My Boss has made it unbearable to work for him

We are understaffed and the yelling has been going on for days. He slams stuff and curses to himself while he walks away from us. I don’t even know where to start. Is there anything I can do. My coworker just walked out for the day because she close to breaking down from all the unnecessary yelling. What do I do? There’s no HR it’s a small business and we are the only 2 employees. Please help

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My Boss has made it unbearable to work for him

Following this. Going through the same.

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Call the labour board


Have a serious talk with him.
Try to go in with a plan to help relieve stress. Be proactive.
If he flips out, quit.
This is not show a boss should behave.


Look for other work. Lots of people hiring.


All of you walk out at the same time and tell him why


Tell him to knock it off or you’ll quit. You don’t have to tolerate it.

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Get yourself of union and go the human jobs rights whatever it called they should be helping u out

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It’s stressful everywhere right now, going through the same thing. Maybe bring in a few snacks and or joke around, it might lighten the mood

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I had a fast food job that was just like that and stayed for almost 3 years, getting in screaming matches with people, getting disciplined in front of the entire store, being fake fired when my grandpa was in the hospital passing away, enough was enough and I just decided to go to an aquarium out of state instead of work one day after a manager decided to tell me “well it’s not my responsibility to give you enough hours to pay your bills“ after I said it’s not my responsibility to work a 15 hour shift. Don’t sit through that shit as long as I did PLEASE I was so close to checking myself in for a mental evaluation

Stand at a safe distance with an escape route and tell him you can’t work in that situation anymore. Either he changes or you leave.

So you quit and find some place else, so many job openings it’s not even funny


you can tell him “now, you’re really short staffed” and quit. plenty of jobs out there. Let him lay in the bed he made.


Tell him if he continues to behave in that manner you will be looking elsewhere.


Find a new job. There are jobs everywhere. Never tolerate that type of behavior.


Every time this has happened to me i found an even better job. :grin::pray::heart:. Does your boss have a boss? Is his personal life in the tank? Is he on drugs? You can call the labor board about options. My way is just to move on, but if there is a class action suit you could benefit. :grin:


He is understaffed.
Make it clear you will work for a different place leaving everything on them if the working environment does not change.
This is not the only job available

It doesn’t matter how stressed out he is. You don’t have to tolerate the disrespect….stand up for yourself and tell him to stop talking to you like. Or, quit and find something BETTER! Best of luck


I would start looking for a different job - let him know that you will probably be leaving soon. Tell your co-worker to do the same.

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Don’t tolerate it walk out you don’t have to put up with that


That is a hostile work environment and that is illegal.


Don’t put up with it

Tell him to shut the fuck up and keep the bullshit at home

Because if you both walk out he has to shut down

I wouldn’t care I would definitely say something

Talk to them voice your concerns and your opinions you’re obviously not going to get fired.

I would just leave… PLENTY of jobs hiring

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Quit. No one should be working in a hostile environment.

It’s simple af really. Y’all the only 2 employees? Okay lol. Bye. Watch his place shut down :woman_shrugging:


Stand up for yourself and be prepared to walk out NOBODY IN THIS WORLD HAS THE RIGHT regardless of title to mistreat ANYONE


You can tell him that you can’t deal with the screaming. I had a employer that the owner was known for screaming at people. He had me waiting in his office one day to wait to talk to him. He stayed screaming at somebody on the phone, so I walked out and say back at my desk. He started waving me back in so but I just waited till he was off the phone, then when he asked me why I walked out I politely told him, I don’t like the screaming. It makes me very uncomfortable, please don’t ever scream at me like that. If I make a mistake, I’ll own it, and I’ll do whatever needs to be done to fix it, but I don’t scream at people and I don’t do well with people screaming at me. He never did scream at me. He still screamed at other people, but I’d I was around I would walk away. My mom told me over the years “it’s not ok to scream at people you don’t share blood or orgasms with.”
:joy::joy::joy::joy:. But truly, she was absolutely right. I try not to scream at the people I share those things with either, but sometimes it happens. :joy:


I would look for another job but not tell him. He waived his right to be warned by being abusive. It’s literally aggression.


Stand up for yourself and your co worker if they can’t. Understaffed or not, that’s definetly not how a boss should treat their employees!!! And of he doesn’t stop, then leave and take your co worker with you. Abuse of any kind should not be tolerated anywhere!

Same with my job, I resigned my position and walked with ZERO regrets, always know your self worth and accept nothing less my friend :butterfly: Ps…I slept for 14 hours and laughed for the first time in a LONG time.

There are a million places hiring, start lookin’!

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Find something else. It won’t get any better.

Make a written complaint listing all of your grievances and send it via email so there is a record of the date you sent it and the date it was read. If the behavior does not change immediately, walk out and report the problem to the authorities. You don’t have to tolerate abuse. Look for employment elsewhere ASAP.


