here and you are the one with the power. Why is he getting any money from you? So disgusting. Please have enough self esteem and love for yourself to break up with this guy.


Please tell me why you stay with this POS? You aren’t married and don’t have kids with him so get out now


So you are a live in maid and that is it. Move on.
I suggest you get some help too so you learn how to not repeat the pattern and gain some self -esteem and self-respect.
Save your money for yourself , dump the loser and take yourself on vacation.

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Leave girl there is a man out there that will treat you the way we all deserve to be treated aside from everything else. You shouldn’t ever be told that due to someone paying for shit they don’t need to express love. Leave and like

Leave and get therapy you’re a maid to him and you pay for everything, save you’re money and move on.


Do you have any brain cells ? Seriously what was the point in that story the answers are there, it’s a big red flag he’s rude and lazy and selfish. LEAVE !!

Girl as soon as you put the title what more did you need to convince yourself to leave?! You are worth less than his dogs :woman_facepalming:t2: you got your own place just never go back :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’m rolling on the floor lmfao you doin all that and the house not under your name? Girrrllllll you were born to be a maid


I stopped reading after “I give him all the money I have… and left at nothing”…
NOPE…sounds like you’re better off without him.


You have really low self-esteem. Please leave him and stay single until you can learn to love yourself first.


Ok!! Do me a favor read this to yourself. What advice would you give to someone is you read this? LEAVE!!!

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Lady…READ what you just wrote…


Leave! He sounds like a narcissist. And if not he’s one in the making. The more you condone this behaviour the worse it will get. You don’t technically live together so girl. RUN WHILE YOU CAN!

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Are you so desperate for love that you will put up with all this and still stay? Wtf? Get gone… you are not doing yourself any favors putting up with this kind of bs.

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I had to read this post about 5 times to make sure I wasn’t reading a joke. You aren’t part of a relationship, you are a live in maid and you are paying him to have these problems. Stop going over there and break up with him. When you leave, take all your stuff with you so that you don’t have to make an excuse as to why you can’t leave him. Don’t be jealous of the dogs, they aren’t trained and they are going to hurt each other or someone especially the one that runs off; he’s going to eventually get hit by a car due to their lack of training and that will fall on your boyfriend, who from the sounds of it, has ZERO personal accountability, so most likely, it will be your fault and you’ll end up footing the medical bills. Just do yourself a favor. Read this post you wrote about 10 times and ask yourself, why you want a man like that in your life. Ask yourself what he brings to the table. Ask yourself why you feel you deserve that kind of love.



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You are worth so much more than this and there is someone out there who will appreciate you… you need to get out of this situation and just cut contact with this man as he will no doubt say he will change and guilt you into coming back… and you may… even if it takes 5 times of you leaving I guarantee you will get stronger every time your free from him and one day enough will be enough… goodluck my dear… I hope you take on some of the advise given on this post for your own benefit x x

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Amy Victoria Robinson

Get out now.Theres more then one male in the world,find someone better

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Read this back as if someone you love has sent it to you about them and imagine what you’d say back. Leave! He does not love you. My partner can be a mood when he wants but even on his bad days he doesn’t treat me like this.


Sounds like he has showed you his true colors before you’re stuck. Walk away!

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Is this a joke?? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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I was fully prepared to be on the dogs side when I read the headline because alot of the time when people get animals their partners don’t like them or something or other but honey no… leave him, you deserve so much better :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved: that isn’t love at all he is just using you


You are just his maid. Did you say give him money? Please leave immediately, no second thoughts about it.

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You are not his girlfriend, you are his maid! Please find someone deserving of your love & kindness. He is not the one!!!


Lmao some of the shit y’all post is literally so insane. If you don’t like how you’re being treated then leave? Do you think that someone is going to give you some magical advice to fix him? They can’t. You’ve shown him that he can treat you this way and you will stay, he’s not going to change. Find someone better, no one deserves to be treated that way.

Run, leave town, don’t look back. Get out now.


RUN AWAY don’t walk…red flags of doom


Sounds like ur his maid. F that n why u giving him all ur money. Especially if u only live with him part time? He’s using u. If I was u I’d run.

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You’re dating a child. Leave.

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Assuming you just need to vent, which is perfectly fine. Otherwise, read everything you said. Girl?!


Why are you even with him? He’s using you left right n center, you’re the cleaner, the cash machine and I’m sorry but general skivvy for him. Leave him, keep your money to yourself, that guy is a boy and not a man.


He is gaslighting you and treating you like a slave. He is also emotionally abusing you. This will escalate to physical abuse. Leave this abusive prick now.

BTW taking all of your money. That is also financial abuse.


This isn’t love. You deserve more. Get out.


This can’t be real. This person is very naive about how real relationships work and it’s not this way.


Sooooo why do you continue to be with him?!? I want to shake some of the people who post on this page!! Like how do you type all this out and wonder if this kind of behavior is okay in a relationship!? Leave his dumb ass!!!

You mean you’re his slave and being used right?