Yell back! Go off and tell him about himself & his bs. Then tell him bye and walk out, if he wants you there tomorrow he can call you, otherwise he’ll REALLY have a reason to be mad tomorrow lol

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Nadine Wiggins does this sound familiar

A little compassion can go a long way. If it’s only been a few days of him acting like this but prior has been a good boss then something may be happening in his personal life or business that is upsetting him. Of course he should not be acting that way being the boss, but he is human too. You can simply try having a conversation with him. If he’s unwilling to talk or becomes hostile again let him know you won’t tolerate it and will be looking elsewhere for a job.


Call the Labour Board and ask them what to do. Sounds like he’s ready to have a nervous breakdown. In the meantime look for another job. Can you go on short term disability for stress and look for another job. Tell your Doctor what your going through and have her record it you may need those details in the future. No one, no one deserves to be abused and that’s what his staff is going through, sheer abuse.

Stress…more then likely his doing this at home as well…Calmly tell him to get a crip…or know one well be working for or with him…this is a professional business here and we all have to maintain our composer, you may be under stress but how are you going to run this business when know one wants or will work for you…you need to use your inside voice or I’m going outside to find employment else where…

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Give him a taste of his own medicine. What is he going to do, fire you? There’s 1 million jobs out there right now.


Is he normally a good boss ? Stress turns the nicest people into assholes.
Personally id yell back…then take him a coffee and ask him whats up and what the staff can do to help. The business may be struggling financially with all the covid restrictions.
Small businesses are usually great places to work and normally everyone is is like family. They are a team.
If its normal behaviour from him…id walk out

Stand up to him answer him back . He’s acting is a form of bullying .


Walk out. What’s je gonna do with no staff??


Abuse him back and quit. Thats what I did. He tried getting in my face yelling etc and I told him to go fuck himself. All infront of customers who were also concerned and told me if anything happens they’d put in statements.

You dont need to put up with it

Find a new job, no job is worth all that


Find a different job

There are too many jobs out here, I would not stay :ok_hand:


Get proof of his behavior, maybe see about a hostile workplace suit OR quit and go get hired at diff job that’s better to their employees. Also if you quit def leave reviews everywhere that it’s bc he’s an abusive boss. That’s why you need the proof.

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Come in early, bring him a coffee and tell him you’d like to make a realistic plan for the day of what needs to get done because his current method of yelling is not working. It helps to cry a little.


Yell back- or just be firm, stand your ground. He’s a bully. I’ve worked with that type before, they prey on the weak. And, of course, find another job.

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Please have recordings . This way u can go to dep of labor. ABUSE IS ABUSE!

This is going to sound crazy.
But why not talk to him, as him if there’s anything you can do to help the situation as you have noticed he’s extremely stressed. As a manager I know the feeling and everyone is working understaffed. No one wants jobs.

Everyone is so fast to judge and scream abuse, quit.
There’s better ways to help someone who might be at the brink of a meltdown and not even know it

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There are so many places hiring right now. Start looking and leave that place. Nothing more satisfying then leaving a terrible working environment

I’m so sorry you are going through this. I have worked in retail for over 20 years. This is by far the worst holiday season out there. I would try to talk to him rationally. Let him know you understand there is a lot of stress and pressure during these times but you have stood by when others haven’t. If that does not work then time to look for a place where you can be respected as an employee. I would never yell at my team especially right now. They are working when others are sitting home on unemployment being lazy.


I’d stand up to the boss and tell him to knock it off and treat his employees better if he wants his business to run at all. If he cops and attitude. Then walk out. Or put in 2weeks notice. Find new job

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My coworker says why does the boss yell at me and not you? My answer?? Because YOU LET HIM!! I’ll tell him go screw and gtfo

I’d look for another job.

Tell him if he keeps yelling at you you’re gonna quit. Once when I was about 15 I was working at a shipping company and the boss was a total jerk. He yelled at me one day and I just started crying because I am super sensitive. He felt so bad, he went and bought me ice cream and never yelled at me again.

Record him acting nuts and then file for unemployment due to hostile work environment. I would quit like yesterday and apply for unemployment online while you look for a new job. Also file a complaint with the department of labor. It’s illegal for your boss to scream and curse at you, at anyone else, or within ear shot of yourself &others believe it or not. Big no no and you could go as far as getting an attorney and suing your work for the hostile work environment. I literally just went through something similar but wasn’t being paid correctly on top of it. I have already filed for unemployment and contacted the dol next step will be an attorney if my last paycheck doesn’t arrive like it should next week.


You get more with honey then you do vinegar.

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Abuse is Never okay. Find another job.


Sounds like he’s having a life crisis to me maybe both call in sick and give him some time off

I would quit. There are lots of jobs out there right now and no one needs to work in these conditions. You owe no one anything, just walk.


Maybe he has home stress besides. Ask him if there’s anything he’d like to work on and tell him he’s been yelling a lot. Maybe he needs to do some self inventory.

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I would ask for a meeting with both you and your co worker. Explain to your boss how his behavior is impacting his only two employees. Hopefully he apologizes and changes his way. If it continues then walk out. When people are on the heat of the moment they don’t realize how their actions impact others. It is unprofessional and hostile. So sorry you two are going through this.

Either speak up to him or leave.

Tell your boss straight up to hire more people or he’ll be filling an extra position

Get a lawyer …he is creating a hostile work environment


Walk out like she did. And wait for him to call and apologize for his behavior if he doesn’t find another job

Small business plus covid doesn’t mix. He may be struggling and it comes out as anger. You could sit down and ask to have a conversation with him or you can stand him next time he yells.

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Depends on what you are willing to accept for $$

Record his behaviors,report it, and find a new job

Secretly sound record what he’s saying
Call fair work, report and move on.
Mental health is far more important than putting up with sh*tty behaviour!!:white_heart::white_heart:
Plenty of work going, especially with the christmas season!

The best thing I have ever done for myself was quitting when I had a boss like that. I had never quit a job before! I had enough. I tossed my key at him and said it’s been real, I quit. I never looked back! Found a better, still small place to work for (I prefer the mom and pop shops) and I get paid more and have great benefits.

Sometimes in life you just need a swift kick in the ass to giddy up and leave!

I also work in a small office where it is just me and the boss. There are times it gets really stressful and I end up yelling at him and both of us air our grievances. Things get better after that.

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If it’s unbearable, leave.

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Warn him that if it continues you both will leave.

Also talk to him and tell him to take some time away if possible. He seems very stressed but it’s not an excuse to treat you both poorly


Quit! No one deserves that crap!!!


If you are in a 1 party consent state for recording, y’all both record it. Then go to the labor board together.

Start yelling back
Someone once stomped their foot at me. I stomped mine back
I mimicked their behavior toward me. They stopped.


Try talking to him. I run a small business it can get very stressful I’m not saying his behavior is acceptable by any means but maybe bring it up have a meeting. Tell him how it’s making you feel . if that don’t help then I would absolutely leave.


Arent there laws against that?

I worked for a boss like this. Who yelled at you in front of customers.


Ask him, calmly in the morning… after you bring him coffee… if he could survive being in business ALONE. Don’t threaten him, just remind him that he NEEDS you. Ask him to consider his actions. If he has a temper tantrum, ASK him if he wants to fire you.

After work go to him you and the other and tell him you both are fed up and you are about to quit but you want to speak to him about his actions, just let himnknow how you feel and his actions are unacceptable and you will no longer tolerate any of that, i imagine it must be so stressful owning a business even if its small it gets super stressful and its very tiring but that is no way to treat any any employees

No one should work in a hostile environment.

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Go on strike! Both of you walk away leaving him empty-handed to deal with his clients & the day’s mess all by himself. Either he’ll realize that he hasn’t appreciated you two enough and ask you both to come back or he’ll do nothing & soon replace you. Either way, you’ll get your answer within a day or two I’m sure. If he isn’t calling you with an apology and asking you both to come back, then he’s someone I wouldn’t want to work for anyway. Let him know that you value yourself and that you won’t tolerate that type of mistreatment.

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Walk out!!. You don’t deserve that treatment… Plenty of places are hiring. Good luck

You can walk out and collect unemployment due to hostile work environment


Record it and send it to the work labor laws ( I can’t think of the proper wording atm need more coffee) in other words his actions are abusive and he isn’t going to take a hint unless u take action

Just start doing the reject when he asks what you are doing say oh this dance that’s named after you. He’s gonna be like huh? Then just start singing your a jerk and and reject out the door all the way to unemployment.

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That’s unnecessary and unacceptable! Make it known to him!

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Start saving money and looking for another job ASAP Because I doubt it’s going to get better hes used to treating his employees like garbage and them putting up with it I’m sorry you have to deal with that I’ve been there it sucks But there are a lot of places out there hiring right now you could get another job very easily Oh it might be perfect timing. good luck I hope things get better for you nobody deserves to be treated that way

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I used to have a manager that did this would yell my name he would say holly I said sir my name is Haley. One day he follow me to the back to find something for a customer the customer was my boyfriend and my manager said you forgot to ring up something for a customer upfront like are you have to pay attention to the screen I told him I know everything I rang up I was watching then I went up there asked to see the receipt and I found it on there and looked at him and said it’s right there he e was still being shitty I went on lunch and walked out I need a breather then he rang up my boyfriend and my boyfriend told me clock out were leaving. So my advice is if it’s getting worse ask him if he needs a breather if he needs to vent and if nothing is being resolved maybe it’s time to leave

I can see why that lunatic is understaffed. The average person will. not tolerate that kind of work conditions. Maybe you should talk to him and let him know y’all are tired of these conditions. If that doesn’t work call the ACLU. The American Civil Liberties Union. Follow their advice and go from there.

Let him know!!! Ask him if he is okay because you are seeing how upset and angry he is all the time. Tell him it’s making you girls uneasy and miserable and needs to stop. If this doesn’t help….run!

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No one should work in an environment like that. Start working on finding another job and leave. You don’t deserve that.

Go to doc get two weeks leave for stress and let the wanker think about his actions, noone deserves to be treated like shit.